Topics of projects at the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Topics of projects on the Russian language. The results of the study showed

Russian language in modern world

Completed the work: Gridenko Anastasia

student of group K(11)

Head: Potapova M.A.

Goal and tasks

Reveal the true significance of the Russian language in the modern world.

  • To trace, identify the reasons for the changes taking place in the modern language.
  • Find out the current problems for today's youth.


Main part:

  • Russian language in international and interethnic communication.
  • Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language



Language- a form of existence of national culture, a manifestation of the very spirit of the nation. Written in Russian greatest works literature. Russian is a language Russian state, all the most important documents that determine the life of society; language is also a means of mass communication - newspapers, radio, television. In other words, the life of society is impossible without a national language.

“If the foundation is destroyed, the building will not stand. Today, for some reason, they began to forget about it. The future of the Russian language is the future of the country as a whole.” (I. S. Turgenev. Complete works and letters in thirty volumes. T. 10. M .: "Science", 198 2.)

  • It is used in various areas of international communication, acts as a "language of science" - a means of communication between scientists. different countries, means of encoding and storing universal knowledge (60-70% of all world information is published in English and Russian languages). The Russian language is a necessary affiliation of the world's communication systems (radio broadcasts, air and space communications, etc.). English, Russian and other world languages ​​are characterized not only by the specifics of social functions; they also perform an educational function - they train the youth of developing countries.

The Russian language performs three functions:

1) the national Russian language;

2) one of the languages ​​of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia;

3) one of the most important world languages.

In addition to the basic functions that are inherent in every language, the Russian language has another very important purpose - it is a unifying link for many peoples and nations.

Russian is the international language of communication between the Slavic countries: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia.

According to the total number of people who speak it, the Russian language ranks 6th in the world.

More than 200 million people consider it their native language, and the number of those who speak it reaches 360 million. In more than 10 countries, the Russian language has the status of an official language, among them are Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

  • When considering the process of becoming a language of interethnic communication, priority is usually given to social factors. However, only social factors, no matter how favorable they may be, are not able to put forward this or that language as an interethnic one, if it lacks the necessary linguistic means proper.

“... The main character of our language lies in the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, inner lyrical feelings, sparkling pranks and amazing passion.”

A.I. Herzen

Development of modern Russian language

  • Language changes along with society and the processes taking place in it.

Computerization, media influence, borrowing foreign words– do they have a positive effect on the state of the Russian language?

Borrowing foreign words is one way to modify the language.

Anglicism- Words borrowed from English.

Anglicisms began their penetration into the speech of a Russian person at the end of the 18th (18th) and beginning of the 19th (19th) centuries. The Russian language experienced a historical boom in the influx of Anglicisms in the early 1990s.

  • Foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language, although they represent a rather numerous layer of vocabulary, nevertheless do not exceed 10% of its entire vocabulary.

  • historical contacts of peoples;
  • the need to nominate new objects and concepts;
  • innovation of the nation in any particular field of activity;
  • language snobbery;
  • fashion.

Today, the modern Russian language has more than 1000 anglicisms.

Examples of anglicisms in modern Russian:

  • Teenager - teenager
  • Piercing - injection, puncture
  • Mainstream - mainstream
  • Creative - creative, inventive
  • Goalkeeper - goalkeeper
  • Mass media - mass media
  • Millennium - Millennium
  • weekend - weekend
  • Horror - horror movie
  • Handmade - handmade
  • Loser is a loser

  • Borrowing words from other languages ​​can lead to both an improvement in our speech culture and its deterioration. Positive influence borrowed words is that in addition to our native Russian words, we can use foreign, often more expressive terms. Many of the foreign words decorate our speech, making it more expressive and interesting. However, one should not forget that the abundance of such words in the Russian language can lead to disastrous consequences: the Russian language can “drown” in a huge number of foreign words and lose its roots and essence.

  • At the moment, the Russian language is experiencing a kind of crisis: it is saturated with profanity, Americanisms and numerous jargons.
  • Very often there are cases when a distorted language is very actively promoted by the media, as well as by high-ranking officials who make many mistakes in their speech without attaching absolutely any importance to this, although the role of language in the life of society is enormous and its impact is very strong.
  • Illiteracy also distinguishes modern Russian music of the popular genre, which is oriented towards immature rising generations. Over time, the meaningless set of words inherent in many songs will become an element of youth communication.
  • Therefore, the future of the Russian language depends on us. Will it continue to be one of the most powerful and richest languages ​​in the world, or will it join the ranks of the disappearing ones.

Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language. 1. Jargon

jargon - this is a conditional colloquial word and expression used in certain social groups.

An example is computer jargon (slang):

jobs- working

buggy- stopped working

firewood- drivers

Windows- operating system

window leaf- Windows shell

program- computer program

clave- keyboard

server- server

hack- hack

Formation of slang vocabulary

Words and combinations are based on the dialect differences and morphemes of the language available in the environment of their appearance.

Ways of their formation: giving a different meaning, metaphorization, rethinking, reshaping, sound truncation, active assimilation of the vocabulary of foreign languages.

2. Influence of SMS communication on speech literacy

In 2007, humanity celebrated a round date - the 15th anniversary since the first SMS since the creation of the world was sent on the network. Especially for the anniversary, linguists conducted a study among lovers of communication through short test messages. And they came to a disappointing conclusion. It turned out that many teenagers - lovers of SMS - begin to forget their native language! Accustomed to mangling words, they forget about literacy not only in everyday speech, but also when doing schoolwork.

Punctuation marks in sentences and the inability of many young people to put them in the right place in a sentence. It is clear that when writing SMS, many do not remember what a dot, comma, colon, question and exclamation marks are. Often this is the reason for the incorrect interpretation of the SMS by the recipient.

But here's the sad thing: a literate person, of course, can neglect the rules of punctuation in an SMS message, but he will never forget about the rules of the language in ordinary life, and an illiterate person will never feel the difference between the so-called SMS letter and maintaining written documentation in ordinary life.


Based on all the tasks solved, it can be argued that the role of the Russian language is quite important in the modern world. The Russian language is our national treasure and we must treat it like a national treasure - to preserve and increase it.

  • For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.
  • Melnikova A. I. The study of anglicisms in the course "Modern Russian language" .- ., 1999
  • Explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language. Language Changes at the End of the 20th Century, Astrel, 2005
  • Internet resources

Film of students of the 8th grade "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina"

On the eve of the 120th anniversary of the birth of S. A. Yesenin, the guys and I visited the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan Region, visited the poet's house, the house of Lydia Kashina, the literary museum, and looked around the surroundings. Of course, we shot a video and decided to use it to create a short biographical note on the topic: "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina." You can see the result of our work

Film of 10th grade students "Karabikha"

The project of 10th grade students in the form of a correspondence excursion "Karabiha"

I once visited Karabikha in the summer, filmed a video there and took a photo, but the guys wrote the script for the tour and edited the film. The disadvantage of children's work is that they do not know how to recite. There is something to work on.

The work of a 11th grade student Karina Galynskaya

This is a collective work of children of different ages.

Below is an example of the design of a linguistic fairy tale in the form of a clip. The guys composed a fairy tale, then Stepanova Dasha drew the frames, they were scanned, then the sound was recorded and pictures were superimposed on the sound. Here is the movie ready! Of course, the topic is already so simple, it would be necessary to do something more difficult.

Not with verbs. Linguistic tale

Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko. Design work by Shesternenkova K. and Litvinenko A.

"The fate of the priest Konstantin Golubev"

Documentary film "Fyodor Nedosekin"

This design work participated in the city competition "Step into the Future. Elektrostal - 2010". We wanted to tell about a man we learned about from his grandson - Konstantin Vasilyevich Vladychensky. Our film tells about the priest of the Bogorodsk region, Father Sergius Vladychensky. He was repressed, like many clergy in the 30s. About his fate, told to us by his grandson, we told in this film. The authors of the project are Ekaterina Simagina, Nina Korenkova, Klinshova Ksenia. Students of the 11th grade and K. V. Vladychensky helped in dubbing the film.

Documentary film from the cycle "Priests of the Bogorodsk Territory" "Father Sergius Vladychensky"

In 2009 we celebrated the 210th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin. A competition of mini-projects "While Pushkin lasts in Russia, snowstorms will not blow out the candle" was held in the city. I invite you to get acquainted with the winning project - the video clip "In Memory of Pushkin". Students of the 7th grade Tatiana Krasotenko, Kira Sudakova and Ekaterina Kuznetsova worked on the project.

The advantage of the project method in comparison with others is obvious: each student is involved in an active creative process of obtaining new knowledge, independently performs the type of work that he himself has chosen, participates in joint work, in the process of communication, communications; increases motivation to study the subject, acquires research skills. Designers have different competencies, under which, according to the modern scientist-didact I.S. Sergeev, in modern pedagogy are understood as "complex personality traits, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, as well as readiness to mobilize them in the required situation.

In the teaching of the Russian language at the present stage, it is not by chance that there is a heightened interest in project method, because it contributes to the formation of various competencies, among which an important place belongs to communicative.

The purpose of project-based learning is to create conditions under which students:

    independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from different sources;

    learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    acquire communicative knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    develop research skills: the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize, develop systems thinking.

Principles of organizing project activities:

    The project must be feasible to carry out;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (to form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

    To prepare students for the implementation of projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic, at this stage students with experience in project activities can be involved);

    Provide project management by teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate notes of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection.

So, motive to work on the project "Syntax simple sentence” served as problems with the assimilation of the material. It was decided to find out. At the request of the project participants, groups (pairs) were formed, each of which received a task: to collect information.

This is a practice-oriented project, goal project- solution of practical problems.

project product can become tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations, etc. Such a product has real consumer properties. In this project, the product is a guide to in electronic format and printed. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is of high quality. The project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication devoted to one of the sections of syntax

This project is a group project (between groups of participants), groups of different ages (grades 5, 6 and 8)

common topic project "Simple Sentence Syntax". The option of combining the selected sub-themes into a single project for a group of different ages was considered. Each project participant chooses a subtopic for future research. In this way, groups are formed that work on one subtopic. The task of the teacher at this stage is to make sure that students with different levels knowledge, creativity, various inclinations and interests.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with a proposal

Brief summary of the project

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky

Without language, the life of a person, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. This needs to be learned - learn hard and patiently. Learning Russian will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of the modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

This project is designed to expand and deepen students' knowledge of the Russian language. The main goal of the project is the formation of knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence. Project on the Russian language on the topic "Simple sentence". It covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic. The goal is to generate interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project contributes to the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

The results will be published in the form of a publication. Also, during the implementation of the project, it is expected to enrich the vocabulary of students and expand their horizons. The project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of syntax. In the course of work, students will form:

1. Knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

2. Skills and abilities independent work with educational and artistic literature.

3. Skills and abilities of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

4. Skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

The work on the project was successful, because All the students in the class took part in it. Everyone received not only solid factual knowledge on the educational topic, but was also involved in cognitive, creative activities, acquired additional information through independent work. The children were convinced in practice that the Russian language is an interesting and fascinating subject, and any, at first glance, “boring” work can please both the result and the process itself, if everything is done together.

"project log"

Municipal Autonomous Society educational institution
Lyceum №10 of the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region

Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Skladanov Timofei Igorevich

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Project Manager



onRussian language and literature

(subject, subject area)


Objective of the project

The main goal of the project is to form knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence,

arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Expected results

    Russian language guide "Simple sentence"

    results will be published

    during the implementation of the project, it is supposed to enrich the vocabulary and broaden one's horizons.

    the project allows you to become interested in this topic, because it is a new form of work: creating your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of the syntax.

In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

    knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

    skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

    skills and abilities of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

    skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

Stages of work on the project


    stage of generalization of information;

Project result

    reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence" (publication in printed form)

    reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence" (electronic publication on the resource

Resources needed to complete the project


Group project topic:

The volume of the group project pages, it contains sources of literature.

Keywords: reference book, algorithms, simple sentence syntax

The object of study of the group project is the syntax of a simple sentence

The subject of research is the Russian language and literature.

Estimated time spent 2 months.

A group project consists of a "title page", "applications", "list of sources".

The relevance of the group project lies in the fact that in this project the product is a reference book in electronic and printed form. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is of high quality.

The "Appendix" reflects the process of project group work on the topic "This is not an easy simple sentence." Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

Project result

The work involves the creation of a guide to the Russian language.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact thatthe project allows students to be interested in this topic, since it is a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication devoted to one of the sections of syntax.

AT next year you can continue to work on the topic "Complex sentence e"


For a group project on Russian language and literature

The work was done in 2 versions.

FULL NAME. participants - Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofei Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Class _ 5c, 6a, 8b

On the topic "This is a difficult simple sentence." Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

In the group project, the topic is “This is not an easy simple sentence.” Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence" goals are formulated; the subject of the study is indicated; the objectives of the implementation of the GPR, the main results of activities, conclusions are presented.

The materials also contain: guides for group work, instructions for creating a handbook, worksheets for microgroups.

The application contains materials on the topics of the handbook, which were selected by the children in accordance with the program material, diagrams, practical exercises, tests

In terms of the stated theme "It's not a simple simple sentence." The creation of a guide to the Russian language "A Simple Sentence" and its purpose is of particular interest because it covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic, practical use project product. The topic is relevant.

    The work was done quite independently, each project participant chose a subtopic, groups were formed working on one subtopic.

    During the work, they learned to systematize the material on their own, to work with information.

    The materials of this work can be used in Russian language lessons, in distance learning. since an electronic version of the work has been created.

The work is accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

The presented reporting materials allow us to draw conclusions about the successful completion of the work on the project "This is not an easy simple proposal."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

date of 04/14/2015 Head (signature) ________________

Journal of group project work

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna

Lesson number

Lesson Topics

(stages of work)

Gavrilova Evelina

Skladanov Timofey

Enzhievskaya Anna

Bakidzhanov Artem

Kurakina Ksenia

Maleina Anastasia

Antonov Dmitry

Smirnova Victoria

Selecting a project topic.

Definition of goals and objectives

Distribution of project participants into subgroups. The choice of topics in accordance with the program material.

Work with the selection of information, the choice of sources of information.

Working with information. Reference and information portal ""

Work with the selection of information, the choice of sources of information.

Working with information. Reference and information portal ""

Creating a directory. Directory structure

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a directory. Google cloud training with a single document

Creating a presentation.

Create a presentation

Create a presentation

Project Publication

Publication of the project in electronic and printed form

Project Protection

Work plan for the GPR

for 2014-2015 academic year

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna teacher of Russian language and literature

students Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofey Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna , 5c, 6a, 8b class

Stages of work

Forms of work



The stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information summarization stage

The stage of presenting the results of the work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form





Project leader - teacher Kochulina Tatyana Viktorovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

"It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

2014-2015 academic year

Name (topic) of the project

"It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of a guide to the Russian language "Simple sentence"

Problem solved by the project

The motive for working on the project "Simple Sentence Syntax" was the difficulty in mastering the material on the topic. _____________________

Why is this project important (relevance of the project)

What is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word "syntax" means "construction" and directly indicates the need to streamline the units of the language. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by the need for people to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; for full-fledged communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed. Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language. __________________

Project motto (epigraph) 0

Objective of the project

Generate interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    To form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language,about building a simple sentence.

    To form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills and abilities of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction, the skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

    To form the ability to apply knowledge of the norms of the language in speech,learn to express your thoughts orally and in writing

    Apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Project type

practice-oriented project

Expectations from the project (planned result)

    Reference book on the Russian language "Simple sentence"

    The results will be published in the form of a publication (electronic and printed)

    During the implementation of the project, it is expected to enrich the vocabulary and broaden one's horizons.

    The project allows you to become interested in this topic, since it is the creation of your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of the syntax.

    In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

-Knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

- skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

- abilities and skills of search and selection in the educational and fiction of the necessary information and examples.

- skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

Project participants

Surname, name of the participant


Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Skladanov Timofei Igorevich

Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Image of the future result

(the product of the project can be described verbally, represented by a photograph,

drawing or collage, diagram or plan, etc.)

Project Execution Plan 0





Topic selection

The stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information summarization stage

Create a publication, work in Google clouds with a single document

The stage of presenting the results of the work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic (electronic publication on the resource and printed form

What was done (description of the result obtained)

Manual "Simple Sentence Syntax" in printed and electronic form

How did the project help solve the problem?

(positive effect from project implementation) 0


What didn't work (reserves)

1. Not all topics are covered in the handbook, since at the very beginning of the work on the project it took a long time to decide who would do what. ____________________________

2. Not all students completed their part of the overall task on time.___________

List of information sources used in project activities 0 Reference and information portal "",

Lesson number

Stages of work

Gavrilova Evelina 5v

Skladanov Timofey 5v

Enzhievskaya Anna 6a

Bakidzhanov Artem 6a

Kurakina Ksenia 8b

Maleina Anastasia 8b

Antonov Dmitry 8b

Smirnova Victoria 8b

Theoretical course

(filled in by the leader of the theoretical course)

Journal of group project activities

Group member self-assessment

(Self-assessment sheet)

(filled in by the group project leader from the self-assessment sheets)

Project presentation

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment))

Project Protection

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment)

Grade for the practical course (from each student's self-assessment sheet)

0 The manager does not grade, but keeps track of attendance with a “+” sign. The student himself evaluates his work in the group in the Self-Evaluation Sheet.

0 Filled must be at least 3 lines

0 Item to fill is optional

0 At least 5 sources, including Internet resources

View document content
"Lesson plan for project group activities"

Project theme“Such a difficult simple proposal. Creating a Simple Sentence Manual


Russian language

Interdisciplinary connections:


Related project "It's not an easy proposition."

Creation of the textbook "Simple sentence" (collective project from individual)

Practice-oriented project in the Russian language on the topic "Simple sentence". It covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply learn this topic.

Target- arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project contributes to the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

Didactic goals and methodological tasks:

    to form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language, about the construction of a simple sentence.

    to form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction, the skills and abilities to compare, analyze syntactic units with each other.

    to form the ability to apply knowledge of the norms of the language in speech, to teach to express one's thoughts orally and in writing

    to teach how to apply new computer technologies, to consolidate the skills of displaying the results obtained in a visual form;

    develop teamwork skills

    fostering interest in the native language.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with a proposal

1. Textbook, reference book, algorithms

Practical activity in a certain educational subject area.

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Manual "Simple Sentence Syntax" ... (collective project from individual)

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form

Plan for conducting a lesson on project activities

1. Opening remarks.

“Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom, but at the same time do not forget the most important thing - wise thoughts must not only be read and written out, but also put into practice with practical deeds.”

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky (slide 1)

– Do you agree with these words?

Without language, the life of a person, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. This needs to be learned - learn hard and patiently.

Learning Russian will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of the modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Let's see if we're ready to go.

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life? .. However, who among us has sometimes encountered the inability to understand a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of the language? Or a foreigner who builds his speech according to principles that we do not understand? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people. So what is "syntax"? what is the role syntax? slide 2

Children's answers.


Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

3. Work on planning sheets.

The students once again pronounce the main issues that they are working on in the project. Accompanied by a presentation

    Acquaintance with the theme of the project. slide 3-4

Fundamental question

Problematic issues

- What is a simple sentence?

Study questions

What is syntax?

What is a phrase?

What is coordination, control, adjoining?

What type of connection is in the phrase?

What are the simple sentences? Types of simple sentences?

What are the main parts of a sentence called?

How do subject and predicate differ from each other?

What types of predicates are known?

What minor members of the sentence do you know?

What members of a sentence can be homogeneous?

Why do you need to enter introductory words? What is the role of an appeal in a sentence?

What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

What is isolation?

What is the difference between isolated members of a sentence and non-isolated ones?

Which words are not part of a sentence?

4. Stage of generalization of information.

Frontal work with groups of students.

What methods of searching and collecting information do you know?

Where can you find the information you need? Who can help?

Who can be invited for consultation?

Where can they be found? Think about what each member of the group will do?

What jobs can be done in parallel?

Working with information:


- Reference and information portal "",

Search for information on selected topics, microgroups select material for their chapters, contribute to the manual, edit, since the project is practice-oriented, students work with various sources.

Choosing the right source of information advises the teacher

At this stage, the structuring of the information received and the integration of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are carried out.


Systematize the received data;

Combine the information received by each group into a single whole;

They build a general logical conclusion scheme for summing up.

The discussion takes place collectively: some options are accepted, others are rejected by the guys and replaced with new ones. Students ask each other questions, clarify information, analyze the information received.

5. Design of the project.Workshop.

Pupils receive reminders for work.

What issues could you advise another group on?

What else do you need to learn about this issue?

Let's remember once again how a directory should be built or tutorial?

The guys made a plan for building a manual, we will consider options for a document camera, we will choose a single construction scheme.

"Correction" of their projects to create a general publication. The teacher gives final instructions in work and design.

Creating a publication in the cloud, students work in pairs, according to their routes. Children work in Google clouds with a single document

    Preview, the work can be displayed on the board.

6. Reflection

    "Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom and put them into practice by practical deeds."

– Today we followed this the wisest advice?

Student responses.

7. Homework .

We will continue to work on the design of the manual, working in the clouds, supplementing our section.

View presentation content
project protection




Final group project

Russian language and literature

Such a difficult simple proposition. Creation of a guide to the Russian language.

Completed: Gavrilova Evelina (5th grade),

Skladanov Timofey, (5th grade)

Enzhievskaya Anna (grade 6a),

Bakidzhanov Artem (grade 6a),

Kurakina Ksenia (8b grade),

Maleina Anastasia (8b grade),

Antonov Dmitry (8b class),

Smirnova Victoria (8b class)

supervisor: Kochulina Tatyana Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Project epigraph: “The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” (Maxim Gorky)

Objective of the project: The main goal of the project is to form knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence, to arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence . Project objectives: 1. To form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language, about the construction of a simple sentence. 2. To form the skills and abilities of independent work with educational and fiction, the skills and abilities of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature. 3. Apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills.

Project relevance

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life? .. However, who among us has sometimes encountered the inability to understand a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of the language? Or a foreigner who builds his speech according to principles that we do not understand? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people.

Project relevance

So what is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word "syntax" means "construction" and directly indicates the need to streamline the units of the language. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by the need for people to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; for full-fledged communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed.

Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

What do we want to find out?

Fundamental question

Why can a simple sentence be "unsimple"?

Problematic issues

What is a simple sentence?

Is it always easy to find out the type of a simple sentence?

Which of the main members of the proposal is more important?

What members of the sentence are able to participate in the construction of the sentence?

How to determine the type of subordination in a phrase and why is it important to know when building a simple sentence?

How to learn how to correctly combine words into phrases to get a sentence that meets all the rules?

Why can only minor members of a sentence be isolated?

Study questions

- What is syntax?

- What is a phrase?

- What is coordination, management, adjoining?

What type of connection is in the phrase?

What are the simple sentences? Types of simple sentences?

What are the main parts of the sentence called?

What is the difference between subject and predicate?

- What types of predicates are known?

What minor parts of the sentence do you know?

- What members of the proposal can be homogeneous?

- Why do you need to enter introductory words What is the role of the appeal in the sentence?

What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

- What is isolation?

- What is the difference between isolated members of a sentence and non-isolated ones?

What words are not part of a sentence?

How did we do the work? We plan our activities

  • Divided into microgroups. Decided who would do what; each performs its part of the overall task.
  • Divided the learning topics among themselves (depending on the program) Determined the tasks that will need to be completed for the project.
  • Discuss how you want to present your part of the assignment. We decided what our project would be like and how best to present it.
  • We got acquainted with Google Doсs, learned how to work with a document in the clouds.
  • Search for information on selected topics: microgroups selected material for their chapters, contributed to the manual, edited. We have worked with various sources.
  • The main source of theoretical material portal /

How did we do the work?

In choosing the right source of information, we advised teacher

Systematized the collected information;

The information received by each group was combined into a single whole;

Found out that…..

Mandatory elements in such a manual should be control tasks, a glossary, questions for self-examination with answers, training tasks.

The grant must contain:

  • Introduction to the discipline.
  • Table of contents.
  • The main content, structured by sections (modules).
  • Control exercises (testing, tasks).
  • Glossary.

What did we get? results

1. Created a guide to the Russian language, which contains theoretical information and a practical part

2. We printed a guide at the printing house.

Lbova Nastya, Tokarev Yaroslav, Konstantinova Katya

Working on UMKV V. Babaytseva and L.D. Chesnokova, which is based on the formation and development of educational activities of schoolchildren, you understand how important it is for a child to feel like the subject of his educational work. Children should be given more freedom and independence in thought and practice. And this has project activities aimed at developing the cognitive skills of students, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, the ability to see, formulate and solve a problem.

"In the world of phraseological units".


In the process of working on the project, students form an idea of ​​phraseological units as sources of richness and expressiveness of Russian speech.



Educational project on the Russian language.

Theme "In the world of phraseological units"

Teacher: Krys Olga Anatolyevna,teacher of Russian language and literature

Working on UMKV V. Babaytseva and L.D. Chesnokova, which is based on the formation and development of educational activities of schoolchildren, you understand how important it is for a child to feel like the subject of his educational work. Children should be given more freedom and independence in thought and practice. And this has project activities aimed at developing the cognitive skills of students, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, the ability to see, formulate and solve a problem.

Organization of work on a training project on the topic:
"In the world of phraseological units".

The project "In the world of phraseological units" was developed for students of the 5th grade of secondary schools. Used in the study of the topic "Phraseology". The main thing in this project is the development of students' skills in working with information, the formation of a culture of research, and the development of communication skills.
During the project, students independently conduct group research on various sources of information (print, Internet, sociological survey) and arrange the results of their research in the form of a presentation, booklet, newsletter, etc.
In the process of working on the project, students form an idea of ​​phraseological units as sources of richness and expressiveness of Russian speech.

Project business card

Krys Olga Anatolievna

The region where the school is located

Irkutsk region, Ust-Udinsky district, Ust-Uda village

Institution name

Municipal educational institution "Ust-Udinsk secondary school No. 2"

Theme of the educational project

In the world of phraseological units

Thematic item curriculum school subject


Subject areas

Russian language, information technology


5 "a"

Didactic goals of the project

Formation of a high speech culture of communication among students

Development of skills for independent search and research activities, communication and teamwork skills.

Methodical tasks of the project

To form an idea of ​​phraseological units in the Russian language, the diversity of their types, origin, use and influence on speech culture speaker.

Develop information gathering and processing skills.

Develop research skills.

Fundamental question

How do phraseological units influence the speech culture of the speaker?

Questions learning topic(problematic)

Make porridge?

Where and how did phraseological units appear?

Is the degree of independence of words in phraseological units the same?

Is it possible to express the same idea with the help of phraseological units in different ways?

Do proverbs and sayings reflect the life experience of the Russian people?

Self-study by students in a learning project?

Expand the concepts of "free and non-free phrases".

Find out to what extent people are familiar with phraseological units, conduct a sociological survey.

Find out in what ways phraseological units appeared in the Russian language.

Find out whether the degree of independence of words in phraseological units affects their meaning.

Check how you can use phraseological units to express the same idea in different ways.

Pick up proverbs and sayings that reflect the life experience of the Russian people

Independent work of students in groups, discussion of the task of each in the group.

Group 1 - collection of material on free and non-free phrases (Eggo Nastya), a sociological survey of students in grades 5, 9, teachers on the meaning of phraseological units

(Razvozzhaeva Ksenia), creation of the booklet (Maxim Lukashchuk, Misha Stukan)

Group 2 - collection of material on the ways in which phraseological units appeared in the Russian language (Mityukova Alena, Konstantinova Katya), the creation of a reference abstract (Lbova Nastya, Reutova Nastya).

Group 3 - collection of material on phraseological units (Nikita Barakhtenko), fusions (Denis Gamayunov), combinations (Aleksey Tokarev), creation of a bulletin (Tatyana Moskaleva).

Group 4 - collection of material on phraseological polysemy, synonymy, antonymy - work with dictionaries - (Luda Molovikova, Tanya Linkova) and presentation design (Polina Evdokimova).

Group 5 - they select catchwords, proverbs, sayings that reflect the life experience of the Russian people (Medvedeva Luda, Gorbunova Julia), dictionary design (Dudnik Danil).

Pedagogical support

Student counseling.

Registration of project results

Presentation, newsletter, booklet.

Software and hardware required for the educational project.

Technical equipment

Computer, printer, scanner, projection system, Internet access.


Publishing programs, multimedia encyclopedias, word processors.

Time required to complete the project

2 lessons

Printed Materials

  1. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. / Ed. doc. philol. sciences, prof. N.Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Rus.yaz., 1981.
  2. Russian word: Optional course "Vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language": A guide for students / L.A. Vvedenskaya, M.T. Baranov, Yu.A. Gvozdarev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
  3. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. A.I. Molotkova. - M.: Rus.yaz., 1986.
  4. Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. - M., Media, 2007.
  5. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings. - M., Enlightenment. 1990.

Other accessories.

Internet resources. www.


Project activity at the lessons of the Russian language. The material contains a theory about project activities and a project on the topic "Interesting Phraseology", made by students of the 6th grade Pugina A., Yanova Ya., Volchkova M., in the form of a presentation. - author Bochkova N.Yu. Russian language teacher date
State educational institution of additional
vocational education(advanced training) of specialists
"Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Studies
and retraining of educators”

Faculty of advanced training
Department of Humanities and Artistic and Aesthetic Disciplines

Project activity at Russian language lessons

The final work was done at advanced training courses
from 20.10. to 10.11.2009
Bochkova Natalya Yurievna,
teacher of Russian language
MOU "Maryevskaya OOSh"
Yaya district

Vertiletskaya Inga Gennadievna,
head Department of Humanities and
artistic and aesthetic
disciplines, candidate ped. Sciences,
assistant professor
Kemerovo 2009
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………3
2. Project activities in Russian language lessons…………………..5
2.1. Features of the project as a method of teaching…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.2. Types of educational projects in the Russian language………………….. 8 - 10
4. References…………………………………………………….12
5. Appendix…………………………………………………………….13

Speaking of new pedagogical technologies, one must always keep in mind that true innovations in the field of pedagogy are extremely rare. As a rule, this is a consideration on a new round of pedagogical, social, cultural achievements long forgotten, old pedagogical truths in a different interpretation of teaching methods and techniques. Almost all so-called "new technologies" are well-forgotten old ones.
At the main level of the school, students are most often assigned different kinds independent work. Starting from the 5th grade, they are more willing and more confident to perform such work. This is understandable. In addition, I want to prove myself, demonstrate my own view, an original approach to business. All this makes independent work attractive. That is why the implementation of large individual projects is quite accessible to almost all students in grades 5-9 and 10. .
The projective method arose at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States. John Dewey, an American pragmatic philosopher, psychologist and educator, is considered the founder, although he did not use the word “project” in his works. His follower William Kilpatrick, Professor of Pedagogy at the College of Teachers at Columbia University, considered it extremely important to show children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life. In 1905, in Russia, the teacher T.S. Shatsky actively introduced this method into teaching practice. The implementation turned out to be insufficiently thought out and consistent. After the revolution of 1917, the young Soviet state enough other problems. But in a series of serious cases, there was a place for pedagogy. In 1931, by the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the project method was condemned, and its use in school was prohibited.
There were several reasons why the project method could not show itself in all its glory: - there were no teachers capable of working with projects;
- there was no developed methodology for project activities;
- the "method of projects" was illiterately connected with the idea
"complex programs", etc.
In the USSR, the method of projects was not in a hurry to revive at school, but in English-speaking countries they were actively and very successfully used. It took root in Europe and did not stand still, the idea acquired technological support, detailed pedagogical developments appeared that made it possible to transfer the project method from the category of pedagogical "works of art" to the category of "practical techniques". Born from the idea of ​​free education, the project method gradually "self-disciplined" and successfully integrated into the structure of educational methods. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate students' interest in knowledge and teach how to apply this knowledge in practice to solve specific problems outside of school. And at present, the concept of "new educational technologies" is not conceivable without the method of projects.
For the teacher, the project method is interesting because the choice of topics is unusually diverse. In Russian language lessons, it makes it possible to use the most unexpected forms of presentations: from abstracts, cheat sheets and diaries to the creation of a newspaper, magazine, crossword puzzle. .

2. Project activity at Russian language lessons
2.1. Features of the project as a teaching method
The main tasks of modern school education include the formation of an active independent and initiative position of students in learning and the development of general educational skills and abilities (research, reflective, self-assessment).
Project-based learning can serve as a pedagogical technology that implements the above tasks.
A project in training is a specially designed detailed development of a specific problem, which provides for the search for conditions and ways to achieve a real practical result; this is an independent development of the skills developed, the application of knowledge gained in the lessons of the Russian language, but already at a new, productive, search level.
The project method is based on the idea that the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren is directed towards the result that is obtained when solving one or another practically or theoretically significant problem.
Most of the authors who define the project highlight a number of characteristic features of this teaching method. First of all, it is the presence of a problem to be solved in the course of work on the project. Moreover, the problem should have a character that is personally significant for the author of the project, motivate him to look for a solution.
The project must have a clear, realistically achievable goal. In the most general sense, the goal of the project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case this solution has its own, unique embodiment. This incarnation is a project product that is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project.
So, the clarification of the original problem, the formulation of the goal and the creation of a speculative image of the project product are the first characteristics project.
Another difference of the project is the preliminary work planning. The whole path from the initial problem to the implementation of the project goal must be divided into separate stages with their own intermediate tasks for each of them; identify ways to solve these problems and find resources for this; develop a detailed work schedule indicating the timing of the implementation of each stage.
The implementation of the work plan on the project, as a rule, is associated with the study of literature and other sources of information, the selection of information; possibly with various experiments, experiments, observations, studies, surveys; with the analysis and generalization of the received data; with the formulation of conclusions and the formation on this basis of their own point of view on the original problem of the project and ways to solve it.
To implement the found method of solving the project problem, a project product is created. The project product must have certain consumer properties, that is, satisfy the needs of any person who is faced with the problem that the project was aimed at solving.
The project must have a written part - a progress report, which describes all the stages of work, all the decisions made with their justification, all the problems that have arisen and ways to overcome them; the collected information, the conducted experiments and observations are analyzed, the results of surveys are given, etc.; the results are summed up, conclusions are drawn, the prospects of the project are clarified.
An indispensable condition of the project is its public defense, presentation of the result of the work. During the presentation, the author not only talks about the progress of the work and shows its results, but also demonstrates his own knowledge and experience in solving the problem of the project, acquired competence. The element of self-presentation is the most important aspect of the work on the project, which involves a reflective assessment by the author of all the work he has done and the experience gained in the course of it. .
In the Russian language lessons, it is advisable to use the project method not instead of systematic subject teaching, but along with it, as a component of the education system. [2,3].

2.2. Types of educational projects in the Russian language
In modern methodological literature, there are several varieties of educational projects. According to the dominant activity of students, information, role-playing, practice-oriented, creative and research projects are distinguished.
The information project is aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience. Such projects include "Speech Portrait of a Schoolchild", "Russian Family Names and Nicknames: Past and Present", "SMS as a New Speech Genre", "Peculiarities of Utterances in Direct Youth Communication", "Language of Entertainment Programs".
In a role-playing project, students take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional characters. In the form of a role-playing game, one can present an analysis of the fables of I.A. Krylov, for example, on the topic “Linguistic expressiveness of the fable of I.A. Krylov and the parable “About the cricket and the ant”.
The practice-oriented project on the Russian language is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves. The project is predetermined and can be used in the life of the class and school. So, for example, the result of the development of the topic "The reasons for the appearance of neologisms in the Russian language" may be a selection of materials "Neologisms of the twentieth century" or the compilation of a dictionary of neologisms.
A creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to the design of the results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances of works of fine or decorative art, video films. For example, the project “On Modern Verse Advertising and Russian Poetry” can be presented as a performance.
Russian language research project - by structure Scientific research. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the designation of research objectives, the obligatory putting forward of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained. It uses methods modern science: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey, etc. The following studies can be attributed to this type of work: “Dialectisms of the Kemerovo region in the dictionary of V.I.
Projects in the Russian language are also classified by duration. Mini-projects fit into one lesson. Their development is most productive in the lessons of speech development. For example, on the mini-project "Compiling an advertising module using the maximum number of epithets" work is carried out in small groups, its duration is 20 minutes (10 minutes for preparation and 2 minutes for the presentation of each group).
Short-term projects in the Russian language take 4-6 lessons.
Weekly projects are done in groups. The work is under the guidance of a teacher, and it takes 30-40 hours of study to complete them. It is possible to combine classroom forms of work (workshops, lectures, laboratory experiment) with extracurricular activities (excursions and expeditions, outdoor video filming). Such a deep “immersion” makes the project week the optimal form of organizing this activity. As part of a weekly project, you can conduct a study on the topic "Repertoire of precedent phenomena in the speech of various social groups."
One-year projects in the Russian language can be carried out both in groups and individually. In a number of schools, this work is traditionally carried out within the framework of student scientific societies. The entire year-long project, from problem definition and topic to presentation, is done outside of school hours. This is a serious study, the defense of which is most often carried out at city scientific and practical conferences. .
It should be noted that the age interests and needs of adolescents often influence the choice of the type of project. Thus, students in grades 5-6, with their great need for interpersonal communication, show a greater propensity for role-playing and game projects. 7th-8th graders love to work on practice-oriented projects - their already significant school experience guarantees success in such work. Older teenagers, students of 9th and 10th grades, successfully cope with research projects, they have well-developed theoretical thinking and have an interest in research work. Well, almost all students in grades 5-10 willingly perform creative projects.
The variety of types of projects enables the teacher to solve a variety of tasks of teaching and educating adolescents in an interesting form for them. This allows students to actively acquire and apply knowledge and skills, expand their educational arsenal, and then transfer the acquired experience to other types of educational and extracurricular activities. .

An educational project in Russian for schoolchildren-researchers is an opportunity to do something interesting on their own or in a group, making the most of their abilities; this is an activity that allows you to prove yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit and show the publicly achieved result; this is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal.
The educational project for the teacher is an integrative didactic tool development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific design skills, namely, to teach problematization, goal setting and activity planning, introspection and reflection, finding the right information, conducting research, mastering and using adequate technology for manufacturing a design product, presenting a course its activities..
Thus, project activity is one of better ways to combine modern information technologies, student-centered learning and independent work of students. The main thing is to think about ways to introduce the method of projects into the structure of lessons.

1. Vakhrusheva L.M. Application of the projective method in the lessons of the Russian language [Text] / L.M. Vakhrusheva // Russian language. - 2007. - No. 14. - S. 35-36.
2. Sokolova Yu.A. Educational project and the possibility of its implementation in the Russian language lessons [Text] / Yu.A. Sokolova // Russian language at school. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 3 - 10.
3. Stupnitskaya M.A. New pedagogical technologies: learning to work on projects [Text]: recommendations for students, teachers and parents / M.A. Stupnitskaya; artist A.A.Selivanov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008. P. 7-197.

Project "Interesting Phraseology"

Project type: information and research

Subject area: Russian

Fundamental questions:
1) What is phraseology?
2) What are the sources of phraseology?
3) What is the meaning and etymology of phraseological units?

Project summary:
If you want to climb a step higher in the study of the history of a language and want to discover the fascinating world of your native speech, feel free to go with us to interesting trip through the pages of science "Phraseology" and start studying this project.

Didactic goals of the project:
- formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity;
- improvement of research skills;
- formation of teamwork skills;
-acquisition of skills of independent work with a small amount of information.
Methodical tasks of the project:
- consolidate knowledge of phraseology;
-to form the ability to correctly use phraseological units in speech.

Problems of independent research:
Where did idioms come from in speech?
-What will happen to our speech if we do not use phraseological units?

Research results:
Presentation of research activities of 6th grade students.

Stages of work:
- formation of research topics;
-formation of a group for the study;
- work in groups;
- preparation of the presentation;
- protection of the project;
-group discussion, evaluation results.
See the full text of the material Project activities in Russian language lessons in the downloadable file.
The page contains a snippet.