Cockroaches reproduce on time. How do cockroaches live and reproduce? How to prevent mass reproduction

Quite often, cockroach eggs are confused with oothecae, which have an oblong shape and a brown tint. In fact, oothecae are durable protective capsules for many eggs, in which small cockroaches gradually form from the embryos.

Where to find egg capsules

Driven by the instinct to preserve offspring, female cockroaches lay filled capsules in the most secluded places inaccessible to humans. They can be unexpected

  • discover:
  • in the pantry;
  • ventilation;
  • under the sink;
  • in the crevices of furniture;
  • behind the baseboards.

Having discovered an unpleasant neighborhood of insects, it is not enough for homeowners to simply kill them, since a short time the number of cockroaches will be renewed due to the babies that have hatched and become independent. It is necessary to conduct a real hunt for oothecae, which are immediately destroyed after detection.

Advice! When killing insects, you should not rely on the visualization of “death,” which the cockroach quite successfully imitates. A cockroach that has fallen upside down does not need to be thrown into the trash or on the street. After some time he will wake up and return to the house again. Therefore, if you don’t want to crush every caught specimen, you can send it to the sewer.

The most common cockroaches found in our country

Cockroaches are very mobile, live in large colonies and are most active at night. Therefore, most people do not even suspect the presence of such “neighbors” until several specimens, including a female, accidentally ended up in the apartment and began to actively reproduce.

Most rare in the country madagascar cockroach - and this is very good. Representatives of this species can exceed 8 cm in length and look quite intimidating. The original appearance of the insect has led to the fact that in many countries Madagascar cockroaches are bred in terrariums as exotic pets.

Common “household” cockroaches throughout the country are considered to be:

  • Black– prefer to live in the kitchen, reach 3 cm, create large egg-layings.
  • Redheads or Prussians – they are small in size (about 1.5 cm), live throughout the apartment, are very tenacious and can penetrate small crevices.
  • Turkmen– cannot crawl on glass or perfectly smooth surfaces, and are also small in size. Turkmen cockroaches are often bred by owners of scorpions, spiders, and hedgehogs as food for their charges. For these purposes, they can be kept in terrariums or plastic containers.

Each female, regardless of the species, is still initial stage Reproduction in the body “packs” the eggs into ootheca, but then they behave in completely different ways.

Advice! Having discovered an ootheca at home, you can determine what type of cockroaches you have to fight. In blacks, it has a clearly visible ridge, its dimensions vary between 12 mm by 6 mm, and the color is darkish brown. The Prussian capsule is completely different: narrow, about 8 mm long, has a reddish tint and transverse raised stripes.

Care of cockroaches for eggs

The attitude of cockroaches towards their offspring depends on the species to which the insects belong. Female black and Turkmen cockroaches, immediately after completely filling the ooteca, discard them, securing them in a secluded place, and do not deal with them anymore. But Prussians carry eggs in a capsule at the end of their abdomen behind them and can save their offspring in case of danger.

However, the greatest degree of protection for eggs is provided by exotic Madagascars and the so-called ash cockroaches. The ootheca with eggs remains in the mother's body until the larvae fully mature. To prevent the offspring from suffocating, the female sometimes exposes the ootheca for ventilation, and then retracts it into herself. The babies leave the mother's body only after they hatch and the person observing this procedure gets the impression that the cockroach is giving birth. This is where the erroneous belief that viviparous cockroaches exist comes from.

But even after such a parental feat, the female leaves the babies near her for some time, protecting them from enemies, releasing them only after 3-4 days - the period necessary for complete adaptation and acquisition of independence.

Advice! You should not hope that the death of a female red cockroach with noticeable oothema on the abdomen from chemicals or boric acid automatically leads to the destruction of the offspring. Eggs left in the trash can continue to develop - it is better to get rid of them immediately. You can flush it down the drain again.

Features of egg laying

Ootheca only look fragile: they have much in common with the shells of bird eggs: they also allow air to pass through, providing the embryos with maximum protection. If an adult dies at temperatures above 45°C or below -5°C, then the capsule protects cockroach eggs even during short-term overheating at 55°C and cooling to -11°C.

But how long the maturation of eggs in the ooteca lasts and how the capsule itself is formed depends solely on the type of insect:

  • black cockroaches lay eggs in the ooteca in 4 rows, and can accommodate 25–30 pieces, while in red cockroaches the capsule consists of two rows, designed for 23 individuals;
  • all eggs do not exceed 1 mm in size, whitish or light yellow in color, almost transparent;
  • additionally, the eggs already inside the ootheca are protected by a shell resembling parchment;
  • The formation of the capsule takes place inside the abdomen of the cockroach - the eggs are dipped into the secretion produced by the body. It is released even after laying in such quantities as to reliably seal the ootheca;

The development period of eggs directly depends on living conditions. Standard processing times are limited to 30–75 days. If the apartment is warm, the development of embryos proceeds without problems, but when low temperatures it seems to freeze for a while, but the larvae do not die. The development process resumes after the onset of heat.

Cockroaches are one of the most ancient individuals that have managed to survive since the time of ancient dinosaurs thanks to their excellent adaptation and rapid reproduction rate. That is why you need to know how domestic cockroaches reproduce and, having noticed at least one individual in your home, immediately begin the fight, otherwise your house will soon be swarming with small, red-haired neighbors.

Breeding cycle of domestic cockroaches

Sex differences

Like most insects, domestic cockroaches come in two genders: female and male. The larvae of these individuals have no differences, while in adulthood the female and male have several differences.

  1. One of the most important differences is the size. So, females are larger than males. This difference is especially clearly visible in black cockroaches, where the female representative is larger not only in length, but also in width.
  2. The second factor by which one can distinguish the sex of an individual is the wings, namely their size and shape. Males have more developed wings, thanks to which they are able to fly short distances. Female representatives have underdeveloped wings, much shorter than the abdomen, they cannot fly and use them only to attract a male.
  3. Body structure. If you look closely, you can see styli (genital processes located on the last segment) on the male’s body; females have an ootheca in the same place, in which eggs form and develop.
  4. Mustache. Another distinctive feature is the broken antennae characteristic of male. This is due to the fact that during the mating season, representatives of the stronger sex arrange duels, during which injury occurs. Thus, they try to gain favor and make an impression. However, this factor is not decisive.

Mating process

If you want to learn about how cockroaches reproduce, then you need to start with the mating process, or, more precisely, the search for a partner. The search for a partner begins to occur at the last stage of development of the individual, when cockroaches become quite mature and capable of reproducing, leaving behind numerous offspring.

During the mating season, female cockroaches secrete a special odorous secretion, thanks to which they attract the opposite sex.

After the male finds a female, the mating process begins, during which the female is fertilized using the genital plate (ootheca). After the mating process is considered complete, the male continues his active activity, while the female begins to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth.

Ootheca deposition process

The process of laying ootheca occurs in the most secluded and inaccessible places for humans, so it is almost impossible to find capsules with eggs. All embryos are stored in the mother's ooteca as long as they require protection. An interesting fact is that caring for eggs depends on the type of cockroach. Thus, black individuals discard the edema immediately after it is filled, while domestic Prussians carry it with them, thanks to which they can protect the future generation in case of danger. As soon as the embryos are fully formed and strong, the female discards the ootheca and leaves.

The number of larvae in one egg laying can vary from 20 to 60. The period of egg maturation, as well as the subsequent reproduction of cockroaches, largely depends on the habitat and the conditions provided. The average ripening period is one or two months.

The process of birth

As soon as the embryos of domestic cockroaches reach such a size that they do not fit in the egg, they begin to tear apart the fairly dense shell, gnawing through the ridge of the swelling.

Usually all cockroaches leave the ooteca at the same time within a few minutes. Thus, the birth of cockroaches takes no more than five minutes.

In the first days of their life, small individuals are practically invisible due to their white and almost transparent skin, thanks to which they are perfectly camouflaged without being seen. After some time, the chitinous cover of the larvae begins to darken and harden. In general, the breeding period of cockroaches can reach 4 years under unfavorable conditions and several months under favorable conditions.

Thus, life cycle cockroaches can be broken up as follows:

  • The period of maturation in the ooteca (egg).
  • Period of maturation (larva).
  • Period of active activity (adult).

What affects the rate of reproduction

After you have learned how quickly cockroaches reproduce, you need to understand what affects the rate of reproduction of these insects.

Of course, a key role in the rate of reproduction is played by external factors. One of the most important factors is the room temperature. So, if the eggs find themselves in a cold environment that reaches negative temperatures, the period of their development stops and resumes only when the swelling returns to heat. That is why a fairly popular method for getting rid of domestic cockroaches is freezing.

Chemicals also affect the rate of reproduction. Ootecae are able to withstand the effects of most chemical substances However, if you carry out the procedure to get rid of cockroaches several times a month, the development of larvae will stop once and for all.

The appearance of cockroaches, and therefore the rate of their reproduction, is also influenced by sanitary and hygienic standards. So, if in your home they do not find food in the form of leftover food, crumbs, scattered cereals, the individuals will crawl further because your room will become completely unattractive for them.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to do wet cleaning at least once a week.

This will help prevent the appearance of unwanted neighbors and their spread throughout the living space.

One more no less important factor is also the presence of water.

Do not allow liquid to accumulate and wipe the sinks dry, take out accumulated debris in a timely manner.

It is also necessary to take into account that the waste of cockroaches attracts other insects, so if you do not take measures to destroy them, it is quite possible that other small inhabitants will settle in your house.

Of course, domestic cockroaches are a rather unpleasant and difficult problem for all residents. Untidy neighbors, plumbing, crumbs, all this can cause the appearance of red insects. That is why it is necessary to maintain hygiene and prevent the appearance of these individuals, and if you spot even one running body, you must immediately contact a specialist. Only in this case will you be able to get rid of such a curious situation once and for all, thereby making life easier for both yourself and your neighbors.

Insects such as cockroaches have existed on earth for more than 300 million years, which has been proven by archaeological excavations. They are incredibly resistant to changes in climate and environmental conditions. They can survive in the cold, with little or no food, and live underwater or without oxygen for short periods of time. These insects are the most common in the world, among other types of household pests.

There are approximately 3,500 species of these insects. Most of them live outdoors and do not survive indoors. Only a small part consider houses to be their favorite habitat. It is difficult to find a place on the globe where these pests cannot be found. Due to the fact that they masterfully adapt to their environment, they are present in almost all parts of the world.

At the same time, all their ability to change makes them leaders in invulnerability. They easily get used to the type of pesticides that they were poisoned with earlier and do not react to it in the future. They can even do without a head.

In Russia there are only a few species: German, red, black. Such species mainly inhabit houses in Russia, America and Europe.

General form familiar to everyone and presented in the cockroaches photo. They have an oval shape with flat body, which allows them to fit into all types of cracks and crevices. The back looks like a kind of shield. With their long, spiny legs, they can quickly run long distances on almost any surface. Their paws have such properties that they can easily move along glass windows or walk on the ceiling. Different types differ in size and color, some of them can fly. The most common are German cockroaches. They are the ones who most often inhabit apartments, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and so on. They have a brown color. Distinctive feature– two black stripes on the back of the body, near the head. Immature individuals, called nymphs, become darker in color. Being almost black, they have a light stripe in the middle of the back, which is a known marking of a juvenile. Significantly smaller in size than an adult.

An adult red cockroach is about 1.5 cm long. The adult male is golden brown in color and has a narrow body with wings extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. The female is dark chestnut in color, has a teardrop-shaped body, and her wings do not completely cover abdominal cavity. Both sexes have distinctive horizontal yellow stripes. The nymph has two pale stripes that run horizontally across the entire body.

These pests do not like strong odors such as vinegar or kerosene. Such dope will repel annoying insects. Also on the market Lately Ultrasonic devices have begun to appear, but they have not yet fully proven themselves.

Since cockroaches move mainly at night, daylight or the light from the lamps will stop them. But there is no point in spending money on electricity and being particularly happy; they will still find a way to profit. Finding tidbits in hard-to-reach places when cleaning.

The main thing cockroaches are afraid of is being hungry. If you maintain sanitary conditions, carry out regular wet cleaning, take out garbage in a timely manner, put food in containers, and do not leave dirty dishes and crumbs behind after eating, then cockroaches will have nothing to do.

But, if your room is loved by these insects, then getting rid of them will not be easy. After all, they easily adapt to new conditions environment. And what scared them off the first time may not have an effect on them the next time. And they will not give up trying to move in with you again. The use of barrier protective equipment is necessary.

Cockroaches have three stages of development: egg, nymph and adult. Each female produces 4-8 capsules during her life. The female carries the eggs in a special cocoon that looks like a capsule. It has an elongated long shape and a light brown tint. Inside the cocoon there are 2 rows of eggs. The female wears this capsule on the lower part of her body almost until the very moment of maturation.

Before hatching, the female lays a capsule by dropping it or sticking it to some surface. Most often, this happens in a secluded place where nymphs can easily find treats for themselves. It happens that the eggs mature while still on the female’s body and the capsule is opened.

Each capsule can contain from 30 to 50 eggs. When the maturation process is completed, the seam along the capsule on the upper part is broken through by the grown nymphs. After which, they immediately begin full-fledged life activities.

The population is dominated by young individuals, who are the vast majority in relation to adults.

The next stage is nymphs. These are small cockroaches that are no different in behavior from an adult. They also make constant forays in search of food.

Cockroaches are omnivores; they eat everything from plants to meat. In case of extreme infestation, where their number is very large, they can even bite a living person. Especially when food becomes limited. Therefore, the answer to the question do cockroaches bite is yes, they do. Although, this does not happen as often as one might think.

When it comes to biting, they are more likely to bite: Legs; Hands; Nails; Eyelashes. This does not mean that the cockroaches actually want to taste you. They don't do it intentionally. Food is the only thing they are looking for. Therefore, bites usually occur at night when people sleep with food debris around their hands or mouth. It is this leftover food that attracts them.

In most cases, cockroaches will not bite people if there are other food sources available, such as in trash cans or open food. When cockroach numbers are left unchecked, the population can outgrow normal food sources. In such a situation, they will be forced to obtain more food and eat things that they usually do not eat. Typically, pest control will begin before the population reaches these levels.

These ugly pests use a chewing motion that can cause painful bites that cause mild skin reactions in sensitive people.

How long does a cockroach live?

It takes 40-125 days to complete the nymph stage into a mature individual, under room conditions. Depending on environmental conditions and other factors. Adult German cockroaches can live up to one year, but most will die from various reasons long before this time. Adult females live about 200 days.

To answer the question of how long a cockroach lives, you need to add up all the stages of its development. The total will be about 1.5 years, excluding the egg stage.

They are very stable and tenacious. If water is present, adults can live for about a month without food, but young nymphs will starve to death within 10 days. Without water and food, adults die in less than two weeks. At this time, cockroaches become very aggressive and begin to look for food even during abnormal periods such as daytime. They begin to move to other habitats in search of a better life.

A cockroach's body can survive even without its head for up to a week. This is because they breathe through small holes in body segments and have an open circulatory system. Since they do not need a head to breathe, these insects can survive without it for a short period of time. Eventually, the cockroach dies from dehydration because it will no longer be able to drink water.

It is simply impossible to determine where the cockroaches come from. They move very quickly, are unnoticeable and constantly travel in search of new habitats.

They can get into your home absolutely by various reasons. You may unknowingly bring them with you after visiting some public place, be it shopping mall, cinema, cafe and others.

Since we live in apartment buildings, one infected apartment is enough for the whole house to suffer! They crawl through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer pipes, under doors, in common areas and stairwells, even along external walls through windows.

Your home is an ideal breeding ground for certain types of pests. With plenty of food, warmth, water and nesting sites, they can remain active all year round.

Cockroaches are insects that can become pests in homes, schools, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and virtually any structure that has food preparation or storage areas. They contaminate food and cutlery, destroy fabrics and paper products, and impart stains and unpleasant odors to surfaces when they come into contact with them.

People are shocked when they find cockroaches in their homes and kitchens. Even if you maintain crystal cleanliness, you still will not be completely immune from the appearance of such neighbors.

Having seen one individual, there is a high probability that most of the population is simply hidden from view. So there is no need to delay destruction. First of all, carry out general cleaning, the main thing is not to forget about hard-to-reach places. If you do not see the special one yourself, you may stumble upon the waste products of these insects. In such cases, it is better not to delay until the breeding process develops into a larger disaster.

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People often receive complaints that effective chemicals do not help get rid of cockroaches. The main reason is the fertility of pests. One female brings about 25–30 larvae.

If a few individuals remain in the room, then after 2-3 weeks a whole colony will again be marching around the house. Therefore, the breeding characteristics of cockroaches are the information without which it will not be possible to defeat them.

The ability to reproduce in domestic cockroaches occurs after they go through the last stage of maturation.

To find out how domestic mustachioed cockroaches reproduce, it is necessary to study their characteristics and sexual differences. After all, the success of exterminating breeding insects depends on human awareness.

The breeding period includes the following stages:

  1. Finding a suitable partner. A female that has reached sexual maturity releases certain pheromones. To do this, it uses glands that are concentrated at the back. Insects also use their wings to attract a partner.
  2. Pairing. Insects move to this stage after mating games, which are accompanied by fanning their wings. A genital plate is concentrated on the male’s body, with the help of which he fertilizes the female. As soon as mating is completed, the insects disperse. The male representative goes in search of a new partner, and the female prepares to lay eggs.
  3. Formation of ootheca by a cockroach. The female uses this leathery pouch to store eggs with larvae. After all, during this period, embryos need protection and peace. The female carries a capsule with larvae until the embryos are fully formed.
  4. Shedding of ootheca. This stage occurs as soon as the embryos have increased in size and become stronger. After this, the cubs are left to their own devices.

Cockroaches breed much faster in an apartment, since all the conditions for their development have been created here.

Sex differences

To determine the sex of a cockroach, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Dimensions. Males are small in size.
  • The presence of wings. Female cockroaches have underdeveloped wings. The wings of males are fully formed. Therefore, some insects take to the air to get to food or water.
  • Leads. Males have a genital plate at the back, with which they fertilize females. Females do not have such an organ.

These differences are inherent in domestic insects that are found in apartments and houses. Exotic species have more differences. For example, Madagascan males have horns, which they use to fight for females. As for how exotic cockroaches reproduce, this process is no different from the process of reproduction of domestic cockroaches.

Mating process

The moment when a female is ready to mate is determined by the male by the smell she gives off. Special glands are responsible for the production of pheromones. Female representatives have such glands. Insects also attract partners using their wings.

Mating lasts 1–3 minutes. At this time, the insects are in contact with their backs. For fertilization, the male uses the genital plate. As soon as the process ends, the male representative goes in search of food or a new female.

In the future, the female does not require assistance from the male. After all, the elements necessary for reproduction are present in her body. If only one individual remains in the house, then within 2–4 weeks the premises will be filled with pests. Therefore, information about how longhorned beetles reproduce should be taken into account.

The female moves with a leathery sac (ootheca), which contains the embryos, until the cockroach larvae are fully mature. The offspring located in the egg are protected from toxic substances and water.

Ootheca deposition process

Among the breeding features of domestic cockroaches, the deposition of ootheca is also distinguished. To place the leathery sac, insects choose places that are maximally protected from humans and sun rays. Therefore, it is very difficult to find cockroach eggs.

Each type of arthropod cares for the clutch of eggs differently. Under natural conditions, black species get rid of the ootheca almost immediately, so not all embryos survive. It also happens that the entire masonry dies. The ootheca of the domestic insect is protected. After all, females lay it only after the embryos have strengthened and formed.

The degree of maturation of the embryos can be determined by how the larvae of domestic cockroaches look.

One ooteca can contain 20–60 larvae. The duration of their maturation depends on living conditions. By the way the masonry looks, it is easy to determine how suitable the conditions are for the development of insects.

The process of birth

Babies leave the ooteca only after they feel cramped inside. To do this, they use chitinous teeth and paws, with which they break through the leathery pouch. It takes babies 2–5 minutes to leave the ootheca and get out.

Since small cockroaches have a white color and transparent skin, it is difficult to notice them. Such camouflage methods are used until the kids grow up. During the entire period of growing up, they go through several stages of molting, due to which their chitinous cover becomes darker.

The duration of the breeding season varies from 2–3 months to 3–4 years. It all depends on how favorable the conditions are for development. For example, domestic cockroaches reproduce quickly if food and water are freely available.

What affects the rate of reproduction

Undoubtedly, information about how quickly domestic cockroaches reproduce is significant for people who are faced with a similar problem.

The reproduction rate of domestic cockroaches is affected by their species. Red insects spread faster.

The rate at which a domestic cockroach reproduces is influenced by external factors. The embryo development process stops if the room temperature decreases. Their development resumes as soon as heat begins to flow to the ooteca.

Therefore, freezing is considered a popular way to get rid of breeding insects. To implement it, you need to open all windows for a while. But this method is available only to owners of country houses and people who can temporarily move to another premises.

Chemicals affect the speed at which the mustachioed pest reproduces. The larvae are located in a leathery sac, which protects them from toxic fumes and harmful components. But the ootheca can withstand 1-2 attacks. If the procedure is repeated 2-3 times within a month, the development will stop completely.

Some chemicals contain special regulator components. The cockroach breeding regulator works very simply. It affects the ability of insects to subsequently reproduce.

Sanitary and hygienic standards also influence the rate of reproduction. If the insects do not find food or water, they will leave the residential building.

Preventive actions

The rate at which insects reproduce depends on the situation in the house.

Therefore, preventive measures are carried out periodically:

  • Regular cleaning of the house. There are no pests in a room that is free of organic remains, crumbs and grains.
  • Checking the condition of communications and pipelines. Without food, insects live 7 or more days. If there is no water in the house, they will quickly leave it.

If chitin or excrement is found in the kitchen or bathroom, then it is necessary to carry out treatment. For these purposes use:

  • Chemicals. Gels and pastes, aerosols and sprays are available for sale. Among the presented assortment, you can choose chalk or powder. The supplied drugs differ in composition and duration of action.
  • Traditional methods. Traps and baits are popular among housewives. Their preparation will not take much time. To do this you will need boric acid or borax. To lure insects, you need to add vegetable oil to the powder.

The sanitary conditions in the house affect how long cockroaches live.

Video about the reproduction of domestic cockroaches

2015-08-10 City Disinfection Station

There are two types of cockroaches you can find at home:

  • Big black ones.
  • Red (Prussians).

Cockroach breeding cycle

Cockroaches reproduce sexually, just like any other living creature. The reproductive process begins with mating games, after which the male and female mate. After one mating session, the female will be able to become fertilized several more times without a male.

The process of reproduction and development of small cockroaches is as follows:

  • Females lay eggs in special leathery sacs called oothecae. Red and black cockroaches carry eggs with them, while other individuals prefer to hide them in secluded places.
  • Formed embryos hatch from the leathery sacs 2-3 weeks after laying.
  • The larvae develop and molt several times. These larvae are called nymphs and look like miniature adults.
  • Large adults called adults are formed.

In one egg, a female black cockroach carries 10-20 larvae, and a female red cockroach carries 20-30. At one time, a female can give birth to up to forty new embryos. As much as will be enough to develop a population that will soon fill your apartment.

Features of reproduction

Over the course of her life, a female cockroach can lay 4-6 capsules before she dies. The female does not have to mate every time for this; the male’s gametes remain in her body. Cockroaches settle in colonies; newborns live together with adults. Small embryos are cared for by several females, who help them adapt and learn to survive.

Cockroaches do not have specific seasons in which they breed. The process is observed all year round, which can make the fight against them more difficult. If you miss the moment when they first appear at your home, the population will quickly grow. It will be necessary to fight them by radical means from the very beginning.

Life cycle of cockroaches

When fighting them, you need to know how long they live and how long they can last without food. The lifespan of one cockroach depends on whether there is food and food for it. At home, they live longer and reproduce more actively if they have access to food and water. Human houses are reliably sheltered from their external influence. They are not affected by temperature influences and are not hunted by birds and snakes. Possessing high adaptive properties, cockroaches move into homes.

The lifespan of a cockroach can range from four months to four years. They spend most of their life in the imago stage. The larvae grow quickly, large individuals appear in about 1.5 months. The development of the larvae may slow down in the egg if the living conditions of the cockroaches are poor. In good ones, on the contrary, they develop very quickly. Very soon the new adults will be ready to mate and will reproduce rapidly.

Without food and water, cockroaches cannot live long. Endurance depends on the type:

  • redheads go without food and water for up to 30 days;
  • black kitchen - up to 70.

Finding themselves without food, large cockroaches begin to devour smaller ones and also bite people. For example, they may bite the skin around their nails or lips. The survival rate of cockroaches is so high that they can even live without a head: they will breathe through holes in the body. They adapt to many poisons in just a few generations.