Mustard hair mask: a selection of the best recipes. Recipes for hair masks made from mustard powder How does a mustard hair mask help?

What prompted me to use the mustard hair mask recipe, you ask?
I'll tell you a brief story. A long time ago, when I was still at university, a girl with luxurious curly hair lived in the room next to me. They were a rich dark color with large curls and a length almost to the lower back. Everyone envied her. One day after the summer holidays, we all gathered again on September 1 at the university. And what do you think, everyone has probably had such a story in life that you ended up with an unsuccessful hairdresser. The same thing happened to my neighbor. She arrived from home without her gorgeous mane, but with her hair cut in a terrible way. Beautiful curls it was no longer there, my hair didn’t even reach my shoulders. The girl was very upset, but we all calmed her down and gave her various tips on how to grow her hair faster. And one of my classmates told me that there is a wonderful mustard mask for hair growth. A neighbor started making this hair mask with mustard once a week. And what do you think, not even a month has passed since my hair has grown significantly. She went to prom with gorgeous hair.
Several years have passed since then. And just recently I myself turned to this recipe for a mask for hair growth with mustard. But for a different reason. My hair is long, but it has always lacked thickness. And then my hair began to fall out and became even less frequent. And then I remembered the magical recipe for a mustard hair mask. And I started doing it once a week too. Three weeks later, the first results appeared: my hair stopped falling out completely, and after another week I noticed that a fuzz of new hair was starting to grow on me. If you lift the bangs and look at the frontal part, you can see short hair growing. I didn't even expect such a result. The effect of the mustard hair mask was simply amazing!

This hair growth mask with mustard is suitable for anyone who has problems with hair growth or suffers from hair loss. It will strengthen your hair and give it a healthier look.

However mustard hair mask may cause harm, if you do not follow the basic rules for using a mask against hair loss:

  • 1. Mustard is an irritant; it warms the scalp and thereby increases blood circulation. Therefore, a mustard mask is contraindicated due to allergies. Before applying mustard mask for scalp hair, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. To do this, apply the mustard mixture to the inside of your hand. If there is no redness or severe itching, but only a slight burning sensation, then you can be calm and not afraid of allergic reactions.
  • 2. For preparing masks against hair loss, only mustard powder is suitable, and not ready-made food mustard. Food mustard contains harmful substances.
  • 3. Mustard mask is applied to unwashed, dirty hair.
  • 4. Be careful not to get the mask into your eyes, as it will cause irritation and burning.
  • 5. You cannot dilute mustard with boiling water, because hot water will release toxic essential oils. Just breed her warm water.
  • 6. Do not leave the mustard mask for a long time, because the longer it sits, the more chemical substances will stand out and hence there will be a big burning sensation on the scalp, and you will not be able to keep the mask on your head for a long time.
  • 7. Keep the mustard mask on your head only for the specified time so as not to dry out your scalp and cause flaking and dandruff. We recommend adding oils (burdock, olive or any other cosmetic) to the mask, which will prevent your skin and hair from drying out.
  • 8. It is best to wash off the mustard mask with warm water, but not hot or cold. Due to the action of the mask, the scalp becomes very sensitive, so cold or hot water may cause negative effects.
  • 9. After you rinse the mask from your hair, wash your hair regular shampoo. And then be sure to apply hair balm. So that the hair does not become dry after the mustard mask.
  • 10. The mustard mask is applied ONLY to the roots of the hair, so as not to dry out the already dry ends. By the way, you can lubricate the ends of your hair with oil while the mask is in effect. This will definitely prevent them from drying out.

Mustard hair mask (recipe):

  • 1. Mustard powder – 2 tablespoons;
  • 2. Either vegetable oil or any other cosmetic oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • 3. One chicken egg yolk;
  • 4. Granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons.

But for the first time, you can use only 1 teaspoon of sugar for a mustard mask. It serves to enhance the effect of mustard. The more sugar you add to the mask, the more it will burn. Therefore, start with the smallest amount of sugar, and next time, if necessary, increase the amount.

The process of preparing a mustard hair mask:

Take a bowl, pour mustard and all other ingredients into it and add two tablespoons of warm water. Mix and apply to hair roots. We put the bag on your head or a shower cap and wrap it with a towel. If the burning becomes unbearable, then wash off the mustard mask, do not tolerate it and do not torture yourself. Next time add less sugar.

Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, apply shampoo, and then conditioner. This time it is better to do without blow-drying your hair, so as not to dry out your hair even more.

Hair mask mustard + sugar + yolk and any cosmetic is an excellent remedy for hair growth.

However, you can experiment and add other ingredients. For example, you can make a hair mask from kefir, mustard and sugar. It is suitable for oily hair. As you noticed, we replace the egg yolk with kefir or mayonnaise.

If your hair is dull and weak, then you can use mustard with tea leaves and yolk. And to give your hair volume, make a hair mask with mustard and gelatin.

How long does it take to make a mustard hair mask?

It depends on what type of hair you have.

  • Mustard mask for oily hair done once every 5 days.
  • For normal hair – 1 time every 7 days.
  • Mustard mask for dry hair This is done only once every 10 days.

This hair mask is made for 1 month, then we definitely take a break for 1 month, then the course can be repeated.

After the course, your hair will grow significantly. And then they will gain more volume due to new hair. The main thing is, do not forget the basic rules, as well as properly care for your hair.

We hope mustard hair mask will help you against hair loss, as well as get rid of excess oil (this applies to oily hair) and enhance its growth.

Mustard powder can be safely called unique means! It is used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. A hair mask with mustard improves the structure of strands, stimulates their growth, gives hair health and shine. So why don’t you and I use it for the benefit of our beauty?!

Characteristic features of the mask

Mustard is famous for its powerful healing properties. She:

  • increases blood flow to the roots;
  • provides enhanced nutrition to hair follicles;
  • stimulates growth;
  • exfoliates old cells;
  • strengthens curls;
  • helps get rid of dandruff;
  • makes them stronger and thicker.

Homemade mustard-based masks are famous for their drying properties. They absorb excess oil and cleanse strands of dirt, making them ideal for oily hair types. In this case, the mask can be done every 5 days.

As for girls with normal and normal hair, for them, a passion for mustard is fraught with the appearance of dandruff and brittle strands. To avoid undesirable consequences, add yogurt, mayonnaise, kefir or any other ingredient to the mask. cosmetic oil. Repeat the mask itself once every two weeks.

Precautionary measures

In order for a hair mask with mustard powder to bring only benefits, you should remember a few very important things:

  • Possible allergy to burning powder. Be sure to do a preliminary test. To do this, lubricate the elbow or the skin behind the ear with the mask and wait a quarter of an hour. If no problems arise (burning or redness), feel free to apply it to your hair.
  • Do not overexpose the product. Such diligence can cause a number of undesirable consequences.
  • Listen carefully to your feelings. A slight burning sensation is considered absolutely normal, but if there is severe discomfort, the mask should be washed off immediately.
  • The composition of the cosmetic product is one more the most important moment. To prepare masks, you cannot use ready-made paste; it contains many additives that can harm your hair.
  • Buy only mustard powder - it is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny.
  • Dry mustard should be diluted with warm water. Hot and just boiled water provokes the release of toxic essential oils, and cold does not give any effect.
  • Apply this product to dirty strands.
  • While the mask is in effect, your head should be insulated with a cap, and at the end of the procedure, do not forget to rinse your strands with acidified water (vinegar or lemon juice).

Mustard masks - variations on a theme

There are many different recipes in folk cosmetology. Here are some of the best.

Mustard with egg and sugar

  • Dry mustard powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Raw chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Sugar or granulated sugar - 2 tsp;

For dry hair, you need to add vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sunflower) - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. We divide the hair into partings and lubricate the scalp with the mixture.
  3. An effective mustard mask for hair growth is left in place for 15 to 40 minutes (it all depends on your sensitivity threshold).

Mustard and kefir


  • Kefir – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Almond or peach kernel ether – 1 tsp;
  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp.

How to make a mask:

  1. We combine all the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture to dirty strands and wait 40 minutes.
  3. We wash our hair with shampoo.

Mustard, curdled milk and egg

  • Dry mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Raw yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Kefir – half a glass.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix the yolk with kefir and mustard powder.
  2. Apply this mixture to the strands and leave for half an hour.
  3. We wash our hair with clean water.

In this recipe, the concentration of mustard is much lower, so you can repeat it at least every day.

Mustard mask against oily hair

  • Clay (blue) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Arnica tincture - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Rub the product into the skin and roots.
  3. Wash off the mixture after 20 minutes.

Another good mask:

Yeast with mustard

  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Kefir – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dry mustard – 1 tsp;
  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  • Dry yeast – 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a mask:

  1. We dilute the yeast in heated kefir.
  2. Add sugar, place the dishes in a warm place and wait until the mask begins to ferment.
  3. Add the missing components, mix and rub into the roots and skin.
  4. We wash our hair after an hour or two.

Firming mask


  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Dry mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Black tea (strong) - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix all the ingredients of the mask.
  2. Apply to damp hair roots.
  3. Wash off after 30 minutes.

>Mask with a nourishing effect

  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey – 1 tsp;
  • Almond oil – 1 tsp;
  • Kefir – 100 ml;
  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Rosemary – 4 drops.

How to do:

  1. We connect all the components.
  2. Apply the mixture to damp hair.
  3. Wait 20 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo.

Activating mask


  • Yogurt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Liquid natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Making a mask:

  1. Mix the mask and rub it into the roots.
  2. After 25 minutes the mixture can be washed off.

Who is not suitable for burning cosmetics?

Hair masks with mustard should not be used for psoriasis, lichen, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, seborrhea, fungal diseases of the scalp, as well as boils and wounds. In this case, mustard not only causes a strong burning sensation, but also provokes the development of an inflammatory process.

For everyone else, mustard masks can do an excellent job and revive damaged strands in just a few weeks.

Nature is rich in plants with unique medicinal properties. Among them are many that help us become healthier and more beautiful: for example, mustard. In addition to its piquant and pungent taste characteristics, thanks to which it has become an indispensable seasoning, mustard has a lot of health benefits. human body qualities In this article we will talk about how to prepare hair masks with mustard for hair growth at home. In the meantime, a little interesting facts about this unique plant.

Some historical facts

Mustard has been known to people for thousands of years; in old times it was used to prepare medicinal oil and sauces. It occupied quite an important place in the culture of various countries. For example, during the time of Hippocrates in Greece, mustard was the main ingredient, and in the Bible the seeds of the plant are mentioned as a symbol of greatness and strength.

Mustard belongs to the cabbage family; Mediterranean countries and Asian states are considered its homeland. Translated, the name of the plant sounds like “brain-burning, burning.” Mustard came to Russia quite by accident, along with flax and millet, and only after a while it became widely used.

Mustard contains:

  • iron;
  • keratin;
  • B vitamins (so good for hair);
  • calcium;
  • proteins;
  • unsaturated fatty acids.

Derived from mustard seeds raw materials are widely used in cosmetology, being a leader in the treatment of hair loss.

Hair masks with mustard: application features

Mustard hair masks work according to to the following principle: a burning substance irritates the hair roots, causing an active rush of blood, as a result of which the growth of curls intensifies and accelerates, and hair loss stops. Mustard masks are not suitable for everyone. Those people who are prone to allergic reactions. Before using the product, perform an allergy test, for which you smear a little of the mixed product on your wrist and wait about half an hour. If there is no redness or itching, start the procedure.


  • too sensitive scalp;
  • allergic reaction;
  • inflammatory processes on the scalp.

Start using masks with a minimum exposure time, and then, step by step, add 3-5 minutes to each procedure. If you leave mustard on your hair too much, it can become very dry, and sometimes even begin to break and fall out.

Mustard masks for hair growth are considered biologically active, so to avoid excessive burning and excessive dryness of curls, use them on unwashed hair. If you have dry strands, it is recommended to pre-coat them with oil along the entire length, without touching the skin at the roots. Sometimes after using such a mask, dandruff appears on your head - this means that your skin is too sensitive and the product is not suitable for you.

Application method

The mask can be applied with a special brush for coloring, but it is most convenient to do this with a large syringe. Throw away the needle, draw the mixture into the syringe, and then, like cream on a cake, squeeze out the required amount along the sections.

Terms of use

In order for mustard masks to show their beneficial side, they must be used correctly. Please pay attention to the following rules and try to adhere to them:

  1. An effective mask is made not with table mustard bought in a store, but with dry mustard powder. This is explained by the fact that the finished industrial product contains a lot of additives that are harmful to your hair.
  2. When breeding mustard powder With water, use only warm liquid, but never boiling water. Otherwise, instead of useful substances, mustard will release harmful toxic essential oils.
  3. The burning sensation from the mask should be tolerable and moderate. If you feel severe itching or pain at the hair roots, wash off the product immediately!
  4. For a more pronounced effect, after applying a hair mask with mustard for hair growth, it is recommended to wrap your head in plastic and a towel.
  5. Mustard masks are suitable for those with oily hair, as they normalize sebum secretion and slightly dry out the strands.

Hair masks with mustard powder at home: recipes

Let's start with elementary and simplest mask, which is available to everyone. To prepare it, add 1 tbsp of warm water. l. dry mustard powder until a plastic, uniform mass is obtained with a specific aroma and color.

Apply the mixture to the roots without touching the rest of the hair surface, warm your head and leave for 5 minutes. Please note: the skin will definitely “burn” and bake, but with each new time the addiction will make itself felt and it will become easier to endure. Ideally, leave the mask on your hair for up to 30 minutes. The product is used no more than once every 7 days.

Hair growth mask with mustard and egg

Into a paste of 1 tbsp. l. Mix 1 fresh egg white with mustard powder and heated water, and then knead everything thoroughly until smooth. This mask is suitable for normal and oily hair types. If you have dry curls, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

The mask is applied to the roots, left for 10 to 20 minutes and washed off with shampoo and warm water. 1-2 applications per week are enough to notice new hair growth in a short period of time.

Mustard with yeast

Leave the following ingredients in a warm place to ferment for half an hour: 1 small packet of yeast, ¼ cup warmed milk and 2 tsp. Sahara. After the mixture comes to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, previously diluted with warm water. Mix everything and apply to the hair roots, leave for 30 minutes. Important: if your hair is oily, instead of milk, dissolve the yeast in warm low-fat kefir.

Mask for oily hair with a degreasing and refreshing effect

Hair masks with mustard for hair loss also help refresh hair and moderate the secretion of sebum. hair follicles. First, water and mustard powder are mixed until a thin mass is formed, then low-fat sour cream (1 tbsp.) or 3 tbsp. l. little fatty kefir and rub the mixture into the roots for 15 minutes twice a week. Wash off with non-hot water and shampoo.

Mask for dry hair

Mix the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. heated water.
  2. About 1 tbsp. l. almond or castor oil (you can read about other masks with castor oil);
  3. 1 tbsp. l. soft butter, mayonnaise and mustard powder.

Due to the multi-component nature, the product will not burn the scalp too much, so you can try to leave the mask on the roots for up to 40 minutes, and then rinse it well from the hair several times. Do the procedure twice every 7 days and you will soon see significant improvements.

Mustard mask with onion and garlic

This unique mask for increasing the rate of hair growth is done as follows: dilute the mustard powder to a paste-like consistency with warm water. Separately squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. onion and 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, mix with mustard paste. If you have oily hair, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. sour cream, and if so, then 2 tbsp. l. table mayonnaise or oil: castor, burdock. The product is rubbed into the roots and left for half an hour in a warm form, and then rinsed off thoroughly.

Mustard powder and clay

The mask strengthens the roots, stimulates the growth of curls, degreases and cleanses them. To prepare the product, mix 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard and blue cosmetic clay, dissolve everything in warm water until creamy consistency. The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the head and left wrapped for 15 minutes. The mask is used no more than once every 7 days.

Miracle mask that strengthens roots (for all hair types)

To prepare it you should take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 50 gr. colorless henna;
  • 3 drops of any essential oil;
  • 1 fresh yolk;
  • a little mustard powder (about 1-2 tbsp.).

All ingredients, except henna, are mixed into a mustard mass prepared from powder and water. Henna is steamed separately with boiling water, and after cooling it is added to the rest of the mixture. The mask is applied to the roots and kept for about 1 hour under polyethylene and a towel. It is better to rinse off without using shampoo: this means that it is advisable to apply the mask to pre-washed hair.

Remember: it is not recommended to use one type of mustard mask for more than 2 months, otherwise addiction will occur and the effect will decrease. And if the mustard mask does not bake, it means that the powder has expired and you need to buy a new one for the next mask.

You can safely experiment with the ingredients by adding honey, cognac, or aloe juice to the mustard. And if the regular use of masks is supplemented with natural rinses made from infusions of nettle or chamomile, then the hair will not only become stronger, but also acquire a healthy shine.

Mustard is an inexpensive seasoning that can be purchased at any supermarket. It is used in cooking, but this powder is also used in hair care.

When used regularly, mustard has the ability to significantly stimulate hair growth and strengthen it. In this article we will tell you the benefits of a mustard hair mask.

Advice! To protect your hair from drying out as much as possible, apply the mixture only along the partings, on the skin itself. It is better to lubricate the curls themselves with oil - olive, burdock, coconut. The holding time of the mass should be reduced to 20-30 minutes.

How often to make mustard masks?

They should not be abused - the effect of private use is unlikely to be impressive. But it is possible to cause skin burns, hypersensitivity, and irritation. The frequency of use directly depends on the type of hair:

  • for oily hair - 2 times every 7 days;
  • for normal people - once a week;
  • for dry, stained, damaged - no more than once every 10 days.

Useful video

We invite you to learn more about the benefits of mustard in this video:

Mustard powder masks are a simple way to speed up hair growth and give it incredible shine and volume. The undoubted advantage is that this method does not require large expenses, you just need patience and time. However, do not forget about precautions and correct use masks. Then the result in the form of a luxurious hairstyle will delight you and those around you.

In contact with

For a long time mustard was considered a hair growth activator, so masks made from it are especially popular among women.

In this article, we will teach you how to choose the right ingredients for such masks, share different recipes, and also tell you how to make and apply masks based on dry mustard, so that the hair grew quickly, while the strands were healthy and looked good.

How to prepare a mustard hair mask?

Firstly, the main requirement for preparing mustard masks is to use dry mustard (powder). In other words, when preparing mustard mixtures, you cannot use food mustard (for sandwiches) sold in supermarkets.

Secondly, dry mustard powder is diluted with slightly warm water, since the application is too hot or cold water unacceptable.

You should also not save the finished mask, as it loses its healing properties and can even be harmful. As for cooking recommendations, for:

  • dry curls the mask must contain a nutritious fatty substance: sour cream, yogurt, oil (cosmetic);
  • unhealthy, damaged curls it is necessary to use a softening composition: fatty vitamins in ampoules, egg;
  • oily hair– products with a drying effect: lemon juice, green tea, black.

How to apply a mustard mask on your hair?

There are certain rules for the use and application of mustard-based hot masks. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. To achieve the greatest effect in the end, after applying the burning composition wrap your head in something warm, having previously hidden the hair in a special plastic cap or wrapped it in cling film.
  2. The mask is used exclusively on dirty hair, since in this condition of the hair it will not be able to harm the structure of the hairs.
  3. Mustard mass for hair growth remains after preparation. most effective during the first 10 minutes. Therefore, it must be used immediately after preparation.
  4. To wash off the stinging mask, use water at a temperature of 36–38 degrees, since hot water can cause burns to the skin on the head.
  5. Comprehensively Together with the mask, they additionally moisturize the curls with the help of balm. It is used after the mask.
  6. If you feel slight discomfort and burning when exposed to the mask, do not tolerate it, wash it off. At next use, reduce the proportion of dry mustard.

Tip: Before lubricating your scalp with mustard, be sure to test it on your wrist. This way you will protect yourself from hair damage and allergic reactions.

How long should you keep the mustard mask on your hair?

Depending on the components of the mask, it is necessary to hold it from 15 minutes to one hour. You should also focus on your feelings, since not everyone has the same skin. If the burning sensation is unbearable, the composition should be washed off immediately.

How long will it take for hair to grow back after a mustard mask?

According to women's reviews, the mustard miracle product promotes active hair growth, while the curls thicken, become softer and more voluminous. The results for all women are different, since growth rates are very individual. On average, with constant use of mustard-based masks, growth is recorded at 2-3 cm in one month. And here is what women who have already tried to grow and improve their curls write.

Mustard mask for hair growth at home for thicker hair: recipes

The main task of mustard is to increase the flow of blood, enriched with nutrients and oxygen, to the hair follicles. This has a positive effect on their nutrition and development. As a result, the growth of existing hairs is stimulated, as well as the “awakening” and activation of the growth of “dormant” follicles. Therefore, the main benefit of mustard compositions is active growth and increased density.

Mustard hair mask with yolk

Initially, mix mustard with water. Afterwards, add all the remaining products. The mass should become homogeneous. Apply it to skin heads and wrap to create a greenhouse effect. The mask should act on the bulbs for 15 minutes.

Advice: Before application burning mask pre-treat the hair from the middle with a cosmetic greasy composition. This will prevent dry ends from burning out.

Mustard-burdock hair mask

Pour mustard (dry) with warm water, grind everything with the other ingredients, add burdock oil. Let it sit for 2 minutes and you can use it. Leave the composition for 20 minutes.

Mustard-pepper hair mask

Grind the above ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask directly to the scalp so that it comes into less contact with the hair. Cover your head and wait 30 minutes. If the burning sensation is noticeable before the end of half an hour, the “sharp” mask should be washed off earlier.

Mustard hair mask with vitamins

Grind dry mustard with water and add other products. Rub the resulting mask into the hair follicles and stretch it along the length with a comb. Gather the strands under cling film and wait 15 minutes.

Mustard mask for strengthening hair: recipes

Masks with dry mustard (powder) not only have a beneficial effect on growth, but also have a strengthening effect. Their regular use restores strands and makes curls thicker.

Mustard hair mask with gelatin

Pour gelatin powder with lukewarm water. Wait 30 minutes. Afterwards, add dry mustard and add the yolk, grind. This mask is kept for 15–25 minutes.

Hair mask with mustard oil

Pour the medicinal root powder with well-heated mustard oil. Using a water bath, heat the composition for 7–10 minutes. Pour into a vessel (preferably glass), leave for 7–14 days in the dark. Treat the scalp with the resulting liquid 30 minutes before washing it.

Mustard-yeast hair mask

Heat the water and add the yeast, leave to “play” for an hour. Afterwards, add honey and dry mustard. Mix to the same consistency. Apply to head for 30 minutes.

Mustard hair mask with honey

Prepare a creamy slurry: mustard + water. Add onion juice, honey, aloe there. Stir and you can apply. Wrap your head warmly and wait 40 minutes.

Mustard masks for the growth of oily, dry, colored hair

If you decide to carry out a set of procedures using dry mustard for the growth and strengthening of curls, then you should consider your hair type, since the frequency of application of the mustard composition depends on this. To activate growth, try the masks below.

Mustard-castor hair mask

Combine all ingredients and grind. Rub the mask into the skin and wait 20 minutes. Over time, increase the duration of mustard masks to 40 minutes.

Hair mask with mustard powder and cognac

Add dry mustard to cognac and stir. Rinse your hair with the prepared solution. Wait 5 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

Mustard hair mask with sugar

All ingredients are mixed until smooth, after which the mask is rubbed into the head. The activator in this composition is sugar, therefore, the more you add, the more intense the burning sensation will be. The mask lasts from 20 minutes to an hour.

Mustard-kefir hair mask

Grind the ingredients to a kind of paste. Rub the resulting composition into the roots with massage movements. You need to leave this mask on your hair for 20–40 minutes, then rinse it off.

Lemonberry-mustard hair mask

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with dry mustard. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat. The mixture is applied to damp strands and left for 25–30 minutes.

How often to make a mustard hair mask?

First you need to determine your hair type. As for the frequency of application, the procedure is carried out in courses. On average, to “make” hair grow more actively, 10 applications are enough, but with frequency depending on the type of hairline: