What to do if your turtle has diarrhea. Diseases of red-eared turtles: symptoms and treatment (photo). Signs of viral diseases in red-eared turtles

It’s not difficult at all, since they are quite unpretentious. This opinion is only partially true: there are not so many strict rules of content, but they must be observed. Otherwise, your pet reptile may get sick.

Basically, in wildlife turtles rarely get sick. But at home, the incidence of diseases increases. Experts have not yet fully determined what is associated with the increased risk of pathologies of these reptiles in a home environment, but most of them agree that a decrease in immunity plays a negative role.

But the specific causes of possible diseases, the diseases themselves and methods of treating them have been studied quite well.

Causes of diseases

They can vary, but are almost always associated with problems of incorrect content.

Nutrition. Susceptibility to disease can be influenced, for example, by diet. The animal must receive in food all the necessary macro- and microelements it needs to maintain good health. Unfortunately, some of these elements are missing or too small in human food. That is why special vitamin supplements are recommended.

Cause of colds There may be ordinary drafts that form when ventilating home premises. This circumstance should once again convince the owners of ornamental turtles that they need to be kept only in a special terrarium with proper ventilation. In addition, free keeping is fraught with injuries, as a result of which reptiles can develop serious diseases.

Dirty drinking water, poor quality food, lack of regular water procedures, garbage on the floor of an apartment or house - these are the most common causes of infectious diseases red eared turtles.

Diagnosing some diseases is quite difficult due to the structural features of the turtle’s body. But if you identify the cause of your pet’s illness, then it is quite possible to determine the nature of a specific disease.


This dangerous disease can occur either as a result of hypothermia or due to air stagnation in the terrarium. Signs of pneumonia are:

  • mucous bubbling nasal discharge (runny nose);
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • rapid breathing through the mouth;
  • in the water the animal floats up sideways (with the affected part of the body facing up);
  • lethargy and lack of appetite.

If the listed signs are noticed, it is immediately recommended to call a veterinarian at home. The fact is that pneumonia in red-eared turtles is most effectively treated with antibiotics (intramuscular injections), and the dose of the medicine is prescribed by the doctor depending on the size, weight of the patient and the stage of the disease.

Self-administration of injections without a doctor’s prescription often leads to the death of a pet.

There is also folk medicine, which can be used regardless of the result of the examination by a veterinarian. It is necessary to brew dry chamomile and hold the turtle over the steam while the solution cools. After cooling (at least +30 degrees), dip it in this solution and hold it in it for 30-35 minutes.

During the entire treatment period, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature in the aquaterrarium at +30 degrees.

Bone (shell) diseases

The main symptoms in this case are softening or peeling of the shell. This can occur both due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation (artificial or natural), and due to a lack of calcium in the body. In baby turtles, shell abnormalities indicate the presence of rickets. Detachment of the scutes is also possible when infected with a fungal infection.

In order to prevent softening of the shell, it is necessary to irradiate the terrarium with a special ultraviolet lamp. By the way, similar devices for terrariums from the German company Hagen have proven themselves to be quite good. It is also necessary to eat chopped fish with bones (it is advisable to grind the bones) to supply the body with calcium.

Fungal disease of areas of the shell is easy to identify. Under the peeling shield, brown crusts and a gray coating are visible.

This case is treated by daily washing the affected area with a solution of methylene blue for 30 days.

In more complex cases (ulcers and even blood stains are visible under the shield), it is recommended to use clotrimazole medicinal ointment. The ointment is applied to the affected area in the evening, and the patient is left on dry land overnight. During the day, you need to carry out the washing procedure in a blue solution.

Red-eared turtle with rickets.

Eye diseases

Symptoms of eye disease (conjunctivitis) are as follows:

  • swollen, reddened eyelids;
  • discharge of pus around the edges of the eyes;
  • the turtle tries to rub its eyes with its paws;
  • decreased appetite, lethargic behavior.

This disease is caused by staphylococci or streptococci, which grow in dirty water.

On initial stage conjunctivitis is treated with ordinary eye drops(instill 2 times a day), and for acute conjunctivitis use eye ointments based on antibiotics.

In general, to eliminate the prerequisites for such eye diseases You need to visit the aquaterrarium more often and keep it clean.

A dangerous disease is salmonellosis, caused by intestinal bacteria. The animal appears loose stool with a very unpleasant odor, general apathy, weight loss.

This disease can only be treated in a veterinary clinic, and the sooner the turtle’s owner goes there, the better. Otherwise, the death of your pet is inevitable.

Disease Prevention

This is very important factor domestic amphibian health, and preventive actions are closely related to compliance with containment rules.

To prevent rickets and soften the shell Calcium levels in the body should be maintained. Especially for young cubs, bone meal and powdered calcium should be added to their food daily. These products will also be useful for adults (1 teaspoon once a week).

Risk of intestinal diseases decreases sharply if you give your pet only high-quality products. Greens and vegetables must undergo mandatory heat treatment. Don't neglect special vitamin complexes for turtles.

The aquaterrarium should be kept clean, the water should be changed regularly, waste should be removed, and the required dose of UV radiation should be provided. temperature regime and normal ventilation.

Unfortunately, there are not so many veterinarians specializing in the treatment of amphibians. In some localities there are simply no veterinary clinics or offices. However, a recommendation from a veterinarian or an experienced turtle owner can always be obtained via the Internet. The main thing is to do this as quickly as possible and immediately begin proper treatment your sick pet.

Often the cause of various kinds of diseases in turtles is improper care and maintenance of the animal. When the first signs of any disease appear, many owners panic that the disease is serious and the pet may die. Although in most cases the owner’s concern is justified, first of all it is worth paying attention to the symptoms and determining whether everything is really that serious or whether you can cure the turtle yourself.

Before starting treatment yourself or with a veterinarian, you need to analyze whether you have properly cared for and maintained your turtle. Further treatment will depend on this.

In addition, you need to know what diseases are most common in different types turtles.

Common Turtle Whitenings and How to Treat Them

  1. Otitis or inflammation of the ears

Aquatic species of turtles often suffer from ear inflammation because the rules for changing water are not followed. The disease occurs less frequently in land species. This type of turtle has this problem more often due to low temperatures or the absence of a heat lamp.

Reason The appearance of otitis may be caused by tissue trauma, lack of vitamin A, mites, fungus and other infections. But most often this is caused by improper care, namely non-compliance with hygiene conditions, abnormal nutrition, low temperature in an aquarium or in a place where a turtle is kept.

The disease is very dangerous; as a rule, surgery is needed. If you see a clear sign of otitis media, swelling in the ears or on the limbs, contact your veterinarian-herpetologist. He will prescribe treatment for your turtle and determine whether your pet needs surgery.

  1. Pneumonia or pneumonia

Pneumonia in turtles mainly occurs if the animal was kept at low temperatures, was hypothermic and dehydrated.

The disease occurs with characteristic symptoms:

  • the animal refuses food;
  • swims on one side;
  • makes strange wheezing sounds, sometimes similar to whistling;
  • becomes sedentary and inactive;
  • foam-like discharge appears from the nose and mouth;
  • sneezing, shortness of breath and cough.

If you examine the turtle's nasopharynx and throat, you will see that the nasal openings are clogged with yellow-green pus discharge. Having seen these symptoms, you urgently need to take action, since whitening can lead to death in a matter of days, or even hours. Although the disease is dangerous, it can be cured at home.

The first thing you need is antibiotics.

Necessary medications to treat a turtle:

  • Ringer-Locke solution (regular pharmacy);
  • 3 syringes: 5-10 ml, 1 ml, 0.3 ml (regular pharmacy);
  • 2.5% Baytril (vetapteka);

The first antibiotic injection should be given on the same day when symptoms of the disease were noticed. Baytril should be injected at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg into the brachial muscle once every 3 days, a total of 4-5 injections are needed. If Baytril is suddenly not available at the veterinary pharmacy, it can be replaced with enroflon 2.5% or amikacin (the injection is given every other day with a dose of 10 mg/kg). These drugs should only be injected in parallel with Ringer's solution. If your pet's health does not improve within 3 days, contact your veterinarian.

  1. Kidney failure

Most often the reason renal failure conditions of detention become incorrect, namely:

  • keeping an animal long time at low temperature;
  • poor nutrition(excess meat products, bread or other junk food);
  • dehydration of the body (can result from wintering under a radiator).

Other reasons independent of the conditions of detention:

  • disturbances in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus (often due to improper selection of calcium supplements);
  • various types of cloacal infections and urinary tract(land turtles mainly suffer from this type of infection);
  • taking toxic drugs that affect kidney function;
  • excess or deficiency of vitamin A.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • there are no salts in the urine;
  • weight decreases or remains within the normal range;
  • the turtle refuses food;
  • sometimes with renal failure there are symptoms of hypovitaminosis A;
  • vomiting occurs very rarely;
  • land turtles experience swelling of the neck and limbs;
  • sometimes the bones and shell soften (osteomalacia);
  • eyes are swollen;
  • urinary retention;
  • very strong and unpleasant odor of urine and feces;
  • under the shell readings, stagnation of fluid is visible (usually without blood, in severe cases with an admixture).

If you have these symptoms, you should not treat the turtle yourself. Contact a veterinarian-herpetologist. The disease is very dangerous and is often detected in the final stages.

  1. Fractures, injuries and burns

Very often, turtles when kept at home suffer from various injuries.

The most common injuries to turtles:

  • burns;
  • fractures of paws and shell;
  • light and lacerated wounds;
  • bruises and bruises.

Wounds of small and medium size are treated with a solution of Chlorhexidine or Furacilin or washed with Dioxidin. After treatment with any of the above-mentioned drugs, drying agents are applied to the wound. Will fit the following medications: Chlorophyllipt, Chemi-spray, Terramycin, Nikovet - aluminum spray. Do not use iodine or products containing alcohol.

A turtle with a fresh or bleeding wound should be moved to a container with wipes or special medical film for at least 2 days. Such measures must be taken to protect the pet from the addition of other infections.

After two days, the animal can be returned to the aquarium or terrarium and removed only while the wound is treated for 1-2 hours. When a crust forms on a turtle's wound, the wound should be smeared with healing agents such as Rescuer, Boro-plus, Actovegin.

You can try to heal burns, just like wounds, yourself. The first thing to do is clean the damaged surface and only then apply medications. The following drugs are suitable: Levovinisole, Panthenol, Olazol. If the burns are small, they can be treated with one percent tannin.

Large burns cannot be treated on your own; you must contact a veterinarian.

Bruises and bruises in turtles go away on their own.

The most dangerous injuries, lacerations and fractures, should be treated only with the help of a veterinarian-herpetologist.

  1. Eye inflammation or conjunctivitis

A common disease in turtles is conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of this disease:

  • the turtle's eyes become swollen;
  • fluid similar to pus accumulates under the lower eyelid;
  • the animal refuses food.

The main cause of conjunctivitis is a deficiency or excess of vitamin A.

Conjunctivitis leads to weakening of the turtle's body, which in turn can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to treat this disease on your own.

  1. Oral diseases (necrotizing stomatitis, herpes, herpesvirosis)

Very often, turtles suffer from stomatitis and herpes virus infections. In most cases, the cause of stomatitis is a lack of vitamin D or vitamin A deficiency, which subsequently leads to malocclusion. If you pay attention to the formation of the bite in time and take care of proper diet your pet, then the turtle will be healthy. But if you start the disease, stomatitis will subsequently appear.

Symptoms of stomatitis:

  • mucous membrane with redness or pale with severe swelling;
  • dilated vessels in the oral cavity are visible;
  • copious secretion of foamy saliva;
  • bad breath from a turtle;
  • purulent flakes attached to the oral mucosa are visible in the mouth.

If you notice these symptoms in a turtle, immediately contact your veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and treatment.

Stomatitis is a contagious disease for other turtles, so you can only separate the turtle from the rest for quarantine and increase the daytime temperature to 32°C and at night to 26-28°C.

The disease is severe and in most cases ends in death, so self-medication is strictly forbidden.

Another serious disease is herpes viral stomatitis. Land turtles are more likely to suffer from this infection.

Herpiseverosis is a hereditary viral disease caused by the Herpesviridae virus.

The main reason for the manifestation of this virus is improper maintenance or improper hibernation.

Symptoms of herpiseverosis:

  • heavy salivation;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • erosion on the tongue with yellow layers;
  • the turtle is lethargic and constantly sleeps;
  • opens mouth frequently;

Herpis viral stomatitis should only be treated by a veterinarian. Since the disease is very dangerous and in 60 or even 100% of cases it ends in death.

  1. Gastric tympany in aquatic turtles

Often, the appearance of tympany occurs due to overfeeding and occasionally due to a lack of calcium in the body. Aquatic turtles are more commonly affected.


  • the turtle constantly swims on one side, mainly on the right;
  • feces come out with undigested food;
  • sometimes there is vomiting and blistering;
  • lethargy and refusal to eat.

You can try to cure stomach tympany yourself, only if the turtle eats well and is active.

The following medications will be needed for treatment:

  • Eleovit (given in the proportion of 0.6 ml per 1 kg);
  • Children's Espumisan (1 ml of Espumisan is diluted with 1 ml of water and given to the turtle at the rate of 2 ml of solution per 1 kg of turtle weight);
  • Calcium borgluconate 20% veterinary or calcium gluconate 10% (can be bought at any pharmacy). The drug is given at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight. Administer every other day 5 or 7 times a day.
  1. Dermatitis, bacterial infections and fungus in aquatic turtles

Mycotic dermatitis occurs primarily in aquatic turtle species. The main reason for the appearance of fungal diseases is improper care. Namely, too low a temperature in the aquarium and on land, untimely change of water, poor drying.


  • peeling and peeling of the skin in places where there are folds;
  • in water open areas turtle skins look as if a white film is peeling off around them;
  • pimples and swelling appear on the skin;
  • the turtle scratches its skin and red spots appear on it;
  • pieces of the shell often begin to break off;
  • Many ulcers appear, limbs and areas of the shell are affected (shell nicrosis).

Blood poisoning often occurs with a fungal infection. The disease is severe and can be treated within 2-3 weeks. The first thing to do is isolate the sick animal from other turtles. Then change everything in the aquarium: soil, water, increase the temperature, diversify and strengthen the diet, disinfect the aquarium or terrarium with alcohol.

For treatment you will need:

  • Baytril (course of injections);
  • Betadine (daily bathing for 30-40 minutes in a solution of water and Betadine for two weeks);
  • Methylene blue (add to the aquarium in the dose indicated on the package, the duration of the methylene blue course is 1 month);
  • vitamins and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Lamisil (Terbinafine) or Nizoral;
  • Baneocin or Solcoseryl.

If your turtle's shell is cracked or there are signs of shell necrosis, do not try to treat the turtle yourself; contact your veterinarian.

  1. Dry shell dermatitis in land turtles

Shell dermatitis often occurs only in land turtles. The reason for the appearance is improper maintenance and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Keeping the animal on a scratchy and constantly wet substrate also contributes to shell dermatitis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • severe peeling of the skin;
  • subcutaneous abscesses and ulcers;
  • swelling subcutaneous tissue hind limbs;
  • I experience extensive erosions throughout the skin;
  • a crust and ulcers appear on the shell.

It is impossible to treat shell dermatitis in land turtles on your own. You should contact a good veterinarian-herpetologist.

  1. Lack of calcium and vitamin D3

Calcium deficiency is the most common disease that occurs at home. The main causes of this disease are poor diet, which does not contain enough calcium, as well as a lack of ultraviolet radiation.

Main symptoms

U young turtles especially noticeable during the development period:

  • the shell does not harden (it should become hard by the end of 1 year of life);
  • deformation of the shell, jaw, paws.

Turtles aged one year and older:

  • the shell becomes soft, its back third collapses, it becomes light and flat;
  • the carapace breaks and ruptures without cause;
  • When examined, the plastrons on the shell are very soft.

Old turtles:

  • the shell becomes very light with unchanged shape and hardness;
  • bone plates become thickened and porous;

In addition to the main symptoms in at different ages others follow:

  • the turtle moves only on its forelimbs;
  • the beak is deformed;
  • frequent and causeless paw fractures;
  • aquatic species do not come to land and swim very low, almost touching the bottom;
  • accumulated fluid without blood admixture is visible in the plastron scutes;
  • mucus forms on the skin and the skin becomes sticky, and wrinkles form in the folds. yellow color flakes.

Only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose calcium deficiency in the body. After all, many of these symptoms may indicate other diseases. Only a herpetologist will establish the correct diagnosis and make special analysis to determine calcium and phosphorus in the body.

There is no point in treating your turtle on your own before diagnosis, and after diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary treatment that is suitable specifically for your pet.

  1. Hypovitaminosis A or vitamin deficiency A

Hypovitaminosis A or vitamin A deficiency can be caused by an improper diet. In pregnant females, the cause of this disease may be improper development of the embryo.

Symptoms of this disease:

  • the appearance of a runny nose;
  • problematic shedding;
  • skin peels;
  • the appearance of necrotizing stomatitis;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • peeling of scutes on the plastron and carapace;
  • horny tissue grows strongly;
  • cloacal organs fall out;
  • refusal of food and exhaustion of the body.

You can cure vitamin deficiency yourself. First of all, you should add foods high in vitamin A to your diet. For example, the following foods are suitable for land animals: dandelion, carrots, pumpkin. Aquatic turtles should be given food of animal origin (fish entrails or liver) in their diet. Give artificial vitamins in powder at least once a week.

Medicines for treatment:

  • vitamin Eleovit (veterinary pharmacy);
  • 1 ml syringe.

Treatment lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. It is not recommended to replace Eleovit with other means, especially oily drops or human medicines, as well as the drug Gamavit. These drugs are very toxic and the animal can die from their use.

The Eleovit injection is given in the back of the body. One injection once a week for 2 weeks or, if necessary, for 3 weeks. Dosage for land: 0.8 ml per kg and aquatic: 0.6 ml per kg.

  1. Helminthiasis

Both land and aquatic turtles suffer from helminthiasis. These are mainly two types of nematodes - oxyurides and roundworms. The appearance of this disease does not depend on any reason, since almost all turtles in the wild are infected with helminths.

To determine whether your turtle has helminthiasis, you should first take stool tests to veterinary clinic. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe treatment. As a preventive measure, you can give the turtle Albendazole (sold in any pharmacy) at a dose of 40 mg/kg and repeat the same procedure after 14 days.

Red-eared turtles are considered fairly unpretentious pets. However, it is very important to take proper care of them, otherwise reptiles may get sick and even die due to the fact that their owners cannot make the correct diagnosis in time. How can you tell if your pet is unwell? Next in the article we will look at the most common symptoms and treatment for your pets at home.


As in humans, pneumonia in turtles occurs after hypothermia. This is a serious disease and if not detected promptly or treated incorrectly, it can be fatal. Symptoms of pneumonia can be recognized within a day. Due to the disease, red-eared turtles will constantly be drawn to land or float to the surface of the water, since they will not be able to dive anyway.

Pneumonia can be treated either with medication or folk remedies. It is better, of course, to apply these two methods in combination. It is worth noting that during treatment there is no way to do without intramuscular injections, but the optimal dose of the required medication (this is usually Baytril, Amikacin) can only be determined by a veterinarian. Independently calculating the amount of the drug can not only harm your pet, but even lead to its death.

Folk remedies for pneumonia

The red-eared turtle, whose diseases and treatment depend entirely on the quality of care for it, can recover quite quickly. To do this, in addition to injections, you also need to use traditional methods healing. The easiest way is to make a warm, but by no means hot, solution with chamomile flowers. First you need to hold the turtle over the steam, and then place it in the liquid for about half an hour. During treatment, whatever it may be, you need to constantly ensure that the water temperature is optimal. For pneumonia, it should be approximately 29-30⁰ C.

Eye diseases of red-eared turtles: symptoms and treatment (photo)

The most common problem encountered in these reptiles is red and swollen eyes. This disease usually occurs due to an improperly balanced diet or contact with dirty water. To prevent this from happening, you need to give your pet foods high in carotene. In addition, do not forget to change the water on time.

Eye diseases of red-eared turtles, the symptoms of which, as mentioned earlier, are swelling and redness, can be successfully treated at home. For a speedy recovery, the pet is isolated and not allowed to go into the water on its own. The turtle can only be allowed to swim for a few hours, but without being completely submerged.

It should be noted that complex treatment gives the greatest effect. Therefore, the turtle’s eyes are first treated with a 3% solution of boric acid, and then, as an addition, an ointment containing the required antibiotic is used. When the swelling and redness go away, you will need to add as many foods that contain vitamin A to your reptile’s diet as possible.

Detachment of horny plates: symptoms

In many aquatic reptiles, which includes the red-eared turtle, diseases (see photo in this article) can even affect the shell. Usually their horny scutes do not fall off, although this still happens during the growth period. With age, this process slows down significantly. When the plates begin to peel off again, it depends only on improper maintenance conditions.

The reasons for the delamination of the horn may be drying out, the presence pathogenic fungus, blue-green algae, as well as a lack of vitamins A and B ₂. It's okay if the shield falls off evenly, repeating the shape of the backing. But things are bad if:

● The plate has delaminated and cavities and small bubbles have formed in it. Such consequences are caused by various fungal infections. If there are brownish crusts or gray plaque on the inner surface of the desquamated shield or on top of the new horny plate, then in this case the pathogenic process can be excluded. The fact is that the fungus can live exclusively on dead tissue. The same effect will occur from the introduction of blue-green algae.

● The plate is hypertrophied (thickened) and begins to peel off from the middle somewhere in the deep layers. Most often this problem can be fixed proper feeding and the introduction of appropriate vitamins.

● The horn peels off in the same places, forming soft areas in the form of light spots. Sometimes under the shield you can immediately detect the periosteum, on which drops of blood appear after wiping it with a bandage. This is a very serious problem - peptic ulcer shell, which in English literature is designated as USD. It has a bacterial etiology, where Beneckia hitinovora and Citrobacter freundi are quite often present.

Treatment for detachment of horny plates

In the first two previously described cases, the situation can be corrected by changing the conditions under which the pet is kept. In addition, you will have to add methylene blue to the water over the course of a month until you get a deep blue tint.

In the latter case, not only bluing is used, but also a special ointment “Clotrimazole”. If necessary, you will have to apply a whole course of systemic antifungal drugs. It is worth noting that such diseases of red-eared turtles, the symptoms and treatment of which are described just above, require drier living conditions for reptiles, i.e. they must be left without water at night.

Peeling skin

It can be caused either by the growth of the reptile or by a wide variety of diseases. Typically, peeling is the result of mechanical damage, but sometimes it can be a sign of some kind of skin disease. Red-eared turtles are often fed incorrectly, so the natural balance in their body is disrupted. Lack of vitamins such as A, B₂, B₆ and B₁₂ is often the cause of peeling skin. The same consequences can occur as a result of an overdose of vitamin preparations when treated at home.

It should be noted that different species of turtles have different needs for vitamins. It largely depends on the age of the reptile, the conditions of its keeping and feeding. That is why only a specialist should prescribe the required drug, determine the frequency of its administration and dose. In order to determine the real reason peeling of the skin and prescribe treatment, you need to show your turtle to a veterinarian.

Fungal diseases

There are also cases when the reptile begins to become covered with spots with a light cotton wool-like coating. Similar diseases of red-eared turtles can occur in other species of reptiles. Most likely, they are caused by fungi. In this case, it is necessary to treat all affected areas of the skin with potassium permanganate (1 percent solution for 20 minutes). Such procedures should be carried out within 3-4 days. You can also use an antifungal ointment, for example, Lamisil, in combination. In addition, for disinfection, all items in the aquarium will have to be boiled.

Bone diseases of red-eared turtles: symptoms and treatment (photo)

Rickets, detachment of parts of the shell and its softening are due to the same reasons: poor absorption calcium and other auxiliary microelements, as well as a lack of ultraviolet rays.

A symptom of rickets is a violation of the structure and shape of the bones, as a result of which thickenings appear on them. Determining the softness of bones at an early stage is quite difficult, but possible. To do this, you just need to take a closer look at your pet’s behavior. If your red-eared slider looks lethargic and doesn't move much, these are clear signs of a bone problem. As for the softening of the shell, its symptoms are immediately noticeable. First, its keratinized particles peel off, and then it becomes completely soft and even changes its shape.

Before treating bone diseases of red-eared turtles (see photo below), you should consult a veterinarian. He will help with advice and select the necessary complex of vitamins for the reptile, containing calcium and other useful microelements. These are, as a rule, “Eleovit”, “Intravit” and “Multivit”. If necessary, he may also prescribe additional treatment.

For these diseases, it will be useful to introduce small fish with bones into your pet’s diet. In addition, to prevent and treat any bone disease in red-eared turtles, it is helpful to place them under a lamp emitting ultraviolet rays from time to time.

Other health problems

It's no secret that each of your pets requires increased attention. The red-eared turtle also needs it. Diseases in these reptiles can be very diverse. For example, in these turtles, you can often notice some kind of mucous discharge coming out of their nose and mouth. The reason for this is viral diseases, as well as a lack of vitamin A. This affects both the cornea and the epithelium located in the nasal cavity.

The next symptom is swelling in the area of ​​the red stripes located on the head, i.e., the “ears”. Most likely it is otitis media. Swellings can be minor (just a few millimeters) or large, measured in centimeters. Common reasons The occurrence of otitis is hypothermia, less often - various types of trauma.

Sometimes you can observe a list in turtles when swimming. There are two versions here: either the reptile ate pebbles, which are abundant in any terrarium, or it fell ill with pneumonia. In the second case, in addition to heeling, there will also be swelling of the eyelids, as well as nasal discharge.

Swelling of the limbs most often occurs with gout. This is a serious disease that should not be neglected under any circumstances, otherwise your pet will die very quickly.


Almost all diseases that reptiles suffer from are accompanied by loss of appetite and lethargy. If your turtle has these two symptoms, then do not wait for others to appear, but contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. It’s better to play it safe than to let everything take its course and end up losing your beloved pet.

If you are determined to buy such a reptile, then before going to the pet store you should ask what the red-eared turtle eats. All pets have diseases, so be prepared for the fact that you may have to treat your pet. Do not forget that good conditions content and a balanced diet will help you avoid many problems, as well as ensure joyful and long-term communication with such a cute creature as a turtle!

Most often, animals living in captivity get sick from improper living conditions. Among such diseases are various colds, poisoning, and vitamin deficiencies. Treatment of turtles at home by an inexperienced amateur, as a rule, leads to the same result as the absence of treatment - the death of the animal. Therefore, my advice: if your pet begins to feel unwell, take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. During the trip to the hospital, place the animal in a linen bag and tie it tightly. To prevent your turtle from catching a cold, place the animal in your bosom in cold weather.

Periodically, turtles need to be bathed in warm (25-30 °C) water. This is essential for their health and well-being. While taking baths, animals drink, replenishing the supply of fluid in the body, and also actively cleanse the stomach and bladder. A small amount of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”) can be dissolved in water until it turns slightly pink. If the weather is cold, you should not place the turtle immediately after swimming in an outdoor terrarium, or release it on the floor. Let it dry well and warm up, otherwise the animal will definitely catch a cold. Urine in turtles (as in birds) is not liquid, but concentrated, pasty, milky white in color.

When caring for turtles and handling them, remember that they are animals. They can bite, and quite hard. Once, in the terrarium of the Moscow Zoo, a large elephant turtle, stretching its neck, grabbed one of the employees by the clothes. Catch him by the body, in best case scenario the guy would have gotten away with a big bruise. When handled, turtles often empty their bowels or bladder, so hold them plastron away from you.

After treatment, the turtle must be washed warm water(30-33 °C). The shell and legs can be wiped with a small soft brush; for soft tissues and the head it is better to use a soft cloth.

Worms (helminths)

Almost all animals that end up in the collections of amateurs from nature are infected with helminths. Fortunately, most of them are not dangerous to humans. To find out if your turtle has worms, place it in a warm bath (30-32˚C). It stimulates peristalsis, usually the turtle defecates, and the excrement can be checked for the presence of helminths and their eggs. If they exist, then it is better to contact the animal for treatment. veterinarian.

Some types of worms can be fought with carrots, which should be given for several days. The carrots are grated and given to the turtle without any additives. For five days no other food is given and every day the excrement is checked for the presence of worms. If this treatment does not help, you will still have to consult a specialist. Almost all turtles love carrots. If they still refuse it, we have to arrange for them two or three fasting days, after which the animals begin to eat.

Cold (pneumonia)

One of the most “favorite” diseases of terrarium animals. The bacteria that cause colds are resistant to antibiotics. Most often, turtles catch a cold during transportation. Sick turtles have severe runny nose, they open their mouths and frantically swallow air. The fluid released from the nostrils forms bubbles.

In the initial stage, moist wheezing is heard, the mucus in the oral cavity is transparent and stretches in threads. In this case, intramuscular or subcutaneous injections of ampicillin (50-75 mg/kg) or ampicillin trihydrate (3-6 mg/kg) are used for one to one and a half weeks with an interval of 24 hours, or tetracycline (50 mg/kg) for nine days at 24 hour intervals. You can also use chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) (50 mg/kg) for seven days at 24-hour intervals.

In more severe conditions, the animal can hear gurgling wheezing and the mucus in the mouth is cloudy and yellowish. The choanae are clogged with yellow mucus plugs. In this case, it is necessary to inject gene-tamicid-sulfate (garamycin) for 10 days with an interval of 48 hours. Dosage -10 mg/kg.

Runny nose

Outwardly it looks very similar to a cold. The reason is the use of soil that produces fine dust (expanded clay, etc.), poor nutrition, lack of vitamin A, and hypothermia. In most cases it is complicated by infection.

During treatment, vitamin A is administered once (1000-100,000 IU) and the nasal passages are washed with an antiseptic liquid using a syringe with a catheter attached to a cannula, slightly smaller than the diameter of the animal’s nostril. In this case, fluid flows out of the mouth. Repeat the procedure for the second nostril. For a runny nose complicated by an infection, this provides a temporary improvement, but for pneumonia it is not effective. Bacterial runny nose (rhinitis) is treated in the same way as a cold.


Often found in land turtles. The reason is injury to the skin, damage by mites.

Most often, abscesses are located subcutaneously, and swelling appears at the site of the lesion. For treatment, tissue is cut with a scalpel over the location of the abscess to drain the pus. For local anesthesia, use a 0.5% solution of novocaine. After this, the cavity is washed with hydrogen peroxide. Narrow gauze strips soaked in hydrogen peroxide are inserted daily into the resulting cavity. After the discharge of pus has stopped, it is recommended to pour trypsin, chymopsin, etc. into the wound.

In parallel with local treatment Antibiotics can be administered (see cold treatment method).


A very unpleasant disease that is dangerous for humans. Turtles can carry salmonella for up to a year. Therefore, after touching turtles, your hands must be washed thoroughly with soap. This is especially true for children's hygiene.

Remember that Salmonella toxins from reptiles are much more dangerous than toxins released by Salmonella from other animals, including chickens! In turtles, salmonellosis is transmitted even through eggs: the turtles hatched from them are already a source of infection!

The initial symptoms of salmonellosis are diarrhea, regurgitation of food and refusal to eat. The droppings are liquid, foul-smelling, foamy, and greenish in color. Treatment at home is unlikely: the antibiotic chloramphenicol is administered THROUGH A PROBE in the form of a suspension (50-75 mg/kg) two to three times with an interval of 48 hours.

It is better (especially if there are children) to take the animal to a veterinary hospital for killing.

Refusal to eat

As a rule, the cause of this phenomenon is too low a temperature. Before feeding, the turtle must warm up properly, only then will it be able to consume food and, no less important, digest it.

The duration of thermal baths is at least two hours in the morning, before feeding, and in the evening, before bed. But it’s better if the heaters are on all day long. At night the temperature can drop to 22-25 °C.

Other reasons for refusing to eat can be much more serious (for example, stomatitis or salmonellosis). In this case, the animal must be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

1. Change drinking and bathing water daily (and if necessary, several times a day).

2. Disinfect the water tank.

3. If some water gets on the soil in the terrarium, replace it.

4. Remove remaining feces from the terrarium or enclosure.

Please note that you should always seek the advice of a veterinarian as I have no special training.

Cold - runny nose - pneumonia

In most cases, turtles catch cold due to hypothermia or drafts.

How do I recognize a cold?

1. Irregular, difficult breathing.

2. Mucus discharge or blistering in the nose or mouth.

3. Frequent refusals to eat.

4. Apathy is likely.

5. Wheezing when breathing.

You should isolate the sick turtle from others and keep it at 29-30°C. If the condition does not improve, contact your veterinarian immediately! In the absence of complications, complete recovery is most likely. If the cold progresses, it will not be possible to do without antibiotics.

Rectal prolapse

The causes of rectal prolapse (rectal prolapse) are very diverse! This may occur due to an anatomical defect in the development of the intestine or be caused by the ingestion of foreign bodies. Supervision by a specialized veterinarian is necessary.

How do I recognize rectal prolapse?

The rectum protrudes from the cloaca. (WARNING! Do not confuse this with a penis!)

The veterinarian will use lubricant to return the intestine to its original position. Recovery is likely.


Diarrhea is most often caused by poor or stale food. In addition, diarrhea may occur due to intestinal injury.

How do I recognize diarrhea?

Feces are mushy, runny, or have a strong odor.

1. Abnormal stool (sometimes there are worms in the feces).

2. Severe weight loss.

3. Apathy is possible.

4. Sunken eyes.

You will need to have your turtle stool tested and visit a veterinarian. Clinical observation is recommended. The chances of recovery are very high in the early stages of infection; the more advanced the disease, the more difficult it is to cure.

Intestinal obstruction

How do I recognize intestinal obstruction?

Irregular bowel movements.

You need to bathe the animal in warm water, sunbathing is also possible at a temperature of 30°C. If this does not help, consult your veterinarian and an enema may be necessary. The turtle's chances of recovery are very high.

Skin damage and wounds

The reasons may be different origins, for example, dog bites, marten bites, etc.

How do I recognize a skin break or wound?

There is bleeding from the damaged area.

Disinfect the affected area and quarantine your turtle. To do this, you will need a separate aquarium, on the bottom of which you need to lay a paper towel. After each meal or bowel movement, the towel must be changed to a clean one. The veterinarian may prescribe special healing agents for better wound healing. The chances of recovery depend on the severity of the injury.


The causes of paralysis in a turtle can be very diverse, including infections, poisoning, or damage to the nervous system.

How do I recognize paralysis?

The turtle is very slow.

Please visit your veterinarian. The chances of recovery directly depend on the severity of the disease.

Dystocia (delayed egg laying)

The reason is a violation of egg laying caused by improper nesting due to low temperature or excess calcium.

How do I recognize dystocia?

1. The female digs a nest for eggs, but does not lay them.

2. Apathy is possible.

3. Egg laying begins but is not completed.

4. Refusal to eat.

5. Shortness of breath.

There are small moving dots on a turtle's skin.

Tick ​​infestation occurs in the enclosure.

How do I recognize a tick bite?

Small round foreign body V soft tissues usually on the neck or front legs.

Remove the tick using special tick pliers. The chances of recovery are good.

[Eye inflammation]

The causes are usually hypothermia combined with low air humidity.

How do I recognize eye inflammation?

Eyes closed.

If the eyes are open, the conjunctiva is red.

There may be pus or fluid in the corners of the eyes.

If the turtle's living conditions are normal, but eye inflammation still occurs, contact your veterinarian. The animal must be quarantined until recovery. If the disease is detected on early stage, the likelihood of recovery is high.

Shell deformation

The reason for the deformation of the shell is a lack of vitamins and calcium during the growing period of the turtle.

How do I recognize shell deformation?

The shell has a protrusion.

Deformities occur during adolescence, when a young animal grows too quickly, is overfed and kept in a dry environment.

Underdevelopment of the shell (rickets)

The cause is vitamin D deficiency, which is caused by insufficient calcium and UV radiation (sunlight).

How do I recognize rickets?

Easily deformed.

Bumps on the shell.

Nutrition should be filled with vitamins and minerals. In addition, your veterinarian may prescribe vitamin injections. Please consult a specialist to select the necessary treatment.

The likelihood of recovery is high, however, relapses are not excluded.

(crack or fracture) occur in most cases accidentally, after a fall or bite from an animal.

How do I recognize damage to the shell?

The shell is broken or has cracks on it.

The chances of recovery depend on the severity of the injury. The veterinarian should clean and disinfect the damaged area of ​​the shell. The damaged area must be fixed and isolated from external influences. The diet must include preparations containing calcium.

The cause may be relaxation of the retractor muscles. This only happens after mating.

How do I recognize penile prolapse?

The penis does not return to its original position.

The animal must be quarantined. Place it in the aquarium with a damp cloth. If there is no improvement within one or two days, contact your veterinarian. The prognosis is positive.


The reasons are usually unknown.

How do I recognize tumors?

In most cases, they occur in the soft tissue area in the form of growths. Contact your veterinarian! The chances of recovery depend on a number of conditions.


The main reason is poor quality food.

How do I recognize poisoning?

2. Apathy.

2. Staggering while moving.

Visit a veterinarian! The prescription of treatment depends on the severity and nature of the poisoning.

Herpes (herpes virus)

In most cases, infection with the herpes virus is fatal. You should immediately contact a veterinarian who may be able to help your animal. However, the likelihood of this is not high. Particular attention should be paid to turtles that were caught in the wild, as they are often carriers of herpes.

Video about turtle diseases