Enterobiasis in children: all methods of treating a parasitic disease. Treatment of enterobiasis in children Enterobiasis in children symptoms and treatment prevention

Enterobiasis - description of the disease

Pinworms are small worms with a pointed end of the body that belong to the class of roundworms (nematodes). They have a powerful reproductive system and produce millions of eggs per day. Pinworm eggs are colorless, they are highly translucent, and larvae at any stage of development are visible in them. The microscopic size of the eggs allows them to easily penetrate the oral cavity and infect the body. Once swallowed, they end up in small intestine, mature there to a certain state, and then small worms are released from them.

After about a month, they become adults and begin to reproduce. During the egg-laying period, female pinworms migrate out at night and lay eggs in the perianal folds of the anus or in the perineal area of ​​the genitals. After 4 hours, laid eggs become invasive (contagious) and, once they get on the child’s bedding or underwear, on his hands and under his nails, they cause re-infection with enterobiasis.

The source of infection is a person infected with pinworms.

Routes of infection

There are a number of factors that contribute to infection with enterobiasis in a child:

  1. Habit of licking hands. Many children suck their fingers and taste various household items.
  2. Habit of biting nails and biting the skin around them.
  3. The child's inability to perform personal hygiene. Due to their age, small children do not know how to wash their hands on their own or take care of their neatness.
  4. When baby teeth become loose, the child experiences discomfort, so he constantly touches them with his hands.
  5. Use of common household items. The child must have his own personal items for use.
  6. Contact with pets. Our pets are not a source of pinworm infection. On the contrary, it is a person who infects domestic cats and dogs with pinworms, which are located on the animal’s fur. Thus, after stroking the pet, pinworm eggs remain on the child’s hands and through the hands they enter the mouth.

Very often children in preschool groups become infected with enterobiasis. The more time a child spends in child care institutions, the higher the chance of infection. Measures to prevent enterobiasis are quite simple, but it is impossible to completely eliminate infection, since children preschool age are not independent and their actions are unconscious.

Signs of enterobiasis

Symptoms of enterobiasis in children correspond to the general symptoms of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. Pathology in children is suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • abdominal pain below the navel;
  • itching in the anus;
  • vaginal itching in girls;
  • pain in the stomach after eating;
  • periodic nausea not associated with dietary errors;
  • periodic intestinal colic;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea, as well as their alternation;
  • restless sleep;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • frequent viral and colds against the background of reduced immunity;
  • skin diseases in the form atopic dermatitis, eczema and urticaria;
  • cough for no reason;
  • recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • long-term rhinitis and sinusitis.

A child with enterobiasis sleeps restlessly, often wakes up, scratches himself in his sleep, cries and grinds his teeth. It is generally accepted that pinworms themselves are harmless and do not cause serious harm to a child’s health. However, they can move to the liver and biliary tract, where they can provoke inflammatory processes.

They can also crawl into the cecum and cause an attack of appendicitis, and once in the vaginal area, fallopian tubes, uterus and urinary tract in girls, can cause inflammation of these organs and systems. Sometimes pinworms can penetrate the lungs, eyes and nose, which requires surgical intervention to extract them.

Treatment of enterobiasis in children

Diagnostics of this disease presents a certain complexity, since enterobiasis is characterized by diverse symptoms. Currently, the most reliable method for diagnosing enterobiasis in a child is considered to be a smear for enterobiasis. Analysis for enterobiasis in children is performed by scraping from the surface of the skin in the perianal folds. Before taking the test, the child should not be washed, so as not to wash off the laid pinworm eggs. Negative result The analysis does not yet indicate that the child does not have worms. In order to get an accurate result, I repeat the scraping for enterobiasis in children several more times. Also, a smear for enterobiasis in children is taken using adhesive tape. The adhesive tape is applied to the skin for a few seconds, and then carefully removed and taken to the laboratory. Stool diagnostics and serological blood tests are usually not used for enterobiasis, since these tests are not informative.

Treatment of enterobiasis

Used to treat enterobiasis in children various schemes, which are individually selected by the doctor for each specific case. So everything therapeutic measures are divided into three stages:

  • treatment with pharmacological agents;
  • preventive measures to prevent re-infection;
  • second course of drug treatment;


The following medications are available for the treatment of enterobiasis in children:

  • Pyrantel pamoate (in the form of tablets and suspension);
  • Mebendazole(vermox);
  • Albendazole (nemozol, vormil).

The dose of the medicine is prescribed only by the doctor, depending on the weight and age of the child. Treatment occurs under the strict supervision of the attending physician. He evaluates the effects of the medicine, monitors the treatment process, monitors the child’s condition and the body’s reaction. When pinworms are detected in a child, all family members are treated, otherwise the whole family will be re-infected. After completing the course of therapy, special hygiene measures should be taken that are aimed at preventing reinfection enterobiasis. Two weeks after the first course of treatment, the use of antihelminthic drugs must be repeated.


Some experts are inclined to believe that it is pointless to carry out drug prevention of enterobiasis. Because by taking a pill today, a child may become infected with pinworms tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Other experts believe that once a year it is necessary to carry out a preventive course of treatment with Pirantel. It is advisable to do this two weeks after the start of attending kindergarten in the autumn. But that's it preventive measures will be useless without observing sanitary standards and personal hygiene:

  • to accustom a child from an early age to neatness and neatness;
  • frequent hand washing, especially before eating and after using the toilet;
  • wean the child from putting hands, objects, toys in his mouth;
  • instill in children the rules of personal hygiene;
  • prohibit the child from biting nails, licking and sucking fingers;
  • At night, children should wear panties with elastic bands on the hips;
  • frequent change of underwear and bed linen;
  • mandatory ironing of clothes with a hot iron;
  • regular wet cleaning of premises with washing of floors disinfectant(they peel off helminth eggs from surfaces);
  • do not sweep the floors, but vacuum, so as not to raise dust that contains helminth eggs;
  • Clean carpets only with a vacuum cleaner and a brush with detergent;
  • washing soft toys in a washing machine at temperatures above 55 C;
  • the child’s diet should contain a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs;
  • exclude complex carbohydrates from the child’s diet;
  • prohibit the child from sleeping with adults in the same bed;
  • Wash your child’s hands after contact with pets; carry out regular deworming of pets;
  • prohibit animals from sleeping in the same bed as the child;
  • The child must have his own dishes, towels and bed linen.

Consequences of enterobiasis in a child

The child is also retarded in physical and mental development. Pinworms, during their life processes, release metabolic products that are toxic to the child. As a result, intoxication and allergization of the entire body develops. The child becomes capricious, lethargic, gets tired quickly, suffers from headaches and general exhaustion of the body. He develops anemia and there is a deficiency of vital microelements, which provokes a delay in physical development.

With timely diagnosis of the disease and subsequent treatment, the child does not experience complications. In advanced cases with numerous reinfestations, damage to the urinary tract and vulvovaginitis (in girls) is observed.

Reading time: 4 min

Enterobiasis is the most common type of helminthiasis caused by pinworms. In most cases, infection occurs due to dirty hands, so preschool children are mainly susceptible to the disease.

Pinworms in the body cause itching in the anal area, which usually occurs at night.

Enterobiasis causes significant discomfort to humans, contributes to the occurrence of serious complications in the gastrointestinal tract and requires special treatment.

Pinworm larvae and eggs can only be seen under a microscope. Most often they live in the appendix or cecum, feeding on substances contained in the intestines.

The process of emergence of larvae occurs in the intestine; they reach the adult stage in 20-30 days. An adult pinworm lives on average from 4 to 6 weeks, migrating from small intestine in thick.

Causes of enterobiasis

Only humans can be carriers of the disease, since the life cycle of the pinworm occurs exclusively in the human body. Therefore, enterobiasis is considered a disease of dirty hands.

A child cannot become infected from pets or during a trip to the zoo; the main threat is only the infected person and failure to comply with hygiene rules.

Helminth eggs may be present:

  • on clothes, especially underwear; on dishes and furniture;
  • in the dust of carpets;
  • on the surface of toys;
  • in bed;
  • on money.

Infection can occur by eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as by visiting dubious establishments that do not meet sanitary requirements. Children under 2 years of age can be infected if their parents do not comply with hygiene rules.

Symptoms of pinworms

Pinworms have a negative impact on nervous system child, you can notice changes in his behavior and intellectual abilities.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the infected person and the degree of invasion.

The main features are:

  1. itching and unpleasant sensations in the anus. Discomfort is usually observed in the evening and at night, and with mass invasion it is constant. During primary infection, the itching goes away within 3 days;
  2. skin redness;
  3. traces of scratching;
  4. abdominal pain;
  5. intestinal dysbiosis;
  6. allergic reactions (dermatitis, conjunctivitis);
  7. frequent bowel movements (up to 4 times a day);
  8. loose stools, possibly with mucus
  9. sudden mood swings, poor memory, absent-mindedness, excessive irritability;
  10. memory impairment;
  11. frequent headaches;
  12. nausea and lack of appetite;
  13. restless sleep
  14. in severe cases of the disease, secondary infection of combed skin is possible;
  15. pain in the perineum and genital area.

How to determine enterobiasis in infants?

Usually the child has:

  • increased interest in the genitals and anal passage (redness and scratching in this area are possible);
  • bad dream, increased tearfulness and anxiety;
  • Skin rashes may occur.

Signs of a severe stage of enterobiasis in adults:

  1. enuresis at night;
  2. itching in the genital area;
  3. bloating;
  4. dizziness;
  5. pain in the appendix area;
  6. in rare cases, fainting may occur.

In women with a large number of pinworms, discharge, pain during sexual intercourse are observed, and wounds may appear due to the migration of helminths from the anus to the vagina.

Diagnosis of enterobiasis:

The disease is easy to treat medical therapy, it is very effective to treat enterobiasis in 3 stages:

  1. destruction of pinworms (drugs are prescribed by the treating specialist);
  2. restoration of flora using sorbents (stage 2 is recommended to be carried out after 2 hours);
  3. cleansing the intestines of worms (drink a laxative in the evening).

To completely get rid of enterobiasis, this treatment must be repeated after 14 days, due to the possibility of re-infection.

To destroy pinworms the following is prescribed:

  • Mebendazole (Tablets or suspension). Agelmin, Vermox, Telmox 100, Anitiox, Vormin, Vermakar, Mebex, Vero-Mebendazole.
  • Albendazole is very effective medicine against pinworms and is active substance drugs: Aldazole, Nemozol, Gelmadol and Zentel, actively used in modern therapy.
  • Before treating women of reproductive age, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, since most medications can affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Treatment of enterobiasis in children

Treatment of enterobiasis in children over 2 years of age is carried out using the same anti-helminth drugs as in adults.

If the child is one or two years old, it is possible to use 10 mg of Nemizole suspension or Albendazole tablets.

The greatest effect is achieved after the 2nd course of treatment. To remove pinworms from the body, it is necessary to cleanse the child’s intestines with an enema and give sorbents.

An important element of treatment is maintaining a hygienic regime.

Which includes:

  1. Thorough hand washing with soap after each visit to the restroom and contact with money;
  2. use of antiseptics;
  3. frequent change of bed linen and clothes;
  4. regular personal hygiene of the body;
  5. heat treatment of linen with an iron and washing;
  6. regular nail cutting.

If children attending school or kindergarten become infected, treatment is prescribed to all members of the team and employees of the institution.

For convenience, you should use cotton swabs and panties with elastic bands on the hips to prevent the dispersion of pinworm eggs. Enterobiasis can be cured!

Pinworm is one of the representatives of the worm species that affects all age generations. Outwardly, it looks like a white worm with pointed ends ranging from 5 mm (males) to 1.5 cm (females) in length, and its egg looks like a small oval grain.

Pinworms in children - symptoms and treatment

Pinworms in children are a type of roundworm, as they look like a small worm, the females of which reach a length of up to 12 mm, and the males up to 5–6 mm. The pinworm has a whitish color. In the female the end is pointed and slightly swollen, while in the male it is spirally twisted.

Also, upon a detailed examination of the female’s body, one can see a translucent uterus, in which there is not one egg, but several dozen, with the help of which she reproduces.

The pinworm produces a colorless egg with thin shell. The egg is unpretentious, can live well in almost any conditions, maturing in the environment and can wait for a child on the floor, on the paws and fur of animals, in carpets, on clothes and in other places.

The egg matures in 4–5 hours and a larva appears in it. The larva can live up to 20 days from the moment it leaves the child’s body, comes out and begins to mature. The egg with the larva tolerates all detergents and temperatures up to 24% heat.

The pinworm reproduces quickly; it is capable of laying not just one egg per night, but from 5 to 15 thousand; for this, it migrates to the child’s anus, where it lays them. In girls, the worm is able to penetrate into the genitals, where it also lays an egg or several dozen of them.

Helminths can enter a child’s body in several ways:

  1. A baby can become infected while passing through birth canal infected mother.
  2. During contact with adults from their hands or clothing.
  3. Through toys infested with worm eggs.
  4. With unboiled water while bathing.

A child, regardless of what year he is, playing outside, going to kindergarten, school or other public places is at risk of infection, because someone can leave an egg in the sandbox or on the doorknob, etc.

In this regard, a child is more likely than an adult to be infected with pinworms, since he plays more on the floor, in public places often taking other people’s toys and other things, after which he involuntarily introduces the worm into his body by eating candy, opening it on the street with dirty hands, which there is an egg, transferring it with her into the body.

Although the pinworm does not live for a year or more, but only about 1.5–2 months, it is dangerous because it multiplies quickly, increasing its numbers tenfold. Males die immediately after fertilization of females. The egg can live outside a person for up to 1 month. Once it enters the body, it can cause damage to health, so it is necessary to be able to recognize in time that an infection has occurred and take measures to begin treating the baby in time.

Adults, in order to prevent a child from becoming infected, must take measures to prevent his infection and ensure that he knows these measures and does not neglect them.

The risk of pinworms is highest in the following cases:

  • if the mother suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • when it happens artificial feeding, in which the immunoglobulins contained in breast milk do not enter the body, which leads to a weakened immune system;
  • frequent illnesses of the child;
  • developmental deviation;
  • lack of conditions for proper and constant hygiene;
  • The child bites his nails and puts his hands in his mouth.

The pinworm damages the intestinal lining - gastric tract, therefore, food elements often penetrate into the blood through damaged areas, in addition, they release substances of their activity, which causes severe intoxication in a child, as a result of which the body can no longer function normally and various kinds of complications appear.

The disease has several manifestations, including:

Parents should be wary and consult a doctor if they notice the following symptoms in their child:

  • periodic cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • decreased or lack of appetite;
  • lethargy of the child, delay in proper development and growth;
  • irritability, absent-mindedness, constant whims and tears;
  • problems sleeping, crying and screaming when waking up;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching of the anus;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • recurring conjunctivitis;
  • allergic skin manifestations;
  • prolonged runny nose;
  • persistent cough having no basis;
  • frequent ARVI of complicated form.

Define helminthic infestation in infants it is difficult, but possible. Signs of the appearance of pinworms in the body can be direct and indirect. Direct manifestations include the most noticeable changes.

  1. Young children always gain weight well. A slight weight gain or unreasonable loss should alert parents and cause the baby to be checked by a specialist.
  2. Excessive drooling during sleep. This can be seen by the damp pillow near the mouth.
  3. Frequent, excessive regurgitation of food after eating. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation gives way to diarrhea.
  4. Painful sensations in the navel area.
  5. Pale skin covering of the whole body. Hips with constant small rash.
  6. Dark circles under the eyes.

Indirect signs:

  • Constant allergic reactions.
  • Susceptibility to diseases caused by weak immunity.

If an infant develops allergies, diathesis, neurodermatitis or dermatitis, it is necessary to check it for the presence of worms. Getting rid of them will normalize the functioning of all organs and restore immune system.

In this regard, outbreaks of pinworms are often observed in kindergartens and schools. Infection of an infant occurs through parents' failure to observe proper hygiene.

Pets are not carriers of the disease. Enterobiasis is transmitted only to humans from humans.

Diagnosis of enterobiasis

To make a correct diagnosis, it is often necessary to consult certain doctors:

  • gynecologist - if there is severe itching in the anal area;
  • surgeon - for abdominal pain;
  • gastroenterologist - intestinal disorders.

The most faithful laboratory method Determining pinworms involves microscopic analysis of a scraping obtained from the child’s anus. Stool PCR, stool examination to detect pathogen eggs, and organ ultrasound can also be performed abdominal cavity.

Scraping can be done at home to protect the child from unnecessary worries and discomfort. To do this, use a cotton swab or adhesive tape. A cotton swab is moistened in water and passed over the skin in the anal area. Adhesive tape is applied in the morning or evening to anus. Pinworm eggs should stick to it. The sample is then sent to the laboratory.

An infection detection test is also carried out in the following cases:

  1. Admission to hospital;
  2. A trip to a sanatorium;
  3. If the child enters kindergarten, school or is registered to visit the pool.

Pinworms in children - treatment

IN alternative medicine There are also remedies for how to treat, garlic is used here, used in the morning on an empty stomach or at night, washed down with plenty of water, onions, consumed for 5 days, pumpkin seeds In treatment it is also recommended to eat in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals and many others.

However, treatment folk therapy Most experts have recognized it as ineffective, and many do not recommend its use, believing that under its influence the pinworm, and especially its egg, will not die, but it will begin to move to other organs, causing even more harm to the body.

Before treatment, you need to prepare, namely, a day before taking the medicine, you need to give up foods that have a fixing effect, and eat liquid, easily digestible ones. Take medication best in the morning(if the instructions for use do not contradict this), and take a relaxing agent in the evening.

The child, due to physical and psychological characteristics has its own specifics of the body, taking this into account it is advisable not to carry out treatment yourself, but to seek help from a doctor. You should not give medications without reading the instructions for the drug.

In addition, minors may be allergic to the components of the drug, then they should not use the medicine. Especially if a child who is under one year old is infected, since his body and immunity have not yet been established.

After treatment for about 2 weeks, it is necessary to use probiotics to restore intestinal microflora and a multivitamin complex. Such a symptom as itching disappears almost immediately as a pinworm, or rather, all individuals have left the body, and zinc ointment is recommended for wound healing.

The child ceases to be a carrier within 1 day after taking the medicine. After undergoing treatment, gradually all other signs of pinworms in children disappear and the child’s body is restored.

After 2 weeks of treatment, you need to take tests again to reliably determine whether there is still a pinworm or at least one of its eggs or to take medicine for them. It is advisable to do this, since the pinworm could breed again if at least one egg remains.

Treatment of enterobiasis in children is carried out on an outpatient basis, subject to the following conditions:

  • limit contact with adults and children;
  • following the doctor’s recommendations and taking prescribed pills;
  • preventive actions to prevent re-infection;
  • examination of people who have been in contact with the patient, application of the necessary means.

Mandatory hygiene rules for pinworms are required:

Drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the patient’s age and weight. Self-medication is prohibited, as some medications have contraindications.
After productive therapy, observation of 1-1.5 months is necessary. Repeated tests are scheduled after 21 days.

During the period of treatment and observation after it, the child should not go to kindergarten ik, school and others educational institutions.

The safest among medicines are considered:

  • taken once after a meal;
  • the dose is calculated strictly depending on the patient’s weight;
  • approved for use by children over the age of one year;
  • overdose can cause severe allergic reaction.
  • Vormil is produced in the form of chewable sheets

    • The medication is taken once after a meal;
    • the use of laxatives is not required;
    • The drug is strictly prohibited for children under 2 years of age.
  • Decaris is available in tablets

    • the drug is taken once after dinner;
    • the dosage should be calculated according to the patient’s weight;
    • during treatment, a prophylactic dose is necessary for the entire immediate environment;
    • prohibited for use by children under 3 years of age;
    • has a large number of contraindications and side effects.
  • Mebendazole tablet form

    • quickly eliminated from the body;
    • simultaneous use of laxatives is not required;
    • taken once, but repeated after 21 days;
    • Admission to children under 2 years of age is strictly prohibited;
    • may cause serious poisoning when combined with alcohol.
  • Piperazine is available in tablets

    • a course of treatment is required;
    • the interval between taking the medicine and eating should be at least an hour;
    • During treatment it is necessary to perform enemas;
    • there are a large number of contraindications;
    • It is given to infants under the supervision of specialists in a hospital.
  • Pyrantel is available in tablets, chewable strips, suspension

    • taken once after a meal;
    • the dose is calculated in strict accordance with the patient’s weight;
    • When carrying out treatment, a prophylactic dose is necessary for the entire patient’s environment;
    • approved for use in infants;
    • overdose is possible.

    After the course, it is necessary to carry out additional analysis for pinworms and make sure that the child does not have enterobiasis. If necessary, re-take the medications.

    Pinworm eggs - treatment in children

    It is possible to get rid of pinworms subject to a course of treatment by simultaneously taking medications and preventing the further spread of pinworms, blocking the possibility of further stages of egg development.

    Scraping for enterobiasis - how to take it from children

    After visiting a doctor with a suspicion that your baby has pinworms, you will need to undergo a scraping for enterobiasis. This is the most effective way, allowing you to determine the presence of helminths. The method of performing the procedure depends on the age of the subject.

    1. Using cotton swabs:
    • a cotton swab is moistened in glycerin ointment;
    • the subject is placed on his side and the buttocks are spread with the first and second fingers of the left hand;
    • V right hand take a stick with a tampon;
    • carefully circle the area of ​​the perianal folds and anus with a tampon;
    • The stick with the collected smear is placed in a sterile special container with a tight lid.
  • Using special adhesive tape:
    • cut a piece 5-7 cm long from the adhesive tape;
    • Place the subject on his side, spread his buttocks;
    • press the tape with the sticky side to the perianal folds and anal area;
    • the tape must be applied several times;
    • press the tape to a sterile glass for analysis;
    • straighten, getting rid of air bubbles.

    The material is suitable for short-term analysis, so it is not taken independently. It is important to remember that you do not need to wash your baby before taking the test.

    Pinworms in children - treatment at home

    He requires treatment due to the fact that children are at risk of the following complications and pinworms:

    For prevention purposes, you must first of all follow the rules of personal hygiene, which will help protect against the spread and development of pinworms in children. WITH early age Children should be taught to wash their hands after using the toilet and before eating.

    The room should be wet cleaned; all surfaces should be wiped with water and detergent or soda solution. The equipment involved in cleaning must be replaced with a new one after each use.

    Toys must be washed or washed. Bed linen and underwear must be changed daily. Towels should be washed at 90° and ironed after drying. Panties should fit snugly to the body, which will trap pinworms and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body. A sick child should drink and eat from separate containers. Before going to bed, you need to wash your baby warm water.

    Family members must undergo a mandatory examination and, if pinworms are detected, take the necessary medications at the same time. This is to avoid spreading the eggs or re-infestation.

    Helminthic diseases are very common in pediatric practice. Every day, local pediatricians consult hundreds of children who come to see them with this problem. Many parents have to think about how to cope with enterobiasis in children.

    What it is?

    Incidence rates are higher in geographic areas where more people live. A large population and densely concentrated living conditions affect the rate of transmission of infection from a sick child to a healthy one.

    Scientists have conducted numerous studies and come to the conclusion that the level social development state does not have a very strong impact on the incidence of enterobiasis in children. Cases of infection with this helminthic disease found both in economically developed countries and in developing ones.

    Typically, among all diseases caused by helminths, the share of enterobiasis is 75%. This value changes every year. However, there has been no significant reduction in incidence for many decades. In organized children's groups, there are much more cases of enterobiasis infection. Children attending kindergarten or others preschool institutions, can get sick quite easily.


    The name of the helminth is made up of two words, which, when translated literally, mean “inner life.” This name cannot be called accidental. It denotes the essence of the life organization of the helminth.

    By appearance these worms resemble a spindle. Their body shape is streamlined. They are usually white or milky in color. The outer or cuticular membrane of the worm has pronounced transverse striations.

    The body length of this “guest” may vary. It usually depends on the sex of the helminth. A sexually mature female, capable of breeding offspring, usually reaches one centimeter in size. The body length of the male, as a rule, does not exceed 4-5 mm. You can distinguish different individuals not only by size, but also by the structural features of the caudal end of the body. In females the “tail” is sharp, while in males it is blunt and slightly rounded.

    home anatomical feature of this helminth - structure digestive system. It includes a mouth opening with several lips, a long esophagus, which expands in the area of ​​the caudal end and forms the anus. Anatomical formations, located at the head end of the body, form a special suction apparatus. It is with its help that the helminth perfectly attaches to the walls of the human intestine.

    Organization internal structure helminths is quite complex. Another feature is the structure reproductive system. Females and males have organs that are responsible for further reproduction. This feature of helminths determines their fairly rapid development and active formation of eggs. Females lay more eggs.

    Pinworm eggs usually do not exceed 50 mm in size. They can be somewhat oblong or asymmetrical in shape. On top they are covered with a fairly dense two-layer contour shell, which protects them from various adverse influences. environment. During their life, female pinworms lay a large number of eggs. This physiological feature their life cycle influences the nature of prescribing therapy in the future.

    The favorite habitats of pinworms are the lower part of the small intestine and the upper part of the large intestine. Pinworms usually live in the appendix area, as well as in the cecum area.

    A person can become infected by swallowing worm eggs. They usually contain mature larvae inside. Helminths that enter a child's body easily reach the gastrointestinal tract and settle in the intestines.

    As a result of digestion, a huge amount is released various types enzymes. They have a damaging effect on the outer shells of pinworms, freeing them for life. Then the helminths go through several molts and become fully sexually mature.

    It should be noted that the release of eggs occurs in the lower parts of the large intestine. To do this, the females go down – along the intestines. The release of eggs and their active growth into larvae take place in the rectum.

    To release eggs, a mature female needs oxygen. It crawls out of a person’s anal passage and enters his perianal folds.

    This usually happens at night when human body more relaxed. There are cases when pinworms move throughout the anogenital zone. This leads to the fact that they can crawl into neighboring anatomical areas. Isolated cases of helminth detection are in the peritoneal area. After the completion of the female’s life cycle, she dies and turns into a small light lump.

    The peculiarity of the development of pinworms is also that for active growth they do not need any specific living conditions. They can cause infection both in people living in northern countries and cities, and in southerners. The worse the hygiene knowledge, the more often people get sick. Severe cases of the disease are largely associated with self-infection. To treat enterobiasis, it is very important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

    The main effect of helminths on a child’s body is to weaken the immune defense.

    Long-term (even mild) helminthiasis contributes to the appearance of signs of immunodeficiency in a child. Children with helminthic pathology are susceptible to any infection and have big risk purchase chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Children usually get enterobiasis 3-4 times more often than adults. This is largely due to being in organized groups and low hygiene education.

    Helminth infections are rightfully considered diseases of “dirty hands”. Self-infection usually occurs when a child scratches the anal area. Increased itching in this place is facilitated by sexually mature female pinworms, which reach the anogenital zone during egg laying. The child scratches the damaged areas of the skin, which leads to eggs getting under the nails. Small children usually put their hands in their mouths, which contributes to repeated auto-infection.

    The spread of helminthiasis can be carried out through contact and household methods. Sick children attending kindergarten become sources of infection for healthy peers. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the fact that worm eggs end up on various toys, furniture, and also on common objects. Enterobiasis occurs quite often in children's organized groups, where children spend a large amount of time.


    Clinical manifestations of enterobiasis are very different. Eat general symptoms, which are found in all babies. However, there may also be individual characteristics. They usually occur in children who are prone to developing allergic reactions. The severity of adverse symptoms of the disease depends on the initial condition of the child; it can vary in intensity.

    Clinical manifestations enterobiasis in children are:

    • Itching. It can vary in intensity and even be quite unbearable. This leads to the fact that sick babies begin to actively scratch the anal area. Usually the itching intensifies at night, which is due to the peculiarities of the vital activity of helminths. This contributes to sleep disturbances and frequent trips to the toilet.
    • Stomach ache. Usually babies feel a nagging or tingling pain. Some children develop tenesmus - a false urge to go to the toilet. Soreness is usually localized in the right side of the abdomen, which mimics a similar symptom with appendicitis. Some young patients have no pain syndrome does not occur in the abdominal cavity with enterobiasis.
    • Neurological symptoms. Toxic effect waste products of helminths has a pronounced adverse effect on many internal organs, including the nervous system. A sick child appears headache, weakness increases, concentration decreases, and nervousness appears. Schoolchildren with signs of enterobiasis begin to perform worse at school and fall behind the school curriculum.

    • Limiting social contacts. A sick child wants to limit his personal space from strangers. This manifests itself in the fact that he becomes more withdrawn and silent. Often staying at home and limiting social interactions brings the baby to better health.
    • Intestinal dysfunction. Long-term enterobiasis leads to the child developing signs functional disorders small or large intestine. As a rule, they are manifested by flatulence and various problems with excretion of feces. They can be expressed in the form of constipation or diarrhea.
    • Mood changes. Kids become more whiny and capricious. Even a minor reason can cause them to display violent emotions. Infants may refuse breastfeeding.
    • Skin rashes. Usually their appearance is due to the toxic effects of helminth waste products. Once in the systemic bloodstream, these substances cause numerous allergic manifestations in the child. If the baby has a tendency to allergies, then the severity of adverse changes is very significant. To the most frequently encountered skin symptoms Enterobiasis includes various dermatoses, dermatitis and eczema.
    • Decreased immunity. This is usually manifested by the baby’s strong susceptibility to various infectious pathologies. If we focus on statistics, we can note that children with persistent enterobiasis and multiple cases of self-infection suffer from colds and respiratory diseases much more often than their peers.

    Signs in a baby

    Enterobiasis in infants occurs almost the same as in older children. Newborn babies can also become infected. If a baby has signs of immunodeficiency, then the disease progresses quite clearly, and the adverse symptoms manifest themselves extremely strongly. Usually, the disease is detected by mothers on their own - during hygiene procedures.

    Diagnosis of enterobiasis in infants is the same as in older children.

    The peculiarity is the choice of treatment. Selected for very young patients individual schemes therapy, and the dosage of medications to eliminate worms from the body is reduced - taking into account the age and body weight of the child.


    Identifying enterobiasis at home is often very simple. Parents usually notice worms during hygiene procedures. Older children can see the helminth on their own. Diagnosis of the disease usually does not cause difficulties.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, several additional laboratory tests are performed. They allow you to verify the presence of pinworms in a child’s body. IN general analysis leukocytosis appears in the blood (the number of leukocytes increases) and the ESR significantly accelerates. To identify pinworms, various scrapings from the perianal area are needed.

    Taking material and examination

    There are several effective ways detection of the disease - using a fingerprint and scraping. The Graham method (imprint on adhesive tape) is carried out three times - at intervals of a week.

    Usually biological material gathers before morning procedures. Efficiency this method up to 95%.

    You can collect the material for scraping with a special spatula or swab on a match dipped in a solution of glycerin or soda. Then an examination is carried out in the laboratory, helminth eggs are identified, and in some cases even the remains of mature worms. The accuracy of the result is also quite high.


    Usually the disease proceeds without symptoms negative consequences, however, there are exceptions. In weakened babies and children with severe immunodeficiency conditions and concomitant chronic diseases internal organs, complications may arise. These include various proctitis and paraproctitis, chronic colitis, helminthic appendicitis, allergic eczema and dermatoses.


    One of the main conditions for recovery from enterobiasis is the prevention of any cases of re-infection. This requires fairly strict preventive methods, which are mandatory even for the youngest patients. It is important to note that the rules should be followed not only by sick children, but also by everyone who is near them - in conditions of an epidemiological focus of infection.

    Some doctors argue that all family members should be treated with anthelmintic medications.

    Experts believe that this contributes to a significant reduction in the number of cases of intrafamily outbreaks of helminthic disease.

    Medicines for enterobiasis can cause adverse reactions. To reduce such manifestations, the selection of a treatment regimen is carried out strictly individually - taking into account the child’s age, his weight, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

    The following measures are used to treat the disease:

    • Maintaining hygiene rules. All sick children must wash their hands frequently - especially after active games outside and going to public places, before and after eating and visiting the toilet. Parents should ensure that these important hygiene rules are observed.
    • Wearing closed underwear. Children's panties must be washed in hot water(using laundry detergent), they should be ironed with a very hot iron before wearing. You need to treat your baby's bedding in the same way.

    Don't forget about ironing! Pinworm eggs can only die after being treated at very high temperatures.

    • Mandatory daily washing. The anogenital area should be washed twice a day using baby soap. It should not contain any aggressive chemical fragrances that can only intensify allergic manifestations on the child’s delicate skin.
    • Daily change of bed and underwear. During all periods of illness it is very important to follow this rule. This will help prevent possible cases repeated infections. If there are several children living in a family, then only individual sets of linen should be used for each child. Using other people's things (even those ironed) is prohibited.
    • Drug therapy. Typically, the following are used to eliminate pinworms: medicines: “Pyrantel”, “Vermox”, “Piperazine”, “Medamin” and others. The dosage and treatment regimen depend on the child’s age and are determined taking into account his body weight. To prevent pinworms from spreading throughout the anogenital area, you can use a cotton swab soaked in Vaseline. For girls, this simple measure helps cope with pinworms crawling into the vagina.


    Diseases of “dirty” hands can only be prevented if all preventive rules are followed. Regular hand washing and wearing clean underwear help reduce the risk of pinworm infection.

    After a sick child is discovered in a kindergarten, a quarantine is established. Compliance with this forced preventive measure contributes to a significant reduction in the incidence of enterobiasis. These rules should be followed throughout your life.

    To learn what enterobiasis is in children, see the following video.

    The set of signs of invasion is small:

    If the infection was isolated and all family members take care of themselves, the problem will disappear on its own over time - the worm that has entered the body will grow and mature within 2-4 weeks, and die after 2-3 weeks. If they are not reintroduced into the intestines, self-infection will be interrupted and no treatment will be required. In other cases, the breeding cycle of pinworms will be repeated again, which requires therapeutic medication.

    Medication course

    A specific course of treatment with drugs that help fight pinworms is prescribed by the attending physician, who evaluates the individual characteristics of the body. little patient, associated health problems, and based on this data, prescribes medications with precise dosages.

    Any remedy and its dosage must be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child’s body, only then will they help and not cause additional harm to health. Also, the entire treatment process must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist to eliminate the danger of overdose and any side effects.

    Any prescribed medicine must be taken against the background of a properly selected diet, which will not allow pharmacology to harm the health of the little patient. For example, immediately before starting treatment, it is recommended to refuse food that prevents the drugs from removing pinworms simultaneously with cleansing the intestines - large quantity bread, dry cereals, and instead eat soups and fruits, drink juices.

    • give up flour, fatty foods, sweets, fried foods, limit the consumption of vegetables with a high starch content, sweet grapes, bananas;
    • add to diet dairy products, a variety of greens, increase the drinking regime with abundant consumption of herbal decoctions and sour juices;
    • before completion of treatment (when active removal of dead worms from the body begins), the diet should include large volumes of drink, semi-liquid cereals, and soups.

    Properly selected nutrition allows you to enhance the therapeutic effect of the main treatment, improves general state patient's health. An important condition is that all prescriptions must be carried out by the attending physician, since self-medication can harm the growing body of small patients. Naturally, if the whole family undergoes therapy (as it should be when infected with pinworms), dietary adjustments should be valid for everyone without exception.

    Separately, it should be recalled that the child should be taught not to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, and not to pick up or eat food that has fallen on the floor. During treatment, the patient (and each infected family member) must have separate dishes and utensils. You should wash your hands before every meal.

    Help from traditional medicine

    Like drug therapy, treatment of pinworms in children traditional methods should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Although potentially such drugs cannot cause significant harm to health (most often, provoke an allergic reaction), however, there is still a risk of developing serious complications. For example, tansy produces a relatively severe toxic effect, so it can be used to treat children at least 15 years old.

    For the unconventional medical influence At home, the following effective and safest remedies for children’s bodies are usually used:

    Preventive care

    Prevention, if carried out well, will help avoid the need for re-infection. Moreover, if all the listed remedies were implemented on time, they will protect all other family members from infection. If a child is at risk - he attends a kindergarten, a section, a swimming pool or any other public institution, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor for timely detection of potential infection.