Helminthiases of dogs with a detailed description. How to determine if a dog has worms: a practical guide. Infection of a puppy with roundworms

Dogs become infected in three main ways:

  • intrauterine (from pregnant woman to fetus);
  • fecal-oral (through feces and digestive tract);
  • through blood (using mosquitoes).

Infection with toxocariasis occurs in utero, i.e. puppies are born already infected.

Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route through contact of dogs with external sources of infection. Such sources can be anything - soil infested with eggs and larvae of worms, lawns, natural reservoirs and puddles, raw meat or fish products, sick animals, etc.

Anthelmintic therapy

The problem of helminthic infestation in dogs is constant. There is no point in waiting for the clinical manifestation of this pathology; it is enough to regularly treat the animal for worms.

List of anthelmintic drugs

Anthelmintics for dogs are available in 5 different dosage forms:

It is impossible to completely rid a dog of helminth infections using folk remedies, although there are a great many recipes for expelling worms using improvised means. All stated below folk recipes are for informational purposes only and do not serve as a guide to action:

  • Give the dog a decoction of pomegranate bark three times a day until the helminths stop coming out in the feces;
  • once a day for a week, give the animal a decoction of fennel and chamomile with the addition of honey;
  • pour onion tincture with vodka into the dog’s mouth 1-2 times a day;
  • three times a day, give 2 tablespoons of a decoction of dried wormwood with honey;
  • give your dog a pulp of crushed pumpkin seeds, mixed with water, and after a few hours give a laxative;
  • Once a day, drink a water infusion of a mixture of herbs - wormwood, cloves and flax seeds.

For the purpose of prevention, dogs are wormed 4 times a year (every 3 months). If the animal eats only industrially produced dry food, the frequency of anthelmintic treatments can be reduced to 2 times a year (every 6 months).

Puppies begin to be wormed for toxocariasis from 2.5 weeks, if immediately complex, then from 3 weeks. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure and then monthly until the age of six months. Further according to the general scheme.

Worms in dogs are one of the most underestimated diseases. Often, owners either ignore the problem altogether or do not pay attention to the symptoms of an already progressing disease.

Most often, helminthic infestation in dogs develops due to the owner’s ignorance. Such an owner will proudly declare that his pet is kept in exceptionally clean conditions and infection with worms is simply impossible. But if such a neat guy had the opportunity to take a microscope with him for a walk to the dog park, then his surprise would know no bounds.

An animal can become infected with helminths without even going outside. The eggs of some worms can enter the house on the soles of shoes, which small puppies are not averse to playing with. Larvae may also be in your four-legged friend's food.

There is another extreme.The breeder may think that there is no point in fighting worms, because the risk of infection is too high. But ignoring the problem as such can lead to irreversible consequences. The course of the disease cannot be started, since the infected animal suffers from severe intoxication. As a result, helminthiasis in advanced stage leads to the death of the dog.

Types of helminths

There are three types of worms:

  1. Trematodes (flukes);
  2. Cestodes (tape);
  3. Nematodes (roundworms).


Trematodes have two special suction cups on their body, thanks to which this fluke is securely attached to the tissues of the host. Very prolific. Trematodes are the most common types of worms in dogs.

Alariasis. Small worms no more than 4 mm long. Their larvae are found in fresh water reservoirs, in frogs and tadpoles. To become infected, a dog simply needs to drink water from a pond or eat a frog. Location: intestines.

Symptoms: cough and wheezing in the lungs, diarrhea and constipation, loss of appetite and vomiting, increased body temperature.

Treatment: aricoline, hexichol, polytrem.

Opisthorchiasis. Small worms up to a centimeter in length. To become infected, a dog only needs to swim in a freshwater body of water. Also found in fish. Location: pancreas, gallbladder, liver.

Symptoms: increased body temperature due to inflammation of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder. The mucous membranes acquire a characteristic yellowish tint. The animal does not allow you to touch its belly because painful sensations. Constipation may alternate with diarrhea and be accompanied by vomiting. In this case, the help of a specialist is necessary; self-medication is not acceptable.

Paragonimiasis. Flat ovoid worms up to 13 mm in length. Carriers are crustaceans, as well as meat from infected animals (for example, pork).

Symptoms: cough, diarrhea, vomiting (sometimes with foam), and allergic reactions. Fever and convulsions are possible.

Treatment is praziquantel.


Cestodes, tapeworms. The body shape is round, segmented. They are popularly called “tapeworms” because of their unique body shape. Body length can reach 10 meters or more.

Diphyllobothriasis. Very large worms, the length of which can reach ten meters. Consist of thousands of segments. You can become infected by eating raw fish. They cause severe intoxication due to the release of large amounts of waste products into the dog’s body.

Symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, lack of appetite. The dog becomes apathetic and weak.

Treatment: Rental, Cestal, Cestex, Bunamidine.

Dipylidiasis. Adults reach sizes of up to forty centimeters. They are transmitted by blood-sucking animals, including fleas. Infection occurs when an insect is swallowed.

Symptoms: poor appetite, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting. Due to acute intoxication- apathy, weakness.

Treatment: arecoline, praziquantel, fenasal.

Echinococcosis. Tapeworms, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm. They are especially dangerous for young dogs and puppies. Localization - intestines.

Symptoms: similar to dipylidia, but more pronounced.

Treatment: rental, cestex, lopatol, bunamidine.


Nematodes are circular in cross section, which is why they are also called roundworms. There are more than 80 subspecies of nematodes, but not all are able to survive in a dog's body.

Hookworm. The length of the worms ranges in size from 1 to 2 cm. They feed on blood. They enter the dog's body through damaged skin or through food.

Symptoms: difficult to diagnose early stage, since the invasion is practically asymptomatic. In the advanced stage, they provoke intestinal disorders, with blood in the feces. Possible weakness due to anemia.

Treatment: praziquantel, pyrantel, mebendazole, fembendazole.

Toxascardiosis. White and pale yellow worms are medium-sized, up to 8 cm in length. Infection is possible in areas intended for walking dogs (through plants and in the soil). Localized in the esophagus, in gallbladder, in the intestines, liver. Puppies are more susceptible to toxocardiosis than adult dogs. Lack of treatment leads to death.

Symptoms: convulsions, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, weakness and anemia.

Toxocariasis. The worms are pale yellow in color, about twenty centimeters long. A dog can also become infected in places intended for walking. Toxocara larvae are carried by the bloodstream from the liver to the heart, then to the lungs.

Symptoms: diarrhea and vomiting, loss of appetite and exhaustion. Pneumonia, bronchitis, convulsions (in especially severe cases).

Treatment: pyrantel, ditrazine, fembendazole, mebendazole.

Dirofilariasis. One of the most dangerous diseases, since at an early stage it can be diagnosed as general heart failure and, due to improper treatment, lead to irreversible consequences and ultimately death.

Symptoms: general malaise and fever, weight loss, weakness. By multiplying, this type of helminth causes circulatory problems and, as a result, leads to heart failure and heart murmurs. Possible swelling of the dog's paws and jaws, dermatitis, itching, and redness of the skin.

Treatment: selamectin (Stronghold).

Adequate treatment

So, the owner is faced with the question of how to remove worms from a dog and what to do first? The first thing you need to do is buy the right anthelmintic. Anthelmintic for dogs can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. Inexperienced dog breeders should pay attention to the word “veterinary”, since drugs for the treatment of helminthiasis in humans are not intended for animals at all.

There are many effective and safe deworming medications for dogs, which are successfully used in their practice by veterinarians and loving owners. The following deworming medications for dogs have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Azinox plus
  • Vermox
  • Helminthal
  • Drontsit
  • Drontal plus
  • Kanikquantel

Worms in puppies need to be treated with special medications intended specifically for babies:

  • Dirofen
  • Drontal junior
  • Prazitel
  • Prazicide suspension.

Such a problem as worms in a puppy deserves special attention. A chubby baby belly is most likely one of the signs of helminthiasis. And while we are touched by the roundness of our pet, he needs urgent help.The puppy should be given anthelmintic already in the third week of life, then at five weeks and three weeks before the scheduled vaccination. Next, we give deworming medication for dogs once a month until they reach six months of age. After which the worms should be removed as adults.

How to give the drug to a dog correctly

For ease of use, anthelmintics for dogs have different shapes release. These can be tablets with a taste that is attractive to the dog (for example, meat), sweetish suspensions, and even sugar cubes. There is another alternative form - drops. They are dripped onto the animal's withers, after which they are absorbed into the blood through the skin. Drops cannot be used to treat a sick dog, or during pregnancy.

Thanks to this variety, each owner will choose something more suitable specifically for their pet. And, most likely, the dog is unlikely to refuse to accept anthelmintic drug, which is more like a treat than a medicine. But if the animal still refuses such treatment, then the anthelmintic can be given along with some kind of treat.

There is no need to add medicine to food. In most cases, the dog will eat the entire contents of the plate except the tablet. There is also a possibility that after a hearty lunch, seasoned with deworming medicine for dogs, the animal may vomit and all efforts will go down the drain.

It is necessary to treat your dog for worms once a quarter - once every six months. The easiest way to remove worms is to coincide with some event. Deworming of females, for example, should be done twice a year after estrus in the spring and early fall.

Deworming before routine vaccination is a necessary condition. If you do not treat your dog two weeks before vaccination, then there will simply be no point in this event.

How to identify helminthiasis at an early stage?

In order to detect the presence of worms in a dog, it is often enough just to be an attentive owner. The main signs of worms in a dog:

  • Loss of appetite. The animal may constantly feel hungry or, conversely, refuse to eat.
  • The dog begins to lose weight sharply, even with a normal appetite.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea. Mucus discharge, sometimes mixed with blood, is observed in the dog’s feces or vomit. You can even see worms.
  • The appearance of the coat changes and skin. This is manifested by dry skin and flaking. The fur becomes dull and falls out.
  • General weakness, decreased immunity.
  • Puppies' stomachs become enlarged and often growl.

These are the most common and eloquent symptoms of worms in a dog; by paying attention to them in time, you will not only preserve the precious health of your pet, but perhaps even his life.


It is always better to prevent any disease than to treat it. That's why, Preventing worms in dogs is the key to your pet’s well-being . To keep your dog in good health, it needs to be given deworming tablets once every six months. This will be quite enough for an animal that does not have the habit of picking up everything from the floor during a walk. You should also not allow your dog to eat grass outside. This is not only not useful, but also harmful, because taking “vitamins” in this way can result in severe helminthiasis.

The antihelminthic medicine must be given twice. This is a must for an adult dog. This is due to the fact that the medicine can destroy only adult worms without affecting their eggs. So how do you give your dog deworming tablets? The interval between the first and second doses of the drug should be approximately two weeks. During this time, new worms will have time to emerge from the eggs, but will not have time to reach sexual maturity.

Many owners believe that they can fight worms, the so-called folk remedies. This method cannot be clearly called effective or ineffective, since there is no confirmation or refutation of the reliability of this method of treatment. Usage medications– the simplest and most reliable method of treatment.

Danger to humans

Is it possible to become infected with worms from a dog or is there no danger for humans? The answer is clear: you can.Helminthiasis is no less dangerous for humans. Therefore, in preventive measures human participation is necessary. It is better if all family members take the necessary medications at the same time as the dog, otherwise the medications may be ineffective. If there are other animals in the house, then we must not forget about them either.

Whether a person can become infected with worms or not is just a matter of taking a responsible attitude towards their health and the health of their pet.

In contact with

Helminths live in different places: There are several ways of entry into the body of animals. It is impossible to keep dogs indoors like cats; the risk of developing helminthic infestations increases several times.

The main causes of worm infection:

Types of worms in dogs

We can say with almost 100% certainty that puppies and dogs have worms when certain signs appear. An attentive owner will immediately notice that there are deviations in the behavior and development of his four-legged friend.

Dog owners should know when to carry out preventive measures and how to get rid of helminths in an animal when they are detected. The veterinarian will give recommendations and suggest modern medications for the procedure. If heartworms are detected, treatment must be started as soon as possible to save the life of your four-legged friend.

It is important to find an experienced doctor you can trust. Owners should also be interested in the deworming schedule and study preventive measures.

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Previously, dog owners faced problems when carrying out deworming: the animal could not be fed before the procedure, multiple doses of formulations were required, and the use of laxatives was required. Now the life of owners and pets has become easier: most drugs show excellent results after the first dose. Many formulations require a single use plus another procedure to prevent relapse.

Selecting anti-worm medications for dogs is the task of a veterinarian. Dog owners should be aware that there are two groups of drugs that have differences in purpose and use.

The main types of anthelmintic drugs:

Anthelmintic formulations for puppies:

  • Prazitel.
  • Drontal Junior.
  • Dirofen.
  • Pirantel.

Anthelmintic drugs for adult dogs:

  • Vermox.
  • Drontal Plus.
  • Quasipantel.
  • Droncite.
  • Pirantel.
  • Fenbendazole.
  • Helminthal.

How to give deworming medicine

Inexperienced owners believe that the easiest way is to mix a crushed tablet or suspension into food. This option has a drawback: the dog will smell a strange smell of food and refuse to eat.

Best practices:

  • for puppies. Crush the tablet, dissolve it in a small amount of water, fill the syringe without a needle, carefully release the solution directly into the puppy’s mouth;
  • for adult dogs. Place the whole tablet on the root of the animal's tongue and immediately give the dog the treat that he likes most.

Learn more about the symptoms and treatment of helminthic infestations in dogs in the following video:

Exists a large number of types of worms that can be found in dogs. Conventionally, these helminths can be divided into the following categories:

  • Trematode flukes.
  • Roundworms (nematodes).
  • Flat-ribbon (cestodes).

Advice: Some types of dog worms can also live in humans. Therefore, it is very important to regularly prevent helminthic infestations for your four-legged pet, especially if there are small children in the house.

The most common helminthic infestations in dogs in our country are the following:

Signs of worm infection in an adult dog

Of course, it is possible to identify which type of worms a puppy or adult dog is infected with using tests. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to pass them. Therefore, the following symptoms in an adult dog should alert the owner:

  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Lethargy and anemia.
  • Skin rashes.
  • "Riding" on the butt.
  • Hiccups after feeding.
  • Sporadic vomiting.
  • Dull fur.

If your dog is heavily infected with worms, this is a clear sign that it is necessary to urgent treatment, will be present in the stool or in the area anus helminth eggs, their larvae, dead or living adult worms.

Symptoms of helminthic infestation in puppies

Signs of worm infection in puppies include the following symptoms:

  • Visibly protruding ribs.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Eating various inedible objects.
  • Bloating.

If puppies are severely infected with helminths, the following signs are observed:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Low physical activity.
  • Lethargy.
  • Vomiting with worms.
  • Developmental delay.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Consequences of helminthic infestations in dogs

Treatment of helminthic infestations in dogs

There is an opinion among people that once a quarter it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment for helminthiases in dogs. However, one should also take into account the fact that all are toxic. Yes, it will be possible to remove the worms, but what damage will be done to the health of the animal?

If the dog does not have any signs of worms, it looks healthy, then it should be given anthelmintics once every six months. In this case, along with anthelmintic drugs, it is necessary to give “Karsil” and sorbents in order to minimize harm to the liver and kidneys.

Preventive measures

  • Deworming the bitch before mating will help minimize the risk of worm infection in puppies.
  • Preventive treatment of helminthic infestations in puppies two weeks after birth.
  • Eliminate the possibility of eating the feces of other animals while walking.
  • Preventing free roaming of pets.
  • A ban on picking up food from the ground on the street and drinking dirty water from puddles.
  • Providing the dog with clean food and water.
  • Regular baiting of fleas, which are carriers of worm larvae.
  • You should not give your dog raw freshwater fish.


Many lovers of domestic animals, in particular dogs, very often encounter such a problem as helminthiasis.

Representatives of all ages, both puppies and adults, can become infected with helminthiasis equally.

Symptoms and signs of worms

There are cases when helminths do not show their presence for a long time, or they disguise themselves as other diseases with signs similar to them. For these reasons, you should always consult your veterinarian and conduct a thorough examination of your pet.

Does the dog have worms? , You can find out on your own by taking a close look at your pet.

In this case, the following is observed:

  • Changes in the behavior of the animal, it becomes lethargic and inactive.
  • General anemia appears, the mucous membranes become whitish.
  • Six loses its shine and becomes hard.
  • Dandruff, eczema, and dermatosis occur.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: appetite becomes unstable (absence or overuse food, with weight loss).
  • Unnatural desire for food, sometimes for inedible things.
  • Digestive system disorder: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  • It is observed in the animal's feces bleeding, mucus, sometimes the worms themselves or their larvae.
  • The anus is very itchy. The animal is trying to eliminate unpleasant feeling by riding it.
  • The abdomen becomes hard and convex even with the presence of ribs.
  • Swallowing food becomes difficult.
  • After eating, hiccups are observed.
  • The animal lags behind in height and weight, while a large belly grows.

To the question: “How to find out if a dog has worms?”, you can find the answer at home if it has at least one of the above symptoms. Once detected, you must immediately visit a doctor, because if your pet is not treated, it can be fatal.

What types of helminths are there?

There are a huge number of varieties of pests that live inside dogs.

As a rule, they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Flat tape.
  2. Round worms.
  3. Flukes.

Any of these types can lead to a certain type of disease. The lesion can become chronic, depleting the body.

The locations of worms are completely different, but most often they affect:

  • subcutaneous part;
  • digestive system;
  • heart and kidneys.

These organs are vital, so you cannot delay treatment.

They penetrate through external sources and cause a lot of diseases:

  • ascariasis;
  • at the person here.
  • uncinariasis and many others.
  • vomit;
  • indigestion;
  • weight loss;
  • sluggish state.


Lungworms the most insidious of all species. It is these types of pests that have the ability to gather into one, large lump in an area small intestine, clog it and cause obstruction, which can be fatal.

They are able to spread throughout the body and settle in any place that is most comfortable for them.

The main representatives of these species are:

  • roundworms; Roundworms appear not only in pets, but also in children and adults. Which can be found here.
  • esophageal worms.

They readily colonize the lungs and digestive system.

In case of defeat, the dog:

  • begins to lose weight;
  • she has difficulty breathing;
  • cough;
  • Pneumonia may develop, leading to bleeding of internal organs.


Heartworms cause complications no less serious than those described above.

They inhabit:

  • arteries;
  • atrium;
  • heart vessels.

The main carriers of the disease are considered to be mosquitoes, fleas and other blood-sucking insects. After the bite, incubation period can last up to six months.

Treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, taking into account the individual condition, as this can lead to the unexpected death of the animal.

Causes of helminthiasis

There are many reasons why dogs become infected with helminths:

  • Licking contaminated objects or eating products with pest eggs.
  • Drinking dirty water from puddles and unauthorized reservoirs.
  • Fleas can be carriers of the disease. If they are found on the dog, deworming must be carried out immediately.
  • Worms can be transmitted from mother to puppies in the womb or while feeding them with mother's milk.
  • Eating raw fish can also lead to infection.

Symptoms of intestinal helminths

Quite often there are toxacaras, the larvae of which from a swallowed egg stop in the intestines, then penetrate into the lungs and, with a cough, end up again in the oral cavity. The second ingested larva remains in the intestine, where it reaches sexual maturity.

Puppies tolerate helminth infection very poorly:

  • they refuse to eat;
  • noticeably lagging behind in growth and development;
  • their stomach becomes bloated;
  • and ulcers appear in the eyes.

Dogs affected by this disease experience:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • intestinal colic;
  • problems with appetite.

Lungworms and symptoms of their presence

Krenosis nematode, which can harm a dog, comes across extremely rarely. To become infected, an animal needs to consume a terrestrial mollusk, however, it is impossible to find it on the streets of populated areas. But you need to have information about this disease.

When affected, the animal develops symptoms:

  • Runny nose.
  • The cough is strong and long.
  • Sneezing.
  • Anemia.
  • Deterioration appearance wool

In this case, cough and bronchitis can be cured using symptomatic medicines and antibiotics are impossible.

Symptoms of heartworms in dogs

This results in the development of a vector-borne disease, which brings with it unpleasant consequences. Being in blood vessels and atrium with right side, adults clog them, and this leads to death.

Signs of the presence of heartworms:

  • Cough (severe and debilitating).
  • Dyspnea.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Swelling and other features of heart failure.
  • Unexplained appetite (very strong or weakened).
  • Convulsive syndromes.
  • Exhaustion.

If helminths remain in a dog’s body for a long time, intoxication of the body can occur.

If treatment does not lead to the desired result, you should consult a veterinarian. He, in turn, will examine the patient and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary tests and, according to their results, prescribe the necessary treatment.

Deworming tablets

These are products available in tablets:

  • Drontal Plus;
  • Droncite;
  • Vermox;
  • Plus.

How to carry out deworming?

Rules for deworming:

  1. It must be done repeatedly at certain intervals.
  2. Modern medications have the ability to break down and destroy helminths inside the body, so the result of treatment is impossible to see.
  3. You need to carefully observe your pet's behavior in order to help him, give him a cleansing enema or give a laxative.
  4. The medicine should be given to the pet in the morning along with the main food. For an adult dog, the drug is placed in a piece of meat and given to eat.
  5. For puppies, a powdered tablet is diluted with water and poured into the mouth.
  6. If your dog suddenly feels unwell, immediately give it an absorbent. Seek help from a doctor immediately and further treatment carried out strictly under his supervision.


It is very important to take preventive measures for your pets against infestation with worms. You should always remember that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

So, preventive measures:

  • your pet must be protected from communication with other dogs;
  • do not allow him to drink from puddles and other dubious sources;
  • do not let anything be grabbed from the ground.

Due to the fact that the source of the disease can be raw meat, unwashed vegetables and fruits, you should worry about their processing in advance.

The rules for processing products are as follows:

  • place the meat in the freezer for several days or pour boiling water over it;
  • boil the fish well;
  • Rinse the vegetables thoroughly.

Prevention in an adult dog

Prevention of the disease in an adult dog is as follows:

  1. To prevent disease adult dog It is best to deworm once every 3 months.
  2. At the same time, we should not forget that such products are still poisons, so the procedures must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to harm your pet.
  3. It is better to walk with him on a leash, this will prevent communication with sick animals.

Prevention in small puppies

Young dogs must be treated with extreme caution:

  • there is no need to take them outside until they are wormed;
  • they should not be allowed to communicate with other dogs, especially adults, as they can pose a huge danger to children;
  • Puppies can be dewormed as early as 2 weeks of their life. For this purpose, special drugs are sold that can be given to small dogs without fear. Suspensions are available for these purposes; they can be given to puppies without fear. To consolidate the result, it is best to vaccinate.

Danger to humans

To the question “Are worms transmitted from dogs to humans?”, the answer is unequivocal - yes. Helminthiasis poses the same danger to humans as it does to their pets. For this reason, the owner's participation in preventive measures is necessary.

During these actions, it is necessary for all family members, together with the pet, to take medications that destroy worms. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective. Whether or not the owner of an animal can become infected with this unpleasant disease depends on him and on his attitude towards his pet.