Tonic with azelaic acid. Azelaic acid. Azelaic acid: remedies

Hyaluronic – and each has its own army of fans, led by cosmetologists and endocrinologists. But azelaic acid stands apart in the acid list: this substance is so soft and effective that it is recommended to everyone - at any age and with any skin. Why do you personally need azelaic acid and how to use it correctly, we will now tell you.

Acid beauty secret

The healing power of acids for female beauty used at all times. A slice of lemon saved me from freckles and varicose veins, and a mask of curdled milk saved me from dryness and irritation. Today, choosing a skin product is much more difficult: dozens of cosmetic companies compete for your attention every day, and the products contain many more ingredients than water, lemon and milk.

But the acids have not gone away, but without consulting a chemist it is no longer possible to understand these names. Natural fruit acids have been replaced by “laboratory” ones, and one of them is azelaic acid. This is one of the carboxylic acids, it is obtained from fatty acids - oleic and linoleic. And then - what a paradox! – this substance just saves our skin and hair from oiliness and nasty inflammation.

Why is azelaic acid needed?

IN women's magazines they like to write: acne and pimples are the lot of teenagers and very young people, and at 30 years old, using products for problem skin is no longer serious. Yes, and it’s harmful.

This is, of course, true, but what to do if insidious pimples appear, despite the numbers in your passport? Or maybe there was a hormonal imbalance... Or maybe they were just worried - and the skin was covered in all sorts of dirty tricks? In this case, cosmetologists increasingly recommend not aggressive agents, but mild but effective azelaic acid in preparations.

This component can be found in a variety of products that promise you clear and smooth skin. "Azelainka" provides a complex effect:

  1. Works as an antiseptic, killing including streptococcus and cutaneous staphylococcus. The effect of the substance depends on the concentration. In small quantities, the acid inhibits the growth of bacteria. And if you increase the concentration, it blocks the synthesis of DNA and RNA of bacteria, causing them to die.
  2. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Under the influence of azelaic acid, purulent pimples dry out and skin redness disappears. Preparations with this substance are prescribed even for rosacea - vascular disease, in which the skin on the face becomes very red and swollen.
  3. Normalizes keratinization of the upper layers of skin. The acid penetrates deep under the skin and regulates keratin formation. Due to this, the pores are not clogged, blackheads (comedones) and acne disappear.
  4. Brightens the skin. Azelaic acid blocks the synthesis of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is necessary for the production of melanin pigment. Therefore, “azelainka” is used to get rid of age spots of various nature: after pregnancy, acne marks and other skin damage. And if you are simply prone to pigmentation and cannot do without creams with a powerful SPF filter, acid will help you too. But there is one caveat - only preparations containing active substance 20%, no less.
  5. Activates hair growth. This carboxylic acid has the ability to awaken hair follicles and enhance hair growth. Therefore, it is often included in cocktails for hair mesotherapy - during salon procedures. The antiseptic effect also helps with.

Pros and cons of azelaic acid

Today, azelaic acid is recommended in doctors' offices, near pharmacy counters and on women's forums. What are the advantages of such “acid” drugs?

  • Azelaic acid is quite mild and does not irritate or burn the skin like some harsh fruit acids. You can use it in cosmetology even in spring and summer: when treating age spots, this feature is irreplaceable.
  • It is non-toxic, has no side effects and is not absorbed into the blood. It leaves the body with urine in practically unchanged form. Acne and age spots can be treated with such remedies from the age of 12, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • It is not addictive and does not lead to bacterial resistance. Acne products with azelaic acid can be used for several months and in several courses - the effect will be equally strong.

But azelaic acid also has disadvantages. The first one is long treatment. To see improvement, you need to apply “acid” gels or ointments for 2-4 weeks. And the maximum effect appears only after 1.5-3 months.

Azelaic acid may cause mild burning and irritation. Usually the skin quickly gets used to this effect, but if an allergic reaction or just discomfort occurs, stop treatment and switch to other drugs.

But the most important thing is the price. All medicines and cosmetics sold on Azelainka are not cheap. And if you take into account the long course of treatment, then the path to healthy skin will cost you a pretty penny. To save on treatment, women’s forums advise buying acid in powder and adding it to your favorite creams.

Where to buy azelaic acid?

If you have ever fought a war with acne and acne, you have probably heard about the most famous azelaine drug - Skinoren. Pharmacies sell 15% gel and 20% cream.

Depending on the pharmacy and manufacturer, 30 g of Skinoren cream will cost from 700 to 1500 rubles, gel - from 850 to 1500 rubles. The cream is more effective due to the high concentration of the drug, but for oily skin doctors still recommend a gel. It does not clog pores and does not provoke so-called cosmetic acne.

You can also find analogues in pharmacies. These are “Azelik” gel (500-800 rubles for 30 g), “Aziks-Derm” cream (500-800 rubles for 30 g), “Skinoklear” gel and cream (500-800 rubles for 30 g) and etc. Branded online cosmetics stores also sell various serums and creams containing azelaic acid. You can search for addresses of such beauty shops on women's forums and on the Internet. We can recommend looking at a good option.

All gel-creams have the same instructions for use. The product is applied to clean facial skin in the morning and evening in a thin layer and gently rubbed into diseased and healthy areas. It is better to discuss with your doctor how long your course of treatment will last.

Azelaic acid in powder form is usually sold in online stores. 10 g of powder will cost an average of 150 rubles. It’s quite simple to use: you need to dilute the acid in alcohol and add it to your face cream. The main thing is to maintain concentration: no more than 20%. There is no need to fear that an unknown acid will harm the skin. So, popular at home is used in a similar way, and even in pure form- It’s just that it’s not powder, but tablets.

What do the reviews say?

All reviews about azelaic acid advise one thing: before using the product, make sure that it suits you. Check allergic reaction It’s very simple: spread the cream on the skin on the bend of your elbow and wait. Often the product burns on its own: forum users usually complain about Skinoren.

Efficacy is also assessed differently: it usually depends on the brand, type of product and concentration of acid in the product.

“The doctor advised me to take Skinoren, but I decided to choose an analogue, Azelik. The composition is the same, but the price is much lower. I’ll say right away: I didn’t like the cream. I used it for two months: the blackheads remained, internal pimples did not go away, small pimples periodically dried out, but soon came out again. The cream also dries out the skin very much; all this time it was noticeably peeling.”

“I constantly suffer from acne and age spots. My skin reacted poorly to Skinoren, so I bought azelaine serum. I only used it at night: it dries the skin very much, so in the morning I had to intensively apply moisturizers. The product is excellent! The serum quickly removes all redness and dries out small pimples. The skin texture is also leveled out: the subcutaneous tubercles have resolved. And there are fewer blackheads. I just didn’t notice any brightening effect.”

"I used by different means with azelaic acid, I liked Aziderm the most, this is an Indian analogue of Skinoren. I saw results within five days: my complexion became more even, redness disappeared, and pimples immediately crusted over. The cream mattifies very well: there is much less greasy shine. One minus is that the tube only lasted me 2.5 weeks, although I only applied it at night.”

Azelaic acid is one of the brightest representatives of acids that are friendly to human skin. It is well tolerated by the skin, as it is partially produced by the body. Its mild effect is safe even for pregnant women. This acid is widely used in cosmetology and is also used to treat acne and acne. Its white powder is practically insoluble in water, but disappears perfectly when interacting with alcohol or ether.

Effect of azelaic acid on facial skin

Azelaic acid is a carboxylic acid derivative, which is a pharmaceutical agent intended for the treatment of various skin diseases. It is reproduced in the process of lipid metabolism. Constantly found in the human body in small doses. It is also contained in cereal plants: rye, wheat and barley. This is a soft acid, it is several times weaker than vinegar. It is obtained from linoleic and oleic acid by synthesis.

Product cost from 600 rub.

Its long-term use is not addictive. It is effectively used to eliminate comedones, blackheads and medium acne, and also successfully fights pigmentation.

Azelaic acid has a number of effective properties:

  • keratolytic. Slows down the formation of keratinocytes and thereby prevents the thickening of the outer layers of the skin, gives a head start to the pores, which begin to perform their functions well, and protects the skin from the formation of blackheads;
  • antimicrobial. Eliminates harmful bacteria that provoke the formation of acne, and as a result, acne is successfully cured;
  • antioxidant. Under the influence of acid, inflammation and red spots from acne disappear. It is successfully used to eliminate redness after rosacea, an inflammatory disease of the skin accompanied by pink pimples;
  • smoothing. Azelaic acid polishes rough skin elevations that appear as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • brightening. It is able to eliminate various age spots, no matter what the nature of their occurrence. This acid can interrupt the synthesis of melanin and, as a result, lightens the skin;
  • antiandrogenic. By suppressing the synthesis of the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dehydroepiandrosterone.

Azelaic acid is used to treat many dermatological diseases. An ointment based on it can eliminate complicated eczema and seborrheic dermatitis. It also prevents hyperpigmentation by suppressing abnormal melanocytes. Zinerit is also actively used to treat acne. You can find out how to use Zenerit in. Baziron cream is also widely known. You can read the instructions for using Barizon cream.

The video talks about the use of azelaic acid in cosmetology:

Instructions for use against acne

In pharmacies, such acid can be purchased in bags with different packaging from 1 gram to 25. From it you can prepare a medicinal cream that treats acne and pimples. But before purchasing a product, you should decide on its concentration. In large doses, the acid can cause redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation, which will pass over time, but the sensation will be unpleasant. The most commonly used is 20% azelaic acid. At this concentration it is the least toxic and its shelf life is long. Products based on it can be used by expectant mothers, as well as used by them during breastfeeding. After its application to the affected skin, it penetrates into the deep layers, and part of the substance is excreted unchanged through the kidneys.

Find out about the action tar soap against acne in.

To treat acne, many people buy ready-made preparations containing azelaic acid. But they are not cheap, and their effectiveness is sometimes questionable. Therefore, it is easier and more profitable to make cream at home.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • acid powder;
  • sucrose;
  • Microkil (a preservative that extends the shelf life of the future cream);
  • jojoba oil;
  • water.

The video shows instructions for using azelaic acid:

How to prepare azelaine gel

Pour 16.5 ml of water into a prepared small glass container and dilute 1.5 ml of azelaic acid in it, whisking the resulting mixture. Then you need to introduce 1.5 ml of sucrose. At the same time, you need to prepare another glass container into which you need to pour 7 milliliters essential oil(jojoba, rosemary or olive). Then the two containers should be heated in a water bath. After the sucrose has dissolved, you need to mix all the heated components until smooth. At the end you need to add one drop of Mikrokil.

The average price of the drug is 400 rubles.

If this process seems lengthy and costly, then you can dissolve a small amount of azelaic acid in alcohol, and then mix the resulting mixture with your daily cream. After using the first remedy, acne will practically go away in two months, the effect of the second recipe will be visible a little later. If you like to make acne remedies at home, then you can also try making or.

Application in cosmetology

The course of treatment and frequency of use of products with azelaic acid are prescribed by a dermatologist for each patient individually.

Its effect was clinically studied and as a result it was revealed that it does not affect reproductive function, therefore it can be used by pregnant women, but their dosage should be reduced.

The product is applied to prepared, cleansed skin and gently rubbed into the skin. They need to be lubricated twice a day. Improvements may occur within two weeks. The minimum course is two months. The acid is not addictive and has virtually no side effects, except for individual intolerance to its components. The timing of treatment and dosage must be strictly observed so that a relapse does not occur and the acne does not return.

Azelaic acid effectively eliminates acne by preventing the accumulation of oils and clogged pores. It destroys bacteria that provoke inflammatory processes. Prevents new formation of acne and pigmentation. Great for people with dark skin. Capable of providing a long-lasting effect. Safe for the body and well accepted by the skin. This acid is an ideal remedy for giving the skin freshness and cleanliness. You may also be interested in learning about.

Azelaic acid is a unique component that is actively used in the production of many cosmetic products aimed at inflammation and acne, as well as products that reduce the production of fatty acids that contribute to acne.

Azelaic acid promotes self-cleaning of the ducts sebaceous glands. In a short period of time, many skin problems can be eliminated, and your skin will look fresh and healthy. This happens very gently. Azelaic acid is considered the most gentle ingredient among all acids.

Azelaic acid is widely used in cosmetology to treat acne and pimples, as well as eliminate pigmentation. This acid has a beneficial effect on the skin, probably because it is produced to some extent by itself in the human body. Azelaic acid is included in many facial skin care creams; its mild effect is safe, so it can be used even by pregnant women.

Azelaic acid is constantly found in the human body, although in small quantities, and is produced during lipid metabolism. It is contained in cereal plants: wheat, rye and barley. This acid is obtained from linoleic and oleic acids by synthesis. It is a soft acid, several times weaker than vinegar.

Cosmetics with azelaic acid are products whose price is affordable, but still significant for the family budget. After all, to undergo treatment you will need more than one tube and more than one month of work on yourself. There are, of course, products that eliminate skin problems many times faster, but they also have a disadvantage. Firstly, the high price, and secondly, the mild effects of azelaic acid are safer for the human body than fast-acting acids.

To reduce costs and at the same time benefit medicinal properties azelaic acid, you can add it to the cream you use. It is available in pharmacies in the form of a white powder. The acid is practically insoluble in water, but in alcohol or ether the dissolution process is almost instantaneous, and is partially soluble in fatty oils.

Dissolve a small amount of azelaic acid in alcohol and mix the resulting solution with your daily cream. The effect of such a cream will be visible in about two to three months.

1. Slows down the formation of keratinocytes, that is, prevents the compaction of the surface layers of the skin.

2. Eliminates harmful bacteria that provoke the formation of acne and has antioxidant properties.

3. Prevents inflammation and acne spots, eliminates redness after rosacea, has a smoothing effect, polishes rough skin elevations and protects it from keratinization.

4. Eliminates pigmentation of different nature, since it can interrupt the synthesis of melanin; for hair – for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

Azelaic acid is used in gels, creams, sprays, lotions, tonics, and serums.

Azelaic acid, purchased in sachets at the pharmacy, can also be used to prepare your own homemade creams. But when you buy, decide on its concentration. In large doses, like any other acid, azelaic acid can cause redness and burning, which, of course, will pass, but still should not be allowed to happen. If these side effects do not go away during the first weeks of use and become difficult to tolerate, it is better to contact a cosmetologist to choose another product.

Most often, this acid is used in cosmetics up to 20%. Acid tends to penetrate deep into the skin, and this is important, since the causative agents of skin inflammation, which play a key role in the development of acne, are most often found in the thickness of the skin. Thanks to the use of products with azelaic acid, within a few weeks the number of bacteria is reduced by skin decreases significantly.

Acid is excreted from the body through the kidneys. Cosmetics with this acid are not recommended for use after deep peeling, drinking alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, after sunbathing, or for irritated skin. Studies have shown that azelaic acid has the most effective effect at a pH of 4.8-5.5.

Acid is not addictive and has virtually no side effects, unless individual intolerance is possible.

Azelaic acid is an ideal product for giving the skin freshness and cleanliness and can provide a long-lasting effect. It is perfect for people with dark skin.

Among the many cosmetic products with azelaic acid, several should be highlighted:

Night smoothing cream Sleep and Peel by Filorga, which has positive effect for tired skin, giving it radiance and softness. The cream contains a powerful anti-aging and revitalizing complex NCTF from Filorga, hyaluronic acid, polyhydroxy acids, azelaic acid and pyruvic acid. The cream has a moisturizing, comedolytic (removes blackheads) and antioxidant effect on the skin.

Aknestop cream. The main component of this cream is azelaic acid. The action of the product is aimed at combating acne.

Cream Azelik. With long-term use, the production of fatty acids, which cause acne, decreases, the formation of comedones decreases, the cream affects the process of keratinization of epidermal cells and thereby slows down the growth and activity of abnormal melanocytes, which cause hyperpigmentation.

Those who have severe acne notice positive result already four weeks after application. In general, to achieve maximum effect, you need to be patient for several months. When using the cream, there may be burning, itching and redness. But all this is gradually disappearing. However, as with any other cosmetic product, you need to take care of your skin; there are cases of allergies.

Cream Skinoren. This cream also fights acne, eliminates oily epidermis, has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation, reduces the production of free radical oxygen species and abnormal melanocytes.

Azogel cream. In a short period of time, the cream eliminates risk factors for the development of acne, skin pigmentation and red spots after acne, and restores damaged skin areas. It can overcome those bacteria that affect inflammatory process, inhibits the formation of acne. The effectiveness of the cream is quite high even after prolonged use.

Azelaic acid is included in many creams and gels, such as Acne-Derma, Azelex, Azix-Derm, Finevin, Finacea, Skinoclear gel and others.

A product with 20% azelaic acid is equivalent to 4% hydroquinone, which is the most powerful lightening agent in creams. Azelaic acid is often used in combination with other ingredients, for example, in combination with sunscreen filters, and other whitening agents are also combined with it - arbutin, vitamin C, kojic and glycolic acids, licorice root extract, etc.

Preparations containing a combination of fruit acids with salicylic and azelaic acids are effective. Such products help even out skin color, texture and reduce pores.

Azelaic acid has been said to slow down the formation of age spots. This occurs especially successfully when using 20% ​​azelaic acid. With this concentration, cosmetic products help with chloasma, pigmentation after acne, injuries, burns, as well as other inflammatory diseases skin.

Recent studies have shown significant antioxidant activity of azelaic acid, and therefore, in combination with other components, it is an effective cosmetic ingredient. And besides this, it can be useful as a stimulant for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

Before applying any product, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. The cream should be applied twice a day - morning and evening. Typically, the effect of a good cosmetic product should be noticeable within 2 weeks. If this is not the case, it means that this is not your cream or the main causes of skin problems have not been eliminated and you need to choose another product.

Azelik (azelaic acid) gel for external use 15%

Indications for use: Acne (acnevulgaris), rosacea.

A cosmetologist prescribed me the drug azelaic acid when I visited him before the previous one. facial cleansing. Since it was summer then, she explained that azelaic acid for the face can be used during the period of active sun, and prescribed a thin layer of the product to be smeared on the face twice a day, morning and evening.

To be honest, I was prescribed Skinoren, but from the reviews here I learned that there is Azelik, an analogue of Skinoren - they have one active substance, however, the latter significantly wins in price.

°▪○*Compare prices for February 2017 per tube of 30 g. 15% of the drug:

Azelik gel price from 522 to 827 rubles.

Skinoren: 840 – 1373 rub.

Conclusion: Azelik gel is an analogue, cheaper than Skinoren by 300 - 500 rubles.

The active ingredient is the same: 15% azelaic acid.

°▪○* See Azelik gel composition:

°▪○* Azelik 15% (azelaic acid) instructions for use:

°▪○* Azelik method of use: I applied the gel to clean, dry facial skin (over the whole face), in a thin layer 2, sometimes once a day, and a 30-gram tube lasted me for 2 months.

°▪○* Azelaic acid effect on the skin: at the beginning of use, after applying the gel, I felt tingling and itching, which went away after a few minutes, after a few days the side effects ceased to occur at all. In addition, when using Azelica, I felt increased dryness and skin tightness, but I did not notice an increase in greasiness. One more nuance: if the product is unevenly distributed, after drying, white streaks may be observed, which can be easily wiped off with your fingers or a powder brush, but you must remember to do this before going out into public.

°▪○* Azelik gel before and after photos

Judging by the indications for use, Azelik should fight acne or blackheads. Will the gel help get rid of blackheads and internal pimples?

I tried to take photos almost every week of treatment, and I share my observations with you. ATTENTION, THERE ARE PHOTOS OF ACNE BELOW (do not look at those with faint hearts).

There are internal, non-inflamed pimples, blackheads, and peeling skin.

Photo AFTER A WEEK of using azelik:

Many small red pimples have appeared, the skin is peeling.


The pimples have calmed down, the internal ones are in place, the blackheads are in place, there is some peeling.


Apparently there is a hormonal surge again - the pimples are a little inflamed, cream from la roche pose, so peeling is not visible.


All the problems are there.


The number of pimples has increased.


The pimples have calmed down, the blackheads are clearly visible.


Peeling, blackheads, internal acne have not gone away.

  1. Does not fight acne;
  2. Does not cope with internal acne;
  3. Doesn't remove blackheads.

Azelaic acid for acne turned out to be a weak weapon. I can recommend mechanical facial cleansing as an effective but temporary remedy for this ailment, azelik acne gel I don't recommend it.


Pharmacy cosmetics for acne-prone skin:
