Technology of multidimensional didactics. Development of systems thinking using the technology of multidimensional didactic tools. Topic: “Life of the heart and mind”


E.P. Kazimierchik

Ways to improve the effectiveness of learning are being sought in all countries of the world.In Belarus, problems of learning effectiveness are being actively developed inbased on the use of the latest achievements of psychology, computer science and the theory of cognitive control.

Currently, 70-80% of all information a student receives no longer from a teacher or at school, but on the street, from parents and in the processobservations of life around us, from the media, and thisrequires the transition of the pedagogical process to a qualitatively new level.

The priority of education should not be the acquisition by students of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the ability of schoolchildren to learn independently, obtain knowledge and be able to process it, select the necessary ones, remember them firmly, and connect them with others.

It has been proven that learning only becomes successful and attractive for students if they know how to learn: they know how to read, comprehend, compare, research, systematize and rationally remember. This can be achieved through the use of multidimensional didactic technology.

Multidimensional didactic technology - new modern technology visual, systematic, consistent, logical presentation, perception, processing, assimilation, memorization, reproduction and application educational information; This is a technology for the development of intelligence, coherent speech, thinking, and all types of memory.[ 2 ]

The main goal of introducing MDT is to reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of teachers and students through the use of multidimensional didactic tools: logical-semantic models and mind maps (memory maps). Their use improves quality educational process, contributes to the formation of students’ interest in knowledge, broadens their horizons.

From 1st grade onwards, using memory cards is effective. They activate research activities children, help them acquire primary skills in conducting independent research.

A memory card is a good visual material that is easy and interesting to work with. It is easier to remember than printed text from a textbook. At the center of the memory map is a concept that reflects its key theme or subject. Branching out from the central concept are colored branches with keywords, pictures, and space to add details. Keywords train memory, and drawings concentrate and develop the child’s attention. Students can display their thoughts on paper, process the information received, and make changes. Drawing memory maps can be classified as a gaming activity. It is especially effective in grades 1-2, since visual-figurative thinking predominates in children of this age category. Children's ability to make short notes and find corresponding signs (symbols) indicates the level of development of creative abilities and associative thinking. Thus, mind maps clearly demonstrate the topic as a whole, helping the child to be not just a student, but a researcher.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when drawing up memory maps:

    Always use a central image.

    Strive for optimal placement of elements.

    Strive to ensure that the distance between map elements is appropriate.

    Use graphic images as often as possible.

    Use arrows when you need to show connections between map elements or LSM.

    Use colors.

    Strive for clarity in expressing your thoughts.

    Place keywords above relevant lines.

    Make the main lines smoother and bolder.

    Make sure your drawings are clear (understandable).

In grades 3-4, you can begin to use logical-semantic models in the educational process. They are based on the same principles as memory cards, but do not contain drawings. The use of LSM allows you to rationally distribute time when studying new material, helps students express their own thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions.

With the help of educational literature, students can independently compose LSM after initial acquaintance with the topic. Work on drawing up models can be carried out in groups or pairs, where all the details are discussed and clarified. Depending on the topic of the lesson, the LSM is compiled in one lesson or built in stages - from lesson to lesson - in accordance with the material being studied.

The use of logical-semantic models helps children establish correspondences between concepts, teaches them to formulate conclusions, and consciously answer questions.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the use of multidimensional didactic technology tools is possible not only at the stage of learning new material, but also at other stages of the lesson.

So, for example, at the stageWhen setting goals and objectives for a lesson, an effective method of motivating students for upcoming activities is to create a problem situation with the help of diagrams and models, during which the students come to the conclusion that some material (or concept) is not familiar to them. As a result, no children remain indifferent in the lesson, because each student is given the opportunity to express his opinion and set a learning task in accordance with his capabilities and abilities.

At the stage of consolidating the studied material, in order to understand how consciously all the children filled out the coordinates of the LSM, you can invite them to resume some points of the diagram.

But, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm for constructing LSM:

1. Place an oval or triangle with the name of the topic - the object of study - in the center of the sheet (page).

2. Determine the range of issues, aspects of the object being studied to determine the number and set of coordinates.

3. Display all coordinate axes in the figure, their sequence is determined, numbers K1, K2, K3, etc. are assigned.

4. Select the main facts, concepts, principles, phenomena, rules that relate to each aspect of the topic and are ranked (the basis for ranking is chosen by the compiler).

5. On the coordinates for each semantic granule, mark the supporting nodes (dots, crosses, circles, diamonds).

6. Make inscriptions next to the reference nodes, and the information is encoded or reduced using reference words, phrases, and symbols.

7. Dashed lines indicate connections between semantic granules of different coordinate axes.

As we can see, the technology of multidimensional didactic tools contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of any information and significantly increases the effectiveness of learning. It also allows you to:

    systematize knowledge on a voluminous topic;

    activate the mental activity of students;

    develop logical thinking;

    use creative tasks;

    Relying on the key points of the topic, reproduce complete information.

List of used literature:

    Dirsha, O.L. We teach to acquire knowledge / O.L. Dirsha, N.N. Sychevskaya // Pachatkova school. – 2013. - No. 7. – pp. 56-58.

    Novik, E.A. Use of multidimensional didactic technology / E.A. Novik // Patchatkovaya school. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.16-17.

Master class is one of the forms of effective professional training of teachers to develop practical skills in various methods and technologies with the aim of exchanging work experience. Author of the master class Marenkova N.V. , teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Secondary School No. 50 named after. Yu.A. Gagarin" Kursk.

Master class “Development of systems thinking of students in literature lessons using the technology of multidimensional didactic tools”

The purpose of the master class: to create conditions for the teacher’s professional self-improvement, in which an individual style of creative pedagogical activity is formed in the process of experimental work.

The main scientific ideas are activity-based, personality-oriented, research, reflective approaches.

Form: lecture-practical lesson

Structure of the “Master Class”:

  1. Presentation

Motivating moment and creating a problematic situation;

Updating the master class topic;

Identification of problems and prospects in the work of a teacher in the mode of effective pedagogical technology.

  1. Activity Presentation

Teacher's story about the technology of multidimensional didactic tools;

Determining the basic techniques and methods of work that will be demonstrated;

Brief description of the effectiveness of the technology used;

Questions for the teacher regarding the outlined project.

  1. Lesson and simulation game with students demonstrating techniques for effectively working with students.
  1. Modeling.

Independent work of students to develop their own model of a lesson (lesson) in the mode of demonstrated pedagogical technology;

The teacher plays the role of a consultant, organizes and manages the independent activities of students;

  1. Reflection

Discussion on the results of joint activities between teacher and students.

The teacher’s final word on all comments and suggestions.

The result of the “master class” is a model of the lesson, which was developed by the “teacher-student” under the guidance of the teacher who conducted the master class, with the aim of applying this model in the practice of their own activities.

Topic: “Life of the heart and mind”

Good afternoon. I am glad to see you at our master class. A focus group will help me conduct it a little later.


What do you see on the slide? What is hidden under the name “Life of the Mind and Heart”? What do the name and coordinates have to do with each other? We will try to answer these questions within 15 minutes.


Computer technology bombards students with an ever-increasing volume of material; testing forces them to shift the emphasis in learning to memorizing educational material.

A way out of this situation may be the use of didactic multidimensional technology, which was developed in the 90s. XX century Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Valery Emmanuilovich Steinberg.


The technology was based on the principle of multidimensionality of the surrounding world.


The concept of “multidimensionality” becomes leading within the framework of this technology and is understood as a spatial, systemic organization of heterogeneous elements of knowledge. Main purpose of introduction didactic multidimensional technology - reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of the teacher and student’s activities through the use of multidimensional didactic tools.

Didactic multidimensional technology makes it possible to overcome the stereotype of one-dimensionality when using traditional forms of presentation of educational material (text, speech, tables, diagrams, etc.) and include students in active cognitive activity in assimilation and processing of knowledge, both for understanding and memorizing educational information, and for development of thinking, memory and effective methods of intellectual activity.

Didactic multidimensional technology provides visual and systematic

presenting knowledge in a compact and universal form using keywords allows you to solve a number of important problems: connects individual paragraphs of textbooks into integrated topics; logically arranges the material, makes it possible to correctly select information; allows you to highlight cause-and-effect relationships; highlights basic terms and concepts, develops students’ substantive speech; equips students and teachers with the necessary tools; the connection of verbal and visual channels of information leads to a sharp increase in the digestibility of the material. Didactic multidimensional technology provides an opportunity for a teacher of Russian language and literature to practically use all types of speech activities in lessons, to provide an individual and differentiated approach to teaching, taking into account the training, interests and inclinations of children.


The basis of didactic multidimensional technology is didactic multidimensional tools - universal, visual, programmable, materialized conceptual-figurative models of multidimensional representation and analysis of knowledge.

With the help of didactic multidimensional tools, a logical-semantic model is created, with the help of which SLIDES 6, 7.


As a graphic form of tools of didactic multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg proposes an eight-ray sign-symbol.

The number of coordinates in the logical-semantic model is eight, which corresponds to human empirical experience (four main directions: forward, backward, right, left and four intermediate directions), as well as scientific experience (four main directions: north, south, west, east and four intermediate directions).

According to Pythagoras, eight is a symbol of harmony, a sacred number... means simultaneously two worlds - material and spiritual...

The number eight symbolizes pairs of opposites. Other symbolic meanings are love, advice, favor, law, agreement. Eight noble principles: 1) right faith; 2) the right value; 3) correct speech; 4) correct behavior; 5) correct achievement of means of living; 6) correct aspiration; 7) correct assessment of one’s actions and perception of the world by the senses; 8) correct concentration.

Didactic multidimensional tools developed in “solar” graphics contain a structured set of concepts on the topic being studied in the form of a semantically coherent system that is effectively perceived and recorded by human thinking.

The positive aspects of using didactic multidimensional tools are that the verbal-visual presentation of knowledge supports the memorization and reproduction of information.

Thus, didactic multidimensional tools allow you to see the entire subject, topic in a generalized form and each part, each essential element separately.

Using didactic multidimensional tools, a logical-semantic model is created, which SLIDES 7, 8.


A logical-semantic model is an image-model of knowledge representation based on support-nodal frameworks.

The support-node frame is an auxiliary element of logical-semantic models.


The semantic component of knowledge in the logical-semantic model is represented by keywords placed on the frame and forming a connected system.


In this case, one part of the keywords is located at the nodes on the coordinates and represents connections and relationships between elements of the same object.

And today I will try to apply these technologies in our master class.


Look at these illustrations. Who do you see here?

Subtle researcher of the human soul, L.N. Tolstoy argued that “people are like rivers: each has its own channel, its own source...” And this source is one’s home, family, its traditions, way of life.

In a large house on Povarskaya Street in the center of Moscow lives the large and friendly family of Count Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov. You can immediately notice here an atmosphere of cordiality, love and goodwill, since “there is an air of love in the Rostov house.” The doors are open to everyone. The Rostovs have a happy home! Children feel parental tenderness and affection! Peace, harmony and love are the moral climate in a Moscow home. Life values The things that children brought from their parents’ home are worthy of respect - they are generosity, patriotism, nobility, respect, mutual understanding and support. All children inherited from their parents the ability to participate, empathy, compassion, and mercy. In this house, everyone is frank with each other: they sincerely have fun and cry, and experience life’s dramas together. The family is musical, artistic, and they love singing and dancing in the house. The Rostov family is distinguished by its kindness, emotional responsiveness, sincerity, and willingness to help, which is what attracts people to them. It is in the Rostov house that patriots grow up, recklessly going to their death. There is no place for hypocrisy and hypocrisy in this house, so everyone here loves each other, children trust their parents, and they respect their wishes and opinions on various issues. The Rostovs tend to win over good (in the lofty, Tolstoyan sense of the word) people. Hospitality is a distinctive feature of this house: “Even in Otradnoye there were up to 400 guests.”


SO, let's try to construct logical-semantic models:

We place the design object in the center of the future coordinate system: topic, problem situation, etc. ., and the theme of the master class is HOME (FAMILY); name the members of the Rostov family .


We define a set of coordinates - a “range of questions” on the projected topic, which may include such semantic groups as the goals and objectives of studying the topic, the object and subject of study, content, methods of study, the result and humanitarian background of the topic being studied, creative tasks on individual issues ; In the Rostov house, the head is Ilya Andreevich - a Moscow gentleman, the kindest man who idolizes his wife, adores his children, and is quite generous and trusting: "... it’s rare that someone could throw a feast in such a big way, hospitably, especially because it’s rare that anyone knew how and wanted to invest his money if it was needed to organize a feast..." Count Rostov and his family are rich nobles. They have several villages and hundreds of serfs... in a house worth one hundred thousand goods..." "...When the daughters were born, each was assigned three hundred souls as a dowry...”

Rostova Sr. is involved in raising children: tutors, balls, outings, youth evenings, Natasha’s singing, music, preparation for studying at Petit University; hesitates between the choice - carts for the wounded or family heirlooms (future material security for children). A warrior son is a mother's pride. Rostova Sr. cannot bear the death of her husband and younger Petya.

Faith is the very exception that confirms the rule. Her strange, cold, selfish behavior does not fit with the situation in the Rostovs' house. But the parents themselves feel her foreignness: “We have become too wise with the eldest and do not like the “correct” Vera.

Another family member is Nikolai Rostov. He is not distinguished by either the depth of his mind or the ability to think deeply and experience people's pain. But his soul is simple, honest and decent.

Natasha grew up in such a friendly and friendly family. She looks like her mother both in appearance and in character - just like her mother, she shows the same care and thriftiness. But she also has her father’s traits - kindness, breadth of nature, the desire to unite and make everyone happy. A very important quality of Natasha is naturalness. She is not capable of playing a predetermined role, does not depend on the opinions of strangers, and does not live according to the laws of the world. The heroine is endowed with love for people, a talent for communication, and an openness of soul. She can love and surrender to love completely, and this is precisely what Tolstoy saw as the main purpose of a woman. He saw the origins of devotion and kindness, selflessness and devotion in family upbringing.

Petya is the youngest in the family, everyone’s favorite, childishly naive, kind, honest, overwhelmed by a patriotic feeling.

Sonya is a niece, but she is comfortable in this family, because she is loved just as reverently as other children.

Natasha, Nikolai, Petya are honest, sincere, frank with each other; open their souls to their parents, hoping for complete mutual understanding (Natasha - to her mother about self-love; Nikolai - to her father even about losing 43 thousand; Petya - to everyone at home about her desire to go to war ... So what qualities are characteristic of Nikolai Rostov?


We determine a set of reference nodes - “semantic granules” for each coordinate, by logical or intuitive determination of the nodal, main elements of content or key factors for the problem being solved ; Indeed, Nikolai Rostov is characterized by... But what can be said about Natalya Rostova and Sonya?


The reference nodes are ranked and placed on the coordinates

information fragments are recoded

for each granule, by replacing information blocks with keywords, phrases or abbreviations.

Countess Rostova - ..., Sonya - ...

Let's remember what Natasha, Petya, Vera learned in their home.


After applying the information to the frame, a multidimensional model of knowledge representation is obtained. We see how often Tolstoy uses the word family, family to designate the Rostov house! What a warm light and comfort emanates from this word, so familiar and kind to everyone! Behind this word - peace, harmony, love.


From here, from home, is the Rostovs’ ability to attract people to themselves, the talent to understand someone else’s soul, the ability to worry, to participate. And all this is on the verge of self-denial. The Rostovs do not know how to feel “slightly”, “halfway”; they surrender completely to the feeling that has taken possession of their soul. The openness of the Rostovs’ soul is also the ability to live the same life with the people, to share their fate; Nikolai and Petya go to war, the Rostovs leave the estate for a hospital, and the carts for the wounded. Both the evening in honor of Denisov and the holiday in honor of the war hero Bagration are all actions of the same moral order.


For the Rostovs, the parental home and family are the source of all moral values ​​and moral guidelines, this is the beginning of beginnings.

I want to ask my colleagues sitting at this table to help me construct logical-semantic models within 2 minutes.


A slightly different family is the Bolkonskys - serving nobles. All of them are characterized by special talent, originality, and spirituality. Each of them is remarkable in its own way. The head of the family, Prince Nikolai, was harsh with all the people around him, and therefore, without being cruel, he aroused fear and respect in himself. Most of all, he values ​​intelligence and activity in people. Therefore, while raising his daughter, he tries to develop these qualities in her. The old prince inherited a high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind to his son. Both son and father Bolkonsky are versatile, educated, gifted people who know how to behave with others.

Andrei is an arrogant person, confident in his superiority over others, knowing that he has a high purpose in this life. He understands that happiness is in the family, in himself, but this happiness turns out to be difficult for Andrei. His sister, Princess Marya, is shown to us as a perfect, absolutely integral psychologically, physically and morally human type. She lives in constant unconscious expectation of family happiness and love. The princess is smart, romantic, religious. She humbly endures all her father’s mockery, puts up with everything, but does not cease to love him deeply and strongly. Mary loves everyone, but she loves with a love that makes those around her obey her rhythms and movements and dissolve in her. Brother and sister Bolkonsky inherited the strangeness and depth of their father’s nature, but without his authority and intolerance. They are insightful, deeply understand people, like their father, but not in order to despise them, but in order to sympathize with them. We see Nikolenka, the son of Prince Andrei, in the epilogue of the novel. He is still small, but he is already listening carefully to the reasoning of Pierre Bezukhov. The Bolkonskys are honest and decent people who try to live in justice and in harmony with their conscience.

Let's turn to our focus group and listen to what they came up with.

Slides 21-27.


Love, family and father's home.

All that is most dear to me.

Great meaning, filled with goodness,

Carried by the immortal genius of the wise Tolstoy.

Branch of JSC “National Center for Advanced Training” Orleu"

"Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the North Kazakhstan Region"

Didactic multidimensional tools and logical-semantic models in the lessons of economic and social geography of Kazakhstan, grade 9

(section “Economic regions of Kazakhstan”)



The present Toolkit intended for geography teachers teaching the subject Economic and Social Geography of Kazakhstan, grade 9, section 3. “Economic regions of Kazakhstan.”


    A.S. Beisenova, K.D. Kaimuldinova Physical geography of Kazakhstan. Reader 8th grade Almaty “Atam”ұ ra", 2004

    A.Gin Techniques of pedagogical techniques. Moscow 2000

    Z.Kh.Kakimzhanova Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan. Additional textbook for 9th grade. Almaty "Atam"ұ ra" 2007

    V.V.Usikov, T.L.Kazanovskaya, A.A.Usikova, G.B.Zabenova Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan. Textbook for 9th grade of Almaty secondary school “Atam”cheers»



    Territorial organization of production and economic zoning

    Central Kazakhstan. Conditions for the formation of an economy. Population

    Eastern Kazakhstan. Conditions for the formation of an economy. Population

    Economy of Eastern Kazakhstan

    Western Kazakhstan. Conditions for the formation of an economy. Population

    Northern Kazakhstan. Conditions for the formation of an economy. Population

    South Kazakhstan. Conditions for the formation of an economy. Population

    Economy of Southern Kazakhstan


    Lesson on the topic: “Central Kazakhstan”

    Table of contents


The teacher’s work system is not limited to the use of any one pedagogical technology, including innovative ones. The work of a teacher in the classroom is a variety of techniques that each teacher considers most acceptable for himself, through which he can reveal his teaching skills. The teacher is a creative person, constantly looking for the most effective technologies that contribute to the development of the student’s personality. The creativity of a teacher is the activity of creating something new. Therefore highest degree creativity in upbringing and education is a pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, a new pedagogical technology is tested and given the right to exist. For one year in my lessons, I have been using didactic multidimensional technology used to build logical semantic models (LSM).

Logical-semantic models (LSM), developed by V.E. Steinberg, candidate of pedagogical sciences, present information in the form of a multidimensional model that makes it possible to sharply condense information. They are designed to represent and analyze knowledge, support the design of educational material, educational process and educational activities. Modeling using LSM is effective way combating the prevalence of reproductive thinking among students.

The basic principles of constructing logical-semantic models are: reduction to keywords, structure, logical ordering. The program allocates 11 hours for studying the section “Economic regions of Kazakhstan”; there are no separate hours for performing practical work. The textbook presents a large amount of information that students need to assimilate within certain hours. The LSM “Economic Regions of Kazakhstan” I created allows us to rationally distribute time when studying this material. The knowledge gained in the process of working with such models becomes deep and lasting. Students easily operate with them, which is the most important thing, they independently construct new knowledge. LSM can be used to solve various didactic problems:

When studying new material, as a plan for its presentation;

When practicing skills and abilities. Students compose LSM independently, after initial familiarization with the topic, using educational literature. Work on drawing up the LSM can be carried out in pairs of permanent and rotating members, in microgroups, where all details are discussed, clarified and corrected. It should be noted that students work on compiling the LSM with great desire;

When generalizing and systematizing knowledge, LSM allows you to see the topic as a whole, understand its connection with the material already studied, and create your own memorization logic. Analyzing and selecting keywords from the text to create models helps schoolchildren prepare for successful passing of the UNT.

The experiment on the use of DMT in geography lessons lasts one year, working for a year using this technology shows the effectiveness. The use of DMT allows students to deeply understand and assimilate knowledge, provides the opportunity to compare, draw conclusions, and leads to scientific generalization. Technology helps test students' knowledge and bridge gaps. During the entrance test in geography, the results were noticeable: out of 48 students, 30% of students received a grade of “5”, 50% of students received a grade of “4” and 20% of students received a grade of “3”.

Thus, the use of DMT allows:

Increase students' interest in the subject;

Develop skills in working with additional literature;

Develop the ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions;

Prepare for successful completion of VOUD and UNT;

Improve the quality of knowledge;

Relieve the tension of psychological and pedagogical problems and optimize the entire educational process as a whole.

peculiarities integrated development farms






unique geographical location

natural and labor resources

K 1


K 2


K 3


K 4


K 5


Central Kazakhstan







Canal (Irtysh-Karagandy-Zhezkazgan)

Rich in mineral resources

Kazakh small hills

Karaganda region

S– 428 thousand km 2

population -1339 thousand people.

average density 3.1 people/km 2 .



Advantageous position

Borders (SER, YuER, ZER, VER)

Transit position



Low-mountain, small hills

Sharply continental

Precipitation 250mm.

Growing season 160 days



Forest - insignificant.

(Karkaraly scientific center)

Rivers (Nura, Torgai, Sarysu)

Lakes (Balkhash, Karasor, Kypshak)

Not enough


P.R (M.R)

Oil-bearing places. (South Torgai)

Copper (Zhezkazgan, Pribalkhash)


(Atasu, Zhezdy)

Karaganda basin



Most highly urbanized city ​​district population 85%

Karaganda – Temirtau agglomiration of 11 cities (1134 t.h.)

115 nationalities

Raising virgin soil

Tungsten, Molybdenum

(Karaganda State District Power Plant, Samarkand Thermal Power Plant, Balkhash Thermal Power Plant)


Economy of Central Kazakhstan






MMC, GDO (black, non-ferrous, coal)

Fuel (Karagandinsky 32%) Ferrous metallurgy (Temirtau KPC)

Ferrous metallurgy (Temirtau KPC)

7th place in terms of power in the CIS

GMK raf. copper (Zhezkazgan, Balkhash)

Mechanical engineering "Kargormash" (mining equipment)

Lightweight, knitted, sewing





Zhezkazgan PU rolled copper(Sulfuric acid, nitrogen fertilizer, benzene)

Balkhash PU

Karaganda-Temirtau TPK

(metal-intensive mechanical engineering)



Livestock breeding (sheep, cattle, horse breeding, pigs)

Plant growing,(cereals, sunflowers, vegetables, potatoes)




Zheleznodorozhny (Akmola-Karaganda-Shu)









Weathering, soil erosion

Mining industry


EGP - economic - geographical position

M.R. - mineral resources

P.R - natural resources

P.U - natural conditions

TPK-territorial production complex

PC - industrial unit

O/H.-sectors of the economy

O/P industries

Agricultural agriculture

K.G.-large cities


E.P-environmental problems

V.K. business card

Construction materials (cement) (Shymkent, Sastobe)


Economy of Southern Kazakhstan






Oil and gas production

(Kyzylorda region)

Chemical (“Khimpharm” - Shymkent)

Non-ferrous metallurgy (Shymkent, polymetallic concentrate production)

Almaty industrial hub

Shymkent-Kentau industrial hub








Lightweight (wool, cotton products)

Plant growing (grain, industrial, cotton, viticulture, horticulture)



Motor transport







Karatau-Taraz (mining and chemical)

Oil refineries

Industrial emissions enterprises


Mechanical engineering Almaty, South Kazakhstan)





5th place according to ch.n.


Eastern Kazakhstan






Nature is diverse


Colored, rare met.

Provided with water resources.

East Kazakhstan region

S– 283 thousand km 2

population -1425 thousand people.

average density 5 people/km 2 .



Border states (Russia, China)

ERK (North ek.r., Cent. ek.r., South ek.r.)

Not favorable enough



Sharply continental

Precipitation 150-1500 mm.

Mountain, small hills


P.R (M.R)

Building material

Hard coal (Karazhyra)

Polymetals (Ridderskoe, Zyryanovskoe, Berezovskoe)

Titanium, magnesium, gold (Bakyrchik, Bolshevik)



Hydropower resources (Irtysh river)

Reservoirs (Ust-Kamenogorskoye, Bukhtarminskoye, Shulbinskoye).


(without irrigation)

Soils (chestnut,



Silver, copper(Nikolaevskoe)

Lakes (Sasykol, Markokol)



10 cities

Inhabited since antiquity

South Kazakhstan






The Great Silk Road

Irrigated agriculture (cotton)

Unique architectural monuments

Agricultural-industrial. economy area

Zhambylskaya, Kyzylorda,

South Kazakhstan

S– 771 thousand km 2

population -5538 thousand people.

average density 7.8 people/km 2 .



Second in area

Borders (TSER, VER, ZER)

Border (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China)



arid, soft

Precipitation 100-200mm.

700-1100 mm

Plain, mountain



P.R (M.R)

Limestone (Sastobe)

Natural gas (Amangeldinskoye)

Fuel (coal – Almaty, Kyzylorda)




The groundwater

Soils (gray-brown, gray soils)

Reservoirs (Chardara, Kapchagai)

Agroclimatic (unique)



Agglomeration (Almaty)


Cities (26)

1st place in density

Gypsum (Taraz)

Non-ferrous metals (lead, vanadium, tungsten)

Land (significant)

Recreational resources


EAN - 70%

Aquatic, uneven

Vegetarian long period

Diversified crop production (cereals, oilseeds, vegetables)

Livestock breeding (sheep breeding, cattle breeding, horse breeding, deer breeding, beekeeping)

Mechanical engineering


Eastern Kazakhstan






Non-ferrous metallurgy (Kazzinc, Kazatomprom)

Electric power industry


Rudno-Altaisky (Ust-Kamenogorsky, Riddersky, Zyryanovsky, Semeysky)

Mining and production

color. metal





agro-industrial complex



National Park (Katon-Karagaysky)


The most polluted ER

Unfavorable (non-ferrous metal, motor transport)

Reserves (Markokolsky, Western Altai)

Livestock breeding (sheep breeding, cattle breeding, horse breeding, pig breeding)

Ferrous metallurgy (Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye, Lisakovskoye)

Akmola industrial hub

Economy of Northern Kazakhstan







Mechanical engineering (“Astanaselmash”, “Kazakhselmash”)

Non-ferrous metallurgy


Flour-grinding (Astana, Petropavlovsk, Pavlodar, Kostanay)

Food (meat Petropavlovsk, Ekibastuz, Rudny)




Petropavlovsky industrial node

Kokshetau industrial hub investment



agro-industrial complex

Plant growing (cereals - 80%, technical - 11%, vegetables 15%)



National park (“Burabay”, “Kokshetau”)







Lightweight (fur, knitted, cotton products)

Reserve (Kurgaldzhinsky)

Unfavorable (mining, ash and slag, household waste)


Construction (shell rock, marble)

Fish extraction and processing

Western Kazakhstan






In two parts of the world

Settlement, Stone Age

Port settlementXVcentury

First oil field (Dossor)

(Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Mangisgau)

S– 736 thousand km 2

population -2179 thousand people.

average density 3 people/km 2 .



Advantageous position

Borders (SER, SER, TsER)

Border Russia, Turkmenistan



Plain, mountain

Moderately continental Strongly continental

Precipitation 100-150 mm 250-400 mm.

Lack of pres. water



Land 26%

Soils sowing fertile

Water (Sagyz, Emba, Torgay, Or, Irgyz, Zhaiyk)

Reservoirs (Kargalinskoye, Kirovskoye, Bitikskoye)


P.R (M.R)

Oil-bearing places. (Ural-Emben and Mangistau)

Chrome, nickel, phosphorites

Natural gas (Karachaganak, Tengiz, Zhanazhol, Kashagan)

Bogat M.R.



EAN 71%

Sparsely populated Estonia

Population influx

Marine transport route (Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia)

Northern Kazakhstan






The breadbasket of the country

Various min. resources

North and South (Agroindustrial complex mechanical engineering

West and East (metal, s/machine)

(Akmola, Kostanay, Pavlodar, North Kaz.)

S– 565 thousand km 2

population -3055 thousand people.

average density 5.4 people/km 2 .



Advantageous position

ERC (Zap.e.r., Cent.e.r., Vos.e.r.)

Border Russia




Sharply continental

Precipitation 300-450 mm.




Land 90%

Soils (chestnut, chernozem), fertile

Reservoirs (Sergeevskoye, Verkhnetobolskoye).

Water (well provided) river. Ishim, b. Irtysh

Construction Materials

Fuel (Ekibastuz, Maikubensky, Ubagansky)


P.R (M.R)

Gold (Vasilkovskoye)

Bauxites (Amangeldinskoe, Krasnooktyabrskoe)

Iron ores(Lisokovskoe, Kostanayskoe)

Transport routes

Recreational resources

Aktobe (nickel, chrome)

Economy of Western Kazakhstan






Oil refining plant (Atyrau)

Gas processing plant (Zhanaozen)

Ferrous metallurgy,

chemical industry (Aktobe)

Shipbuilding (Balykshi village)

Food (fish, flour-grinding, confectionery, bakery)

Lightweight, knitted, sewing, fur

Mechanical engineering

(equipment for industries)



Atyrau-Embensky(Oil and fish processing industries)

Ural (agricultural processing)

Foreign investments



Livestock breeding (sheep breeding, cattle breeding, horse breeding, camel breeding)

Plant growing,(grain, technical)











Instrumentation (X-ray equipment Aktobe)




The most important direction of pedagogical activity at the present stage is the formation in students of the ability to operate with growing volumes of scientific information. This direction becomes especially relevant at the senior stage of education. Item " General biology"Even within the same topic, it is very rich in terminology. The use of logical-semantic models (LSM), as specific tools of didactic multidimensional technology (DMT), allows you to establish logical connections between elements of knowledge, simplify and collapse information, and move from non-algorithmized operations to algorithm-like structures of thinking and activity.

The main functions of didactic multidimensional tools (DMI):

  • Approximate;
  • Sensory organization of the “didactic biplane” as a system of external and internal plans of cognitive activity;
  • Increasing controllability, arbitrariness of processing and assimilation of knowledge in the process of interaction of plans;
  • Identification of cause-and-effect relationships, formulation of patterns and construction of models.

In biology lessons, it is most advisable to use LSM both for inductive and deductive generalization, in introductory and generalizing lessons on large topics (levels of “General, or essence”; “Special”), as well as in intermediate lessons (level of “Single”) .

When constructing the LSM, the following algorithm is used:

  1. Selecting a design object (for example, Genetics).
  2. Determination of coordinates (for example, K 1 - Historical data; K 2 - Scientists; K 3 - Methods; K 4 - Laws; K 5 - Theories; K 6 - Types of crossing; K 7 - Types of inheritance; K 8 - Types of gene interaction) .
  3. Placement of coordinate axes.
  4. Placing the design object in the center.
  5. Identification and ranking of key points for each coordinate axis (for example, K 4 - Laws - purity of gametes, dominance, splitting, independent combination, Morgan).
  6. Placement of keywords (phrases, abbreviations, chemical symbols) on the corresponding points of the axis.
  7. LSM coordination (points on the axes must correlate with each other, for example, a point on K 1 - 1920 should correspond on K 2 to the surname Morgan, and it, in turn, on K 4 - Morgan’s law, on K 5 - chromosome theory, on K 6 - analyzing crossing, K 7 - linked inheritance, K 8 - interaction of non-allelic genes).

The sequence of using LSM in a lesson depends on the predominant type functional organization hemispheres of the brain: if the class is dominated by right-hemisphere children, then the LSM is presented in a ready-made form, but if the children are left-hemisphere, then the axes are filled in as the lesson progresses. As practice has shown, it is most convenient to present several axes filled in, and leave three to four for joint completion with children in the lesson. It is also necessary to take into account the level of preparation of the class and the degree of performance of children in the lesson. LSM can be used not only for presenting and summarizing knowledge, but also as survey tasks and creative homework. DMT combines well with Block-Modular technology.

The use of DMT allows high school students to develop an understanding and structural vision of the subject, its concepts and patterns in interrelation, as well as to trace intra-subject and inter-subject connections. It is also important that LSM is an ideal version of condensed material for reviewing biology before an exam and, to be honest, LSM is also a smart cheat sheet.






didactic multidimensional


at the senior level of studying biology

Biology teacher: Tikhonova E.N.


The most important direction of pedagogical activity at the present stage is the formation in students of the ability to operate with growing volumes of scientific information. This direction becomes especially relevant at the senior stage of education. The subject “General Biology”, even within one topic, is very rich in terminology. The use of logical-semantic models (LSM), as specific tools of didactic multidimensional technology (DMT), allows you to establish logical connections between elements of knowledge, simplify and collapse information, and move from non-algorithmized operations to algorithm-like structures of thinking and activity.

The following requirements are imposed on models that perform instrumental functions in teaching: a clear structure and a logically convenient form of presenting knowledge, a “framework” character - recording the most important, key points.

The main functions of didactic multidimensional tools (DMI):

  • Approximate;
  • Sensory organization of the “didactic biplane” as a system of external and internal plans of cognitive activity;
  • Increasing controllability, arbitrariness of processing and assimilation of knowledge in the process of interaction of plans;
  • Identification of cause-and-effect relationships, formulation of patterns and construction of models.

In biology lessons, it is most advisable to use LSM both for inductive and deductive generalization, in introductory and generalizing lessons on large topics (levels of “General, or essence”; “Special”), as well as in intermediate lessons (level of “Single”) . For example:


Level of presentation of LSM

Universal, or essence.



Plastic and energy metabolism


(lesson no. 1)

Autotrophic nutrition

(lesson no. 1)


(lesson no. 8)

The doctrine of the cell


(lesson no. 1)


(lesson #2)

Membrane; Core

(lesson No. 4; 7)

When constructing the LSM, the following algorithm is used:

The sequence of using the LSM in a lesson depends on the predominant type of functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres: if right-hemisphere children predominate in the class, then the LSM is presented in a ready-made form, but if they are left-hemisphere children, then the axes are filled in as the lesson progresses. As practice has shown, it is most convenient to present several axes filled in, and leave three to four for joint completion with children in the lesson. It is also necessary to take into account the level of preparation of the class and the degree of performance of children in the lesson. LSM can be used not only for presenting and summarizing knowledge, but also as survey tasks and creative homework. DMT combines well with Block-Modular technology.

The use of DMT allows high school students to develop an understanding and structural vision of the subject, its concepts and patterns in interrelation, as well as to trace intra-subject and inter-subject connections. It is also important that LSM is an ideal version of condensed material for reviewing biology before an exam and, to be honest, LSM is also a smart cheat sheet.

© Tikhonova E.N.

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State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M. Akmulla"

Establishment of the Russian Academy of Education “Ural Branch”

Scientific laboratory "Didactic design"

in vocational pedagogical education"

V.E. Steinberg





(search research) Ufa 2007 2 UDC 37; 378 BBK 74.202 Sh 88 Steinberg V.E.

DIDACTIC MULTIDIMENSIONAL TECHNOLOGY + DIDACTIC DESIGN (search research): monograph [Text]. – Ufa: BSPU Publishing House, 2007. – 136 p.

The monograph examines the results of exploratory research in the field of instrumental didactics and didactic design, carried out by the Scientific Laboratory of Didactic Design in Vocational Pedagogical Education (URO RAO - BSPU named after M. Akmulla). Methodological, theoretical, technological and practical aspects of didactic multidimensional technology and didactic design are presented, and examples of experimental developments are given.

The use of didactic multidimensional tools in the educational process allows us to significantly improve the teaching and design-preparatory - design activities - of the teacher, as well as the educational cognitive activity of students.

The monograph is addressed to researchers of problems of didactics, workers of vocational pedagogical education, teachers of universities, secondary special educational institutions, secondary schools.


E.V. Tkachenko – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education R.M. Asadullin – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.B. Lavrentieva – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor ISBN 978-5-87978-453- © BSPU Publishing House, © Steinberg V.E.,



























In didactics, thanks to the efforts of practitioners and scientists, the process of restoring the role and place of visibility at a different – ​​higher – anthropological and sociocultural level is growing;

in information technology, there is an intensification of the process of searching and developing means of visually presenting large amounts of information in a specially transformed, concentrated and logically convenient form (note that hypertext technology only exacerbates this problem).

What unites these two apparently different trends is a key factor: the restoration of an earlier historically and informationally more powerful first signaling system, its equalization in rights with the subtle analytical second signaling system based on studying the mechanism of interaction between the first and second signaling systems when performing modeling activities.

The desired results are a response to the challenge of time to increase the density of information flows, the complexity of their processing and presentation in both educational and professional activities.

Exploratory research in this direction is carried out by the Scientific Laboratory “Didactic Design in Vocational Pedagogical Education” of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Education and the BSPU named after. M. Akmully on Topic 20. Research work of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Education Theory and practice of instrumental didactics (Subprogram “Development of fundamental pedagogical and psychological research and scientific schools in education of the Ural region”).

The general objective of the study of instrumental didactics and didactic design is to substantiate and develop methods and means of transition from traditional forms of creating visual didactic tools to their design within the framework of didactic design on adequate anthropological, sociocultural and information principles. To build new visual aids, didactic foundations such as the principles of instrumentality and multidimensionality of cognitive educational activity, logical semantic modeling and cognitive visualization of knowledge have been identified and explored.

The development and testing of methodologically appropriate means and methods of developing students’ skills to operate with the help of cognitive visual means of varying degrees of complexity with the main forms of information presentation (physical - sensory-figurative, abstract verbal-logical, abstract - schematic and model) was carried out.

Two jointly applied approaches have been identified as the methodological foundations of instrumental didactics:

multidimensional representation of knowledge (multidimensional activity approach) and instrumental support for activity (reflexive-regulatory approach). To build didactic tools based on these principles, the following theoretical aspects of the functioning of thinking mechanisms were studied: sociocultural foundations for displaying knowledge; cognitive-dynamic invariant of human orientation in the abstract knowledge space; multidimensional logical-semantic modeling and display of activity patterns;

zones of didactic risk in the educational process, where it is advisable to use didactic multidimensional tools.

Thanks to the joint and consistent application of these approaches, didactic multidimensional tools were developed, into which it was possible to “build in” important operations of analysis and synthesis for logical and semantic modeling of knowledge.

For the active testing of new didactic tools, theoretical and methodological aspects of the technological competence of the teacher were developed, testing was carried out for a number of years on the basis of general educational and professional institutions in the region, the research results were subjected to scientific and public examination in 2003 (Diploma of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Education, Yekaterinburg).


In education, despite the efforts of scientists, there is a large gap between the accumulated scientific potential of pedagogy and its modest share realized in the activities of teachers in general education and vocational schools. The most important indicators of educational technologies (instrumental availability, controllability and arbitrariness of the processes of processing and assimilation of knowledge; consistency and completeness of educational material; multidimensionality, structuredness and coherence of thinking) have changed slightly, that is, pedagogy still remains an insufficiently accurate science.

Despite the fact that education has completed the stage of liberated existence, during the establishment of almost all levels they have gained the opportunity to independently solve pressing problems, efforts to master innovations in pedagogical systems have not yet led to fundamental changes in the quality of general secondary education. Changes in structure and content curricula in individual subjects, the introduction of new disciplines and courses leads to overload of students with information, physical and psychological tension without a fundamental reorientation to a methodological, theoretical-cognitive approach to activities and teachers. The tasks of forming a general personal culture and overcoming socio-psychological and moral-psychological problems are difficult to solve. Success is achieved where not individual curricula are improved, but where a holistic educational program and strategy of a certain direction are built.

Innovation processes have gone beyond the scope of advanced pedagogical experience and individual experimentation, but technological support for the dissemination of educational innovations at least within one educational institution continues to be absent. For technological reasons, the effectiveness of distance learning technologies and self-education is limited ( good quality Inpatient education requires a good textbook and a good teacher, but this is not always achievable; it is clear what remains “in the bottom line”

without a full-time job and a good teacher).

The analysis of a number of specific problems of pedagogical activity (Fig. 1) allows us to conclude that they have one thing in common - a technological basis:

The tyranny of “verbalism” in teaching and preparatory activities, the reason for which is the difficulty of combining control and descriptive information when using traditional didactic means;

The limitations of the existing idea of ​​visibility, the reason for which is the lack of research into didactic means of supporting cognitive activity performed in speech form;

The difficulty of monitoring feedback and establishing interdisciplinary connections, the reason for which is the inadequacy of the known didactic means of compact and logically convenient presentation of knowledge;

The complexity and limited effectiveness of the preparatory and teaching activities of the teacher, the reason for which is the inadequacy of the used didactic means of figurative and conceptual modeling of educational material and coordination of educational activities;

Cognitive difficulties of the conventional “average” student, incl. perception and comprehension of educational material, the reason is insufficient support for thinking by existing didactic means;

The complexity of the innovative activity of a teacher in designing new experimental programs and classes is due to the lack of support by didactic modeling tools that facilitate the selection of heterogeneous content elements and the establishment of semantic connections between them.

Many macro-problems of education also have an instrumental nature: to ensure continuity and continuity of the various levels of the education system, it is necessary to harmonize them in the content and technology of educational activities; a similar connection along the “vertical” of education is required to implement the principles of standardization, regionalization, etc. However, for such coordination, appropriate didactic means are needed - regulations, information about which should be accumulated in the conditional general “technological memory” of education. That is, macro-problems of education cannot be solved within any level of the education system and, especially, by the efforts of one educational institution.

The didactic-instrumental nature of the problems and difficulties of teaching technologies is as follows:

In the predominance of a sequential single-channel transmission scheme - the perception of heterogeneous descriptive and control information in verbal form;

Insufficient programmability of educational actions when processing educational material directly in the process of its perception;

The limitation of the process of internalization by a verbal cast of the topic being studied and the lack of didactic tools connecting the initial empirical and final theoretical stages of cognition.

Rice. 1. Instrumental problems of pedagogical Macro-problem of the development of education is the lag of the level of intellectual activity in education from the development of modern science and knowledge-intensive production, in which the intellectual equipment of specialists is continuously increasing with the help of a variety of software and hardware for processing, representing, displaying and applying knowledge. In teaching technologies, increasing the efficiency of processing, displaying and applying knowledge is hampered by the lack of provision of subjects of the educational process with didactic tools of the analytical-modeling type. For this reason, descriptiveness, reproductiveism, and low reasoned judgments predominate in students’ thinking.

A novice teacher spends a lot of effort and time on transmitting knowledge to students, and he has few resources left to solve communicative problems, tasks of control and management of educational activities. At the same time, the task of transmitting knowledge is the most logical and manageable, since both scientific knowledge and cognitive educational activities have a certain organizational logic based on the analysis and modeling of knowledge. Knowledge with a low level of understanding remains not only not in demand, but is also not included in the scientific picture of the world.

Attempts to integrate analysis and synthesis operations into the educational process are often formal in nature, since analysis and synthesis are not one-step operations. As for contradictions, they practically disappear from the educational material in the institutions of the system vocational education, which indicates the true complexity of operating with them and the need for special preparation of the thinking of teachers and students for this.

The study of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problem of improving didactic visual aids made it possible to determine its essence as a problem of multidimensional figurative and conceptual representation and analysis of knowledge in natural language, as well as in multi-code presentation of information. The development of this problem has been hampered for decades due to underestimation of the importance of “instrumental” - didactic and instrumental support for learning technologies. For example, it is estimated that students retain 10% of what they read; 26% of what they hear; 30% of what they see; 50% of what they see and hear; 70% of what they discuss with others; 80% of what is based on personal experience; 90% of what they say (pronounce) while they do it; 95% of what they teach themselves (Johnson J.K.).

A reassessment of the place and role of didactic tools in the teaching technologies being created today is inevitable, since they must acquire a number of new functions:

- become “extenders, manipulators” of the brain, its continuation in the external plane of activity;

To build a bridge between a platform for thought experiments in the internal plane and learning activities in the external plane;

- increase the arbitrariness and controllability of the processes of perception, processing and assimilation of knowledge;

Provide knowledge representation in a visual and logical convenient form for subsequent thinking work;

They contribute to the achievement of an important goal of education - highlighting the framework in displaying the world, significant connections and relationships in it.

However, they try to solve problems of a didactic-instrumental nature using traditional available means: communicative, emotional-psychological, script, etc. While rightly noting the need to improve the culture of professional activity of a teacher, a number of scientists and practitioners contrast the technological and humanistic directions of development of education, missing the fact that true humanism in education is associated primarily with reducing the cognitive difficulties of students and compensating for the spread of intellectual abilities. That is, numerous attempts to increase the efficiency of educational systems without adequate didactic and instrumental support lead to a dead end, since historically the improvement of human activity in the spheres of material and spiritual production has always relied and continues to rely on more advanced tools of production. The trend of technologization of education is global in nature and is aimed simultaneously at increasing the efficiency of educational systems and reducing costs for achieving socially significant results. In the process of technologization of education, the special technological competence of the teacher must be ensured, his professional equipment must be supplemented with tools and technology for preparatory and teaching activities, professional creativity.

The significance of the technologization trend in the development of education as a social institution is extremely great, but the transformation traditional methods training with light hand some scientists in “pedagogical technologies of training and education”

without sufficient didactic formalization, structuring and instrumentalization indicates an underestimation of the knowledge intensity of the problem. Moreover, some of the newest myths of education give rise to: the possibility of the existence of teaching technology without adequate didactic tools, the possibility of good perception and comprehension of knowledge without its logical and semantic processing and modeling, the possibility of developmental, personality-oriented learning without harmonizing the educational process (supplementing cognitive learning activities with emotional- imaginative experience and evaluation of the knowledge being studied), etc. It is interesting that such a highly formalized field of activity as computer programming, according to the definition of programmers themselves, remains the “art of programming.”

The task of technologization of education, in the context of the diversity of pedagogical concepts and approaches to organizing the learning process, is the search for invariant structures of both the educational process and educational cognitive activity.

Subject-familiarization and analytical-speech forms of educational cognitive activity correspond to two different forms of information presentation:

a) physical ideas about the objects being studied, for which such familiar characteristics of space as width, height, length and time are used, as well as the size of the object, its condition, shape, color, etc.;

b) a verbal description of the objects being studied, presented in a sequential form, which may include, in addition to the physical characteristics of the objects, also emotional-evaluative, motivational and other characteristics.

The verbal form of information representation is obtained from the real-sensory form by recoding. Let's give this example: a museum visitor independently examines the paintings stored in it, silently and for a long time stops near those that attracted his attention. Going out into the street, he unexpectedly meets a familiar person who asks what interesting things he found in the museum? And the visitor utters a coherent description of the picture he likes, and the listener tries to imagine it in his imagination. The question arises: where did the necessary words come from to describe the picture, since it was viewed in silence, without explanations from the guide, and where did the necessary fragments of the picture come from in the imagination of the listener, if he had not seen it before? It was in the process of interhemispheric dialogue, which proceeded spontaneously and unconsciously to the interlocutors, that words corresponding to fragments of the picture in question were selected from the memory archive, and vice versa - fragments of images corresponding to the words heard.

Note that when presenting this section and in the future, the term “imagine” is often used, which is varied by teachers during classes: “imagine”, “imagine”, “can you imagine”, etc. This does not happen by chance: a person has historically developed in such a way that in the process of cognition he must first imagine something, and then comprehend, analyze, describe, etc.

In educational cognitive activity, the so-called “didactic risk zone” is highlighted, as well as the place and role of didactic tools in the educational process, which should serve as the indicative foundations of educational actions and the verbal context of modeling (Fig. 2). In the didactic risk zone, the volume of traditional verbal clarity (30%) and its quality (logical and semantic components) do not correspond to the volume and complexity of cognitive analytical speech activity (60%), which negatively affects the formation of students’ thinking and speech.

Traditional didactic tools are illustrative in nature and do not correspond to the cognitive educational activity being performed either in volume or complexity.

For example, well-known graphs, structural logic diagrams, reference signals, etc. clearly represent only a small part of the concepts on the topic being studied. In addition, they do not support the implementation of basic operations of analysis and synthesis: division, comparison, conclusion, systematization, identification of connections and relationships, collapsing information, etc. It is extremely difficult to indicate scientific works in which the mentioned means would be examined for compliance with the important principles of natural conformity and universality .

Rice. 2. “Zone of didactic risk” in the educational environment. In addition, due to the lack of adequate didactic tools and skills in their design, not only the labor intensity of the teacher’s preparatory activities remains excessively high (40–50% of the total working time), but also the effectiveness of teaching is low. and creative types of his activities.

The characteristics of the “didactic risk zone” include three components:

Didactic risk is a phenomenon of a technological or other nature that arises in the educational process, manifested in the cognitive difficulties of students, in the difficulty of performing educational activities to analyze and synthesize knowledge, and also manifested in the results of processing and assimilation of knowledge;

The reason for the emergence of didactic risk is the inadequacy of pedagogical conditions for the pedagogical task being solved, which most often has a technological nature: imperfection of didactic tools and their application;

The space (“zone”) of didactic risk manifestation is a specific stage of the educational process at which the inadequacy of pedagogical conditions leads to a significant decrease in the expected learning results.

The above allows us to draw the following conclusions.

There are such seemingly heterogeneous problems of increasing the effectiveness of teaching as the tyranny of one-dimensional “verbalism”, limited visibility, non-instrumental Feedback, “interdisciplinary insensitivity”, labor-intensive preparatory activities, uncoordinated joint activities, difficulties of the “average” student, ineffectiveness of self-educational methods, etc. This array of problems represents an inexhaustible space for pedagogical search, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the accumulated experience in solving individual problems does not contribute to the creation of effective teaching technologies. That is, it is advisable to direct research to find technological solutions that, to one degree or another, will reduce each of the listed problems.



Forecasting the development of pedagogy is carried out on the basis of methods of systematic objective research, logical-historical analysis, etc. In this case, time intervals of large and small dimensions are analyzed (Fig. 3): the analysis of intervals of the first type is aimed at explaining certain accomplished events. In intervals of the second type, processes of creating essentially new pedagogical objects take place, which are characterized by specific coordinates (Fig. 4) and are determined by the laws of resolving pedagogical contradictions. For example, in technology, the laws of its development and separately the laws of resolving technical contradictions are studied separately.

Rice. 3. Scheme “Evolution of didactics”

The combination of two types of time intervals illustrates the principle of binary organization of various systems and processes, which predetermines the complementarity of parts with different or opposite properties.

Rice. 4. Model “Coordinates for the generation of new pedagogical solutions” (the content of the coordinates can be specified) The search for an effective methodology of instrumental didactics led to the idea of ​​identifying invariants of pedagogical objects and phenomena as universal, generalized didactic components that are contained in various teaching methods and systems. On this basis, specific versions of certain pedagogical structures are produced, which are integrated into the practical activities of the teacher and are also equipped with universal didactic tools.

One of the primary tasks of comprehensive research is to determine the place and role of didactic tools in the learning process. All didactic systems, depending on which thinking mechanisms are leading in the learning process, can be divided into two groups: systems relying primarily on memorization and systems primarily relying on logical processing and assimilation of knowledge (Fig. 5). In the first group didactic systems the procedure for recording (taking notes) of educational material with its subsequent comprehension, in accordance with the teacher’s guidelines, is highlighted. The note-taking procedure excludes any logical processing, since thinking works in the mode of broadcasting educational material without changing it. Upon subsequent reflection, modeling of educational material in the first group of didactic systems, as a rule, is not provided for.

Rice. 5. Scheme of teaching based on memorization (left) and based on logical processing (right) In the second group of didactic systems, the textual or oral form of educational material in the process of fixing it is supplemented by a model representation, for which it is necessary to combine the procedures of modeling and analyzing knowledge using didactic tools that provide both a visual representation of knowledge and its logical organization, facilitating analysis. Such tools perform presentational and logical functions, complement the sensory-figurative representation of the subject under study with its conceptual-figurative model display, and coordinate the subject and speech forms of educational cognitive activity.

Instrumental support is necessary for the main stages of the educational process, the invariant structure of which includes the stages of cognition, emotional-imaginative experience and evaluation (Fig. 6). Let us explain this situation: among the various so-called. “constants of being” (for example: faith, hope and love) truth, beauty and goodness are highlighted. They are significant because they correlate with three historically established areas of human exploration of the world: science, whose task is to find the truth; art, the task of which is to find or form images of beauty; and morality, whose task is to distinguish and evaluate good and evil.

Rice. 6. Invariant structure matrix In progress general education, before specializing and receiving professional education, it is necessary to harmoniously develop all three basic abilities. When receiving professional education, one of the abilities stands out and becomes leading, and the rest support it. However, even an approximate estimate of the time spent in a comprehensive school on the development of each of the abilities shows that there is a stable imbalance in favor of the ability to cognition. This destroys the myth of the harmonious development of the individual and leads to underdevelopment of important abilities, since, according to humanities scientists, human spirituality, in essence, is the ability to understand, experience and evaluate the world around us. For example, the ability to experience is closely connected with imagination, with imaginative thinking, which is ahead of logical thinking in professional creativity, but it is thanks to imagination that the image of a future solution to a problem is formed in thinking.

In pedagogical practice, attempts are made to reduce the undesirable imbalance in the development of basic abilities, but this usually involves a significant investment of time and is carried out sporadically, in individual subjects, on the basis of the teacher’s personal initiative and by low-tech means. When solving a problem technologically, it is necessary to design instrumentalized educational material and educational process with a universal structure, including the stages of cognition, experience and evaluation of the knowledge being studied. The ratio of the duration and volume of stages will be determined by the type of academic subject and the standard of education. Thanks to the formation of skills in generating an aesthetic response to the material being studied in the form of simple images and evaluating the knowledge being studied, the second and third stages of the educational process when studying subjects of the natural science cycle can be carried out in an intensive mode with little time spent, without disturbing the schedule for studying the program topic.

Further, pedagogy textbooks do not sufficiently cover the mechanisms of processing and assimilation of knowledge that underlie educational activities. For example: requirements that the external and internal plans of educational activities must meet;

the role of the first and second human signaling systems in educational activities; functions of the human cerebral hemispheres and processes of information recoding at various stages of educational activity; the role of indicative bases of action for objective and speech forms of cognitive activity, etc.

Creating optimal pedagogical conditions for the successful operation of a student’s psychophysiological mechanisms of thinking without this knowledge is difficult, and the mentioned zone of didactic risk inevitably arises in the educational process. In order to effectively model knowledge in the language of instruction, it is necessary to present in the external plane (before the eyes of the student) all the key words on the topic of the lesson, and thus the first discrepancy in visibility in the didactic risk zone will be eliminated, and all logical actions of the analysis must also be supported by clarity.

Research and development of instrumental didactics requires supplementing known didactic principles with new methodological principles. Main principle education – its humanistic orientation. It assumes that the educational process is aimed at the fullest possible development of those abilities of the individual that are necessary for both him and society, for inclusion in active participation in life. The principle of humanization of education is system-forming, as it is aimed at reducing the cognitive difficulties of students, at “humanizing” educational material, for example, at explaining the reasons for the creation of scientific knowledge and describing the fate of the creators. The principle of informatization of education reflects the processes of informatization of modern society. The principle of integrity of the educational process reflects education as an integrity that combines education and training to introduce human beings to the life of society. In reality, in the educational process, both of these types of activities must be combined, which requires appropriate didactic support. The principles of consciousness and activity of students in learning are embodied in reliance on thinking and speech experience, on the indicative foundations of thinking and activity, that is, on the instrumental approach when performing educational activities as a type of non-material labor activity.

The instrumental approach means the use of special didactic means of an instrumental nature in pedagogical and educational activities, with the help of which the controllability and arbitrariness of the actions performed are increased, and the scatter of the results of their implementation is reduced. Didactic tools have significant similarities and differences in relation to the tools of material production: the natural organ of thinking, which they complement, develops in the learning process; the properties of educational material and the requirements for its processing for assimilation are slowly changing on a historical scale; and the properties of the material basis of the intellect, accessible to our understanding, as we understand the mechanisms of its work, allow us to gradually improve didactic tools. Psychological tools of mental work include language, mnemotechnical devices, algebraic symbolism, works of art (L.S. Vygotsky); diagrams, diagrams, all kinds of symbols and other didactic means that carry information about the procedure of the activity being performed (T.V. Gabay); means located between the object and the subject and playing the role of clarity in mediated cognition (L.M. Friedman); didactic means that are used as external support for students’ internal actions (A.N. Leontyev). The appearance of didactic tools is similar to the appearance of tools of activity, as one of distinctive features man and the development of human civilization (J. Bruner).

New principles of instrumental didactics are interconnected with known principles and increase the efficiency of their implementation, for example:

The principle of invariance of elements of educational systems and processes makes it possible to increase the integrity of the educational process by including in it such educational activities that have a developmental and educational effect:

emotional-imaginative experience and assessment of the practical significance of knowledge;

The principle of instrumentality of educational activities deepens the principle of humanization of education, as it is aimed at reducing the cognitive difficulties of students, increases motivation and activity, and facilitates the manifestation of individual inclinations;

The principle of natural conformity of didactic tools also increases the humanistic orientation of educational processes, consciousness and activity of students.

To improve the professional and creative activities of teachers, attempts were made to transfer the experience of developing the creative abilities of specialists to secondary and vocational schools (G.S. Altshuller, A.B. Selyutsky, A.I. Polovinkin, A.V. Chus, etc.). At the same time, the difficulties that arose in the process of developing the creative abilities of specialists were associated precisely with the construction of models and images of the objects being improved, with the implementation of a cause-and-effect analysis of problems and contradictions, with the synthesis of qualitatively new solutions. But since in works on the theory of educational activity, the reasons for the inadequacy of the forms of educational-cognitive and professional activity were little studied, the consequence was the limited use of professional tools for presenting and analyzing knowledge in teaching (models, matrices, trees, diagrams, etc.), although the efforts of practicing teachers were constantly directed to the search for new didactic tools (reference signals and cards, structural and logical diagrams, etc.).

Adequate didactic tools must include semantic and logical components, however, the implementation of the latter in verbal form, as the experience of empirical search for various didactic tools has shown, is difficult. The study made it possible to understand that in the conscious part of thinking, the combination of descriptive and control information presented in the same (verbal) form is extremely difficult. That is, the goals of processing and assimilation of knowledge must be acquired involuntarily, with the participation of predominantly the right hemisphere, and the logical component must be performed in a special graphic form. This form is associated with space and movement as mental representations of the world in humans, which helped to substantiate the didactic principle of multidimensional representation of knowledge in educational systems and processes, and also made it possible to suggest the existence of a cognitive-dynamic invariant of human orientation in material and abstract spaces using radial - circular elements of movement (Fig. 7).

The main stages of the formation of this invariant are located on the evolutionary trajectory from the biolevel of primitive organisms to the social level of humans:

At the first stage nervous system primitive living beings learned the arrival of stimulus signals from the conditionally circular shell of the body to the center for processing nerve signals, that is, the passive perception of space consisted of circular elements;

At the next stage, thanks to the formation of the limbs and organs of vision, a second circle of the reach of objects with the limbs, and a third circle of the reach of objects with the eyes and ears were added to the “shell” circle of passive interaction with the external environment (some features of cognitive activity are described in the works of psychologists J. Piaget and others .), that is, the active perception of space consisted of circular and radial elements that had a measure;

At the final stage, an educated person, as the discursive, verbal-logical component of thinking forms, has acquired the fourth circle of interaction with both the physical and virtual environment - the circle of reach of objects and phenomena by the power of thought; that is, verbal and symbolic elements of information display should be located in abstract spaces formed by radial and circular elements.

Rice. 7. Scheme of the cognitive-dynamic invariant of human orientation in material and abstract spaces. This most important anthropological phenomenon predetermines the features of the visual graphic organization of educational material presented in various forms: verbal, figurative-graphic, symbolic or other. These are radial and circular graphic elements on which fragments of educational material are located. The same phenomenon manifested itself in numerous cult and heraldic signs and symbols of the peoples of the world, in schemes for displaying pre-scientific and modern scientific knowledge (Fig. 8), in settlement plans (Fig. 9), etc.

Rice. 8. Cult symbols of the peoples of the world, pre-scientific and modern scientific schemes for displaying knowledge Fig. 9. Settlement plans of ancient tribes The study of cult signs and symbols as archetypes of culture led to the hypothesis about the psychological basis of the spatial nature and graphic features of cult signs and symbols, which consist of expressive customs and gestures and are subject to the laws of space in the form of sensory-spatial symbols (O. Spengler) , a space that could only be realized in motion and presented in graphic form (J. Gibson). This information allows us to conclude that various religious signs and symbols that reflect objects and phenomena that are significant to people have a natural graphic form and represent a certain ethno- and sociocultural phenomenon of all peoples without exception. They are unique archetypes of culture and have a “solar” outline, including radial and circular graphic elements. Of particular interest is a group of eight-pointed symbols, for example: the Indian symbol “wheel of law”, the oldest Icelandic magic sign and many others. “Solar” graphics has deep historical forms: the idea of ​​the center is contained in the archetype - a crossroads, the convergence of ordinary earthly paths, which is reflected in most myths containing a certain dominant point of the universe, from where space centrifugally unfolds and the material world is ordered. “Solar” graphics correlates with the morphological features of the brain and its “building block” multipolar neuron, which has a radial-concentric structure. In the existing array of cult signs and symbols, eight-ray symbols stand out. Eight rays correspond to the main gradations of the compass - navigator in material space: north-south-west-east (main directions) and diagonal (auxiliary) directions. Obviously, it is advisable to use such a number of directions when navigating in abstract (semantic, semantic, etc.) spaces.

The studies performed indicate that “solar” structures with extensive sociocultural genesis are similar to the so-called artificial organizations developed in the theory of artificial intelligence. They have a network structure, where the most important resources, knowledge and processes that form the organizational core are concentrated in a central node, and the remaining, less important components or the most routine work and processes are brought out and entrusted to external partners. Such an organization can be compared to a “brain”, the excitations from which are transmitted to external “effectors”.

Radial-circular graphics are an adequate implementation basis for the basic principle of instrumental didactics - the principle of multidimensionality. The turn of the 20th - 21st centuries was marked by the emergence of a multidimensional approach not only in pedagogy, but also in other various fields of science: philosophy, psychology, computer science, etc. Objective sources of multidimensionality are the multidimensional nature of the phenomena of the surrounding reality and the multidimensional nature of the elements of the human reflective system (neurons have a multipolar structure , and the brain is a radial-concentric structure).

In recent decades, the concept of “multidimensionality” and its synonyms have become increasingly common in works on pedagogy, philosophy, psychology and computer science; some authors use the sign of multidimensionality for its intended purpose, while others use it as a metaphor or replace it with related synonyms. This concept is used in cases where the authors seek to emphasize the special versatility, versatility of the issue under consideration: a multidimensional and multiproblem process (A.N. Dzhurinsky), multidimensional scientifically idealized images of the goals of educational knowledge (V.V. Belich), the multidimensional space of a teacher’s professional competence ( R.M. Asadullin), informative field of ready-made knowledge (G.D. Bukharova), etc.

The “ingrowth” of the sign of multidimensionality into scientific research and various theoretical ideas about pedagogical objects indicates that authors are constantly faced with an important objective characteristic of the reflected reality, primary in relation to another characteristic of the reflection mechanism - systematicity and more capacious in relation to adjacent ones (diversity, versatility, comprehensiveness, etc.). Terms such as “problem space”, “coordinates of human existence”, “coordinate system” and “multidimensionality”, which are increasingly found in scientific research and publications, indicate the formation of a need for a more adequate, voluminous description of the reflected reality, rather than the generally accepted versatility, versatility, diversity, etc.

A special role in the multidimensional perception of reality is played by the concept of “coordinates”, for example: a systemic description of the space of activity as a deep semantic network of four main subspaces (G.V. Sukhodolsky), a model of psychological coordinates of personality analysis (V.A. Bogdanov), the image of evolution - fidelity, “whorl” (P. Chardin), sub-multidimensional support schemes such as “spider” and “family tree”

(J. Hamblin), special coordinates of the science of education (V.M. Polonsky, A.V. Shevyrev), multidimensionality of semantic space (A.M. Sokhor), etc. The expansion of coordinate types is an objective trend: to geographical, Cartesian and polar coordinates, abstract coordinates have been added for orientation in conventional educational, economic and other similar spaces: logical-psychological coordinates of thinking (S.I. Shapiro), logical-psychological-pedagogical coordinates (A.A. Dobryakov ), coordinates of existence (S.N. Semenov), coordinates of human measurement (V.P. Kaznacheev) and much more.

A special group includes multidimensional schemes for representing knowledge in the field of computer science and information technologies: in the search engine for network technologies “Java – Visual Thesaurus”, the query word is depicted as the center of a “solar system”, which is a graphic map of the word being defined and words and concepts related to it; A program for visual interpretation of complex relationships in multidimensional data is constructed in a similar way (V. Adzhiev).

An analysis of scientific literature shows that the need for multidimensionality gave rise to specific ideas about it in verbal, metaphorical, and then in visual form (various signs and symbols). Wherever the concept of “space” is present in the intangible plane, multidimensionality is invisibly present and, therefore, the possibility of a semantic (notional) dimension of such space. The anthropocentric reflection of reality is collective, multidimensional and relies on unformalized signs that make up the meaning of human existence: special visual multidimensional images arose in his imagination, which at first were performed using only radial graphic elements, to which were later added circular ones, and later, with the advent of the alphabet and writing, they began to be supplemented with words and abbreviations.

The data obtained determine the didactic principle of the multidimensionality of knowledge representation in educational systems and processes, with which the principle of fractality is associated. It determines the transition from “linear thinking” to “fractal”, the introduction of new interpretations of dimension - the number of dimensions of objects (“human” dimensions: emotional and evaluative, goal-oriented and motivational, etc.).

Multidimensionality as a category of didactics gives a new quality to pedagogical objects - educational material and the educational process, the external and internal plan of cognitive activity, thinking and its models. Enough facts have been accumulated indicating that giving multidimensionality to the instrumental basis of educational technologies makes it possible to increase the completeness and logicality of educational material, the controllability and instrumentality of the educational process, the arbitrariness and creativity of thinking. These results allow us to solve the problem of developing didactic multidimensional tools as the basis of didactic multidimensional technology.


The justification of didactic tools is carried out based on their purpose, including adequate explication and representation of knowledge in a visual and logically convenient form, giving it an external, materialized character, operating with knowledge, programming and monitoring educational activities for the processing and assimilation of knowledge.

Clarification of known concepts and the introduction of new ones is inevitable when creating new teaching technologies (for example, a huge array of new concepts was formed with the advent of personal computers and information technology). Based on the works of scientists, which explore the role of means of educational and cognitive activity, it is advisable to define didactic multidimensional tools (DMI) as universal figurative and conceptual models for the multidimensional representation and analysis of knowledge in natural language in the external and, accordingly, in the internal plans of educational cognitive activity.

Indeed, the teacher always faces the most important question: what should be in the student’s internal plan after the lesson: the entire lesson in the form of a memorized “imprint”, or the knowledge itself, “brought into the system”? If the latter is preferable, what should these “knowledge systems” look like?

How can we achieve unity of form and content of knowledge? How to build the chain “internal plan of the teacher - external plan of joint activity - internal plan of the student”? It is known that memory and thinking are based on what happened in class, and this is often its imprint. However, intuitively, many teachers feel that the “bottom line” of the lesson should be some kind of “clump”, an extract of knowledge in the form of a compact image capable of exteriorization (externalization into the external plane of activity), deployment and application.

Usually, after completing a lesson, the first impression dominates, and it subsequently becomes the support of thinking.

Apparently, for this reason, many teachers strive to enhance the emotional and psychological impression of a lesson, counting more on its memorization than on processing information into a “clump” of knowledge. But subsequently it is difficult to replace a memorized lesson with any other more capacious, more systematic, more meaningful way (in the process of so-called “relearning”).

From the foregoing it follows that it is necessary to include in the content of the lesson something materialized so that by the end of internalization it will take over the initiative from the primary - sensory - cast and “ride on its shoulders” into the consciousness and memory of the student. That is, the activity itself and its image must continue to fulfill its didactic function, and the mentioned “something” must become the essence, the image of the knowledge being studied.

Consequently, the created didactic tools should play the role of frameworks, built into knowledge and assimilated along with it in the process of perception. The activity fulfills the task of isolating, explicating, analyzing and representing the object of knowledge. The main role in cognition belongs to the intellect, which performs the selection and linking of knowledge elements, collapsing them into image-models, deploying these image-models and operating with them.

In this regard, the task also arises of clarifying and expanding into the area of ​​figurative-conceptual representation and analysis of knowledge a number of concepts such as “universality”, “visibility”, “programmability”, “arbitrariness”, “support”, “multidimensionality” and “autodialogism” "

By “universality” we mean the possibility of using didactic multidimensional tools both in general education subjects of all cycles, and in special disciplines, in professional and creative activities.

Clarifying the concept of “visibility” means giving it cognitive properties, that is, its extension to universal methods of representing and analyzing knowledge in natural language in the external plan of educational activity.

The concept of “programmability” meets the requirement of arbitrariness (controllability) of knowledge processing; it is ensured by “embedding” operations of microprocessing of knowledge (analysis and synthesis) into the logical structure and framework of didactic tools. By “multidimensionality” we mean the correspondence of tools to the representation of knowledge with a visual spatial, systemic hierarchical organization of heterogeneous elements in a multidimensional space. The “embryonic” form of multidimensionality is found in many well-known didactic means, for example, in the reference signals of experimental teachers (Mezhenko Y.K., Shatalova V.F., etc.) one can find text, symbolic and graphic elements of knowledge, built according to a certain logic and representing distinct different dimensions of the topic being covered.

The concept of “autodialogism” presupposes the transference of a mental model of knowledge to the external plane, its presentation in a materialized, visual and logically convenient form for reflection when using it, which is necessary to impart cognitive properties to the model - support for educational cognitive activity.

Clarification of the listed concepts is necessary to form the appearance of promising didactic tools and a targeted synthesis of their basic structures, while they are supplemented by the following related concepts.

A model - in the broadest sense - is any mental or symbolic image of a represented object (original). The following requirements are imposed on models that perform instrumental functions in teaching: an adequate structure and a logically convenient form of the knowledge being represented; "frame"

character - fixation of the most important, key points; universally invariant properties - suitability for wide range tasks; psychological support for the user - leading to the mode of self-organization and autodialogue.

An image is a subjective mental phenomenon as a result of the processes of cognition, emotional-imaginative experience and evaluation. Images that perform didactic-instrumental functions in teaching must support thinking processes, ensuring the integrity and structure of the presentation of knowledge. The imaginative (iconic) potential of a model is its ability to be perceived by thinking as a holistic visual image.

A “semantic granule” (analogue - a nodal element of the content of the UES) is a significantly significant piece of information that is placed in the reference node of the model. “Semantic granulation” – important procedure thinking.

The innovative and technological direction of education development is the direction of improving the preparatory and teaching activities of a teacher, based on didactic technologies and professional creativity.

Technologization of education is a natural stage in the development of the education system, at which the role of technology for preparing educational material and the educational process, and teaching technology increases. The basis of technologization is the “technological memory” of education, in which “technological regulations” are accumulated to carry out the preparatory and teaching activities of the teacher.

Technological regulations are new didactic tools of a cognitive nature that determine the structure and functions of the designed and implemented elements of educational systems and processes.

The development of didactic multidimensional tools was based on the following theoretical and methodological principles of knowledge representation and analysis:

The principle of objectivity is taking into account the patterns of development of didactic objects, incl. individual stages life cycle: birth, development, aging;

The principle of consistency is taking into account internal and external systemic connections in didactic objects at the levels of “subsystem, system, supersystem”;

The principle of development is taking into account the possibility of the transition of didactic objects into various states under the influence of both objective patterns of development (collapse and expansion of objects, specialization and unification of objects, etc.), and under the influence of subjective factors: regional style, author’s style of the teacher, etc. P.;

The principle of contradiction is taking into account development as a resolution of contradictions of educational systems and objects through the structural reconstruction of objects, in which a new basis is found for the unity of previously conflicting properties, functions, parameters;

The principle of variability - taking into account existing possible ways development of didactic objects: improvement within the framework of the previous operating principle, mastering a new operating principle, etc.;

The principle of integrity and multidimensionality of consciousness is taking into account all the main and auxiliary components of thinking: sensory-figurative, verbal-logical, model, value, contextual, intuitive, etc.

In addition, the research and development of didactic multidimensional tools is based on a number of special technological principles.

The principle of splitting - combining elements into a system, including: splitting the educational space into external and internal plans of educational activity and their integration into a system; splitting the multidimensional knowledge space into semantic groups and combining them into a system; splitting information into conceptual and figurative components and combining them in image-models; splitting and cross-image-verbal reflection of ideas about an object (interhemispheric dialogue). The principle of splitting has deep genetic roots in the formation of a person’s worldview. Its line dates back to the mythology of the creation of the world (the first splitting of heaven and earth). Splitting is a way of structuring material and ideal (information) objects.

The principle of coordination and dialogue between external and internal plans: coordination of the content and form of interaction between external and internal plans of activity; coordination of interhemispheric verbal-figurative dialogue in the internal plane and coordination of interplane dialogue.

The principle of multidimensional representation and analysis of knowledge, that is, the combination of heterogeneous elements of knowledge into a system convenient for cognitive, analytical and design activities, for example, using coordinate matrix systems and multi-code representation of knowledge elements, including: the formation of semantic groups and their arrangement of the external plan in space using semantic coordinates; semantic “granulation” of knowledge and placement of reference nodes on coordinates; further, if necessary, quasi-fractal deployment of support nodes into independent coordinate matrix systems.

The principle of bichannel educational cognitive activity, on the basis of which the single-channel thinking is overcome by dividing: a) the channel of delivery - perception of educational information into two parts: a verbal channel for descriptive information and a visual channel for control information; b) the “teacher-student” interaction channel into information and communication channels; c) the design channel into the forward channel (circuit) of constructing educational models and the reverse channel (circuit) of comparative evaluation activities.

The principle of binary elements of activity, including: verbal and complementary visual channels for the presentation and perception of information; direct and complementary reverse contours of designing knowledge representation models in natural language; logical (organizing) and semantic (content) components that complement it; image-models of knowledge representation; creative and complementary technological qualities of thinking; logical and complementary heuristic components of the technology of multidimensional knowledge representation and analysis.

The principle of triadic representation (functional completeness) of semantic groups: the triad “objects of the world”: nature, man, society; the triad of “spheres of world exploration”: science, art, morality; the triad of “basic activities”: cognition, experience, evaluation; triad of “basic abilities”: cognitive, experiential (emotional-aesthetic), evaluative; triad “description 1”: structure, functioning, development; triad “description 2”: structure, functions, parameters; triad of “subject cycles”: natural, humanitarian, instrumental.

When developing didactic multidimensional tools, we used known and little-used information in pedagogy about the characteristics of thinking and the properties of the human brain. It is known that the right hemisphere provides a holistic and simultaneous perception of the external world, and left hemisphere predominantly controls speech and related processes, that is, the right hemisphere develops and forms unique spaces of possible objects and their signs, and the left hemisphere finds a place in them for specific perceived objects and signs. It is logical to assume that these functions should be performed not only for empirical thinking, but also for theoretical thinking on substitute models, therefore, the presentation and analysis of knowledge in natural language should be supported by adequate didactic tools, since the predominance of the verbal form of information presentation makes it difficult for the right hemisphere to participate in cognitive activities. But since traditional visual aids and illustrations do not support information processing processes, therefore, multidimensional didactic tools must involve both hemispheres of the brain.

It should be noted that the main successes in the field of artificial intelligence are also based on modeling the properties of the left hemisphere, while the features of the right hemisphere have not yet been studied enough. However, it is precisely with the study of its capabilities that the solution of such tasks that are not yet accessible to computers is associated, such as, for example, the recognition and interpretation of metaphors, semantic associations, etc. And in didactics, it was also not sufficiently taken into account that a person, by virtue of historical reasons first represents the object of knowledge, and then analyzes and describes it, that is, didactic tools, first of all, must be presented in figurative and conceptual form, which is necessary to initiate, support and develop thinking.

The purpose of didactic multidimensional tools is to combine the figurative and verbal languages ​​of the brain for a holistic reflection of reality in image-models of knowledge representation. Since the figurative form of reflection is genetically earlier and, therefore, has a higher priority, didactic constructions in the external plane should first of all have figurative properties. Then, relying on them, thinking will be able to “comprehend” educational material using the operations of analysis and synthesis, through external and internal speech, through the collapse and expansion of information.

Thanks to the application of the listed principles, the basic indicative, cognitive functions of didactic multidimensional tools are ensured.

The design of didactic multidimensional tools is carried out by structuring information about the objects being studied: at first, the topic being studied is an unstructured space of knowledge and the first transformation consists of splitting it into semantic groups; then the semantic groups are split into parts - supporting nodes (“granules”) along a given basis; the placement of support nodes in radial directions is carried out on coordinates as meters of multidimensional semantic space; internodal connections are identified and plotted on the image of the tool.

Rice. 10. Scheme for constructing didactic multidimensional tools In accordance with this technique, the frame, which plays the role of a logical component (Fig. 10), includes reference node coordinates and intercoordinate matrices, with the help of which information (verbal or other) elements of the displayed object are placed in a multidimensional semantic space ; “semantic granules” – nodal content elements (UCE) of educational material that are placed in a supporting node;

semantic connections that meaningfully connect key elements; collapsed designations of key elements in the form of keywords, abbreviations, signs, pictograms, symbols, etc.

The number of coordinates in the resulting logical-semantic model is eight, which corresponds to human empirical experience (four main directions: “forward – backward – right – left”

and four intermediate directions), as well as scientific experience (four main directions: “north - south - west - east” and four intermediate directions). Note that the number eight has always attracted people's attention, for example: the Indian magic wheel, symbolizing the universe, has eight directions (four main and four minor); eight-valuedness is a cosmological concept of ancient religious centers: the Egyptian city of Hemenu and the Greek city of Hermopolis (the city of eight); the great game of chess - the events of the game unfold according to the laws of the figure eight: the chess field is quadrangular, there are eight squares on each side, their total number is sixty-four, etc.

Didactic multidimensional tools developed in “solar” graphics contain a structured set of concepts on the topic being studied in the form of a semantically coherent system that is effectively perceived and recorded by the brain. That is, the entire structure acquires figurative and conceptual properties, which facilitates its holistic perception by the right hemisphere and operation by the left. One of the specific forms of didactic multidimensional tools is called logical-semantic models of knowledge representation in natural language (hereinafter - LSM). LSMs have the form of eight-coordinate support-nodal systems (example - Fig. 11) and have the required clarity properties for the didactic risk zone: the coordinate system contains the basic concepts on the topic being studied (24-40 keywords), and to construct the LSM it is necessary to perform basic operations analysis of educational material (division, comparison, conclusion, highlighting key elements of content, ranking, systematization, identifying connections, collapsing information). Currently, new didactic tools are being developed: didactic activity navigators, didactic transformers, etc.

It is advisable to consider the construction of the LSM structure as preparatory stage modeling of the object being studied, which is typical for the descriptive level of learning. Identification of connections and relationships between elements of the LSM is considered as the main stage of modeling the object being studied, and this is already characteristic of the explanatory level of learning, since the number of connections between elements is much higher than the number of elements themselves, and the content of the connections must be clarified and justified in the process of analyzing the object.

The scope of application of LSM is almost all traditional and new teaching technologies, which always contain textual information and a speech form of cognitive activity, which necessitates the presentation of knowledge in natural language. LSMs are used in pedagogical design and innovation to model didactic objects in natural language, in various scientific research and development.

Experimental work in institutions of general and vocational education has confirmed the universal nature of LSM, their ability to reduce students’ cognitive difficulties and form productive thinking structures. Research has also confirmed the possibility of instrumental modernization of a number of traditional pedagogical approaches.

For example, in the context of developmental education (V.V. Davydov), the student’s cognitive learning skills and activities are complemented by emotional-imaginative and evaluative skills and actions, which together provide a developmental effect. In the process of studying the promising idea of ​​enlarging didactic units (P.M. Erdniev), meaningfully complete didactic invariants of physical knowledge were created, presenting a holistic picture of the theoretical provisions of the section of the subject being studied, their material implementation and practical applications. The first clinical diagnostic and didactic complex was created orthopedic dentistry and an extensive physiotherapy complex in the internal medicine clinic.

Rice. 11. LSM “Technological portrait of pedagogical The interdisciplinary nature of the research carried out is also evidenced by the intensive search for a solution to the problem of logical-semantic analysis of information presented by text or speech in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence.

But logical-semantic modeling also places higher demands on subjects of the educational process:

Most teachers find it difficult to move from a sequential (monologue) presentation of content without prior preparation educational topic to its systemic, multidimensional display, based on knowledge analysis procedures, dividing the topic into semantic groups and nodes, arranging them in a logically convenient order, etc. Students who are forced to rely primarily on memory mechanisms in the process of learning activities experience the same difficulties in systematically perceiving and displaying knowledge. The innovative technological work of a teacher to master new didactic tools, more complex and more effective than traditional didactic tools, gives rise to the problem of systematically improving the preparatory and teaching activities of a teacher based on increasing his technological competence.



A large number of pedagogical literature and a large amount of experimental material on well-known didactic visual aids are not sufficiently conceptualized theoretically and are of little demand for the reason that the properties of didactic aids were, unfortunately, not the subject of special consideration. The characteristics of didactic multidimensional tools from the standpoint of a systematic approach are divided into internal, determined by the structure of the instruments, and external, determined by their functioning as part of various pedagogical objects.

The group of internal characteristics includes:

Conceptual-figurative properties necessary for coordinating the first and second signaling systems; they are achieved by combining parts and the whole, a holistic image and individual fragments of knowledge;

Planarity, which as a topological property is realized when a multidimensional coordinate system is reduced to the image plane;

Coordinate-matrix topological properties necessary for the structuring of multidimensional space are achieved thanks to the “solar-grid” geometry of the frame;

Logical-semantic two-componentity is a property necessary for separating and combining control and descriptive information; it is ensured by combining the logical (graphical) and semantic components (concept);

The property of thinking support, necessary for operating, recreating or eliminating redundant information, it is achieved by arranging keywords based on the greatest semantic proximity, at which associative linkage arises and a semantically coherent system is formed;

The property of underdetermination of the representation of knowledge, necessary for initiating cognitive activity, is ensured by a special - “disassembled” and, at the same time, semantically coherent state of information (analogue - a design set), facilitating subsequent multidimensional analysis and synthesis;

The property of autodialogue is super-summary and non-obvious, necessary to support design and self-learning modes, it manifests itself as the effect of the interaction of the subject with a virtual interlocutor - a mental image placed on the external plane of cognitive activity;

Promising “interface” properties required when creating computer-based educational programs with didactic tools.

The features of didactic multidimensional tools make it possible to predict their useful “interface” properties in the interaction of a person and a computer: the traditional organization of knowledge in computers is tree-type catalogs, convenient for automated knowledge processing, but inconvenient for humans. Numerous publications on the development of interfaces for expert systems, search portals, etc. indicate that “paper” learning technologies must keep up with the development of various information technologies.

The external characteristics of didactic multidimensional tools, in turn, are divided into didactic, associated with educational material and the educational process; psychological, associated with the thinking of the teacher and student; and metrological, allowing for preliminary qualitative assessment of multidimensional instruments.

Didactic characteristics provide:

- multidimensional modeling of knowledge when performing preparatory, training and search activities;

Strengthening the scientific and cognitive potential of an educational subject by increasing the level of presentation of educational material from descriptive to explanatory), adding interdisciplinary connections, enlarging didactic units, integrating knowledge when including the humanitarian background of scientific knowledge in the content of the topic (information about who, where, when, for what reason, in what way did he discover the knowledge studied in the topic, who developed it, how it is currently used in science, production and everyday life);

Updating the educational potential of an educational subject by supplementing the educational process with the stage of emotionally imaginative experience of scientific knowledge in an artistic and aesthetic way, as well as supplementing it with the stage of assessing the applied, moral and other significance of the knowledge being studied;

Development of such important qualities of thinking of teachers and students as multidimensionality, arbitrariness and autodialogue through the inclusion of logical and semantic models of knowledge representation in the content and technology of teaching, activating thinking and freeing up its resources for handling additional amounts of information, conducting creative search, etc. ;

Increasing the availability of tools for educational activities by programming analysis and synthesis operations, creating supports for external and internal plans (educational and technological models) in the design and modeling of knowledge, explication and visualization of problem situations, searching for their solutions;

Formation of a teacher’s “technological filter” for critical assessment of didactic visual aids and teaching technologies.

Psychological characteristics are associated with the following aspects of productive thinking:

Improving systematic thinking due to programmed systemic processing of information in the process of perception and comprehension;

Support for memory mechanisms and improved control of significant amounts of information thanks to a logically convenient representation of knowledge in natural language in a compressed form (the so-called “Miller threshold” is 5-7 units of information held in RAM);

Improving the work of intuitive thinking thanks to structured information presented in a semantically coherent form, when selecting and withdrawing information from the subconscious, combining logical and heuristic actions in design, etc.;

Improving the ability to “semantic granulation” and collapsing information through developing skills in constructing logical-semantic models;

Strengthening the support of thinking due to the ability to “peer” at a model, while it is impossible to “peer” at an ordinary text as something whole;

Improving interhemispheric dialogue and initiating autodialogue, which is based on the fact that the abstract properties of the object being studied are set by the left hemisphere, and the right hemisphere accumulates external experience and helps the left to compare signs and operate with them.

The system of qualitative assessments is represented by characteristics of two types: a probabilistic characteristic - the frequency of obtaining correct results, and a meaningful characteristic. The probabilistic characteristic is determined by the frequency of obtaining correct results and tends to increase if the construction of multidimensional models is carried out using a certain technology: the problem space is pre-structured and a unified framework is introduced into it, the organization of educational material is carried out according to samples (technological models) and with the help of operators - orientations.

The likelihood of obtaining the correct result when using multidimensional models in comparison with the traditional compilation (“drawing”) of models increases due to a quasi-dialogue with the model, in which consciousness is split into two conditional subjects, one of which offers, and the other evaluates. In practice, this manifests itself in the fact that many experimental teachers, after creating the first version of the logical semantic model, periodically correct it on their own.

The metrological characteristics of didactic multidimensional tools determine the quality of the multidimensional representation of knowledge and include the following elements:

The quality of object structuring: the presence of main, basic and auxiliary elements, the presence of connections between the main, main and auxiliary elements; additional indications of the supersystem into which the object is included;

Quality of function structuring: presence of main, main and auxiliary functions of the object; additional indications of the supersystem function that is supported by the object function;

Quality of parameters structuring: numerical parameters of elements, connections and functions of the represented object; additional indications of the numerical characteristics of the supersystem into which the object is included.

The following two characteristics are important for the design and preparatory activities of the teacher:

Degree of unification: use of unified semantic groups - coordinates, sets of nodes (including ternary ones) in proportions of the total number of corresponding elements in the logical semantic model;

The degree of perfection, which can be interpreted as the ratio of the increment in the didactic “usefulness” of the model to the increment in the conditional “payment for utility” (duration and complexity of design). That is, the increase in usefulness includes didactic, psychological and other gains due to the use of logical-semantic models in comparison with traditional didactic means, and the “payment for usefulness” includes the time spent on mastering, experimental testing and correcting models, on teaching students how to use models , to replenish professional luggage (content, humanitarian background, etc.).

The information provided will help the teacher form a kind of “technological filter” necessary for the critical selection of various didactic means and the critical assessment of didactic means - substitutes for the objects being studied, presented as models. This happens as follows: the strengthened logical components of the quality of thinking, the ability to operate with formalized didactic means are balanced by the oppositional quality - creativity due to the activation of thinking, the release of its additional resources, handling large amounts of information, and the ability to search in conditions of uncertainty.



The inclusion of didactic multidimensional tools in cognitive activity shows that in external terms it is performed in subject and speech forms, it involves the first and second signaling systems, between which information is recoded. In parallel, in the internal plane, thoughts - images are generated by objective activity, and thoughts - words - by activity in speech form, and mutual recoding of information is also carried out.

Cognitive activity unfolds sequentially at three levels: describing the object being studied, operating with knowledge about the object and generating new knowledge about the object, and the criteria for its effectiveness are instrumentality, arbitrariness and controllability. Due to the external presentation and imagery of didactic multidimensional tools of the second type, the first signal system is also involved in operating them (Fig. 12).

Mastering didactic multidimensional tools is associated with overcoming the psychological barrier of “one-dimensionality,” which arises during the transition from a one-dimensional presentation of educational material (sequential text, verbal monologue) to a multidimensional one and reveals the unpreparedness of the teacher’s and student’s thinking for the intensive implementation of operations: isolating and ranking key elements of content, collapsing and encoding information, presenting the content of the lesson not in a sequential, but in a figurative radial-circular form.

Experimental work shows that in practice three levels of mastering didactic multidimensional tools are possible:

Minimum level - mastered the design of educational models without the use of technological models when preparing classes that are conducted according to the usual methodology; the effect is manifested in improving the quality of educational material, reducing the labor intensity of preparation and discomfort during classes;

Intermediate level - mastered the development of educational models and their use as illustrations during the lesson; the necessary habituation of students to the instruments is added to the previous effect;

High – mastered the design of technological models and their use in creating educational models that are used in educational activities; the effect of deeper processing and assimilation of knowledge by students is added.

Application of didactic multidimensional tools in institutions preschool education and at the primary level of a comprehensive school, it is distinguished by the need to use reinforcing associative-figurative elements of models, pictograms, etc.

The process of mastering didactic multidimensional tools is illustrated by a graph consisting of four sections (Fig. 13): the first section is the stage of overcoming psychological barriers and “building up” with a slow increase in results, the second section is the stage of triggering the “small pilot chute” of the first successes, the third section is the stage of accumulation of design results, the fourth section is the stage of mastering tools and methods of their use. Before psychological barriers are overcome and the first results are obtained, initial expectations decrease, distrust in the tools increases, and only then, as they are mastered, interest in it is restored and fixed at a certain level, supported by the results of successful experiments.

Rice. 12. Didactic multidimensional tools The full experimental period of development takes approximately one academic year; in practice, there is both rapid development (affected by a predisposition to logical thinking) and delayed development, but after one to two years good results were shown.

Rice. 13. Schedules for mastering didactic tools Mastering didactic multidimensional tools affects the emotional-volitional sphere of the psyche, includes aesthetic and evaluative components of thinking in the activity, activates creative imagination, to support which a special “humanitarian background” of technology is required: means of developing creative imagination, creating feelings of paradox and humor , as well as functional phonographs.

The result of a technological experiment on mastering didactic multidimensional technology should be considered not only experimental classes that meet the motto “smart, fun and kind lesson,” but also the publication of the results of the experiment in the form of an educational manual or an article in the pedagogical press. The need to publish such publications is explained by the fact that they are in demand by teachers and perform an important educational function as role models at the initial stage of mastering didactic tools, and are also included spontaneously or purposefully in the conditional “technological memory” of education.

During the experimental work, certain difficulties in mastering didactic multidimensional tools were revealed: at the stage of mastering instrumental methods of design and modeling, there is a certain psychological tension of subjects of the educational process, caused by the correction of previous thinking stereotypes, the need to supplement and deepen professional knowledge. The magnitude and duration of this tension depends on the level of professional qualifications of the teacher, accumulated experience, intensity of work and professional and personal qualities.

It decreases as new - useful - stereotypes of thinking and activity are formed, the speed and volume of processed information increases, activity in pedagogical creativity, the relationship of which with didactic technology is manifested in the unity of the reproductive and productive components of activity, in the unity of necessity and freedom, the ratio of which changes according to As didactic multidimensional tools are mastered: the initially predominant creative component is gradually supplemented by a non-creative, technologized component, creative tasks gradually turn into routine ones, and the territory of creativity moves into the realm of the unknown. Creative thinking is complemented by logical heuristic procedures and solution experience creative tasks with uncertainty, the management of which in the design process is an effective form of learning.

Presence of uncertainty – main feature tasks of a creative nature, the level of uncertainty can be assessed using the coordinates “the degree of change in the object (structure, functions and parameters)”, “the novelty of the knowledge used to solve the problem”, “the degree of generalization of the new solution”. These criteria are applicable to professional pedagogical creativity (V.V. Belich, V.V. Kraevsky, etc.) and can be used in the development or expert assessment of innovative technological developments.


The design of logical-semantic models is based on the concept of multidimensional semantic spaces, which is implemented by an algorithm-like procedure (Fig. 14): in the primary unstructured information (analogs: liquid crystals, magnetic filings, etc.) “power information lines” are identified - semantic coordinates, which are then ranked and placed on the plane; the initial information, in accordance with a set of coordinates, is divided into heterogeneous semantic groups, in each of which key elements of content are identified and located along the coordinates on a certain basis; between the nodal elements the most significant semantic connections are identified and located in the corresponding intercoordinate spaces.

Rice. 14. Design of logical-semantic models The transformed space displays the simulated didactic object and is a semantically coherent system in which quanta of information acquire the property of “semantic valence,” which leads to more stable memory structures similar to lexical nodes (R. Atkinson).

Designing didactic multidimensional tools for experimental classes includes the following stages (Fig.

Determining the place of the topic in the subject, which is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the cognitive, experiential and evaluative significance of the topic being studied;

- identifying barriers, contradictions and challenges that may arise during the theme design process;

Formulating heuristic questions that help immerse oneself in the topic of the lesson and designing the cognitive, experiential and evaluative stages of studying the topic.

The characteristics of the topic include, for example: the goals and objectives of studying the topic, the object and subject of study, the scenario and methods of study, the content and humanitarian background of the topic being studied, etc.

In the designed didactic tools, to ensure unification, it is advisable to use standard coordinates, for example:

- goal: educational, educational and developmental tasks;

Result: knowledge and skills on the specified topic; cognitive, experiential and evaluative results of educational activities;

- topic composition: scientific knowledge, humanitarian background of scientific knowledge, etc.;

- process: indicative foundations and algorithm-like structures of actions, models, etc.

Rice. 15. Scenario for choosing a topic for design The use of heuristic questions as a means of explicating (clarifying) the problem and reducing the degree of its uncertainty allows you to build educational cognitive activity as a search process: what is the “formula” of the topic? What happens if there is no theme object? How to present the “business card” of the topic? What is the place of the topic in the subject?

A special group of unified coordinates is formed by sets of nodes for a system-wide and subject-system representation of knowledge, for example: “system keys” with coordinates “space-time”, “cause-effect”, “compromises-conflicts”, etc.; “Subject keys” introduce the basic categories and concepts used in the study of an academic subject. Each subject, for example: chemistry, literature, mathematics and others, has its own multidimensional semantic space, its own categories and characteristics of study, its own “subject thinking”

and subject-system keys.

The design of educational logical-semantic models is facilitated if a technological logical-semantic model is first constructed, which plays the role of a support, an indicative basis for actions in the bi-contour design scheme (Fig. 14). Technological model as a generalized “portrait”

a group of educational subject models simplifies the design of classes for all topics of the subject and allows you to improve the quality of design due to its standardization and correction. The use of unified semantic groups and sets of reference nodes not only increases the unification of the model, but also brings its content closer to the general principles of scientific studies.

It is advisable to use the following as such unified components:

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