Dermatomycosis - what it is, causes, classification, symptoms and treatment in humans. Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, scalp and feet - causative agents of the disease and methods of treatment Dermatomycosis of the skin in children stage

Dermatomycosis – fungal disease skin. The second name is trichophathia. It is caused by fungal bacteria Microsporum or Trichophyton. It is very important to cure the disease in time, otherwise complications may develop.

Fungi prefer to develop in an alkaline or neutral environment at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees. This is why dermatomycosis appears more often in warm weather.

Infection associated with the intensity of sweating, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance.

Typically, dermatomycosis develops on:

  1. smooth skin;
  2. in the area of ​​hair growth on the head;
  3. genitals;
  4. foot skin

Trichophytosis Mostly children are affected, and adults are susceptible to dermatomycosis inguinal.. It is characterized by the appearance of plaques and severe itching.

Methods of infection with dermatomycosis

The disease can be acquired by:

  • close contact with a carrier of the fungus;
  • touching his things;
  • contact with stray animals;
  • in public transport when touching the walls of the seats.

Trichophytosis of smooth skin areas is quite rare, only with direct contact with the patient. Chronic form ringworm develops when the immune system is weakened and cannot be completely cured. Infected people constantly peel off the skin in the back of the head and temples.

Classification of the disease

Dermatomycosis is of the following types:

  1. mycosis of the feet;
  2. smooth skin;
  3. inguinal;
  4. onychomycosis (affects the nail plates).


The first symptoms of dermatomycosis begin to appear 7 days after contact. Their manifestation depends on the location of the lesion. Smooth skin and scalp are characterized by superficial skin lesions. Round plaques appear. A gray coating is noticeable on the hair. This is a fungal plaque (the main symptom).

Plaques on smooth skin are red and very itchy. Inflammation in the groin area appears when increased sweating , wearing underwear made of synthetic material and neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

Onychomycosis appears on the nail plates in the form of yellow and white spots.

Manifestation and treatment of the disease

If treatment for dermatomycosis is not started in time, then Infectious complications may occur. The affected areas will begin to become covered with pus, and your health will worsen. Will increase The lymph nodes, a headache will appear.

Antifungal therapy is the main treatment. A complete cure will occur if treatment for dermatomycosis is started at the first symptoms.

The dermatologist prescribes ointment, gel, cream, shampoo. They contain antifungal components. Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Rubbing problem areas with iodine helps a lot. During the entire course of treatment of a patient for dermatomycosis, he is isolated from contact with healthy people.

Systemic oral medications:

  1. Mycozoral;
  2. Ketoconazole;
  3. Oronazole;
  4. Fluconazole;
  5. Itraconazole;
  6. Fungavis;
  7. Pimafucin;
  8. Nizoral;
  9. Medoflucon;
  10. Levorin;
  11. Nystatin.


Local medicines:

  • Exoderil;
  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Econazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Thermikon;
  • Lamisil.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dermatomycosis

Traditional methods of treatment are also quite effective. They perfectly relieves irritation and itchy skin . But you should not use them without the permission of a specialist.

The following treatment recipes help:

For the treatment of dermatomycosis can be used: oil tea tree(essential), calendula decoction, chamomile flower infusion, a solution of any natural vinegar, previously diluted with water. Freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, fresh honey.

Healing plants and products are just adjuvant therapy fungal infections. To completely cure dermatomycosis, a person requires conservative therapy.

Factors contributing to the disease

Skin disease can be caused by the following factors:

Listed factors may not cause the appearance of dermatomycosis, but the likelihood of getting sick will increase several times.

Laboratory diagnostics

Ringworm is recognized taking into account symptoms, microscopic examination of tissues and isolation of pathogens. Accurate Only a specialist can make a diagnosis based on the results of the conducted research. First, the person's skin will be carefully examined. Next, they will take the biomaterial for examination under a microscope (microsporia) or cultivation on a nutrient medium. Affected areas of skin will be examined under ultraviolet lamp Wooda. They glow green.

Having found out which fungus is to blame for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, a treatment regimen for dermatomycosis is developed.


To avoid an unpleasant disease, you must take precautions:

  • do not use other people’s objects (combs, towels, shoes);
  • wear clothes only made from natural fabrics;
  • summer shoes should be as open as possible;
  • no need to pet homeless animals;
  • strengthen the immune system (take vitamins);
  • vaccinate pets;
  • Visit a dermatologist periodically.

Fungal infection is a very insidious enemy. If a person starts treatment, the deep layers of the skin of the body and even organs will be affected. Scars and scars will be visible on the body. If you follow the recommendations of a dermatologist, follow the rules of hygiene and a balanced diet, you can expect a favorable prognosis.

If the skin, scalp, feet, or nails are affected, doctors can diagnose dermatomycosis. There are several types of this disease, which differ from each other in symptoms and localization. Treatment of dermatomycosis requires an integrated approach. After recovery, it is important to follow preventive measures to prevent re-infection.

Symptoms of dermatomycosis of the skin on the back

In medicine, there are 3 groups into which the causative agents of dermatomycosis are distributed:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Epidermophyton;
  • Microsporum.

They live in sand, soil, pebbles and trees. For 2 years, pathogenic microorganisms of these species maintain their vital functions. These pathogens can produce enzymes that negatively affect the structure of keratin. This is the name of dense protein, which is found in the surface layer of the skin.

If the patient is susceptible to infectious agents, then the fungus will not be able to penetrate the epidermis for a long time. It will spread over its surface, waiting for the ideal moment to penetrate the epithelium. In this case, it cannot be said that the person is sick with dermatomycosis. He is only its carrier.

The development of dermatomycosis can be provoked by various factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin and immune system. Stress, epidermal trauma, chronic diseases and hormonal imbalances are one of the few reasons that explain infection with this disease.


Dermatomycosis is divided into several types. Each is distinguished by its manifestation, which can be seen while studying a thematic photo depicting an infected part of the body. In total, there are 2 main classifications of the pathological process.

All types of dermatomycosis have individual manifestations, by which doctors are able to preliminarily recognize the disorder that is bothering the patient.


Dermatomycosis has certain symptoms that indicate its development. When they are detected, a complete diagnosis of the patient is carried out and tests are carried out, based on the results of which adequate treatment is selected for him. The number of signs of the disease and their severity directly depend on the form of the pathological process and the duration of its course.

Dermatomycosis of nails

Ringworm affects toenails more often than fingernails.

Dermatomycosis in humans can affect the surface of the nail plates. This is a common form infectious disease. Onychomycosis is caused by trichophyton, which manages to penetrate the area from which the nail grows. After infection, the patient exhibits the following signs of illness:

  1. Noticeable thickening of the nail plate and a change in its usual color;
  2. Detachment, partial or complete destruction of the nail;
  3. Accumulation of a mass of dead cells under the plate.

In most cases, ringworm affects the nails on the lower nails. Hands are less susceptible to such infections.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin

In their practice, dermatologists often encounter fungal infections that affect smooth skin. Typically, pathology occurs in residents of warm countries. are susceptible to it professional athletes who are engaged in wrestling.

IN classic form ringworm on the surface of smooth skin is characterized by the appearance of ring-shaped lesions containing small blisters. They are peeling around the edges. Over time, the rashes move to healthy areas, due to which their number increases. Itching occurs in these areas.

The possibility of a secondary infection joining the area where dermatomycosis of the skin is observed cannot be ruled out. Foci of inflammation begin to scar over time. They leave behind a pigmented area, which is quite difficult to completely remove from your body.

Dermatomycosis of the scalp

With dermatomycosis of the scalp, a person complains of increased fragility of the hair in the problem area. In men, the disease spreads to the beard and mustache. At the same time, they develop inflamed blisters in place hair follicles. A secondary infection can join the fungus, which complicates the course of dermatomycosis.

Dermatomycosis of the groin area

Primary lesions look like round pink spots

Inguinal dermatomycosis is easily confused with other dermatological diseases that develop in the intimate area in men and women. The fungal infection affects the largest skin folds, as well as neighboring areas.

In most cases, inguinal dermatomycosis is found in representatives of the stronger sex who have excess weight suffer from diabetes or excessive sweating. The causative agent of the disease enters their bodies during contact with an infected patient or interaction with someone else’s object that has the fungus on it.

Primary lesions look like small pink spots of a round shape with clear boundaries. Their surface is characterized by smoothness. It may be a little swollen. When several lesions merge, a continuous spot with uneven boundaries appears on the body. It has a tendency to grow peripherally.

To the group additional symptoms, which accompany inguinal dermatomycosis, include peeling of the skin, periodic extinction of the inflammatory process and the appearance of severe itching.

Tinea pedis

Dermatomycosis of the feet is one of the most common diseases of this type. It most often affects young men who regularly visit public places with increased level humidity in the room.

After infection, the fungus develops active activity in the folds between the fingers. Cracks and peeling occur in these places. At first, these symptoms do not bring any discomfort to the person.

Over time, in the absence of treatment, the following symptoms of dermatomycosis in the foot area develop:

  1. Fusion of small lesions;
  2. Itching and burning;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of dry rashes;
  5. Formation of blisters and erosions on the legs.

In particularly advanced cases, tinea pedis is accompanied by a fever and the development of inguinal lymphadenitis.

Dermatomycosis of the hands

Hand fungus has its own symptoms. The symptoms of such dermatomycosis resemble clinical picture infections of smooth skin if the pathogen attacks the back of the hands. When the entire palm is affected, symptoms of foot fungus are observed. Simultaneously with this disease, the patient may develop onychomycosis.


Diagnostic methods help distinguish ringworm from other dermatological diseases that have similar symptoms. An experienced dermatologist or mycologist can cope with this task. He will prescribe the patient to undergo a series of mandatory tests and, based on their results, make a diagnosis.

Infected areas should not be treated before diagnosis. antiseptic solutions, such as iodine or brilliant green. Such actions significantly complicate the procedure for determining the cause of the disease.

The results of an analysis of skin, hair or nail scrapings help the doctor make the correct diagnosis. Biological material is studied under a microscope. This procedure identifies the type of pathogen and helps select the optimal treatment for it.

Dermoscopy and a blood test for the presence of antibodies to mycoses help diagnose inguinal ringworm or another type of fungus.

Treatment methods

There are many antifungal medications in pharmacies intended for the treatment of dermatomycosis.

The attending physician knows how to treat the development of dermatomycosis for a particular patient. A course of therapy is selected individually for him, aimed at suppressing the activity of the infectious agent and eliminating the main signs of damage to the body.

The course of therapy used to treat dermatomycosis is based on antifungal medications of local and systemic action. Without them, it is almost impossible to achieve recovery.

In pharmacies you can find many medicines, intended for the treatment of the epidermis from cutaneous dermatomycosis. There are also products that cope with infections on the nails, mucous membranes and scalp.

At the initial stage of disease development, patients manage to limit themselves to using local funds in the form of creams, gels, ointments and sprays. If the disease is advanced, you will have to take additional capsules and tablets. The dosage and regimen of medications must be discussed with the attending physician.

If necessary, the doctor additionally prescribes hormonal medications or antibiotics for the patient with ringworm. Wet areas on the body should be treated with solutions with antiseptic properties. Potassium permanganate, boric acid and chlorhexidine are ideal for these purposes. Keratolytic drugs help eliminate keratinized areas.

Often, drugs with immunomodulatory effects are included in the treatment regimen for dermatomycosis. This also includes vitamin complexes, which increase local immunity.


Fungi, which belong to the group of dermatophytes, thrive in moist and warm environments. Therefore, to avoid infection infectious disease it is highly recommended to keep own body dry and clean. To do this, you need to adhere to basic rules of personal hygiene.

Compliance with the following preventive measures helps minimize the likelihood of developing dermatomycosis:

  1. You cannot walk barefoot in public places;
  2. It is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothes and shoes;
  3. You should not use someone else's towel;
  4. It is necessary to take care of proper nutrition;
  5. It is worth choosing clothes made from natural fabrics;
  6. It is highly undesirable to use other people's body and hair care products;
  7. It is required to refrain from contact with stray animals.

If a person has pets in his home, he must take care of their health. After walks, you should carefully examine the animal's fur and skin for signs of fungal infection.

Dermatomycosis is a fungal skin disease. This disease, also known as trichophytosis, is caused by fungal bacteria Microsporum or Trichophyton. A person can become infected either from another person or from an animal. It is important to treat the disease in a timely manner to prevent the development of complications.

Usually the pathology develops on:

  • smooth skin;
  • head in the area of ​​hair growth;
  • external genitalia;
  • foot skin

Most patients with trichophytosis are children, and inguinal dermatomycosis is a disease that most often affects adults. It is characterized by the appearance of erythematous plaques and severe itching.

Methods of infection

Dermatomycosis can be acquired if:

  • contact the patient;
  • touch objects that the patient uses;
  • contact with stray animals;
  • touch the backs of seats in public transport.

Trichophytosis of smooth skin is a rarer phenomenon and occurs in close contact with a sick person. Chronic appearance The disease develops in patients with weakened immune systems, and also usually manifests itself in childhood. It is not completely cured, but occurs in a latent form. Such patients have flaky areas on the skin, which are usually localized in the temples or back of the head.

Classification of the disease

Dermatomycosis can be of the following types:

  • mycosis on the feet;
  • dermatomycosis of smooth skin. It appears as scaly white to brown patches that are usually located on the shoulders, back or neck. They can grow over time;
  • dermatomycosis of the feet and hands. Tinea pedis is characterized by the appearance of spots and itchy cracks on the legs. This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of ulcers and blisters;
  • inguinal dermatomycosis. The spots are localized on the lower abdomen, thighs (especially on the inner surface), buttocks or perineum. Inguinal ringworm involves the presence of spots that have inflammatory areas and are colored in various shades - from pink to brown;
  • mycosis of the scalp. It usually occurs in children and is manifested by the presence of round spots that peel off. At the site of their localization, the patient’s hair falls out or becomes thinner. When a hair breaks off, a stump that looks like a black dot remains in its place;
  • onychomycosis. Affects nails. They change color and become thicker. Affected nails often crumble;
  • dermatomycosis of the face. It affects the upper or lower lip, as well as the skin on the chin. It is characterized by the appearance of nodes that have a bluish tint and contain a cloudy liquid. After the fusion of such nodes, the skin becomes rough.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of trichophytosis, as a rule, begin to appear a week after contact with a sick person, animal or objects used by an infected person. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the skin lesion:

  • superficial lesions are typical for the head and smooth skin. In this case, round plaques form on the skin, which can be easily seen with the naked eye. If a plaque forms at the site of a hair follicle, then the hair at that site begins to break or fall out. On the rest of the hair there is a gray coating, which is fungal spores ( characteristic symptom). On smooth skin, flaky plaques form that itch and have a red rim;
  • inguinal skin lesions are characterized by the appearance of symptoms of inflammation in the groin, buttocks or thighs. It occurs due to neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, as well as excessive sweating;
  • Onychomycosis causes white or yellow spots to appear on the nail plate.

If these symptoms of dermatomycosis of the feet or other part of the body are not noticed in time, this leads to complications of an infectious nature. Pus may form in the affected areas, which will contribute to a deterioration in health. Headaches, general weakness and enlarged lymph nodes occur.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of the pathology involves antifungal therapy. If therapy is started at the first symptoms of the disease, it will be highly effective and will help completely cure the patient of dermatomycosis. The doctor prescribes ointments, creams or shampoos containing antifungal components to treat the patient. These include Exoderil, Lamisil and other drugs. Another method of treatment is wiping the affected areas with iodine.

To get rid of inflammation, the patient must take anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.

When the first signs of skin damage appear, the patient should immediately consult a doctor so that he can be prescribed the correct treatment, because self-medication can lead to various complications that worsen appearance skin and general state person. During the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, the patient must be isolated from contact with others.

Treatment with folk remedies also effective. The most popular recipes are:

  • grease a cabbage leaf with sour cream and apply to the affected skin;
  • mix mustard with vinegar and make a medicinal compress;
  • at night make a compress for the skin from fish oil, diluted with tar in a ratio of 3:1.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Pneumonia (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which usually has infectious nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern means Treatments allow you to get rid of the infection quickly and without consequences; the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official data, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils and is characterized by a long-lasting course. Tonsillitis, the symptoms of which are also defined as the more common name for the disease "tonsillitis", consists of pathological changes oropharynx, similar to each other, but differing in the characteristics of their own etiology and course.

Dermatomycosis of the feet is a skin disease caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. This is a highly contagious disease that is diagnosed in more than half of the world's population. If timely treatment is not carried out, a secondary infection may occur. This sometimes leads to serious consequences. What are the symptoms and treatments for tinea pedis?

What is dermatomycosis of the feet and nails

Sometimes a person is only a carrier of the disease. He may have no symptoms of dermatomycosis, but he will be contagious to others. After the first infection, there is a risk of re-development of the disease.

Methods of infection

Infection with the fungus occurs through close contact with a sick person. Another route of infection is household. Using objects and things that have skin flakes, nails or hair of a carrier of the disease is highly likely to lead to infection.

Risk factors

Favorable conditions for fungal activity are elevated temperature and humidity. Infection often occurs in saunas, baths, swimming pools, and shower rooms. Infection often occurs after walking barefoot on the sand at the beach.

Factors that provoke the development of dermatomycosis include the following conditions and situations:

  • decreased immunity, especially after infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • wearing shoes of a carrier of infection;
  • hot and humid climate;

According to statistics, the pathology more often affects men than women. Often, tinea pedis is preceded by nail fungus.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of tinea pedis depend on its form:

  1. Squamous (hyperkeratotic). First, areas of peeling appear in the folds between the fingers. They then spread to the sides of the feet. The affected areas gradually merge, and white scales form on them. This is accompanied by itching, dryness, painful sensations. Sometimes weeping rashes occur.
  2. Intertriginous. Outwardly it resembles diaper rash. Redness and swelling appear between the toes. Then erosions and weeping are formed. The epidermis may peel off, and blisters with clear liquid often appear.
  3. Dyshidrotic. It often affects the sides and arches of the feet, and also occurs between the toes. Vesicular rash forms in the form of semi-arcs, rings, plaques on red, swollen skin. After the bubbles burst, erosions are exposed. Over time, they become crusty.

Doctors note that in older patients, dermatomycosis is more often manifested by dryness and peeling. Weeping and inflammation are common in young patients.

The disease is dangerous high risk addition of a secondary infection. In this case, its course becomes more complicated, and treatment requires more time.

Diagnosis of tinea pedis

The pathology has similar symptoms to many diseases. In the photo, tinea pedis can be confused with eczema, psoriasis and other diseases. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

To make a diagnosis, a medical specialist takes material. To do this, a skin scraping and a nail sample are taken. They are sent to the laboratory, where they are processed with special reagents. After this they are examined under a microscope. If threads of fungus are visualized, the diagnosis of dermatomycosis is confirmed.

To accurately select treatment, the pathogen is cultured on a nutrient medium. In this way, the type of pathogen and the drug to which it is sensitive are determined.

How to treat tinea pedis

Typically, drugs for topical use (ointments, creams, gels) are used in the treatment of the disease. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes systemic medications in the form of tablets. Antihistamines can be used to reduce swelling and prevent allergies. Additionally, it is recommended to take immunostimulants and vitamin-mineral complexes.


Ointments are the main means for the treatment of tinea pedis. Typically used the following types drugs:

  1. Antifungals (Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Iconazole). Particularly effective on initial stage fungus.
  2. Keratolytic (ointments with salicylic acid or urea). Prescribed for severe peeling, remove the stratum corneum of the skin. It is recommended to use them before applying antifungal drugs.
  3. Bacterial. Used only in case of secondary bacterial infection.

It is important to complete the full course of therapy, which continues for some time after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment complements well traditional methods. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Foot baths. Take 10 g of dry herbs of celandine, St. John's wort and burdock. The mixture is poured into 400 ml cold water. Bring to a boil, simmer for another 5 - 7 minutes. Strain and make baths for 15 – 20 minutes.
  2. Compress. Mix tincture of iodine 5%, table vinegar, and water in equal proportions. Soak a piece of natural fabric in the solution. They wrap the feet and put socks on top. Leave the compress overnight.
  3. Ointment. Place butter in a glass jar (in a layer of 2–3 cm), and fir needles are placed on top (in a layer of 3 cm). Cover the container with baking foil and place in the oven. Set the minimum power and hold for about 6 hours. Apply the ointment to the skin several times a day.

Which doctor should I contact?

A mycologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections. You can also consult a dermatologist if you have dermatomycosis.

Prevention of tinea pedis

To avoid mycosis, you should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Feet should be clean and dry. After water procedures It is necessary to wipe your feet dry, especially the skin between the toes.

You cannot use other people's shoes, towels or body care items. When visiting a sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools and the beach, you must wear suitable slippers.


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Dermatomycosis is a condition that belongs to a large group of fungal diseases that affect the skin, nails, folds of the body, and internal organs.

Incidence and routes of spread of infection

Fungal infections occur in more than 20% of the adult population. They especially often affect older people, half of whom suffer from dermatomycosis. Older people are a reservoir of infection, spreading it among their family members. This is how up to a third of young people and children become infected with dermatomycosis.

The development of infection in a particular person is facilitated by primary or acquired immunodeficiency (HIV infection, use of glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants), unfavorable environmental background, chronic stress leading to exhaustion protective forces body.

Mycoses often affect certain occupational groups. These diseases are common among miners, metallurgists, military personnel, and athletes. This is due to isolation production premises, use of common locker rooms and showers, wearing clothing impermeable to air and moisture, and closed shoes.

The most common disease from this group is tinea pedis. It affects at least a fifth of the adult population. Up to a third of patients became infected in public swimming pools, saunas, and gyms.

Classification of dermatomycosis

A complete classification that meets all the needs of practice has not yet been created. This is due to the variety of infectious agents and the variety of symptoms they cause. According to the course, acute and chronic dermatomycosis are distinguished, according to the depth of the lesion - superficial and deep, according to limitation - local and widespread forms.

IN Russian Federation traditionally use the classification created in 1976 by N.D. Shcheklakov. She divides the diseases of this group depending on the fungus that caused them, with the corresponding localization of the lesion. According to it, all dermatomycosis belongs to one of the following groups:

  • keratomycosis (lichen versicolor, nodular microsporia);
  • dermatophytosis (athlete's foot inguinal, rubrophytosis, athlete's foot, trichophytosis, favus, microsporia, imbricate mycosis);
  • candidiasis (superficial, chronic generalized, visceral);
  • deep mycoses (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis, aspergillosis and others);
  • pseudomycosis (erythrasma, actinomycosis, axillary trichomycosis and others).

The International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) proposes to divide dermatomycosis depending on the location of the lesion. This is convenient, but does not always take into account the cause of the disease on which the treatment depends. This classification identifies the following forms of dermatomycosis:

- dermatophytosis;

  • a) head and beard (trichophytosis and microsporia of the scalp, beard and mustache area);
  • b) nails (dermatophytic onychomycosis), hands (rubrophytosis of the palms), feet (athlete's foot and rubrophytosis of the feet);
  • c) torso (dermatophytosis of smooth skin, including the face);
  • d) inguinal (inguinal epidermophytosis and rubrophytosis);
  • e) tiled;

- other and unspecified dermatophytosis (including deep forms).

Causes and mechanism of development

The causative agents of dermatomycosis belong to three genera:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Microsporum;
  • Epidermophyton.

These fungi are widespread in nature - in the ground, sand, coastal pebbles, on trees and wood products. They can be stored in environment more than two years.

Fungi produce aggressive enzymes that destroy keratin, a dense protein that makes up the surface layers of the skin. The infection penetrates much better into initially damaged areas of the skin.

When the patient's susceptibility to infection is reduced, the fungus does not penetrate the skin for quite a long time, but spreads to its surface. Such a person is not sick, but is a carrier of dermatomycosis. It has been established that the body produces protective antifungal factors that are released onto the surface of the skin and prevent the development of the disease. Any suppression of the immune system causes a weakening of the protective skin barrier and the penetration of fungus into the tissue.

Types of dermatomycosis

Let us briefly describe the main forms according to the ICD-10 classification.

Dermatophytosis inguinalis

This infection affects large folds (most often the groin) and adjacent areas of the skin. Inguinal ringworm accounts for 10% of all fungal infections. The disease mainly affects men with increased body weight, heavy sweating, sick diabetes mellitus. The infection is transmitted through contact with a patient, but more often through household means - when using shared sports equipment (rugs, mats in the gym), bed linen or a bedpan in hospitals. The disease first affects the inguinal folds, then spreads to the inner thighs, perineum, area around the anus, and intergluteal fold. When self-infected, the areas under the mammary glands, elbow bends and any other areas of the skin can suffer.

Primary foci of dermatomycosis look like small round pink spots with clear boundaries. Their surface is smooth, slightly swollen. With the enlargement and merging of spots, a continuous focus with uneven edges is formed, prone to peripheral growth. Bubbles, scales, and crusts form along the edge of the lesion. The patient complains of very severe itching. Peeling gradually appears, inflammation subsides, especially if the increased moisture in the skin is eliminated.

Mycoses of the feet

These diseases are very common. They predominantly affect young men. First, the fungus is localized in the interdigital folds, where slight peeling and cracks occur. These symptoms do not bother the patient. Subsequently, one of the more severe clinical forms dermatomycosis of the feet.

The squamous form is accompanied by the appearance of scales and peeling on the lateral surfaces of the feet. The hyperkeratotic form is accompanied by the formation of dry rashes and plaques on the feet. Merging, they form large foci covered with light scales. Severe skin peeling of the feet, itching, dryness, and soreness of the skin occurs.

The intertriginous form resembles diaper rash: cracks and erosions appear in the interdigital folds, the skin swells, becomes wet and turns red. Disturbing itching, burning, soreness. With the dyshidrotic form, numerous blisters form on the arches of the feet, soles, and toes. After the bubbles open, erosions appear.

Mycosis of the feet is characterized by a long-term course. In the elderly, “dry” mycoses predominate; in young people, exacerbations and inflammatory phenomena are more typical.

In some cases, as a result of a high allergic mood (sensitization) to fungi, acute mycosis occurs: the lesion quickly spreads to the feet and legs with the formation of bursting blisters. Fever appears and develops inguinal lymphadenitis. Suffering general health sick.

Dermatophytosis of the hands

The disease develops slowly. When located on the back of the hands, it resembles dermatophytosis of smooth skin. If the palms are affected, the disease resembles tinea pedis. At the same time, it often develops. At the same time, patients in many cases do not notice their illness, believing that thick, flaky skin on the palms is a consequence of physical labor.

Dermatophytosis of smooth skin

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin is more often observed in warm countries. Epidemics have been observed among athletes involved in wrestling. In the classic form, a ring-shaped lesion is formed containing small bubbles, with peeling along the edges. It gradually spreads over a large area and is accompanied by moderate itching.

Dermatophytosis of the scalp

Dermatomycosis of the scalp is manifested mainly by brittle hair in the affected area. Damage to the beard and mustache area in men is accompanied by the appearance of blisters, inflammation of the hair follicles, secondary infection, swelling and bloody crusts. The patient is concerned about pain and a pronounced cosmetic defect.

Laboratory diagnostics

Recognition of the disease takes into account the symptoms of dermatomycosis, microscopic examination of tissues and the isolation of pathogens from them.

Microbiological diagnosis of dermatomycosis is carried out either by direct examination of the pathogen under a microscope (microsporia), or after cultivation on nutrient media. Even under favorable conditions, fungi grow slowly. After colonies are obtained, they are examined under a microscope and based on characteristic external signs establish the type of pathogen.

Treatment of ringworm

Antimycotic drugs are used to treat these diseases. Without their use, it is impossible to cure mycosis. The dermatologist determines how to treat the disease, because there are more than 200 types antifungal medications both for local and internal use. Terbinafine (Lamisil) has proven itself to be the most effective. It can be used both to treat and prevent infection.

Treatment for tinea groin includes the use of creams, ointments, or sprays containing ketoconazole and terbinafine. If there is no effect, fluconazole is prescribed orally for 2 weeks. At the same time, antihistamines and powders that do not contain starch are used.

Mycosis of the feet with excessive weeping is first treated with lotions with potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or boric acid, and then local antifungal, hormonal and antibacterial agents. With significant keratinization, keratolytic drugs are used first, and then fungicidal.

Dermatophytosis of smooth facial skin is treated with local antifungal agents. Onychomycosis requires the use of systemic medications.

How to treat ringworm at home?

You should strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, change your underwear daily, dry your body after washing, use special talcum powder or powder to prevent sweating. It is recommended to wear loose shoes, use special expanders for the spaces between the toes, and use special foot powders.

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