How to distinguish natural milk from reconstituted milk. How to distinguish real milk from fake? Detection of water in milk

Are we always confident in the quality of the products we buy? In particular, when it comes to a drink such as milk. Currently, the opinion about the benefits of milk for the human body is no longer so clear, because the purchased version may contain a huge amount of harmful impurities and additives for the body, which simply neutralize all those valuable qualities of the natural product for which we love it so much. But there are several proven ways to determine the freshness and quality of a dairy product that are available to us at home.

How to check the freshness of milk at home

Milk is a unique product in its composition that is beneficial for people at any age.

The freshness of cow's and goat's milk is checked in the same way, despite the fact that the composition of these products is slightly different. Goat milk, unlike cow milk, does not contain caseins, which cause allergic reactions. However, for testing purposes, it is important that both of these species contain proteins.

The exact quantitative composition of proteins in milk can only be determined in laboratory conditions.

Soda method

  1. Pour half a glass of milk.
  2. Add ½ tsp. soda
  3. Let's look at the reaction. If foam appears, the milk is not fresh.

Boiling method

  1. Pour some milk into the pan.
  2. Place on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  3. If the liquid has curdled, the milk is spoiled.

Determining freshness drop by drop

Homemade milk is different high percentage fat content and thanks to this you can check its freshness in the following way:

  1. Place a toothpick into the container with milk.
  2. We drip the liquid onto the nail.
  3. If the drop has not spread, the product is fresh. And if it spreads, then there is water in such milk, and it is not fresh.

The surest tool for determining that milk has gone sour is the nose. A sharp sour smell is a clear sign of a stale product. You also need to look at the consistency and uniformity of the liquid. Uneven thickening or the appearance of white specks that look like flakes indicates that the milk has gone bad.

Effective ways to check naturalness and quality

To determine the quality and naturalness of milk, you only need one glass of drink

This is interesting. A very unreliable but fun way to test the naturalness of milk is to give it to a cat. The animal will turn away from a drink with additives. True, there is a high chance of error: firstly, a cat can be unpretentious, and secondly, manufacturers can be very creative in additives.

Antagonists of store-bought dairy products unanimously shout that all kefirs, curds and, of course, milk on the shelves are made from powder, that is, from powdered milk. Perhaps the situation is not so clear-cut, but if you decide to buy products in a supermarket or are just choosing a supplier of fresh milk, it would be useful to know about some ways to check the quality of a natural product . The very first way to determine the naturalness of milk is to evaluate its color. If the product has a yellowish tint, then this is the result of the mammary glands of a cow or goat. But white or white with blue color indicates the presence of impurities. Inventive manufacturers add lime, chalk, flour, and starch to milk to improve the external properties of the product.

Detecting the presence of starch

The surest way to determine whether milk contains starch is to drop iodine into the healthy product.

When making products, starch is often added to skim milk to add thickness. To determine this additive in the drink you will need iodine.


  1. Pour some milk into a glass.
  2. We drip iodine.
  3. Let's look at the reaction. If the liquid has acquired a bluish tint, it means there is starch in the milk. If yellowish circles appear, then you are lucky - there are no additives in this milk.

Determining whether there is water in milk

In addition to the method described above for determining the freshness and presence of water in a natural drink, there is another proven option - using alcohol. But this method is only suitable for cow's milk, since the reaction requires the casein it contains.


You can also check whether there is foreign liquid in the milk using warm water. This technique can be used for both cow's and goat's milk.


  1. Pour warm water into a glass.
  2. We begin to slowly pour in the milk.
  3. If the stream immediately mixes with water, then the product is diluted, and if it collects in a clump at the top of the glass, then it is natural.

Antibiotics and other impurities

To make milk last longer, antibiotics are added to it. You can check their presence in the purchased product very simply.


  1. Leave the drink in a container with a loosely closed lid for a day in a warm place.
  2. High-quality milk will begin to ferment and begin to resemble jelly. But the drink with additives will remain unchanged. This is because antibiotics slow down the growth of lactic acid bacteria contained in the natural product.

Dairy product manufacturers are trying in every way to extend the shelf life of goat and cow milk. To do this, soda or salicylic acid is most often added to it. The presence of these impurities can be determined using litmus paper:

In principle, the presence of any impurities can be detected using acetic acid:

Unscrupulous milk suppliers sometimes hide from consumers the fact that it is made from low-fat milk powder. In this case, you can test the drink for naturalness nitric acid(it is sold in specialized chemical stores).


  1. Pour milk into a glass.
  2. Add acid drop by drop from the test tube.
  3. If the product starts to turn yellow and then turns orange, then it is not natural.

But sometimes there is no need to purchase a reagent; you can determine the fact of milk recovery from powder by eye. When shaken in a glass container, opaque particles remain on the walls.

How to check the fat content of a product

To check fat content, any of the water tests is suitable. After all, if the product is diluted, then its fat content is significantly reduced. But there is one more test:

  1. Take two glasses and pour milk into one.
  2. Pour liquid from one to another.
  3. Let's evaluate the result - full-fat milk will not leave streaks or marks on the walls of the dishes, but diluted milk will smear across the glass. The same reaction will occur with milk to which palm oil has been added.

Excessive consumption of palm oil can cause vascular problems. It is difficult to excrete by the body and contains almost no linoleic acid, which is valued in other oils.

Three criteria for assessing the quality of milk powder

We all know that milk can be natural and reconstituted, that is, obtained by diluting dry milk in water. We’ve figured out how to determine the quality of the first type, now it’s time to talk about ways to assess the condition of dry goods. To do this, you need to evaluate the powder according to 3 criteria.

Video: how to determine the naturalness of milk - “Home Laboratory”

The emergence of more and more new ways to make milk look like a natural product leads to the fact that consumers have to try different testing techniques healthy drink. So, if you managed to find a supplier whose products passed all the tests with honor, then you are very lucky. Be careful and healthy!

How to check the quality of milk

Photo by Shutterstock

Entrepreneurial and not very decent traders often take advantage of the gullibility and inexperience of city residents by selling low-grade dairy products under the guise of proven and benign products. Often, stories about the milk yield of cows from their farmstead turn out to be fiction, and the liquid in various containers, called milk, has nothing in common with this product, except for color.

It would seem that the easiest thing is not to buy what is offered outside the store, whose shelves are lined with proven products. But sometimes you want to try real, undiluted, live and perfumed milk so much that all reasonable arguments are brushed aside, the money is given to the seller, and a container with something white inside passes into your hands. Is it true, Lately and news about the quality of store products instills more and more uncertainty in the souls of customers.

Organoleptic testing - taste, smell and color

Once and for all, you should remember that you can only try unboiled milk from a cow that has been vaccinated in a timely manner, is not treated with antibiotics for any disease, is kept in normal conditions and is grazed far from the sides of highways. In addition, the cleanliness of surfaces that come into contact with milk - the udder, the milkmaid's hands, the milk pan, shipping containers and many others - must be impeccable. If you do not know under what conditions the milk was obtained, you should only drink it boiled.

The taste of milk that has begun to sour can be muted by adding sugar, but it will curdle when heated. Milk reconstituted from powder will be deprived of many useful properties, characteristic of a fresh product. The fat content of milk can be easily determined by pouring it from glass to glass: skim milk leaves virtually no marks on the glass walls.

The gastrointestinal tract often reacts with dyspeptic symptoms to homemade milk. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with drinking skim milk, that is, less fatty milk, you just need to be warned about it

You can identify a counterfeit visually. A snow-white tint should alert you, since the naturalness of milk is determined by its yellowish tint. The most popular bleaching additives are starch, chalk and flour. If the white one has a blue tint, you have milk in front of you, best case scenario removed or passed through a separator, alternatively diluted with water.

Chemical experiments with milk in the kitchen

Pour a small part of the purchased liquid into a separate cup and remember your school chemistry course. Additives that increase the shelf life of milk are baking soda and salicylic acid. Litmus paper will help determine their presence: soda gives an alkaline reaction, acid - acidic, coloring the indicator blue and red, respectively. The presence of starch is checked with a drop of iodine. Good milk will be colored yellow, starch will give a dirty blue-gray color.

Chalk and soda will make themselves felt by foaming when vinegar is added to milk. They can check the fat content of milk ethanol or vodka. By adding one part milk to two parts vodka (alcohol), after 5-7 seconds you will observe the formation of flakes. This is what coagulated milk protein, casein, looks like. The fewer flakes, the longer they appear, the greater the likelihood of milk being diluted with water.

If the milk passed all the tests and turned sour on time (a little more than a day at room temperature) and you and everyone at home just liked it, it makes sense to think about establishing contacts with the seller of such a high-quality product. Cooperation is beneficial to both parties: there are regular customers - there is minimal hassle with sales.

When purchasing milk at the market or in a store, we want to receive a healthy, high-quality product. But not always milk quality can be determined by taste, smell or color. When processing milk, unscrupulous producers add soda, starch, chalk, acetylsalicylic acid, vegetable oils and other substances that increase the shelf life of milk, improve its taste and appearance. As a result, we get more harm from such milk than good.

Ways to check milk quality at home

How to tell if milk is diluted with water

Method 1 .

Take a glass of water, drop milk into the water and observe the drop. If the milk is diluted, a drop of milk will dissolve in the water before reaching the bottom of the glass.


A drop of whole undiluted milk will fall to the bottom of the glass and only then dissolve.

Method 2 .

Take 1 part milk and 2 parts vodka or alcohol, mix in a small jar or test tube, and shake for 30 seconds. Pour the mixture into a saucer.


Undiluted milk will turn into flakes almost immediately (5-6 seconds), since the milk protein casein coagulates under the influence of alcohol.

The more the milk is diluted, the longer the process of flake formation. If milk is diluted with water by 20%, the formation of flakes will occur in 30 seconds, by 40% - the time will increase to half an hour, if the milk is half diluted with water (by 50%) - flakes will form in 40 minutes.

Method 3 .

Mix milk with alabaster into a dough-like mass. Monitor how long it takes for this mass to harden.


If after 10 hours it means milk is not diluted with water. If milk contains 25% water, then the alabaster mass will harden in a couple of hours, 50% in an hour.

How to determine the presence of starch in milk

This can be easily done using an alcohol tincture of iodine, which should be. Using a pipette, drop a couple of drops of iodine into the milk.


If starch is added to the milk, it will turn blue; if not, the milk will turn yellow.

How to determine that soda and other chemical impurities have been added to milk

This can be done using red and blue litmus papers.


Whole milk, not skimmed, will give a double reaction: the red litmus paper will turn slightly blue, and the blue litmus paper will turn slightly red.

If red litmus paper turns blue and blue color did not change, then there is an excess of alkali in the milk, for example, soda.

If the blue litmus paper turns red, but the red one does not change color, then boric or salicylic acid was mixed into the milk.

How to tell if chalk has been added to milk

The presence of chalk in milk can be checked using ordinary table vinegar. Add vinegar to milk.


As a result of the interaction of vinegar and chalk, foam is formed.

How to determine the presence of additives in milk

The presence of additives in milk can also be determined using vinegar or citric acid. Soak a strip of paper in milk and drop vinegar or citric acid on it.

Milk is made from powder, palm fat is added to it, and sold along with antibiotics used to treat cows... What horrors can you hear about milk! In fact, it’s not all that scary, and you can find tasty, natural and healthy milk in stores. The main thing is to know the rules for choosing this valuable product.

Just one glass of natural cow's milk provides a person with 13% of the daily requirement of protein, 21% of vitamin D, 25% of calcium, 10% of potassium, 18% of phosphorus, 11% of selenium and 22% of vitamin B2. And that's not all - along with the snow-white drink, our body receives 35 mg of beneficial fatty acids with anti-cancer effects, a set of 10 essential amino acids, magnesium and zinc. All this means that if you do not have lactose intolerance (people who cannot tolerate milk sugar, lactose, suffer from it), drink milk regularly, cook cereals and soups with it, make delicious cocktails and desserts. It is best to use natural fresh milk from a personal cow, but, alas, city residents cannot afford such luxury. Therefore, they have two ways out of the situation: find a proven thrush at the nearest market and buy fresh milk only from her (the main thing is not to forget to boil it) or purchase dairy products in the store.

No more powdered milk?!

Four years ago there was a big fuss about milk - information was revealed that most of the product on our shelves was made from milk powder. The result of inspections and proceedings was a new law - technical regulations on milk and dairy products. He obliged producers to call “milk” only those products made from raw cow’s milk. If dry powder is used for production, such a delicacy should be called nothing more than a “milk drink.” Manufacturers began to strictly follow the letter of the law and in 1999, after the introduction of regulations, they produced more than 80 thousand tons of “milk drink”. However, consumers ignored it, and 70% of the powder product had to be disposed of. Since then, a product with this name is found only in remote regions of the North and Far East, where there is no dairy production, and it is not economically profitable to transport boxes with liquid contents from the European part. Now there is simply no “dairy product” on our shelves, only “milk” is present. Does this mean that all products are made exclusively from natural cow's milk without adding powder? Alas, no one can give you a guarantee, especially in winter, when there is a catastrophic shortage of fresh produce. Therefore, trust your taste and give preference to a manufacturer who has managed to earn your respect.

Antibiotic and palm fat

In addition to the powder component, many buyers are frightened by the presence of vegetable palm fat in milk, as well as antibiotics used to treat sick cows on collective farms. Dairy industry experts reassure and claim: in this case there are more rumors than truth. Palm fat is the scourge of such concentrated fatty products as butter, sour cream, cheese, curd cheese, and curd mass. There is simply no point in adding it to liquid milk. But in order to avoid buying a product with antibiotics, you need to purchase not the products of unknown small dairies, but delicacies from large production facilities, which, in addition to drinking milk, produce a whole line of fermented milk drinks. At such enterprises, raw materials with antibiotics cannot be accepted, since kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese simply cannot be made from it.

Whole is the best!

If you want to drink the most healthy and high-quality milk, buy “selected whole milk”. This is the name of the drink, which is usually made from the best raw materials in terms of microbiological indicators from permanent, inspected farms. Moreover, it is not subjected to separation (division into cream and skim milk) and turns out to have the same fat content as the cows provided it with. In general, milk in cows can be 1.5%, 9%, or even 12%, but on average in the European zone this figure ranges from 2 to 6%. The drink from different cows is homogenized to a homogeneous state (therefore, the whole drink does not form a creamy foam, like the steamed one) and a certain average is obtained. It must be measured and indicated, so look for accurate information about the fat content of selected milk in a bottle or box on the label. Typically it varies from 3.5 to 5.0%.

If a whole product is too fatty for you, you can buy normalized milk - the one on which the fat content percentage is clearly and largely indicated (from 0.5% and above). It is made as follows: the manufacturer first separates (divides) the drink into cream and skim milk, and then mixes them in different proportions and brings them to the required standard, which is why such milk is called normalized.


Dairies use pasteurization, sterilization and ultra-pasteurization. Pasteurization is the rapid processing of milk to +90º C. Some of the beneficial lactic acid microorganisms and harmful bacteria remain after it, so this product should only be stored in the refrigerator (after opening the package it may turn sour). Another thing is sterilized milk. It is absolutely safe, but practically useless, since the vitamins in it are completely destroyed (and it will never make curdled milk). Therefore, if you want to safely drink milk from a bottle and still get benefits from it, choose an ultra-pasteurized product. It was heated to +140º C in just 2-3 seconds, which rid the drink of dangerous microflora and preserved the vitamins in it. This is the most progressive and gentle processing mode, which allows you to store milk at room temperature for up to six months (the same applies to sterilized milk). But this does not mean that once you open the pack, you can use it for weeks. If you open the package, keep it in the refrigerator and drink the contents within 1-2 days. By the way, this applies to any milk.

The box replaced the glass

The most ideal packaging for milk is a glass bottle - it is made of an inert material that does not react with the contents in it. However, glass breaks, is difficult to carry in a bag, and the product in it costs more. Therefore, manufacturers came up with a modern alternative to bottles - multilayer carton boxes with an aluminum foil pouch. This type of packaging is as close as possible to glass packaging in terms of its performance, which is why it is considered the best today. The rest should not be rejected either, but they have their drawbacks. For example, simple cardboard allows a little air to pass through, so quickly spoiled pasteurized milk is usually poured into it. Although plastic bags and PET bottles are considered safe, they still impart a subtle plastic smell to the drink they contain.

Today it is becoming increasingly difficult to find natural food products. Even in ordinary milk, which, it would seem, does not even need to be replaced with anything, you can find skimmed milk powder and palm oil. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, because the taste does not suffer too much. Yes, indeed, but if you look deeper, it turns out that instead of a healthy drink, we get a completely ambiguous product. Today we will try to find ways to identify palm oil in milk, because the consumer must know what is being sold to him.

What is palm oil?

This is a vegetable fat that is obtained from fruits. And the oil that is squeezed out from the seeds of the same palm tree is called palm kernel. It began to be used in Russia only recently, but immediately gained popularity among food manufacturers. But if we consider European countries, then it has been widely used here for many decades, this is due to its cheapness and availability, as well as its resistance to oxidation, due to which the oil itself and products prepared with its addition are stored for a very long time.

Where can you find palm oil today?

Surprisingly, it’s much easier to list products that don’t have it. Below we will talk about how to identify palm oil in milk and other dairy products, but for now let's dwell a little more on which products it is most often found in. This is mainly the food industry. It is used to make waffles and biscuits, cakes and creams; semi-finished products are fried on it, and the famous hamburgers and popcorn are prepared. Palm oil is an essential component of processed cheeses and combined oils. Today it is added to cottage cheese, it replaces milk fat, in general, almost any modern recipe cannot do without palm oil.

Useful properties of this product

If this oil is so widely used all over the world, then perhaps this is due to its high benefits for the body? In fact, palm oil contains a large number of carotenoids, that is, the strongest antioxidants that are very important for our body. However, they mainly affect the skin and hair, which is used with great success among cosmetics manufacturers. This oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which fights aging. Palm oil also contains a lot of unsaturated fats, oleic and linoleic acid. However, does such value of the product justify its presence in almost every food product and how to determine palm oil in milk, cottage cheese and others healthy products, which should be on our table every day?

The harm of palm oil

Surely you have already heard a lot about the fact that products containing transgenic vegetable fats should be excluded from your diet. Scientists are sounding the alarm, proving that palm oil contributes to increased cholesterol levels in the blood, the rapid development of atherosclerosis and causes various metabolic disorders within the body. And it's not even about the oil itself. In fact, it is much closer in its characteristics to animal fat than to vegetable fat. This is a very refractory fat, which may benefit the body, but in minimal quantities. But the fact that today only lazy manufacturers do not add it to their products leads to the fact that we absorb colossal amounts of palm oil, without even knowing it.

That is why today we want to talk about how to identify palm oil in milk and other food products, so that you can know exactly what was on your table. Although often even a thorough home investigation cannot help you, because there are a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers who strive to obtain as much of the final product as possible with minimal investments in the form of quality products and sell it under the brand name of natural.

If we talk about dairy products, then their choice needs to be approached especially carefully, because most often we take them for our children. Study the packaging carefully; in addition to using palm oil, unscrupulous manufacturers also paint milk white. Most often, milk is produced by adding skim powder to water and then adding additional fat. But the mixture turns out gray. Then the additive E-171 comes into play. Just a few drops, and the drink is snow-white again, but in fact you will be drinking paint.

Is it safe to eat palm oil-based products?

In general, this product cannot be called harmful or dangerous; you can just as well add pork fat, butter and other products to the same list. However, no one forces you to eat them if you don’t want to. It is almost impossible to avoid consuming palm oil. Almost all confectionery products, cookies, and candies are pure palm oil. But if you can still give up sweets, then dairy and dairy products- This is what is considered a healthy food and is recommended for daily consumption.

Nutritionists say that this fat is quite dangerous for the body if it enters it in large quantities. Heat melting (39-40 degrees) leads to the fact that it is practically not processed by the body. It becomes a kind of plasticine, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, slagging the body and causing weight gain. Indirectly, this product can cause the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Therefore, you should think about eating only village milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, and also baking tea buns at home.

The benefits of palm oil for producers

Of course, no one would use this product so widely if it were not justified from an economic point of view. In addition to the low price, this product has a number of serious advantages. It significantly increases the shelf life of products, which is extremely beneficial for confectionery manufacturers. And second, palm oil improves the taste of finished products. You develop an addiction to it, which is why it can be so difficult to give up fast food; regular food seems tasteless. Manufacturers take advantage of these properties, and they do not always indicate the exact composition on the packaging. However, there are ways to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home. Let's look at them.

Attention to the label

Sometimes the composition of a product is presented to us in a veiled form; the manufacturer hopes that the person will not closely study the composition. This is what often happens. And since it is quite difficult to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home, the consumer usually relies on the honesty of the manufacturer. However, you need to study the composition. Start with the title. If the packaging says a dairy product, a cocktail product, or similar derivatives, then it is unlikely that you are looking at natural milk. This applies to other products as well. All definitions in the form of “cheese”, “curd”, “condensed milk” indicate that this is a mass consisting of 95% palm oil. Low cost should also raise suspicion. Natural milk from proven brands is usually an order of magnitude more expensive than others. Finally, the expiration date - the higher it is, the more likely it is that you have a product containing palm oil. If the ingredients say “contains vegetable fats,” then that’s it.

Detailed Study

Compared to all other products, palm oil is not so common in milk. We’ll talk later about how to identify a fake, but such production is usually not justified due to technological difficulties. This applies to kefir and fermented baked milk. Where would it be more profitable to set up the production of palm butter, cheese or ice cream, that’s where the benefits will be obvious. However, it is also found in milk, so let's identify the surrogate.

Since it is impossible to determine the presence of palm oil in milk offhand, open the package and pour the contents into a glass. Real milk, even with a low fat content, should not be blue. Leave the glass in the refrigerator for an hour. The appearance of a layer of cream on the surface is the best indicator of a quality product. Now take out the glass and leave it warm. If the next day the milk has not spoiled, or has acquired an unpleasant taste, but has not changed at all in appearance, you have milk with palm oil. We’ll talk a little lower about how to determine its presence in other dairy products; we still have a lot of interesting things ahead.

There is one more point that you need to pay attention to. This is the expiration date indicated on the packaging. Only by this date can we conclude whether there is palm oil in the milk. We will tell you how to determine the expiration date. Natural milk is stored for no more than three days, so if the date shows 10 days or more, it contains vegetable fat.

or spread

Today this is a rather expensive product, and each of us wants to buy high-quality oil that will benefit the body. Speaking about how to identify palm oil milk, we have already mentioned that the cheaper the product, the greater the chance that it contains vegetable fat. This works for oil too. However, you have already brought your purchase home. Cut a piece and heat to 37 degrees (you can just put it on your palm). Natural product will melt completely, and a white film will remain on the surface. But if it contains palm oil, you will have to wait a very long time and there will still be hard pieces left.

Now taste a piece of butter. Real butter melts quickly and has a creamy taste. Palm oil makes your teeth stick; it slowly melts in your mouth, forming a “paraffin” film. If you leave the oil in the room, you will see that it will soon become soft, but the pseudo-product will remain hard. As you can see, identifying palm oil in milk is even more difficult than in its derivatives.

Cheese or cheese product

Probably the first product that led the public to the point that they started feeding us counterfeits. More recently, all retail outlets began to be filled with cheap cheeses, which seemed no different from ordinary ones. If you don't have any packaging left, you'll have to investigate. Cut a piece and put it in the room. If the cheese has thickened and “sweated”, then it is a palm product. Processed cheeses with vegetable additives have a sugary creamy taste, and if left in the room, they quickly dry out and crack. And of course, you can use the same method that we talked about when we told you how to determine palm oil in milk at home. That is, study the packaging: if it contains vegetable fat (especially if it comes first), then it is a cheese product.

Palm ice cream

Previously, delicious sweets were made exclusively from natural milk. Today the situation has changed; a huge amount of ice cream made from milk powder and palm oil has appeared on the market. But this is exactly what children love so much. First of all, when choosing a quality product, pay attention to brands with the GOST symbol. If the ice cream has already been purchased, then take a piece in your hands and rub it between your palms. If there is a feeling of film, it means there are additives in the composition. If time permits, leave the ice cream on the table. Milk product becomes soft, but holds its shape, while its plant counterpart takes a long time to melt and turns into a clear liquid.