What is stomatitis and how does it happen? Stomatitis. Description, symptoms, types and treatment of stomatitis. Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults

Stomatitis- inflammatory process of the oral mucosa of various etiologies. It is characterized by redness, swelling of the mucous membrane (catarrhal stomatitis), the formation of blisters and erosions (aphthous stomatitis), ulcerations (ulcerative stomatitis) in the oral cavity, pain and burning, especially when eating. To determine the etiology of stomatitis, smears taken from the affected area of ​​the mucosa are examined. Treatment of stomatitis consists of etiological, analgesic, early cleansing and healing therapy. In mild cases, maintaining hygiene and sanitation of the oral cavity leads to recovery. Recurrent or severe stomatitis indicates the presence of general illness body.

General information

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. The disease can occur for various reasons, but among children younger age the incidence of stomatitis is several times higher.

Causes of stomatitis development.

Stomatitis can act as an independent disease and as a symptom of systemic pathologies. Thus, the cause of stomatitis as a symptom may be pemphigus, systemic scleroderma and streptoderma. Immunodeficiency states in the prodromal period most often manifest themselves as long-term, difficult-to-treat stomatitis. But more often stomatitis acts as an independent disease. Mechanical injuries from chipped teeth, hard food fragments or improperly installed dentures are the causes of traumatic stomatitis. After eliminating the traumatic factor, such stomatitis goes away on its own.

Too hot food can cause a burn to the mucous membrane; this stomatitis also goes away without treatment. An exception is chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa due to regular consumption of excessively hot food. Hypersensitivity to food, medicinal substances and components of oral care products can cause prolonged allergic stomatitis, which is difficult to treat.

Infectious stomatitis, including herpetic and candidal stomatitis, occurs in people of different age groups. At the same time, in children, the contact route of infection prevails, and the cause of infectious stomatitis in adults is concomitant diseases, such as bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.

It is based on the causes of occurrence that stomatitis is classified. The second classification is based on the depth of the lesion, thus distinguishing between catarrhal, ulcerative, necrotic and aphthous stomatitis.

Clinical manifestations of stomatitis.

Catarrhal stomatitis is the most common form of stomatitis. The oral mucosa becomes swollen, hyperemic and painful. Patients complain of pain when eating, increased salivation, sometimes bleeding and bad breath. In some cases, with catarrhal stomatitis, the mucous membrane is covered with a yellowish-white coating.

Treatment of traumatic stomatitis consists in eliminating provoking factors, symptomatic therapy carried out according to indications. The prognosis is usually favorable; Only in isolated cases can chronic traumatic stomatitis cause leukoplakia of the tongue or malignancy of oral cells. In case of stomatitis of an allergic nature, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen, after which the symptoms of stomatitis disappear. In severe cases, hyposensitizing therapy and hospitalization are required.

Prevention of stomatitis is proper care oral care, propaganda healthy image life and teaching the rules of personal hygiene starting from childhood.

The most common and predictable cause of stomatitis is poor oral hygiene. If a person does not pay enough attention to his health, does not strive to keep his teeth and oral cavity in good condition, neglects basic hygiene rules and does not regularly visit the dentist, the likelihood of one or another problem associated with teeth, gums and soft tissues he is simply guaranteed.

There is a type of people who naturally have healthy and strong teeth. Since childhood, these lucky ones have not experienced problems and have not known pain. Over time, they gain the confidence that they don’t have to take care of their teeth, since they are still so healthy. And at this moment a person makes a fatal mistake, the result of which can manifest itself quickly or after some period of time.

Often the causes of stomatitis in adults and children come down to poor hygiene and lack of adequate oral care. The only advice that can be given to such people is to not rely on nature; sooner or later the body may not have enough of its own strength to protect itself from infections.


One of the most common reasons What causes stomatitis is infection. Moreover, this group can include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Herpes virus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi type Candida are the most common causes of stomatitis in adults. Getting into microcracks in the oral mucosa, these infections cause an immune reaction in the form of redness, swelling, rashes, erosions and increased pain.

There are only two ways of getting onto the damaged mucous membrane: from the outside, i.e. having become infected from someone, or from within the body in the presence of acute or chronic diseases caused by these pathogens. On the background reduced immunity, infections actively multiply in the oral cavity, sometimes even becoming the causes of frequent stomatitis.

So that this disease does not turn into chronic form, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor at the first hint of changes in the usual state of the mucous membrane. Timely tests, identification of the source of infection and treatment will save you from many unpleasant and painful sensations.

Chronic diseases

In the presence of chronic diseases from gastrointestinal tract, stomatitis does not require an infectious cause; it appears as a complication of the underlying disease. These include the most common gastritis, as well as various colitis, dysbiosis, duodenitis, ulcers and even chronic helminthic infestations, the presence of which a person may not even realize.

With the problems described above, stomatitis does not manifest itself as an isolated disease, but as a clear symptom of some systemic pathology. So it's symptomatic local treatment may not produce any results until the main source of damage is eliminated internal organs.

Mechanical damage

The appearance of stomatitis may also have mechanical causes. First of all, this applies to various types of injuries and systemic mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. Sources of damage can be incorrectly manufactured dentures that constantly rub the gums. Stomatitis can also occur from braces in areas of contact with soft tissue if the metal is not well processed. Even toothpaste based on coarse abrasives or sodium lauryl sulfate can cause local irritation and microscopic wounds.

If teeth are damaged, for example, due to a chip or fracture, the gums may also be damaged. In this case, anything can get into the wound, so stomatitis can even start from dirt. The same situation happens with elementary biting of the soft tissues of the cheek or lip, with thermal or chemical burns of the gums and palate. The slightest wound on the mucous membrane can ultimately lead to infection.

Parents of babies aged six months and older should be extremely attentive to what the child puts in his mouth. When teething, the resulting wounds are open gates for various infections to enter the body. So if a child is left to his own devices, crawls around the apartment and, as often happens, even puts street shoes and cat litter into his mouth, parents should not be surprised why the child develops stomatitis.

Allergic reactions

Since few people now do without the use of medications, allergic or drug-induced stomatitis has gained great “popularity”. Sometimes you even have to risk your health and take potent drugs (aimed at treating serious diseases) with large amounts of side effects, which causes stomatitis, dysbiosis, liver damage and other unpleasant reactions of the body.

The main sources of allergic reactions are antibacterial drugs penicillin group, medicines based on bromine and iodine, sulfonamides, salts of heavy metals and even some vitamin and mineral complexes. Moreover, sometimes an allergic reaction does not occur immediately: first the temperature may rise, hives, redness or other symptoms may appear. external signs. And only then, after a few days, stomatitis develops, which is why doctors cannot even always accurately recognize the cause of its formation. This is why it is so important to mention any medications you have recently taken when you see a specialist.


Another reason stomatitis occurs in adults, especially hard-working people, is stress. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this these days. For most people, unbearable mental stress begins in school and continues for the rest of their lives. This is why many doctors say that all diseases are caused by stress and nerves. And this reason automatically leads us to the next one, as an inevitable consequence.

Bad habits

Bad habits most often arise precisely against the background of a nervous situation and the need to unwind, relax, and withdraw into oneself. Some people use meditation, which is beneficial for health, for these purposes, but most people do not disdain, for example, smoking. We will not talk about the general harm caused to the body by this terrible process, since this article is devoted to stomatitis. But we can explain where stomatitis comes from in a heavy smoker.

With constant inhalation of hot smoke, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is subject to overheating and drying out. In addition, resins and chemical additives deposited on the teeth methodically destroy the enamel, forming tartar. Its direct effect on the gums or its dental removal in the clinic can also be traumatic, which ultimately leads to inflammation.

However, smoking bad habits are not limited. So stomatitis can also develop in those people who cannot give up seeds (especially their uncontrolled consumption), nuts in large quantities, as well as from the lung, which has become very popular among schoolchildren and visiting workers narcotic substance— nasvaya. The use of the latter leads not only to the occurrence of contact stomatitis, but also to a gradual disruption of the functions of internal organs and the nervous system.

In addition to the above reasons, various factors can provoke the occurrence of the disease, be it poor heredity or the ecology of the area of ​​residence, hormonal or age-related changes in human physiology, as well as poor nutrition, deprived of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. We will not describe each cause in detail, since any patient’s anamnesis always has a number of reasons that result in stomatitis. In any case, only a professional can understand everything and prescribe proper treatment for you.

Stomatitis is an infection of the oral cavity, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes covered with painful ulcers. Almost every child and a much smaller percentage of adults have suffered from such an unpleasant disease. Regardless of who has personally encountered the disease, the parent of a child or a person in adulthood, the topic of whether stomatitis is contagious for others or does not pose a threat is always relevant.

The answer to the question about the contagiousness (infectiousness) of stomatitis is directly related to the root cause that provoked the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The triggering mechanisms for the onset of the disease are not fully understood, but there is a presumptive opinion that stomatitis is a reaction immune system to an irritant that has entered the body. Most likely, this aspect is responsible for the predominant morbidity among children, since their body’s defenses are not yet sufficiently formed to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

To understand for yourself whether your stomatitis can be transmitted through a kiss, you need to see a doctor for examination and testing. laboratory tests to find out the form of the disease and the type of pathogen.

Oksana Shiyka


Is stomatitis transmitted by kissing a person or not? Not always, it depends on the type of stomatitis and the reason that caused its appearance.

Types of stomatitis and routes of infection

There are the most common forms of inflammation of the oral cavity, and this will determine whether you can infect others with stomatitis:

  1. viral, among which herpes is common;
  2. bacterial;
  3. fungal;
  4. aphthous;
  5. traumatic.

It is worth saying that almost all types of stomatitis are contagious to others, with the exception of a few. A particularly striking chain of infection can be observed among children who are in close contact with each other.

Oksana Shiyka


As a rule, if in kindergarten If one child gets sick, then soon his closest friend will also develop inflammation in the mouth.

Infection mainly occurs through airborne droplets, contact or household contact. The possibility of infection through biological fluids (blood, saliva, breast milk) cannot be excluded.

Infection with a viral form of stomatitis

This species is clearly contagious and poses a danger to others, as it easily spreads among people. Average duration The disease can vary within 5–10 days, during these days the likelihood of infection from the carrier increases.

In addition, there is an incubation period - when the patient does not experience severe symptoms, it can last from 5 to 14 days. In this case, there is no direct threat, but there is a potential danger of infection. As for babies, the deadline incubation period lasts no more than 3 days.

Main pathogens:

  • adenovirus;
  • enterovirus;
  • herpes simplex type 1;
  • parainfluenza and influenza viruses;
  • chicken pox.

How can stomatitis of viral origin be transmitted:

  • in direct contact with an infected person;
  • in the domestic environment: shared dishes, linen, personal items, children’s toys;
  • by airborne droplets;
  • through circulatory system if the infected blood of a patient gets on the mucous membrane of a healthy person, especially if there are even minor microtraumas on it;
  • through saliva during a kiss, there is also a possibility of infection through sexual contact.
  • fecal-oral route – typical for enteroviral vesicular stomatitis. This type is found primarily among young children who “put everything in their mouths,” weakened children, and bottle-fed infants.

This is how it is transmitted viral disease. The direct source of infection are ulcers with blisters that the patient touches, thereby spreading the infection. But do not forget that the virus is not concentrated specifically in them, but “walks” through the blood, so it is better to minimize all close contacts with an infected person until recovery.

Who is most susceptible to infection:

  • among children aged 1 to 3 years, the herpetic form is most common;
  • people with very low immunity;
  • those who have diabetes;
  • patients who have undergone long-term drug therapy.

The onset of an inflammatory process in the mouth resembles the symptoms of a sore throat (fever, pain), so people often confuse the diseases and start drinking hot teas, which is absolutely inappropriate. Such drinks irritate the mucous membranes even more, causing the spread of ulcers. For viral stomatitis, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and be treated with antiviral drugs.

Bacterial form of stomatitis

The causative agents of the disease are streptococci and staphylococci. When affected by agents, the oral cavity swells, the palate hardens, an unpleasant odor appears, and general health worsens.

Healthy people can become infected with stomatitis:

  • aerosol method (by air);
  • through saliva;
  • in close contact;
  • at home.

First of all, young children are at risk due to weak local immunity of the oral mucosa. It is common for babies to taste various items, and then share them with peers, who will also definitely try the toy provided - this is how stomatitis in children spreads .

Bacterial stomatitis in adults is transmitted by sharing common utensils with the patient, especially if the parent has a weakened immune system and there are microtraumas on the mucous membrane. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for treatment.

Spread of fungal stomatitis

Fungal infections of the oral mucosa are caused by Candida fungi. Every person is its carrier, but activation of the fungus occurs when a favorable environment is created. Candidal stomatitis is manifested by characteristic painful ulcers, which are covered with a cheesy white coating. This species is not spread by airborne droplets and looks like this:

Palatal variant Candidiasis

Appears for the following reasons:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • after antibacterial treatment;
  • against the background of hormonal fluctuations;
  • weak immune defense.

Methods of infection:

  • infants under 6 months become infected at home, through saliva when kissed by a carrier;
  • through breast milk during feeding;
  • newborns may be born with oral candidiasis if the mother has vaginal thrush;
  • among adults, transmission of the fungus is possible through sexual intercourse;
  • people at risk can catch the disease if they use the patient’s personal belongings (towel, cup) or eat from the same plate.

A healthy person is least susceptible to infection, but it is better to avoid close contact and sharing personal belongings of the patient. Fungal form Stomatitis is most common among infants and the elderly. This trend is explained by the same weakened functioning of the immune system. Candida lesions are treated with disinfectants and healing agents.

Aphthous and traumatic

If the reason aphthous stomatitis If it is not hidden in viruses, bacteria, fungi, then the disease is not transmitted to others. It mainly manifests itself against the background of existing pathologies. This form affects the oral mucosa with painful aphthae, which are covered with white, yellow, and gray color. Often, aphthous stomatitis is a consequence of stress, infectious diseases (measles, diphtheria), vitamin deficiency, dental diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It looks like this:

To summarize, we can conclude that there are significantly more infectious forms of stomatitis than those that do not pose a danger to healthy people. At the first signs of the disease, you should seek medical help, because the main thing is to determine the exact root cause and begin treatment.

It is worth emphasizing the need to take measures aimed at increasing the body's defenses, since it is often due to weak immunity that a person becomes vulnerable not only to infection with stomatitis, but also to the development of other pathological processes.

If there is a child or adult in the house with damage to the oral cavity of a viral, bacterial, fungal etiology, in order not to become infected, it is better to protect yourself until he recovers: do not kiss, exclude close contacts, sharing dishes and personal belongings, any other factors that imply close communication and contact with infectious foci.

If you notice slight redness of the oral mucosa that swells and causes a burning sensation, you may have stomatitis. The inflammatory process of the oral mucosa is a protective reaction of the human immune system to the action of irritants. Stomatitis mainly occurs in children, but adults are increasingly affected by this disease. This is due to environmental problems and a general decrease in immunity in people.

Causes of stomatitis

Stomatitis causes a lot of inconvenience. Firstly, it brings a lot of unpleasant and even painful sensations. After all, over time, slight redness of the oral mucosa turns into small oval or round ulcers. These ulcers have a whitish, grayish tint, the skin around them has a reddish tint, and the ulcers themselves are covered with a film. In some cases, the whitish blisters burst, turning into large erosions. Such inflammations in the oral cavity often interfere with speaking, eating, and moving the tongue normally. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to treat stomatitis, which so greatly interferes with the quality of life. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of stomatitis in the mouth, as well as the types of oral diseases themselves.

Sometimes the cause of stomatitis can be bacteria and viruses. But for their reproduction, additional provoking factors are necessary, so the occurrence of stomatitis solely due to the entry of bacteria into the oral mucosa is quite rare.

But an unbalanced diet can often be the cause of stomatitis. If in human body doesn't hit enough folic acid, vitamins B, iron and zinc, the risk of stomatitis increases.

Often stomatitis occurs due to mechanical, thermal or chemical trauma to the oral cavity. Sometimes it is enough to bite your cheek or scratch the delicate skin of the mouth with something sharp (the edge of a crown, a piece of nut, dried fish, a fragment of a tooth, etc.) for stomatitis to appear. But do not be alarmed; damage to the oral mucosa by the above methods does not in itself mean one hundred percent stomatitis. However, if after such an injury to the mucous membrane the wound does not heal for a long time, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

To reduce the risk of stomatitis, you need to adhere to a number of simple rules. You cannot violate the rules of personal hygiene, eat dirty fruits and vegetables, or eat food with unwashed hands. You should not engage in excessive oral hygiene, otherwise the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable to the penetration of bacteria, acids and various irritants. Smoking and frequent drinking of alcohol also contribute to the development of oral stomatitis.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is often associated with a number of diseases. Sometimes stomatitis is characteristic symptom serious illnesses, up to HIV. Therefore, in case of repeated relapses of stomatitis, it is imperative to consult a specialist to determine the causes of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Types of stomatitis

Stomatitis is divided into:

  • Bacterial. It is caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria. This type of disease is manifested by the appearance of pustular ulcers, which turn into erosion.
  • Viral or herpetic stomatitis. It is characterized by vesicular rashes with transparent contents, which subsequently also turn into erosion.
  • Fungal. Occurs when immunity decreases after long treatment antibiotics. It manifests itself as a white coating on the tongue and in the mouth, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and a burning sensation. This type of stomatitis is contagious and can be transmitted through household or sexual contact.
  • Chemical. Appears due to burns with alkali or acid. It is characterized by the appearance of ulcers, which, when scarred, change the oral mucosa.

Symptoms of stomatitis

More often in adults, stomatitis does not occur in acute form, without symptoms of body intoxication. First, a slight redness appears on the oral mucosa. Then the area around it swells, swells, and a burning sensation appears. Next, an ulcer appears at the site of inflammation, covered with a thin white film.

This ulcer causes painful sensations which causes severe discomfort. Salivation increases and bad breath appears. Stomatitis mainly appears on the lips (inner side), cheeks, palate, and sometimes on the tongue.

How to treat stomatitis in the mouth

How to treat stomatitis in the mouth - frequently asked question, asked by patients who do not intend to visit a specialist. We remind you that if stomatitis occurs regularly, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed; it is necessary to establish the causes of inflammation of the oral cavity. Only with mild stomatitis can you try to cure it yourself.

In many ways, the treatment of stomatitis in the mouth depends on the nature and causes of the disease. In the event of a single occurrence of stomatitis, it is necessary to rinse your mouth antiseptics, sometimes use painkillers. In addition, you need to exclude spicy, hard, and too salty foods.

Treatment of regularly occurring stomatitis should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist and include a whole range of measures. Otherwise, stomatitis may chronic disease. Drug treatment most often it is necessary to treat stomatitis, but do not forget about.

Drugs for the treatment of oral stomatitis


If stomatitis causes severe painful sensations, painkillers are prescribed local application. This can be Anestezin (tablets are used to make powder for powders), Hexoral tabs (dissolved), Ledocaine Asept (used topically for erosive inflammations), Lidochlor.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

It is necessary to use antiseptic mouth rinses, ointments, sprays, lozenges, and antimicrobial lozenges.

Sprays: Ingalipt, Hexoral, Lugol, Vinilin. Drugs with both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects: Cholisal, Kamistad, Stomatidin.

Antifungal drugs

For some types of oral stomatitis, antiviral and antifungal antihistamines are used.

Antifungal (for fungal stomatitis): nystatin ointment, Levorin, Mycozon.

Antiviral (for viral inflammation): Acyclovir, Zovirax, Viru-Merz Serol, interferon, oxolinic ointments.

Antihistamines (for allergic and other stomatitis): Tavegil, Fenistil, Loratodine.

To speed up the healing of the mucous membrane

Solcoseryl is a drug that improves tissue regeneration in case of stomatitis, Karotolin is an antioxidant agent, Vinilin cleanses wounds, accelerates the healing of damage to the mucous membrane, and has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Propolis spray is also used, which has a positive effect on skin damage, herpes, and the appearance of ulcers.