What happens with anemia. Anemia. Hemoglobin S and sickle cell anemia

Blood diseases are not uncommon among the population, but the undisputed leader, of course, is anemia, which can easily be classified as a polyetiological disease that appears as a result of the pathogenic influence of external and internal factors on the composition and condition of the blood. What is anemia and why is it dangerous, what are the symptoms of the disease, types and stages, how to treat anemia and prevent its development? In this article we will try to figure it out!

What is anemia?

Anemia is a clinical and hematological syndrome in which there is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and the number of red blood cells. Popularly, anemia is often called “anemia”, because if there is of this disease blood supply is disrupted internal organs, which do not receive enough oxygen for proper and complete functioning. Anemia - symptoms and treatment depend on the stage and qualifications of the disease. Women and children are much more likely to experience this disease than men. In the lungs, hemoglobin and red blood cells are enriched with oxygen, then, together with the blood flow, they are distributed to all organs and tissues of the body.

With the development of anemia, metabolic processes are disrupted, the functioning of internal organs and systems that do not receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen is disrupted.

Causes and types of anemia

There are quite a few reasons that can lead to the development of anemia. As an independent disease, anemia rarely develops. Most often the trigger for the appearance of this syndrome become various diseases internal organs or unfavorable factors that affected the composition of the blood. Anemia - causes can be acquired or genetic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal failure, chronic infections. Iron deficiency in the body can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor quality nutrition, large blood loss, excessive physical and psychological stress. Quite often, anemia has a mixed pathogenesis, which greatly complicates differential diagnosis.

In medicine, there are several types of anemia, each of which has its own causes:

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, as it is diagnosed in 90% of patients. This type of anemia can occur under unfavorable living conditions, after surgery or injuries in which there has been a large loss of blood.

Pernicious anemia - develops against the background of vitamin B12 deficiency. The cause is often the congenital inability of the intestines to absorb vit. B12. In adults, the disease develops with gastric atrophy.

Hemolytic anemia - occurs as a result of the inability of the brain to produce cells in sufficient quantities. Among the causes of anemia are: heredity, infectious diseases, constant stress, depressive states. This type of disease can be provoked by tumor processes in the body, burns, and high blood pressure.

Sickle cell anemia is characterized by the death of red blood cells. The cause of this condition is genetic defects.

Thalassemia is the most severe form of anemia, which refers to hereditary anemia that occurs against the background of genetic disorders.

Despite the sufficient number of causes of anemia, its types, in any case the disease should not be left without due attention. In addition, each type of anemia leads to oxygen starvation of internal organs, which significantly impairs their functionality and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Why is anemia dangerous?

Anemia, like any other disease, can cause serious harm to our health. With untimely or poor-quality treatment of any type of anemia, the risk of developing oxygen starvation of internal organs and systems develops, which not only do not receive oxygen, but also nutrients. The most dangerous complication of anemia is hypoxic coma, which in 80% of cases leads to death. In addition, people suffering from anemia are at risk for developing cardiovascular pathologies and respiratory failure. In women with anemia, the menstrual cycle, and children become inattentive, irritated, and often get sick.

Stages of anemia development

Anemia has its own stages of development:

1. Mild or grade 1 anemia is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin to 100-120 g/l. At this stage there are no symptoms. To increase hemoglobin, it is enough to eat right and consume as many iron-containing foods as possible.

2. The middle or 2nd stage of anemia is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin to 70-80 g/l. During this period, the symptoms of anemia are quite pronounced. The person feels general weakness, frequent headaches, and dizziness. Medicines and proper nutrition will help increase hemoglobin.

3. Severe, or stage 3 – life-threatening. The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is below 70 g/l. At this stage, the patient feels disturbances in the functioning of the heart, and the person’s general condition worsens significantly.

Symptoms of anemia

Clinical signs of anemia are noticeable in the second and third stages of the disease. General symptoms anemia are the following conditions:

  • increased fatigue;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting conditions;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • constant shortness of breath, even in the absence physical activity;
  • heartbeat;
  • absent-minded attention;
  • memory loss;
  • noise in ears;
  • poor appetite;
  • circles under the eyes;
  • "floaters" before the eyes.

The symptoms of anemia are quite severe, but they can also be present with other diseases or disorders. Therefore, if you have signs of anemia, you do not need to diagnose yourself. The only correct decision is to visit a doctor, who, after the results laboratory research will be able to confirm or refute your assumptions.

How to determine anemia?

Helps identify anemia general analysis blood, which will show the number of red blood cells, their size and shape, the presence or absence of immature blood cells. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional research: biochemical blood test, sternum puncture and other studies.

Treatment of anemia

Anemia must be treated comprehensively; only then can the desired result be achieved. Mild anemia often does not require drug treatment. The doctor recommends consuming more foods that contain iron, proteins and other vitamins and minerals. Drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor only when the type of anemia, cause and severity are clear. It is not uncommon for anemia to not require drug correction, especially when the cause that caused the anemia has been eliminated.

If, however, the disease requires drug treatment, then the doctor prescribes drugs that will allow the bone marrow to more quickly replenish the deficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. These medications include:

  • Iron preparations: Fenyuls, Totetema, Sorbifer, Aktiferrin;
  • Vitamin products: vit. B12, folic acid, vitamin B complexes.

In more severe cases, when iron supplements do not provide positive result, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticoid hormones, erythropoietins, anabolic steroid, chemotherapy drugs and other drugs that are treated in a hospital. Any types drug therapy must be combined with proper nutrition and lifestyle. The patient needs to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Folk remedies, which have many recipes in their arsenal for increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, will help increase hemoglobin. Let's look at a few recipes:

Recipe 1. To prepare you will need 150 ml of fresh aloe juice + 250 g of honey and 350 ml of Cahors wine. Mix everything well and take 1 spoon 3 times a day for 1 month.

Recipe 2. A good effect can be obtained from the following infusion. You will need: rose hips, wild strawberries in equal parts, 10 grams each. The fruit should be poured with boiling water, placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled, squeezed and taken 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Recipe 3. Strawberry leaves (2 tablespoons) should be poured with boiling water, strained and taken 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies can only serve as adjuvant therapy to the main treatment.

Nutrition for anemia

Food is important in treating anemia and increasing hemoglobin. People diagnosed with anemia need to consume high-calorie foods in sufficient quantities: meat, liver, fish, butter, milk. The diet should include cereals: wheat, rice, buckwheat. Vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet. All food must be fresh, steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. If you have anemia, it is strictly forbidden to go hungry or not eat in the morning. Balanced diet healthy food, will help provide the body with everything necessary substances to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

A human condition characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. We will consider the symptoms, causes and principles of treatment of this pathology in the article.

General information

This disease, anemia (another name is anemia), can be independent, or it can act as a concomitant symptom or complication of other ailments or conditions. The provoking factors and the mechanism of development of pathology in each specific case are different. Anemia occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to internal organs. The supply of oxygen is disrupted due to insufficient production of red blood cells.

If we look at specific numbers, anemia is diagnosed when the amount of hemoglobin decreases to below 120 g/l in women and children from 6 to 14 years old, 130 g/l in men, 110 g/l in children from 6 months to 6 years.

Also distinguished various degrees anemia (depending on the level of the same hemoglobin):

    Mild - hemoglobin level is 90 g/l.

    Severe - hemoglobin level drops below 70 g/l.

Causes of anemia

The most common provoking factors for the development of this pathology are:

    Growth of the body against the background of intense physical activity (sports) associated with sun deficiency and unbalanced nutrition.

    The appearance of a girl's first menstruation. During this period, the body adapts to a new mode of operation.

    The presence of gastritis with low acidity, intestinal diseases, previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Helminthic intoxications that inhibit the production of red blood cells and hematopoiesis. Children are more susceptible to this condition.

    Pregnancy, during which the metabolism changes, and the woman’s body’s need for iron, as well as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium and vitamins increases several times.

    Periodic bleeding: heavy menstruation (occurs with uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages), internal blood loss (with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers). In this case, relative anemia occurs, in which the level of formed elements in the blood, which include hemoglobin and iron, proportionally decreases.

How effective the treatment will be depends on the correct identification of the causes of the pathology. Anemia is a serious condition that requires timely and adequate treatment.


Most often, a person is not aware of the development of anemia. You can suspect it if you have the following symptoms:

What else is characteristic of anemia? Signs may be supplemented by the following disorders:

    hair loss, lack of shine;

    brittle nails;

    cracks in the corners of the mouth;

    the emergence of strange addictions (for example, people like to eat chalk, inhale the smell of paint and varnish, etc.).

Classification of anemia

Depending on the causes of the pathology, there are several types of anemia. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This form of the disease is the most common. The disease develops as a result of impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. The causes of this form of anemia are chronic blood loss, impaired absorption of iron in the intestines, and insufficient intake of this substance from food. Children are more susceptible to this pathology younger age, women of reproductive age and pregnant women.

In this case, anemia has the following symptoms: dizziness, spots flashing before the eyes, tinnitus. The disease also manifests itself as dry and pale skin. Nails become brittle, layered, flat. Some patients feel a burning sensation on their tongue.

Therapy consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of iron deficiency (treatment of pathologies digestive tract, surgery intestinal tumors, uterine fibroids). In order to normalize hemoglobin levels, iron supplements are prescribed in combination with vitamin C (Actiferrin, Iradian, Tardiferon, Ferromed, Ferrum Lek, Ferroplex).

B12 deficiency anemia

In this case, anemia causes insufficient intake of vitamin B12 into the body or impaired absorption. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in older people. Provoking factors for the development of B12-deficiency anemia are the presence of gastritis, severe enteritis, infection with worms, and previous gastric surgery.

Anemia (anemia) of this type is manifested by weakness, fatigue, palpitations with physical activity. The tongue becomes “polished” and a burning sensation occurs in it. The skin takes on a jaundiced tint. Often, B12 deficiency anemia can only be detected through a blood test. Over time it gets affected nervous system. In addition to red blood cells, the disease also affects white blood cells and platelets - their levels in the body decrease. What treatment is needed? In this case, they try to overcome anemia by taking vitamin B12 preparations (“Cyanocobalamin”, “Hydroxycobalamin”) and enzyme medications (“Pancreatin”).

Posthemorrhagic anemia

Anemia of a posthemorrhagic nature develops due to the loss of a large amount of blood. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the tissues. Posthemorrhagic anemia, depending on the rate of blood loss, it can be acute or chronic. Acute injuries cause bleeding from internal organs, most often this occurs due to damage to the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, uterus, heart cavities, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Development chronic anemia associated with an increasing lack of iron in the body due to prolonged, often recurring bleeding due to rupture of the vascular walls.

Posthemorrhagic anemia has the following symptoms: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, fast fatiguability, ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations even with little physical activity. A decrease in blood pressure is often observed. Severe blood loss can cause fainting and collapse. Gastric bleeding is usually accompanied by vomiting (the vomit is bloody or coffee-colored).

Therapy for posthemorrhagic anemia consists, first of all, of stopping bleeding; in case of large blood losses, an urgent blood transfusion is necessary. After this, long-term use of iron supplements (“Ferro-gradument”, “Hemofer”) and combined agents(“Actiferrin”, “Irovit”, “Heferol”).

Folate deficiency anemia

Folic acid is a complex compound that is directly involved in DNA synthesis and hematopoiesis. Absorption of this substance occurs in the upper part small intestine. The causes of folate deficiency anemia are divided into two groups: lack of intake into the body folic acid with food; disruption of its digestibility and transportation to hematopoietic organs. Pregnant women, children, alcoholics, people who have undergone surgery on the small intestine are more susceptible to a pathology such as folate deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in damage to the hematopoietic tissue, digestive (“polished” tongue, burning sensation in it, decreased gastric secretion) and nervous (increased fatigue, weakness) systems. There is also an enlargement of the liver and spleen, and mild jaundice is noted.

For the treatment of the disease, folic acid and combination products with vitamin B and iron supplements are prescribed (Ferretab comp, Gyno-Tardiferon, Ferro Folgamma, Maltofer Fol).

Traditional methods of treating anemia

If you notice the first signs of anemia, you should immediately consult a doctor. Based on the results of the examination and blood test, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on the type and degree of anemia. Alternative medicine recipes can be used as additional methods of treatment (but not the main ones!).

The most effective of them are:

    Grate radishes, carrots, beets. Squeeze the juice from the root vegetables and combine in equal quantities in a dark glass container. Cover the dish with a lid (not tightly). Place the container in the oven to simmer over low heat for three hours. Take the resulting product three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The treatment course lasts three months.

    To normalize the condition in case of severe loss of strength, it is recommended to mix garlic with honey and take the resulting mixture before meals.

    Mix fresh aloe juice (150 ml), honey (250 ml), Cahors wine (350 ml). Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

    Place peeled garlic (300 g) in a half-liter bottle, add alcohol (96%) and leave for three weeks. Three times a day, take 20 drops of the resulting tincture mixed with ½ glass of milk.

    Pour oats or oatmeal (1 cup) with water (5 cups) and cook until the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the broth and combine with the same amount of milk (about 2 glasses) and boil again. Drink the resulting drink, warm or cooled, during the day in 2-3 doses.

Prevention of anemia

Diet for anemia plays no less role than correct treatment. Also good nutrition is the basis for the prevention of anemia. It is very important to regularly consume foods that contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the hematopoiesis process.

The most iron is found in beef tongue, pork and beef liver, rabbit and turkey meat, sturgeon caviar, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, barley, blueberries, and peaches.

There is less iron in chicken, lamb, beef, eggs, semolina, pink salmon, mackerel, apples, persimmons, pears, spinach, sorrel.

In addition, you need to include in your daily diet foods that promote the absorption of this microelement: eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, corn, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, herbs, dried fruits.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article we will look at anemia and everything connected with it. So…

What is anemia?

Anemia (anemia)– a special condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

Anemia is predominantly not a disease, but a group of clinical and hematological syndromes that accompany various pathological conditions and various independent ones. The exception is iron deficiency anemia, which is primarily caused by a lack of iron in the body.

The most common causes of anemia are bleeding, deficiency of vitamins B9, B12, increased hemolysis, aplasia bone marrow. Based on this, it can be noted that anemia is mainly observed in women with heavy menstruation, in people who adhere to strict diets, as well as people with chronic diseases, such as cancer, hemorrhoids, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Main symptoms of anemia– increased fatigue, dizziness during physical exertion, tachycardia, pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes.

The essence of the treatment of anemia and its prevention lies mainly in the additional intake of substances missing in the body that are involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Development of anemia

Before considering the basic mechanisms of anemia, let's briefly look at some terminology associated with this condition.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells)– small elastic cells circulating in the blood, round but at the same time biconcave in shape, the diameter of which is 7-10 microns. The formation of red blood cells occurs in the bone marrow of the spine, skull and ribs, at a rate of about 2.4 million every second. The main function of red blood cells is gas exchange, which consists of delivering oxygen from the lungs to all other tissues of the body, as well as reverse transport of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide - CO2).

Hemoglobin- a complex iron-containing protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin, combining with oxygen, is delivered by red blood cells through the blood from the lungs to all other tissues, organs, systems, and after the transfer of oxygen, hemoglobin binds to carbon dioxide (CO2), and transports it back to the lungs. Due to the structural features of hemoglobin, a lack of iron in the body directly disrupts the function of normal supply of oxygen to the body, without which a number of pathological conditions develop.

As you probably already guessed, dear readers, gas exchange is possible only due to the simultaneous involvement of red blood cells and hemoglobin in this process.

Below are the normal levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood:

Doctors note the following mechanisms for the development of anemia:

Impaired formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin– develops with a lack of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 in the body, bone marrow diseases, the absence of part of the stomach, an excess of vitamin C, because ascorbic acid in large doses it blocks the effect of vitamin B12.

Loss of red blood cells and hemoglobin– occurs due to acute bleeding during injuries and operations, heavy menstruation in women, chronic bleeding due to certain internal diseases of the digestive system (ulcers and others).

Accelerated destruction of red blood cells, whose normal lifespan is from 100 to 120 days, occurs when red blood cells are exposed to hemolytic poisons, lead, vinegar, certain medications (sulfonamides), as well as certain diseases (hemoglobinopathy, lymphocytic leukemia, cancer, cirrhosis of the liver).

Spread of anemia

According to World Organization Health (WHO), anemia is present in a significant part of the world's population - about 1.8 billion people, most of whom are women, which is due to the characteristics female body during the childbearing period.

A particular difficulty with the timely diagnosis and differentiation of anemia is a large number of provoking factors and several mechanisms for the development of anemia.

Anemia - ICD

ICD-10: D50 - D89.

Symptoms of anemia largely depend on the type of anemia, but the main signs are:

  • Fatigue, increased drowsiness;
  • Decreased mental activity, difficulty concentrating;
  • , the appearance of “flies” before the eyes;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Shortness of breath with little physical activity;
  • Attacks, as well as pain in the heart, similar to;
  • Presence of functional systolic murmur;
  • , visible mucous membranes, nail beds;
  • Loss of appetite, decreased sex drive;
  • Geophagy – desire to eat chalk;
  • Heilosis;
  • Irritability.

Next, we consider the specific symptoms of anemia, depending on its type:


The prognosis for recovery from anemia is favorable in most cases.

The prognosis is serious for the aplastic form of anemia.

Supplementing with iron, B12 and folic acid is also great preventive method against acute respiratory diseases in children.

Important! Before use folk remedies treatment of anemia, consult your doctor!

Garlic. Pour 300 g of purified alcohol squeezed through a garlic press into 1 liter of alcohol. Place the product in a dark place to infuse for 3 weeks. You need to take this folk remedy for anemia 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day.

Vegetable juice. Mix 100 ml of carrot, beet and black radish juice, pour the mixture into a clay vessel and place it in a slightly preheated oven for 1 hour. You need to drink 2 tbsp of prepared stewed juice. spoons 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals, for 2-3 months.

Juice. Mix together 200 ml of pomegranate juice, 100 ml of juice from carrots and apples, as well as 70 g of honey. Juices must be freshly squeezed. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons, 3 times a day, slightly warmed. The mixture must be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Diet. Eating foods rich in iron, vitamins B9 and B12 is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of anemia, of which pistachios, walnuts, seaweed, pomegranate, pears, apples, beets, carrots, tomatoes, greens, buckwheat and cereal porridge.

Prevention of anemia includes compliance with the following recommendations:

Anemia - video

Those who are accustomed to attribute the main symptoms of anemia to seasonality or an intense work schedule are putting their health at risk great risk. This disease is popularly called anemia. The definition of anemia can be represented as follows: pathogenic processes begin to occur in the body, as a result of which the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells decrease. Today, this disease is considered incredibly common and, according to unofficial data, about 30% of the entire population suffers from it.

Human blood is made up of a group of three cells - the familiar red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. Each individual cell is called upon to perform its own separate function. Red blood cells are called erythrocytes. They contain hemoglobin. Red blood cells not only color our blood, but also perform more important function, namely transport oxygen throughout the body. When the number of red blood cells begins to decrease or the level of hemoglobin drops, this leads to the development of anemia.

Anemia is very dangerous illness and there are several substantiated facts:

1 Even when the body has a critically low number of red blood cells, the body continues to transport oxygen to areas of the body. This happens until the anemia condition becomes critical. This is why a person can for a long time not to suspect that his illness is progressing.

2 When the body does not receive enough oxygen, oxygen starvation begins to occur. This is fraught with tissue degeneration and impaired functionality of individual organs.

3 The danger of anemia lies in the fact that it is often a consequence of another illness. Taken together, diseases have a very strong negative impact on the body, which can lead to serious consequences.

4 Serious forms of anemia can greatly harm the body even without the presence of concomitant infectious or inflammatory processes. For example, B12 deficiency anemia greatly affects the body, which does not receive the vitamin necessary for its functioning.

5 Anemia is very dangerous for expectant mothers. For example, a pregnant woman is diagnosed with an ailment - what does this mean? In this case, anemia, synonymous with anemia, harms both the woman and the unborn baby.

General characteristics of anemia

In short, anemia is a pathological condition of the blood. It can arise as a result of various circumstances. It is also worth noting that medicine distinguishes a separate type of anemia - pseudoanemia. The scientific name for this pathology is hydroanemia. In this case, a person’s blood becomes incredibly thin, while the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level remain unchanged.

Depending on the concentration of hemoglobin, three stages of anemia are distinguished. The lower this level, the more serious the anemia disease:

  • Mild anemia. In this case, the hemoglobin level remains within 90 g/l.
  • Moderate anemia. Hemoglobin levels vary between 70-90 g/l.
  • Severe anemia. The hemoglobin level drops below 70 g/l.

If mild degree Anemia and, in some cases, the average degree of its manifestation require dynamic monitoring and, if necessary, the use of maintenance medications, then severe anemia requires surgical intervention, without which a person may simply not survive.

In addition to the severity, the doctor divides anemia into the following types:

  • Relative. Most often diagnosed during pregnancy or during minor blood loss.
  • Absolute. The number of red blood cells decreases significantly, and as a result, the level of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells, decreases.

Causes and problems of the patient with anemia

The definition of WHO anemia is as follows - a condition of the body in which the number of red blood cells decreases and, as a rule, the body does not receive enough oxygen for normal functioning. Most patients are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. It accounts for about 90% of all other types of anemia. According to WHO statistics, the blood disease anemia is diagnosed in every sixth man and every third woman.

Iron in the human body takes an active part in metabolism, metabolism, and gas exchange process. Adult healthy man uses about 25 mg of iron per day, and the total reserve of this substance in the body is no more than 4 grams.

The concept of anemia of this type implies a deficiency of iron in the body, and as a result, the impossibility of its normal functioning. There are several main reasons that lead to the development iron deficiency anemia:

  • Poor nutrition. Ardent vegetarians very often suffer from this form of anemia, because a person can take only 3% of iron from vegetables, and 25% from meat.
  • Digestive problems and, as a result, the inability to absorb iron by the body.
  • Pregnancy period
  • Heavy or minor bleeding. It can be both external and internal.
  • Chronic diseases.

Of course, these are not all the criteria for anemia. The danger of this disease is that it can hide itself for a very long time, and the symptoms very much resemble simple fatigue from an intense work schedule and lack of sleep. Symptoms of anemia are as follows:

  • General weakness.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Irritability.
  • Headache.
  • Rapid heartbeat even at rest.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Manifestation of chronic diseases.
  • Digestive system disorders.
  • Disappearance of blush and bruises under the eyes.

What to do if you have anemia?

When the first symptoms of an ailment such as anemia began to appear, which doctor should I contact? Considering the fact that anemia is a blood disease, a hematologist should help in this case. This doctor specializes in blood problems.

Initially, it is worth visiting a general practitioner, who can write a referral to a hematologist. A referral may also be made to another specialist. It depends on the symptoms that appear. In addition, the patient will need to undergo tests. Basically, a general blood test is prescribed, which allows you to determine the amount of iron, the level of folic acid, and the content of vitamin B12. As soon as the test results are known, the specialist can formulate a course further treatment illness.

But can there be no treatment for anemia? Quite. This depends on the severity of the anemia. If a mild degree of anemia is diagnosed, then the patient is simply prescribed dynamic observation or the need to adjust his daily diet.

What does anemia therapy include?

So how to deal with anemia? The treatment of such a disease depends directly on the root cause of the development of anemia. For example, if anemia occurs as a result of severe blood loss, then the bleeding is initially stopped, then a blood transfusion is performed, and finally various medications can be used to restore the level of a particular substance in the blood.

If iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed medications that contain iron and folic acid. In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, it is supported proper diet. If anemia is observed in pregnant women, then their diet includes foods that are high in iron and can increase hemoglobin levels. Self-medication is not recommended. There are certain contraindications for anemia, which can only be determined by the attending physician, depending on the results of a blood test.

International anemia statistics

Finally, there are a few interesting facts, regarding such a disease as anemia. According to official statistics, more than one and a half billion people suffer from anemia in the world. If we present this figure as a percentage, it will be approximately 25% of the total population. Both elderly citizens and newborn children are at risk. It is noteworthy that anemia is diagnosed in women much more often than in men. Anemia is especially often diagnosed during pregnancy.

Anemia is a serious condition of the body characterized by a significant decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. This causes disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, deterioration general condition and type. Treatment of anemia in adults involves the use of medications and proper nutrition. In the absence of contraindications, the use of folk remedies is allowed, but only as complex therapy.

Anemia may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, and the patient may experience severe blood loss. Such conditions are usually recorded in women during menstruation, as well as in both sexes in the presence of chronic erosive lesions. In addition, the disease can be caused by the presence of cancer and a severe decrease in iron levels in the blood. Only the attending physician can identify the exact cause of the pathology. Regardless of the factor that provoked the disorder, patients will gradually develop the following problems:

  • rapid physical and intellectual fatigue;
  • poor sleep, nightmares may begin;
  • Severe shortness of breath may appear, the pulse will become rapid even in a calm state;
  • it will become difficult to concentrate;
  • short-term memory will deteriorate;
  • Appetite may decrease significantly;
  • the skin will become pale, blue or gray circles may appear under the eyes;
  • due to lack of hemoglobin skin dry out, small wounds may appear;
  • hair and nails become pale, dull and brittle.

Such signs will intensify taking into account the complication of the patient's condition. At critical hemoglobin levels, patients may begin to lose consciousness due to a severe drop in blood pressure.

Attention! Women should monitor their periods closely. If your bleeding increases and your period lasts longer than seven days, you may need to take a blood test to check for anemia.

Drug treatment of anemia in adults

Sorbifer Durules

A drug latest generation for the treatment of anemia in adults. Rarely causes side effects. Not used for lead and sideroblastic anemia. For preventive measures, it is enough to take 1-2 tablets once a day. For critical hemoglobin levels, up to 4 tablets are prescribed, divided into two uses. The duration of taking Sorbifer Durules depends on the complexity of the patient’s condition and can last for 16 weeks, which will replenish the iron balance.


Given medicine used in the presence of sickle cell anemia. At the same time, it can significantly improve concentration and memory. Taking into account the severity of the patient, the medication can be used in a dose of 30 to 160 mg/kg. Daily dosage divided into four uses, with a minimum quantity of two uses. In severe cases, Piracetam is administered intravenously. The duration of therapy can be two months.

Fenyuls 100

The drug is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Take the medication strictly before meals, once a day, 1-2 doses. In severe cases of pathology, administration is carried out twice a day, while patients are recommended to take two tablets in the morning and in the evening. Fenyuls 100 is strictly prohibited from dividing and dissolving; the tablets must be swallowed whole. For better absorption, you need to take the medicine with water. Therapy continues for 1-4 months.

Ferrum Lek

This drug should be used only in the presence of a latent type of anemia and in the iron deficiency type of the disease. Treatment with Ferrum Lek can continue for 5 months if the patient’s condition requires it. Available medicinal product in the form of syrup and chewable tablets. Adults with anemia should take 1-3 tablets or 10-30 ml of syrup 1-2 times a day.

This medication should only be used if you have anemia if it is caused by certain medications or radiation. In this case, the patient after 16 years should take 5 mg active substance. Folic acid therapy may continue for several weeks.


The drug helps with several types of anemia, among which subtypes such as hemolytic, hypoplastic and congenital are distinguished. The dosage of Metipred is selected taking into account the weight and complexity of the disease only by the attending physician. If used incorrectly, the medication causes a large amount of side effects from all body systems. The lyophilisate is administered exclusively in a hospital setting under the supervision of a physician.


The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets or syrup. Adults can take both forms of the medication. The dosage of Maltofer should be selected by the attending physician. Maltofer is taken only in the presence of a latent type of anemia and in cases of severe iron deficiency anemia. Treatment can last up to several months.


The medication is used only in the presence of acquired autoimmune hemolytic and congenital aplastic anemia. The dosage of Prednisolone is determined individually for each patient. It can range from 5 to 60 mg of active substance per day. Prednisolone tablets are taken once a day. Therapy continues individually, taking into account the course of anemia.

In the table you can see the cost of the medications listed.

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in hryvnia
Sorbifer Durules 400 13 164
Piracetam 30 1,2 12,3
Fenyuls 100 500 16 205
Ferrum Lek 300 10 123
30 1,2 12,3
Metipred 200 6,6 82
Maltofer 300 10 123
Prednisolone 100 3,3 41

Attention! Some iron-containing drugs require use even after normalization of hemoglobin levels. This is required to create the so-called iron depot. It helps avoid relapse in the future.

Video - Anemia

Traditional methods of treating anemia in adults

Field buckwheat

This treatment can be used even for leukemia. To prepare the medicine, take a teaspoon of plant material and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over it. Infuse the mixture for two hours, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth. Take the prepared infusion, one-third of a glass three times a day. Therapy continues for four weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 21 days.


For the best effect of treatment, it is advisable to mix the main component with elecampane and plantain, this will enhance the effect of coltsfoot. Mix the components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. After this, you should take a tablespoon of the medicinal mixture and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over it and leave for half an hour. Take the medication three times a day, an hour before the main meal, 1/3 cup.

Fresh carrots

For treatment, you should take only fresh fruits, which are pre-grated on the finest grater. It is better to use a blender or press. After this, you need to separate 100 g of raw material and mix it with 15 ml vegetable oil or sour cream. Eat carrots only on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast.

Green walnuts

This drug not only increases hemoglobin, but also significantly improves immunity. Green fruits are passed through a meat grinder and poured with honey. Nuts and honey are taken in equal proportions. The ingredients should be placed in a glass container and covered tightly with a lid. Leave the container in a dark place for four weeks. After this, you should take the medicine two tablespoons 30 minutes before the main meal twice a day. Treatment continues for one month. Three courses of treatment per year can be carried out.

Video - How to treat anemia with folk remedies

Fresh garlic

To treat anemia, you can prepare a garlic tincture, which will additionally significantly improve immunity and increase cardiac function. For treatment, take 300 g of garlic and pass it through a press. The resulting mass is poured into 1 liter of alcohol and infused in a glass bottle for 21 days. After this, you need to take 5 ml of the mixture three times a day for a month. For the best effect, it is recommended to drink the garlic tincture with milk.

Attention! When combining folk remedies with medications, you should ensure their compatibility. Sometimes two safe ingredients can cause an allergic reaction when mixed.

Nutrition for anemia in adults

For faster results from the therapy, you should include foods rich in iron and minerals in your diet.

  1. Lettuce can be eaten as an independent dish or mixed with others. It helps to significantly improve blood composition and normalize the psycho-emotional background. It should be eaten with vegetable oils.
  2. Berries such as garden strawberries, blackberries and cherries will help normalize arterial pressure and get rid of anemia. The fruits can be consumed as jam, juice and fresh.
  3. Bananas, familiar to everyone, also help restore blood composition. It is advisable to eat them with cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.
  4. You can take brewer's yeast in the morning on an empty stomach. They are great help with complex treatment anemia and relieve external manifestations anemia.

During treatment you should get rid of such harmful products, such as alcohol, flour and bakery products. They prevent the normal absorption of minerals from healthy dishes. It is advisable to diversify your diet with white and red meat, but it is best to boil or bake it.

We should not forget about products such as buckwheat, currants and whole wheat bread. They contain a lot of folic acid, which improves blood composition. Green apples and juice from them will be an excellent stimulating factor for recovery for reduced immunity due to anemia.

Attention! Since women are more likely to have problems with hemoglobin levels due to constant menstruation and childbirth, during the period of bleeding, you should additionally enrich your diet with iron-containing foods and, if necessary, take medications.

Prevention of anemia in adults

To reduce the likelihood of developing anemia, it is advisable to adhere to the recommended measures:

  • take an hour-long walk in the fresh air at least once every two days;
  • rest after working day, and it is advisable to do this in a calm environment;
  • eat right, constantly including iron-containing foods and drinks in your diet;
  • take iron supplements once a year;
  • do not allow helminthic infestation;
  • avoid frequent contact with chemicals and toxins;
  • When refueling the car, do not inhale fuel vapors;
  • maintain optimal physical shape.

Attention! Because preventive measures do not always give the desired result, it is recommended to take a general blood test to check hemoglobin levels twice a year. If you have previously had problems with your red cell count, it is advisable to undergo such examinations every three months.

Anemia is in most cases the result poor nutrition and lifestyle. Only in a small percentage of cases is this condition caused by the presence of serious pathologies that can lead to anemia. Compilation proper diet, taking multivitamins and taking care of your own health is the key to longevity and the absence of problems with hemoglobin levels. read on our website.