Health-saving technologies in dou lesson notes. Lesson summary using health-saving technologies Fascinating travel. Presentation “Emergency Vitamin Aid”

Lesson using health-saving technologies

V senior group"Teremok"

"Health Book for Kids"

Target:the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards human health and life.

Tasks:accumulation of knowledge about health and development of skills to protect, maintain and preserve it,systematize children’s ideas about body parts, develop speech, attention, and memory. Cultivate moral qualities.

Material and equipment: a ball, game visors, a picture of a camel and a stooped man, pictures with a set of products, snowflakes on a string, bags of sand, calm music.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizing moment.

Playback Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

Have you ever wondered why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

Now let's say hello to each other. But not as usual.

Social and communicative game “Let's say hello...”

Children, at the leader’s signal, move chaotically around the room and say hello to everyone who meets them on the way. You have to greet yourself in a certain way:

· one clap - we shake hands;

· two - hangers;

· three - backs.

2.Surprise moment.

The teacher asks the nursery teacher why she is so sad. The teacher of the “Thumbelina” group answers that the children of her group began to get sick often and does not know how to help the kids remember how to take care of their health, especially in winter.

Playback Guys, we have a health book in our group. Let's give it to the kids. But first I suggest repeating the rules of a healthy lifestyle .

We know many proverbs about health.

Proverbs and sayings about health.

Health is more important than money.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.

Illness does not make a person look good.

Health comes in days and goes away in hours.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

He who is neat is liked by people.

Cleanliness is the best beauty.

To live cleanly is to be healthy

Clean water is a disaster for sickness.

Playback Now choose what else you can call a healthy person? Let us characterize a healthy person.

Word game “Remove the extra word”

Beautiful; Pale; Funny.

Stooped; Rosy; Strong.

Strong; Fit; Painful.

Dexterous; Slim; Sad.

We have given the characteristics of a healthy person. This is a beautiful, strong, dexterous, ruddy, slender, strong and fit person.

Playback Guys, our body is a single organism. But it consists of separate parts. What are these parts?

Didactic game"You are a part of me" (The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking a question.)

I am the face, you are my part. Who are you? (eyes, eyebrow, nose, etc.)

I am the head, you are my part. Who are you? (hair, ears)

I am the body, you are my part. Who are you? (back, stomach)

Playback Guys, go to the tables. (sat down at the tables).

In winter, our body needs more vitamins. And we can get them with food. I collected healthy foods and I suggest you come up with vitamin-rich dishes for our kids.

D\I on game visualizers “Vitamins in a plate”

Children choose ingredients for healthy dishes on the game displays and each one tells about his own story.

Playback Well done. Let's invite the chefs to prepare our dishes.

Now listen to the poem.

Reading of E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Grandfather and the Boy."

There lived an old, old boy

With a slouched back,

He was hunched over a book,

Bent over for food.

And he grumbled. Grumbled. Grumbled

And he upset everyone.

They will send him for bread, and he grumbles at the same time.

They will ask you to wash the dishes,

Back hurts! "I won't"

I won't! I won't!

And he had a grandfather

Who didn't grumble

And he didn't grumble. And he didn't grumble.

And he saved everyone.

And this strange grandfather

He had a straight back

Cheerful, stately grandfather.

Well, just young!

What is this poem talking about and about whom? (children's judgments).

Yes, smooth strong back very important for health. Especially in winter. Do you love winter fun? Which ones do you know? (children's answers)

Yes, we love to skate, ski, sled, it is also often slippery and a strong back helps keep the body from falling.

Now let's compare these pictures (a stooped man and a camel)

The camel's back is also stooped and humpbacked. Do you think this is good or bad for him? (children's opinion).

That's right, this animal has special humps on its back - a traveling food supply; in the desert it can go without eating for several days. The straighter a person's back, the better.

Do you want to have beautiful, correct posture?

Then let's learn to keep our back straight. Children, raise your head, your chin should not be higher than your shoulders, and your shoulders should be at the same level. Pull your stomach in. This is how your posture should be.

Game "Don't drop the jug"

(Children stand at the line, put a bag of sand on their heads and walk to the landmark and back)

There is no bag on the head,

And there is a jug of water.

If you suddenly drop it,

It will be broken immediately.

You have to stand up very straight.

Keep your head straight.

You go, don't rush,

And back to hell, come back!

Playback Come on, guys, to the chairs.

In winter, children, like those in the “Thumbelina” group, often suffer from colds.

What diseases are most common? (sore throat, runny nose, cough).

Tell me, how should you breathe outside in winter so as not to catch a cold? (Through the nose)

Let's breathe on the snowflakes.

Breathing exercises “Snowflake” (children blow on snowflakes from napkins on strings)

Original gymnastics

Part of the gymnastics is based on pronouncing vowel sounds with a kind smile on your face.

Sit comfortably. Relax, calm down. Pronounce the sound [a] evenly, slowly, at the same height.
Pronouncing the sound [i] under the same conditions activates the brain.
Pronouncing the sound [o] puts things in order middle part chest.
Alternating sounds [o], [and] massages the heart.

Playback Guys, do you like massage?

You can massage not only your back. We will learn how to do facial massage to prevent colds. And if you do it every day, you will get sick less.


1. So that your throat does not hurt

We will stroke him boldly (stroke his neck with his palms with soft movements from top to bottom)

2. To avoid coughing or sneezing

You need to rub your nose (use your index fingers to rub the wings of your nose)

3. We will also rub our forehead

We hold our palm with a visor. (put your palms to your forehead with a “visor” and rub your forehead)

4. Make a “fork” with your fingers,

Massage your ears skillfully. (spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front of and behind the ears)

5. We know, we know, yes, yes, yes

We are not afraid of colds. (rubbing palms)

Playback Well done. We have repeated a lot and I suggest you rest.

Relaxation lying on the carpet "Listen to yourself"

Playback Listen to the peace within yourself, to your even breathing, to the beating of your heart. You feel calm and happy, you don’t want to move. Every cell of your body enjoys peace and warmth. Your health is inside you and you protect it. You are resting....

Now open your eyes. We are well rested, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will be with us throughout the day.

Let's review the health rules.

Poems about health

Don't sit at the computer.

Sad and not cool at all

If your best friend is a computer!

Don't sit at the monitor

Go for a walk in the yard.

Best friends in the world

Not computers, but children. Christina

Don't lift weights.

Strong men lift

Rods, logs, tractors.

It's difficult for everyone else,

You can get a hernia.

Be smart and understand:

It's heavy - don't lift it. Seryozha

Don't put everything in your mouth.

We grab everything with our hands.

We don’t know who grabbed it before us.

So don't suck your fingers

Don't bite your nails!

Don't put things in your mouth

So that your tummy doesn't hurt. Anya Sh.

Wash your hands before eating.

Before eating and drinking,

You need to wash your hands with soap.

Otherwise, straight into your mouth

A platoon of microbes will fall.

And the dirty one will get sick.

Being healthy is more fun! Lisa R.

Good mood.

The one who is the most angry

A very frequent visitor to the hospital.

And whoever is cheerful is healthy

And without any doctors.

In a good mood

We can cure diseases! Igor

Do exercises!

Even in a busy schedule

The place must be charging.

Any baby without her

He will become weak, like a mouse. Samson

Don't drink soda.

Soda is nonsense.

Just water with chemistry.

To grow tall

Better drink kefir and juices. Valya

Eat right.

So as not to lose your health,

We need to eat right.

Those who eat everything

They'll spend a century in the hospital.

Their sweets will turn into

Preventive pills. Nastya B.

Get a medical checkup.

The disease can hide

And it doesn’t show up right away.

We need doctors' supervision.

Get a medical checkup!

Starting treatment on time

You can avoid suffering! Arina

3. Bottom line.

We give a health book to kids.

Summary of an open integrated lesson on speech development using health-saving technologies in the preparatory group

Topic: “Journey to the Kingdom of Health”

Educator: Ilyenko E.V.

Chertkovo village 2012

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to take care of their health and develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


- formation of non-speech breathing;
- improvement of articulatory motor skills;
- expansion of the active dictionary;
- development of attention, thinking, memory;
- development of general and fine motor skills.

Developed skills:

- answer the question;
- solve riddles;
- consolidation of basic types of movements: walking, maintaining balance, coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment:
Computer presentation “Guess it”,
Magnetic board, model of a tree, toothbrushes, soap, combs, toothpaste, towels, Kutalka’s house, snowballs, “stream”, bridge - massage path, hoops, dummies of fruits and vegetables, red and white footprints.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoons:

“Mitya and the Microbus” by the Soyuzmultfilm studio, scriptwriter E. Agranovich, director M. Kamenetsky.
Animated series “Smeshariki”: “Hands”, “ORZ”, “Hedgehog and Health”.
Animated series "Luntik": "Invisible dirt".


Where do diseases come from?
How to beat a cold.
Why do exercises?
How to become strong.
Why brush your teeth?
Why does soap sting?
About the benefits of vitamins.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

Educator: Children, look what a beautiful day it is today! We have many guests and they are all in a good, joyful mood. They are all cheerful and healthy. But our Valera was captured by Queen Cold and he feels very bad and sad.

A child reads the poem “Flu” by S. Mikhalkov.

I look sad -

My head hurts

I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse.

What's happened?

And the nasty flu in the nose!

In five minutes they stripped me,

Everyone around began to feel sorry.

I'm lying in my bed -

I'm supposed to be sick.

The temperature has risen,

I lie there and don’t complain.

I drink salty medicine,

I gargle with sour.

I lie for a day, I lie for the second,

Third, I don’t go to school.

And they don’t let friends in,

They say that I will infect you!

Educator: Do you want to help Valera and save him from the captivity of Queen Cold?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you want to be brave, healthy, strong and not get sick?

Children: Yes. We want.

Educator: Then I suggest you go to a very interesting trip to the Land of Health.

How fun, how fun

Go with friends

On a mysterious journey

Come with us!

The teacher and children approach the path. She has white and red marks on her.

Educator: What it is?

Children: Footprints. White. Reds.

Educator: Whose red hot tracks do you think these are?

Children: This was left by a cold. This heat.

Educator: When does high temperature occur?

Children: When your head hurts. When a person is sick. I got infected and caught a cold. When they are not hardened.

Educator: That's right. And when a person is sick, then he has Bad mood and no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.

Physical education minute

Early in the morning we go to the clearing one after another (Walking with legs raised high)

And let’s all start the exercises together in order.

Once - get up, stretch. (Stand on your toes, raise your arms up)

Two – bend over, straighten up. (Tilt down, stand up - arms to the sides)

Three – clap your hands three times. (Clap your hands)

Three nods of the head. (Head tilts)

By four – your arms are wider. (Hands to the side)

Five - wave your arms. (Waving hands)

Six – stand quietly in place. (Get back to starting position)

Educator: And these white marks are signs of health. What tracks will you and I follow on our journey? Of course, on white!

The children follow the white footprints at varying paces.

Educator: Oh! Where have we ended up? What kind of hut is this? Who lives in it? Let's knock.

Finger gymnastics

Knock your fingers louder (Clench your hands into fists)

Knock-Knock. (Tap with index fingers)

Fists help them (Knock with tightly clenched fists)

Here, there, here.

Kutalka comes out.

Cutalka: Hello guys! Oh! How cold it is here. I am Kutalka! I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick and cold all the time. What do you think: why?

Children: You are dressed very warmly. Are you Hot. You feel uncomfortable walking. You need to dress according to the weather. Cutalka: Please teach me how to dress correctly.

The teacher encourages children to dress appropriately for the weather. The children undress Kutalka and take off her warm winter clothes.

Cutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick. Educator: Yes, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don’t get sick. And you and I will move on. Don't forget: you can only step on white footprints!

The teacher and children approach the “magic” tree. Toothbrushes, soap, combs hang on the tree, toothpaste, towel.

Educator: Guys, what kind of tree is this? What's growing on it?

Children: Toothbrushes. Soap. Combs. Towel.

Educator: What is soap used for?

Children: To wash your hands.

Educator: When should you wash your hands?

Children: Before eating. After the walk. After the toilet. After drawing and sculpting. Educator: What is a towel for?

Children: To dry your hands after washing.

Educator: What is a comb for?

Children: To comb your hair. Be beautiful. Be careful.

Educator: What are toothpaste and toothbrushes for?

Children: To brush your teeth. To keep your teeth clean and healthy. To chew well.

Educator: Look where we have come! This is a forest! There is fresh and clean air here. Who is this running towards us? Upbeat music sounds. Big Man appears.

Big guy: Hello guys! I'm Healthy! I am strong, agile, healthy. I know how to do tongue exercises correctly. Do you want to do it together?

Children perform articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics

Our kids got up early (smile)

We ran to brush our teeth (“brush” the upper and lower teeth with our tongue 4-5 times),

Right - left, right - left.

We brush our teeth skillfully!

We'll rinse your mouth with you. (Imitation of mouth rinsing)

Our Vladik took the comb (Bite your tongue with your teeth)

And he began to comb his hair. (Move your tongue back and forth)

We don’t lag behind him: We’ll show everything with our tongue.

Start the football match! (The mouth is closed. The tongue rests with tension on one or the other cheek)

Now it's time for breakfast:

The cook baked us a pancake,

Lick your mouth quickly. (Lick the lower lip and upper lip in turn)

Big guy:

Thirty-two funny teeth

They clung to each other.

Up and down they rush in a hurry,

They gnaw bread, gnaw nuts.

Guys, smile at each other.

Educator: Thank you! Look how strong our children's teeth are. Smile at each other. How beautiful you are when you smile.

Educator: And also , children! To be strong, strong, and not get sick, you need to breathe correctly. Let me teach you.

Acupressure massage with elements of breathing exercises

We warm our hands (Put your palms together, rub them until they heat up)

We warm the tip of the nose. (Tug the tip of your nose slightly)

Thin nose. ( Index fingers pull your nose slightly)

We warm our ears. (Forefinger and thumb auricle run from top to bottom)

Swan neck. (We stroke the neck with our hand from thoracic up to the chin)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left, and then vice versa)

Let's blow away a snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (2-3 times))

The teacher and children thank Big Guy and invite him on a trip with them. Prince Apchhi comes towards him and sneezes loudly.

Educator: Look, children, Prince Apchhi wants to infect us. He sent a whole cloud of germs at us.

Outdoor game "Microbes"

Prince Apchhi throws “germs” (lumps) at children. Whoever gets hit should start sneezing and drop out of the game.

Educator: Oh. What great fellows you are, how clever and brave you are. Guys, what should we do to avoid getting infected?


Sports game "Obstacle"

1) “Cross the stream” Children step at a side step from hummock to hummock. 2) “Don’t get your feet wet” Walking on a massage path (prevention of flat feet). Educator: What a great fellow you are!

Educator: Guys, look, there is a magic chest on our way, he wants to play with us.

View the presentation “Guess it” (riddles about fruits and vegetables)

Educator: Well done! All fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins.

The teacher and children approach the path. She has white and red marks on her.

Educator: What it is? Whose red hot ones do you think these are?

footprints? When does high temperature occur? (Children's answers)

That's right. And when a person is sick, he is in a bad mood and has no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.

Physical education minute

Early morning exercise

We go one after another.

And everything is in order

Let's start the exercises.

One - get up, pull yourself up.

Two – bend over, straighten up.

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

By four – your arms are wider.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down quietly.

Educator: And these white marks are signs of health. According to what

Will you and I hit the trail? Why? (Children's answers) Well done, then let's go!

The children follow the white footprints at varying paces.

Kutalka enters to the music.

Cutalka: Hello guys! Everyone calls me Kutalka!

I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick and cold all the time. How are you

you think: why? (Children's answers)

Cutalka: (starts to undress) I understand, now I’ll undress and go for a walk.

Educator: You should also not wear light clothing ahead of time. Let's look at the story about the girl Sveta together with the guys.

Presentation “Don’t wear light clothes ahead of time”

based on poems by G. Shalaeva

Cutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick.

Educator: Yes, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don’t get sick. And you and I will move on.

The teacher and children approach the “unusual” tree. On the tree

hanging: Toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, soap, shampoo, comb.

Educator: What grows on a tree? Why are these items needed? (Children's answers)

Didactic game “What is for yourself and what is for the family?”

(The teacher invites the children to “harvest” from the tree by arranging them

in 2 baskets determine which items everyone can use

family members, and some for personal use only.)

(Upbeat music sounds. Big Man appears.)

Big guy: Guys, do you recognize me? Everyone used to call me Kutalka, but now I’ve become Big Guy.

Educator: Who helped you become Healthy?

Big guy: This is the good wizard Sport-on

Makes the evil good

The cowardly - the brave,

The weak become strong,

The sick are healthy.

Wizard Sports taught me a healing acupressure

massage. Let me teach you!

Acupressure massage with elements of breathing exercises.

We warm our hands. (Join your palms and rub them together until they heat up.)

We warm the tip of the nose. (Tug the tip of your nose slightly.)

Thin nose. (Pull your nose slightly with your index fingers.)

We warm our ears. (Use your index finger and thumb along the auricle from top to bottom.)

Swan neck. (We stroke the neck with our hand from the chest to the chin.)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left. Then vice versa.)

Let's blow away a snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
(2-3 times).

(The teacher and children thank the big guy.)

Big guy: My parting instructions to you children:

To grow up healthy, energetic and smart,

To drive away fatigue, laziness,

Don't be lazy early in the morning, get ready to exercise!

The sun, air and water always help us!

To strengthen your muscles, do physical exercises!

Goodbye, kids! Hi all! Physical training!

(A sad melody plays to whichprincess Apchhi,

sits around the “germ-balls”, sneezes loudly in her hands

white balls - “microbes”.)

Educator: Droplet microbes also look like balls, only they are so small that we cannot see them. They fly through the air where there are sick people and can get to healthy people in the nose and mouth and cause illness. Flu and colds are spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes - this is called airborne transmission. Microbes live in unboiled water, in stale food, and on dirty hands. If a person does not brush his teeth, then germs settle in his mouth.

Princess Apchhi:

I had fun and played

Nothing upset me.

While I was healthy

My business was going well.

But the cold took me prisoner,

Germs were scattered everywhere.

You can't be friends with microbes,

They are very difficult to defeat.

I feel very bad.

All hope is on you!

Will you help me friends?

Educator: Children, we need to defeat the germs and save Princess Apchhi. Shall we help her?

Outdoor game "Microbes".

(Princess Apchkhi throws “germs” (balls) at the children. Whoever hits them must answer the question: “How to defeat germs?” When answering correctly, the teacher punctures the balls.)

The teacher offers to provide “First aid with vitamins” to Princess Apchkhi and the children who were hit by the “germ balls.”

Presentation “Emergency Vitamin Aid”

Educator : You guys are so great! Princess Apchkhi was bewitched and she turned into a healthy girl, Alina. I suggest you do eye exercises to strengthen and relieve tension from our eyes.

“Fun week” gymnastics for the eyes.

All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

On Monday, when they wake up,

The eyes will smile at the sun,

They'll look down at the grass,

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One two three four five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

We didn't yawn on Friday

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

Even though Saturday is a day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids and massage them using circular movements of your fingers: upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation)

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

Educator: In order to never turn into a prince or princess of Apchhi, you need to harden your body. Why do we harden ourselves? (Children's answers) Do you like to harden yourself? There is a proverb:

“You’ll be toughened up from a young age, you’ll be good for the rest of your life.”


The teacher invites the children to go to the tables on which there are sets consisting of: 1 saucer with ice, 1 warm water. Children alternately dip their hands in containers with warm water and ice, move the ice over their palms while reciting the poem:

We will learn to ice.

Roll between your fingers

This will help us at school

Write straight letters.

(Children wipe their hands.)

Educator: Well done! Let's please our body with the vitamins that live in these fruits (showing apple, tangerine, kiwi, grapes). I suggest you make a delicious and very healthy fruit kebab. But before you start making barbecue and eating, what needs to be done? (Children's answers). Of course, wash your hands so that germs from our unwashed hands do not get onto the food, and from there into our body.

(Children and teacher go wash their hands).

Preparation of “fruit skewers”.

Educator: On these skewers (show) we string these fruits cut into pieces (show). During the preparation process, the teacher provides assistance to children experiencing difficulties. Asks questions: Which of these fruits is your favorite? What fruit are you stringing now? At the end of the work he wishes everyone a bon appetit.

Guests are treated to barbecue.

Educator: Guys, our journey has come to an end.

“Turn left, right,

Return to our kindergarten!”

State government social service institution Krasnodar region"Ust-Labinsk SRCN"


using health-saving technologies

“Where does health hide?”


Social teacher

Skripnichenko A.Yu.

Cosnpect open class"Where does health hide?"

Target: improving the health of children and creating conditions that will help every child become physically and mentally healthy, joyful and happy.


educational: - teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop an understanding of the importance of health and the need to work on it throughout life;

developing: - develop a sustainable interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle; coordinate children's speech;

educational: - nurturing a culture of health in preschoolers, developing a child’s conscious attitude to human health and life;

health-saving : - protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Equipment: A disk with a cartoon - “To preserve health”, “Gods of Ancient Greece”, the sun with rays - ways to improve health, a wonderful health bag with items (comb, toothbrush, soap, towel); (hare, human model ( internal organs, health cards (food, a wonderful tree (model, small container, a can of Coca-Cola, candy (for the experiment, a container with water, a transparent flask (for the experiment, a tray with fruits, an audio recording of the sounds of animals and birds of the forest, an audio recording of a song)

“Where do the wizards hide?”

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher, together with the children, examines the model of a person, pays attention to his external and internal structure.

Guys, look carefully and tell me who you see (children's answers). This is the human body, now we will learn in more detail how it works.

The teacher draws the children's attention to external structure human: head, chest, stomach, back, upper limbs(hands, lower limbs(legs pointing

on: organ of vision (eyes, organ of hearing (ears), organ of smell (nose, organ of speech


Think and tell me, please, does a person need to take care of his health, take care of it? (children's answers).

Of course, our health is a priceless gift. Just imagine for a moment how we will feel if something hurts, for example, our ears hurt (children cover their ears with their palms). It will be hard for us to hear, it will be painful. And if their eyes hurt (children cover their eyes with their hands and express their feelings).

Why do you think we need a nose (children's answers).

Our body consists of many small cells, when you and I take a breath, the air enters the nose, passes through a thin tube - the trachea (shown on the model), enters the lungs, enriches our entire body with oxygen, which is why clean, fresh air is so important for us air, but leaves the body not only through the nose, but also through the organ of speech - the mouth, when you and I exhale or just talk.

Guys, in order for you and me to be cheerful, perky, brave, strong, we need to be healthy. Please note how many guests we have today, let us now say hello to you with all our hearts and souls.

(children say hello). You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave them a piece of health.

Who can tell me what health is? (children's answers).

The teacher tells the children an ancient legend:

Since ancient times, it has been customary to say that health is a treasure, an invaluable gift from the gods. According to one legend, once upon a time, “Once upon a time, there lived gods on Mount Olympus. They decided to create man and populate our entire planet Earth with people. For a long time the gods thought about what kind of person to be: beautiful, smart or strong. One of the gods said: “A person must be healthy.” The most important thing a person has is health. This is how man has lived since ancient times, trying to find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!

This means that health, it turns out, is hidden in each of us: both in me and in you (points to the guys in turn). Our health is very similar to the sun, which has many rays. Look, we also have a sun (points to the sun at the board, but for some reason it is sad. Why do you think? (listens to the children’s answers).

Today we will go on a journey in search of rays of health for our sun. Well, are you ready? Then let's follow me on the road.

Children follow the teacher along the path. There is a recording of birds singing in the forest. While traveling through the forest, the children come across a large log that prevents them from going further.

Guys, look at this log, it doesn’t allow us to go further, let’s try to remove it from our path (the children try to remove it, but nothing works).

It turns out that you and I are not so strong if we cannot cope with this log. Who can tell me where the power hides? (children's answers).

Our strength is in our hands, or rather in our muscles. What helps our muscles to be strong? (children's answers).

Who among you can tell me that playing sports improves our health? (children's answers). Let us now also strengthen our health and do exercises.

Cheerful music sounds, to which children and their teacher do exercises.

How well done we are! Let's see, has the strength in your hands increased? (children touch the muscles in their arms). Now, I think we can definitely cope with our obstacle. (children pick up the log and put it aside).

Look, it seems that you and I have found the first ray of our sun (they raise the ray, the teacher hangs it to the sun).

Let's hit the road further.

There is a recording of a babbling stream, sounds of wildlife, and on the way the children encounter a bunny on a tree stump, a wizard's top hat with a magic wand.

Children, do you feel how it smells in the forest, how beautifully the birds sing? Look, this is a lake, and this is a real magic cylinder. One, two, three, turn everyone into wizards (the teacher waves his magic wand, turning the children into wizards). Let's take a look at what lies there. (the teacher takes out an empty transparent flask and looks into it).

I don’t see anything, in my opinion the flask is empty, but do you see? Well, take a closer look (shows it to the children one by one, the children draw a conclusion).

Experiment 1. “Air can be in containers, it is transparent, invisible.”

Let us take some water from this clean lake. (the teacher immerses the flask in water, the children see bubbles appear).

What did you see? (children's answers).

When I lowered the flask, small bubbles appeared on the surface of the water. What do you think this is? (children's answers).


This means there is air inside the flask, it is invisible, which means it is transparent.

Experiment 2. “The air around us.”

Guys, let's see if there's anything else in the magic cylinder?

(The teacher takes out plastic bags and distributes them according to the number of children).

What is this? (children's answers).

Let us now see if there is air around us. Open the bags, move the open bag up and down, right and left, close the bags from the side of the hole (as they twist, they swell, children see that they have become convex).

What happened? (children's answers).


Air is all around us and can take any shape of an object.

Experience 3. “Life without air is impossible.”

Guys, do you know that a person can live without food for no more than five weeks, without water for no more than five days, but he cannot live without air for even five minutes. Let us check this now. Take a deep breath, cover your nose and mouth with your palms, and hold your breath. (the teacher performs this together with the children; let’s hold our breath for a few minutes).


Man cannot do without air.

Guys, it turns out that without air, without breathing, it is very difficult for a person. Let us now restore our breathing.

Children, together with the teacher, perform breathing exercises"Balloon".

Not only humans cannot live without air on earth; clean air is needed by all living things on our planet.

I see something, because this is another ray (the teacher under the top hat takes out another ray and hangs it in the sun).

It's time for us to move on.

A recording of the noise of trees in the forest sounds. On the way, the children come across a tree, and on the table next to them are cards with healthy and unhealthy foods.

What a big tree, look. Now I invite you to become gardeners of health. Let's grow a miracle tree together. (The teacher conducts a conversation about healthy food and foods harmful to the body, children hang cards on the tree that depict healthy foods).

This is how you grew a miracle tree, useful fruits appeared on it. We will remember forever we need vitamin food.

Guys, why did you leave the rest of the cards? (children's answers).

Let's find out whether carbonated water and candy chips are harmful to our body. (The teacher conducts an experiment with Coca-Cola and chewing candies, using an example to show what happens in a person’s stomach after taking these products).

It seems to me that there is something behind the tree. This is another ray of light for our sun (The teacher hangs up the ray).

Guys, I'm a little tired. And you? (children's answers).

Let `s have some rest. Do you want to play? (children pass and sit on chairs).

A recording of the song “Where the Wizards Are” plays and the teacher plays the game.

"Wonderful bag." (Children take turns taking personal hygiene items out of the bag.)

Tell me, what can you call these items in one word? (hygiene).

Do you think that following the rules of personal hygiene helps improve our health (children’s answers).

It’s not without reason that they say: “Cleanliness is the key to health.” And here we have found another ray of health! (the teacher hangs a ray of light to the sun).

Children, now look at each other, look how beautiful and cheerful you are, how your eyes sparkle, and this means that you are healthy. Do you know that a good mood helps us to be healthy. Let us now sing a funny song, which is called: “Hello, sunshine!”

(children stand in a semicircle and sing a song).

Well done, look, our sun is smiling at us, it has become cheerful again and shone with its mischievous rays. And I wish you to always be as beautiful and, of course, healthy, I suggest you and our guests take some vitamins (the teacher takes a tray with fruit on it, approaches the guests with the children. The child reads the wish in verse and distributes the fruit to those present and the children).

UDC 373 BBK 74.100.5


Antipova N.S. - methodologist of the preschool education office of OIUU; Bocharova N.I. - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Child Health of OSU;

Voronina N.G. - chief physician Oryol medical and physical education clinic; Goldring I.I. - Methodologist of the Department of Health, Labor and Physics

ical education OOIUU.

Gavryuchina L.V.

G12 Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: Toolkit. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. - 160 p. (Healthy baby).

ISBN 978-5-89144-798-1

The manual reveals mechanisms for implementing health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Using the example of the complex program “Give Health to Children,” the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children of early and early childhood is solved. preschool age in the interaction of doctors, teachers, psychologists and parents.

The application contains lesson notes for all age groups using health-saving technologies, provides forms for organizing children's activities, and a questionnaire to identify the characteristics of the neuro-mental health and development of children.

The manual is addressed to teachers, methodologists, speech therapists of preschool educational and medical institutions.

UDC 373 BBK 74.100.5


The well-being of society largely depends on the health of children. In the last decade, there has been a trend towards deterioration in the health of the child population throughout the world. Environmental problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water, accumulating irritations in society associated with an unsatisfactory economic situation are just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of a preschool child.

A preschool institution, as the first link of continuous valueological education, involves the choice of alternative forms and methods of organizing the educational process. It must be built on general pedagogical principles: scientificity and accessibility, continuity and practical purposefulness, humanization, dynamism and openness.

The main form of valeological education of children of early and preschool age is different types integrated classes (Appendices 1-2). The teacher must approach teaching comprehensively, using various effective methods: musical, visual, choreographic, physical education, artistic, literary, etc.

The organization of classes on the upbringing and formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health provides for active practical, independent and intellectual activity of children and the teacher (Appendix 3).

The result of training and education of preschool children is new knowledge that can immediately be used in everyday life situations.

It is convenient to plan tasks according to the following scheme:

- formation of knowledge about health and healthy lifestyle;

- fostering a careful and caring attitude towards one’s health and the health of others;

- development of motivational guidelines for disease prevention, including identification of characteristics of neuropsychic health and development of children;

- improving practical skills for a healthy lifestyle.

The goals involve the versatile and harmonious development and upbringing of the child, ensuring his full health, forming beliefs and habits of healthy image life based on valeological knowledge, development of various motor and physical qualities, strengthening

Taking care of children's mental health and ensuring their psychological safety.

- cultivate and educate in children a meaningful attitude towards physical and spiritual health as a single whole; on this basis, expand the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body (increasing its vital stability, resistance, selectivity in relation to external influences);

- consolidate individual health measures in the form of constant Psychosomatic states of the child, which can then be reproduced in the self-development mode;

- to form mental (voluntary) regulation of the vital functions of the body through the development of creative imagination;

- to cultivate in the child the ability for self-creation - the “creation” of his own bodily organization in forms acceptable to him;

- help children master accessible self-healing skills (psychological self-correction), instill a sense of psychological mutual assistance in extreme situations;

- promote the development of cognitive interest in one’s own and others’ bodies and its capabilities.

The program includes five main areas.

1. Educational and health-improving orientation of the educational process:

Work with children early age(from 1 to 3 years);

Health lessons for preschoolers (from 3 to 7 years old).

2. Physical development and health improvement of children:


- acupressure;

- games that heal;

- breathing exercises;

- organization of motor mode.

3. Treatment and prophylaxis Job:

- physiotherapy;

- massotherapy;,


- vitamin therapy and herbal medicine.

4. Working with parents.

5. Ensuring psychological well-being:

- “Hello Children” classes;

- correctional and developmental work for children with speech disorders;

Music therapy.

The program has a clear structure, each direction is described in detail, and tasks aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children are defined. This will allow us to overcome narrow medical and narrow pedagogical approaches to educational and health-improving work. In our Child Development Center “Aibolit” in kindergarten No. 68, this was expressed in the following:

- drawing up adaptive educational and educational programs taking into account the individual characteristics and health status of children;

Organization of the subject-spatial environment that develops the child;

- technology development personality-oriented interaction with children;

Creation of an educational complex equipped for classes with young children;

Introduction to the educational program of valeological aspects;

- creating conditions for the child’s self-realization and ensuring his psychological safety.

The health and educational orientation of the educational process in our preschool institution includes the following activities:

- physical therapy, massage, water procedures, special recreational games;

- aroma and herbal medicine by selecting special plants and interior color schemes;

- working with natural materials (clay, sand, paints);

- music therapy (regular musical breaks, playing musical instruments, using music in the morning when children arrive at kindergarten, to wake up after naps).

When developing health-saving technologies, we were guided by the concept of “valeologically based education”, according to which educational and health-improving work should be carried out in kindergarten, as well as the comprehensive program “Give Health to Children”.



Working with young children

Second year of life

I came to kindergarten

What mood prevails: cheerful, balanced, irritable.

What kind of appetite does the baby have, what does he like to eat, what food does he refuse?

How he falls asleep: quickly, slowly, calmly, restlessly.

Does he have neatness skills: asks to go to the potty, does not reach for water when washing, knows how to use a towel, does not suck a pacifier, wipes his nose with a handkerchief, drinks from a cup.

Is he interested in toys and objects?

Does he show interest in the activities of adults?

Is he willing to come into contact with children and adults?

I I'm growing. It's been two years now

Teach your child how to play or solve a play situation yourself (feed a doll if there are dishes nearby; build a garage if there are cubes at hand).

At the request of an adult or by imitation, accustom to participation in a story game, for example, cradling a doll, laying it down

her to sleep.

Play with cubes, building familiar buildings: up to

horn, fence, sofa.

Learn to navigate three or four colors, recognize the weight, texture of objects (heavy, light, hard, soft).

Learn to correlate objects by size, while simultaneously distinguishing them by color.

Encourage the child to undress and dress himself, to know the place of clothes and shoes.

Learn to wash your hands, wash your face, use a handkerchief, dry your hands and face.

Develop table manners: eat carefully, but without getting wet.

Develop the ability to navigate in space: change walking to running, jumping, going up and down stairs.

My first words

Learn to use complete sentences in speech.

Encourage the use of prepositions, adjectives, pronouns.

Learn to answer questions.

Learn to finish quatrains and sing along to nursery rhymes.

Form a child’s idea of ​​a person.

Learn to show and name details of the face (lips, teeth, tongue, forehead, cheeks, ears, etc.) and body (arms, legs, back, stomach).

Encourage you to evaluate yourself: “I am good,” “I am great.”

Learn to say polite words: “goodbye,” “thank you,” “hello.”

Me and my feelings

Learn to express feelings through facial expressions, gaze, gestures, tone, postures.

Learn to use words to describe your emotional states (laughing, afraid, frozen).

Teach to show restraint: do not shout in public places, calmly cross the street with an adult, do not run on the sidewalk, do not fight, do not break, do not take away, etc.

Encourage children to play with their peers using only toys.

Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to sympathize.

Activities, games

Adaptation period


"On our two

“Leaf Fall”, “Find Your House”, “Rain”,

“Big and small legs”, “Let’s dress Bura-

"Walk in

“Colored paths to doll houses”, “Catch

water”, “Our Tanya”, “Games with an umbrella”

"We have guests"

“Doll Lena is having lunch”, “Jolly gnomes”, “Cook

la Masha drinks tea”, “The gray bunny is washing his face”

« New Year»

“Snow, snowball”, “Snow Maiden is our guest”,

“Catch a Snowflake”, “Christmas Tree, Light Up”

"Winter Fun"

“Let’s dress the doll for a walk”, “Get in the box”

"Birds and animals

“At the feeding trough”, “Visiting the bunny”, “Where he sleeps”


"Spring is Red"

“Drip-drip-drip”, “Drowning - not drowning”, “Zai

How does gray wash itself?


“We’re going, we’re going, we’re going...”, “Airplane”, “Uh-huh

Give me, what’s rumbling?”, “We’re not scared on the street”

"Vegetables and fruits

“Who eats what?”, “Cucumber round dance”, “True

loving ants”, “We have a vegetable garden”

Third year of life

I'm exploring the world

Learn to navigate the seven colors of the spectrum, draw

And explain what he is drawing (sun, rain, path, etc.).

Learn to sculpt simple shapes by rolling out lumps of clay or plasticine in your palms.

Practice composing a picture from two parts, identifying familiar ones by touch geometric shapes, under the mosaic tree to a simple drawing, imitating the actions of adults.

Learn to pronounce complex sentences, tell a story based on a picture.

Learn to ask cognitive questions: “Where?”, “Where to?”, “Why?” and etc.

Encourage answering questions by naming animals and their young, household items, clothing, dishes, plants, etc.

Practice learning poems, songs, and fairy tales.

Develop observation, attention, curiosity.

Learn to distinguish and name people by belonging to a certain gender, age (boy, girl, uncle, grandpa, aunt, grandmother).

Learn to name parts of the human body: head, neck, back, stomach, arms, legs, fingers.

Know the purpose of these parts: eyes look, ears listen, legs walk, etc.

The child must quickly answer the questions: “What is your name?”, “How old are you?”, know his last name, and name his parents.

I'm learning to play

Teach to be aware of your role in the game (mother, doctor, bunny

and so on.).

Encourage them to play with other children, take initiative, and accompany their actions with words.

Learn to fantasize, convey the content of a fairy tale or song in words, gestures, and intonation.

Develop the ability to use role-playing speech: speak for yourself and for the doll.

Teach the rules of cultural behavior: play together, in a friendly manner, do not fight, do not quarrel, share toys with each other.

Develop the ability to empathize, sympathize with someone who is crying, an elderly person, teach how to treat animals and plants with care, imitating the actions of adults.

Get your baby interested in music, singing, and outdoor games.

Develop the ability to move to music: spin, clap, stomp.

Teach to be wary of unfamiliar animals and plants, individual people, to be attentive on the street and at home, to understand the meaning of the words: “possible”, “impossible”, “dangerous”.

I'm already big

Teach your child to dress, undress and fold their clothes independently.

Improve ability to perform two or three instructions: take it, put it down, close it, etc.

Teach table manners.

Practice hygiene skills: wash your hands with soap, wash your face, use a towel, comb your hair.

Develop good manners and be polite.

Develop the ability to jump, run, throw and catch a ball.

Develop coordination abilities and a sense of balance.

Develop a positive attitude towards work.


Activity, games



“Happy Drops”, “We’re Going for a Walk”,

"Sand in the palms"

"Autumn in the Forest"

“Bunny doing exercises”, “Handkerchief”

Trampling Bears", "Forest Doctor", "Uh-huh

Give me what I’m playing on?”, “Magic glasses”

"Sad time"

“Does the rain have legs?”, “Catch some water

ku", "Let's teach Vasilka not to get sick", "My se

"Winter at two

“Snowman”, “Stick, stick - cucumber, semi

the little man was crying,” “The doll Lyalya wants to sleep,

put her in bed”, “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!”

"We have guests"

“Neat bunnies”, “Olya the doll is having lunch”,

“Hello, Carlson!”, “Our gifts”,

“Let’s dress Masha after sleep”, “Chest with

fairy tale"

"Winter fun

“Ice Puddle”, “The Toys Are Sick”, “On

frost and wind in the yard”, “Find your house”,

"Strong Hands"

"It's ringing

“To grandma’s village”, “Let’s wash the doll

dress”, “The dolls went for a walk”, “Room

for Katya"

« Good morning!”, “Owl-buddy”, “Language,

tongue”, “Wash yourself more often, don’t be afraid of water!”,

"Sun and Rain"


“Who’s doing what?”, “Spark-coal”, “Once -

one step, two - a jump", "Good Doctor Ai

hurts”, “Bloat up, bubble”