How to tell if water has entered your lungs. Silent death: secondary drowning in children. all parents should know about this! Pulmonary hamartoma, is treatment possible without surgery?

Hello! It seems to me that there is practically no reason for your concern. It is possible that the water did not enter your lungs at all. But even if it did hit, it would probably be in very small quantities. And, if you are a healthy person, then a small volume of water should be absorbed very quickly by the tissue of the respiratory tract on its own. Moreover, you coughed up phlegm. Coughing is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the human respiratory tract. Did water accidentally get into Airways, a crumb of bread, have you inhaled a strong smell, for example, tobacco smoke, coughing is a natural defensive reaction. During a cough, the body tries to get rid of mucus, or foreign particles that have entered the respiratory tract. I believe you can increase your physical activity at this time to make your breathing more frequent and deeper. Just do some breathing exercises.

However, if you are still concerned about your health, I think it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

Water in the lungs can be dangerous in a drowning situation, or in the event of any serious illnesses. For example, with hydrothorax, when free fluid accumulates in pleural cavity, peripulmonary bag. It occurs for the same reason as ascites - stagnation of blood and sweating of its liquid part into the cavity. Considering that the fluid compresses the lung tissue over time, the patient develops shortness of breath or its sharp worsening if it existed before the development of hydrothorax. In addition, the lung tissue itself is “stuffed” with water, and this, even more than hydrothorax, increases shortness of breath.

Hydrothorax can be diagnosed by examining the patient, and in the place where the fluid has accumulated, changes will be detected during percussion (special tapping with fingers, which the doctor always uses). In the same area, when listening with a phonendoscope, breathing will be weakened or completely absent. If such data is detected, the doctor will certainly refer the patient for an x-ray of the organs. chest, which finally eliminates all questions, since the liquid and its level are clearly visible in the picture.

It must be said that the diagnosis of hydrothorax is established, regardless of the cause of its occurrence and the amount of accumulated fluid. The cause of hydrothorax may not only be cardiac. In addition, even a small amount of fluid that does not even make itself felt will also be called hydrothorax.

Probably, a similar situation is familiar to everyone: I was in a hurry to quickly eat on the go, swallowed large pieces or talked while eating, and ended up choking. Asphyxia, which occurs when it enters the respiratory tract foreign body(food, in this case), is very dangerous to human life. If not accepted emergency measures, oxygen will not flow to the brain, and the person subsequently loses consciousness. If breathing is not restored in time, the victim may die within a couple of minutes.

If n a person is able to clear his throat on his own. The most you can do to help him is to give him a napkin or handkerchief to wipe away his tears. In this situation, it is a natural protective reaction n a small piece of food entered the respiratory tract, a function of the body that helps push an object out of the trachea, making breathing difficult. At the same time, there is no need to interfere with the person with any other manipulations.
If you are choking, you need to straighten up and try to inhale slowly and then exhale sharply, while bending at the waist. This simple method will help you clear your throat better.
Under no circumstances should you slap the victim on the back, as this may cause the foreign body to move even deeper and completely block breathing. But, if in a few minutes a person has not coughed up what has gotten into the trachea, or a large piece of food has completely blocked it, stopping the respiratory process, you need to quickly help the victim.

The fact that a person’s life is in danger can be indicated by the bluish-red color of his face and the inability to take a breath. In this case, the victim may grab his throat or chest.
Call ambulance. And before the doctors arrive, take care of saving lives yourself. The Heimlich method will help here, which consists of the following activities:

  • Stand behind the choking person and wrap your arms around him.
  • Make a fist with one hand. Place your fist on the side where it is located thumb, on the stomach in the area between the place where the ribs meet and the navel.
  • The palm of the other hand should be placed on top of the fist.
  • Press your fist sharply into your stomach, bending your elbows. In this case, you should not squeeze the chest.

Such movements must be repeated until breathing resumes or until the person is conscious.
If a person who has choked has lost consciousness, they should be placed face up on a hard surface. Cover your head with something cold. Then press firmly on top part his abdomen, approximately 10 cm below the solar plexus. It must be repeated until the breathing process resumes.

When such trouble happened to infant To resume breathing, place the baby in your hand so that his face is in your palm. Tilt the axis of his body forward, and the child’s legs should be located on both sides of the adult’s forearm. Then clap your palm between his shoulder blades until the baby coughs up the foreign body into your hand. If nothing works out this way, you can also use the Heimlich method, but carefully calculate your strength.

If you are choking and there is no one to help you, you can also use this method. Place your fist on the area between your navel and where your ribs meet. Press inward and upward. Also, instead of a fist, the edge of a table, a railing, or the back of a chair can appear.

After normal breathing is restored, a person may still have a cough. Therefore, you absolutely need to see a doctor to exclude the possibility that even a small piece of food will remain in the respiratory tract.

Air enters the lungs through the trachea. When you exhale, air from the lungs again enters the trachea. When swallowing, the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx, preventing food from entering the trachea. Thus, the epiglottis, upper part of the larynx, vocal cords and cough reflex are reliable protective mechanisms that prevent foreign bodies from entering the trachea. When a foreign object enters the trachea and upper part of the larynx, pain, laryngeal spasm, suffocation occurs, the voice becomes hoarse or disappears altogether. If the protective mechanism does not work, then saliva, food or foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract. As a result of this, it appears coughing and gag reflex. Thanks to these reflexes, a foreign object is removed from the trachea. If the foreign body cannot be removed, then breathing is disrupted and air does not enter the lungs. The person begins to choke, which causes him great fear. If the foreign object is not removed in a timely manner, the person dies from suffocation.

Various foreign bodies can get into the trachea: small objects, pieces of food, powdery substances, etc.

Small items

The risk group includes small children who put any objects into their mouths. Children often choke on small pieces of food. Foreign objects can get into more than just the trachea. They can also get stuck in the back of the mouth or throat. When a foreign object gets stuck, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs, which makes it difficult to remove the body.

Food fragments can enter the trachea when swallowing, for example, too large a piece. In an unconscious person, food can also enter the trachea. The fact is that when a person is unconscious, his body muscles relax and the contents of the stomach rise up.

Powdery substances

Powdery substances are often inhaled by young children (for example, when playing with powder compacts or flour). When you inhale, particles of a powdery substance penetrate deep into the trachea and, falling on the bronchi, glue them together.

Signs of a foreign object entering the trachea

The first aid provider cannot see a foreign object in the airway. Its presence can be suspected by characteristic symptoms:

  • Sudden cough.
  • Suffocation.
  • Great fright.
  • Blueness of the skin (cyanosis).

First aid

The first aid provider must:

  • Stay calm, don't panic.
  • Calm the victim.
  • Ask him to breathe calmly and control his breathing movements.

The best way to remove a foreign object from the trachea is a strong blow between the shoulder blades. The force of the blow should depend on the age of the victim. In addition, you can stand behind the victim’s back, wrap your arms around him so that the clasped hands are above the epigastric region, and sharply press on the epigastric region. As a result of these actions, air is pushed out of the lungs, and with it the foreign body. Providing first aid to children and adults occurs differently.

Foreign object in the trachea in children

  • Bend your child over while supporting him with one hand.
  • With your other hand, strike between the shoulder blades.

Previously, to remove a foreign body from the respiratory tract, they took the child by the legs and, holding him in this position, tapped him between the shoulder blades. However, due to possible injuries, this method is not currently used.

Help for infants

  • Place your baby in your arm, belly down.
  • You should support his head with your hand. Make sure that your fingers do not cover his mouth.
  • Hit the child hard on the back (between the shoulder blades).

Helping an adult

  • Get down on one knee.
  • Bend the victim over your knee.
  • Strike hard between the shoulder blades.

If after applying 2-3 blows to the back (between the shoulder blades) the foreign object is not removed, then immediately call an ambulance.

What to do if you choked, how to properly help the victim, and how to help yourself?

Foreign body in the respiratory tract: how to recognize

How to recognize if a person has a foreign body stuck in the respiratory tract? Here are some main signs:

  • . The victim has a cough, watery eyes and redness of the face.
  • Difficulty breathing. Sometimes there is almost no breathing, and cyanosis may appear around the lips.
  • . This is the final stage in which the victim stops breathing. After some time, cardiac arrest is possible, followed by clinical death. If a person loses consciousness, they should immediately provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

First aid for a foreign body in the respiratory tract

The first thing you need to understand is to determine whether a person is breathing or not. If the victim is breathing at all, you should tell him to cough harder. Often these words (and the corresponding actions of the victim) are enough for a small foreign body to come out of the respiratory tract on its own. If within 30 seconds the person was unable to breathe, then it should be used. What does it consist of?

  • You should stand behind the victim.
  • Grasp the victim's torso with both hands. Cover your fist with the palm of your left hand right hand. Now use the knuckle of your right thumb to press five firm pressures on your upper abdomen. The direction should be up and towards you. If the foreign body is removed, the victim’s breathing will be restored.

The Heimlich method is carried out until the foreign body leaves the respiratory tract. If during these activities the victim loses consciousness, then the Heimlich method should be stopped and cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started instead.

To understand what happens when you choke, you must first understand how it works. back wall throat. Everything you eat and the air you breathe passes through your throat to enter your body.

Food and liquid pass through the larynx into the esophagus and then into the stomach. The air goes down into another branch - the trachea or windpipe, and from there it enters the lungs. Both of these pathways begin at the back of the throat.

And if both holes are open, how does food get into one and air into the other? Luckily for us, our body is in control. Next to the trachea is the epiglottis, which comes into action every time you swallow. It closes the “little door”, which prevents food from entering the respiratory tract, and directs it along the esophagus to the stomach.

But if you laugh or talk while eating, the epiglottis does not have time to close in time. Food particles may slide down and enter the trachea. If the particles are small, your body will easily displace them from the wrong place, forcing you.

Heimlich method in children

If a foreign body is stuck in the airway of a child under 1 year old, the rescuer needs to sit down and place the child face down on his left forearm. The baby's lower jaw should be held with fingers folded into a claw. Then, with the heel of your palm, you need to apply five blows of medium strength with the heel of your palm to the area between the shoulder blades.

At the second stage of helping a child in case of foreign bodies, turn the child face up on the right forearm. Then you should apply five pushing movements along the sternum to a point located 1 finger below the internipple line. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging the baby's ribs.

When food goes down the wrong throat

Everyone has had to face this problem. You take a sip and realize that the food has gone down the wrong throat. Then a cough begins, sometimes panic, but, as a rule, everything stops within a few seconds. This happens because coughing is the body’s natural defense against foreign bodies entering the trachea. Thanks to coughing, our body manages to get rid of “stray” pieces of food or other foreign particles that accidentally enter the trachea.

But when the amount of food or its size is significant, suffocation may occur because food product or another object completely blocks the airways and air cannot pass through them into the lungs. In this case, the person can no longer get rid of the foreign body by coughing and stops breathing, speaking, or even making any sounds. Typically, when faced with such a situation, the victim grabs his throat and/or begins to wave his arms. If the trachea remains blocked for a long time, the person's face changes color from bright red to blue.

Our body needs oxygen to support vital processes. When oxygen does not reach the lungs and brain for some time, a person may lose consciousness, and due to a prolonged lack of oxygen access, irreversible changes occur in the brain, as a result of which a person may die.

What to do if someone is choking?

Respiratory arrest is a life-threatening condition. If you are trained in the Heimlich technique, provide assistance immediately. If there is someone present who has a skill, give him the opportunity to help the victim. If the technique is not performed correctly, you can harm the person and cause them pain. If the victim has stopped breathing and lost consciousness, the Heimlich maneuver should be performed simultaneously with (CPR).

Simple precautions

  • Be especially careful when you eat certain products which are easy to choke on. These are: nuts, grapes, raw carrots, popcorn and hard or sticky candies.
  • Try to eat while sitting, bite off food in small pieces, and chew slowly. Don't try to talk with your mouth full. Remember, it's not even about good manners, it's about preventing choking.
  • Supervise small children. Babies love to put things in their mouths and taste different things. Try to keep your baby safe and keep small objects out of your baby's reach.
  • Learn the Heimlich maneuver. They can tell you about this in first aid classes. It would be useful for any person to have this skill. Who knows? Perhaps you will have to become the savior when one of your loved ones or acquaintances chokes!

The topic of this article is not seasonal. But it is very relevant for everyone who has small children. However, similar troubles also happen to adults. I mean the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.

Let's talk briefly about adults first. How can a foreign body get into the respiratory tract of an adult? After all, he doesn’t put everything in his mouth like children. Of course it doesn't drag. But some adults have the habit of holding some small objects in their teeth while working. Remember, haven’t you ever had pins or small nails or screws in your mouth? By the way, I often do this myself. Foreign bodies such as dentures can enter an adult's respiratory tract during sleep or in situations where the person is unconscious. And of course, don’t forget that you can simply choke on food.

According to statistics, in 95-98% of cases, foreign bodies in the respiratory tract occur in children aged 1.5 to 3 years.

Children are little explorers. Their area of ​​research includes absolutely everything. And they want not only to see, hear and touch their surroundings, but to taste everything they can reach. And these hands don’t always reach only for toys. Often these are completely inappropriate items, for example, beads, buttons, beans or peas, nuts, and so on. Children try to apply small objects to everything and most often push them into the most inappropriate places. And such inappropriate places include the ears, nose and mouth. Some small object that the child put in his mouth “slips” into the larynx during a deep breath. The reason for such inhalation may be fear, crying, screaming.

In addition, a child of this age is just learning to chew and swallow solid food correctly. And, of course, he doesn’t succeed right away. Therefore, it is at this age that the risk of pieces of solid food getting into the respiratory tract is greatest.

Another bad thing is that the child cannot always say what exactly happened to him. And sometimes foreign bodies in the respiratory tract are detected too late.

And now a little anatomy.

The structure of the respiratory tract in humans is as follows: when inhaling, air enters the nasal passages, then into the nasopharynx and oropharynx (here the respiratory system intersects with the digestive system). Then - the larynx. In the larynx, air passes through the vocal cords and then into the trachea. Here is the first feature: in the subglottic space in a child under 3-5 years of age, lymphoid tissue is strongly expressed, which has a tendency to rapid swelling. This is what leads to the development of false croup when viral infections. And when foreign bodies enter this area, swelling of the subglottic space also very quickly develops, narrowing the airways. At the level of the 4-5 thoracic vertebrae, the trachea is divided into two main bronchi - the right and left, through which air flows to the right and left lungs, respectively. Here's the second feature: right main bronchus is like a continuation of the trachea, moving to the side at an angle of only 25-30 degrees, while the left one moves at an angle of 45-60 degrees. That is why most often foreign bodies in the respiratory tract enter the generation of the right main bronchus. The right main bronchus is divided into three bronchi: the upper, middle and lower lobe bronchi. The left main bronchus is divided into two bronchi: the upper and lower lobe. Most often, foreign bodies end up in the right lower lobe bronchus.

According to the mechanism of obstruction (resistance to normal operation) of the respiratory tract, foreign bodies are divided into:

* non-obstructive lumen. Air passes freely past the foreign body during inhalation and exhalation. * completely obstructing the lumen. The air doesn't get through at all. * obstructing the lumen like a “valve”. On inhalation, air passes past the foreign body into the lung, and on exhalation, the foreign body blocks the lumen, thereby preventing air from leaving the lung.

Foreign bodies also differ in the method of fixation.

A fixed foreign body sits firmly in the lumen of the bronchus and practically does not move during breathing.

A floating foreign body is not fixed in the lumen and during breathing can move from one part of the respiratory system to another. Its movement can be heard with a phonendoscope in the form of “popping” when breathing. Sometimes it can be heard even from a distance. In addition, a floating foreign body is also dangerous because when it hits the vocal cords from below, a persistent laryngospasm occurs, which in itself leads to an almost complete closure of the lumen of the larynx.

Foreign bodies can enter any part of the respiratory tract. But in terms of localization the most dangerous place- This is the larynx and trachea. Foreign bodies in this area can completely block the air supply. If immediate assistance is not provided, death occurs within 1-2 minutes.

For small children, the most dangerous situation is when a foreign body gets stuck between the folds glottis. The child cannot make a single sound. This is explained by the fact that a spasm of the glottis occurs, which can lead to respiratory arrest and suffocation. The child develops cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the mucous membranes and facial skin.

The fact that an adult or child is choking becomes clear from a sudden cough. At the same time, the person’s face turns red and tears appear in his eyes. And those around you readily hit you on the back with their fists. More often, of course, the crumb that got into the “wrong throat” is removed with a cough. But what if it’s not a crumb, but, say, a piece of sausage, an apple, or a fruit seed? Then, with each blow of a fist on the back, this piece will move further into the respiratory tract. In this case, normal breathing will change to stridorous breathing, that is, breathing with a characteristic wheeze during inspiration and with the participation of the muscles of the face, neck and chest. But not only does the piece block the air supply. It also irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx or trachea, and this, in turn, leads to their swelling and abundant secretion and accumulation of mucus. If the foreign body also has sharp edges, such as a plum pit, then it injures the mucous membrane and blood is added to the mucus. The victim’s condition is getting worse right before our eyes. The face, red at first, turns blue, the veins in the neck swell, a wheezing sound is heard when inhaling, and the sinking of the supra- and subclavian fossae is visible. Coughing movements become less and less frequent, and movements become more sluggish. And very quickly the person loses consciousness. This condition is called blue asphyxia.

If the victim is not quickly given help, then blue asphyxia will turn into the stage of pale asphyxia in a few minutes. The skin will become pale with a grayish tint, the reaction of the pupils to light and the pulse to carotid artery. In other words, clinical death will occur.

How to provide first aid in such a situation?

Firstly, you should not waste time examining the oral cavity. Secondly, do not try to reach the foreign body with your fingers or tweezers. If it is a piece of food, sausage or an apple, for example, then under the influence of saliva it will soften so much that when you try to get it out, it will simply fall apart into smaller pieces. And one or more of these small pieces, when inhaled, will again enter the respiratory tract.

But, no matter what the victim chokes on, the first thing to do is turn him over on his stomach and throw him over the back of a chair, if he is an adult, or over his own thigh, if he is a child. Then you need to hit him several times with an open palm on the back between the shoulder blades. You cannot strike with a fist or the edge of your palm.

If Small child choked on a ball or pea, you need to quickly turn it upside down and tap it on the back several times at the level of the shoulder blades with an open palm. In this case, the “Pinocchio effect” will work. It will look the same as in the fairy tale about Pinocchio, when money was shaken out of him. If, after several strikes with your palm, the foreign body does not fall to the floor, then another method should be used.

But if a child chokes on a coin-shaped object, for example, a button, then another method must be used, since the one described above will not justify itself in this case, since the “piggy bank effect” is triggered. If you had a piggy bank as a child, remember how you tried to shake coins out of it. There is enough noise and ringing, but the coins do not want to fall out of the piggy bank, because they cannot stand on their own edge and roll around flat on themselves. This is how a flat and coin-shaped foreign body blocks the airways. We need to force him to change his position. To do this, you should use the method of shaking the chest. As a result of the shock, the foreign body will either rotate around its axis and open a passage for air, or move down the trachea and eventually end up in one of the bronchi. This will give the victim the opportunity to breathe with at least one lung.

There are several ways to shake the chest. The most common and effective of them is short, frequent blows with an open palm on the back in the interscapular area.

There is another method, which in Russia is called the “American police method.” I’ll say right away that I don’t know why it’s called that. In America this technique is called the Heimlich method. This method has two options.

First option

You need to stand behind the choking person, take him by the shoulders and pull him away from you at arm's length. Then sharply and forcefully hit his back against his own chest. This blow can be repeated several times. This option has one drawback. The chest against which the victim must be hit must be flat and masculine.

Second option

When using this option, you must also stand behind the victim. But in this case, you need to grab it with your hands so that your folded hands are below the victim’s xiphoid process. Then, with a sharp movement, you need to press hard on the diaphragm and at the same time hit the victim against your chest.

Both of these methods can be used if the victim is conscious. But at the same time, one must be prepared for the fact that the victim will develop a state of clinical death. Therefore, immediately after the blow, you should not unclench your hands, so as to prevent the victim from falling in case of cardiac arrest.

The same method, when applied to small children, should be performed as follows:

1. Place the baby on a hard surface on his back, tilt his head back, lift his chin; 2. Place two fingers of one hand on the child’s upper abdomen, between the xiphoid process and the navel, and quickly press deep and upward. The movement must be strong enough to remove the foreign object; 3. If the first time is not enough, then repeat the procedure up to four times.

Help for older children:

If blows to the back do not help, then sit the child on your lap, placing one of your hands on his stomach. Clench this hand into a fist, resting the inner side where the thumb is located in the middle of his stomach, and with the other hand hold the child by the back. Quickly press your fist into your stomach a little upward and as deep as possible. The movement must be strong to dislodge the stuck object. Repeat pressing up to four times.

If the choking person falls into a coma, you must immediately turn him over onto his right side and hit him on the back with your palm several times. But, unfortunately, as a rule, these actions do not bring success.

Until next time!

They were removed from the lungs under local anesthesia using special instruments. During the nut collection season, Kyiv specialists carry out this procedure weekly for two or three children who accidentally inhaled kernels.

Relatives brought a basket of young nuts from the dacha,” says Svetlana, the mother of two-year-old Andryusha. - I cleaned the nucleoli from the film. Andryusha ran up to me from time to time and asked: “Mom, give it to me!” Once again, putting a nut in his mouth, the son choked. I tapped him on the back, he cleared his throat and went back to playing. Who would have thought that at that moment the pieces got into his bronchi?

The next day Andryusha went to kindergarten. The teachers noticed that the baby coughed from time to time. But he had no other cold symptoms. And suddenly…

As usual, I came to pick up my son, and was greeted by a concerned teacher: “Andryusha’s temperature suddenly rose, he had a severe cough and wheezing in his chest,” continues Svetlana. — Doctors diagnosed him with left-sided pneumonia. But the X-ray did not confirm this diagnosis, although breathing in the left lung was practically not audible. Andryusha was treated for pneumonia for almost a month, but there was no improvement. Then we were sent for a special examination - bronchoscopy.

Before this procedure, doctors asked Svetlana in detail about how her child got sick. Among the usual questions about temperature and the nature of the cough, there was an unusual one: “Perhaps Andryusha choked shortly before his illness?”

That’s when I remembered the day when we ate nuts,” says Svetlana.

In the fall, during the nut-picking season, small children are admitted to our department two or three times a week; nucleoli have accidentally entered their respiratory tract,” says a surgeon at the Department of Pediatric Thoracic Surgery of the Kyiv clinical hospital N 17 Evgeniy Simonets. -- On the x-ray, the pieces of nut in the bronchi are not visible. That's why we ask parents if their child choked or coughed while eating. By blocking the lumen of the bronchus, the pieces of nut do not allow the lungs to breathe fully; sputum collects there, which causes bronchitis or pneumonia. Only examination with a bronchoscope equipped with a miniature video camera helps to detect a foreign object in the bronchi. By the way, in addition to nuts, children inhale popcorn, pieces of straw, chewing gum, small parts of toys, and coins. Our department even has a collection of recovered items.

It is better for small children to puree fruits

The doctors gave me pieces of the nut that were in my son’s lungs,” Oksana shows tiny fragments of the nucleolus. “I decided to keep them as a reminder of what happened.” Now I don’t let my son chew while playing. He knows what to eat while sitting calmly at the table.

We spoke with Oksana on the eve of Andryusha’s discharge from the hospital. When the nuts were removed from the child’s lungs, the inflammatory process quickly stopped.

After the bronchoscopy, the doctors prescribed a week-long course of treatment,” Oksana continues. - Now I decided not to allow my son to eat his favorite nuts, chips, seeds, and dried fruits. He, like other children, loves to chew them on walks. At the hospital, I was also convinced that chewing gum should not be bought for children. They also often end up in the bronchi. During our stay at the clinic, I saw children who inhaled popcorn. There was even a case when black peppercorns were taken out of a child’s lungs!

It's hard to imagine that food could be so dangerous. But children under four years old do not chew food well, and their swallowing reflex has not yet developed.

Babies often swallow while inhaling, so pieces of food along with air enter the respiratory tract, explains Evgeniy Simonets. --And this happens mainly during play or when the child is distracted. So if he often chokes while eating, you need to grind large pieces of food. Over time, the child will learn to eat correctly. By the way, it has happened more than once that children inhaled pieces of poorly chewed apples. You can puree fruits to avoid unexpected situations.

Before this trouble, Andryusha already ate unprocessed food, says Oksana. “But now I try to chop the potatoes in the soup as much as possible, cut the meat into small pieces, and grind coarse fruits. This makes it easier for my son to eat, and it makes me calmer.

If your child coughs while eating and their skin starts to turn blue, something may have gotten into their lungs.

Sometimes while playing, children put small parts in their mouths so as not to lose them, says Evgeniy Simonets. - But, having played too much, they forget about them and swallow them. Foreign objects do not necessarily enter the lungs. They also get stuck in the esophagus, which has natural narrowings. In our practice, there was a case when a screw got into the child’s respiratory tract. It was impossible to remove it with a bronchoscope - it was wedged into the wall of the bronchus. I had to do a major operation - a thoracotomy.

Do fish bones have to be removed from the esophagus? - I ask Evgeny Nikolaevich.

Yes, we also have such patients. Fish bones are very dangerous. Once in the esophagus or respiratory tract, they usually stick their points into the walls of the organ. And when breathing or swallowing, they gradually move away, injuring the tissue even more. There is a girl in our department who has been wandering around hospitals since June. A fish bone got stuck in the respiratory tract and inflammation began. Both bronchitis and pneumonia were treated. When the patient was referred to us, the fish bone had already resolved, but the mucus accumulated in the lungs could only be removed with the help of a bronchoscope.

How dangerous is it to get chewing gum into your lungs?

If chewing gum closes the bronchial tubes, the child may suffocate. Once in the bronchi themselves, the gum becomes viscous and loose. It has to be taken out in several stages, piece by piece.

What symptoms indicate that a foreign object has entered the child’s lungs?

The baby salivates profusely, it is difficult for him to swallow, he may refuse to eat - this means that there is, for example, a fish bone in the esophagus. If your child suddenly coughs or chokes and his skin begins to turn blue, something may have gotten into his lungs. In any case, you need to contact specialists. Then the treatment will take no more than a day.

It happens that a woman who is in the clinic with her baby does not tell her husband what caused the illness. Afraid of reproach: “I didn’t keep an eye on the child!”

Some men do not understand that this can happen to an adult, says Evgeniy Simonets. -- The main thing is to know where to go to get qualified assistance. And then there will be no complications or health consequences.

How can water get into the lungs? and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander Balakhonov[master]
Pulmonary edema due to stagnation in the pulmonary circulation.
The wall of the vessel is permeable; water is retained in it due to the sum of osmotic pressure, tissue pressure and hydraulic pressure. During stagnation, the pressure difference between the vessel and the lung tissue (normally negative) becomes positive, that is, it increases in the vessel. And water (or rather liquid, since salts are dissolved in it, etc.) begins to sweat into the lungs, into the alveoli, and accumulates in the lower sections. Hence wheezing, shortness of breath, etc.
The same can happen with some inflammatory reactions.
But to pump it out of the lungs like that, I haven’t heard of that. Either they pump it out from drowned people, or if there is stagnation, they treat the cause of the stagnation, and it goes away on its own.
There may have been hydrothorax - fluid leaking from the vessels into the pleural cavity. Then yes - they make a puncture (puncture) and pump it out.
How to find out:
1 - percussion. Dullness of sound in the lower lungs
2 - auscultation. Wheezing is heard. You can hear them even without a phonendoscope.
3 - X-ray.
1 - percussion - a short percussion sound over a cavity with water. Will be shortened. The Damoiseau line is revealed.
2 - little can be understood by auscultation. Breath sounds may be absent.
3 - X-ray - we see a darkening. - example of a photo.
But first, the reason for its occurrence. Otherwise, the treatment may not be correct.

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]
for inflammatory processes and lung diseases

Answer from ? [guru]
Yes, this is for illness. and pumping out this moisture is done with the largest syringe, the body and lungs are pierced from the back, etc. When there is water in the lungs, it is difficult to breathe, a feeling of choking.

Answer from Yoy)[guru]
I know that only when a person drowns, he cannot breathe and water enters his lungs! So ask your mom!

Answer from Zulechka Hissing[expert]
Most often it is pneumonia. The first thing you need to do is take an x-ray

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How can water get into the lungs?

I have a plane on Saturday, I’m flying for the first time. Anyone who has flown, how did it feel, and is it possible to take things, liquids (alcohol, juices) into the cabin with you?
Anyone can feel a sense of uncertainty when taking their first airplane flight - civil aviation

Pulmonary edema is a condition caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Water in the lungs interferes with normal respiratory function, causing the blood to receive too little oxygen and no longer be able to release enough carbon dioxide into the air. Since the accumulation of fluid in the main respiratory organ can lead to fatal outcome, then when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

What is fluid in the lungs

Fluid accumulation in the lungs develops when the pressure inside the blood vessels (hydrostatic) increases or the back pressure (oncotic) holding blood within the vessels decreases. In this case, the liquid can freely leave the vessels. Gradually, the accumulated water in the lungs begins to interfere with gas exchange between the blood and the respiratory air.

As it progresses, fluid moves into the alveoli (alveolar pulmonary edema) and the lungs absorb significantly less air than necessary. Shortness of breath initially occurs during physical activity (shortness of breath on exertion), and then at rest.

The disease can be acute, that is, with a sudden deterioration in breathing, or have chronic form. In chronic illness, breathing problems occur gradually and worsen over time.

Symptoms of water in the lungs

The main symptom of water in the lungs is shortness of breath, that is, difficulty breathing, which is manifested by a subjective feeling of “air hunger” and an increase in the frequency of respiratory actions (tachypnea, accelerated breathing).

When acute edema lungs, breathing worsens when lying down and may be accompanied by symptoms such as;

  • sighs or hisses;
  • anxiety;
  • increased sweating;
  • cough (sometimes with blood);
  • pallor;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • chest pain.

Chronic edema is characterized by difficulty breathing with any physical effort:

  • dyspnea;
  • waking up at night from shortness of breath;
  • decreased appetite;
  • edema lower limbs(swollen legs and ankles);
  • constant fatigue.

Shortness of breath can vary in intensity, from mild to respiratory failure. It directly depends on the severity of the disease that caused the formation of water in the lungs. The progressive accumulation of fluid at the bronchial and alveolar levels causes the appearance of pathological respiratory sounds, which are clearly audible during auscultation of the chest.


The accumulation of water in the lungs has various causes and consequences. Depending on which cause causes pulmonary edema, there may be different signs of the disease. However, there are several common ones, regardless of the cause of the disease.

  • Shortness of breath on exertion.
  • Difficulty breathing that occurs when performing even light physical work and forces you to stop to catch your breath.
  • Orthopnea: difficulty breathing that occurs when lying down.
  • Night cough that is relieved by sitting or using multiple pillows during the night.
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: acute and severe episodes of shortness of breath or cough that occur at night or upon waking. While orthopnea can be relieved by sitting on the edge of the bed with the legs hanging (a position that reduces venous return to the heart and relieves fluid overload to which the pulmonary circulation is exposed), paroxysmal dyspnea does not improve even after assuming this position.
  • Cheyne-Stokes breathing (periodic or cyclic breathing). It is caused by increased sensitivity of the nerve centers that regulate breathing to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood (PCO 2). It is characterized by phases of apnea alternating with hyperventilation.
  • Discharge of sputum mixed with blood due to rupture of the bronchial veins.
  • Excessive sweating: Caused by increased adrenergic tone.

Also a sign of water in the lungs is a bluish color of the skin and mucous membranes, which occurs due to a decrease in oxygen saturation of hemoglobin.


Fluid accumulation in the lungs can be due to various reasons, but is mainly caused by heart problems. Water in the lungs in heart failure can cause cardiogenic or non-cardiogenic edema.

Any condition that leads to changes in the structure or function of the left ventricle of the heart can cause the development of cardiogenic pulmonary edema. The main causes of cardiogenic edema are:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • ischemia and myocardial infarction;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart valve disorders;
  • congenital or acquired myocardiopathy;
  • changes in heart rhythm (arrhythmia).

These causes of water in the lungs are more common in older people.

In noncardiogenic edema, the increase in fluid occurs due to damage to the surface of the pulmonary capillary with subsequent leakage of proteins, water, and other molecules into the tissues.

The most common causes of non-cardiogenic edema can be divided into three categories:

  • Direct lung injury from aspiration, inhalation of toxic gases, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism and subsequent reperfusion after chest trauma.
  • Indirect damage: due to general inflammation the whole body and the presence of substances that enter the lungs through the blood circulation and damage the capillaries (sepsis, pancreatitis, not chest injury, opiate overdose, changes in alveolar capillary membrane permeability-ARDS, shock).
  • Acute changes in pulmonary vascular pressure: changes in the nerve centers responsible for regulating blood pressure (neurogenic pulmonary edema) or high-altitude pulmonary edema.


When diagnosing Special attention is given to the patient's medical history, analysis of concomitant diseases, assessment of symptoms and signs that can be seen during medical examination. The type of laboratory tests is prescribed in accordance with clinical characteristics specific case. To make a correct diagnosis, the following are usually prescribed:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • chest x-ray;
  • echocardiography.

If it is necessary to evaluate the pressure in the left ventricle, then cardiac catheterization is performed. If you suspect ischemic disease hearts do coronary angiography. To confirm the suspicion of pulmonary embolism, a computed tomography scan is prescribed.


The choice of treatment depends on the specific pathology that caused the swelling. When water accumulates in the lungs, threatening the patient's life, a number of general measures are taken to support blood circulation, gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics. They include:

  • ventilation and oxygenation support;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • positive pressure ventilation using a face mask, nasal mask, or endotracheal intubation;
  • reducing the amount of extravascular fluid by administering diuretics.

ACE inhibitor drugs are indicated for patients with hypertension and reduce arterial and venous pressure. Depending on the pathology, other therapeutic agents or different categories of drugs may be used.

If fluid accumulates in the lungs, this always indicates the presence of some disease. This phenomenon can be observed in the following cases:

It is very dangerous. Most tumors in the lung area are malignant. Therefore, they should be removed as quickly as possible.

  • Tuberculosis. In this case, purulent sputum, particles of blood and lung tissue accumulate in the lungs due to the onset of organ decomposition.
  • Injuries in the chest area. They lead to various ruptures, which entails the accumulation of exudate. The fluid forms gradually, the patient also notes severe pain in the area of ​​injury. The area where the impact occurred may turn blue.
  • Diseases internal organs, leading to an inflammatory process in the pleura. This often occurs with cirrhosis of the liver.

Pathology may appear after heart surgery. The organ begins to work with some malfunctions, so blood may return to the lungs. This is a fairly common occurrence and occurs approximately 1-2 weeks after surgery, so doctors prepare the patient for possible complications in advance.

Water in the lungs can also come from outside. For example, if a person choked. Some of the fluid may remain in the respiratory tract, and then it will enter the main respiratory organ.

Each of the above pathologies is dangerous in its own way. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance that recovery will occur quickly without causing serious complications.

Fluid accumulation in old people

Fluid may accumulate in the lungs of older people due to long-term use. acetylsalicylic acid. Old people drink it to relieve pain.

In addition, water in the lungs in the elderly may occur due to their sedentary lifestyle. This leads to impaired pulmonary circulation and stagnation occurs. Therefore, to prevent such phenomena, older people need to move more.

Main manifestations

When there is fluid in the lungs, a person suffers from a variety of symptoms. Their severity depends on the amount of accumulated exudate. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious complications.

Diagnostic tests

The diagnosis is made only after a series of diagnostic procedures. These include:

  • Examination of the patient and listening to his lungs. The doctor must ask the patient what exactly is bothering him in order to have at least the slightest idea about the pathology.
  • X-ray or fluorography. This is the most informative method diagnostics The changes are clearly visible on the x-ray. The affected area is darkened.
  • Blood tests to determine whether a person has a cold or whether the immune system is functioning normally.

Sometimes required differential diagnosis, if the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, additional diagnostic procedures may be performed.

How to treat

The causes and treatment of fluid in the lungs are interrelated. The doctor can prescribe therapy only after naming the disease that provoked the unpleasant symptoms. In almost 100% of cases, hospitalization of the patient is required.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Taking medications only works if a little fluid has accumulated. The following medications can be used to eliminate the disease:

Is it treated at home? Self-medication for any disease accompanied by fluid accumulation can be very dangerous to health. A person may choke.

If taking medications does not produce any results, the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. In this case, it may be necessary to pump out the accumulated fluid.

How fluid is pumped out of the lungs

If fluid has accumulated in the pleural cavity, it must be pumped out. U healthy person it is also present, but its amount does not exceed 2 ml. If more than 10 ml of liquid has accumulated, it must be removed. After pumping, the patient’s breathing should normalize and the suffocation will go away.

Usually they resort to pumping out liquids that are non-infectious in nature. It is called a transudate. If the pathology is associated with inflammatory process, you need to cure it first. If any liquid remains after this, it will need to be removed.

The patient does not require special preparation before the procedure. The process is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • The patient should sit down, bend forward, and place his hands on a special table.
  • Local anesthesia is administered. An injection of novocaine is also given to avoid pain. The puncture site is determined in advance based on data obtained during an ultrasound or x-ray.
  • The skin is wiped with alcohol. Then the doctor begins to make a puncture. He must act very carefully so as not to touch nerve endings and vessels. The depth must also be correct. If the needle is inserted too deeply, it can damage the lung.

The doctor should insert the needle until there is a feeling of failure. The upper lining of the lung is denser than its contents.

  • After this, the doctor pumps out the accumulated fluid.
  • At the end, the puncture site is treated antiseptic solution, and a sterile bandage is applied in its place.

In one procedure, no more than a liter of transudate can be removed from the lungs. If you exceed this limit, serious complications may occur, including death.

Pumping out liquid should be carried out by an experienced specialist. This procedure should not be trusted to an ambulance worker or a person without training. It must be performed under sterile conditions.

How many times can fluid be pumped out of the lungs?

The number of repetitions of the procedure is determined by the attending physician. It is important to eliminate the reason why the fluid is collecting. After this, it will accumulate less, so it will need to be pumped out less often until the need for this completely disappears.

Folk remedies for fluid stagnation

Treatment folk remedies possible only if there is an accumulation of a small amount of fluid. In very advanced cases, such therapy is very dangerous. The following remedies are effective for removing stagnant mucus:

It is impossible to completely remove the liquid at home. Requires the use of special tools. In addition, you cannot make the correct diagnosis yourself. And taking the wrong medications may not give any results.

Recovery forecasts

If therapy is started on time, the prognosis is favorable. The disease can be cured without complications for the body. After this, people live full lives.

But if you hesitate and do not see a doctor on time, the consequences can be disastrous. The swelling will increase, compressing the airways. A person may die due to respiratory failure.

Fluid in the lungs is always very dangerous. If the patient suspects that he has this pathology, he should immediately go to the hospital. It can also take time to get a diagnosis. And in some cases, even watches are important to save a person’s life.


First aid for water entering the respiratory tract

The sequence of actions to assist the victim depends on how much water has entered his body through the respiratory tract. Some conclusions can be drawn from appearance person. If the victim chokes on a small amount of water, he will cough, hold his throat, and his face may become red. If the skin is pale, it means the water has not reached the lungs.

A bluish color indicates that water has entered the lungs. skin. The person turns blue and loses consciousness. Foamy liquid in such cases may pour out of the mouth and nose. Then you should immediately call an ambulance and immediately begin artificial respiration. If a person chokes on a sip of liquid while drinking, they tilt his head and tap him on the back between the shoulder blades.

If such measures do not bring results, but the victim is conscious, then you can try the Heimlich method. The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. You should stand behind the patient.
  2. The hand clenches into a fist.
  3. The thumb should be placed on the upper abdomen under the rib, above the navel (epigastric region).
  4. The other hand clasps the fist and pushes upward, while the stomach is pressed.

Such movements are performed several times until the person’s breathing returns to normal.

If a person has swallowed a lot of water, then the following manipulations are performed:

  1. The victim's chest is placed on his knee, his face turned down.
  2. You need to press your finger on the root of your tongue to trigger the gag reflex.
  3. You just need to clap on the back, tap gently between the shoulder blades.

If this does not help, artificial respiration is performed, alternating it with indirect cardiac massage. 30 presses are made on the heart, then 2 breaths, and the cycle repeats again.

Such actions are taken before the ambulance arrives. If necessary, the doctor can refer the patient to the hospital. An x-ray may need to be taken to make sure there is no water in the lungs or trachea. The doctor will prescribe necessary treatment, will select antibiotics and medications.

If water gets into your child's lungs

If the child is small, then he should always be supervised. After all, a baby can choke even in a shallow pond or at home while swimming in the bathtub. A child, once under water, often gets scared and continues to breathe. And then the airways fill with fluid, which can enter the lungs. A spasm occurs vocal cords. It becomes impossible for him to breathe.

If water gets into a child’s lungs, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Wrap your finger in a bandage, gauze or other clean cloth that is at hand. Then use your finger to try to clear the victim’s mouth of foam, mucus, possibly dirt and sand.

  2. If someone is nearby, let them call an ambulance. After all, the rescuer needs to act at this time.
  3. You should bend your leg and place the child on your knee so that his head hangs down. Next, forcefully but carefully press on the back in the lung area several times (or pat on the back). This will help empty your lungs of water.
  4. If a very small child has swallowed water in the pool or bathtub, then you need to grab him by the legs and lift him so that his head is down. In this case, with the other hand, the child’s lower jaw should be pressed against the upper jaw so that the tongue does not interfere with the exit of water from the larynx.
  5. When the water leaves the lungs, artificial respiration is performed. If the heart does not beat, you should immediately switch to chest compressions.

Everything must be done quickly, without waiting for the help of doctors, because every minute counts.

You should not rush to take the victim to the hospital; time may be lost. If the child himself cannot breathe, artificial ventilation is performed.

When the child comes to his senses, he needs to be dried, allowed to warm up, and given hot tea. And then take him to the hospital, where he will be examined and the necessary measures will be taken to prevent complications. It should be taken into account that the child’s heart may be unstable for some time.

Every person must learn to provide first first aid in case someone gets water into their lungs. It is important to be able to behave correctly in other emergency situations in order to save the life of a child or adult if necessary.


Fluid in the lungs appears due to permeation of the walls of the lung tissue due to a violation of their integrity. In this case, swelling of the lung tissue and the formation of exudate are observed. The turbid content seeps into the alveoli. This condition can be caused by:

  • inflammatory processes of lung tissue during pleurisy, tuberculosis intoxication and pneumonia;
  • with a weak heartbeat;
  • in heart failure, when the presence of fluid affects the increase in blood pressure;
  • congenital and hereditary heart diseases (defects);
  • injury to the chest and lungs;
  • for brain injuries;
  • during brain surgery;
  • with pneumothorax;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • in severe cases of liver cirrhosis.

Among other reasons, doctors name bacterial and viral etiologies. It is possible that swelling and the appearance of fluid in the lung tissue are the result of systemic disorders of the body due to diseases: lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries, aneurysms and hemodialysis.

The physiological state during illness is related to how much fluid has accumulated in the walls of the lungs. Symptoms of fluid presence:

  1. The appearance of shortness of breath. Doctors consider this phenomenon to be the most important symptom. If the disease increases gradually, shortness of breath may border on fatigue and vice versa. These signs appear in a fairly calm state and can occur without any reason. In acute cases of the disease, the patient may suffocate.
  2. As the disease worsens, a cough appears and mucus may be released. Against the background of these processes, dizziness, tachycardia, nervous breakdown and feeling of hunger.
  3. Some patients feel pain in the lower part of the chest, which intensifies with severe coughing attacks.
  4. The symptom of oxygen starvation provokes a bluish tint of the skin.
  5. In some cases, patients become restless and experience nervous disorders.

Attacks of coughing and shortness of breath most often appear in the early morning. At other times of the day, coughing is provoked by stressful conditions, physical exercise or chills due to hypothermia. In the setting of heart failure, a cough can cause restless sleep.

Pulmonary formation of swelling and fluid is a rather life-threatening disease. Blood vessels do not transport oxygen in the required volume, and the nutrition of the lungs is insufficient. Lung hypoxia intensifies with an increase in accumulated fluid and swelling of the lung tissue. The consequence of this phenomenon may be weakened or rapid breathing. An intermittent cough aggravates swelling of the lungs. During such symptomatic attacks, the secretion of mucus increases, and the patient feels fear of death, showing external anxiety. By external signs symptoms can be observed: pallor and chills of the body. At the same time, the body temperature decreases. The symptom of pulmonary edema can be observed in the elderly.

If the first symptoms of swelling of the lung tissues are detected, you must immediately take preventive measures and send the patient to medical institution. If this is not done, then in most cases the presence of such symptoms leads to death.

When the first symptoms appear, the patient is referred to diagnostic test. This can be done quickly and results can be obtained within a short period of time.

To determine an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will need to collect a history of symptoms, give the patient an X-ray examination of the chest and ultrasonography lungs. In the latter case, the presence and amount of liquid exudate in the lung tissues is determined. To more accurately determine the diagnosis, additional biochemical tests of blood, urine and pulmonary exudate may be required. Medical protocols define the following list of doctor actions in the presence of the above-described symptoms in a patient:

  • classification of patient complaints;
  • examination and determination of general condition (measurement of body temperature, determination of skin color);
  • conclusion of a fluoroscopic examination;
  • ultrasound data;
  • analysis of blood, urine and exudate.

For additional diagnostics They use anamnesis to study pressure in the pulmonary tissues, study blood clotting tests, rule out or, conversely, diagnose a symptom of heart muscle infarction. The patient's medical history is carefully checked by biochemical tests and the presence of concomitant diseases - kidneys, liver and brain.

In case of accompanying symptoms, complex treatment is prescribed.

A set of therapeutic measures is applied depending on the history of the disease and the severity of the patient. In the treatment of swelling of the lung tissue, the following methods are used:

  1. For heart failure, treatment is based on the use of diuretics. Diuretics promote excretion excess liquid from the body, thereby reducing the load on the lung tissue.
  2. If the cause of the disease is an infectious environment, then complex treatment antiseptic and antibiotic drugs are used.
  3. The cause of pulmonary exudate can be explained renal failure during hemodialysis. In this case, a method is used to artificially remove excess fluid from the patient’s body. A catheter is used for these purposes.
  4. In severe cases, a ventilator is used. This supports general state sick. Oxygen inhalations are also possible.

Symptoms of severe shortness of breath will require fluid pumping. To do this, a catheter is inserted into the lung cavity.


The accumulation of fluid in the lungs is dangerous phenomenon requiring hospitalization of the patient. However, if the condition improves, you can fight this problem with folk remedies.

A decoction of anise seeds will help. Boil anise seeds in an amount of 3 tsp in a glass of honey for 15 minutes. Then add ½ teaspoon of soda there and you can take it orally.

Flaxseed decoction: Boil 4 tablespoons of flaxseeds in a liter of water, then let it brew. Strain and take 100-150 ml orally every 2.5 hours.

You can thoroughly chop the cyanosis root - 1 tbsp. l. fill with water - 0.5 l. and place in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then all this must be filtered and taken 50 ml during the day. Can be taken up to 4 times a day.

Treatment of pulmonary edema and removal of accumulated fluid is a very complex process and requires patience and endurance of the patient. At the slightest suspicion of pulmonary edema, you should not neglect treatment and take your health lightly. Moreover, prescribe yourself treatment in the form of antibiotics or antiviral drugs. This is not a case of “I’ll just lie down and everything will pass”; it is necessary to treat. Delay in medical care can cost the patient's life.

Possible consequences

With minor symptoms and the presence of fluid in the lungs, there is a positive trend in the treatment of such a disease. If all precautions and doctor’s recommendations are followed, then a favorable treatment outcome is inevitable. This mainly occurs with pleurisy or pneumonia, unless there are complications of another etiology. Severe forms diseases and consequences can complicate further rehabilitation and recovery.

The consequences of severe edema may be deterioration in lung function, chronic conditions hypoxia. A serious consequence of such a disruption in the functioning of the pulmonary system can be an imbalance nervous system and brain function. The consequences of the disease can provoke chronic diseases liver and kidneys. And disturbances in the functioning of the brain can cause vegetative-vascular disorders, strokes and lead to death. As a result, prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system is important.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to eliminate the risk of disease. Especially if the cause of this may be factors in a bacterially infected environment. It is impossible to protect yourself from infectious pleurisy or pneumonia. But it is important to know the precautions during seasonal periods.

Patients with chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system must undergo examination at least 2 times a year.

Swelling of the lungs can be caused by allergic reactions. Therefore, people prone to allergies should constantly use antihistamines or avoid provoking allergens as much as possible.

When coming into contact with harmful substances (chemical production, accidents at chemical plants), one should not forget about protective measures - a respirator and a protective suit. For such people, regular preventive examinations are provided.

Plays an important role in the prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system healthy image life, smoking cessation. We are talking not only about swelling, but also about other lung diseases that this harmful addiction can provoke.

Recent research by scientists has identified another reason for the appearance of fluid in the lungs - ingestion toxic substances and carcinogens that tobacco smoke contains. Nicotine substances that enter the lungs are transported through vessels to other organs and systems and provoke chronic diseases. At the slightest opportunity, you should independently refuse this bad habit or seek help from a psychotherapist.

Mostly water in the lungs proper treatment may have a favorable outcome.

Even after recovery, you should constantly monitor your well-being and respiratory system and constantly consult at the clinic.

Especially during seasonal temperature changes.