We freeze rose hips for the whole year. Is it better to freeze or dry rose hips? - Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter to preserve vitamins? Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter?

Rosehip is very popular in folk medicine. And well deserved! After all, he is able to give to the human body enormous benefits due to the high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C), microelements and other beneficial substances. Thanks to this, the plant strengthens the body, heart, blood vessels, helps with vitamin deficiency, has choleretic properties and many more etc. Not only fresh berries are healing, but also dried ones. But to get the maximum benefit, it is important to properly collect, dry and store rose hips. Let's figure out how to prepare sour berries to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties.

It is important to observe the optimal timing for collecting rose hips for subsequent drying, storage and consumption. The quality of the berries, their composition and the benefits that they can give to a person after drying will depend on this.

  • The fruits of the bush should be collected when they are fully ripe, at which time the plant contains greatest number useful substances.
  • You can tell that it is time to harvest rosehips by the protruding sepals. Also, ripe fruits are red or bright orange in color and are firm to the touch.
  • Do not delay or delay collection, because over time the amount of sugar will increase and the amount of vitamin C will decrease.
  • In any case, it is recommended to collect before the first frost.
  • As for the approximate ripening times, they naturally vary depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, in the middle zone (Moscow region) the optimal collection period is from mid-September, in the Leningrad region from the end of September, and in the South - already at the end of August-beginning of September.

It is important not only to know when to collect rose hips, but also how to do it. It is worth keeping in mind the following recommendations for collecting rose hips:

  • It is recommended to collect rose hips when it is a dry, sunny day outside.
  • You cannot collect fruits or any other parts of the plant near roads and railways, farms, any enterprises, chemical warehouses, landfills.
  • For picking, you should choose firm berries, and they should be removed along with the sepals and stalks (they can be easily removed after drying).
  • You should not collect fruits with any damage, cracks, blackness or rot.
  • When picking rose hips, you must have thick gloves on your hands to avoid getting pricked or scratched on the thorns.

How to dry and harvest rose hips

Before you start drying, you need to carefully inspect the berries, choose bad ones, damaged ones, or those affected by disease. There are two main methods of drying - cold and hot, and you can also freeze.

Natural drying (cold method)

A very convenient and simple way of drying rose hips for the winter, which allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the vitamin berries as much as possible, so this method of harvesting is preferable.

For natural drying, you must have a well-ventilated, dark, dry room without penetration sun rays. To properly dry rose hips for the winter using this method, it should be placed in a thin layer on a hard surface, having previously supported it with material, for example, clean burlap, cardboard, or plywood.

After this, it is necessary to stir occasionally to avoid mold or caking. Rose hips should be dried under such conditions until they become hard and dry. As a rule, berries are dried in two or three weeks; the period is affected by the temperature conditions of the room.

Thermal drying (hot method)

It is not always possible to dry berries naturally. In this case, the hot method comes to the rescue, allowing you to dry the rose hips in the oven (both gas and electric). Of course, oven drying may not retain as many benefits as cold drying, but it can be a great alternative for those who do not have a suitable space (for example, apartment dwellers).

To properly dry rose hips in the oven, you need to:

  1. place the berries on a baking sheet in one layer;
  2. place the baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees (it is not recommended to preheat the oven in advance);
  3. when drying in the oven, the berries must be stirred constantly and dried for about 7 or 8 hours;
  4. In order for moisture to evaporate, it is necessary to keep the oven door slightly open; if there is convection in the oven, it is turned on during the process;
  5. upon completion of hot drying, it is necessary to allow the raw material to sit at room temperature a few days.

You can determine the readiness of the berries by their rich color, and the peel should also be springy.

Important! You cannot overdry the berries, otherwise they will lose all their beneficial properties and will crumble.


Freezing is also an excellent option for storing healthy berries. It allows you to save healing properties product. You can store the berries either whole or in grated form. Berries should be placed in the freezer in a plastic container or bag. It is recommended to store berries in their whole form for up to a year, and in puree form for up to 8-10 months. Before storing in the freezer, berries should be washed under running water and let dry completely.

How to store rose hips at home

The next equally important step after collecting and drying rose hips is storage. First of all, after drying, you need to remove the dried sepals and stalks (to do this, you can simply rub the dry berries in your hands).

After this, the berries should be placed in a container for storage. Glass and tin dishes are suitable. It is recommended to use double-layer gauze or cotton cloth as a lid. The container must be dry, clean, and, very importantly, breathable. This will help avoid mold and spoilage of the product.

Note! It is not recommended to store rose hips in bags for the winter, as this may negatively affect the product. Storage in bags is allowed only when frozen.

It is necessary to store rose hips for the winter in a dark place, away from sunlight. It is necessary to choose the coolest place in the room. Storage prohibited useful product next to any odorous objects, heating appliances, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries.

By the way! When properly stored, the lifespan of such rose hips is up to two years.

KaYou can use rose hips

And now, you have gone through all the stages, done painstaking work, and you have a healing source of vitamins, but the question probably arises - how to use this goodness so that it is tasty and healthy? There are many options, surely everyone can find something for themselves. From dried rose hips you can prepare:

  • herbal tea;
  • compote;
  • jam;
  • jelly;
  • tincture;
  • useful decoction for skin and hair.

But no matter how you use the dried product, you need to wash it thoroughly before using it. And after preparing any drink, you must pass the liquid through a sieve or a homemade filter consisting of three layers of gauze. This action will filter out unnecessary rosehip particles.

Let's look at the most delicious and healthy options for using dried rose hips:


To prepare a pleasant and life-giving drink, you need to pour boiling water (about a liter or one and a half) into a handful of berries and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes. After this, you need to let the drink cool and you can drink it. If desired, you can add honey and sugar.

Video: how to brew rose hips correctly.


Another tasty option for using dried rose hips is jelly. It’s easy and simple to prepare: pour about 100 grams of berries with two liters of water, boil over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then carefully strain the liquid, add one glass of sugar, and pour in 50 grams of starch, previously diluted in cool water, and bring the mixture to a boil. If desired, you can add a few slices of lemon.

Decoction in a thermos

A more gentle method of brewing berries, which allows you to preserve more nutrients than the first option. To make the drink, you must first grind three tablespoons of rose hips and pour them with a liter of boiling water. It is best to infuse in a thermos from night to morning.

Video: preparing a decoction in a thermos.

Decoction in a water bath

You can prepare a rosehip decoction as follows: 2 tbsp. l. chopped berries are poured into 2 cups hot water(but it should not be boiling!), after this you need to place the liquid with berries in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction strained and cooled.

Preparing rose hips for the winter is not so difficult, but there are so many benefits, benefits and pleasure! By following all the rules for collection, drying and storage, you will be able to delicious drinks based on berries, replenish the balance of strength, strengthen the body and increase immunity without expensive medicines and vitamins.

In contact with

It is a perennial wild bush with beautiful and healthy fruits. The plant affects medicinal composition minerals and vitamins. It contains magnesium, potassium, carotene, phosphorus, and the concentration of vitamin C is 100 times higher than in southern citrus fruits. One way to store such healthy fruits is drying. The following tips will help you make preparations at home and preserve all the properties of the fruit.

How to dry rose hips

It is best to harvest before winter frosts, when the berries turn orange or red. As a rule, this period falls on September – October. The fruits must be cut with sepals: this way you can save everything useful material when drying. Subsequent processing should occur no later than 3 days after picking the berries. Otherwise, the destruction of all important components will begin.

Did you know? The oldest and largest rose hip bush grows in the USA and is called the tree vine Rose Banks. It was planted back in the 18th century and occupies about 740 m² .

This simple procedure can be performed in several ways:

Important!You cannot pick berries near highways and industrial enterprises: despite the fact that rose hips do not absorb harmful substances, great benefit he still won’t bring it.

The method of drying rose hips is different for every housewife. But it is important to remember that the faster the process goes, the better the fruits will retain their useful composition.

Video: how to dry rose hips in the oven

Shelf life

Shelf life healthy berries depends on the conditions and type of container. Experts recommend not using plastic bags, as due to lack of air, the berries may become moldy or even rot. The optimal storage containers are paper boxes or bags.

Each type of processing has different period validity:

  • dried rose hips stored for up to 2 years. Then it loses all its beneficial properties and becomes useless;
  • when freezing berries save medicinal composition up to 12 months;
  • Medicinal tinctures are kept in the refrigerator for up to 26 hours.

Everyone chooses the most convenient method for themselves. But in any case, the vitamin storehouse will be available to you all winter if you know how long to store such a product.

Storage rules

Dried rose hips can be stored for quite a long time. Most useful varieties in this regard, the following are considered: “Vitaminny”, “Vorontsovsky”, “Besshipny” and “Russian”.

Following a few simple rules will help preserve all the properties of the plant:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the stalks.
  2. Next, you should prepare a well-ventilated container. Best fit carton boxes with wax paper on the bottom, fabric linen bags or dry glass jars. In the latter case, you should stop using plastic lids. It is better to cover the container with a layer of gauze and secure with an elastic band. This will protect the rosehip from mold and rot.
  3. It is better to store berries in a dry, cool and dark place. This will prevent the destruction of the greatest value of this fruit - vitamin C. The ideal storage temperature is 0°C.
  4. You should not leave the preparations next to vegetables and fruits, as the moisture they release leads to the appearance of mold on the rose hips.

Use of rose hips

The rose hip is considered the ancestor of the cultivated rose. Based on it, not only medicinal decoctions, tinctures and oils are prepared, but also successfully used in cooking (in the form of juices, liqueurs, jams, baked goods, etc.). Let's consider how berries can improve health and please gourmets.
Use of rose hips in folk medicine:

  1. Cleansing circulatory system and improved metabolism. Recommended for diseases Bladder, kidneys and liver. 5 tbsp is enough. l. crushed fruits, pour 1 liter of water and let boil for 10 minutes, wrap and leave to brew until morning. Drink as tea in unlimited quantities.
  2. Strengthening the body, providing an invigorating effect, treating atherosclerosis. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. The fruits are infused for 12–16 hours and consumed with honey in the form of tea or water.
  3. Treatment of rheumatism. Adding dried rose hips to a warm bath will help relieve symptoms.
  4. Help in the fight against skin diseases . For dermatitis, ulcers and eczema, wipes soaked in oil based on rosehip pulp will help.
  5. Elimination of anemia and signs of exhaustion. It is recommended to eat a lot fresh fruits or drink 0.5 cups of berry infusion 3 times a day.
  6. Therapy ulcerative colitis . 15 mg is used daily as a microenema. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  7. Prevention of acute respiratory infections. The product is used in the form herbal collection(100 g of rose hips, nettle leaves, 50 g of raspberry and rowan fruits, 20 g of string). 2 tbsp. l. the mixtures are infused in 0.6 liters of water. It is recommended to take warm drinks 4-5 times a day, 50 ml.
  8. Treatment of gout. 20 g of crushed rose hips are brewed in 1 liter of boiled water for 3 hours. Then mix 1 glass of the mixture with 1 glass of cool boiled water and use it as a night compress for problem areas.
  9. Cure for symptoms of cystitis and gastrointestinal diseases. It is enough to pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped red berry root 0.4 liters of boiling water. Then boil for 15 minutes, strain and let it brew for about 2 hours. It is recommended to take 0.5 cups 4 times a day before meals.
  10. First aid for gastritis with low acidity . An infusion of a mixture of rose hip root (3 tbsp), calamus rhizome (3 tbsp), evasive peony root (2 tbsp), plantain leaves, oregano (1 tbsp) and common sorrel will help well. (1 tbsp.) 2 tbsp. l. The collection is infused in 40 ml of boiling water (it is better to use a thermos) for 2 hours. Then you need to strain and consume 3-4 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. l. 3 times a day.
  11. Benefits in treating hypotension. The infusion contains 4 pieces of rosehip, zamanika, pink radiola, 3 portions of hawthorn, stinging nettle and 2 parts of St. John's wort. 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.4 ml of boiling water into the mixture and leave for 40 minutes. Recommendations for use: 0.3 cups 3 times a day before meals.

Use of berries in cooking:

  1. Rosehip is included in marshmallows, jams, marmalade and sweets.
  2. Combined with wild rose petals, it is the basis for making rose water and vinegar. This additive is used in the production of ketchup and caramel.
  3. The berries are used to make jam, jelly, wine, liqueur, and liqueur.
  4. As food additives added to sauces and purees.
  5. Teas and compotes are made from healthy fruits.

The Swedes make a sweet soup called Nyponsoppa from rose hips, and the people of Slovenia produce a soda made from wild roses. Rosehip is rich in vitamins C, B, K, E and P. It strengthens the immune system, treats many diseases and is effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections.

Did you know?Excavations of ancient settlements carried out in Switzerland proved that rose hips were used as food by humans even at the end of the Ice Age. It was used both for medicinal purposes and as food.

Most gardeners strive to prepare the fruits, leaves and roots of the plant since the summer. However, observing all the nuances of storage and proper harvesting of fruits will help preserve the useful composition: this way you can provide yourself with vitamin preparations for the long autumn-winter period.

The fruits are usually collected possible from the end of July until the start of October. Only ripe berries that show no signs of disease damage are suitable for drying. It is necessary that they have an orange or bright red color and be quite hard.

General rules

How to store rose hips at home for the winter? To store dried rose hips, you need prepare in advance clean, dry and well-ventilated containers. The best option is small bags sewn from dense natural fabric.

Also, to store rose hips at home, you can use glass jars, however, they should be covered either with a plastic lid with small holes or with gauze folded in three layers. This is necessary in order to so that the raw materials can breathe.

How to store rose hips? As a rule, fruits are stored in glass containers. The room should be well protected from light. Thus, almost 100% preservation is ensured one of the most important vitamins is C, because it is quickly destroyed under the influence of direct rays of the sun.

In addition, experts do not advise keeping rose hips in plastic bags, because air does not pass through this material, resulting in raw materials begin to “suffocate” and becomes moldy.

For the same reason, you should not close a glass jar with a lid made of polyethylene. Better container neck cover with gauze, folded in several layers, and then tie tightly along the rim with a lace or elastic band.

How to store fresh rose hips for the winter by drying? Drying Rosehip at home is enough important process. If cardboard boxes are chosen for storing it, then they need to be lined with waxed paper. Since they do not close tightly, it is better not to place them near objects and products that have a strong or pungent odor.

To dry rose hips at home, you can use household appliances: and of course, read about these methods in more detail on our website.

How to preserve rose hips for the winter? The containers containing the dried rose hips are stored in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Otherwise possible destruction of vitamins and loss beneficial properties. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the workpieces do not absorb various foreign odors.

Shelf life dried rosehip, during which almost all of it is preserved medicinal properties, is two years. Then he gradually loses them and does not have the expected effect in treatment various diseases.

Storage methods

How to preserve rose hips for the winter? Rose hips can be stored dried or fresh. To ensure that they do not lose their properties when stored fresh, must be observed some rules.

How to properly store rose hips at home for the winter? So, you need to take freshly picked fruits, thoroughly clean them of stalks and seeds, grind them to a puree-like mass, place them in a bag or plastic container and put them in the freezer. A medicinal plant in this form can be store no longer than twelve months.

Thanks to this method rose hip can be used as one of the components in the preparation of dishes such as jelly, jelly, compote and others. In addition, it, like dried, added to tea.

Freezing rose hips at home allows you to take advantage of many options for its use, but the fruits after drying are stored for a longer time.

Rosehip is better dry or freeze? Let’s answer democratically, as you like, both methods have the right to exist.

You can find out how to properly store rose hips on our website.


Having chosen for yourself the most suitable method of storing rose hips for the winter, you can provide for yourself for the whole year all those vitamins and useful components that the body requires during the cold season.

Thanks to the preparation in two ways, the fruits are added to many dishes, improving functions immune system and protecting the body from various diseases.

Often, hawthorn is also harvested together with rose hips; you can find out how on the website.

Useful video about collecting and storing rose hips:

Vitamin juices, teas, and syrups are prepared from its fresh fruits. A drinking infusion of dried rose hips is healing. And by grinding it, you can prepare wonderful jellies, purees, preserves, jam, marmalade, the taste is no worse than, for example, the popular one.

Domestic pharmacists have found that ripe berries of the prickly bush are champions in vitamin C content. Incredible: its presence in rose hips is almost 100 times greater than in southern citrus fruits!

Preparing rose hips correctly

The bush is never left without berries, but rose hips bring particularly abundant harvests every 3-5 years.

The fruits should be collected before the first frost, when they acquire an orange or scarlet color (depending on the variety).

Harvesting usually occurs in September or October.

In unripe or overripe berries, the amount of vitamins decreases sharply.

For drying, be sure to cut off the fruits along with the sepals. It is advisable to process them immediately after harvesting. In any case, no later than 2, maximum 3 days after collection, otherwise valuable components will be destroyed.

How and for how long to store dry rose hips

It has been noticed that some varieties of rose hips are most useful in dried form: the concentration of vitamin C in them is simply record-breaking. Among these varieties: “Vitaminny”, “Vorontsovsky”, “Besshipny” and “Russian”.

Owners of dachas and residents of country farms usually dry the berries by scattering them on litter.

There are different opinions regarding the choice of place for drying, and opposite ones.

Some gardeners believe that it is better to dry rose hips in dry, shaded places under a canopy, for example, in an attic (this process usually lasts 2-3 weeks).

Their opponents prefer to keep the berries in the sun with a slight draft. At night they are carefully covered or taken indoors. This manipulation takes several days until the fruit is completely dry.

It is worth recalling that Vitamin C does not like intense ultraviolet radiation and tends to be destroyed in the sun.

With both methods of drying, the berries should be stirred and turned over from time to time.

There is not much variety in ways to store rose hips at home. Until spring, the fruits are stored well in paper bags, cardboard boxes, and bags made of natural fabric that has the ability to “breathe” (for example, linen).

In a city apartment, rose hips are usually dried in an oven:

  • the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in a low, even layer;
  • simmer in the oven (+ 90... 100°C) for a quarter of an hour;
  • then they dry for several days at a minimum temperature for 10-12 hours a day.

If you have an electric dryer, the process becomes much easier.

You can also do this: after intensive (+ 100°C) drying, install temperature regime+ 75°C and dry for 7-8 hours. During the heat treatment process, shake and turn the berries periodically.

There is also an opinion that drying should begin at a minimum temperature (+45 ° C), gradually increasing it to 75 ° C.

Choose a method that is convenient for you, but in any case, keep the oven door ajar: let the resulting moisture evaporate.

When squeezing, the skin of a well-dried rosehip does not wrinkle, but springs back, and a crunching sound can be heard inside.

After drying, the fruits are ground in hands, the sepals are removed, and kept at room temperature for 1-2 days.

It is convenient to store berries in paper or specially sewn fabric bags, cardboard boxes, the bottom of which should be covered with paraffin paper.

Do not place containers that are not tightly closed next to foods that have rich aromas: rose hips are very susceptible to foreign odors and are easily saturated with them.

It is also appropriate to use glass jars as storage containers, but they do not need to be hermetically sealed. Cover the jars with plastic lids, making small holes in them with a hot awl, or tie the neck with gauze folded in 3 layers.

How long can dried rose hips be stored if all these recommendations are followed? In a dry, dark room, dried rose hips can be stored for up to two years without losing their beneficial qualities. The optimal temperature for storing it is about 0 °C.

In a city apartment for storage, choose the coolest place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Can it be frozen?

Freshly picked fruits are convenient to freeze. This storage also allows you to save nutrients. medicinal plant in full.

Jellies, aromatic purees and compotes are prepared from frozen crushed berries.

Just like dried, pureed rose hips are suitable for making delicious healing teas.

Ripe, plump fruits should be thoroughly peeled, cut into halves and seeds removed.

Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the berries so that a puree is formed.

Then this concentrate is transferred to plastic bags or containers and sent to the freezer.

It is advisable to store berries in portions so as not to defrost in vain.

Healing rosehip puree can be stored in the freezer for about a year.

  • It is not advisable to wash fruits before drying. This can be done immediately before use.
  • Do not dry rose hips in the microwave. Checked: the berries can burn inside, although this will not be visible from the outside.
  • It is not recommended to store dried rose hips in plastic bags, as this material does not allow air to pass through. The berries begin to “suffocate” and become moldy. The freezer ban on polyethylene does not apply.

Useful video

You need to choose the right berries to get the maximum benefit. Here are some tips for choosing.

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The beautiful shrub called rosehip is known to everyone. But it is famous not only for its beauty appearance, but also a large supply of beneficial properties that the fruits possess. A cup of aromatic tea with the addition of red fruits will help you warm up on a cold evening, fill you with vitamins, boost your immunity, and protect against colds. How to prepare fruits? How to store rose hips so that they do not lose all their beneficial substances over the winter?

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, carotene, B vitamins, large amounts ascorbic acid. It also contains flavonoids, pectins, tocopherols, iron salts, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium.

Rose hips are used to prevent vitamin deficiency, to treat atherosclerosis, acute diseases liver, intestines, hemorrhoids, nephritis. Oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant; it contains saturated fatty acids, tocopherols and carotenoids. It is used externally for bedsores, stomatitis, and dermatoses. Infusions and decoctions from the fruits of the plant have soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

Harvesting rose hips

Berries begin to be picked in September-October. By autumn, they have already accumulated a sufficient amount of useful substances, vitamin C. Collection time varies, depending on climatic conditions, collection can begin in August. But the collection must be completed before frost, frost will destroy the vitamins.

The fruits should have a bright red color and be soft to the touch. To dry, they must be collected while still hard, slightly unripe, when the skin is shiny and glossy. When drying, it is better to harvest fruits with sepals, which preserves beneficial substances. The collected fruits must be processed immediately; they can be stored indoors for no more than three days, otherwise they will be unsuitable for harvesting.

How to dry rose hips

In order to be able to use rose hips throughout the year, you should prepare it following certain rules. After harvesting, the fruits are sorted and damaged ones are removed. You should not wash the fruits, so as not to add even more moisture to them. You can dry rose hips for the winter using a convection oven, a special dryer, in a ventilated area or in the oven. Do not dry fruits in the open sun. Ultraviolet light can destroy beneficial microelements and vitamins in this healing plant.

Drying rose hips indoors

Drying rose hips without using electrical means is the easiest and most popular way. It is necessary to sort through the berries, remove damaged, wrinkled, and overripe ones. Spread them on a flat surface in a thin layer. They will dry in a well-ventilated, warm room for about 2 weeks. They need to be stirred periodically so that they dry evenly to prevent mold from appearing.

Dry in the oven

You can use a regular oven. The fruits are placed on a baking sheet, scattered in a thin layer. The oven is preheated to 50°C. The baking sheet is placed in the oven, after a while the temperature is increased to 60°C. In order for the moisture released from the berries to evaporate better, it is necessary to leave the oven slightly open.

You shouldn’t forget about the fruits; you need to stir them periodically to prevent burning, and drying should occur evenly. The rose hips will dry in the oven for about eight hours. If the correct temperature conditions are observed, the berries will not change their color, they will just wrinkle a little. When you press on them, they should not wrinkle, but spring back. If overdried, the rosehip will crumble and break.

You cannot dry rose hips in a microwave oven. There's too much heat, the berries inside will remain raw and dry on top. They can't be stored for a long time. But in an air fryer or a special dryer you can dry the fruits quite quickly, since the required temperature and time are set there.

After the rosehip has dried, it is still hot and placed in hermetically sealed boxes for a couple of days. It is necessary that they receive natural humidity, having “sweated” a fair amount.

How to store dried rose hips

Dried rose hips should be stored in tin or glass jars. Airtight lids are not needed as the fruit may become moldy. It is better to cover the jars with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. It is not recommended to store fruits in plastic bags.

Fabric bags and cardboard boxes are suitable for storage. Only they must be clean and dry, without foreign odors. You need to put a layer of waxed paper on the bottom. Pour dried raw materials onto it. For storage you should choose a dark place. During long-term storage, it is necessary to review stocks from time to time so that moisture does not get into the rose hips and mold does not appear. The fruits retain their healing properties for up to two years.

How to freeze rose hips

To freeze each rosehip berry, cut it into two halves and remove the seeds. Then they are crushed. You can use a blender or meat grinder. In this form, the rose hips are placed in small bags, which are placed in the freezer. Harvested frozen fruits must be used within a year.

Note to housewives

  • Rose hips that have black spots are not recommended for consumption.
  • The quality of berries can be determined by their smell. The aroma should be sweet and sour, the taste of high-quality rose hips should be sour, pleasant to the taste.
  • At room temperature, fresh rose hips can be stored for no more than three days.
  • Frozen fruits should not be re-frozen after defrosting.
  • Transportation of frozen rose hips is possible, but only in hard packaging of 20 kilograms.
  • Some people make butter, jam, and syrup from rose hips. This is a labor-intensive process that is not accessible to everyone, but it can be regarded as another way to store a valuable plant.

Without a doubt, each storage method is good in its own way. After all, the main thing is to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in rose hips and obtain high-quality raw materials for preparing a healing drink.