What to do if the cat crawls on the pope. Reasons why a cat rides on its buttocks and rides on its back. Blockage of the anal glands

The main reason why a cat rides on its butt or rolls on the floor on its back lies in the discomfort that the animal experiences. Of course, it can also be attracting the attention of the owner, but most often pets behave so strangely when they experience pain or itching that may not otherwise be signaled.

A step-by-step analysis of the situation and a method of eliminating the reasons that prompt the animal to such behavior will help to find the source of anxiety.

Why does a cat ride on her butt and what to do about it

Factors affecting the appearance discomfort in the anus of a cat, quite a lot:

It is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian and gradually rule out potential problems. As soon as you can find the cause that worries the cat, the irritant must be eliminated.

Why does a cat roll on the floor on its back?

Back riding is considered normal for a cat if it enjoys it. You should be wary when the animal does this constantly or rubs too hard on the floor.

Most of the causes that make a pet want to lie on its back are completely harmless, but you can also encounter a problem that requires treatment.

Physiological needs of a cat

The most common reasons why a cat rides on its back are as follows:

  1. 1. Desire to scratch your back. The paws of the animal are not able to reach the back, so it has to periodically lie on its back to scratch.
  2. 2. The manifestation of instincts or just a game. In the cat family, unlike dogs, the leader of the pair falls on his back. From the outside it may seem that he is defeated, but in fact this is how the animal gets the opportunity to strike the enemy with a strong blow with its hind legs. When the cat has played and rolls on the floor on its back, you should not stretch out your hands to it, it will take it as a challenge and attack. Even if the pet is just playing, sharp claws can hurt a lot, so at such moments you need to be careful around the animal.
  3. 3. Sexual hunting. If the animal does not have breeding value, experts recommend sterilization. This is due to the torment that the pet goes through every time due to strong hormonal changes, and with high risks diseases genitourinary system. It has been proven that neutered cats live up to 3 years longer than those who regularly suffer estrus, that is, they do not become pregnant at the right time.
  4. 4. Relaxation and stress management. Some cats behave this way to calm down and can roll on their back after a little fright or mild stress, getting rid of it in this way. This is considered normal if the pet does not experience severe discomfort and is not tense.
  5. 5. A foreign smell that the animal tries to eliminate with its own. Then the cat rubs its back not only on the floor, but also on various things and objects. As soon as the pet becomes satisfied with the result of his actions, he loses interest in this activity.

If cat riding is related to one of these options, there is nothing to worry about. This behavior does not require intervention, let alone treatment. Sterilization can be considered an exception, but this is not a mandatory method, but a recommendation from specialists. So it will be calmer for all household members and the cat itself, because even if the animal does not meow loudly, it suffers.

  • 2. Felled wool gives the animal a lot of inconvenience. Long-haired cat breeds suffer from this all the time, so regular brushing is a must. But pets with short hair do not always cope on their own, especially in the back area. To solve the problem, it is enough to choose the most suitable comb and regularly remove excess hair. With this care, the cat will swallow less wool, which will positively affect its digestive system.
  • 3. Defeats various forms fungus can cause itching and rolling on the back. It is impossible to find out which type of infection struck the animal without tests, therefore self-treatment in this case is not allowed. Depending on the degree of development of the disease is selected local therapy or complex treatment. The risk of infection with a fungus is high, even if the pet does not leave the house.
  • Each of possible causes requires timely intervention in order to relieve the animal of discomfort as soon as possible. If treatment is necessary, consultation with a veterinarian is mandatory. Pick the best cat effective drug at home is almost impossible, and treatment at random often causes various complications.

    A fairly common problem that owners of furry pets turn to the veterinarian with is a sudden change in the behavior of the animal. If the cat suddenly starts scratching under the tail, tries to wipe the anus on the carpet, or otherwise shows anxiety, you should carefully examine the affected area.

    Long-haired cats may experience discomfort after defecation. If feces are left in the hair under the tail, clean animals will try their best to get rid of them. This usually manifests itself in the fact that the cat scratches the ass on the carpet after going to the toilet. This phenomenon is absolutely normal; in the wild, felines use grass and fallen leaves for this purpose.

    However, the problem must be dealt with, as the cat can stain carpets, bedding or floors. The owners of long-haired animals have two options - either wash the cat's ass after the toilet, or cut it long hair under the tail. The first option is difficult to implement, since it is not always possible to catch the moment of departure of the pet's natural needs. The best way out of this situation is to carefully trim the wool so that there are no pieces of feces left in it and no sand from the cat's tray gets into it.

    Helminths in cats

    This problem is most often encountered either by very young kittens, or animals that are on natural feeding. Insufficiently processed meat and fish retain the eggs of worms, so infection of a pet can occur even if the cat is not on the street.

    Treatment consists of taking drugs against worms. Such drugs are toxic and can cause poisoning of the animal, so they must be selected by a veterinarian.

    It is necessary to take the pet to the doctor and pass a stool test, according to the results of which the veterinarian will select the best drug for treatment.

    In some cases, simultaneous anthelmintic therapy may be required for all family members and other animals living in the house, since worm eggs easily enter the body upon contact with an infected animal.

    Inflammation of the anal glands

    The anal glands are located on both sides anus and serve to develop a special, sharp-smelling secret that cats need to contact their relatives. For a number of reasons, these glands can become clogged and inflamed, causing severe discomfort to the animal. You can suspect a blockage of the glands by the following symptoms:

    • the cat scratches the ass on the carpet;
    • the animal gnaws its own tail;
    • the pet often scratches and licks the anus;
    • an unpleasant odor appears.

    Scratching the anus on the carpet in this case is nothing more than an attempt to free the glands from the accumulated secret. Blockage of the paraanal glands with subsequent inflammation develops against the background of frequent constipation and a decrease in muscle tone. Most often, owners of adult cats older than 3-4 years old face this problem.

    The inflammatory process is dangerous for the development of an abscess of the paraanal glands. When an abscess is opened, purulent masses may enter the general circulation, which will lead to the development of sepsis. In severe cases, blockage of the paraanal glands can be fatal.

    Principle of treatment

    It is quite simple to suspect a problem with the paraanal glands by the specific smell emanating from the cat and the release of a thick liquid when pressing on the area around the anus. Most effective method treatment is the mechanical cleaning of the glands. An inexperienced person is advised to contact a veterinarian for such a procedure. The doctor presses the area around the anus with his thumb and forefinger, as a result, a thick, sharp-smelling secret is released. This procedure is repeated several times until the glands are completely released. It is enough to see the course of the procedure once in order to cope with the cleansing of the glands on your own the next time.

    In case of severe blockage, when external action failed to achieve complete release of the ducts, it is practiced to insert a finger into the anus of the cat, followed by pressure on the glands from the inside to remove the accumulated secret. On the initial stage development, inflammatory process can be stopped with medications- anti-inflammatory suppositories with ichthyol or chloramphenicol in the composition.

    This often looks funny and funny, but actually hides a problem. And of course, the cat does not do this in order to mischief, so there is no need to scold her.

    So, let's look at the main reasons.

    The cat rides on the priest, as the paraanal glands are clogged

    If the cat rides on the priest, do not scold him, he does not do it out of harm

    This is the most common reason for this behavior.

    The paraanal glands in cats are located inside the anus. They secrete a very smelly liquid secretion.

    Usually this secret is released on its own and little by little when the cat goes to the toilet. Nature is designed to mark the territory.

    But sometimes it happens that the secret becomes viscous, thick and clogs the gland. The animal feels discomfort and even pain.

    To release the secret and cleanse the glands, the cat may begin to ride on the priest. Often these attempts are unsuccessful, and you will have to clean the glands yourself or take the cat to the veterinarian.

    The cat rides on the priest because she has worms

    This is the second most common reason. Tapeworms and pinworms can cause a lot of discomfort and itching in the anus. So the desire of a cat to ride the priest to get rid of it is completely understandable.

    Getting rid of tapeworms is quite easy - just give the cat an anthelmintic containing praziquantel, according to the instructions (twice with an interval of 14 days).

    The cat rides on the bottom because pieces of feces stuck to the fur

    Long-haired cats are more likely to suffer from this problem. The coat sticks together and forms tangles, tightening the skin. In the most advanced cases, a haircut by a groomer or veterinarian may be required.

    To avoid repeating the situation, ask the groomer or veterinarian to shave a small area around the cat's anus beforehand.

    We talked about the main reasons why a cat can ride on the bottom. As you can see, they are all fairly easy to solve.

    Do not be afraid if this is an isolated case. In the end, maybe the cat's butt was itching.

    For all the comical situation when a cat rides on the priest, you should not laugh, but look for the cause of the pet's ailment. Of course, not every owner will immediately guess that the strange behavior of the quadruped is associated with severe discomfort... and for some time will watch the "ride". When the seizures become frighteningly frequent, excitement will come, but let's make a reservation right away, whatever the cause, there is no mortal threat behind this symptom.

    When describing the anamnesis, it is necessary to take into account that the desire to ride the priest on the floor is always due to severe itching. Due to the physique, the cat cannot honor the causal place with its paws and gets out of the situation differently. In the initial stages, neither the owner nor the veterinarian will be able to identify the cause, at least visually. Since the condition does not require immediate intervention, it is recommended to act step by step, excluding the causes in turn.

    Almost all tailed purrs suffer from purity complex. The cat diligently bathes herself in the morning and in the evening, every time she is stroked, after toileting and eating. It takes a lot of time for pets to restore beauty, but with all the efforts of the ward, he will not be able to reach the “same” place. If you have a long-haired cat, and she began to ride on the priest after the toilet - carefully inspect the area under the tail maybe something stuck to the fur. Usually, "bringing cleanliness", the pet chooses rough or soft surfaces - a sofa, carpet, blanket, etc.

    Pets with short hair are also prone to cleaning their buttocks by rubbing, but such a need arises if the cat has. There are two obvious reasons: the desire to get rid of the foreign smell, and eliminate the itching caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the anus.

    Important! Irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus can occur for a number of reasons. If the pet does not have a disorder, but has itching, the condition is stopped with anal suppositories with enveloping and antibacterial properties. During the recovery period, the cat should not push, so it should be transferred to a light diet.

    The next obvious reason that can be identified visually is Availability foreign objects in the rectum. The cat comes out of the tray and if something sticks out of the anus, it tries to eliminate the mess mechanically. This situation can occur if the pet accidentally swallowed thread, thin cellophane, stationery gum etc. Naturally, your task is to remove the interfering object “out of the cat” as quickly as possible and make sure that such incidents do not happen again. You need to understand that the natural output of oilcloth or gum is luck.

    Note! The acid in a cat's stomach cannot dissolve the polymers, which can lead to intestinal blockage.

    Especially dangerous is cellophane, which is physically blocks the gastrointestinal tract. intestines is not noticeable until 8 hours, since the animal behaves quite normally and even goes to the toilet. After that, the condition deteriorates sharply.

    Read also: How and what to feed the Neva Masquerade kitten: menu by age

    The trouble is that the ill-fated piece of the package not visible on X-ray and ultrasound examination. The veterinarian has two options - to conduct an examination with contrast or immediately put the cat under the scalpel and look for the cause of the blockage visually. The second option is used more often, since contrast diagnostics require appropriate equipment, consumables, and (most importantly) experience in performing pedigree procedures.

    The next reason is surprisingly banal - to attract attention. Your cat may have once ridden on her butt for more compelling reasons, but she has learned that this behavior draws attention. Basically, a pet performs a "self-learned" trick by trying to communicate with the owner. If the four-legged calms down and does not repeat the performance after you have talked with him, caressed him, spent time together - your ward is literally lonely to the point of despair. Many animals deliberately misbehave, hoping (!) That they will be scolded and paid attention to them (thereby).

    Important! Do not forget that your pet is very social, but he does not go to work or to the store, he has no one but you.

    Very rarely, and only with individual diagnosis, the doctor can make a diagnosis related to mental disorder. Animals that have survived trauma, strong ones, can behave strangely and still not suffer. After fracture hip joint or a similar injury, the cat may experience phantom pain or itching, as if wearing a cast or diaper.

    Read also: Kitten care rules

    The second option is severe invasion leading to a bursting sensation. It seems to the pet that she wants to go to the toilet, but when trying to fulfill what she wants, nothing comes of it. Guided by instincts, the pet stimulates intestinal motility by irritating the anus.

    If the reasons for riding the priest are in worms, easy to eliminate them. A healthy, adult animal can be given Drontal or. Strong invasion requires appropriate exposure. If your pet has not traveled to distant lands, has not walked in the forests and has not hunted wild rodents, the standard spectrum of the drug will be enough.

    Important! For kittens, nursing cats, debilitated, old or sick animals, the drug should be selected with a veterinarian.

    Blockage of the anal glands

    The rear of the pet is clean, there are no foreign objects, worms have recently been chased, but the cat rides on the floor, what should I do in this case? Definitely contact the veterinarian, since the cause is (most likely) a blockage. However, keep your cool and protect your pet from unnecessary procedures. Before gland cleansing a diagnosis must be made (and justified).

    Important! Some veterinarians randomly begin to squeeze out the anal glands, and then conclude that there was no such need. The danger is that a procedure once performed may lead to the need for its regular repetition.

    There are glands around the cat's anus that secrete a strong-smelling enzyme. In normal condition, the liquid is slightly thick and does not stretch. If the pet has metabolic disorders, the secret can become liquid or thick, which will result in:

    • Hyperactive glands.
    • Accumulation of secretions in the glands.

    The article focuses on issues related to one of the most well-known problems these days that almost all pet lovers face.

    Why does a kitten ride on the pope after the toilet and how to help at home

    The reason for such a strange behavior in a kitten as “riding” on the pope may be the presence of worms in the pet. As soon as he went to the toilet, the worms begin to move, creating itching or tickling in the anus. To remove worms, you can use a special tool that is sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

    The kitten rides on the priest what does it mean if there are no worms

    If the kitten rides on the priest, then often the reason for this is worms. However, if worms are not observed in the kitten's body, then the cause may be a blockage of the paraanal glands near the anus. In a healthy kitten, the glands are cleaned on their own during a bowel movement.

    If some kind of malfunction occurs in the body, then the glands stop cleaning and become inflamed, releasing an unpleasantly smelling substance. Then you need to either clean it yourself or take it to the vet.

    Why does a kitten rub its ass on the carpet, reasons and what to do

    When a kitten rubs its ass on the carpet, you should immediately investigate this problem for several reasons.

    Scratching the ass on the carpet, the pet will leave the eggs of worms, which can then fall on a person or on the hands of a child, and then cause an infection.

    To save a kitten from an illness, you should contact a veterinarian or remove the worms yourself with the help of special preparations.