Doxycycline in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Doxycycline for prostatitis: reviews from men about the drug and features of use. General description, release form and composition

To eliminate any type of prostatitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. wide range actions. Most pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive to Doxycycline, so this drug recommended first. To prevent side effects and overdose, check with your doctor about the method of use and the duration of the course of therapy.

The prostate is a small formation in the abdominal area, which consists of fibromuscular tissue. It is located close to the genitals and regulates the health of the intimate area and urinary system in men. The gland performs a number of functions that are responsible for fertility and potency:

  • Excretory. The secretion secreted by the prostate gland is responsible for the production of the male hormone; it is also one of the components of seminal fluid. Thanks to this mucous fraction, sperm are motile.
  • Motor. Gland and sphincter Bladder contract with the help of fibrous walls. Therefore, when the prostate is inflamed, a man often experiences uncontrolled urination or its complete absence.
  • Protective. Pathogenic bacteria that enter male body through the urethra, accumulate in the prostate. The gland produces enzymes that suppress the development of infection. However, when reduced immunity the risk of inflammation increases.

The functioning of the prostate affects the normal functioning of the testicles. Therefore, when inflammation occurs in a man, sperm production is impaired, painful ejaculation or its complete absence.

Medicines for the treatment of prostate inflammation

Treatment of prostate inflammation is carried out after a complete diagnosis. There are several types of disease that require an individual approach. The main medications used for prostatitis:

It is also necessary to take a course of prostate massage, exercise physical therapy, refuse bad habits, go on a diet. Folk recipes used in combination with drug treatment.

Help with Doxycycline for prostatitis

To treat prostatitis, antibiotics are necessarily used in the form of tablets, capsules and suppositories. Among antibacterial drugs, Doxycycline has proven itself well. This product is a semi-synthetic tetracycline, which has a detrimental effect on streptococci, staphylocci, salmonella, and chlamydia. It is also prescribed for cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma.

  • pain during urination, ejaculation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • decreased libido;
  • development of impotence;
  • the appearance of blood, pus during urination and defecation;

The drug can be prescribed before identifying the cause of inflammation, as it affects most gram-negative and positive bacteria. The main advantage of Doxylicin is its rapid absorption, which ensures an improvement in the condition within 1-2 days of use.

Form, composition, price

Doxycycline can be purchased at a pharmacy for 15-20 rubles and is available without a doctor’s prescription. The drug is presented in the form yellow capsules with hard shell, 10 pieces in a blister. It is not recommended for independent use, as it can negatively affect the liver, kidneys, and intestinal microflora.

Doxycycline is used for chronic prostatitis for about a month. If inflammation is treated in an acute form, a week's course is sufficient.

The main component of the antibiotic is doxycycline hyclate (100 mg per capsule). For better absorption and rapid action on pathogenic microflora, the following ingredients are present: lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate. To give capsules and their contents yellow color Added West Yellow dye.

Mechanism of action on the prostate gland

When using a broad-spectrum antibiotic, doxycycline hyclate inhibits protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic bacteria. Microorganisms populating the mucous membrane of the prostate and urethra die, the microflora is restored, and inflammation does not develop. Features of the drug:

  1. The components of “Doxycycline” are absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and are absorbed by 95%.
  2. The active component of the antibiotic reaches its maximum concentration in the patient’s blood after 18 hours.
  3. The drug is excreted from the body naturally (in urine and feces).

During treatment, you need to take a capsule every 12 hours, best done in the morning and evening. Thanks to this regimen, the active components will constantly act on pathogenic microorganisms that have colonized the prostate.


Doxycycline is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases that arise due to the harmful effects of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria on the body. For prostatitis it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Chronic or acute form of inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Presence of symptoms: pain during urination, impurities in the urine of blood and pus, discomfort in the pubic area, temperature.
  • The appearance of inflammation due to the action of microorganisms that are sensitive to tetracyclines.
  • Intestinal problems, tendency to dysbiosis.
  • Problems with kidney function.

Doxycycline is a low-toxic antibiotic. However, violating the regimen or taking more than 2 capsules per day without a doctor’s recommendation may cause side symptoms.

If you are prescribed Doxycycline for prostatitis, you need to know exactly how much to drink. It is generally recommended to take one capsule in the morning and evening. Do not exceed the dosage of 200 mg. If you miss a dose, continue treatment according to the old regimen, do not take several tablets at once. To reduce the risk of side effects, take the antibiotic with food.

To prevent pathogenic microorganisms from developing immunity to the drug, it must be consumed every 12 (100 mg) or 24 hours (200 mg). The duration of the course depends on the patient’s condition, on average from 10 to 14 days. During treatment, it is recommended to undergo regular urethral culture and urine tests.

If after a few days there is a noticeable improvement, and by the middle of the course the painful symptoms disappear, you should not stop taking the antibiotic. There is a risk of re-development of inflammation.

Prohibition on use

Doxycycline effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the development of inflammation. Before using the drug, read the contraindications indicated in the instructions. This antibiotic is not prescribed in the following cases:

Before starting treatment you must pass general analysis blood and urine, and the doctor also reviews your medical history.

To prevent the development of allergies, take half an antibiotic capsule the first time. If within an hour after use you do not develop a rash, vomiting, swelling, or fever, you can continue taking Doxycycline.

Negative effects on the body

In some cases, there is a negative effect of tetracycline on nervous system: increased irritation, depressed state, drowsiness, apathy. Long-term use of antibiotics can cause weight loss and also deteriorate the quality of tooth enamel.

If contraindications are ignored, the patient may experience vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a rash. The antibiotic provokes a change in blood composition and disrupts the intestinal microflora. Photosensitivity increases, so it is not recommended to sunbathe during the course or be in the sun without sunscreen, glasses, cap.

Another unusual reaction is also noted: after long-term use of Doxycycline, the microflora is disrupted and the development of pathogenic fungi. In this case, it is necessary to discontinue antibiotic therapy and use antifungal drugs.

Danger of overdose

The use of Doxycycline for prostatitis at a dosage of 200 mg per day is safe for the body. According to reviews, after a long course, which lasts more than a month without a break, prostatitis returns again due to the development of immunity in bacteria to tetracyclines. In case of drug overdose, it is recommended to stop treatment, rinse the stomach and monitor general condition. Be sure to report the incident to your doctor.

Combination with other medications, with alcohol

It is not recommended to take Doxycycline together with antibiotics of the cyclosporin, penicillin, or cephalosporin group. The use of methoxyflurane anesthesia while taking antibacterial drugs can develop acute renal failure or lead to death.

It is prohibited to combine the consumption of vitamin A or retinoids during a course of antibiotic therapy. It is also necessary to completely eliminate alcohol and alcohol-based medications.

"Doxycycline" in reviews: pros and cons

“At the first exacerbation of prostatitis, I took Doxycycline. The result was good: on the second day the temperature subsided and the pain during urination went away. I took the full course of this drug, but six months later I encountered prostatitis again. This time the doctor prescribed a more expensive antibiotic.”

“A good product for minimal money. While taking an antibiotic adverse reactions did not have. It worked quickly, and by the end of the second week I resumed my sex life. The course of treatment also included suppositories with propolis, prostate massage and exercise therapy.”

“A few months ago I was diagnosed with inflammation of the prostate gland. I didn’t even think that at the age of 28 I would be faced with such a disease. I was prescribed an antibiotic, which cost only 30 rubles (a course of 10 rubles). I immediately doubted the effectiveness of such a cheap drug. But it turned out that the treatment of prostatitis with Doxycycline, according to reviews on the Internet, is very effective. I have now passed control tests, but I feel completely healthy.”

“After taking Daxicycline, I developed a rash on my stomach and legs. Although I took it correctly and did not exceed the recommended dosage. The doctor canceled it and prescribed Unidox Solutab. After a few days of taking it, my health improved and the pain in the groin went away.”

Similar drugs

"Doxycycline" is one of the most inexpensive antibiotics of the tetracycline group.

However, if after three days of taking the pathological symptoms do not disappear or after a long course of treatment prostatitis returns again, the patient is prescribed analogues.

  • “Unidox Solutab” – tablets (350 rubles);
  • “Cifran” – tablets (100-160 rubles);
  • “Monoclin” – tablets (1600 rubles);
  • “Vibramycin” – capsules, suspensions, solution for injection (150 rubles);
  • “Metronidazole” – tablets (130 rubles);
  • “Itraconazole” – capsules (450 rubles).

The decision to replace the drug should be made by the doctor. With advanced pathology and the development of chronic prostatitis, stronger antibiotics may be prescribed.

Treatment of prostatitis necessarily includes taking antibiotics. First of all, the doctor prescribes the least dangerous and low-toxic drugs that have less effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, Doxycycline is one of the most popular antibacterial agents.

During treatment, be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions, follow the regimen, and do not drink alcohol. Before taking new medications, consider the compatibility of the tetracycline antibiotic with the components of other medications.

Reading time: 4 min

When treating prostatitis, a list of certain drugs is prescribed and this list may include Doxycycline, it all depends on the type of disease.

Today we will talk about how effective this drug is and how to take it.

Composition and release forms

The most common form of release of Doxycycline is capsules. Packages with capsules are made of cardboard, inside there are contour cells with 10 capsules.

The package may contain one or two beads of 10 capsules each.

The drug contains one component - doxycycline hydrochloride salt.

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the tetracycline series of antibiotics. The production method is semi-synthetic.

Like all tetracyclines antibacterial agents, doxycycline has a universal effect against a large list of bacteria.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on overcoming the cell membrane barrier and influencing the bacteria located inside the cell.

The negative effect of the drug on the prokaryotic cell is to suppress the secretion of peptides through blockade of the connection between the small membrane ribosomal subunit and transfer RNA.

Gram-positive and gram-negative prokaryotes show sensitivity to the drug.

Of the gram-positive bacteria, many staphylococci, streptococci, actinomycetes, clostridia, listeria, etc. are the most vulnerable to doxycycline.

Among gram-negative bacteria, the drug affects Treponema, Neisseria, Enterobacteriaceae, etc.

The most sensitive are the Pfeiffer bacillus and intracellular pathogenic microflora.

Bacterial pathogens eliminated by the drug:

  • plague bacillus Yersinia pestis;
  • Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative bacterium;
  • anthracis bacillus, which causes the onset of anthrax;
  • the microbe Pseudomonas malle, which causes glanders;
  • Legionella pneumophila is the bacterium that causes legionellosis;
  • Vibrio cholera – the initiator of the development of cholera;
  • Calymmatobacterium granulomatis – a bacterium in the development of granuloma venereum;
  • Brucella spp. – causative agent of brucellosis;
  • chlamydia psittaci, which causes ornithosis;
  • Chlamydia trachomatis – the causative agent of trachoma;
  • from a number of chlamydia - Rickettsiaformis psittacosi - the cause of psittacosis;
  • Plasmodium falciparum is the cause of malaria;
  • Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of dysentery.

In addition to these pathogens, doxycycline is effective in treating:

  • leptospirosis;
  • borreliosis;
  • yersiniosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • Lyme disease in the early stages;
  • whooping cough;
  • typhus;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • in the postoperative period after gynecological and abdominal operations;
  • prostatitis of acute and chronic forms;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • acne;
  • endometritis;
  • ulcerative keratitis;
  • inflammation of the organs and glands of the digestive system.

Doxycycline has no effect on most microscopic fungal pathogens, protozoa and Bacillus subtilis.

Features of the effect on pathogens gastrointestinal tract– their incomplete extermination.

Other tetracycline bacteriostatics act for less long, and their degree of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is far from 100%.

Natural tetracyclines are inferior in intensity to the semisynthetic doxycycline.

Tetracycline and its derivative oxytetracycline achieve the same therapeutic effect as doxycycline when the dosage is increased by 10 times.

Other tetracyclines, penicillins and cephalosporins do not have an inhibitory effect on doxycycline.

Directions for use and dosage

If the causes of prostatitis are infectious, doxycycline is prescribed twice a day.

The drug is taken one capsule during meals. Method of administration: oral. If the infection becomes more complicated, the dosage may be increased if the doctor insists on it.

Usually, curing infectious inflammation in the prostate gland requires oral administration medications for a week. In severe cases of multiple infections and advanced stage sometimes the treatment regimen is extended for a month.

The products of drug destruction are toxic, so the load falls on the kidneys and liver.

If these organs cannot cope with the removal and neutralization of doxycycline, the treatment regimen is adjusted towards reducing the dosage or completely eliminating (replacing) the antibacterial agent.

What does the instruction look like?


Men suffering from prostatitis cannot use the drug if they have existing pathologies:

  • innately low level lactase and, as a consequence, lactose intolerance;
  • liver diseases with high degree heaviness;
  • individual intolerance to doxycycline hydrochloride;
  • decrease in the level of leukocytes in the sampled blood volume;
  • congenital deviation in the concentration of skin pigments, expressed in an excess of porphyrins and their high concentration in the urine;
  • galactose-glucose malabsorption, characterized by the pathogenesis of a protein substance that forms a complex with these substances during their transport.

The drug doxycycline, classified as a tetracycline, has a wide spectrum of action and is often used to treat diseases of the reproductive and excretory systems, including prostatitis. Compared to drugs with similar effects, the drug has minimal negative effects on the microflora of the digestive system, while effectively suppressing the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.

Release form and properties

The release form of the drug is not varied. Doxycycline is commercially available exclusively in tablet form, each containing 100 milligrams of the active substance. Capsules are packed in a blister in the amount of five pieces.

Doxycycline for prostatitis has the following effect on the body: within thirty minutes after taking the drug, the maximum amount of active substances enters the bloodstream, which are concentrated in the pelvic area, exerting an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

The drug effectively prevents the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses in the body. It can be equally used to treat both infectious and non-infectious forms of prostatitis.

Thanks to rapid dissolution negative effects are minimized

The main advantages of doxycycline include the fact that it dissolves almost immediately in the stomach, as a result of which the negative effects of antibiotics on mucous tissues are significantly reduced. In addition, the drug differs in the duration of the therapeutic effect. That is, it continues to act even some time after the end of the course of treatment.


After a short period of time after entering the body, the active substances included in the drug are concentrated in sufficient quantities in the area where pathogenic processes are localized, that is, in the presence of prostatitis, directly in the prostate gland.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is as follows: penetrating into the tissues of pathogenic cells foreign to the body, the active substances interfere with the synthesis process, which is necessary for the life support of microorganisms, as a result of which the cell dies.

As for the negative impact on healthy cells, which is not uncommon, when taking this antibiotic, such a side effect is practically excluded.

The drug affects inflammation in the prostate


The main benefits of using doxycycline for treatment include the following:

  • The drug does not have a negative effect on the digestive organs, that is, it does not suppress beneficial microflora and does not interfere with the full functioning of the digestive tract.
  • The absorption of the drug occurs almost instantly, which allows it to have the most rapid positive effect on the body. In addition, the concentration of the drug in the body allows you to maintain the results achieved during the treatment process. positive effect over a long period of time.
  • The active substances that are part of doxycycline and are intended directly for treatment are concentrated precisely in that area of ​​the body that is subject to pathological changes. That is, healthy organs and systems are not susceptible to the negative effects of antibiotics.


Doxycycline is used to treat a wide range of diseases that are caused by the penetration into the body of foreign microorganisms and viruses that are sensitive to the active substances included in the drug.

When using the drug, it is necessary to select the correct dosage

The drug is widely used for prostatitis caused by the presence of a focus of inflammation in the body, as well as other reasons that are not classified as infectious. It is allowed to treat the disease with the drug, as on early stages development, and in chronic or acute forms. However, in each individual case, one or another dosage of the active substance is selected.


Despite the fact that the drug has virtually no negative effect on the body, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it should be used. medicine do not do it:

  • Some blood diseases, as well as circulatory system generally.
  • Liver diseases, including liver failure.
  • Patient's age. Doxycycline should not be used on persons under the age of nine years. In addition, before reaching adolescence, the drug should be used with extreme caution.
  • There is a risk of complications, or allergic reactions due to the patient’s special sensitivity to certain substances included in the drug.

The use of the drug should be discontinued if there are liver problems.

Side effects

There are a number of side effects that may occur when using doxycycline to varying degrees of severity. It should be remembered that even with a slight deterioration in health, you should reduce the dosage or completely stop taking the drug. However, this should be done only in cases where negative changes are caused precisely by taking the medication.

  • A decrease in blood pressure, which is often accompanied by nausea, and in especially severe cases – vomiting, dizziness, general weakness, as well as a deterioration in general well-being.
  • Imbalance and metabolic disorders. In some cases, the drug can cause such negative reactions of the body as deterioration in the absorption of nutrients from consumed food, which over time can lead to the development of anorexia, that is, painful exhaustion.
  • The senses may also be negatively affected by antibiotics, resulting in ringing in the ears and some vision problems.

Low blood pressure may occur during treatment with the drug.

  • As for the digestive system as a whole, the systematic use of doxycycline can somewhat slow down metabolic processes, which is reflected in the appearance of constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. Besides pathological processes can affect the mucous tissues of the digestive organs, which leads to the development of gastritis, erosion, and ulcers.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is essentially an antibiotic, in the process of removing decay products from the body, pathological processes may occur in the excretory and reproductive systems, which can lead to the appearance of the main symptoms of cystitis or candidiasis.
  • If a patient has an allergic reaction to any ingredient included in the drug, there is a risk of negative manifestations on the skin: rash, redness, burning sensation, itching.
  • One of the main features of doxycycline is the following: with its systematic use as a treatment measure, there is a risk of changing the natural color of teeth for the worse.

Less commonly, stomach problems may occur as a complication.


Typically, medication for prostatitis is taken according to the following regimen: during the first days, the patient needs to take two tablets per day. Then their number is reduced to one. The course is usually about ten to fourteen days, depending on the stage of the disease.

After taking the tablet, you should take doxycycline with plenty of purified water. This is necessary in order to minimize the risk of irritation of the digestive organs.

The regimen for taking the drug, as well as the duration of its use, depends on the patient’s condition and his individual physiological characteristics. Accordingly, the prescription of doxycycline should be carried out exclusively by a specialist knowledgeable in this field.

What other drugs are used in the treatment of prostatitis - you can find out from the video below:

Doxycycline is a antibacterial drugs wide spectrum of action. Pharmacological form: tablets produced in blisters of 10 pcs. Capsule weight 100 mg. The antibiotic is well absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract, quickly spreads throughout the body and penetrates into internal organs, eliminating the source of inflammation. Doxycycline is prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis even in cases where there is no infectious factor or no infectious factor has been identified.

Indications for use of Doxycycline

The effectiveness of the drug is associated with its ability to be quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, after which penetration into the prostate occurs almost instantly. The active components accumulate in tissues, having reached the required concentration, kill pathogens, inhibiting their ability to reproduce. The antibiotic is excreted from the body naturally along with bile.

Instructions for use of Doxycycline for prostatitis indicate that the drug is most effective in combating the following microorganisms:

Replacement of Doxycycline will be required if there is an individual intolerance to the drug. Urologists recommend it as one of the most effective for acute forms of prostatitis. The uniqueness of the medicine is that the required concentration of antibiotic to fight pathogens is achieved within 45 minutes. This rate of action is rare for oral medications.

Prostate treatment course with Doxycycline

Taking antibiotics is associated with risks to the patient's health and the likelihood of developing resistant strains of infections if used incorrectly. An additional disadvantage is that oral medications are absorbed through the gastrointestinal mucosa, and, therefore, Doxycycline does not have a very good effect on the intestines, killing its microflora.

The urologist is required to correctly select daily dose, taking into account the advanced state of inflammation, and also prescribe a supportive agent that restores the volume of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

How long to take

The duration of treatment is calculated by the doctor individually depending on what infection caused the inflammation. At acute prostatitis caused by chlamydia, it is usually enough to take a week's course. If diagnosed chronic illness, the treatment time is extended.

Maximum course for repeated infectious inflammation reaches one month. Throughout the entire period, the patient undergoes tests to determine the effectiveness of therapy.

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, it is not necessary to take Doxycycline for the treatment of prostatitis for more than 7-10 days. It is extremely important not to delay in applying for qualified assistance when the first symptoms of inflammation appear.

Scheme of use for prostatitis

The effectiveness of Doxycycline largely depends on the timely and correct prescription of the drug and the patient’s conscientious compliance with the urologist’s recommendations. Self-medication is dangerous! It is forbidden to stop treatment immediately after the symptoms of inflammation have disappeared.

Relief occurs within 2-3 days from the start of therapy. An untreated infection develops immunity against the antibiotic. If bacteria are resistant to Doxycycline, you will need to prescribe more strong drugs, which will negatively affect the overall male well-being.

  • Daily dosage of Doxycycline for prostatitis:
    1. First day 200 mg.
    2. Subsequent time 100 mg.
  • Duration of treatment:
    1. Uncomplicated inflammation 7-10 days.
    2. Take for chronic prostatitis, as well as for resistant strains of pathogens for up to 30 days, without changing the dosage.

Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum bacterial antibiotic that is obtained from metacycline. Having penetrated into the blood, the medication affects the intracellular location of the pathogen. Slows down and subsequently completely stops the spread of proteins in the infected area.

Greetings, dear readers. This is Alexander Burusov, and in this article we will continue to get acquainted with the most famous drugs for prostatitis. Let's find out right now how effective this medicine is.

The medicine is available in the form of capsules. One capsule contains active substance– doxycycline hydrochloride in the amount of 115.40 mg, in terms of Doxycycline this is 100 mg. In addition to this substance, the medicine also contains other elements:

  • Milk sugar – 52.50 mg;
  • Starch - 18.90 mg;
  • Silicon dioxide – 1.1 mg;
  • Talc – 1 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate – 1.90 mg.

Penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid is minimal 10 - 20%. The destruction of the constituent elements of the drug in the liver is about 30–60%.

The period of elimination of the drug from the body is about 48 hours. Excreted from the body through feces and bile.

Negative actions and contraindications

The drug should not be used by persons suffering from hypersensitivity, porphyria, acute liver failure, leukopenia.

After the effect of the medication, changes in the central nervous system are possible: anorexia, vomiting, headache, dizziness, visual impairment. IN digestive system The following ailments may occur: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis.

TO side effects Allergy manifestations include: maculopapular rash; itching skin; lupus erythematosus caused by the components of the drug. For men using the medication due to prostatitis, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that use of Doxycycline impossible with existing pathologies:

  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Exacerbated diseases associated with the liver;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of Doxycycline;
  • Low white blood cell count;
  • Congenital abnormality in skin pigmentation.

Doctor's prescriptions for prostatitis

The development of medicine and pharmacology has increased greatly high level, but despite this, on the market medicines There is no specific medication that can effectively cure prostatitis. This situation arises due to the characteristics of the disease itself, namely due to the complex structure of the prostate gland. At inflammatory process glands, the parenchyma and interstitium of the prostate are affected by the disease.

The most the best drugs to combat the disease are antibiotics. They reduce the number of pathogens in the prostate gland to a minimum level.

Doxycycline for prostatitis is prescribed by a physician who specializes in the treatment of this disease. The basis for the appointment is the presence of coccal pathogens.

Doxycycline and its main properties

The drug belongs to the tetracycline group. It fights more effectively against coccal microorganisms, as well as intracellular pathogens.

Doxycycline, compared to other antibiotics, has much less of a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora. Efficiency is achieved with a dosage of the drug that is 10 times less than that of other tetracycline medications.

Despite this, the effect of the drug on the pathogen is longer. The medication acts on prostate tissue, detects and manifests its effect on the pathogen within 30-40 minutes after use.

The maximum concentration when consuming 200 mg is achieved after several hours. The degree of absorption of Doxycycline is very high, about 100%.

Scheme for the correct use of Doxycycline

The instructions for use of the drug must be studied by the patient before starting treatment, in order to avoid negative effects on the body and overdose. Your doctor can explain how to take the medicine correctly.

The medication is taken orally after meals. Capsules should be taken with plenty of water to minimize the negative impact on the intestines.

The daily dose prescribed by the doctor is taken in 1 - 2 doses every 10 - 12 hours. When using Doxycycline for prostatitis, a single dose of 300 mg or 100 mg is prescribed, 2 times a day.

For intravenous use the contents of the ampoule are diluted with 10 ml of injection water. Then the resulting mixture is diluted with 1000 ml of physiological solution. The drip is placed with a break of 12 hours.

In the presence of acute diseases liver, the daily dose of the drug should be reduced to avoid hepatotoxic effects.

Duration of treatment for prostatitis

How long to take pills or do intravenous injections Only a doctor can say for sure. Generally, the duration of treatment is 7-14 days. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the degree of resistance of the pathogen to the drug.

Indications for use

Doxycycline should only be used as prescribed by a specialist. A doctor may prescribe it for the following diseases:

  • Infections of ENT organs;
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Pyelonephritis, urethritis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organ;
  • Acute and chronic prostatitis, epididymitis.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

For chronic prostatitis, Doxycycline is also prescribed. The course of treatment is prescribed individually by the attending physician. The duration of taking the medication, at which the greatest effectiveness is achieved, is more than 10 - 14 days.

Combined use of Doxycycline

Absorption of the drug is reduced when interacting with drugs that contain aluminum, magnesium and calcium. The use of such drugs should be separated by a time interval of 3 to 4 hours.

When used with bacteria-killing antibiotics, such as penicillins, the effectiveness of the latter decreases. When taken simultaneously with oral contraceptives, the reliability of contraceptives is reduced.

Drugs with similar properties

  • Dovitsin;
  • Doxal;
  • Doxibene;
  • Doxibene M;
  • Doxilan;
  • Doxycycline Nycomed;
  • Doxycycline Stad;
  • Doxycycline-AKOS;
  • Doxycycline-Ferein;
  • Doxycycline hydrochloride;

Negative and positive aspects of treating prostatitis with Doxycycline:

  1. The constituent elements of the medicine are instantly absorbed and practically do not irritate the gastric mucosa;
  2. The antibiotic, penetrating the body through the blood, maintains its concentration in the pelvic organs, in the reproductive and excretory systems, as well as in the prostate gland;
  3. The effectiveness of the drug lasts for a long time;
  4. Doxycycline has antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  5. The high absorption of the drug ensures minimal side effects.

Besides positive aspects drug, he also has some disadvantages. Self-medication for prostatitis is considered inappropriate; it is important to consult a urologist for examination and identification of the causative agent of prostatitis. To achieve maximum effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis, you must strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

The dose will vary depending on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Increasing the dose will increase the negative effect on the body. A reduced dosage may reduce the effectiveness of the drug and cause resistance of pathogens to the active substance.