Filling out education in the work book. We fill out information about education and training in the work book. Making changes to the work book: general information

How to correctly enter information about education in a paper work book, and how to make changes to them, if necessary? Read the article and download examples of post formatting.

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Education in the work book

Information about education is entered into the paper work record on the basis of a diploma or other document. Errors made in this column may result in the book being declared invalid. As for electronic form, which will be introduced from January 1, 2020, then education data will not be entered into it.

In 2003, Instructions for filling out were issued and approved. It is this document that personnel officers should be guided by when making any entries in paper books.

According to Art. 2.1 an entry in the employment record of education can only be made on the basis of original diplomas or their duly certified copies. It is also possible to enter information about the completed stage of study based on a grade book, student card or copies thereof.

It should be taken into account that when filling out, corrections, crossing out, covering up, and scratching are prohibited. A machine method for entering information is not expected either. All data is entered exclusively by hand, in blue or black ink, and with a ballpoint pen.

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The rules for filling out the title page of the book are somewhat different from the rules for the rest of the book. So, corrections are allowed on the title page. They are possible when changing the employee’s name or obtaining a new educational level. In this case, the old information is neatly crossed out with one line, new information is added next to it, and on the flyleaf a link is made to the document on the basis of which the changes were made. In this case, reductions are not allowed.

The instructions require accurate transfer of education data into labor data. Therefore, you should not rely on verbal information provided by the employee. IN modern system higher education new levels have been introduced. If previously everyone was a specialist, now there is a gradation for bachelors and masters. And this must be taken into account when filling out.

Since the bachelor's qualification in work book is not the last step, then there is no need to enter it immediately after receipt. But only if the employee continues to study. If further training is not planned, then this level should be indicated.

First of all, this approach is justified by the limited space on the title page. There is no way to list all levels of education, otherwise we will run out of space.

Entry of education in the work book before September 1, 2013

In connection with the educational reform in Russia, the gradation of levels has changed depending on curriculum. Thus, before September 1, 2013, the entry in the work book about education on the title page could be as follows:

  • general basic - 9 classes;
  • general secondary - 11 classes;
  • primary vocational - vocational school, lyceum, training center, etc.;
  • secondary vocational - college, technical school;
  • higher professional - institute, academy, university;
  • postgraduate - postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, etc.

Despite the fact that at the moment the gradation of levels has changed, it is worth indicating in the book exactly the information that is contained in the diploma, certificate, etc. This is required by the Instructions.

Question from Clerk.Ru reader Stella (Tolyatti)

How to write in the line "education" and the line "profession, specialty" in the labor record if you have provided a "master's" diploma in the field of study " Applied Informatics"? What specialty will this employee have in his work record? Not the position when hired according to the staffing table, but the specialty when drawing up a new work book.

In the line “education” of the master, you need to indicate “higher”. The following wording of the education record should be used depending on the citizen’s level of education:

  1. basic general (9 grades of secondary school);
  2. secondary general (11 years of high school);
  3. secondary vocational (technical school, school, college);
  4. higher education (university, institute, academy for bachelor's, master's and specialty programs, as well as postgraduate training - graduate school, residency);
  5. unfinished (indicating the appropriate level - for example, “unfinished higher education”) (parts 4-5 of article 10 Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, clause 1.1, 2.1-2.2 Instructions, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003)
The line “Profession, specialty” of the title page of the work book must be filled out on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or special knowledge (when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training) or other properly executed documents. For example, this line is filled out on the basis of a diploma, which indicates the employee’s qualifications.

If the employee does not have a profession (specialty) or has not presented the appropriate document, this line must be left empty (blank). Indicating in the line “Profession, specialty” the position of the employee for which he was hired by the employer, and not his profession or specialty, is a violation of the requirements labor legislation(Article 60, Part 13, Article 107 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, clause 2.1 of the Instructions, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003).

Thus, in your case, in the line “profession, specialty” you need to indicate: “applied computer science”. If the submitted diploma also indicates a profession, then the profession and specialty should be written down in the work book, separated by commas, for example, “engineer, applied computer science.”

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Information about the employee’s education and profession (specialty) is displayed on the title page of his work record book. When training, sometimes it is necessary to make an additional entry in the “Work Details” section. In order to prevent mistakes in the work book, you need to take into account some features and rules for filling out this line.

Legislative regulation of filling out a work book

When filling out a work book regarding education, the employer must take into account the following provisions of the law:

  • Art. 65, 66 Labor Code;
  • Part 4, 5 Art. 10, part 1, 6, 7, 9 art. 60 273-FZ;
  • pp. “6” clause 9 of the Rules approved by Government Decree No. 225;
  • clause 2.1 of the Ministry of Labor Instructions No. 69 on filling out work books.

Information about the employee’s education is on the title page after his last name, first name, and patronymic.

Information about education is entered into the work book by a specialist personnel service based on the document provided by the employee. Errors made on the title page of the work book, which contains a record of education, can make it invalid.

If a mistake was made when filling out a new work record book, then the employer should cancel the form and draw up a report about it and issue the employee a new work record book with the correct record of the level of education.

If the employer does not record education in the work book based on the documents provided, then he is violating the law. In this case, it is possible to hold him accountable under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, it is believed that failure to make an entry, provided that the work does not require special knowledge and skills from the employee, is not a violation of the law, since it does not infringe on his rights. But during the inspection, the labor inspector may require the employer to write down the specified information in the work book.

Types of education for filling out a work book according to documents issued before and after September 1, 2013

In order to correctly record education in the work book, it is necessary to take into account the current gradation of education levels.

Before the introduction of multi-level higher education in Russia, gradations such as specialty, bachelor's and master's degrees were considered levels of higher education. Graduates received a diploma of higher education with a “bachelor” or “specialist” degree. In the work books in this case, it was enough to write only the level of education “higher”. After 2013, FZ-125 lost force.

Federal Law-125 lost force with the entry into force of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” of 2012 No. 273-FZ. According to this document, the concepts of primary and higher professional education were abolished.

According to the 2013 education reform, primary vocational education was equal to secondary vocational education. There is no longer a simple higher education: according to the new rules, it has become multi-level.

Let's look at the educational reform in a little more detail. Thus, until September 1, 2013, the following levels of education were distinguished:

  1. After finishing 9th grade the student received basic education.
  2. After finishing 11th grade- average.
  3. After graduating from a lyceum, vocational school, evening school– initial professional.
  4. After graduating from college or technical school- specialized secondary.
  5. After graduating from higher education institution (institute, university, academy)– higher.
  6. Postgraduate education was graduate school etc.

When the Law “On Education” was adopted, the gradation of levels looked like this:

  1. 9th grade school provide a certificate of basic general education.
  2. 11th grade school guarantee a certificate of secondary general education.
  3. Vocational school, lyceum, college or technical school– Diploma of secondary vocational education.
  4. University with bachelor's degree– diploma of higher education – bachelor’s degree.
  5. Training 2 years after bachelor's degree in master's degree– Master's degree diploma.
  6. University education for 5-6 years gives a specialist diploma.
  7. Postgraduate, residency, and assistantships provide a diploma of higher education– training of highly qualified personnel.

Basis for entering a mark on education

According to Instruction No. 69 of 2003, Art. 2.1, the educational mark is entered on the basis of:

  1. Original diploma.
  2. Its certified copy.

A record of a completed educational stage can be made on the basis of a grade book, student card or copies thereof. But it is strictly forbidden to make a note about education based on the employee’s oral evidence.

As noted, a record of education is made on the basis of one of the duly certified documents received in educational institution. Such a document can be:

  1. Certificate of Basic General Education– basic general education.
  2. Certificate of secondary general education– average overall.
  3. Diploma of secondary vocational education– professional (secondary).
  4. Bachelor's degree– higher education with a bachelor's degree.
  5. Specialist Diploma– higher education with a specialist degree.
  6. Master's degree– higher education with a master's degree.
  7. Postgraduate Diploma, postgraduate studies, residency, assistantship-internships, PhD diploma.

It is worth considering that modern education should be indicated along with its level (specialist or bachelor). Recent changes in legislation are not a basis for correcting the entry on higher education in the work book (meaning the allocation of new levels of education), in particular, in order to make new or additional entries in this document.

The employer does not need to check the authenticity of the diploma provided by the employee. This is not his responsibility. But the employer should remove the employee’s education document from the provided document so that there are no problems with regulatory authorities.

When an applicant for a position is still continuing his studies, it is allowed not to include anything in the education column and this will not constitute a violation.

But also it is allowed to enter a record of incomplete education in this column. For example, “incomplete secondary vocational”, “incomplete higher-bachelor’s degree”. Such an entry is made in the work book at the request of the employee upon presentation of a student card, grade book or certificate from an educational organization about training.

Until 2007, students were issued diplomas of incomplete higher education, provided that they managed to study for at least 2 years (according to paragraph 3 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 125, which has become invalid). If the employee brought such a diploma, then despite the fact that now the concept of “incomplete higher education” does not exist, then in the work book you can still make the entry “incomplete higher education” in the “education” column.

After all, the entry is made in accordance with the document that confirms the training, so the employer will follow the requirements of the law.

How to make a mark

An empty line in the work book form is filled in on the basis of a properly executed document in the following cases:

  1. It was not filled out by the previous employer.
  2. An employee gets a job for the first time in his life.

The education section in the work book does not need to be filled out in the following cases:

  1. If the employee has received only primary training of grade 3.
  2. If the employee did not provide the document, which would confirm the level of his qualifications.
  3. If the employee is a student and does not insist on making a record of incomplete education.

How to add or correct information

The need to make changes and additions to the education column in the work book may arise in two main cases:

  1. If an entry in the work book was made by mistake(for example, higher education was indicated instead of secondary education).
  2. If the employee has received a new level of education since receiving the work book.

There are some differences when filling out the title page: unlike information about education, corrections are allowed on the first page of the work book. They are permitted when changing the last name, first name, patronymic of an employee and when changing his education.

In order to correct an old incorrect entry, you need to carefully make a straight line and next to it make a new entry with a link to the document on the basis of which the corrections were made.

A link to the supporting document is included on the flyleaf of the work book. The entry has approximately the following form: “The education entry was changed from primary vocational to higher education based on diploma No. ... from...”.

Under this entry you need to put the employer with whom such an entry was made. The employee responsible for maintaining work records should also sign here.

If the employee has received a new level of education, then there is no need to cross out anything.. A new education record is simply entered separated by a comma.

If an employee continues studying, then there is no need to enter his bachelor’s qualification. When he received a bachelor's degree and stopped studying, the corresponding mark can be made on the title page. Such rules are related to the limited space on the title page: if all the gradations are gradually introduced here, there may not be enough space.

If the employer needs to supplement the record of education, and there is not enough space on the title page, then the record can be made in the “Work Information” section (according to clause 3.1 of the Instructions and clause “b” of clause 21 of the Rules). Whereas it is not registered in a work book for these purposes.

Thus, HR department employees should be careful when filling out the education record in the employee’s work book. This mark is made on the title page after the employee’s personal data strictly in accordance with the education document. For diplomas issued before and after September 2013, different gradations are used in the education document. If necessary, corrections may be made on the title page of the work book. The erroneous entry is crossed out and the correct one is entered next to it. The employer can also add information about education separated by commas, if necessary.

It is also important for the employer what education the employee has.

Agree, an economist cannot become a doctor, just like vice versa.

That is why many employers pay great attention to the educational documents of a specialist applying for a job.

The work book contains title page, where the employee’s education is entered.

In our article we will talk about what types of specializations and levels of education there may be in our country, establish their differences from each other, and also consider in detail what and how to write in the work book in the education column.

Types of education

Let's take a closer look at what types of education exist in the work book. As we know, education is the end four classes at school. This education is called initial and represents only the first small step in a huge pyramid of knowledge.

Today, only the lazy do not have at least a secondary education. In our world, which is rapidly developing, it is simply necessary to have some knowledge in order to keep up with development, and simply in order to survive.

The studies recorded in your work record book are of great importance for your future career. One way or another, education in our country is welcomed and people with good qualifications almost always find good jobs.

Let's look at the types of education that can be prescribed on the title page of the work book and how to modify the education in this document if necessary.


Higher education is characterized by studying in an educational institution according to the specialist program.

Higher education means your ability to deeply know a specific field of activity, and therefore to understand it well.

Studying at a university is welcomed by employers because it immediately becomes clear that the person is trainable, which means he can be promoted.

One way or another, higher education in the work book is a kind of ticket to the world of labor relations.


You receive secondary education, leaving school. A citizen with secondary education is no longer a candidate for decent positions, but can apply for blue-collar jobs.

In view of the transition of our country's economy to import substitution, we can conclude that citizens with a secondary education will be useful in work related to production, in the form of labor.

Also, citizens with secondary education can always get higher education, they just have to want it.

Vocational school

Answering the question what kind of education is this in the work book, we note that education at the school is called secondary special.

This is what is written in the work book in the education column.

Why is this type of education called special? Based on school knowledge, students study one field of activity in depth, and after that they can get a job. As a rule, vocational schools also prepare blue-collar jobs, contributing to the expansion of personnel in factories and industries.


In addition to these four education groups, there are many other entries that can be entered into the work book. Unfortunately, they no longer belong to the classical Russian education system, but they still have a place. But our task is to consider the correct filling of the education column, leaving no room or time for rare exceptions.

Making a record of education (study)

How is education documented in the work record book? In order to ensure that this important document does not have to be redone or corrections are not made, you need to be careful about entering labor records.

That is why our main task is to tell how education is entered into the work book.

So, how to make an entry in the work book about education? She must be clear and concise. It must be entered clear and neat handwriting, in the same paste as the other data on the title page. The entry should be as clear as possible, because it is possible that the employer who will hire the employee for the next position will not be able to understand the proposal.

Information about education in the work book (sample):

Vocational school

A vocational school is an educational institution that trains specialists for working specialties. It is not uncommon to move on to higher education educational institution, a vocational school graduate simply writes an application, and he is transferred to the second year of the institute.

Thus, we can conclude that it is impossible to call a vocational school a secondary education, because this level of knowledge is higher than that of children studying at school.

For a long time, vocational school students have written in their employment records that they are the owners secondary specialized education and they are absolutely right. This is the name of their specialty.

Therefore, in the work book, in the education line, we write the phrase - specialized secondary education.

How to make an entry in the work book about education after vocational school (sample):


The school is also an educational institution where graduates of the ninth grade of schools enter.

The school pays attention to only one specific subject in order to produce ready-made workers.

Therefore, to the question “College - what kind of education is required for a work record?” one can answer that the school is also average special education , since it is believed that graduates have a higher level of knowledge than the same schoolchildren.

Technical College

Technical schools are a dream for young people who do not want to continue studying at school, but really want to work with their hands and earn money. Technical specialties are now at a premium, which is why many people strive to get into them.

If you are concerned about the question “What education should be written in the work book if the employee graduated from a technical school?”, then you can safely indicate that he is the owner secondary specialized education.

It should be noted that graduates of a technical school have every right to enroll immediately in the third year of a technical higher education institution and continue their studies, becoming a specialist with a higher education in two years.


More recently, our country began to switch to the Bologna education system, which caused a storm of indignation among leading professors and many students.

Who are bachelors? What does a bachelor's degree entry in a work record mean?

In fact, these are specialists with initial level of higher education. Due to misunderstanding and mistrust of people in such an education system, employers refuse to hire bachelors, and students themselves do not understand where to apply their knowledge.

Meanwhile, if you have completed a bachelor’s degree at any university, you are still considered to have higher education.

Now your main task is to find a job in your specialty.

Record of education in the work book after college (sample):


It is often necessary to change the education record in the work book, a sample of which we provide below. If a citizen has received any education, but over the years has received a higher level, for example, after college he graduated from a higher educational institution, then it is necessary to make a change in the education record in his work record book on the basis that this specialist has now increased the level of his knowledge.

How to make changes to the work book about education? Record of past education neatly crossed out, and on opposite side A note about the change in education is made on a white sheet of paper.

Information is written that a higher education has been received on the basis of diploma number such and such.

Also, do not forget that the date is set when the entry about the change in education was made in the work book.

Entry in the work book about a change in education (sample):

It is very important that the change of education is formalized properly. We are talking about accuracy, clarity of handwriting and trying to avoid mistakes.

Surely, this is not the first time for many personnel department employees to make such records, but regardless of whether you are an experienced specialist or a novice, you should still do everything possible to neat and correct fill out your work book, without making any mistakes.


Now you know all the rules that will help you make an entry in your work book about your studies and understand how, if necessary, fix her education, and also, in general, learn to determine what kind of education a graduate of a certain institution has received.

This information will be useful to HR employees, employers and employees. At the end of the article, I would only like to wish accuracy and attentiveness to personnel officers and employers, and to employees, new educational successes and discoveries along their path.

On the main page of the work book, among other data, they enter information about the employee’s education, as well as the acquired specialty. The peculiarity is that they can be supplemented after graduation from new educational institutions. In addition, information is recorded differently, depending on the level of training. Instructions for filling out 2020 and practical examples can be found in the article.

The basic principles of making entries in the labor record are described in the relevant Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

In accordance with the provisions of this document, registration is carried out on the basis of the following rules:

  1. The wording of the name of the education received must exactly correspond to that given in the diploma.
  2. The name of higher education is given in accordance with its level (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate or specialty).
  3. If, as a result of amendments to legislation, the name of the education changes, no other notes should be made in the labor report. Notes are recorded only after the fact; the law does not have retroactive effect.
  4. Data is entered only on the basis of submitted documents or copies certified by an organization or notary. Recording information from the employee’s words is unacceptable.
  5. Amendments and crossing out inscriptions are also not allowed. The exception is cases of making incorrect entries - the corresponding example is discussed in detail below.

The first entry is made by the first employer, to whom the employee brings a blank work book form. If the previous company for some reason did not fill out the column, the subsequent employer independently makes a mark. The formulation is made in accordance with the level of education, which is confirmed by documents.

If initially the personnel specialist indicated only the word “higher” in the column, it is enough to simply enter the corresponding word without correcting the entry.

As already mentioned, no additional adjustments are subsequently necessary in connection with changes in legislation in the field of education.

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

The employer is not obliged to check a diploma or certificate that confirms the employee’s level of education. It is enough to receive the original or a certified copy of the document, from which you need to copy the necessary data.

Making second and subsequent entries

Subsequently, the employee can receive 2, 3 and other educations - for example, secondary vocational education after basic education or higher education after secondary general education, etc. The employer is also obliged to make the appropriate notes in the document, but the employee must independently bring a certificate or diploma, since the company is not obliged to check information about increasing the level of education.

To make a new note, you just need to put a comma in front of the old entry and enter the next information in accordance with the rules described above.

At the same time, the employee can receive further education - then you need to go to the next page (with job data) and enter the relevant information. Registration is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Enter the entry number (in chronological order) and the date of entry (based on completion).
  2. Then in the main column you need to enter information about the education received - in what period, in what educational institution (full name), in what program, what specialty received.
  3. The last column indicates the name, series and number, date of issue of the document that confirms the described fact.

Previously, it was practiced to make notes about completed education on the page to the left of the title page (in fact, on the cover of the work paper). The stamp and signature of the personnel specialist were affixed. At the moment, this method of registration is not used, although it is not considered a gross error.

It is important to understand that entering such information is strictly necessary only in cases where the employee’s work requires the availability of appropriate education. Therefore, in other situations, data is indicated only at the request of the employee - their absence is not a violation.

Profession entry

This line is filled in only if the corresponding information is available in educational documents. If there is no such data, the line remains empty, which is not a violation of the law.

In other cases, the line is filled in with information from the relevant documents:

  • diploma of secondary vocational or higher education;
  • diploma confirming professional retraining;
  • certificate of worker's profession;
  • another document confirming the fact of mastering a specialty/profession.

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If a personnel specialist confuses the name of the employee’s qualification and specialty (data from the diploma), there is no need to correct the error, since it is not considered a gross violation.

Correcting an incorrect entry

If an incorrect entry has already been made, it must be carefully crossed out with a pen of the same color. After this, a record of the correction is made on the page on the left (on the cover of the work book). The basis for the correction is also indicated - data from the education document. A stamp is affixed, the position and full name are written down, as well as the signature of the employee who made the corrections.