Genre of poetry in one word. Types and genres of poems - a brief overview. That is, just speak a monologue. We want

One of the main mistakes was to leave the maintenance (adding) of genres at the mercy of the authors. What you will not find on the site, and most importantly - it is difficult to decide whether it is prose or poetry.

Recently, independent input of genres on the site is prohibited. And in this article, an attempt is made to review the materials of literary sites and encyclopedias dedicated to poetry.

Poetry from the Greek - means creativity, creation.

In a narrow sense, poetry is understood as poetic, rhythmically organized speech. In this sense, poetry is opposed to prose.

An additional measure of speech is a verse (poetic line), as well as rhymes, meter, and so on. Often the word poetry is used in a figurative sense, meaning the beauty of the presentation of the depicted object, and in this sense a purely prosaic text can be called poetic. But in this article we will touch only the genres of poetry.

Here is approximately the following classification (with slight variations) of poetry given by online publications and dictionaries:

Lyric poetry serves to express strong feelings, and since they usually do not last long, lyrical works are always small. Whereas epic works sometimes make up whole volumes (for example, poems, novels), lyric works in most cases consist of several lines. The poet expressed his feeling - and puts down his pen. If he, despite the fact that his feelings have cooled, continues to write, then his lyrical work will not evoke an appropriate mood among readers: only a sincere feeling is conveyed.

epic poetry, usually a long narrative poem that tells about heroic deeds, its other name is the heroic epic. The origins of epic poetry are most likely rooted in prehistoric stories of gods and other supernatural beings. These narratives, or myths, were probably recited during sacred rituals calling for patronage. higher powers in achieving earthly well-being.

Philosophical poetry These are poems about life. This is easy to explain - after all, any person is concerned about the issues of life, death, relations with the outside world. A person who writes is rarely satisfied with his life, talks about good, evil, truth and lies, often thinks about the role of the Creator in managing people's lives. The theme of the verses - thoughts of the author becomes his own destiny.

Publicistic poetry- poetry dedicated to topical issues of socio-political life.

satirical poetry- a manifestation of the comic in art, which is a poetic humiliating denunciation of phenomena using various comic means: sarcasm, irony, hyperbole, grotesque, allegory, parody, etc.

humorous poetry- Maybe. every person, if he is not a pedant and a cracker, likes a good joke. A person who has a sense of humor, who loves to laugh, has much more reason to love and enjoy life than a gloomy pessimist.

children's poetry- In poetry for children, it is rare to find lyrics in pure form: the subject of children's poetry is not the content of the inner life of the poet, but what happens in the outside world, it is directed not at the subject, but at the object. Therefore, children's poetry is mostly epic, each poem is a small story with its own plot.

Each of these "poetry" is divided into genres. Here I will try to list in alphabetical order the most famous genres of poetry (this is my personal opinion and this list can be continued and challenged).

Ballad(from French ballade, Italian ballata from ballare - to dance) - a genre of lyric poetry, which includes works with a narrative component.

It developed from folk dance songs of love content, common among the southern Romanesque peoples, initially in Provence, and then in Italy. From about the 12th century, a small lyrical poem was called a ballad, consisting of three or four stanzas, more often eight, ten or twelve stanzas, interspersed with a chorus (refrain), and usually had a love complaint in content. Initially, such a work was sung to accompany dances.

Heroias (French heroide, of Greek origin)- a letter in verse on behalf of some famous hero of history or legend; a special kind of elegy, in which the expression of a feeling of unsatisfied and yearning love is put into the mouths of gods and heroes; poetic genre, common in the literature of the late 18th century; lost its importance with the fall of false classicism. (quote from wikipedia)

Limerick- a form of short humorous poem that appeared in the UK, based on playing around with nonsense. Traditionally, a limerick has five lines built according to the AABBA scheme, and in the canonical form the end of the last line repeats the end of the first. The plot of a limerick is built something like this: the first line says who and where, the second - what he did, and then - what came of it.

Lyrics, lyric poetry(from Greek - "performed to the sounds of a lyre, sensitive" "lyrical; lyre") reproduces the subjective personal feeling or mood of the author. Lyrics - poetry, the object of which is the personal or collective experiences of a person in the form of directly expressed feelings.

Madrigal (French madrigal, Italian madrigale)- in classical poetry, a small lyric poem-compliment, a poem of laudatory content. A song in the native (mother's) language is a small musical and poetic work, usually of a love-lyrical content; originally a monophonic song in Italian. In the XIV-XVI centuries, poetic madrigals were created, as a rule, for musical embodiment. Later, the literary madrigal was not associated with music and was a genre of salon and album poetry.

Pastourelle (fr. pastourelle))- narrative song about the meeting lyrical hero(usually a knight) with a shepherdess (pastoure) and his flirting, often interrupted by the aggressive intervention of a shepherdess friend.

Poem- a large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot. A poem is also called an ancient and medieval epic, nameless and author's.

Novel in verse- a literary genre that combines the properties of composition inherent in the novel, a system of characters with a poetic form.

rubaiyat(in plural“Rubaiyat - quatrain; a form of lyric poetry widespread in the Near and Middle East.

Knightly poetry- one of the most striking expressions of the worldview developed by chivalry. It is the poetry of the Provencal troubadours.

stanzas(French stance from Italian Stanza - room, room, stop) - a lyrical-epic work, consisting of compositionally complete stanzas, isolated from each other. This is expressed in the prohibition of semantic transfers from one stanza to another and in the obligatory nature of independent rhymes that are not repeated in other stanzas.

Stanzas - in poetry of the 18th-19th centuries. a small elegiac poem (often meditative content, less often love) with a simple strophic structure (usually 4-line 4-foot iambic) (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary). For example, "Aul Bastundzhi" Lermontov, "House in Kolomna" Pushkin.

Travesty(from Italian travestire - to dress up) - a kind of humorous (sometimes satirical) poetry, in which a poetic plot of serious or sublime content is presented in a comic form by the fact that its content is clothed in a form that does not correspond to its character (hence the name), while in a parody in a close sense, on the contrary, a serious form is preserved, but the content does not correspond to it. Depending on the type of poetry, travesty can be epic, lyrical and dramatic. (quote from Wikipedia).

philosophical poem- genre of philosophical literature.

Haiku (formerly haiku)- a genre of traditional Japanese lyric poetry.

Elegy- genre of lyric poetry; in early ancient poetry, a poem written in elegiac distich, regardless of content; later (Callimach, Ovid) - a poem with the character of thoughtful sadness. In the new European poetry, the elegy retains stable features: intimacy, motives of disappointment, unhappy love, loneliness, the frailty of earthly existence, determines the rhetoric in the depiction of emotions; classical genre of sentimentalism and romanticism. (quote from Wikipedia). Epigram (Old Greek "inscription"))- a small satirical poem that makes fun of a person or social phenomenon


If a poem is written in sublime power, it glorifies the deeds of someone or sings greatness, then this is either an ode or a hymn. They can be distinguished by the fact that the anthem is a song genre, as a rule, it is rarely found as a text. In addition, hymns are usually not addressed to a specific person. In the odes there is a more elevated and outdated vocabulary, because this is a very old, still classic genre. The hymns are still relevant today.

The absence of a strict composition (there is no division into stanzas), narration, sadness, malleability - these are all signs of an elegy. In elegies, the author's "I" is very important, so the narration often goes in the first person.

Their Europe to us is such a genre as a sonnet. You can define a sonnet by its form. Traditionally, it consists of fourteen lines arranged in a special way. There are three types of sonnets: French (abba abba ccd eed (or ccd ede)), Italian (abab abab cdc dcd (or cde cde)), English sonnet (abab cdcd efef gg).

If you see short poem(no more than two quatrains, as a rule), in which some person is wittily ridiculed, then this is the epigram genre. An important element of epigrams is comedy. Sometimes it is good humor, and sometimes it is evil satire.

If the poetic work that you see has a plot and a large volume, then this is a ballad. Ballads always have main character around which events unfold. The events described in the ballads are always unusual, they have elements of magic, the action is very dramatic. Initially, ballads were a song genre, so they can also be distinguished by the melodious rhythm. There is always some kind of conflict in the center of the ballad, the main characters are of different polarities, some represent the side of good, while others represent evil.

Lesson 7

Today we will talk about history again. History of poetry.

We need to get acquainted with the basic poetic styles.

What is style? This is the idea (the worldview of the poet), its characteristic, distinctive features, and literary techniques with the help of which this idea is realized in poetry in a certain historical period. Of course, one can write in one style or another after the end of this “certain period”, however, in literary criticism, the emergence, dawn and fading of style is usually associated with specific dates, with the work of the brightest authors, whose works the style took shape as a style.

CLASSICISM - (from lat. classicus - exemplary).

A "classic" poem is a logically constructed whole, with a strict (even schematic) plot and composition. Heroes are presented in a straightforward manner and are strictly divided into positive (which are often idealized) and negative.

Mikhail Lomonosov

The bliss of society is increasing day by day;

The monarch combines labors with labors.

Trying for the good of great joys to us,

The upbringing of small children is taken care of;

So that what is left contemptuously in the Patronymic,

Bought him a priceless treasure;

And so that from a difficult number for society

Erect with morals commendable crafts.

Guardians of good for future posterity!

Listen with joy to useful pets:

It is commendable to despise the poor,

Pure praise for the benefit of educate;

Nature says, faith commands.

Heed the importance of the royal example:

Catherine leads you to this honor,

Hurry with generosity, as with fidelity, after her.

REALISM - (from lat. realis - real).

The poet "realist" speaks not only about facts and events, he is interested in people and things, patterns that operate in life - the relationship between man and nature, heroes and time.

Alexander Pushkin"Eugene Onegin. Ch. 1, III"

Serving excellently, nobly,

His father lived in debt

Gave three balls annually

And finally screwed up.

The fate of Eugene kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her.

The child was sharp, but sweet.

Monsieur l "Abbé, poor Frenchman,

So that the child is not exhausted,

Taught him everything jokingly

I did not bother with strict morality,

Slightly scolded for pranks

And he took me for a walk in the Summer Garden.

ROMANTISM - (German Romantik).

The "romantic" poet expresses a subjective position in relation to the depicted, not so much recreates as re-creates. The hero of romanticism is an exceptional person. Lonely, dissatisfied with the order of things, rebellious, rebellious, striving for absolute freedom and an unattainable ideal.

Mikhail Lermontov

I go out alone on the road;

Through the mist the flinty path gleams;

The night is quiet. The desert listens to God

And the star speaks to the star.

In heaven solemnly and wonderfully!

The earth sleeps in the radiance of blue ...

Why is it so painful and so difficult for me?

Waiting for what? do I regret anything?

I don't expect anything from life

And I do not feel sorry for the past at all;

I'm looking for freedom and peace!

I would like to forget and fall asleep!

But not with that cold dream of the grave...

I wish I could sleep like this forever

So that the life of strength dozes in the chest,

So that breathing quietly heaves the chest;

So that all night, all day cherishing my hearing,

Above me to be forever green

The dark oak leaned over and rustled.

SENTIMENTALISM - (from French sentiment - feeling).

In sentimentalism human personality- these are the movements of the soul, thoughts, feelings, experiences. Topics - love, friendship, internal contradictions, suffering. The hero is a simple person.

Vasily Zhukovsky"SONG" When I was loved ...

When I was loved, in delight, in pleasure,

Like a captivating dream, my whole life flowed.

But I'm forgotten by you - where is the ghost of happiness?

Oh! your love was my happiness!

When I was loved, inspired by you,

I sang, my soul lived with your praise.

But I'm forgotten by you, my instant gift died:

Oh! your love was my genius!

When I was loved, gifts of beneficence

My hand carried to the abode of poverty.

But I am forgotten by you, there is no compassion in my heart!

Oh! your love was my goodness!


Not style - genre, journalism in verse. But it needs to be said.

The main theme is the protection of public interests, statehood, civic duty. Poems express social moods, wake up society, call for activity.

Nikolai Nekrasov"Poet and Citizen"

... No, you are not Pushkin. But as long as

The sun is nowhere to be seen

It's a shame to sleep with your talent;

Even more ashamed in the hour of grief

The beauty of valleys, skies and seas

And sing sweet affection ...

The storm is silent, with a bottomless wave

The skies are arguing in the radiance,

And the wind, gentle and sleepy,

Barely shakes the sails

The ship runs beautifully, harmoniously,

And the heart of travelers is calm,

As if instead of a ship

Below them is solid ground.

But the thunder struck; the storm is moaning

And the tackle is tearing, and the mast is tilting,

No time to play chess

It's not time to sing songs!

Here is a dog - and he knows the danger

And barks furiously into the wind:

He has nothing else to do...

What would you do, poet?

Is it in a cabin remote

You would become an inspirational lyre

Delight sloths ears

And drown out the roar of the storm?

May you be faithful to the appointment

But is it easier for your homeland,

Where everyone is devoted to worship

Your single personality?

In front of good hearts,

To whom the homeland is holy.

God help them!.. And the rest?

Their goal is shallow, their life is empty...

IMPRESSIONISM - (from French impression - impression).

Characteristics of style - compositional fragmentation, associative connection of objects and images, subjectivity, momentary impressions. The poet seeks to capture a moment of life that will never happen again.

Athanasius Fet

Don't wake her up at dawn

At dawn she sleeps so sweetly;

Morning breathes on her chest

Brightly puffs on the pits of the cheeks.

And her pillow is hot

And a hot tiring dream,

And, blackening, they run on their shoulders

Braids tape on both sides.

And yesterday at the window in the evening

For a long, long time she sat

And watched the game through the clouds,

That the moon was gliding.

And the brighter the moon played

And the louder the nightingale whistled,

She became more and more pale

My heart was beating harder and harder.

That's why on a young chest,

On the cheeks so the morning burns.

Don't wake her up, don't wake her up

At dawn she sleeps so sweetly!

SYMBOLISM - (fr. Symbollisme, from the Greek symbolon - a sign, an identification sign).

Concept: the world and man - through scientific experience, logical analysis and realistic depiction - are fundamentally unknowable. The symbolist poet recognizes only intuitive knowledge, wants to guess or feel the deep state of the world, and discover its ideal (spiritual) essence.

Vladimir Solovyov

Dear friend, can't you see

That everything we see

Only reflections, only shadows

From invisible eyes?

Dear friend, don't you hear

That the noise of life is crackling -

Just a garbled response.

Triumphant harmonies?

Dear friend, don't you hear

What is one thing in the whole world -

Only what heart to heart

Saying hello?

AKMEISM - (from Greek akme - highest degree, peak, maximum, heyday).

Concept: rediscovering the beauty and value of human existence, simplicity and clarity poetic language, the severity of the composition, the exact words and

images, materiality, objectivity, “joyful admiration of being” (Nikolai Gumilyov).

Anna Akhmatova

Husband whipped me patterned

Double folded belt.

For you in the casement window

I sit with fire all night.

It's dawning. And above the forge

Smoke rises.

Ah, with me, a sad prisoner,

You couldn't be again.

For you, I'm gloomy

I took my share.

Or do you love a blonde

Or a redhead?

How can I hide you, sonorous groans!

In the heart of a dark, stuffy hop,

And the rays fall thin

On an unrumpled bed.

FUTURISM - (from lat. futurum - the future).

The poet "futurist" does not recognize the classical heritage, experiments with the word, shocks the public, is a literary hooligan (the manifesto of the Russian futurists was called "Slap in the Face of Public Taste") and puts himself, his ego, above all else.

Igor Severyanin"Egopolonaise"

Live, Live! Tambourines under the sun

Come on, people, into your polonaise!

How fruitful, how golden-trumpeted

rye sheaves of my poetry!

Love and Nega fall in them,

Both Pleasure and Beauty!

All the sacrifices of the world in the name of Ego!

Live, Live! - sing the mouth.

There are only two of us in the whole universe,

And these two are always one:

Me and Desire! Live, Live! -

You are destined for immortality!

DECADENCE - (from French decadence - decline).

Decadence is also not a style - a direction. Concept: loss of hopes, ideals, a sense of the meaninglessness of life. Topics: non-existence, death, the cult of fading beauty,

freedom of the individual, the preaching of "art for art's sake", detachment from reality and "withdrawal into oneself".

Zinaida Gippius"Powerlessness".

I look at the sea with greedy eyes,

Chained to the ground, on the shore...

I stand over the abyss - over the heavens, -

And I can’t fly to the blue.

I don't know whether to rise or submit,

No courage to die or live...

God is close to me - but I can not pray,

I want love - and I can not love.

I stretch out my hands to the sun

And I see a canopy of pale clouds...

I think I know the truth

And I just don't know the words for her.

IMAGINISM - (from fr. image - image).

Concept: the victory of an intrinsically valuable image over the meaning and idea of ​​the work.

The poet "Imagist" considers poetic creativity as a process of language development through metaphor. His poem should be a "catalog of images", read the same way from the beginning and from the end.

Sergey Yesenin

Furtively in moonlight lace

The valley catches ghosts.

At the deity behind the lamp

Magdalena smiled.

Someone bold, rebellious,

Envy the smile.

Inflated walleye black evening,

And the moon - as in a white unsteady.

The three-blizzard played out,

Sweat splashes, cold, tart,

And weeping bream

Climbs to the wind on the backs.

Death in the dark sharpens the razor...

Look, Magdalene is crying.

remember my prayer

One who walks in the valleys.

ABSURD - (from lat. absurdum - absurdity, nonsense).

Concept: emphasized violation of causal and temporal relationships, grotesqueness, alogism, shocking. Bright ideologists and practitioners of style united in the OBERIU group (Association of Real Art).

Alexander Vvedensky"Excerpt"

There was a case near Poltava

no, it's not a case, it's a medal

we fought then with the Swede

slightly to the right we are to the left

shh we see ran

torn blue skirt

I scream stop

slightly to the right we are to the left

behind a pine near Poltava

naked sitting Mazepa

says he would be Fedor

it would be more fun

here is my whole army

burst into tears

will scream and speak

what an unfortunate

since that time the tavern has been here.


Concept: life-affirming pathos, loyalty to the ideals of socialism and communism, internationalism, a clear belonging of the hero to the social stratum (working class, peasantry, intelligentsia, bourgeoisie).

Vladimir Mayakovsky"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"

a story about Lenin.

But not because

no more

what a sharp longing

became clear

conscious pain.

Lenin's slogans whirlwind.

spread out

tear puddle,

more than alive.

Our knowledge is

and weapons.

CONCEPTUALISM - (from lat. conceptus - thought, idea).

reaction to socialist realism. The poet "conceptualist" does not work with images - with ideas. Often uses established Soviet period ideological cliches “Soviet texts or slogans worn to holes, speech or visual clichés” (V. Rudnev).

Timur Kibirov“Twenty sonnets to Sasha Zapoeva. 5"

Days passed. You have already eaten from a spoon

Here's a jingle tooth. Here the ass is rounded.

You filled with meaning, you were furious,

gurgling in the midst of eternal emptiness.

There were congresses. It snowed. Flowers bloomed.

Diathesis flourished. The diapers were golden.

The German carriage rolled into the distance.

And I forgot the rebellious dreams.

What is glory? What are the delights of voluptuousness?

What is happiness? It must be happiness.

You collected, like a lens, in a bundle

scattered in the stormy air

rays of love, and this light kindled -

no, not coal - a lamp wick.

And finally, the style of the new time:

COSMISM - (Greek κόσμος - “ ordered world»)

Concept: space is a structurally organized ordered world, man is a citizen of this world. The microcosm is like the macrocosm. The poet in one line is able to combine the small and the big.

Andrey Romanov"Light of Creation"

I would call the Universe by your long name.

Having conquered nothingness

not having time to enjoy the victory ...

The trams ran

as if Perseus and Andromeda,

Empty housing,

enough space for two.

Indifferent dawn

Touched your hair

In anticipation of frost, he put on hiking boots.

To find you

I was given seconds

If you believe in the word

cosmic star clock.

The snow is falling

drowning out the noise of the people.

The atom threw out the quanta,

like white flags - apartment

besieged city...

Creation Light

Just reached

Petersburg night squares.

And the trams stood on tiptoe,

Listening to the snow

The one who was born

On the firn forehead of Everest.

And Palace Square, as if someone else's bride,

Will remind me of you

One that is long gone:

Our youth is gone

Catching a cold in the opposite wind.

Ligovka came to her senses.

Washing knows no doubt.

And over the Neva Bay,

In the coming delirium of the floods,

You whisper to me through the blizzard

That I will never die.

Poetry aficionados often argue about which genre a particular poem belongs to. In fact, there are a great many varieties, including lyrical ones. To understand them is sometimes on the shoulder only to specialist philologists. There are elegies, and odes, and satirical verses, and poems in prose - you can’t list everything. Many genres in our time have "gone off the stage" and are almost never found.

Let us briefly consider what genres are. As you know, lyrical forms can vary in volume (small - poems, sonnets, epigrams, odes, etc., larger ones - poems, ballads), genres, content (love lyrics, friendly message, solemn praise, satirical epigram, etc.). Poetic works can be strictly canonized in form (have a strictly defined number of lines or stanzas) or written in a free form, sometimes without observing the size and rhyme ("white" verses). However, the impression of "complete freedom" of versification in this case is misleading - any work is created according to certain canons.

So, the main genres of poems. A classic poem is considered a small (unlike, for example, a poem) literary work in poetic form. Since the 19th century it has been the most common form of lyrics. Ode - a pathetic, solemn work, glorifying someone or something, was often performed to music. It means "song" in Greek. Elegy - this name in ancient poetry was understood as a poem written in the form of an elegiac distich, later (in Western European poetry) romantic-sentimental works, telling about unhappy love, disappointments, and the frailty of being, began to be called elegies.

A ballad is a poetic work that has a plot, usually of a folklore or historical nature, often based on some kind of legend. Ballads often had a mysterious, sometimes gloomy flavor. The song belongs to the verbal-musical art. The form usually consists of stanzas or couplets. According to the content, it can be from lyrical to satirical, according to the composition of the performers - solo or choral, with or without musical accompaniment. The song can be folk or professional, it can be author's (for example, a romance).

Many genres of poetry are no longer found today. This message is a work addressed to a specific or fictional person (it was popular from ancient times until about the middle of the 19th century), a madrigal is a complimentary poem addressed, most often to a woman, an apologist is a moralizing poem.

Bucolica (pastoral) is the common name for two separate genres that are often confused - eclogues and idylls. Eclogue depicts everyday rural scenes, dialogues between shepherds and shepherds. The idyll tells of a peaceful and carefree life in the bosom of nature (often this concept is used with irony). Both of these varieties originated in ancient Greece and existed until the early 19th century.

There are genres of poems, clearly structured, with a form given by classical canons. This is a sonnet consisting of 14 lines, including 2 quatrains for 2 rhymes (called quatrains) and 2 three-line (so-called terceta) for 3 or 2 rhymes. Sonnets appeared in Italy in the 13th century and were extremely popular during the Renaissance, reflected in the poetry of the Baroque, Romanticism and partly Modernism styles.

The genre of a poem of 15 lines can also be attributed to solid forms, with the 9th and 15th lines being a non-rhyming refrain, repeating the beginning of the first line. In addition to rondo, solid forms include triolet, ritornello, stanzas, octave, siciliana, rondel.

The genres of poems of a comic nature have always been and are popular. - a short moral work with an indispensable moral at the end, the heroes of which were usually animals and fairy-tale characters. An epigram is a short, satirical poem that often makes fun of someone. Burlesque is a kind of comic genre.

In a separate group, one can single out the genres of poetic works, one way or another based on the variation of grammatical forms or simply a play on words. This is an acrostic, from the initial letters of which you can add a word or phrase, an anacyclic verse (read from beginning to end and vice versa), burime (poems to a predetermined rhyme), a palindrome (read the same way from right to left and vice versa), etc.

Genres of literature- these are historically developing groups of works of literature, which are united by a set of formal and meaningful properties based on formal features.

Fable- a poetic or prose literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a brief moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality.

Ballad- this is a lyrical-epic work, that is, a story set forth in poetic form, of a historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of the ballad is usually borrowed from folklore.

epics- these are heroic-patriotic songs-tales that tell about the exploits of the heroes and reflect the life Ancient Rus' IX-XIII centuries; a kind of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality.

visions- is a genre of medieval literature, which is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of the image of a "clairvoyant" in the center of the narrative and the afterlife, otherworldly, eschatological content of the visual images themselves, revealed to the clairvoyant, on the other.

Detective is a predominantly literary genre, the works of which describe the process of investigating a mysterious incident in order to clarify its circumstances and solve the riddle.

Comedy- a type of dramatic work. Displays everything ugly and ridiculous, funny and awkward, ridicules the vices of society.

Comedy of manners(comedy of characters) is a comedy in which the source of the funny is the inner essence of the characters and mores of high society, a funny and ugly one-sidedness, an exaggerated trait or passion (vice, flaw). Very often comedy of manners is a satirical comedy that makes fun of all these human qualities.

lyric poem(in prose) - view fiction, emotionally and poetically expressing the feelings of the author.

Melodrama- a type of drama, the characters of which are sharply divided into positive and negative.

Myth is a narrative that conveys people's ideas about the world, man's place in it, about the origin of all things, about gods and heroes.

Feature article- the most reliable type of narrative, epic literature, displaying facts from real life.

Song, or song- the most ancient type of lyric poetry; a poem consisting of several verses and a chorus. Songs are divided into folk, heroic, historical, lyrical, etc.

Science fiction- a genre in literature, and other forms of art, one of the varieties of fantasy. Science fiction is based on fantastic assumptions (fiction) in the field of science, including different kinds sciences, such as: exact, natural, and humanities.

Novella- this is the main genre of short narrative prose, more short form fiction than a short story or a novel. The author of stories is usually called a novelist, and the totality of stories is called short stories.

Tale- medium form; a work that highlights a series of events in the life of the protagonist.

Oh yeah- a genre of lyrics, which is a solemn poem dedicated to an event or a hero, or a separate work of such a genre.

Poem- type of lyrical epic work; poetic storytelling.

Message(uh pistol literature) is a literary genre that uses the form of "letters" or "messages" (epistol).

Story- a small form, a work about one event in the life of a character.

Fairy tale- This genre literary creativity, h Most of all, fairy tales contain magic and various incredible adventures. .

Novel- large form; a work, in the events of which many characters usually take part, whose fates are intertwined. Novels are philosophical, adventure, historical, family and social.

Tragedy- a type of dramatic work that tells about the unfortunate fate of the protagonist, often doomed to death.

Folklore- a type of folk art that reflects the general laws of the social development of peoples. There are three types of works in folklore: epic, lyrical and dramatic. At the same time, epic genres have a poetic and prose form (in literature, the epic genre is represented only by prose works: a story, a novel, a novel, etc.). A feature of folklore is its traditionalism and orientation to the oral way of transmitting information. The carriers were usually rural residents (peasants).

epic- a work or a cycle of works depicting a significant historical epoch or a great historical event.

Elegy- a lyrical genre that contains in a free poetic form any complaint, an expression of sadness, or an emotional result of philosophical reflection on the complex problems of life.

Epigram- This is a small satirical poem that makes fun of a person or social phenomenon.

epic- this is a heroic narrative about the past, containing a holistic picture of people's life and representing in a harmonious unity a kind of epic world of heroes-heroes.

Essay is a literary genre, a prose work of small volume and free composition.