A cure for cancer has been discovered. “Nobel” cancer drugs are already available in Russia, but are not suitable for all patients. How does immunotherapy work?

“There are no incurable diseases - there is a lack of knowledge”


According to statistics, the main causes of death in the last century have been cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Millions of people lose their lives every year solely because of them. The main causes of CVD arephysical inactivity, poor nutrition, mental stress, bad habits, excess body weight. And if we generalize, then the way of life that has developed for the majority.

The cause of cancer (oncological) diseases official medicine not specified.Among the possible reasons areexcessive consumption of all kinds of artificial substances that supposedly improve the quality of food, which are added to many products during their production,and widespread and frequent use of devices that create electromagnetic radiation, which has a very adverse effect on human health (this and Cell phones, and PC, and microwave, etc.). However, herethe question arises - but the majority enjoys all these “benefits of humanity”, and not everyone gets cancer, although, unfortunately,very many. Are sickeven small children, the impact on whomthe above reasons are very short-lived. The number of cases of the disease is steadily increasing, and some scientists even believe that the end of the 20th century can be called the beginning of the cancer epidemic.After all, there have even been recorded cases where entire familieswere affected by cancer!

In this regard, it is worth rememberingthat back at the end of the 19th centuryRussian professor M.M. Rudnev, who is studyingtumors, the idea came that cancer is a contagious disease. But supporters oncogenetic theory, on the basis of which modern methods of treating oncological diseases have been created, are categorically deniedThis is an assumption, despite the fact that the mortality rate with the traditional approach to treatment is quite high.

Idea the creation of a vaccine came to him due to the fact thatSeveral cases have been previously reportedcomplete healing from cancer if the patient suffered from erysipelas, the causative agent of which is the bacterium streptococcus. A.P. recorded a similar incident in his diaries. Chekhov.

About this was once the entry point for the Bolshoi medical encyclopedia, later removed from there.

The effectiveness of the created vaccine was almost 100%.Inspired by this, Colleywrote many articles about the causes and treatment of cancer, about the production of the vaccine and its dosage.

Thanks to his work, about 30 thousand lives were saved in many countries. It helped a lot thatthe cost of the vaccine was affordable for most, and besides, sick there was no need to go anywhere for treatment: having received the vaccine by mail, he could contact his attending physician and undergo treatment until recovery.

The theory put forward by M.M. Nevyadomsky was completely confirmedexperimentally using electron microscopes, and in laboratories different countries. Elementary bodies were found in almost all tumors studied! The only unresolved question is whyCancer cells are very similar to the cells of the tissue in which they develop.

Mikhail Mikhailovich did not have time to answer it. Histhe laboratory was closed, and he himself was attacked in the entrance of his own house, as a result of which he wasBoth legs were seriously injured. And later he, one might say, “sank into oblivion.” Surprisingly, we were not able to find a single photograph of M.M. Nevyadomsky, although he was a prominent scientist and academician!

Already in Soviet time got seriously interested in this theoryValery Alexandrovich Chereshnev , currently an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Almost forty years agoon a medical basemilitary-industrial complex of the Soviet Union, he made his discovery - earlier in human body Group A hemolytic streptococci were constantly present, which in the course of their life produced the enzymes necessary for its proper functioning. Some of them have a detrimental effect on tumor cells!

Based on this,Chereshnev managed to create an anti-cancer vaccine – Pirotat , whichcan also be used for treatment cardiovascular diseases, leading among the causes of human mortality! At the same time, it was possible to scientifically substantiate the mechanism by which this vaccine works. It's all about the work of enzymes. Some of them, without penetrating into healthy cells, havedirect detrimental effect on cancer cells, causing their degradation.Others eliminateobstruction blood vessels, for example, by dissolving cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow and ensuring unhindered access of oxygen to healthy cells and deliveringimmune cells to the sites of tumor formation. Still others are able to dissolve nucleic acids in elementary bodies, thereby preventing the spread of metastases, while also destroying various viruses. Enzymes are also very importantlead cancer cells to starvation, dissolving glucose in places where they accumulate, which leads to a noticeable inhibition of tumor growth. These same enzymes play an important role in the treatment of diabetes.

From all of the above it is clear what an irreplaceable assistantis to maintain human health streptococcus, which disappeared from the body due to the widespread use of antibiotics in the post-war period.It is difficult, and not necessary, to argue with the fact that antibiotics have made a huge contribution to the treatment of many diseases. But exactlyafter their discovery the number increased significantlyoncological, cardiovascular and viraldiseases, as well as cases of diabetes.

Introduction of streptococci into the body after a course of antibiotic treatment Maybe significantly reduce the likelihood of developing theseterrible diseases. Moreover, at the moment, Academician V.A. Chereshnev has patented a method for introducing streptococci into the body by simply rubbing it into the skin. Use vaccine developed V.A. Chereshnev, it is possible not only to treat cancer and CVD, but also to carry them out prevention, at the same time healing the body as a whole.

It’s sad to talk about this, but we have to admit the fact that millions of people could have survived, butthose who still recovered from cancerhad a chance not to undergo painful procedures during treatment, beganvictims not so much terrible disease, how many victims of terrible acts of people who did their best to prevent (and continue to do so now) the wide distribution and use for treatment effective oncology and very affordable drugs. Here we have not talked about all the revolutionary developments in this area. There were many of them, but allthey were rejected by official medicine, and their developers were mostly subjected tosevere persecution. Questions about who benefits from this have already set the teeth on edge, because the answer to them is the same - to those for whom money and power are most important.

But there is another more important question, which a person who is amazed should ask himselfterrible illness– the question of whyand why was this disease given to him? What exactly led him to this diagnosis?What is the true meaning and cause of the disease? Note that the question is not: “Why?”, but"For what?".

If, by the will of fate, a similar misfortune has overtaken you or your loved ones, we strongly advise you to turn to the books of Anastasia Novykh! From them you will learn the thoughts and experiences of a young girl who personally went through all the horrors and attacks of despair after she accidentally heard her diagnosis. You will learn how to emerge victorious from a duel with death and avoid getting into similar situations in the future. Find out how you can not only get better, but alsosignificantly increase the level and quality your life after illness! It is for you that we have placed absolutely freebooks by Anastasia Novykh! Download, read, get inspired, act and BE HEALTHY!

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

At the beginning of the school year of my senior year, I began to notice constant headaches, severe and long-lasting. My parents took me for examination. For the most part, doctors discussed the results with them in private. This made me very worried. And vague doubts, one after another, began to torment my soul. After all, complete uncertainty was the worst thing.

And all these circumstances were terribly frightening until a certain moment, when I accidentally overheard a conversation between my mother and the professor:

- ... but there must be some way out?

- Of course, a way out can always be found. You see, this small tumor can eventually develop into an advanced stage. And this is very dangerous. It is advisable to have the operation now, before it is too late... In Moscow, by the way, there are very good clinic on these problems with excellent specialists. It's just hard to get there. Record for years to come. And the girl needs, you know, as quickly as possible. Otherwise... it is difficult to predict the development of the disease, especially if the tumor is in the brain. Sometimes a person lives for a year, and sometimes longer... But, in any case, there is no need to despair. Maybe you will be able to make your way through acquaintances or connections...

Further words flew past my ears. Only one phrase was pounding in my head: “A year... And that’s it!” Doom and emptiness hovered around. The noisy bustle of the hospital gradually began to move away, giving way to a growing barrage of thoughts: “To die in the prime of life! But I haven’t even lived yet... Why me? What have I done so bad in my life?!” It was a cry of despair. Tears rolled down my cheeks. It became unbearably stuffy in this hospital crypt, and I ran to the exit. And the professor’s voice sounded in my ears like a menacing echo: “One year! One year... One!

The fresh air hit my face with its intoxicating aroma. Gradually I came to my senses and looked around. After the rain, the trees stood like in a fairy tale, with sparkling diamond pendants. The surroundings shone with purity and newness. The heat emanating from the ground covered the asphalt with a light haze, creating the impression of the unreality of what was happening. God, how good it was all around! The beauty of nature, which I had not noticed before, now acquired for me some new meaning, some new charm of its own. All the petty problems that I was so worried about every day now seemed so stupid and worthless. With bitterness and longing, looking at the bright sun, fresh greenery, and the cheerful roll call of birds, I thought: “How stupidly I spent my life. What a shame that I didn’t manage to do anything really worthwhile with it!” All the previous grievances, gossip, vanity - everything has lost its meaning. Now the people around me were lucky, and I was a prisoner of the castle of Death.

- Anastasia NOVIKH Sensei I

The cause of death of the test patient was identified as an unexpected reaction of the body to an experimental drug produced by Biocad. Previously, the pharmaceutical plant was praised by the Ministry of Health for “fantastic results” in the treatment of tumors. The medicine should have appeared on the market a year ago. Will the death of a volunteer stop the research and when to expect a domestic cure for cancer - in the Life investigation.

One of the most secret developments of Russian medicine got into an unpleasant story, which could have remained within the walls of the St. Petersburg laboratory. We tell you how Russian scientists invented a molecule for the treatment of melanoma and lung cancer and what difficulties they encountered.

1. An experimental drug became the main topic of an oncology congress

The XXII Russian Oncology Congress took place in November 2018. Representatives of the Biocad pharmaceutical plant and doctors spoke about successful human trials of the newest domestic cancer drug. It causes immune cells to attack the tumor.

We are talking about a drug codenamed BCD-100. This is one of the most secret developments in domestic pharmaceuticals - even the names of the scientists who developed the molecule (the main active ingredient) are not disclosed.

The drug has shown stunning results in the treatment of inoperable melanoma. When a tumor metastasizes, harmful cells penetrate into surrounding organs and form secondary foci of the disease there. Coping with metastatic melanoma is much more difficult. However BCD-100 was able to completely eliminate such tumors in 7% of patients. In another 29% of patients, the tumor size decreased by at least a third. IN research 126 cancer patients with inoperable melanoma participated. The tests were financed by Biocad itself.


Melanoma (skin cancer)">

Melanoma (skin cancer)

Not the most common, but one of the most aggressive types of cancer (≈74 thousand patients in the Russian Federation). Since the 1950s, global incidence has increased by 600%."

Not the most common, but one of the most aggressive types of cancer (≈74 thousand patients in the Russian Federation). Since the 1950s, global incidence has increased by 600%


However, patients are faced with serious side effects, which came as a surprise to doctors - the drug is new.

“The introduction of [immunotherapy], in Russian, blew the minds of chemotherapists. We were faced with a spectrum of complex and incomprehensible [adverse] reactions to us. Any organ can be affected: from the thyroid gland to vascular inflammation.”


oncologist of the center named after. Blokhina Mikhail Fedyanin

But in December 2018, the Oncology Research Institute named after. N.N. Petrova (St. Petersburg) presented new data on the results of the same study.

Patients taking BCD-100 had more inflammation thyroid than in patients taking similar foreign drugs. Fedyanin stated this at the conference, and the same was later confirmed by a chemotherapist from the Oncology Research Institute. N.N. Petrova Alexey Novik. His speech located in the public domain. However, other indicators side effects were not very different from analogues already released on the market, so Novik cautiously called the BCD-100 “no less safe” than similar ones.

2. A fatal outcome that was kept silent

In his November speech, Dr. Fedyanin briefly mentioned: they were described deaths after taking similar drugs. One of the causes of mortality is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).

Neither Fedyanin nor Novik dwelled for long on the dangers of this kind of drugs. The doctors did not mention the death of one of the volunteer patients. And most importantly, the medical director of the Biocad pharmaceutical plant, Yulia Linkova, did not do this.

Representatives of the Biocad plant are on time were not informed public services about the death of a patient due to taking BCD-100. This is stated in the materials of the inspection of Roszdravnadzor, which came to Life from the prosecutor’s office.

"bcd-100="" miraculum="">">

“During the clinical trial of the drug BCD-100 under the Miraculum protocol, the authorized person of Biocad CJSC Yulia Linkova [did not report] to Roszdravnadzor about a fatal unexpected adverse reaction to this drug.”


Roszdravnadzor inspection materials dated November 26, 2018

Linkova obliged was notified of the incident either through a secure information system Roszdravnadzor, or simply by email.

In the same order, Roszdravnadzor notes that neither in 2017 nor in 2018 did the agency receive any data on the safety of the other three drugs that Biocad is developing.


A 64-year-old patient from St. Petersburg had a tumor lesion in the lung">

A 64-year-old patient from St. Petersburg had a tumor lesion in the lung

A few months after taking BCD-100, the tumor noticeably decreased in volume. This can be seen in the photographs of the National Medical Research Center named after. N.N.Petrova.">

A few months after taking BCD-100, the tumor noticeably decreased in volume. This can be seen in the photographs of the National Medical Research Center named after. N.N. Petrova.


But for other patients, the miracle turned into problems or tragedy. Side effects from BCD-100 were experienced by 80% of patients, Dr. Fedyanin said at a November conference.

To understand how the BCD-100 works, it is important to understand the operating principle immune system person.

In a very simplified way, immunity can be described as a “friend or foe” system. Some blood cells are able to recognize foreign bacteria and dangerous bodies and destroy them. This type of immune cell is called T lymphocyte. It turns out to be a kind of “immune special forces” that is capable of penetrating through the walls of blood vessels into the surrounding tissues and carrying out fighting against strangers.

The PD-1 protein lives on the surface of the T-lymphocyte, which is responsible for the perception of foreign cells. Cancer cells “hide” from lymphocytes by deceiving the PD-1 protein. Lymphocytes begin to think that the cancer cell is “their own” and do not touch the deadly tumor.

Scientists around the world are racking their brains over how to crack the disguise and train lymphocytes to recognize the enemy in a cancer cell. As the creators of Miraculum assure, this is exactly what they succeeded in doing.

The creators of the drug expect that it can be used not only to treat melanoma and lung cancer, but also other types of oncology.

At first, the Biocad plant expected to release the medicine to the market in 2018. Now the deadline has been pushed back to 2022. There can be many reasons: from insufficient funding to unexpectedly revealed problems when using the drug.

In one of the interviews, plant representatives compared prices for foreign similar drugs. It turned out that treatment with Israeli or Japanese drugs costs approximately 9 million rubles per course. Domestic developers promised a significantly lower price for the BCD-100 course. Perhaps many times more.

Timeline of drug development

4. Humanity wrote the rules for drug research in blood.

Life asked an expert who has been involved in clinical research for many years to talk about the moral and ethical side of drug testing on humans. This is what Svetlana Zavidova, executive director of the Association of Clinical Research Organizations, said.

“Humanity moved towards a regulatory system through medicinal tragedies. Somewhere, of course, they figured it out with their own minds, but mainly the driving force was negative experience, which led to the development of certain rules. The rules were written “in blood.”


Svetlana Zavidova, Association for Clinical Research

One of the world's first legislative acts on the regulation of drug research appeared in the United States in 1938. It was necessary to undertake its development after 107 people, most of whom were children, died due to the unconfirmed safety criteria of the drug sulfanilamide. It was after this tragedy that pharmaceutical manufacturers were required to confirm the safety of drugs. Including on patients.

Human studies are carried out in three phases and last for years. The first, as a rule, includes only healthy volunteers. The second phase is testing on patients suffering from a specific disease. Usually several hundred people participate. The third phase is the largest: here several thousand patients can be included in the sample. It is in the third phase that most data about adverse reactions and their frequency. All volunteers sign informed consent, agreeing to all risks (including death). For many patients, participating in a trial is their last chance.

Only upon successful completion of the third stage is the drug registered with government agencies and delivered to pharmacies.

The second case is being studied in medical universities as an example of a negligent attitude towards the safety of a drug for the sake of its sales. The drug thalidomide was one of the best-selling sedatives and sleeping pills in the mid-twentieth century. It was especially recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers to cope with nighttime insomnia, morning sickness and anxiety. However, no tests were carried out on the effect of the tablets on the fetus. The drug was actively sold in Europe. After a few years, children with pathologies began to be born more often: newborns did not have arms, legs or ears.

5. Biocad: we didn’t try to hide anything!

Actions of the St. Petersburg pharmaceutical company, which did not report the death of the patient to Roszdravnadzor, at first glance look like an attempt to hide the negative in order to avoid reputational and other losses. However, Biocad claims that they did not hide anything on purpose.

A group of researchers from Israel reported that they were close to discovering a cure for cancer. The work was commented on by Dr Dan Aridor from the research firm AEBi. According to him, he believes that within a year the team will be able to offer a complete cure for dangerous disease. Their method will be effective from day one. The duration of the course will be several weeks. None side effects there should not be, the medicine kills only malignant cells without affecting healthy ones. The cost of treatment will be much lower than many other procedures on the market.

The drug MuTaTo, or multi-target toxin, is a multi-target toxin that represents a technology for destroying cancer of the highest order. A combination of peptides and a toxin is used that specifically kills cancer cells. It was precisely thanks to the combination of peptides that the final destruction of these cells became possible. As well as preventing their mutation and the development of drug resistance. Treatment with MuTaTo will be selected individually. A biopsy will be taken from the patient, on the basis of which a special individual “cocktail” will be drawn up.

The researchers have now completed an exploratory trial in mice. They were able to stop the development of cancer cells without causing side effects to healthy cells. Next, clinical trials with people must take place, which will still take several years, not 1 year. True, other scientists are not sure that the results they obtained are the most effective, high-quality and multifunctional. And yet, other experts doubt that the Israeli technique is universal and effective for all varieties of this disease.

Almost every person at one stage or another in their life has encountered terrible disease, which we usually call cancer. Some have relatives or friends suffering from a fatal disease, others are struggling with this problem themselves, and there are those who have never encountered such an illness, but could not help but hear about it in media reports.

Epidemic or media attack?

Confirmed fact: in Lately We hear about cancer more and more often. Everyone dies from it famous people, doctors are finding new reasons for the formation of tumors, and scientists promise to invent a universal cure.

This is not surprising, since the number of cancer patients has not decreased over the years, and cancer itself has become one of the most common diseases in the world, along with cardiovascular diseases.

Oncologist Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Bratik told Reedus that more and more information about oncological diseases. But this is happening, in his opinion, not at all because people began to get sick more often, but because they began to pay more attention to their own health.

Now we see the following trend: cancer detection is increasing because technology is constantly developing, and the mortality rate, on the contrary, is falling, since doctors are able to detect cancer at the earliest possible stage. early stage when it can still be fixed. Of course, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the incidence of cancer was slightly lower than it is now, but since then a lot has changed, new factors have appeared that influence the appearance of a tumor, the oncologist explained.

And there are many such factors: poor environment, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases. It is possible that in the future new causes of cancer will be added to this list, which we do not know about now.

Despite the sad prognosis, many scientists are confident that with the current level of medicine and technology, in another 100 years we will be able not only to quickly identify various diseases, but also to cure them completely even in the later stages.

Where to get the pill

But if everything in medicine is developing so rapidly, then why can’t scientists invent a vaccine or a universal cure for cancer? Every year, scientific publications publish hundreds of articles in which specialists from different countries talk about their developments, but, as a rule, these drugs never leave the laboratory.

Scientists are trying to fight cancer with radiation and inject expensive drugs into cancer cells, but this does not always help. Why is this happening?

Humanity has been living with cancer for a very long time: the first mention of oncology dates back to the era of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt (7th century BC). This is the famous medical papyrus of Edwin Smith, which lists all the diseases known to the Egyptians, including breast cancer.

Edwin Smith papyrus fragment

And, probably, ever since then, people have been asking the question: when will there be a medicine that can save us from this disease? But most modern scientists are confident that there will never be such a universal medicine. Let's figure out why.

The human body is heterogeneous: we are made up of different organs, and organs are made up of cells. Each cell of our body is an independent cell, separated from others by a special membrane. Despite the fact that all cells work together, each of them is a separate independent entity. Moreover, each cell is in its own place, and therefore it cannot divide constantly, so as not to disrupt the complex system of the body.

Of course, we have tissues whose cells must divide, for example skin. By multiplying, they help skin recover faster from injury or death. That is, the cell has the ability to receive and respond to signals that command it to divide or not.

But if a cell suddenly degenerates into a cancerous one, then such signals may not reach it. As a result, the mutated cell begins to multiply constantly, forming a tumor.

If scientists can monitor this process, then why can’t it be stopped?

The fact is that it is necessary to influence a growing tumor - a whole army of cancer cells different ways. When they talk about common illness For example, a cold, we understand that some individual cells of the body have begun to work incorrectly. To put them in order again, you just need to take a pill.

In the case of cancer, it will not be possible to reason with the cells, since mutations have already accumulated in them and they are changed forever. Such cells should not be treated, but destroyed immediately. One of the most common ways to fight cancer - chemotherapy - does not treat cells, but simply kills them.

However, when they want to kill a cell, it begins to defend itself. In medicine this is called resistance. What happens to the human body when cancer cells try to be destroyed:

  • Firstly, along with the mutated ones, healthy cells that are nearby also die. Current methods of fighting cancer use chemotherapy wide range, which also affects healthy areas.
  • Secondly, each cancer cell is unique. During the mutation, breakdowns occurred in it, due to which each next generation of cancer cells will be different from the previous ones. If scientists find a drug that kills some cancer cells, then while they die, new ones are formed that are resistant to this drug. And so on in a circle.

Through trial and error, experts have created an entire system that can fight certain types of cancer with varying degrees of success.

If a scientist manages to isolate a protein from a cell, then with a high probability he will be able to select the right drug. But it often happens that this is impossible to do.

Another factor in the fight against cancer is increasing the dose of administered drugs. To completely destroy all cells, you need to apply strong substances to the affected area several times.

However, over time, toxins begin to accumulate in the body, which is also extremely harmful to its health. Therefore, constantly enter high doses no medicine.

We already know that cancer cells are unique, so they cannot be destroyed with one drug. Therefore, oncologists use a mixture of different substances to hit the maximum number of cancer cells.

Having fulfilled all these conditions, a person can recover. But this does not always happen, since each of the described stages is extremely difficult not only in terms of implementation, but also in terms of the patient’s further recovery.

Cancer is a unique phenomenon, and almost every patient needs a different approach and method. That is, creating a universal “cancer pill” is unrealistic, since oncology treatment is a process consisting of many stages.

Now scientists are working to improve each of them.

Alternative medicine

The process of such treatment is not only long and unpleasant, but also very expensive, so many people faced with oncology are trying to find alternative ways to solve this problem.

Every day, hundreds of patients receive a terrible conclusion from doctors - “ malignancy" At this moment, panic begins: what to do, where to go, what to do. Often people turn to friends for help or try to find information on the Internet.

And there they are bombarded with a lot of “useful” articles and recipes, where they are asked to try “effective” pills that supposedly were used to treat celebrities, or safe ones traditional methods that drive out cancer.

And then, due to ignorance or lack of funds for expensive treatment, a person chooses the path of alternative medicine, which does not always end well.

The term “alternative medicine” can mean different things, but officially alternative are methods of treatment that have not been approved by regulatory authorities. government agencies or industry professional self-regulation structures with appropriate authority.

That is, all diets, dietary supplements, physical exercise or psychic readings that have not been tested by regulatory authorities cannot be considered safe and effective in the treatment of diseases, including cancer.

To date, no alternative cancer treatment has undergone clinical trials or the results of these trials have been published in official scientific publications.

The problem of treating cancer with alternative medicine was well discussed by the famous German professor, MD Edzard Ernst:

Any alternative to cancer treatment is a lie by definition. There will never be alternative treatments for cancer. Why? Because if some alternative method looks promising, it will be scientifically tested very quickly and thoroughly, and if its effectiveness is proven, it will automatically cease to be alternative and become medical. All existing „ alternative methods cancer treatments" are based on false claims, are bogus and, I would say, even criminal.

Therefore, no self-respecting oncologist will offer treatment for cancer. folk remedies or other unofficial methods.

Previously, Reedus has already talked about the tricks of scammers who sell dangerous medicines and medical equipment.

Whoever didn't hide, cancer is not to blame

Despite the fact that there is no universal pill or vaccine for cancer, scientists and doctors have invented many effective ways not only to treat oncology, but also to diagnose it early.

Modern medical equipment is able to recognize cancer even at an early stage, so patients learn about their problems much earlier than it was 10-15 years ago. But even timely diagnosis cannot always help.

At the current level of life expectancy, 40% of people will sooner or later develop cancer, but this does not mean that this cancer will be the cause of death. To protect yourself from cancer, you need healthy image life, attentive attitude towards yourself and your symptoms, but without cancerophobia and unnecessary unnecessary tests“, fortunately, good doctors are available,” Mikhail Laskov, oncologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the Outpatient Oncology and Hematology Clinic, told Reedus.

The prospect is not very cheerful: the appearance of cancer depends on many conditions and, even if you do everything in your power, you cannot be completely sure that the tumor will not “find” you. But, you will agree, it is stupid to sit idly by. After talking with doctors, everyone basically highlighted two rules that should not be neglected.

Of course, these factors cannot guarantee 100% protection against cancer, but these are actually the most effective ways fight cancer. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, you expose your body less to factors that influence the formation of cancer. If you undergo medical examinations, you have a chance to diagnose cancer at an early stage, when it can be cured with virtually no consequences. And it’s with the latter that difficulties usually arise, because people put off going to the doctor until the last minute, and this needs to be changed in oneself, one needs to be more attentive to one’s own health,” oncologist Evgeniy Cheremushkin advised readers of Reedus.