Cartilage piercing care. Tragus piercing: reviews. Types of ear piercings Does it hurt to pierce the tragus?

Lobe piercing is the most common of all types of body art. Ear piercing can be done at home with your own hands or in a salon for a minimal cost. But before starting the procedure, you need to decide on the location, because there are more than 30 types of piercings, which are classified by location.

Types of ear piercing

Professional piercers distinguish 34 types of ear piercings. Options are classified by location.

The most common types of ear piercings (with photo):

An earlobe piercing is most often performed with a pistol. It is important to note that the vast majority of professional piercers do not recognize guns in principle. Instead, they use needles or catheters.

How an earlobe piercing is done by a doctor in a salon:

  1. The selected area is carefully treated with alcohol-containing solutions. Based on the location of acupuncture points (points, the exact location of the future hole is selected);
  2. Needles are inserted into the gun (they must be in a sterile container). The selected earring is placed next to the needle;
  3. The planes of the gun are placed above the earlobe, the needle should be located exactly above the selected and marked puncture site. Afterwards, the doctor sharply presses the handles of the device and its planes close;
  4. The needle pierces the skin, and the decoration is immediately pushed into the hole. The pistol is unfastened and removed from the ear, and the earring is secured with clips.

How to pierce with a needle

If medical services This kind of ear piercing is not suitable, then ear piercing can be done at home. To do this, you can purchase a special Studex gun, which is used in salons, or buy a catheter of a suitable size at the nearest pharmacy.

As a standard, they come in 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 mm. Naturally, the size of the hole must correspond to the diameter of the decoration.

Specialized piercing stores also sell professional needles. They are made from an alloy of steel and titanium. Like catheters, they are classified by size (1; 1.1; 1.2, etc.).

Drawing of types of ear piercings

How to perform ear cartilage puncture at home:

The technique may vary depending on the type chosen, but in general, the system is the same. At first, ichor will appear around the earring - it must be washed off with Chlorhexidine all the time. Do not use peroxide under any circumstances, otherwise you will delay the healing process for many months.

System 75 for ear piercing

If you don’t want to bother with catheters or needles, we recommend purchasing a special system for piercing from the company Stadex - System-75. It is often used in beauty salons for simple piercings of the nose, ear and lip. If you need equipment for more complex piercings, such as septum or tongue, then it is better to choose a professional set of tools.

In addition to the System 75, Caflon Clinic devices are actively used by home piercers.

How long does it take for ears to heal after a piercing?

The rate of tissue healing varies greatly between adults and children. We will look at how much tissue regeneration occurs after piercing in young people after 17:

At the same time, if you remove the earring, the ear will heal much faster. For example, an unsuccessful lobe piercing will be invisible 2 months after removing the jewelry, and a cartilage piercing will be invisible after 3 months.

How to treat ears after piercing

To prevent the ear from becoming inflamed, it is important to properly treat it after the piercing. First of all, you will need mild antiseptics. It could be anything accessible remedy, but remember that alcohol can greatly dry out the skin and reduce the healing rate.

Sequence of ear piercing treatment:

  • As soon as the piercing is done, you need to rinse the hole with Chlorhexidine and apply a small amount of Bepanten or Rescuer to it;
  • Before washing your hair, to avoid complications, in the first 3 weeks of healing, you will need to cover all punctures (single and multiple) with a thick layer of fatty regenerating ointment. Ichthyol or “Rescuer” is ideal - they are greasy and do not wash off with water;
  • Reviews claim that if after ear piercing they itch very much, then the healing process has begun. Just under no circumstances should you scratch these areas with your fingers;
  • To prevent inflammation, the piercing should be washed twice a day and rotated regularly. If this is not done, then during the healing process the earring will grow into the skin;
  • In the future, redness or bumps may appear on the overgrown piercing. If they have formed, then particles of skin and dirt have collected in the hole - just rinse the hole with peroxide; Drawing peroxide for piercing treatment
  • To prevent inflammation inside auricle, during the healing process, it is recommended to drip otitis media drops into the ear;
  • If, after removing the jewelry, the piercing is overgrown, a second puncture can only be done in a different place. A hole in the same area is fraught with complications.

If your ear hurts or festeres after a piercing

After ear piercing there can be different consequences. Immediately after the piercing, swelling will begin. There is no need to remove it - with normal healing it will go away the next day. If this does not happen, and the ear is completely swollen, then suppuration of the lobes or cartilage begins.

Tips on what to do if your ear festers:

Moreover, even though proper care and careful handling of the puncture, the body may begin to reject the earring. During the process, the temperature may rise, the ear will become very sore, and pus may even be discharged. You can try installing an earring made of noble metal or a ring (this will make it easier to wash). If this does not help, you will have to remove the jewelry.

Ear piercing earrings

For fast healing It is important to choose an earring that is suitable for a specific piercing. Beautiful decorations are not always practical or convenient, so this needs to be thought through in advance.

Types of earrings:

Based on the material, they are divided into plastic, metal (steel, nickel, titanium) and noble (gold, platinum and silver). Plastic has various contraindications due to high surface roughness. Some girls say that this material slows down healing.

Tragus piercing is very popular these days. If it wasn’t particularly widespread 20 years ago, now various salons offer it without any problems. Not everyone, however, knows what it is and what is pierced in this case. The tragus is the triangular part of the outer ear, which is located exactly opposite the auricle.

Another name for this dense cartilage is tragus. Tragus piercing is popular among both young people and adults. In this way, you can effectively emphasize your uniqueness, because a small earring looks beautiful and discreet. Most often the tragus is pierced because:

  • It is beautiful;
  • Emphasizes your style;
  • It doesn't hurt as much as other types of piercings.
  • Nowadays, tragus piercing is not even considered a piercing. It is so simple and easy to do that it can be done at home. In terms of novelty, Tragus ear piercing is considered very interesting for potential people who want to make a similar decoration for themselves.

    A hollow needle of small diameter is used for puncture. Moreover, it can be either straight or curved. The puncture itself must be done with great care, since otherwise there is a serious risk of touching the deep tissues of the tragus.

    Is tragus piercing safe?

    Tragus ear piercing is a fairly safe procedure. The pain is minimal. If we compare, for example, the pain felt when piercing the tragus and, say, the nose or lip, then piercing the latter parts of the body is much more painful. The thing is that there are no nerve endings, unlike other popular body parts for piercing. That is why this type of piercing is readily performed by persons under 18 years of age.

    What poses a much greater danger is not the tragus piercing itself, but the total number of holes in the ear. This part of the human body is the most important acupuncture system in our body. In simple words– there are a lot of points here that directly affect the normal functioning of the tonsils, tongue, and inner ear.

    In addition, unnecessary punctures can negatively affect nervous system. These warnings should be taken into account by anyone who wants to pierce the tragus or other part of the ear once again.

    How to choose an earring for a tragus?

    The choice of earrings for tragus piercing cannot be called very rich. This is primarily affected by the small size of the tragus. In terms of jewelry, rings with a clasp or small stud earrings are most often used. Other, larger jewelry options will look extremely unpresentable.

    Besides they may cause severe pain during the piercing procedure. Also, wearing them can lead to significant discomfort.

    An earring for a tragus in the form of a stud is suitable for a novice amateur. You can choose from a whole range of different colors. There is a wide expanse for experimentation. Over time, you can try using a ring with a clasp.

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Consider contacting a specialist. Contrary to popular belief, ear piercing is neither easy nor safe. Piercing specialists for various parts of the body have the experience, equipment and facilities necessary to perform the procedure quickly and in a clean environment.

Select the appropriate needle. Don't use a sewing needle or pin - piercing needles are inexpensive in online stores and are made specifically for piercing. There are an incredible number of suitable needles out there, but consider just a couple of them for tragus piercing. Your needle should be:

Prepare everything you need to ensure safety and disinfection. When it comes to piercing your own body, you can never be too careful with sanitation. Remember, an open wound forms on your body and will remain open for several weeks while it heals. It is an ideal place for germs to grow unless you take precautions. Make sure you have:

  • Gloves
  • Cork
  • Cotton swabs
  • Gauze
  • Disinfectant.
  • Antiseptic liquid, bleach, rubbing alcohol and open flame for sterilization.
  • Wash your hands and clean your ear. You can use soap and water or a pharmaceutical antiseptic solution. If you use soap, choose antibacterial soap. Remember - it is vital to keep your hands and tools as clean as possible.

    Sterilize everything. The importance of this step cannot be emphasized enough. Wipe all surfaces with antibacterial wipes and sterilize the needle, earrings and stopper. To get rid of all the grime and dirt, be sure to wash everything first with soap and water. There are two acceptable ways to sterilize instruments:

    • Sterilize the needle by holding it over an open flame for 10-15 seconds. Do not touch the flame with the needle.
    • Sterilize your tools by mixing equal parts water and bleach in a shallow bowl. Immerse the tools and keep them there for at least one minute. Rinse with clean water.
    • Every time When your hands get dirty, repeat this process completely.
  • Be prepared for complications. Although the tragus is not particularly difficult to pierce, you should be prepared in case you miss, faint, or pierce incorrectly. Have a friend nearby who can call an ambulance if necessary.

    Place a thick piece of cork behind the tragus. This will allow you to lock the tragus in place and prevent the needle from going any further once it has pierced the tragus. Insert the plug into your ear so that it fits comfortably behind the tragus.

    • You may need to cut the plug in half to fit into your ear, but make sure it is at least 1.2cm thick.
  • Make sure the needle is clearly visible in the mirror. Make sure the needle rests on the center of the tragus and is not bent or inserted at an angle. You can also buy piercing markers to mark where you want to wear the earring if that helps. But never use regular markers, as the ink may penetrate the wound.

    Press the needle firmly, pushing it through the tragus. Do this quickly, forcing the needle through and into the plug. Do not push at an angle or try to insert the needle jerkily. Stay calm and push the needle through in a quick but methodical motion.

    • To relax your body before piercing, inhale deeply and then push as you begin to exhale.
    • Don't stop halfway, as this will only prolong the pain.
  • Leave the needle there for 10 minutes before removing it. While it's there, use a cotton swab and a little medical alcohol or antiseptic to disinfect the wound.

    • Gently twist and pull the needle to partially remove it. Leave a small part of the needle in your ear - this will make it easier for you to insert the new earring into it.
  • Thread the end of the earring through the hollow needle. Use the hollow end of the needle to guide the earring into your ear. While holding the earring, remove the remainder of the needle until only the earring remains. Fasten the clasp of the earring.

    A tragus piercing involves piercing the layers of skin in the ear area by passing a needle through the thickest cartilage. To decorate this area, rings with a clasp and stud earrings are used. Other types of products may enhance painful sensations after the procedure, interfere with healing and cause unbearable discomfort. The tragus piercing has already risen to the same level as the earlobe piercing. It is recommended to carry out the procedure only with a professional piercer, since at home the risk of developing unpleasant consequences increases.

    What is a Targus piercing?

    The piercing got its name due to its location. The tragus is a thick cartilaginous formation located in the center of the outer ear. The area is not standard for piercing, as the product is uncomfortable to wear in it. Accessories look impressive, original and arouse genuine interest among others. An earring in cartilage looks more impressive than a traditionally decorated earlobe.

    Wearing a tragus is a unique challenge, balancing on the brink of sophisticated femininity and teenage maximalism.

    This area of ​​the ear contains a minimal amount of soft tissue and nerve plexuses, during the procedure there is no bleeding or severe painful sensations. The work must be performed by a professional, since the deep layers contain tissues responsible for the functionality of the ear canal.

    This type of piercing is the leader in popularity and recognition. Earrings for tragus piercing can be selected from photos in galleries of finished works, where a wide variety of product shapes and styles are presented, which allows you to evaluate the rationality of the decision made.

    How is the tragus punctured?

    The procedure must be performed by a professional piercer who knows the active points, otherwise muscle fibers and nerves can be damaged. As a result, this can lead to facial asymmetry and hearing problems.

    Do not perform medical manipulations with the tragus yourself at home!

    Main stages:

    1. The outer cartilage is treated with a disinfectant solution from the inside and outside.
    2. The technician removes a disposable needle from the package, which is kept under sterile storage conditions. The needle is hollow, small in diameter, with a straight or curved shaft.
    3. The hole is made carefully, passing through the surface tissue. The needle should pass through the outermost thin layer skin and a denser base in the helix of the auricle.
    4. Without removing the needle, insert the earring.

    It is prohibited to make a hole in the auricle of the tragus with a gun; these medical procedures must involve the hand of a master, which will help to accurately determine the depth of needle insertion.

    During the working process, the damaged area may bleed a little. Discharge can be observed for 30-60 minutes, which directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

    Contraindications and consequences

    Tragus piercing is prohibited for people with blood clotting disorders, diabetes mellitus if the skin is covered with psoriasis, eczema, or a cold or infection has become active in the body.

    The consequences of this difficult puncture may not be the most pleasant:

    • Soreness is the main companion during the first few days, but it is quite tolerable and you can live with it.
    • Minor bleeding is possible.
    • Long-term healing - up to three or more months.
    • Risk of infection in an open wound.

    During the work of the master, carefully monitor his actions; all tools must be processed in a device - an autoclave. The selected decoration is also placed in it. Failure to comply with the rules of asepsis risks infection with hepatitis C viruses. The specialist must use disposable sterile gloves and needles. Failure to maintain hygiene is dangerous to health.

    Proper tragus are not dangerous. Some experts claim that with the help of piercing you can influence certain acupuncture points and cause weight loss and get rid of migraines.

    Care and treatment

    Treatment is an important part of successful healing and a beautiful result. If you break the rules and do not take care of the wound, then suppuration and rejection of the earring may occur. The ear will suffer in this case, as an unsightly mark will remain on it, which can only be removed by laser polishing.

    How to look after your piercing:

    1. Clean the puncture area twice a day with a chlorhexidine-based disinfectant solution, but do not pull or touch the earring. Carry out the treatment using a cotton swab.
    2. After two weeks to a month, soap containing chloroxylenol or triclosan can be used to remove dirt and lymph secretions. Do not leave cleanser in the hole as it will be a strong irritant to the fresh wound.
    3. Change bedding regularly. The pillow serves as an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
    4. The wound should heal in complete peace, so do not touch it until a canal has formed. The recommendation is urgent, otherwise, when changing the earring, the hole may be damaged, which can lead to infection and suppuration.

    Do not neglect the rules of care, carefully monitor all changes. If redness, swelling, or unbearable pain occurs, contact your doctor immediately. medical institution because blood poisoning may have occurred. In this case, highly qualified care is required with the removal of the product from the inflamed tragus puncture.

    Such products are comfortable to wear, and they do not cause discomfort while sleeping and performing everyday activities.

    It is optimal if the earring for a fresh wound is made of titanium or platinum.

    What are piercings called tragus, you now know in detail. But will you decide to take such a serious step and are you able to come to terms with the pain and possible complications? If you follow all the recommendations of the master and carefully monitor the damaged area, then a stylish and original decoration will appear on your ear.

    Tragus piercing- a puncture that passes through the tragus, the cartilage in the very center of the outer ear. This is a rather unconventional (and, frankly, uncomfortable) place for a piercing, but with well-chosen jewelry and accessories, tragus piercing looks impressive. Firstly, it, of course, looks much more impressive than earrings on the earlobe, and secondly, it does not look as aggressive as “industrial” on the upper cartilage. We can say that Targus piercing balances on the brink of teenage challenge and sophisticated femininity - quite successfully!

    Tragus piercing: the latest salon trend

    From an informal, somewhat gothic trend that emerged in the United States back in the very early 1990s, tragus piercing is finally becoming a global trend: today it is done by both representatives of subcultures and “ordinary” girls looking for something new , fresh. Daise piercings became popular in 2017 thanks mainly to Beyoncé, Brian Keith Johnson and Zoe Kravitz, so obviously everyone will be looking to get their tragus pierced as soon as possible for looks just as thin and sophisticated.

    The tragus piercing technique was developed by Eric Dakota and is very progressive; it requires a specially curved needle, as well as a careful selection of accessories, because the tragus piercing is located in a very “inconvenient place”.

    When talking about tragus piercings, there are a few things to consider: anatomical features(perhaps you haven’t even paid attention to them before). In our salons, tragus piercing is usually understood as a puncture of the tragus itself, the structure of the outer part of the ear, as well as another area located above.

    But know one thing interesting fact: only people who have a well-developed cartilage tissue in this place of the ear, they have the opportunity to get a daze piercing. Therefore, you must be lucky enough to do so - not all people can wear jewelry in this place.

    Tragus piercing: consequences

    Needless to say, pain is inevitable, but it is quite tolerable and goes away about a week after the puncture. Also, don't be surprised if there is some bleeding. Important: Targus piercing should never be done with a gun! It can only be beaten by hand.

    First of all, remember: you should not expect quick healing, as with a regular earlobe piercing - tragus piercing is more invasive. (Healing after a piercing takes about three months, but can take up to six.) In addition, any puncture opens the door to infections; tragus piercing can even transmit hepatitis B and C viruses, so choose your salon carefully. So if you decide to get your tongue pierced, make sure that the specialist uses disposable gloves and sterilized disposable instruments and suitable jewelry.

    However, if all hygienic conditions for the procedure are met, as well as if the conditions for caring for the puncture are observed, the consequences of tragus piercing should not be expected. On the contrary, some even claim that targus piercing has helped them get rid of migraines, so it is believed that targus piercing can imitate the effect of acupuncture (but this is just an assumption).

    Care after tragus piercing

    • Once, or better yet, twice a day, you should clean the treatment area with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine, peroxide, etc.), but do not pull or irritate the puncture. Use a cotton swab for this.
    • For hygiene procedures, after a couple of weeks you can no longer use antiseptics, but soap that contains triclosan or chloroxylenol. However, under no circumstances should you leave even a small amount detergent on the punctured area: this may irritate the wound.
    • Change your bed linen more often! The fact is that your pillow can serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and not the most friendly ones.
    • Do not change the jewelry until it has completely healed - let the wound heal with a medical steel accessory, this is the safest option. Large caliber jewelry can only be worn after the pierced area has healed completely.

    Tragus piercing jewelry

    Some of the most common jewelry worn with tragus piercings include curved barbells and locking rings. Thanks to the fact that daisy piercing is becoming more and more popular, these rather primitive accessories have become more complex, intricate, and “overgrown” with stones and patterns. Among the latest, more minimalist trends, it is also worth highlighting the heart-shaped thin hoop - it looks just great (and nothing extra!).