If a wife doesn't work: is it good or bad for the marriage? If the wife does not work, can the husband receive maternity payments? A pregnant wife does not work; payments to her husband

Despite all the stereotypes of society and prejudices, a man can receive maternity leave at his place of work to care for a baby for up to three years.

Maternity benefit

When a child is born, mothers need a lot of time to care for the baby. For this reason, the law provides for the exemption of working mothers from visiting the place of work, with the payment of a monthly benefit, for a period of up to three years. Maternity benefits are paid from the Social Insurance Fund as a payment for temporary disability due to maternity.

The benefit is paid to mothers in the following cases:

  • insurance is issued in the state. funds;
  • dismissal from the organization due to liquidation or reorganization;
  • full-time education in certified institutions;
  • military service;
  • civilian personnel working in the ranks of military formations.

It is necessary to distinguish between the following concepts:

  1. There is leave granted to pregnant mothers for a period of 140 days. 70 days before and after the birth of the child.
  2. And there is parental leave, which is provided for up to three years. It follows immediately after maternity leave.

In the first case, the vacation is targeted. Issued on the basis sick leave during pregnancy and childbirth. Only the mother of a newborn can take advantage of such leave.

In the second case, parental leave can be issued to any family member who, in fact, will look after the child. This leave can be used by both the mother of the child and the father, grandmother, grandfather, etc.

To calculate benefits, use the following data:

  • average daily wage, obtained by dividing the total number of days worked by the sum of all payments for billing period;
  • the billing period includes two last year;
  • number of days on vacation.

The calculated amount is paid throughout the maternity leave.

If the wife stopped working

Laws Russian Federation provides for the husband to receive maternity contributions if the wife does not have an official place of work at the time of pregnancy. The benefit will be paid to the father due to temporary disability, both during pregnancy and after.

Maternity pay can be paid to a non-working husband even in the event of a divorce from the child’s mother, but only if the child lives with him. To receive funds, you will need to submit the relevant documents to the department social protection population until the child is one and a half years old.

Receipt procedure

To receive disability leave and financial contributions, the husband must do the following:

  • submit a written application to the company management;
  • prepare a copy of the original birth certificate of the child;
  • the package of documents must include an extract stating that the spouse is not on maternity leave and will not be able to receive it due to lack of work.

If the child’s mother is unemployed, the father must submit the following package of documents to the local social service department:

  • application for financial assistance;
  • a child’s birth certificate, which is issued after childbirth;
  • a receipt from the pension fund from both parents;
  • an extract from the housing department about the joint residence of the parents and the child;
  • Parents' passports must be presented. Unless they are refugees, then a duplicate will suffice;
  • certificate from the workplace, which indicates information from work book;
  • an extract confirming that the money has not yet been credited.

By law, an employer does not have the right to refuse an employee maternity leave. If conflicts arise, it is better to resolve them peacefully, but if that doesn’t work out, then lawyers will help. The right to receive parental leave and benefits is confirmed by Article No. 256 Labor Code Russia.

You can always find a compromise with the employer. The law provides for the opportunity for the father of a child to be on maternity leave and at the same time work, just not full-time. You can work from home, but your rights to receive social benefits are preserved. This will allow you to perform part of your main responsibilities while maintaining professional skills and good relationships with the team.


What rights are provided?

When a father goes on leave to look after a child, the law gives him the following rights:

  1. After returning to work he workplace cannot be taken by someone else. An employer may hire temporary workers to fill an empty position, but upon return from vacation, the temporarily absent employee will fill the position again.
  2. Vacation time is counted as continuous service for the position held.
  3. It is possible to split your vacation into parts if you cannot be with your child for the full three years. Relatives can look after the newborn while working.

If the father is employed in several positions at once, then he can receive maternity benefits only for one of these places of work. An employee goes on vacation only after a written order issued and certified by the director with the start date of the maternity leave. There is no point in marking the exact day of going back to work; the end of the vacation can be extended with the help of an application.

Who else can I apply for?

Any relatives of the spouses can receive funds for child support, but for this they must be officially employed and have made constant transfers to the state. social insurance fund.

My wife doesn't want to work

Difficulties in relationships

My wife doesn't want to work

The real reason why your wife doesn't want to work. You have used logic, reason, ultimatums, negotiations and even requests, but it is of no use. Your wife still doesn't want to go back to work, although the children don't bother her much anymore. You may ask why she wants to become dependent on you?

Caring for children, caring for you seems plausible, but still not what you want to hear. Let's be honest, is the wife really that old to be at home? Or do you eat fancy food that takes a long time to prepare?

So what's the deal?

Many women have been accustomed since childhood to being taken care of. They want to care and be the subject of care and affection. Woman - Small child, who doesn’t want to understand that she needs to go to work.

By voluntarily giving up her career, she makes herself dependent on you and also becomes a burden for you. Besides, if you have a daughter, what will she learn from her mother? There are not many guys in our world who are ready to take as a wife someone who won’t do anything.

Besides, she is not your child. She is an adult who refuses to admit it. Women with a lack of intelligence often find themselves in this role. They are stuck between the desire to be cared for and the fear of becoming independent and adult.

Your wife's desire to be cared for and dependent on you ultimately causes irritation, both in you and in her. She is angry and offended that you devote little time to her. And all this is due to the fact that her desire for security comes into conflict with her desire to be an adult.

“These are people who are not aware of their needs and often loudly declare how independent they are and at the same time, their behavior indicates that they need a warm parental relationship from their husband.” Your wife is living in a fantasy world, so to speak, as a teenager. However, she will have to give this up if she wants to develop spiritually.

A wife wants to be both taken care of and treated as an equal partner. Here's the problem: a child cannot be an equal partner for adults. Equality requires equal development, both spiritually and physically. If a wife wants to be equal, she must be independent.

Why is it important for your wife to go to work:

1) She will feel confident and feel better about herself.

2) She will become independent.

3) She will become a more interesting conversationalist.

4) She will be able to teach your children by personal example.

5) She will help you with finances, which will reduce the level of conflict due to the lack of stress.

6) She will become more relaxed and sexy.

Standing on your feet is scary, but it's necessary condition. This is part of what is called adult life. Know how to convince your wife of what will bring her great benefit.

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Imagine that you woke up early in the morning and your woman has already prepared breakfast for you. Joy is visible in her eyes, she is happy that she lives with the best man in the world. She is ready to listen to all your stories, she is ready to support you in any situation. She knows that a man needs to relax, she is ready to give you her tenderness and love. This is what your relationship can be if you are strong. We can teach you this!

Short description

Every relationship sooner or later reaches a dead end when only one option is visible - to leave. And it depends only on the man’s competent actions whether he can maintain the relationship, or whether he will have to let his woman go. The problem with many men is that they do not know how to behave in order for a woman to be satisfied with them. And in this book we will teach men how to behave so that relationships never deteriorate.

The situation when a woman has completely lost respect for her man seems no less difficult. No understanding, no sympathy, no sex and affection. There are only reproaches and complaints that she got involved with a loser who is worth nothing.

Many may think that all women behave this way. That such behavior cannot be avoided after being married for 5-10 years, but this is not true! It all depends on the man’s position: how he will place himself in a relationship and how he will behave with a woman.
If a man can show his strength, a woman will begin to respect, appreciate and love him. And this is the main path to stable and happy relationship. And every man can achieve this, despite his appearance, income level and physical fitness.

A century ago, this topic would have caused deep bewilderment. What are the pros and cons?! The wife should be exclusively concerned with the home, and only extreme need can make a woman think about earning money on her own!

However, in our harsh times, the situation has changed, and families where the wife does not work (we are not talking now about cases where a woman is disabled for health reasons or is caring for a baby) is very rare! Is this good or bad for your relationship with your husband? Read and discuss!

I dream of taking care of only my home and family, but how will this affect my relationship with my husband?

Do you want to try staying at home and material possibilities your family allows it. However, is it worth it? will your husband understand you??

Of course, I don’t know your husband personally, and I can’t predict his reaction! There are husbands who can react to their wife’s desire not to work a categorical "no".

However, if the “no” is not categorical, and you understand that your husband may well agree to your proposal? Then I advise you to try!

Surely the husband will see that his wife is no longer tortured, tired and irritable, and at home he will be greeted by a delicious dinner and passionate sex with his wife who missed her during the day! And if, moreover, t You will not lose a wide range of interests and you will not stop caring for yourself- this will surely strengthen your marriage.

My husband insists that I not work – should I agree?

I think it’s not even negotiable that what’s yours whether you agree or disagree to quit your job should depend only on your desire, outlook on life, life plans... If a man loves you, he will understand and accept any of your decisions.

If you would also like to try yourself as a housewife, and your desires coincide, great! And if not? Is it worth giving up your career and leading the lifestyle of a “house clown” is unpleasant for you just because your husband wants it?

What will you achieve? Will your husband love you more? Is it possible force your wife not to work, living in a way she doesn’t like is a sign of great love?! Sooner or later, a showdown will begin with the leitmotif “you ruined my career” and “you are a disgusting housewife” - and divorce is not far away!

Why do some men want their wives not to work?

Some women, as early as ten years old, begin to dream of a husband who will say the cherished phrase: “Darling, I don't want my wife to work“Take care of your home and have more children!”

Other young ladies, having heard such speeches, would certainly consider the man a domestic tyrant and tyrant, depriving them of the right to a bright interesting life and those who wish tie to hated pots

And what motives can actually motivate a man who wants his wife not to work?

Is this nobility or tyranny?

  • The ideal of the family husband-breadwinner, wife-keeper of the hearth. Yes, yes, there are still those rare specimens of husbands who always dreamed of a wife sitting at home who would greet them after a hard day at work with a plate of borscht and starched sheets! If the wife represents the ideal family in the same way - this the marriage will certainly be very happy and harmonious! And if not, then it will be difficult for her to convince such a husband that she does not at all consider cooking borscht and starching the sheets happiness!
  • Self-affirmation. Every man wants to feel big and strong - the real head of the family, a “stone wall” for his wife. The aspiration, in general, is correct! But some husbands want their wife not to work - in this situation the headship of the husband is much more visible! This is not tyranny: the husband believes that he is giving his wife a gift, freeing her from hated work, and gifts greatly strengthen the marital relationship. The main thing is that the wife appreciates this gift!
  • "Status necessity". Have you ever heard of the wife of the president (of any country) going to work? Charity - yes, social and cultural events - yes, but not work! Even if you are not the first lady yet, when your husband has reached a certain step on the career ladder, he may want his wife not to work - not allowed by status. In his eyes, it’s the same as riding a tram or wearing clothes from a second-hand store - shame, shame! Are you going to quit your job? Convince your husband that you are not doing this for a piece of bread, just for fun. Well, it's a hobby! And hobbies and quirks are allowed to the wives of even the most high-ranking husbands!

And also... Alas, there really are “men” (it’s hard to call them men) who forcing wives not to work, in order to look like a hero, a “breadwinner” against the backdrop of the “downtrodden housewife”! It was invented by such husbands myth "a housewife does nothing".

What to do if you come across such a copy? Run headlong because you won’t rehabilitate him!

Don't you want to run? Get a job and start living exclusively on your income - the “martyr’s halo” that the hubby is so proud of will noticeably fade!

Is it true that a non-working woman inevitably degrades as a person?

This is often scare unemployed women- “you will degrade, fall behind life, turn into a stupid moron who is uninterested and incomprehensible to anything except pots and TV series”...

But is this inevitable? And what is degradation really?

Let us remind you that Women started working only recently– this phenomenon is only about a hundred years old! And before that, for thousands of years, women led precisely this supposedly stultifying way of life - housekeeping, raising numerous children...

So, should we celebrate the victory over the tyranny of patriarchy?

But we can think differently - The "home" way of life is very natural for any woman, it is in her nature! And if a woman sees the meaning of his life not a career and money, but a house, family, children - she does not degrade, but shows our the innermost feminine essence, which men do not and should not have!

And if a businesswoman cannot fully discuss with a housewife the fluctuation of stock indices, this does not mean that one of them is smart and correct, and the other is degraded. This is simple two different ways life.

In addition, a non-working wife receives unique opportunities for self-development, for which a career woman may simply not have enough time - in addition to cooking and washing, you can engage in creativity, lead an active cultural life, take care of yourself, read books, play sports - you never know what kind of activities you can fill free 9 hours a day! Is this degradation?!

However, you might say, where then do those same aunts come from who, instead of self-development, limit themselves to the formula of “simple human happiness” - “Cooking + TV Series”? Is the female essence really so primitive?! Of course not.

And the reason for the degradation of these individuals is not in the domestic lifestyle itself, but in “mental laziness.” While working, such an aunt will not develop - she will also discuss borscht and TV series with her colleagues, and the work will be done by her to the extent that the bosses do not swear...

If the wife does not work, it can be a gift for her husband. A real woman 100%! Or maybe she’s a downtrodden whore... It all depends on her!

To apply for maternity leave for your husband:

  • an application is written to the employer or social security; a sample application can be downloaded here;
  • a birth certificate is attached to the application;
  • the wife provides a certificate stating that she did not apply for this leave and is not receiving payment; a sample certificate can be downloaded here. A woman can receive the document at her place of work if she is officially employed, or from social security if she is unemployed.

Based on these documents, maternity benefits for the child are assigned and paid. Useful video We recommend watching a video that explains in detail when a husband can apply for maternity leave, and when he does not have such a right: From all of the above, we can conclude that a man can, if desired, only claim benefits associated with the birth and upbringing of a child.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits if his wife does not work in 2018?

Then he will no longer be able to apply for financial support. Where to ask for help We found out whether a husband can receive maternity leave instead of his wife.

Which organizations provide child benefits today? To receive maternity benefits in one form or another, employed citizens must go to their employer. Regional compensation is issued at the MFC, as well as through one-stop services or social protection services.

Non-working parents should apply for benefits from someone other than their employer. And where to? They will either have to use social protection services or submit a request to Multifunctional Center region.

To obtain maternity capital, you must contact Pension Fund Russia. Documents for benefits Can a husband receive maternity benefits? Yes, but not in full.

Rules for receiving maternity payments for a wife by a husband at his place of work

How maternity benefits are paid A man who has taken out maternity leave must apply for child care benefits no later than 6 months from the date the child reaches 1.5 years of age (Clause 3, Article 12 of Federal Law No. 255). The entire vacation period is given in order to apply for accrual and payment.
Therefore, it is very important not to delay and contact the company where the leave was issued, but if there are any disagreements or disputes, you may also have to contact the territorial center of the Social Insurance Fund. For correct design To pay maternity benefits to your husband, you should use the following step-by-step instructions:

  • submit to the personnel department of the enterprise where the husband works a free written application requesting the employer to issue leave to care for and raise the child when he reaches the age of one and a half years.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits instead of his wife: details of registration

Who pays for maternity leave - the employer or the state? Everything is very simple: the employer pays, the state returns the money to him after a while. A woman must provide documents for maternity leave to the human resources department at her place of work.
This is a sick leave from a gynecologist or doctor general practice(if there is no “women’s doctor” in the medical institution - this often happens in small localities), an application for maternity leave and the account number to which the funds will be transferred. Only a woman can receive this money, and none of her family members has the right to transfer the payment to themselves.

How to apply for benefits for your husband? So, as you have already understood, a man cannot rely on maternity money itself - after all, it is not he who bears and gives birth to the baby, but the woman.

If the wife does not work, can the husband receive maternity payments?


The government of our country increases the amount of benefits every year. When carrying out indexation, the level of inflation, price increases, as well as indicators of revenues to the budget of a particular region and the entire country are taken into account.


If dad goes on maternity leave, he must submit an application at his last place of work. Employers do not have the right to deny their employees such a wish.

If refused, the conflict is resolved in court. In any case, the court will side with the applicant. In addition, employers cannot fire such an employee, since they are obliged to provide him with a job after leaving parental leave.
The child's father has every right to take maternity leave. The only reason why a person on parental leave can be fired is the liquidation of the enterprise.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits instead of his wife?

Having a child in her arms, most likely, she will not be able to continue working, unless, of course, this is freelancing and work as an Avon coordinator, which can be easily combined with caring for the baby, therefore, money in the family will not be superfluous (details about earning money during maternity leave) I wrote here on vacation). Therefore, the legislation provides for some payments for men. It is worth considering that only one of the parents can apply for the benefit, and we are not talking about maternity payments themselves, but about a monthly child care benefit, which is accrued until the baby reaches one and a half years of age. However, I propose to understand all these concepts and problems in order, so that there is no confusion later, and you can confidently say that you understand how to arrange the above-mentioned payments for the child’s father.

Can a husband get maternity leave?

There is also a minimum accrual threshold - no less than 2,500 rubles. for one baby and at least 5000 rubles. - for two at once, as well as for subsequent children (Article 11.2 of the Insurance Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006). Maternity benefits must be paid to the person who is established as the child’s guardian, and this can be, by law, not only his mother, but also his father, grandmother, grandfather, any relative or guardian (Art.

11.1 of the Insurance Law No. 255-

Federal Law), once a month. The duration of such payments lasts exactly throughout the entire maternity leave. Such leave ends immediately after the child turns one and a half years old (clause

1 tbsp. 11.1 Federal Law No. 255). Only those persons who do not work, work at home or work part-time receive such assistance (clause 2 of article 11.1 of Federal Law No. 255). Only one person has the right to receive benefits, not several.

Can a husband get maternity leave instead of a wife?

Why is it more convenient to apply for child care benefits for your husband? In what cases is it most convenient to arrange payments due after the birth of a child to the spouse? First of all, of course, this applies to cases when a man is officially employed, but a woman is not. In this situation, he can even come to an agreement with the employer and continue working, but be officially listed as “on maternity leave.”

In addition, sometimes a woman has a higher-paying job, and to make it easier to provide for her family, it is easier for her to leave her vacation early and continue to bring income to the family budget, while leaving her husband at home to look after the child.

Maternity leave for father: design features

Not all benefits related to maternity leave can be received by a man; some are available only to women. The word “maternity benefits” combines several payments:

  • one-time fee for on-time visit antenatal clinic pregnant;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • one-time at the birth of the baby;
  • for caring for a newborn up to one and a half years of age.

The last two of those presented can be received by the husband at his place of work or through social security if he does not work. The first two are provided exclusively for the woman due to her pregnant status. Is a man entitled to claim maternity benefits? This question often arises in connection with the lack of an official place of work for a pregnant woman.

Can a husband receive maternity money if his wife does not work?

If a woman was a full-time student, the calculation is made according to the amount of the scholarship. If you are registered with the Employment Center, the payment of maternity money will be handled by the social protection authorities.

The amount is individual and depends on the specific situation. If you are not officially employed and do not pay taxes to the state treasury, do not make transfers according to compulsory insurance or you simply don’t work anywhere - you have no right to claim maternity money.

The reason is that maternity taxes are calculated from those taxes that citizens of the Russian Federation pay at work. When planning to go on maternity leave, the employee must write an application addressed to the director of the organization, and also provide a document confirming the fact of pregnancy.

After this, an order is issued in her name, and payments of funds begin.

Why is it more convenient to apply for child care benefits for your husband? In what cases is it most convenient to arrange payments due after the birth of a child to the spouse? First of all, of course, this applies to cases when a man is officially employed, but a woman is not. In this situation, he can even come to an agreement with the employer and continue working, but be officially listed as “on maternity leave.” In addition, sometimes a woman has a higher-paying job, and to make it easier to provide for her family, it is easier for her to leave her vacation early and continue to bring income to the family budget, while leaving her husband at home to look after the child.

If the wife does not work, can the husband receive maternity payments?

Having a child in her arms, most likely, she will not be able to continue working, unless, of course, this is freelancing and work as an Avon coordinator, which can be easily combined with caring for the baby, therefore, money in the family will not be superfluous (details about earning money during maternity leave) I wrote here on vacation). Therefore, the legislation provides for some payments for men.

It is worth considering that only one of the parents can apply for the benefit, and we are not talking about maternity payments themselves, but about a monthly child care benefit, which is accrued until the baby reaches one and a half years of age. However, I propose to understand all these concepts and problems in order, so that there is no confusion later, and you can confidently say that you understand how to arrange the above-mentioned payments for the child’s father.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits instead of his wife: details of registration

Application form for parental leave

  • A certificate from the mother’s place of employment confirming that she is currently not granted parental leave and is not receiving appropriate payments. If the mother does not work, she will need a document confirming this (a certificate from the employment center), as well as a certificate from social security stating that she does not receive benefits.
  • If we are talking about the adoption of a child, the application must be supplemented with the appropriate court decision - an original or a copy.
  • The sequence of actions of the employer when applying for leave:
  1. Having received the employee’s application and that’s it Required documents, personnel service issues an order granting leave.

Rules for receiving maternity payments for a wife by a husband at his place of work


And if we talk strictly about maternity leave, money for maternity and childbirth is accrued only to the woman herself, and no other person can claim it instead of her. The second type of benefit is a one-time payment. It is paid either by the employer of one of the parents, or, if none of them officially works, this responsibility is assumed by the social security authorities.

That is, if one of the spouses is registered at work, he will receive the benefit, and not the one who is not employed. Monthly child care allowance is a payment that can also be issued to both husband and wife.

Its size is 40 percent of the average income for the previous two years preceding pregnancy. When deciding for whom it is better to apply for benefits, you need to consider how it will be more profitable and convenient.

Can my husband receive maternity benefits?

To receive this one-time assistance, the happy father must write an application for a one-time benefit and attach the following documents to it:

  • a certificate or photocopy of the child’s birth certificate (if several babies were born, then each);
  • a photocopy of the wife’s work record book or documents confirming her full-time studies;
  • a certificate from the employment center stating that she is not registered and from the social protection authorities that the mother did not apply for childbirth benefits;
  • certificate of cohabitation with the child.

This package of documents must be submitted no later than the child turns six months old. Within 10 days, the issue of granting benefits is considered and an order is issued.
It is usually paid in the first salary payment after all documents have been submitted.

Maternity leave for father: design features


In two-year periods, the time when the employee retained his job and earnings is not taken into account, but insurance premiums were not withheld, and also in case of provision financial assistance, receiving travel or one-time incentive payments. The amount of earnings for 2 years is divided by 730/731 (the number of days depending on whether a leap year is taken into account for the billing period, for example, 2016).

Monthly payments are made in the amount of 40% of average monthly earnings. In the event that several children are cared for, payments cannot exceed 100% of earnings.

Despite the fact that changes to the legislation have not been adopted to extend payments until the child is three years old, in some regions amendments have been made to the law and payments continue in the same amount for up to one and a half years, until the child turns 3 years old.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits from his job instead of his wife?

At the legislative level in the Russian Federation, the interests of working women are protected in cases of pregnancy and raising minor children; special benefits are provided to mothers supporting a child without the help of the father. A working woman who is planning to become a mother is granted, in accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code, pre- and post-natal leave of 140 to 194 days, depending on the number of children being carried and the complexity of childbirth.

For the days of rest from work provided before childbirth and recovery period after them, she receives a benefit in the amount of one hundred percent of the average earnings calculated according to the certificate of incapacity for work issued medical institution where it is observed throughout pregnancy.

Can a husband receive maternity benefits instead of his wife?


Maternity leave, as it is commonly called, is rest before the birth of a baby and after childbirth to restore a woman’s health.

  • 70 days before his birth and 84 days in case of multiple pregnancy;
  • 70, 84 or 110 days depending on the number of children born and complications encountered during childbirth,

Of course, the child’s father cannot apply for this leave and receive maternity benefits, since it is given precisely on the basis of a medical report about the woman’s temporary disability. But the young father may well take on further care of the baby by taking leave to care for the child until he grows up (one and a half or 3 years old), Art.

256 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Maternity leave for men if the wife does not work

Sample order for provision of parental leave

  • Then the employee is introduced to the contents of the order and given a copy of the document.
  • After this, a calculation note is filled out confirming the fact that parental leave has been granted in order to prepare a calculation of the payments due to the employee.
  • The father will receive a one-time payment at the birth of a child after submitting a package of documents to the accounting department of the enterprise:
  • application for benefits;
  • child's birth certificate (original);
  • original and copy of the child’s birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the second parent’s place of work or from the social security authority stating that he did not receive this payment.

Features of receiving a monthly allowance by the father of a child Child care allowance is accrued monthly.

The government of our country increases the amount of benefits every year. When carrying out indexation, the level of inflation, price increases, as well as indicators of revenues to the budget of a particular region and the entire country are taken into account.

If dad goes on maternity leave, he must submit an application at his last place of work. Employers do not have the right to deny their employees such a wish.
If refused, the conflict is resolved in court. In any case, the court will side with the applicant. In addition, employers cannot fire such an employee, since they are obliged to provide him with a job after leaving parental leave.
The child's father has every right to take maternity leave. The only reason why a person on parental leave can be fired is the liquidation of the enterprise.

Can a husband apply for maternity leave for himself if his wife does not work?

From this article you will learn:

  • 1 What benefits can you claim at the birth of a child?
  • 2 How to apply for benefits for your husband?
  • 3 Why is it more convenient to apply for child care benefits for your husband?

In fact, it's not like that a big problem, it’s just that not everyone is aware that a man may well receive part of the benefits provided in connection with the birth of a child instead of his wife. Surely many readers are familiar with the situation when only the husband has an official job in the family. In this case, even if the wife has a decent wages, this, unfortunately, will in no way affect her maternity payments - she will receive the money as an unemployed person.