In what month is it better to castrate a cat? Age of castration of cats. Reduces the risk of other injuries

According to statistics, the most popular pets are cats. As soon as this little lump appears in the house, it immediately becomes the favorite of all family members. But the little cat, like all living creatures on the planet, grows and soon becomes an adult cat.

This is where the owners of this four-legged friend feel all the “charms” of their pet. Heartbreaking screams, aggressive behavior, a pungent smell from periodic marks - all this very quickly gets boring for the owners, so they are increasingly wondering when it will be possible to castrate a kitten?

At what age can cats be neutered? Many qualified specialists argue that the most appropriate time to perform an operation of this kind is considered to be when the kitten is not yet one year old.

Thus, castration at 7-9 months is considered the most successful, since it is at this age that the kitten develops puberty.

If castration is carried out after puberty, then hormones will already be produced not only in the testicles, but also in the pituitary gland, which means it will not be possible to avoid heart-rending screams and nightly adventures.

During an operation of this kind, the signal from the testicles to the pituitary gland will not be received, as a result of which hormones will be released in very small quantities.

Testicles can be removed in more early age, however, this will not be entirely correct. Castration at less than 7 months of age can lead to complications, namely urethral stricture.

The urethra in immature pets is so narrow that the slightest inflammatory process, which necessarily occurs during castration (and it does not matter at what age the operation is performed) will lead to the formation of adhesions and, as a consequence, to blockage of the ureter.

At what age can cats be neutered?

Is it possible to castrate cats at an older age? Veterinarians claim that up to 7 years of age, this procedure does not pose any danger to a four-legged pet.

But after seven years, the likelihood of complications increases sharply: the body of an old cat may not be able to cope with the load that medications give. An adult cat can be considered a pet that is two years old.

At this age, his body has fully matured, and the full production of hormones has been established, both in the testicles and in the pituitary gland. And besides, it is most likely that the four-legged friend has already managed to get to know individuals of the opposite sex better. However, the age when it is possible to castrate a cat has not yet passed. You just need to figure out why this is needed.

This late castration can be explained by two reasons:

  1. Owners of a four-legged pet simply did not know at what age a cat could be castrated.
  2. Patience ran out. The cat’s owners tolerated all the “antics” of their pet for a very long time. And when they got tired of this unbearable “aroma”, spring midnight screams and walks, they finally decided to carry out an operation of a similar plan.

In fact, castration at this age is really possible. It is only important to remember the fact that the older the pet, the more difficult it will be for him to undergo the operation. More mature cats are more susceptible to complications than their younger brothers, and rehabilitation period they take up to 7 days instead of 3-4.

Due to the fact that the most suitable age for carrying out an operation of this kind has already passed, you are unlikely to be able to rid the animal of all bad habits.

Only 1 in 10 cats becomes less aggressive after neutering. As for “fragrant” marks, 15% of all castrated cats continue to do this, but the smell becomes less pungent.

If the cat was already closely acquainted with the cat, then from time to time he will show a desire to continue this acquaintance. That is why it is necessary to remove the issue of castration Special attention, if you want this operation not to harm your pet and to be beneficial.

Advantages and disadvantages of castration of cats

When can you neuter your four-legged pet? Surely this question is asked by almost every cat owner. However, before deciding whether to castrate an animal or not, you need to understand whether it is worth subjecting your pet to this procedure at all.

Castration of cats is a separate topic for discussion on all specialized forums. Some believe that this procedure will only benefit a four-legged friend, while others argue that castrating means abusing the animal.

As the saying goes: " How many people - so many opinions" It is for this reason that owners who ask the question at what age can their pet be castrated often doubt whether they will perform a similar procedure on their cat or not.

In reality, not everything is as scary as it seems. Castration has its advantages and disadvantages.

When such a procedure is carried out, a number of problems immediately disappear. But new ones appear instead. However, when it is necessary to castrate a kitten, each owner has the right to make a decision independently

Benefits of castration

Despite the fact that this procedure is considered a surgical intervention in the animal’s body, it has its advantages:

  1. When a kitten is neutered, its life expectancy increases slightly. According to statistics, castrated cats live 1.5-2 years longer than non-castrated cats.
  2. Subduing character. Cats become much calmer after castration.
  3. When a kitten is castrated, it will be much more pliable during training and education.
  4. No “aroma” from the marks. This way, corners, floor coverings and furniture will remain clean.
  5. The pet's likelihood of diseases such as prostatitis, hormone-dependent tumors of the testicles and testes is reduced.

Disadvantages of castration

The disadvantages largely depend on how many months the operation of this type was performed. It has been clinically proven that the sooner this is done, the easier the four-legged pet will tolerate surgical intervention and will have fewer complications.

So, negative sides castration:

  1. Castration is carried out under general anesthesia which may harm the animal. Basically, it all depends on how many months the kitten is; the older the pet, the lower the risks of possible consequences.
  2. The likelihood of complications. Bleeding, infection, suture dehiscence – all this and much more can occur if you do not follow the veterinarian’s recommendations. It is also believed that from the early months the cat’s body is able to fight all sorts of complications, which cannot be said about more mature cats.
  3. When castration occurs, the cat’s body becomes more vulnerable to diseases such as urolithiasis. Because of this, it becomes necessary to feed your pet special food from a very early age in order to avoid this disease.

Contraindications and complications

Castration is a surgical procedure that is not intended by nature. And after any intervention in the body, some deviations from its normal functioning may begin.

Castration has a number of contraindications:

  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • heart problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • too young or too old. The animal may not tolerate anesthesia.

Before surgery, it is definitely necessary to take your cat to a specialist and run a series of tests to find out if your cat has any risk factors.

Preparing a cat for surgery

Before surgery, purchase a collar for your cat to prevent him from licking the wound.

Given surgical intervention It is always prescribed a couple of months before or after scheduled vaccination.

Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct a clinical examination of the animal:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • examination by a cardiologist;
  • smear to determine sexually transmitted infections.

This examination will require some financial costs, but you will definitely know that the procedure will not harm your cat’s life.

For the operation to go well, you need to stop feeding the animal 12 hours before the operation, and stop giving it water 3 hours before the procedure. This will protect your pet from the vomiting reaction that anesthesia can cause.

Cats are incredibly sensitive to their owner’s mood, so on the day of the procedure, try not to be nervous and do not convey your excitement to the cat. Before the operation begins, the doctor will check the patient's heart rate and temperature. What follows is a fairly simple operation.

It lasts 15-20 minutes. The animal's testicles are removed through small incisions, and the incisions are so small that they do not even need to be sutured. After the procedure, the patient's vital signs are checked again.

After the procedure, the cat’s temperature will be slightly reduced, so it is better to prepare a blanket with you in advance. If possible, pay the doctor an additional amount of money so that he can stay in the clinic for the next few hours while the cat sleeps after the operation. Under the supervision of a specialist, the first few hours will be much safer than possible at home.

Postoperative care

The first days after surgery, you need to constantly monitor the condition of your furry.

Coming out of sleep after anesthesia lasts about three hours, but some consequences may persist for the next 24 hours:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • lack of coordination.

At this time, you need to constantly monitor the cat’s body temperature and how smoothly he breathes. The cat will constantly lie down, and you will need to turn him over to his other side every half hour so that he does not lie down on his limbs.

Try to prevent your cat from jumping and moving on high ground. The coordination of the animal, which has not yet fully recovered, can lead to an unsuccessful jump and fall.


Postoperative nutrition should be aimed at restoring your cat's health as quickly as possible.

Such a menu must include:

  • boiled poultry;
  • vegetable oil;
  • boiled rabbit meat;
  • cereals;
  • frozen veal;
  • kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • vegetables;
  • hard boiled eggs.

It is forbidden to give the animal milk, fatty foods, smoked meats, raw meat, pasta and beans during this period. It is also undesirable to give fish.

If before the operation the cat ate dry food, then during the recovery period, the food should not be mixed with regular food. Choose special foods that your veterinarian will recommend.

Show attention to your pets, and they will definitely delight you with their playful mood!

Expert opinion “off the record”

On the Internet you can find many answers to the question “when can you castrate a cat.” And this information will not always be the same, and will not always correspond to reality.

At what age can a cat be castrated? - We asked a question to an employee of one of the capital’s veterinary clinics. After consulting with a veterinarian who has been in the industry for over 20 years, we received a very interesting opinion on this issue.

Any self-respecting specialist will tell you that the cat needs to be castrated. But age is already a slippery issue.

Androgens, sex hormones in a cat, are produced by the testes before the cat's first mating, or until he reaches puberty. At 6-7 months. After this, androgens will be produced by another gland - the pituitary gland, a gland in the brain.

So, if you castrate a cat after he has “grown up” as a man, then the likelihood that the March chants and marks will not go away is very high. But if you take the average veterinarian, then few people will tell you about this, as a buyer of the service.

After all, having compared the probabilities and weighed the financial costs and surgical intervention in the pet’s body, a certain percentage of visitors will simply refuse the service, and therefore will not bring benefits to the clinic. And every year hundreds of thousands of similar problems are resolved in clinics... How many times will the number of visitors drop? A lot!

We were puzzled after such a dialogue. There are answers to the question of when to castrate a cat, but they are ambiguous. If you resort to the procedure at the age of 3-6 months, then there is a chance, albeit small, of harming development genitourinary system cat If you do the procedure after puberty, then the likelihood of successfully getting rid of screams and marks decreases.

We decided to ask similar questions to several more specialists in different parts of our country, and as new information becomes available, this article will be supplemented, and we will try to get to the bottom of the truth, what is the optimal age for castration of a cat.

Usually, owners do not think about castrating their pet until yesterday’s kitten begins to mark the apartment with heart-rending screams. Such marks are so persistent and smelly that after the first incident the “criminal” is brought to the veterinary clinic.

Does this mean that a cat that roams freely on the street does not need to be neutered? After all, unlike a cat, he will not bring kittens home. Having the opportunity to satisfy sexual desire, he will not scream at night. And such cats mark mainly on the street.

Veterinarians unanimously say: it is better to castrate. True, they have their own financial interest in this matter. Before agreeing or refusing the operation, you need to independently weigh the pros and cons of castration.

Positive effects from surgery

Become friendlier

Unneutered cats often show aggression. Not only in relation to relatives, by establishing dominance in their territory, they can bully the dog or even the owners. Neutered cats remain playful, like kittens, they are friendly and less prone to conflicts if at home.

Unwanted sexual behavior disappears

After castration, testosterone levels do not decrease immediately, but gradually, over 1-2 months. But when this happens, instinct no longer forces the cat. This is the main reason why surgery is performed.

It is not uncommon for a 6-8 year old cat, who previously lived peacefully and calmly, to suddenly start marking corners. This behavior can be provoked by moving, the birth of a child, the appearance of a kitten or another in the house. Usually only castration can help.

If an uncastrated cat is locked in an apartment, he may howl invitingly in search of a partner, including at night. And if the owners agree to tolerate these “concerts,” the neighbors are unlikely to.

Fight less

Provided that the cat has the opportunity to go outside, owners should prepare for long absences. When setting off on a quest, an uncastrated cat is often absent for several days, returning thinner, in purulent wounds, with torn ears and . Fights with other males lead to regular injuries; bites and scratches almost always become inflamed. Injuries to the cornea are especially dangerous.

Regular dressings and courses are significant expenses for veterinarian and almost always - the wounded hands of the owners.

Reduces the risk of other injuries

When on a spree, cats are exposed to the same dangers as their street counterparts. They can die under the wheels of a car or in the teeth large dog. The owners can only guess why the pet did not return home. When a pet gets hungry, it can catch and eat a poisoned (and therefore slow) rodent, which also often ends in the death of the cat.

During mating, the male can become infected with dangerous viral infections. If regular treatment can save you from some diseases, then viral leukemia or cats can only be prevented by lack of contact with relatives.

An uncastrated “macho” regularly becomes infected, and sometimes even. Of course, this is only true for those cats who uncontrollably mate with stray cats.

After castration, the pet will not seek communication with other cats, much less come into close contact with them, which is necessary for the transmission of infection.

Live longer

Statistics do not deceive: neutered cats live 1.5-2 times longer than intact ones. This difference in life expectancy is explained by a combination of the reasons mentioned above. Unneutered cats are destroyed not by hormones, but by behavioral traits associated with them.

It is not entirely correct to advocate for castration of cats as a way to prevent seminoma (tumor of the testes) and prostatitis. These diseases are a real scourge among older males, but they are extremely rare in cats. The risk of malignant degeneration of the testicle exists mainly in cats - when the testis is in the groin or abdominal cavity and overheats greatly compared to the temperature in the scrotum.

Preventing unwanted offspring

To control the population of stray cats, it is more effective than cats. After all, one uncastrated cat is enough for it to impregnate all the cats in the area. But imagine that an intact cat appears at your home.

Professional breeders also castrate a cat when it is excluded from breeding due to various reasons: after all, they plan to receive litters from cats in the future, just from other producers.

Negative consequences of castration

Excess weight

Sex hormones reduce appetite and have fat-burning properties, keeping muscles toned. After castration, cats begin to overeat, while physical activity decreases. If you feed the animal plenty, weight gain occurs very quickly, already in the first 3 months after surgery.

To prevent this effect, many industrial ones have been developed. You can also feed your pet food homemade, the main thing is not to exceed the recommended daily norm calories.

Predisposition to urolithiasis

Operational risk

Castration of a cat, unless it is cryptorchid, is not abdominal surgery and technically very simple. The risk is more likely related to the general anesthesia that is required for the procedure. With the correct selection of the drug and compliance with the dosage, the cat will very quickly come to its senses, and inhalation anesthesia in combination with local anesthesia is almost the gold standard for castration.

In a good clinic, owners are advised to do a heart test on their pet before surgery to rule out birth defects, And .

Complications directly related to the operation are rare. Bleeding from skin vessels is possible only if blood clotting is poor, and the vessels supplying the testicles are securely ligated. To prevent infection, the cat will be given a long-acting antibiotic. There are no stitches required, just a tiny cut (or two) in the scrotum. They heal on their own on the 3-5th day after surgery.

When to schedule surgery

Early castration

In the European market and in the states, early castration of kittens is a routine procedure. The operation takes place at the age of 2-4 months, while the young animals are still with the breeder. In Russia, there are many myths about castration at a young age, which creates a negative attitude towards this practice. Allegedly, doctors and breeders deliberately mutilate babies. However, the growth and development of such animals proceeds normally.

In favor of early castration:

  • personal control over the cat population;
  • new owners are deprived of the need to worry about the grown-up cat during castration, that is, his health is no longer in danger;
  • The genitals are so tiny that the operation is minimally invasive, kittens recover from it faster than adults.

The disadvantages include risk general anesthesia. The veterinarian performing such an operation must have.

Traditional castration

Most often, castration of cats is carried out at the age of 6-9 months, less often - at 10-12 months. Such animals are already well developed physically and can easily tolerate anesthesia. They are brought to the clinic at this age, because they notice the first signs of sexual heat.

Castration of a young, healthy animal is the best option. It will be much easier for such a cat to recover than a mature male 6-8 years old.

Castration of adult animals

Animals 2 years and older are usually neutered for good reasons. Circumstances vary. The cat may start marking, or an unsterilized cat may be taken into the house for breeding. For medical reasons, castration is carried out in case of injuries to the testes or during urethrostomy with urolithiasis.

The older the animal, the more diagnostic tests the specialist will recommend. For older cats, in addition to a heart test and a clinical blood test, you need to take a blood test. If there are any deviations in the analysis - ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or specifically the kidneys.

But the concept of “too late to castrate” does not exist, it is far-fetched. The operation is performed at any age.


Although castration of cats has some Negative consequences, the owner can prevent each of them. Positive effects from the operation outweigh all fears and doubts. Almost all males living in the city and not participating in breeding begin their adult lives with this procedure. Even a purebred cat finds it difficult to provide partners for mating in the required number, so castration is the most humane and correct way out.

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In addition, sexually active animals, especially those that go for walks on their own, have a short life expectancy. The street is a source of high danger for cats. They often die under the wheels of cars and at the hands of cruel people, they receive various injuries, communicate and fight with homeless animals, suffer from contagious and dangerous diseases, including for humans.

Therefore, when getting a cat, most owners are determined to undergo sterilization or castration. At what age? It is believed that this operation should be carried out at a time when the pet’s genitourinary system has already formed, but he does not yet know what mating is.

Early castration (before 10 months) is not recommended, as this can lead to problems with the genitourinary system. It is also not recommended to wait until the cat is already sexually active and has mating experience. It is believed that such a cat, although not capable of reproductive activity, will continue to mark corners and demand a cat for old times sake.

Is it worth castrating a cat whose age is much older than recommended? It’s impossible to say for sure. Veterinarians have different opinions about what time to castrate a cat and whether it is worth castrating adult cats with experience of sexual activity. Of course, every animal is different and everyone behaves differently. It is impossible to predict in advance how behavior will change. However, many owners who have performed operations on cats that have reached 5 years of age or more claim that castration gave 100% results, and it does not matter at all at what age the cat is castrated. As a rule, most cats in this case stop asking for a cat, are not eager to go outside, and become calm, good-natured and very affectionate. Those animals that are not limited to independent walks begin to spend more time at home and even return to play. As for territory marking, in the first few months a neutered adult cat continues to mark corners in the house by inertia, but the smell is no longer so strong. Gradually, this habit disappears in the animal. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question at what age to castrate a cat.

As a rule, neutered cats live longer. They become more clean, and they no longer emit the unpleasant odor characteristic of cats during the mating season. Animals fully retain all their hunting skills. Castration has no effect on their intelligence and basic character traits, except that the aggressiveness inherent in them during the period of “cat weddings” disappears.

The operation is quite simple, since it only affects the external genitalia. Caring for the cat after surgery is minimal. The main thing is to monitor the animal immediately after recovery from anesthesia, when the cat is not yet completely adequate, but is impaired due to muscle relaxation.

It is believed that castrated cats become very fat. In fact, obesity is more often associated with the constitution of the animal and overfeeding. It is known that uncastrated cats that are fed “for slaughter” can also be very fat. However, after castration, nutrition should become somewhat different, since the genitourinary system of cats becomes vulnerable and there is a tendency to develop urolithiasis.

A castrated cat needs to be fed little by little, but often. It is best to exclude fish from the diet, since the trace elements it contains can harm a castrated animal. Meals should consist of beef, poultry, chicken by-products, vegetables, and cereals. Be sure to give kefir and cottage cheese. Drinking should be present in unlimited quantities. And, of course, a castrated cat should not be overfed.

So, at what age should a cat be neutered and is it worth doing it at all? Each person must decide this for himself. If the cat is not a valuable producer of purebred kittens and lives in a city apartment, then the decision to castrate is completely justified.

Those who have a kitten in the house know why their pet begins to mark its territory, rush around the apartment, meow and behave very anxiously. All these are signs of sexual desire, which brings a lot of trouble to the residents of the house and the pets themselves. Therefore, one of the more radical and irreversible solutions to the sexual problems of an animal, including its owners, is.

The question of when to castrate a kitten should be taken very seriously and responsibly, because after the operation the pet will not be able to leave offspring. But still, this is better than making an animal suffer and suffering themselves from a frantic scream and an unpleasant smell in the house. Therefore, in our article we will tell you when is the best time to sterilize your pets.

When should a kitten be neutered?

Experts say that the best time to remove the organ that produces the hormone is the period of puberty (puberty). Then the animal ceases to be interested in pictures outside the window, old toys and rushes around the house in search of a partner or partner for mating games.

When asked at what age kittens are neutered, veterinarians sometimes answer differently. Some perform the procedure on 5-6 month old fluffies, and in the USA, for example, owners sterilize 3-4 month old kittens. The most suitable age when kittens can be castrated is considered to be between 4 and 9 months of age. Cats can undergo surgery after 3 months; in males, puberty usually occurs later - at 7-8 months.

However, before you decide to take such a responsible step, it is better to consult with a veterinarian and find out at what month your kitten should be neutered. Don't forget about that too early sterilization can harm the pet’s health and disrupt its hormonal background and lead to serious health problems. Although the procedure itself lasts no more than ten minutes, it is painless and without stitches. Therefore, cats quickly return to normal after it and live an absolutely normal life without mental and physiological disorders.

As for the age limit when a kitten can be castrated, it has not been established. In fact, sterilizing a one-year-old kitten is much safer than sterilizing a 2- or 3-month-old baby that is not fully formed.

Every pet owner should take care not only of the physical, but also the psychological condition of their pet. If you decide to get a cat, then remember that at a certain period he will begin puberty and there will be a need to reproduce. As a rule, during this period, male cats mark their territory, leaving a pungent odor of urine, behave aggressively and make loud noises. A long absence of mating with a cat leads to stress, which negatively affects the health of the pet. To avoid all this, experts recommend sterilizing animals. When to castrate a cat or kitten, at what age is it better to do it - let's look at it in more detail.

What is castration of cats?

This surgery for the removal of reproductive organs. The males' testicles are removed, since they contain seminal fluid that allows fertilization of the female's egg. After the operation, the animal can no longer have offspring and behaves calmly and balanced. As for preserving instincts, everything is extremely simple. If a pet lives in an apartment without relatives, then the likelihood of resumption of the sexual instinct is extremely low. If there are other cats in the apartment or house, they can mate, but they will not have offspring. Also, sexual activity can persist in cats living in private homes. They have constant access to the street, where females walk around inviting them to mate. In general, a castrated animal behaves adequately and calmly. When is the best time to castrate a cat?

At what age are cats castrated?

Experts have different opinions regarding the age criteria for castration. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the breed of the cat and many other factors. Experienced veterinarians believe that the optimal age when a cat needs to be castrated is 6-12 months. It is not recommended to perform very early operations (at 2-3 months), since all organs of the genitourinary system have not yet fully formed, which can lead to improper development of the urethra or other components. What time can a kitten be neutered? Kittens can be operated on from 5 months, but only after a thorough examination and a veterinarian’s opinion.

An additional question that pet owners often ask: at what age can a cat be neutered? There are no strict time limits. You can also perform the operation on an older male. The only caveat is that young cats tolerate anesthesia much easier, which is why veterinarians recommend not delaying this issue. It turns out that the age when a cat can be castrated ranges from 5 months to several years.

The operation itself is considered simple if performed by an experienced specialist. There are positive and negative aspects to the procedure of removing reproductive organs.

What is the difference between castration and sterilization of cats?

Many cat owners sincerely believe that sterilization and castration are identical concepts, but this is not entirely true. How are these two operations different from each other?

Sterilization and castration is a surgical, irreversible contraceptive procedure aimed at reducing the population.

What is the difference then?

As stated earlier, castration is an operation that involves the removal of reproductive organs (ovaries and/or uterus in females and testicles in males). The pet loses its ability to reproduce, and its sexual instincts become dull. The life expectancy of castrated individuals increases, and their behavior is also corrected. In most cases, especially if castration was done at an early age, the ward does not remember the natural instinct and behaves calmly at any time of the year.

Sterilization is a surgical operation in which the animal is also deprived of the ability to reproduce, but the reproductive organs are not removed, but are deprived of their basic functions. In cats, as a rule, the fallopian tubes are tied, and in cats the spermatic ducts are pulled. Animals are completely deprived of the ability to bear offspring, but all instincts and behavioral characteristics are preserved. This method is only suitable for cats that are kept in private homes, as they have free access to the outdoors where they can easily access what they want. Otherwise, the animal will experience stress associated with hormonal fluctuations.

At what age are cats spayed? Pets are spayed at the same age as they are neutered, that is, no earlier than 6 months of age.

Veterinarians believe that castration is a more humane way of depriving an animal of the ability to reproduce, since it completely blocks its instincts and normalizes hormonal levels.

Advantages and disadvantages of castration

The positive aspects of this procedure are very obvious:

  1. The animal becomes calm due to the absence of the reproductive instinct: it does not damage furniture, does not mark the territory with stinking urine, does not try to escape from the house, does not attack household members and does not scream at night.
  2. The physical and psychological health of the pet is maintained, and the risk of developing genitourinary diseases is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Control over numbers. You don't have to worry about your male's kittens wandering around and dying from cold and hunger.

Negative points:

  1. There is danger in performing the operation, but only if allergic reaction for anesthesia
  2. There are prerequisites for obesity due to poor diet. After removal of the reproductive organs, cats become sedentary and lazy, so you need to play with them more often and monitor their diet.
  3. Disruption of cardio-vascular system(due to excess weight).
  4. Inflammatory processes during an unsuccessful operation (negligence of a veterinarian, unsterilized instruments, etc.).

As a rule, in good clinics veterinarians reduce all these risks to a minimum: they perform castration efficiently, after making sure that the animal is not allergic to anesthesia; instruct about postoperative care; give recommendations regarding diet.

The life expectancy of castrated individuals increases, and their behavior is also corrected.