Infectious herpes in children. Symptoms and treatment of herpes in an infant. Causes of herpes in children

Herpes occurs among all age groups, but children are most susceptible to viral infection. The disease is accompanied by characteristic blistering rashes on the body and mucous membranes. Externally, the disease looks like blisters on the lip or throat, filled with a yellowish liquid. The base of the skin under the blisters is erythematous-edematous.

Doctors distinguish eight types of herpes. The last two groups are considered extremely rare, leading to severe forms diseases affecting external and internal organs.

Children are mainly susceptible to infection by the first six types:

  1. The first type of virus, or herpes simplex HSV-1, is localized around the lips.
  2. The second type of virus, human herpes simplex, occurs on the genitals.
  3. Virus of the third type. This includes herpes zoster and varicella, or chickenpox.
  4. Epstein-Barr virus belongs to the 4th type of human herpes.
  5. Type five – Cytomegalo viral infection.
  6. The sixth type is the herpes virus, disease-causing Roseola.
  7. Herpes virus type 7, or β-herpesvirus, has several definitions, particularly HHV7 and HHV7.
  8. The associated Kaposi's sarcoma virus belongs to the 8th type of human herpes.

Having once penetrated the body, herpes in children remains in a latent-persistent state throughout life.


Pathogen herpes simplex Herpes Simplex virus has many clinical manifestations. Characteristic blistering rashes appear on skin and mucous membrane.

  1. Herpes infection HSV-1 transmitted through household, airborne or oral routes during the postnatal period. Transmission of the virus to the fetus during pregnancy occurs through the placenta.
  2. Infection with the second type of herpes possibly from mother to child during childbirth. Children suffer from the disease more severely than adults, and it is more difficult to treat a child.
  3. Chicken pox, herpes type 3, V childhood easily tolerated. Everyone knows that after having chickenpox, a person develops immunity. But secondary infection with this type of virus is possible, and it leads to the occurrence of shingles.
  4. Herpes viruses from 4th to 7th type provoke the occurrence infectious mononucleosis and lymphocytosis. Peripheral blood tests showed an increased content of atypical mononuclear cells. The liver and spleen are enlarged. Intrauterine herpes infection can occur from any biological substrate - blood, urine, saliva.
  5. Herpes type 6 in children is the most common. It appears as pink spots with papular rashes, and is called roseola infantile. The risk category includes children under 2 years of age. Characteristic symptoms of the disease include fever lasting no more than 3–6 days and sore throat. With the normalization of temperature, papular-spotted rashes appear on the body - exanthema. The diameter of the spots does not exceed 0.03 cm. When pressed, the papules turn pale, unlike rubella. Duration skin rashes varies from several hours to several days. The rashes are localized on the body in the area of ​​the sacrum, neck, face and limbs.

Herpes infection in children under one year of age is very severe. Treatment is complex, associated with severe forms of damage to internal organs. There is a risk of meningitis or encephalopathy.


The onset of the disease is marked by itching and burning at the sites where blisters form. Soon the blisters burst with the formation of ulcers and wounds covered with crusts.

The oral mucosa may also become ulcerated. Herpes in a child's mouth spreads along the inner surface of the cheeks, gums, tongue and throat. The gums are hyperemic and bleeding. There is an increase in lymph nodes that respond to palpation with pain.

Herpes ulcers in the throat are small, painful, the tonsils are covered with a gray coating. The treatment is long-term, lasting at least two weeks.

There are four stages of the disease:

  1. Primary infection.
  2. Latent period.
  3. Secondary infection.
  4. Possible complications.

On the 12th day, during primary infection, a rash forms on the body and a sore throat is felt. The skin is dry, painful, swollen. After a short period of time, the rash turns into blisters that dry out or burst.

The infectious substrate, pouring out, infects the surrounding skin. Healed blisters are not dangerous. In the affected area, the lymph nodes are enlarged and painful to the touch. Body temperature is increased. There are attacks of headache. General state, as with ARVI with sore throat.

The latent period is asymptomatic. The patient does not pose a threat to others. The herpetic infection sleeps until the third stage of the disease occurs.

At the end of the latent period, the virus multiplies latently and the symptoms of the disease return. The onset of secondary infection is unpredictable, but, as a rule, secondary infection appears within a year after the initial infection by the virus.

The possibility of complications depends on the type of infection affecting the body.


Interferon and antiviral drugs. Treatment of herpes in children begins when the first signs of the disease appear. In an advanced state, the risk of the disease becoming chronic increases with frequent relapses and possible complications.

Treatment of herpes infection in childhood is aimed at suppressing the active form of the virus. Doctors prefer to treat external manifestations virus on the body or lip with ointments. As drugs that relieve itching and painful sensations, use tablets, as well as antipyretics at high temperatures.

It is preferable to treat a child in the acute stage of herpes with the antiviral drug Acyclovir, available in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The dose of the drug is calculated only by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the disease and depending on the type of virus:

  • orally – up to 90 mg/kg of child’s weight, 4 times a day in equal doses;
  • intravenously – from 30 to 60 mg/kg;
  • external use is limited to the local location of the source of infection with application up to 5 times a day to the affected areas.

The introduction of immunostimulating drugs into therapy promotes effective fight with a virus in a child's body.

Immunostimulants are introduced into treatment:

  • Immunal;
  • Groprisin;
  • Arpetol.

The herpes virus is perfectly destroyed by interferons, which control their spread and block the reproduction process. The drugs are available in the form of tablets and suppositories.

The child should be treated for five days, anally administering interferon suppositories twice a day. If necessary, the course is repeated with a five-day break between cycles.

Herpes type 2 in a child

The occurrence of genital herpes in a child is not a common occurrence. Herpes on the genitals in teenage children can occur after the first sexual experience. IN younger age Children are infected mainly from their parents.

Herpes virus type 2 affects the genitals. In girls, you can find manifestations of herpes on the labia minora or majora, in boys - in the scrotum area.

Symptoms of herpes in children are accompanied by high temperature, fever and acute pain in the area of ​​the rash. Inguinal The lymph nodes enlarged, painful on palpation.

Herpes type 2 recurs much more often than simple herpes. This form is dangerous during pregnancy and childbirth, since the risk of infection of the newborn is high. It is difficult to treat, especially during pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Therapy for gardnerellosis, or viral vaginosis, consists of two stages, regardless of whether a girl or an adult woman is to be treated.

The first stage is aimed at stopping the process of reproduction in the vagina of Gardnerella - excess microbial flora. Therapy is carried out with gels and suppositories of Metronidazole or Clintamycin, rarely with tablets.

The second stage is devoted to reproducing the original number of lactobacilli, whose vital functions were suppressed by Gardnerella during the period of illness. At this stage, they prefer to treat with probiotics:

  • Bifiform;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Linux;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

It is important to remember that self-medication of children without consulting a pediatric gynecologist can lead to dire consequences.

With frequent relapses, consultation with an immunologist is necessary. Treatment is prescribed with the aim of strengthening the child’s immune system, since the herpes virus that has entered the body remains with the person forever, no matter what type it is.


Preventive measures to prevent relapses depend on the form of the disease. Timely detection of neonatal herpes in pregnant women makes it possible for a child to be born naturally. If an infection is detected after 36 weeks, no treatment is prescribed; the only preventive measure is a cesarean section.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to avoid relapse, attention should be paid to the child’s diet and lifestyle. Food should be fortified, and the child should spend a lot of time in the fresh air.

If you experience cold symptoms, you should take emergency measures to eliminate them, since any disease can contribute to the return of the infection.

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The herpes virus is extremely common - every living creature on the planet gets sick from time to time, with the exception of only some types of fungi and algae. Both adults and children constantly face herpetic infection. Moreover, some of these infections can be fatal dangerous forms. This means that parents are required to know the symptoms and methods of treating herpes in children.

The herpes virus, once entering a child’s body, remains in his cells forever. No one has yet been able to get rid of herpes infection once and for all, but it is quite possible to make sure that herpes in a child manifests itself as rarely as possible and proceeds as mildly as possible...

Herpes has many faces

According to scientists, the herpes virus is incredibly diverse - it has from 80 to 100 (according to various studies) variant varieties. True, only nine types of herpes virus are capable of causing certain diseases in humans, including children. But this is also a lot! Indeed, among the diseases that arise due to herpes infection, there are also deadly ones...

Indeed, nine types of herpes cause a whole bunch of human diseases: for example, the well-known and so-called labial herpes (notorious), and genital herpes, and cytomegalovirus infection, which is unfamiliar to most parents, and exanthema (peculiar) and many others. Extremely severe and dangerous include, for example, herpetic encephalitis, which causes irreversible brain damage in a child.

The herpes virus is not a disease or diagnosis in itself. The concept of “herpes” is akin to the collective term “feline family,” under which many “pussies” of all imaginable sizes and colors are grouped. So it is with herpes - its various types can cause a large number of various diseases, however, they all fit the definition of “herpetic infection”.

Herpes is transmitted among children and adults by airborne droplets and contact. As a rule, by the age of 5-6, 85% of all children in the world already have the herpes virus in their bodies, which penetrates the cells of the nervous system and remains there in an inactive state for the rest of their lives.

While the child’s herpes is “sleeping”, it does not manifest itself in any way and does not bother its “owner” in any way. But under certain circumstances, the virus sometimes “wakes up” and develops active activity (first of all, it begins to multiply quickly), stimulating the occurrence of a particular disease.

Most often, people (including children) encounter the so-called herpes simplex virus - it is this virus, by the way, that causes those nasty blisters on the lips that prevent young ladies from going on dates.

How dangerous is the herpes simplex virus for a child?

The herpes simplex virus includes herpes viruses types 1 and 2. Both can cause a wide variety of diseases in children, some of which are deadly.

It is generally accepted that type 1 herpes causes “sores” of the upper body (everything from the navel and above) - for example, the same ill-fated labial herpes. While the type 2 virus, on the contrary, attacks the second half of the body (the one that “extends” below the navel) - for example, the disease “genital herpes” is caused precisely by the type 2 herpes virus.

Herpes on the lips, chickenpox, or common cold sores are not the worst manifestations of the herpes simplex virus in children. Much more dangerous are herpetic lesions of the eyes and genitals, extensive lesions of the skin and even internal organs (for example, specific pneumonia).

Finally, the most terrible and dangerous herpetic disease caused by the activity of the herpes simplex virus is herpetic encephalitis. In the vast majority of cases, this disease leads to irreversible and severe brain damage.

How does the herpes simplex virus manifest itself in children: symptoms of herpes infection

The most obvious and common symptom of almost any herpes infection in children is a rash on the skin and/or mucous membranes. They can be different types(vesicles, as with herpes labialis, or bright red pimples, such as urticaria, or individual ulcers, as with chickenpox). But most often the rash appears in the form of small blisters, which over time burst and turn into ulcers.

A special “blistering” rash is the most common and obvious symptom of herpes virus activity in children. In addition, there are specific symptoms of herpes, which vary depending on where exactly the herpes infection “jumped out”.

In the company of a rash on the skin or mucous membranes, burning and severe itching are naturally often observed.

What determines the frequency of rashes with herpes in children?

There are circumstances that directly affect how often the herpes virus will manifest itself in a child - for example, rashes will occur once a year or every month. Such circumstances include:

  • General state of immunity;
  • Stress;
  • Any infectious disease(while the immune system is fighting another “sore”, nothing prevents the herpes virus from taking active action);
  • High temperature, heat;
  • Injury;
  • Active sun (oddly enough, but bright and prolonged sunlight affecting the skin provokes high activity of the herpes virus in the body);
  • Drying of the mucous membranes (due to respiratory disease, or for a reason, etc.).

It is impossible to live your life and never encounter the herpes virus. Already in childhood, it begins to attack us under different “guises” - mononucleosis, chickenpox, a sudden skin rash... But even in the same family there can be children who “easily” get herpetic infections and those who do not get them at all. It turns out that the resistance to the activity of the herpes virus in the body is determined primarily by the genetic and individual characteristics of the immune system of each individual baby.

Treatment of herpes in children

All herpes infections are most dangerous for children with weakened immune systems. Accordingly, the stronger the child’s immunity, the less chance the herpes virus has to start acting up.

If, during an analysis, antibodies to the herpes virus are detected in a child’s blood and there are no clinical manifestations of herpes infections (no characteristic rashes or other symptoms), then, accordingly, this child does not require any treatment - it the immune system copes well on her own.

It is necessary to treat herpes in children only if they are present clinical manifestations viral activity. Moreover, even the most effective and modern medications, used against herpes infections, fight only active viruses, without any effect on “sleeping” and inactive herpes viruses.

Let us remember that the virus itself remains in the human body for life after the first infection, and it is impossible to eliminate it completely, “in the bud.” Any treatment against herpes in children is aimed only at eliminating the activity of the virus, making its manifestations less severe, frequent and prolonged.

The most effective medicine against most manifestations of the herpes virus in children is the substance acyclovir. This pharmacological drug, capable of quickly inhibiting the reproduction of the herpes virus. At one time, the advent of acyclovir made the same revolution in medicine as the advent of penicillin.

The peculiarity of the interaction between almost all antiherpetic drugs (including acyclovir) and the herpes viruses themselves is that the more active the viruses, the more effective the effect of the drug. And vice versa: the lower the activity of viruses, the more useless the medicine.

Thus, it is obvious that antiherpetic drugs do not act at all on viruses that “sleep” in cells and are inactive. This means that drug therapy for the purpose of prevention in the case of herpes is not only ineffective, but generally inappropriate.

Moreover, this applies to both local drugs (ointments, creams and gels that are used to treat rashes) and general medications (for example, tablets).

Antiherpetic medications for oral use “work” faster and more effectively than any topical ointments.

However, only a doctor can prescribe adequate antiherpes therapy to a child, and not immediately, but only after assessing the child’s general immunity, after a blood test and other studies.

Prevention of herpes virus in children

Medical scientists have already for a long time are struggling to create anti-herpetic vaccines. They partially succeeded - already now, for example, in many countries around the world effective vaccinations against chickenpox are successfully used.

Herpes is dangerous viral disease. If left untreated, it affects the nervous system and internal organs. Most often, the herpes virus is found in the blood of children over two years of age. Timely diagnosis and the right approach to therapy.

Features of the disease in childhood

The herpes virus is considered one of the most common problems faced by parents of babies. The younger the child is, the more harm the infection can cause to his body. Only after reaching 5 years of age do the human body begin to produce antibodies that resist the harmful effects of the virus.

The infection is localized in the nerve ganglia. Because of this, it is difficult to treat. Strong antiviral drugs are unable to reach viruses. They fight only those that come to the surface and cause unpleasant symptoms.

Herpes in a child leads to a weakening of the body's protective functions. Because of this, the infection contributes to the development of complications. With proper therapy, the process can be restrained and the pathogen transferred into a latent state. The virus lives in the human body for years without manifesting itself. It is impossible to completely cope with the disease.

This problem is rare in newborns. With mother's milk, the baby also receives antibodies that resist the disease. After a year of life, the body is most susceptible to infection. Therefore, during this period, parents need to monitor compliance preventive measures. If an adult is a carrier of the virus, then when communicating with a child he should wear a gauze bandage, not kiss the baby, wash his hands as often as possible and monitor hygiene.

Types of disease

Today, scientists know for certain about the existence of 80 types of herpes. Eight of them pose a particular danger to humans. Depending on the characteristics of the pathogen, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Herpes type 1 or simple. Rashes often appear on the lips, nose, oral mucosa, and fingers. Incubation period varies from three days to several weeks.
  • Herpes type 2 or HSV The disease affects the genitals. This form of infection rarely appears in a child. Infection occurs during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. In boys, characteristic rashes appear on the glans penis, and in girls, on the mucous surface of the labia.
  • Herpes type 3. This infection in children is caused by the herpes virus varicella zoster. The disease is often called chickenpox. If the child is vaccinated, the disease occurs in mild form. In some cases, infection ends in shingles.
  • Herpes type 4. After the Epstein-Barr virus enters the child's body, mononucleosis develops. In this case, serious damage is observed lymphatic system. The body's immune system is severely affected. An accurate diagnosis in such a situation can only be made after laboratory diagnostics. Epstein-Barr virus is detected in 50% of cases. If its concentration in the blood is not high, then symptoms do not appear.
  • Herpes type 5. This type of infection is more common in children under 2 years of age. The disease develops against the background of cytomegalovirus entering the body. The incubation period is one to two months. At first, there are no symptoms at all. In this case, the child becomes a carrier of infection. He is dangerous to others. Because of this, outbreaks of infection often occur in kindergartens, where children are in close contact with each other.
  • Herpes type 6 in children. Causes rosella or exanthema. This problem is sometimes called pseudorubella. It is accompanied by the appearance of small blisters on the skin Pink colour. If you press lightly on them, they become pale. At the beginning, the symptoms of the problem mislead doctors, as they strongly resemble ARVI. Only after the appearance of rashes can a more accurate diagnosis be made. The infection does not pose a danger to the child and is easily tolerated.
  • Herpes types 7 and 8. These infections have only recently been identified. They have not yet been studied enough, but it has already been proven that these types of viruses lead to the development of symptoms chronic fatigue, depression, and in severe cases, cancer.

The most common viruses are types 1 and 2. The doctor can accurately determine the therapy program only after diagnostic measures. Sometimes experts recommend not treating the virus at all; it goes into a latent form on its own.

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How to identify and treat herpes on the tongue

Main routes of infection

The main reason for the development of herpes is the entry of a virus into the body. Experts identify several routes of infection:

  • In direct contact with a sick person. The herpes simplex virus HSV1 is most often transmitted this way. It hides in the body for a long time. Under certain circumstances, it becomes activated and characteristic symptoms appear.
  • During contact with infected household items. The virus is quite tenacious and long time remains viable outside human body. Therefore, it is extremely important that the child does not use other people’s hygiene items, towels, bed linen, toys, and so on.
  • Herpes in children can appear after a low-quality blood transfusion or complex medical procedures.
  • Some types of herpes are transmitted to the baby during fetal development from an infected mother. The virus penetrates the placental barrier.
  • The herpes virus can also appear in a child during childbirth. It is transmitted from a sick mother during the passage of the fetus through birth canal.

Before starting to treat the disease, it is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate it. Otherwise, re-infection will occur, and the concentration of viruses in the baby’s blood will increase.

The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause complications during childbirth and even miscarriage. Therefore, expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their health.

What factors provoke the re-development of the disease?

Herpes in children can remain latent for a long time. Factors that provoke active reproduction of viruses and the appearance of characteristic symptoms include:

  • Cold. The immune system, which is not yet fully formed, devotes all its efforts to restoring health, which allows the herpervirus to go on the offensive.
  • Poor nutrition. If there are not enough vegetables, berries and fruits in the baby’s diet, there is a vitamin deficiency. As a result, the body's protective functions are weakened.
  • Overheat. This often happens when traveling to hot countries or when spending a long time on the beach.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Recurrence of viral herpes in children is possible at any age. Strict adherence to all prevention rules will help to avoid this.


Depending on the type of disease, herpes manifests itself differently. The only similar sign is the characteristic rash. They have different textures, localization and shade.

Signs of the first type of disease

Herpes type 1 is characterized by the appearance of small blisters. They are concentrated in groups and localized in the lip area. The following signs of a problem are noted:

  • Severe itching and burning appears in the affected area.
  • The lips become unnaturally red and swollen.
  • Temperature increases with herpes are rare. In some cases, it stops at 38 degrees.
  • Lymph nodes increase in size.
  • The child feels tired, is often capricious, and constantly wants to sleep.

The bubbles burst a couple of days after they appear. The liquid that is in them flows out. At this moment, the child is dangerous to others. Therefore, during treatment he should not be taken to school, kindergarten or other crowded places.

Symptoms of the second type of disease

Infection with herpervirus type 2 occurs during the fetal development of the baby or its passage through the birth canal. In some cases, the infection is transmitted through household contact. The following symptoms appear:

  • Rash localized in the genital area.
  • Slight increase in body temperature.
  • The genitals swell and their color changes.

The average duration of illness is ten days. In especially severe cases, it can last up to a month.

Manifestations of type 3 infection

The incubation period of the disease (“chickenpox”) is about three weeks. After this, the following symptoms appear:

  • Increase in body temperature to 40 degrees.
  • Severe headaches.
  • A rash appears on the face and body.
  • The blisters that form are very itchy and cause severe discomfort to the baby.

In this case, the baby becomes a carrier of infection, so he must be isolated from everyone who has not had chickenpox. On average, therapy will take about two weeks.

Signs of the fourth type of herpes

Such herpes in a child often manifests itself as mononucleosis. This problem is not dangerous, but its treatment will require a lot of time. It is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • lethargy, fast fatiguability, weakness.
  • The appearance of a strong dry cough.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Increased size of lymph nodes.
  • Pain in the larynx when swallowing.
  • The liver and spleen may become enlarged.

This disease is characterized by very unpleasant sensations, pain.

The child’s condition worsens significantly and if treatment is not started in time, serious complications.

We will talk about the symptoms and treatment of herpes on the body of a child in the article.

general information

Herpes on a child’s body - photo:

Herpes is a disease viral origin. Characterized by blistering rashes on the body and increased temperature.

As soon as the virus enters the child’s body, it begins to actively influence. The baby experiences weakness, itching and burning of the skin.

In most cases, herpes affects children with weak immunity, who often catch colds.

Infection of a child occurs through airborne droplets and contact. Often the baby becomes infected through household items. The rash can occur on any part of the body. Bubbles can be in both small and large quantities.

On what parts of the body can it occur?

Herpes can occur anywhere, but most often appears in the following places:

Infants are often affected rib cage, neck. The rashes can reach large sizes.

What is it caused by?

Herpes on the body is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. It enters the body contact and airborne droplets. The source of infection is a sick person.

Often the virus enters the child’s body through household items: dishes, toys, towels.

Causes and risk factors

The causes of the disease include:

Risk factors are poor nutrition, lack of nutrients, colds. Experts include children with weakened immune systems as risk groups, as well as those children who suffer from allergies.

Symptoms and signs

It is not difficult to identify this disease, as it has pronounced symptoms:

  • skin tingling, itching. Discomfort appears, the child may scratch the skin incessantly;
  • small bubbles on the body. The rashes form gradually, become bright, and liquid appears inside;
  • temperature increase. The child has a fever, which can only be relieved with the help of medications;
  • weakness, lethargy. The baby gets tired quickly and becomes inactive. He has no energy for games;
  • loss of appetite. The child does not feel hungry and refuses to eat.

Types and forms

In children, experts distinguish two types of herpes:

  1. Simple. Blistering rashes occur in the groin area, in the mucous membranes, on the stomach, and back. The temperature rises slightly. The bubbles burst over time and the liquid comes out. The wounds are healing.
  2. girdling. Distributed throughout the body. The rashes do not look like blisters, but like red spots. Characteristic heat, the disease lasts quite a long time. The affected areas swell, become rough, and become crusty.

The disease in children occurs in two forms:

  1. Primary. The infection occurred recently, the disease appeared for the first time. The patient's condition is serious: high fever, rashes all over the body, weakness.
  2. Recurrent. The disease manifests itself repeatedly and is more easily tolerated. The temperature rises slightly, the rash is almost unnoticeable and goes away quickly. The body resists the virus.

Possible complications and consequences

If the child is not treated in time, serious complications may occur:

  • meningitis. It occurs quite often among complications and causes a serious condition for the patient;
  • defeat nervous system. The child becomes nervous and restless;
  • otitis. Herpes can cause otitis media, hearing problems;
  • disruption digestive organs. Digestive tract diseases may appear.

With timely treatment of the baby, negative consequences can be avoided.


On one's own the disease cannot be determined.

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Inspection patient. The doctor carefully examines the rash.
  2. Blood analysis. Allows you to determine the presence of a virus.
  3. Smear affected surface. It is studied by specialists in the laboratory. Helps confirm or deny the presence of a virus.


How to treat herpes on the body in children? You can cure a child with the help of medications, injections and folk remedies.

Preparations, ointments and creams

First of all, patients are prescribed drugs that fight the virus, eliminate the symptoms of the disease and increase immunity:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Valtrex.

These medications are made in tablet form. They are taken for the first five days, one tablet 2-3 times a day, washed down with water.

One tablet is enough to eliminate the fever. You should not give your baby more than three tablets per day.

To relieve itching, experts prescribe Suprastin. It is taken in the first 3-5 days, one tablet in the morning and evening. The medicine relieves swelling, itching, and speeds up the healing process.

Among the ointments, the most prominent are effective:

  • Bonafton;
  • Bepanten;
  • Panavir.

Ointments lead to recovery; they are applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Effective in the fight against herpes are cream:

  • Panthenol;
  • Zovirax;
  • Elokom.

They are applied to painful areas at least twice a day, lightly rubbing.

The creams act carefully, do not injure the baby’s delicate skin, and relieve the symptoms of the disease.


Prescribed by doctors after examining the patient, if necessary.

Particularly effective are injections of Larifan, Imunofan, Viferon.

The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the child’s weight, age and condition.

The choice of medication is also made by a specialist. Injections can significantly increase human immunity, help the body fight the virus.

Typically, several injections are performed at intervals of 8-10 days. The exact schedule for administering the medicine is drawn up by the doctor individually.

Are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are not needed to treat herpes because they cannot eliminate the virus and are powerless. There is no need to take them, they can lead to negative consequences.

Will folk remedies help and which ones?

Folk remedies cannot fight the virus, but they can alleviate the patient’s condition by eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

How to dress a child?

With this disease, the child must be dressed in natural fabrics. Clothes should be pleasant to the touch and not cause irritation.

Artificial, synthetic materials can lead to complications.

Clothes should not be too tight. It should not hinder movement, squeeze, rub the skin.


Parents need to remember about preventive measures:

Herpes on the body can lead to negative consequences if left untreated.

Skin manifestations of herpes - what you need to know? Tips for parents in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

herpetic infection

Herpes is a viral infection caused by different types of herpes virus. It is characterized by rashes in the form of small, crowded blisters on the mucous membranes and skin. The disease is dangerous for complications for children infancy and during intrauterine infection.

How to treat herpes in children? The herpes virus cannot be cured forever if it has already entered the body. It can only be calmed down, muffled. A person has the genetic ability of the immune system to fight the herpes virus. In one child, herpes appears every three months, in another - once a year, and in a third it does not “wake up” at all. Sooner or later, every child becomes infected with one or another type of herpes virus. It is believed that 100% of the population of our planet has cytomegalovirus, and the herpes simplex virus occurs in 90% of people.


In an inactive state, the virus lives in nerve cells. Under the influence of what factors is it activated?

  • Constant fatigue.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Stress.
  • Emotional overload.
  • ARVI and other diseases.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, overheating.
  • Drying of mucous membranes.
  • Frequent hypothermia.
  • Injuries to mucous membranes and skin.
  • Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.

But still, the main reason is a decrease in the protective properties of the body. With weak immunity in children, the herpes virus progresses, affecting large areas of the body and mucous membranes. The weaker the immune system, the more severe the herpes infection.

How does infection occur?

The herpetic virus is highly contagious, that is, infectious. The main transmission routes are airborne and contact. A person is considered to be most contagious during the period of rash. Where and how can you most often get infected? In everyday life, if there are carriers of the virus in the house, strict rules of personal hygiene are not observed. You can become infected through shared towels, dishes, and unwashed hands. If infection has occurred, this does not mean that the child will immediately develop a fever on the lip. The virus can only become active under favorable conditions - weakened immunity.

Types of Herpes

There are about 80 (according to some sources about 100) herpes viruses. Medical science describes 8 types of herpes that can cause different kinds herpetic infection. They may differ in symptoms, duration, and severity of the disease.

  • Herpes type 1. Herpes simplex virus, which causes rashes on the lips (fever), on the wings of the nose, around the mouth, and on the oral mucosa. One of the most common types.
  • Herpes type 2. Affects the mucous membranes of the genitals. It is less common than herpes type 1. Sometimes viruses 1 and 2 appear simultaneously. Infection most often occurs during passage through the birth canal. In boys, the glans penis is affected; in girls, the mucous membrane of the labia is affected. Genital herpes in children causes severe itching. This type of virus can also cause herpetic sore throats and stomatitis.
  • Herpes type 3. The famous chickenpox caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Read more about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children in our other article. A variant of the lesion may be herpetic herpes zoster. It most often occurs in adults who are repeatedly infected with Varicella Zoster.
  • Herpes type 4 in children. Epstein-Barr virus causes infectious mononucleosis. A severe disease affecting the lymphoid system. With infectious mononucleosis, the following symptoms are observed: fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, swelling of the adenoids, enlarged spleen and liver. The disease is dangerous due to complications and leads to weakened immunity. The final diagnosis is established only after a blood test and detection of atypical mononuclear cells.
  • Herpes type 5. Causes cytomegalovirus infection. This type of herpes in a child first occurs at 2 years of age, when the visit begins nursery group kindergarten. Less common is intrauterine infection with cytomegalovirus, which entails serious consequences and developmental disorders. Cytomegalovirus infection may not manifest itself for a long time. A child may be a virus carrier. When cytomegalovirus is activated, symptoms similar to infectious mononucleosis occur. However, the lymph nodes and tonsils are not affected. It is treated in the same way as other types of herpes virus - with antiherpetic drugs. Extremely dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Herpes type 6. Herpes virus type 6 in children causes roseola, or sudden exanthema. This disease is also called pseudorubella. Characteristic symptom- pink small papules on the skin that turn pale when pressed. At the beginning of the disease, the temperature rises, but there is no cough or runny nose. The child recovers quickly. Herpes type 6 in children often misleads doctors: there seemed to be an acute onset, an increase in temperature, but no catarrhal signs followed. First, a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection is made, and only after the appearance of a rash suspicions arise: is it rubella or roseola? Often, a rash with sudden exanthema is confused with allergic rashes.
  • Herpes types 7 and 8. Viruses of a new generation, recently discovered. There is an assumption that they cause chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and cancer.

If a blood test reveals antibodies to any type of virus, this indicates that the pathogen has already entered the body and the immune system has successfully dealt with it. If there are antibodies, but there are no rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, the disease does not need to be treated.

Most common rashes

Treatment of herpes

Treatment of herpes infection in children is carried out at the initial stage of the disease. If 3 days have passed since the bubbles appeared, there is no point in using special medications. Treatment is usually prescribed if the virus recurs frequently, the rash lasts a long time, and spreads to other parts of the body.

  • Antiherpetic drugs. They come in the form of ointments, creams, gels, tablets and injections. Most effective when chronic forms herpes is not considered local treatment, and taking drugs orally. This allows you to increase the concentration of the substance in the blood. The discovery of acyclovir was a major event in medicine. Today this is the most effective medicine from the herpes virus. The most well-known drugs: Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Famacyclovir, Virolex, Tebrofen, Vidarabine, Riodoxol, Zovirax. For treatment cytomegalovirus infection use “Phosphonoformat”, “Ganciclovir”.
  • The use of antiviral and immunostimulating agents. They quickly stop the action of the virus and prevent it from infecting other areas of the skin. The doctor may prescribe: “Arpetol”, “Immunal”, “Groprinosin”. The insidiousness of the herpes virus is that when it is active, the body does not produce interferon, as happens with other viruses. Therefore, the doctor prescribes the drug “Interferon” by injection. Medicines that stimulate the production of natural interferon are also used: Neovir, Cycloferon.
  • Vitamin therapy. The body needs to help cope with the virus and strengthen the immune system. For this, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins. Vitamin C, a group of B vitamins, and calcium are especially useful. A tincture of Eleutherococcus is indicated, which increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and relieves physical, emotional and mental fatigue.
  • Antipyretics and bed rest. For infectious mononucleosis, roseola, chicken pox the temperature rises. It is necessary to monitor the child’s condition and bring down the temperature above 38.5 °C. You also need to give your child to drink as much as possible. The air in the room should be fresh, cool and humid.
  • Antihistamines. Prescribed for severe itching and extensive skin lesions. The most commonly used drugs are: “Erius”, “Fenistil”, “Claritin”, “Gismanal”, “Ketitofen”, “Terfen”, “Cetrin”.

The essence of treating herpes in children is to suppress the virus and reduce its activity. There is no cure for the herpes virus. A pediatrician treats chickenpox, sudden exanthema, infectious mononucleosis, and cytomegalovirus. If the rashes are too frequent, cause discomfort, severe itching, you should consult a pediatric immunologist. The doctor will prescribe special immunological tests.

Features of herpes infection in infants

Herpes in infants is rare. Primary infection with herpes in a child can occur at 1 year of age, when the mother’s antibodies no longer protect against the virus. Herpes of any type in infancy is dangerous with complications. The organs of hearing and vision, cardiac, genitourinary and nervous system. The virus can lead to hepatitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the membranes of the brain and the development of herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, mental disorders, and impaired reproductive function. Also, children often develop lesions of the oral mucosa - stomatitis - against the background of a herpetic infection. They can be severe and require long-term treatment.

If there are infants and adults in the house who suffer from herpes infection, you need to adhere to strict preventive measures during rashes:

  • put on a gauze bandage;
  • do not kiss the child;
  • do not touch the bubbles, wash your hands often;
  • use individual dishes.

Herpes in a child most often occurs on the lips, around the mouth, on the wings of the nose, and on the oral mucosa. Less often - on the body, cases of genital herpes are even less common. The disease is effectively treated with antiherpetic drugs. Herpes is dangerous due to the following complications: herpetic eczema, encephalitis, mental disorders, inflammation of internal organs.
