How to raise girls correctly, psychology. How to raise a girl? Expert advice. Physical education of girls

Meanwhile, understanding how to raise a girl will help to avoid problems in the future, build the right model of behavior and raise a happy and successful woman capable of loving yourself and your loved ones.

Girls are more flexible, calm and soft compared to boys. They are suggestible, friendly, responsible and it is easier to find a common language with them. But firstly, there are always exceptions. Secondly, mistakes and gaps in upbringing can lead to disastrous consequences.

To prevent this from happening, try to find the right key to raising a girl at every age, not forgetting to build a line of behavior on the three main pillars: love, boundaries and patience.

Raising a girl from birth to 3 years

You should not think that it is pointless to develop any qualities in a child before the age of three. Yes, freedom is needed, but within reasonable limits. Remember that it is at this age that the baby begins to explore the world and how positive this experience will be for her depends on the parents.

Until the age of three, a girl needs to be surrounded with care, affection and love, and at the same time, unobtrusively help her practically master basic skills of behavior and self-care. Be patient and conquer new heights with your daughter every day.

The first steps, the first word, table manners, dressing (undressing) independently - a child must learn to do all this on his own before the age of three, together with his parents. Feeling their support and attention, he will be able to quickly get used to unpracticed and still unfamiliar actions.

Personality formation of a girl aged 3 to 5 years

At three years old, communication with her daughter begins to take on new colors, becoming more intense, interesting and sometimes unpredictable. On the one hand, it seems that there is nothing difficult in raising a baby who is already able to clearly express thoughts and correct her behavior, but on the other hand, new problems arise.

Girls at the age of three learn to manipulate adults, clearly realizing their uniqueness. Grandparents most often fall under the spell of the baby; mom and dad are at risk.

During this period, it is important for parents to teach their daughter to use charm for her own benefit without the need to bend to the tricks of adults.

Appearance of a little princess

The girl begins to clearly understand her individuality from the age of three. Your task is to support her in this matter not only with endless compliments, but also by instilling a sense of taste. Teach your baby to take care of her clothes, face, and hair; this will in no way harm her.

Love and affection are a panacea for girls' troubles

Remember about the emotionality of girls, which will only grow with age. Don’t be shy to show your feelings, tell your daughter about love, don’t neglect physical contact - the girl needs strong hugs and kisses like air. Don’t be afraid to spoil your daughter by openly expressing your feelings and emotions.

There cannot be too much love, and the lack of its manifestation will only lead to the fact that the child withdraws into himself. Show love towards your loved ones - your daughter’s husband, brother or sister, thereby demonstrating the correct model of behavior in the family, which in the future will become an example for her.

Caution and responsibility for actions

Girls aged 3 to 5 years are extremely careful. We are not talking about cowardice here, it’s just that kids are already able to assess the danger and consequences of their actions.

Talk to the girl about the dangers of certain actions, trying not to intimidate her, but only to prepare her for the fact that not everything in this world is as good as we would like. It is important to teach the girl reasonable caution, and not to cultivate a sense of inertia in her.

Homework is fun

Wanting to raise a child to be a housewife, many mothers try to put mountains of housework on her shoulders, starting from the age of three, thus accustoming her to women’s work. This approach is wrong, because an overabundance of things to do can cause a child to protest against any housework in one case and an unshakable belief that women’s lot is endless housework in another.

Household responsibilities should not become something boring and uninteresting for girls.

If you are determined to accustom your daughter to housekeeping, then make sure that she really enjoys this activity. Choose only a game form of learning. Teach your daughter to sculpt dough, make sandwiches for dad for breakfast, or prepare healthy fresh juices.

Believe me, at this age the baby will appreciate such “entertainment” in the kitchen much more than boring sweeping the floor or wiping dishes.

Mutual understanding and trust are the key to the development of a holistic personality

Listening and hearing a child at this age is another important rule. By nature, girls are flexible, gentle creatures with a bit of cunning, so the task of parents is to develop personal qualities in their daughter without depriving her of flexibility.

Reconsider your views if you have to be too firm to influence your daughter. It is possible that the child’s protest is just a reaction to the unshakable will of the parents.

Remember that you are raising a successful and happy woman. Remember yourself at this age more often in order to understand your own mistakes and your daughter’s desires, because most of the secrets are kept in your own childhood.

Subtleties of raising a junior schoolgirl

Properly raising a girl aged 6 to 9 years is not so difficult, given that during this period girls tend to be neat, friendly and patient.

Girls of primary school age most of all need the approval, encouragement and support of adults, so they try to behave in such a way as to receive this to the fullest.

School girls: in pursuit of praise and approval

In school, during lessons, girls are flexible and diligent, happy to make contact with the teacher, receiving encouragement for their work in class.

At home, they happily tell their parents about their achievements, receiving satisfaction from their reaction. The task of parents at this age is not to disappoint the girl, supporting her good endeavors.

Friendship at school age: delicate control and support

Girls aged 6-9 years especially begin to value friendship, choosing a girlfriend to whom they can tell their deepest secrets. Relationships with a friend at this age are of great importance for a girl, so under no circumstances should you interfere with friendship.

All that parents can do is to find out more from their daughter about her friends, adjusting her behavior towards them as delicately as possible. It is important to teach your daughter not to depend on the opinions and behavior of close friends, to maintain adequate self-esteem through praise and expressions of love.

A girl must understand what true friendship is, what can be expected from her friends and how to strengthen this connection. Even if childhood problems related to friendships seem insignificant to you, find the time and opportunity to talk about it with your daughter.

Support her in a difficult situation and tell her how to react correctly in certain situations, saving face and not offending her friends.

Romantic hobbies: first experience

At the age of 6-9 years, girls already begin to be interested in boys. Even if this interest is still childishly naive, it exists and we cannot close our eyes to it. If your daughter liked the boy and he reciprocated her feelings (gifts, notes or something like that were exchanged), you should not panic, scoff or be ironic.

The daughter tries on the role of a woman, modeling relationships in the adult world, and this is normal. Tell her how to behave correctly with a boy, help her choose a gift for him and be sure to support her if all this is followed by love disappointment.

Sports and active lifestyle

School, girlfriends, crushes - all this is very important for a girl aged 6 to 9 years, but we should not forget about healthy physical development. Come up with an activity for your daughter - sign her up for a sports section. Tennis, dancing, swimming are excellent options for gentle and sensitive girls.

Daughters with a bit of adventurism and boyish mischief in their character can be invited to try themselves in typically male sports: volleyball, football, martial arts.

In search of harmony: raising a teenage girl

Girls can safely be considered teenagers from the age of 10. At this age, the most important thing for them is not to be different from their peers. That is why parents should try to ensure that their daughter has all the things that are significant for this age, from clothes to gadgets.

Caring for your appearance as a way to prevent the appearance of complexes

If a girl has problems with her appearance: her teeth, hair or skin have deteriorated, she must make an effort to correct this, otherwise she will develop complexes.

Proper motivation and interesting leisure time

If a teenage girl is interested in dancing, music, or sports, parents, for their part, will have to do everything to stir up this interest, for example, you can invite your daughter to go to a competition in another city or take part in a competition.

Secrets of a teenager's friendship with his parents

For a teenage girl, the authority of her parents is very important. Find time to communicate with your daughter, share secrets with her and in return get the opportunity to be privy to her secrets. If your daughter trusts you, then under no circumstances should you give in to the temptation to tell anyone about her secret. This is the only way to save your friendship.

Balanced assessment of a teenage girl

High or low self-esteem in a teenage girl is normal. Teach the girl to adequately evaluate herself, without praising, but also without blaming or speaking disparagingly towards her.

Maintain a balance, maintaining parental authority, instilling in your daughter the basic rules of behavior in a relaxed, friendly manner without moralizing.

Stories about your life at this age, about possible misunderstandings with friends, parents and teachers have an excellent effect. The teenager will definitely appreciate frankness and the parents’ reward for this will be almost unconditional trust in them.

Duo of mother and daughter: proper work on the image of the father

It is difficult for a mother to raise a girl without a father, largely because it is in her father that the girl should feel the main support and protection, which will help her in the future to build happy relationship with the opposite sex.

However, if it turns out that the family has broken up, you need to remember the main thing - the daughter should not take on the negativity of her mother’s disappointment in her father. This behavior will cause the girl to develop a negative attitude towards boys and men.

The task of a mother raising a daughter without a father is to create in her daughter’s imagination a positive image of a strong, decent and reliable man. And first of all, the father who left the family should become positive. In the eyes of the girl, he should not become bad, and whether this will happen or not depends on the mother.

To consolidate the image of a positive man in a girl’s head, psychologists recommend drawing her attention more often to good examples in normal, full-fledged families.

Hosting friends who live in a happy family marriage, watching films with happy spouses - all this will help the daughter learn to hope that she will not follow her mother’s example and will be able to create a happy and strong family with her beloved man.

Dad's pride: growing up without mom

Cases where a girl is raised by one father are rare, but they do exist and require attention. A man without a wife and a daughter must not only fulfill the basic duties of a woman around the house, but also provide tenderness, warmth and affection to the extent that a daughter would receive it if she lived with her mother.

The lack of communication with mothers and women is especially acutely felt by girls in adolescence, which can negatively affect the formation of personality.

Dad can influence the situation in two ways:

  • become a true friend for your daughter;
  • find an adult friend for her (sister, aunt, coach).

If this is not possible, it is worth trying to push the girl to an adult friend, who can be a coach, teacher, or close relative.

There are things that will be easier for a girl to tell a woman, and it’s the dad’s job to make sure that one is nearby at the right time.

In general, if a girl has established contact with her dad, their life is painted with bright colors and filled with positivity, this is very good for forming a positive image of a man in her, based on which she will choose her life partner.

Our children grow, develop, and at a certain point, parents are faced with the question of how they should be raised, what they should pay attention to first. In our article we will discuss the issue of proper upbringing of girls. Detailed description features of their development in at different ages will help you find useful and relevant information specifically for your case.

Many psychologists, teachers and parents distinguish two lines in the upbringing of a little lady - general and special.

The issue of raising children is very difficult and worries parents no less than the issue of their health. In particular, it is extremely important to find the right approach happy parents of princesses. In this article we will understand everything in order.

To begin with, let us clarify that many psychologists, teachers and parents distinguish two lines in the upbringing of a little lady - general and special. The general line implies that parents should not discriminate whether they are raising a boy or a girl: there are certain things and rules that are common to all, such as raising a fully developed and healthy child, curious and thoughtful.

Well, the second direction is that special knowledge and recommendations that should be taken into account when raising a girl as a future wife, mother and woman.

Where to begin

For many decades and even centuries, parents have been asking the same question - when and where to start raising a child. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, who lived in families with a large number of children, began raising them from the cradle.

So what steps should you take first, at a time when the baby is not yet able to distinguish between what is good and what is bad? Until recently, most families used a rather harsh method of raising a child. It was considered impermissible to indulge the baby’s whims; by not responding to screams or crying, the parents assumed that they were preparing the little person for the upcoming difficulties of life.

For modern parents, this method is largely unacceptable. Moms and dads try to provide the baby with a pleasant atmosphere as much as possible. environment. Excessive gentleness and humanity can lead to the other extreme, and cause no less harm to the baby than excessive severity.

You need to start raising a little lady first of all by realizing what you dream of seeing her in the future. Familiarize yourself with popular specialized literature on this issue, as well as resort to the experience of outstanding teachers.

What to pay special attention to

Comparing girls and boys, it can be noted that the former usually have a softer, more flexible and calm character. Special attention One should pay attention to the fact that girls, along with their friendliness, can be more suggestible and easily succumb to bad influence. Errors or gaps in upbringing, parents ignoring or not noticing obvious problems can lead to negative consequences.

In any case, the behavior of mom and dad should be based on three basic principles - love, patience and respect for boundaries.

Secrets of education

Girls are characterized by high emotional sensitivity, this is natural and normal. The main task of parents is to help the child correctly experience the surging emotions, without judging or screaming.

  • Teach your daughter to name her emotions.
  • Accept the child’s right to feel any emotion, even if it is not pleasant to you, do not judge.
  • Sometimes leave your daughter alone, give her time to experience emotions on her own. As a rule, leaving the child alone helps her calm down faster and return to normal.
  • Allow the girl more often to do as she wants, naturally within the permitted limits.
  • Also name your feelings, since children do not always understand adults' emotions.
  • Constantly tell your child how much you love him. There are never too many of these words.

The main secret and key to every child, first of all, of course, is understanding, love and respect for his feelings.

How to raise a girl from birth to 3 years old

Parents are greatly mistaken if they believe that until the age of 3 there is no need to raise a girl and develop various qualities of the child. Of course, freedom is necessary, but within reason. It is important to understand that it is at this age that the basics of the world around us are learned; this experience should be as positive as possible.

The main task of parents is to help the child correctly experience the surging emotions, without judging or shouting.

What to pay attention to

Until the age of three, a girl should grow up in a caring, loving and affectionate atmosphere. What to pay attention to and how to raise a girl from birth? Help your child acquire basic practical skills in everyday life and unobtrusively correct behavior.

Taking the first steps, speaking, behaving correctly at the table and washing and dressing independently - all these simple procedures The child must learn independently by the age of 3, while feeling the support of his parents.

Raising a girl from 3 to 5 years old

After passing the three-year mark, the girl’s behavior begins to change dramatically, becoming more interesting and unpredictable. IN at this age they are already successfully learning how to manipulate adults to achieve their own little goals.

Great trust and mutual understanding should be the basis of your family

The following dogmas will help young parents find the answer to the question of how to properly raise a girl:

  1. Teach your baby to take care of her appearance, not only compliments, but also the instillation of taste should begin from an early age.
  2. You are guaranteed not to spoil the child with love and tenderness.
  3. Teach your daughter to take responsibility for her actions.
  4. Raise a housewife and assistant in household chores, organize the process so that the child is interested in helping you.

Remember: trust and mutual understanding should be the basis of your family.


If you begin to notice that communication with your child is becoming too firm and your daughter is showing protest, then remember yourself at her age. This way you may better understand your child's wants and needs. Don’t forget that you are raising a future successful woman, and the foundations of her behavior are being laid right now.

Subtleties of raising a junior schoolgirl

Girls of primary school age especially need encouragement and approval from their parents. The question of how to raise a 9-year-old girl is not so difficult, because it is at this age that girls are as friendly as possible and tend to show particular patience and accuracy.

Each family has its own personal secrets of successful parenting.

  • Support your daughter in her endeavors, do not skimp on praise.
  • Gently monitor and be interested in your school friends.
  • Support and show interest in the first romantic experience, this will strengthen your child's trust in you.
  • It is imperative to ensure that the girl is involved in sports and not to forget about her healthy development.

At this age, parents can strengthen their friendships and trust as much as possible, and lay the foundation for the upcoming difficult transitional age.


Every child is special and unique, for every age, of course, there are general recommendations, but parents should be as sensitive as possible to their child. Following general rules useful, but it is equally important to take a special approach. Each family has its own personal secrets of successful upbringing; don’t be afraid to create your own unique atmosphere.

How to raise a teenage girl

A book may not be enough to cover this point in the article. We offer parents general recommendations on how to raise a teenage girl:

  1. Effective prevention of the appearance of complexes is the correct approach to caring for your appearance.
  2. Organization of interesting and productive leisure time.
  3. Authority and friendship with parents.
  4. Teach your daughter to adequately evaluate herself without underestimating her self-esteem and to rejoice in her uniqueness.

Find your child's strength, talent, or distinct ability.

Try to guide your child in the right direction without moralizing, while maintaining parental authority.

Raising troubled teenage girls

Having touched on such a burning topic for many families as raising difficult teenage girls, we offer a number of tips that can significantly facilitate this process for parents:

  • Do not abuse prohibitions and punishments.
  • Motivate and enhance the cognitive process.
  • Talk and pay more attention to your child.
  • Introduce changes to your daughter’s routine in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the child’s wishes.
  • Listen to the signals that your daughter unconsciously gives, notice the slightest changes in behavior.
  • Find your child's strength, talent or distinct ability. Encouraging her in this direction will instill confidence in herself.

Important and useful information There is a lot on the topic of raising a 13-year-old girl, parents need to select the recommendations that are most suitable for their individual case and follow them. You can also contact a specialist who specializes in this issue and can effectively help.

The first thing you should pay attention to is creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere in the family. Sex education Education for teenage girls should be aimed not only at explaining physical processes, but also at developing the girl’s character.

The formation in a young girl of high moral principles in sexual matters is the key to her happy and, very importantly, healthy future - this is main task and parental responsibility.

Raising a 14-year-old teenage girl must necessarily address the issue of early sexual activity and an adequate explanation of why it is harmful and dangerous. Everyone knows the fact that sexual development girls start earlier than boys. Parents should carefully prepare for the upcoming conversation and provide their child with psychological support.

Parents who are lucky enough to raise a girl know that this task is not an easy one. Girls are very gentle creatures. Conflicts, crises and complexes transferred to childhood, will be displayed on it in the future. Boys are different, because they are capable of not noticing many things and do not take most of their childhood problems into adulthood, but girls are just the opposite. To avoid such troubles and raise your daughter with dignity, you should remember seven simple rules:

Rule #1: Love no matter what

All children need love and affection, but this is especially important for a girl, because she is a future mother. Whatever model of relationships her parents show her, she will apply it to her future family.

Strict parenting is a great way to discipline a child. But there must be a measure and an explanation for everything. If a girl has misbehaved, then this, of course, requires a response from her parents. But only to explain that she was wrong, that it was not appropriate for girls to behave this way. Hug and ask not to do such stupid things again. This method is more effective in relation to such cute creatures than screaming, showdowns and physical punishment.

A girl who was loved and pampered as a child will love herself just the way she is. And she will allow her chosen one to love her. Their family will be based on love, respect and mutual understanding.

Rule #2: Admire

Not everyone is born a beauty queen with ideal parameters. This is the beauty of our life. This needs to be explained to the child. If a girl is not told from childhood that she is beautiful, smart, sweet and cheerful, she will suffer from all sorts of “not ideal” complexes all her life. By repeating to their daughter how pretty she is, parents shape her attitude towards herself and her personality. She will grow up confident and open to people. You cannot compare your daughter with other girls with the words: “Tanya has beautiful hair, not like yours” or “Oh, how well Katya knows how to dress. Not like you…". Such words will not spur a little girl to action to correct something in herself, they will simply kill her faith in her attractiveness.

Girls need to be instilled with a love of beauty from childhood. If the little girl, seeing how her mother put on makeup, applied makeup to herself, don’t scold her! Smile and say that she is the one for you beautiful girl in the world!

Rule #3: Talk about everything

The girl cannot physically protect herself in dangerous situations. Therefore, we need to teach her to recognize them before something irreparable happens. You need to talk to the child, tell stories and give examples. Ask her about situations that are unclear to her and try to explain the correct way out of it. This way the girl will understand that she has people to whom she can open up. And thanks to sincere conversations, he will learn to sense dangerous life situations in time.

Rule #4: Teach compassion

A girl should be able to take care of loved ones. Teach her to help her family - give her grandfather glasses, make her grandmother tea, spoon feed her little brother. We need to explain to her that helping people who are weaker than us is our responsibility, that someday it may happen that she will need someone’s help.

While walking in the park or in the yard, you need to talk about birds, insects and animals, that they also have children and small houses. Such stories will instill a sense of mercy in a little girl.

Rule No. 5: Involve in homework

A girl should grow up clean and tidy. If from childhood she is surrounded by mountains of toys in disarray and an eternal mess in the closet, she will develop the confidence that this is how it should be. You need to very carefully remind the child that the room must be in order, that after playing, all the teddy bears want to sit in their places and relax. You need to speak softly and unobtrusively. At first, I help clean up, gradually giving the initiative to my daughter.

It is important to instill a love of cooking. Don't shoo the girl away when she wants to help her mother make dumplings. Most likely, after it you will have to completely clean the kitchen, but the child will be proud that he took part in the “adult game”. In addition, already from a tender age, the formation of an awareness will begin that a woman is responsible for ensuring that her man is fed.

Rule #6: Give free rein to your own decisions

Thank God, gone are the days when it was a woman’s lot to raise children while on perpetual maternity leave. Today a woman drives a car, can run a large company and still remain a wonderful wife and mother. But all this needs to be learned from childhood. Neither mom nor dad can teach such skills. Such knowledge comes after making your own mistakes. Give your daughter the opportunity to decide for herself what to wear, what club to go to, what faculty to enroll in. Only then will she live own life with her mistakes, which will give her something invaluable - experience and great opportunities.

Rule #7: Encourage individuality

Not all girls can dance or draw beautifully. Each person is individual in their skills and talents. If your girl wants to write poetry or become a model, give her this opportunity. Only a favorite activity can make an adult truly happy.

How to raise a girl correctly?

Girls have significant differences from boys that should be taken into account when raising and communicating with them. Here are some of them:

  • Girls have high physical sensitivity, they are more responsive to touch and can be much more irritated by bodily discomfort than boys.
  • Girls are sensitive to loud voices and noise.
  • Emotional communication with adults is important for girls. They care about the impression they make on others. They also need to understand who evaluates them and how.
  • Often girls strive to defend their opinion at all costs.
  • Girls are more adaptable necessary conditions, they are more stable. However, they are often emotionally exhausted.

Common mistakes in raising girls:

  • If a mother pays insufficient attention to her daughter and has little contact with her, then this can develop an inferiority complex in the child, a tendency towards unconventional orientation and affect the ability to love. A girl may decide that no one will ever love her, even if her mother does not love her.
  • In the absence of contact with her father, a girl may develop the attitude that she is unattractive to the opposite sex, “even if dad doesn’t want to hold me in his arms.”
  • If a girl is severely punished for boyish games and fights, fearing that she will grow up aggressive, rude and unfeminine, then this can lead to the opposite result.
  • You should not impose on a girl the idea that she must be obedient, quiet and resigned. This can shape her into a person who in the future will not be able to resist physical and psychological discomfort, and will endure, unable to change anything.
  • If you often tell a girl instructions like: “You’re a girl! Therefore, you must...” then she may begin to dislike the female sex, and want to be like a boy.
1. Tell girls stories about women, famous heroines, or people you know who you consider worthy role models. Emphasize examples of purity, mercy, and feminine kindness.

2. Give girls the opportunity to care for someone. Be sure to celebrate such merits, this will be a great incentive for the child.

3. If a girl is active and loves robber tricks, then she should be captivated by sports and competitive games.

4. A trusting and affectionate relationship with her dad is important for a girl. Future relationships with my husband will be based specifically on the experience of relationships with my father.

5. Involve the girl in household responsibilities, but within adequate limits. Otherwise, when she grows up, she will strive to get married as soon as possible in order to finally rest.

6. Excessive criticism and demandingness of the mother, or, conversely, her lack of attention almost always leads to low self-esteem in the girl. Therefore, a mother should treat her daughter tenderly and be a role model for her.

7. Teach your girl to keep her room clean, as well as her appearance.

8. You should not impose any gender stereotypes on a girl, for example: “Boys understand mathematics and science better.” It is worth saying that “Girls can achieve serious success in mathematics.”

9. Don't worry if a girl exhibits character traits traditionally associated with boys. This may be due to individual personality characteristics and temperament. If she likes boyish games, let her play them!

10. It is important to remember that the girl transfers the image of her doll onto herself. Therefore, it is necessary to select dolls with a cute appearance and the correct roles for her: a mother doll, a baby doll, a father doll.

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If you have a beautiful daughter, this means that dad will become “daddy”, and mom will no longer be the sweetest in your house.

And with her birth, a lot of little trinkets will appear in your house, beautiful dresses and a lot of worries. First of all, it is important to take into account that the baby should not be spoiled too much, but it should not be held with a tight rein.

Any step you take in her upbringing can affect your daughter’s adult life. Therefore, there are several rules, adhering to which, you will be on the right path in raising a girl.

1. Confidence in your own beauty. Doubt about one’s attractiveness for a girl is a source of complexes and failures in one’s personal life. Even if the baby is not the ideal of beauty, the task of the parents is to convince the girl from childhood that she is a beauty.

Always highlight her strengths , do not make fun of shortcomings (freckles, snub nose, fatness). Let her accept herself as she is and believe that all these little things are the unique features of her charm. There is no need to pull her away from the mirror or forbid her from trying to paint her lips. Watching famous actresses, she learned that even the most beautiful woman takes care of himself. Encourage attempts to take care of your appearance : neat hairstyle, face masks. Sports sections, swimming pool, aerobics - let him take care of his health and maintain his beauty.

4. Guardian angel. How future woman, the baby should be able to take care of loved ones and notice other people’s pain. Let him try to help the weak and sick as much as he can, even if it is a yard dog or an injured bird. Let the girl take care of your loved ones , in particular, about you - the most beloved and irreplaceable mother. Be grateful to her and be sure to show her this.

5. Little mistress. From a young age, instill in your daughter the skills of washing, cleaning, sewing, and cooking. Teach her good housekeeping techniques. Let him cope with tasks easily and habitually, and if it doesn’t work out, be able to ask for help from loved ones.

6. Activity and optimism. In the lower grades, it is girls who become leaders, and boys begin to develop much later. You shouldn’t suppress a girl’s initiative just because a man is considered to be in charge in society. Let him try himself in, and your task is notice and praise her successes . She will definitely need the ability to listen and listen to the opinions of the team.

7. Individuality. This task is not an easy one, but it is quite doable. Help the baby's personal development, but don't try to break her personality . If you want her to become a great mathematician, and the child writes poetry and dances beautifully, you don’t need to “remake” her just because you don’t really like your daughter’s aspirations. Better support her, because she needs it so much.