How to open a Dog Kennel and make a profitable business out of it? How to open a cat nursery: equipment and necessary documents for starting What is needed for a dog nursery

Animals that get there are sterilized and given the necessary vaccinations. MIR 24 correspondent Anna Parpura told how to make money on dogs.

Elena Vysotskova has been running a dog kennel for over 20 years. Now there are several dozen animals - Australian shepherds, Jack Russell terriers, Pomeranians. Elena says that dogs for her, first of all, are not a business, but a matter of life.

“I was 14 years old when they bought me a poodle. And it kind of sucked me in. I started going to exhibitions and started cutting my hair little by little. When I was able, in 1982, I completed courses for dog handlers and experts. Then, when we could officially create a kennel, we registered it,” said the owner of the kennel, dog handler, RKF expert, veterinarian Vysotskova.

At first glance, it seems that breeding dogs is profitable. After all, one puppy can be sold for 50, or even 100 thousand rubles. However, dog experts say this is not so. Only initially, to open a nursery, you will need at least half a million rubles.

For animals you need to create the necessary conditions– spacious enclosures and paddocks, a quarantine and maternity room, a puppy pen, a veterinary compartment with an isolation ward. To create a kennel, the owner must have at least one dog with an excellent pedigree.

“Those who want to create a nursery now must start with some dogs. Dogs are quite expensive, meaning you shouldn't start with cheap dogs. You need to buy enough dogs right away high level so that there will be a higher population in the future. That is, the nursery could develop and develop successfully,” Vysotskova said.

It is also worth considering monthly expenses - food, training, exhibitions from 20 thousand rubles. Otherwise, the dog will not be listed, and the puppies will not be sold at a high price. At the same time, you need to monitor market trends. After all, the fashion for dogs is changing.

“Now the rarest, but perhaps very rare, are poodles. Nowadays they start less and less. Nowadays they start less and less large breeds, large: wolfhounds, mastiffs. They are only brought into private homes, because it is impossible to keep them in apartments. The most popular breeds this year are the Jack Russell Terrier and the Beagle. This is 100% true, because these dogs are very compact and are constantly chosen due to the fact that they are easy to keep in apartments,” said dog breeder Maria Naydenova.

Such investments will pay off in at least five years. Therefore, many kennel owners simultaneously run other dog-related businesses. For example, they open a hotel for animals and train them. In addition, they provide grooming services - that is, they cut and wash dogs, and take care of their claws.

Fashionable landscape design, a neat lawn near the house or just a cozy home window with pots. What does all this connect? That's right - plants. Today, plant breeding is not only a hobby for housewives, but also a profitable and promising business. In addition, the niche is still free: there are no more than 250 nurseries in all of Russia. You need to have time to take your place in the sun! We will tell you in this article how to open a plant nursery from scratch and not get into trouble.

Where do we start?

When learning a new topic, it is difficult to immediately know where to start. First of all, it is worth studying the question:

  • Conduct regional market analysis.
  • Find sales points.
  • Find reputable suppliers of soil, fertilizers and the plants themselves.
  • Consider the logistics coverage network.

Be prepared for the fact that you will be able to receive your first net profit no earlier than in 1-2 years. This is exactly the kind of business where time works for you. However, it is important to evaluate your financial and information base before starting a business. An entrepreneur who is inexperienced in this area is unlikely to achieve success. This requires some knowledge and patience.

Plant nurseries are divided into the following types depending on direction:

  • Fruit and berry plants.
  • Ornamental plants.

Depending on the type of propagation, plants can be:

  • Vegetative.
  • Seed.
  • Plants with a closed root system.

The flora is also divided depending on life expectancy:

  • 1-3 years.
  • 3-7 years.
  • More than 7 years.

All these factors must be taken into account when selecting and distributing plants in the nursery. Some plants don't get along with each other. In addition, a small plant nursery business requires mandatory certification and licensing procedures. The entrepreneur must also obtain a conclusion that the nursery does not contain quarantine plants.

The next step is to obtain an inter-district (inter-regional or inter-regional) quarantine certificate. Step-by-step instruction upon receipt of a license and certificate is freely available on the Internet. The certificate will give you the right to sell your products outside your own region. Get everything Required documents possible only a couple of months after submitting the relevant application.


So, we have decided on the choice of plants and the direction of the nursery. Next, you need to register your business yourself and obtain an individual tax number. The choice of ownership form depends on the scale and initial investment. At small areas(up to 1 hectare) we recommend registering an individual entrepreneur (the state duty will be 800 rubles). If you immediately aim to cover the entire region, it is better to choose an LLC (the state duty will be 4,000 rubles). The tax authority will immediately ask you to select an OKVED code. The following will suit you best:

  • 01.1 “Growing annual crops.”
  • 01.2 “Growing perennial crops.”
  • 01.30 “Growing seedlings.”

In addition to the correct arrangement of plants, it is required to obtain a quarantine certificate, permission from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and fire services. Only after these procedures can you begin to work.


You can also organize a plant nursery in small areas. To begin with, a plot of 3 acres may even be enough for you. The area in this case is not as important as the quality of the soil. On a small plot with high-quality soil you can get many times more than on a large plot with poor soil. However, your assortment will most likely only be enough for fellow hobbyists. Large networks with such volumes will not work. The optimal scale is 3-5 hectares.

The soil should be loose, with a high humus content. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there is no groundwater in the selected area (the critical minimum is one and a half meters). Also, the site must be protected from strong winds. An artificial fence can be made from utility blocks. The best option– trees along the perimeter of the site. There should be a room on the site for storing equipment, fertilizers and other small household equipment.


In order not to depend on the season, a novice entrepreneur needs to build a greenhouse. Most a budget option- build a handmade greenhouse. However, this requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, many people prefer prefabricated structures. It can be installed in a day. One square meter costs about 2 thousand rubles.

One frame is not enough in winter. It is necessary to think through the heating and land reclamation system in detail. The air temperature should be maintained at 16 °C all year round, and up to 8 °C at night. There are 2 ways to maintain temperature: technically (special equipment) and naturally (greenhouse effect). Depending on the size, a high-quality greenhouse will require from 100 thousand rubles.


The number of personnel directly depends on the area of ​​the site. A small plot of up to 5 hectares can be processed by 2-3 people. In addition, the organization must also involve an agronomist technologist. There is no point in hiring an accountant, since all accounting and reporting can be done independently through online services.

We count profits

The main question in any business is: is it profitable? A business idea provides an opportunity to earn good money. The cost of production consists of the cost of seedlings, costs of heating, land reclamation, fertilizer and wages of workers. On wages About 40-50 thousand rubles will be spent per month along with deductions. For watering and heating you will need from 5 thousand rubles per month. You will have to spend about 10 thousand rubles monthly on fertilizers.

The markup will be about 150%. Thus, an adult two-year-old seedling will cost about 750 rubles. The cost of a three-year-old plant starts from 4.5 thousand rubles. Profitability can reach 50%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Opening a plant nursery has its pros and cons.

  • High profitability and relatively low cost.
  • Opportunity to start a business on your own personal plot.
  • Little competition.
  • You can get your first real money only after 1-2 years of hard work.
  • Quite a long payback period (2-3 years).
  • Big influence external factors(soil, climate, weather conditions).


A business idea for opening a plant nursery is ideal for summer residents and gardeners. Without specific knowledge, it will be difficult to achieve success in this field. Even despite the greenhouse conditions, business has its seasonality. Be prepared to invest throughout the year and receive a profit once per season. But Confucius also said: “Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Cynology and felinology are incredibly fascinating areas. Those who once plunged into this special world will definitely begin to consider it a calling. Moreover, even unfamiliar breeders will become their spiritual family.

The desire to show off their favorite breed to the entire Galaxy and make at least a couple of hundred people happy appears for some almost from childhood, for others - already in adulthood. And almost everyone has thought at least once about how to open a cat or dog nursery.

It’s really not always easy, but those who love their breed with all their hearts and strive to improve it are not afraid of difficulties. Read our article about how to open a nursery (or breeding farm) and turn your cherished dream into reality.

We weigh the decision again

Of course, you have already thought about everything a thousand times. But before you open a cattery (dog nursery), you need to ask a number of important questions not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones. Are you ready for big expenses, not only monetary, but also time?

Can you quit your job to focus only on animals? Do your loved ones agree to help you? If you do not have a veterinary education, will you be able to enlist the help of a knowledgeable veterinarian? Do you understand that a stud farm does not guarantee profit? You need to think about this before opening a cattery (dog nursery). Why? Let's take a closer look.

Firstly, any nursery will require start-up capital amounting to thousands (or even tens of thousands) of conventional units. A good breeding animal costs money, and a lot of it. But you won’t be able to get by with just one purchase. It is also necessary to provide living conditions (enclosures or rooms, sleeping places, decorations, etc.). Add to this the regular costs of quality food, cosmetics, care products, examinations at the clinic, and vaccinations.

Secondly, the owner of the nursery (or breeder) must have truly strong, nerves of steel. Felinology and cynology will not tolerate helplessness. Will you be able to put aside your emotions to separate fighting animals or deliver a baby? Can you calmly react to a torn sofa or chewed wires?

Are you prepared for sleepless nights if your animal suddenly gets sick? Will you be able to feed the babies every couple of hours if for some reason the mother cannot feed them? How do you feel about endless washing and cleaning (and when you have puppies and kittens, this is inevitable)?

Are you ready to care for your offspring for life, if suddenly they don’t buy it? Do you agree to appear annually with your pets at exhibitions? Please note that exhibitions are also paid and, depending on the level, cost from 100 euros and above, and without an expert assessment you do not have the right to breed animals.

Breeding plant or still a nursery?

Alas, thanks to the efforts of amateur clubs, these concepts have practically become equal. However, serious organizations continue to keep a distance between nurseries and breeding plants. This applies to both cynology and felinology. Registration of a cattery requires several breeding animals and the appropriate education to prove that you truly understand issues such as biology and genetics.

You will be asked to provide a diploma from a veterinarian, doctor, dog handler or livestock specialist. If you don’t have any, you will have to take courses and pass exams. Training programs are usually carried out by club leaders.

The status of a nursery can be assigned without the presence of the listed documents, if the operation of the breeding plant (for registration of which just one purebred animal is enough) has been impeccable (successful) for ten years. It must be said that in different countries These rules may vary (or be amended), so please check with your nearest official chapters and clubs for details.

Deciding on the breed

The choice of breed is a personal matter. Here you can focus both on your own preferences and on the popularity of the breed. Although the last factor is constantly changing, and it is quite difficult to predict demand even in the next five years. Today, the most popular cat breeds are Siamese, Scottish Fold, English Shorthair, Russian Blue, Canadian Sphynx, Persian, Abyssinian, Siberian and Kuril Bobtail.

There are also preferences in the field of cynology. The most popular decorative breeds are predominantly small in size and service dogs: Yorkshire Terrier, French and English bulldogs, pug, Siberian husky, German Shepherd, Rottweiler.

Selecting breeding producers

This is the name given to animals that will participate in breeding. It is advisable to purchase them from nurseries that have proven themselves.

When choosing a kitten (puppy), think about the fact that it is the key to your reputation in the future. Be sure to take an interest in the achievements of his parents, littermates, relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers and sisters).

All of them must have the highest possible expert ratings (the same ones that they receive at exhibitions). Titles are, of course, welcome. The more there are and the higher they are, the more expensive the kitten (puppy) will be.

The only document confirming purebredness is a pedigree. It is desirable that it be filled out completely (not only parents, but great-grandparents are indicated. Using the pedigree, it is not difficult to “trace” all ancestors (find out their colors, expert assessments, etc.). This document is issued only in the relevant branches and clubs Remember that there are unofficial organizations that issue so-called “fake” pedigrees.

It is not difficult to check the legality of the club. It is enough to find out which international system it is part of, then enter its name into a search engine and check whether such a club exists in this system. If you are wondering how to successfully open a cattery, try to feel the “fashion trend”. Try to predict which breeds will become the most popular in the coming years.

People have been breeding dogs since ancient times. Purebred, purebred dogs were in good demand among people of noble origin. Kings and dukes sought to emphasize their high position not only with their wealth, expensive things, beautiful castles, but also with the presence of dogs noble blood. And if in those days only a rich person could afford to buy such a dog, today the purchase of a purebred puppy has become accessible to almost any person.

Many people, in addition to purchasing a dog, want the breeder to also provide papers confirming the pedigree and origin of this individual. However, not all breeders can issue such papers, but for specialized nurseries this is quite possible.

Before opening a kennel, you should study in what conditions it is best to keep dogs, how to care for them, what to feed, etc. important questions. In order to get all this information, you need to dig through a large number of literature, attend dog shows, get advice from veterinarians.

It is worth noting right away that this business does not bring instant profit. In addition, at the first stage you will have to spend a significant amount to open big center, where dogs will eat, live, reproduce, and receive the necessary veterinary care. Where they will be regularly fed and cared for. It may seem at first glance that breeders are rich people who make a lot of money selling puppies. This is true, but you just need to take into account that in order to raise a puppy, you first need to create expensive living and nutritional conditions for it.

For example, someone sells one puppy at a price from 500 to 1000 dollars. It's easy to assume that this person makes a lot of money. Let's say one bitch gives birth to 5 puppies a year. Thus, having four producers, you can make a profit of $800 every month. But this is only at first glance.

Let's calculate how much money is needed for the nursery to start functioning:

Premises rental + land plot– from 50,000 rubles per month;
- Utilities – 10,000 rubles per month;
- Purchase of ten dogs – from 200,000 rubles;
- Food and vitamin supplements for dogs – 3,000 rubles per month;
- Registration of a permit and registration of a nursery – 20,000 rubles;
- Purchase necessary equipment– from 150,000 rubles;
- Veterinarian services – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Participation in exhibitions – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Advertising expenses – 7,000 rubles;
- Salary for 4 employees – from 80,000 rubles per month;
- Other expenses – from 10,000 rubles per month.

The total is about half a million rubles, and this is only for the first month at the time the nursery opened.

As you can see, the costs are very significant. In addition, you need to take into account that the Russian market for selling puppies is very saturated and it is not so easy to find buyers. It is worth noting that there is not a single nursery in the world that generates huge profits. All nurseries, as a rule, are financed and maintained by wealthy owners.

Before starting a business, you should check the local laws in your city for permission to open a nursery. It is necessary to visit insurance companies and obtain business insurance. After this, the created kennel is registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) or another similar authority.

For some time now, law enforcement agencies have begun to require that anyone wishing to open their own kennel have a veterinary or zootechnical education in order to bring order to the dog breeding business. According to the requirements of the Federation of Cynologists (RKF), you need to have a breeding bitch of any breed that has a pedigree of 4 generations. It would also be useful for the breeder to have the title of RKF breed judge or a document confirming completion of a dog handler course. In addition, you need permission to breed, to register puppies and dogs, and a requirement for mating (many breeds need to undergo some tests before mating).

Here is a basic list of necessary documents and important conditions that must be met if you decide to open your own nursery.

Any nursery must have:

Spacious walks and enclosures for dogs;
- veterinary compartment with insulator;
- maternity ward;
- quarantine room for newly arriving dogs;
- pantry and kitchen;
- ventilation system.

The simplest “homes” for dogs are kennels made of wood, but they can be made from panels or small blocks. For breeding work, it is best to keep dogs in closed walks - free spaces limited by a fence where drinking bowls and feeders are located.

In addition to the enclosures, the nursery has a number of related facilities. Some of them are required, and some are only desirable. For example, the kitchen should have a freezer to store frozen meat supplies. The walls and floor in the kitchen should be made of materials that make them easy to wipe, clean from dirt and disinfect.

The nursery must have a utility room for storing cleaning equipment. A hospital for sick dogs is also required. It must be made in such a way that it can be easily and quickly disinfected. To do this, one door should lead to the hospital, and the second to the exit from the nursery. You can have a separate room for grooming dogs, but this is not necessary.

The staff of the kennel should include: a veterinarian, an assistant veterinarian, a cleaner, a trainer and a person who will feed and walk the dogs. For commercial purposes, it will be necessary to include an accountant in the staff.

Do not forget that you need to create the most comfortable conditions for the dogs in your kennel. Every day, all dogs, regardless of their breed and age, must undergo a mandatory external examination. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises, maintain cleanliness and order in them. Your pets should receive good food and necessary physical activity. Compliance with these conditions will allow your dogs to remain healthy and produce good offspring. In a special journal you can enter all your observations about each inhabitant of the nursery. This will form a general idea of ​​each dog, its character and habits.

Remember that when breeding dogs, you cannot mix different breeds, otherwise the reputation of the kennel will be seriously damaged. Indeed, for many buyers, not only the color of a dog’s coat is important, but also its aesthetic characteristics.

All basic requirements and rules of the organization for nurseries are determined by the documents of the RKF.

To promote your business, you will need to allocate funds to create advertising. Come up with a bright, memorable sign that will be visible from all sides. Print brochures and business cards with all the necessary information and contacts. Make a website, because today most people start searching for any information via the Internet. During the first months, you can place an ad in a newspaper or magazine.

Don't expect to make a quick profit. Only constant work and continuous business development will help you earn a good reputation and win customers.

How to open a Dog Kennel and make a profitable business out of it?

People have been breeding dogs since ancient times. The aristocracy and local nobility always required only the most purebred dogs, thanks to which they sought to show their importance and superiority.

In those days, owning a purebred dog was only possible for the nobility. However, today, purchasing a purebred puppy has become available to almost all dog lovers. Most people want to purchase a dog with a pedigree, although not all breeders are able to provide the future owner with all the necessary certificates and documents. But for specialized nurseries this is quite possible.

Before you start opening a nursery, the breeder should study in detail the conditions in which dogs should be kept, how to care for them, take care of their reproduction, health and coat, and what is best to feed. In order to get all this information, it is worth studying a lot of literature, contacting your veterinarian for advice and visiting dog shows.

Creation of a nursery- this is a rather capital-intensive undertaking, since it is necessary to have a large center where dogs will live, eat, develop, reproduce, receive veterinary care, where you can set up a hotel for dogs and provide services for the treatment, education and training of dogs.

It is worth noting right away that this business does not bring instant profit. First, you will have to invest a considerable amount of money in the nursery, the payback of which directly depends on customer demand and its proper promotion. Only at first glance it may seem that breeders are rich people who make money by selling purebred puppies without doing anything. However, in order to grow them, you need to create expensive living and nutritional conditions for them.

If we assume that someone sells one puppy for between 500 and 1000 dollars, then one can easily imagine that this person makes a lot of money. Let's say one bitch gives birth to 5 puppies a year. Therefore, having four producers, you can get a monthly income of $800. Of course, if you just multiply and add, the picture turns out to be rosy.

But before you make an important decision, you still need to be prepared for various difficulties, mastering division and subtraction. In order to open a nursery, it is necessary to take into account expenses, which include:

Registration of permission and registration of the nursery – 20,000 rubles;
- Rent of premises + land – from 50,000 rubles per month;
- Payment of utilities – 10,000 rubles per month;
- Purchase of equipment – ​​from 150,000 rubles;
- Purchase of 10 dogs – from 200,000 rubles;
- Food and vitamin supplements – 3,000 rubles per month;
- Veterinarian services – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Participation in exhibitions – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Advertising – 7,000 rubles;
- Salary for 4 employees – from 80,000 rubles per month;
- Accessories – 5,000 rubles;
- Other numerous expenses – 10,000 rubles per month.

The total is: 551,000 rubles at the time of opening and for the first month. And then you need to pay all the above monthly expenses.

It is worth noting that there is not a single nursery in the world that brings huge profits. All nurseries are financed and maintained by wealthy owners. In addition, the Russian market for selling puppies is very saturated. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find buyers for them.

In order to open a kennel for dogs, it is not enough just to have a place for breeding and keeping them. First of all, you should check the local laws in your city to allow the use of a nursery. It is recommended to visit insurance companies and obtain business insurance. After this, the created nursery must be registered in the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) or another similar system.

Recently, law enforcement agencies began to demand from the applicant - veterinary or animal science education, in order to restore order in the dog breeding business. According to the requirements of the RKF, you need to have a breeding bitch of any breed that has a pedigree of four generations. It is also welcome for the breeder to have the title of RKF breed judge or a certificate of completion of a dog handler course. In addition, you need permission for mating, for registering dogs and puppies, and a requirement for mating (many breeds need to undergo various tests before mating).

While in a kennel, dogs spend most of the day in a confined space, and this can lead to a variety of diseases. Consequently, the premises in the nursery must meet all zoohygienic requirements in relation to moisture, light and heat. The nursery needs to be fenced with a high fence, reinforced with brickwork to avoid “undermining”.

Any nursery must be equipped with:

Premises for keeping dogs (spacious walks and enclosures);
- quarantine room for arriving dogs;
- veterinary compartment with insulator;
- maternity room;
- additional rooms - pantry and kitchen;
- ventilation system.

The simplest structures for keeping dogs are kennels made of wood, but you can purchase them from panels or small blocks. For breeding work, it is best to keep dogs in closed walks - these are complex structures consisting of a space for keeping dogs, limited by a fence where drinking bowls and feeders are located.

In any case, wherever dogs are kept, it is necessary to provide them with a healthy environment and a regime that will help keep them in excellent physical shape. Every day, all dogs, regardless of their breed and age, must undergo an external examination. The totality of all measures for keeping dogs includes: placement and care of them, ventilation of premises and care of the kennel. The requirements and rules of the organization for nurseries are determined by the documents of the RKF.

In addition to the enclosures, the nursery has a number of related facilities. From a hygienic point of view, some of them are necessary, and some are only desirable. For example, the kitchen must be provided with water and have a freezer for storing frozen meat. The walls and floors in the kitchen must be painted or made of such material that they can be washed and disinfected.

The structure of the enclosures must have a utility room for storing cleaning equipment. A hospital for sick dogs is also required. It should be convenient for quick disinfection. To do this, one door should lead to the hospital, and the other to the exit from the nursery. But a separate room for caring for dogs is not necessary, but some kennel projects include it.

Caring for the health of dogs falls entirely on the nursery staff, which should include: a veterinarian, his assistant, a trainer, a cleaner and a person who will be responsible for feeding the dogs and walking them. For commercial purposes, it will be preferable if the staff also includes an accountant.

When breeding dogs, you need to know that you should never mix breeds, otherwise the reputation of the kennel will be seriously damaged. After all, many buyers pay attention not only to the color of a dog’s coat, but also to their aesthetic characteristics. In addition, all dogs in the kennel must, of course, be healthy. Therefore, all observations about each dog should be recorded in a separate journal, with the help of which a general idea of ​​each dog, its character and habits will be formed.

An important factor for the development of a nursery is attracting customers through advertising. It must be emphasized that this process is constant. First, you should think about a sign, which should be bright, luminous and visible from all sides. Next, you need to print booklets with advertising information and send them to nearby houses. Creating a website is one of the most effective advertising today, since most users start searching for any information on the Internet.

During the first months, you need to submit an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine. In addition, you can attract buyers of dogs and puppies at the exhibition. After some time, advertising can be suspended, since the successful work of the nursery will certainly glorify it. People will know where they can buy healthy and pedigree puppies, and they will definitely recommend the nursery to all their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

So, To open a dog kennel you need: professional experience working with dogs, a substantial amount of money and continuous advertising activities. The breeder, having decided to take this step, must remember that for several years the nursery will not bring any profit.