Dream Interpretation Clouds. Why do you dream about Clouds in a dream? Why do you dream about clouds? Meanings and full interpretation of the dream Dream Interpretation white clouds in the sky

Dreams predict close events in life for a person, pleasant and not so pleasant. Does the same symbol carry multiple meanings, depending on the details of the cloud? The answer to this question depends on their color, density and movement. But first things first.

  • If they are colorful, there is great happiness and abundance ahead.
  • Blue or black are harbingers of misfortune.
  • If clouds rise from four sides, there will be success in trading affairs.
  • When clouds float across the sky, the project started will be a success.
  • To the question of why pink clouds are dreamed of, the Chinese dream book answers - fortunately.
  • A dream in which black clouds fall to the ground promises illness related to breathing. For example, the dreamer may suddenly develop a sore throat.

As Miller says

Let's consider what Miller thinks about clouds:

  • When they are dark and heavy, this is a sign of serious failures and a person’s inability to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.
  • Why do you dream of black clouds from which rain pours? Miller interprets such a sign as the onset of illness.
  • If in your dream the clouds are beautiful, light and clear, they sparkle from the sun, this is a sure sign of great success and happiness.

Interpretation according to D. Zima's dream book

Clouds, according to his interpretation? A person dreams too much and lives in an uncertain future. The subconscious is trying to tell you that it’s time to formulate your desires more precisely, and then they will come true faster. If the clouds are small and very cute, then this is a sign of positive emotions in the future.

If the sun is visible behind the heavenly lambs, then this is a sign of ambiguity and confusion, misunderstanding. The stars in this interpretation mean that the dreamer lacks the will and composure to achieve the desired goal.

Dream Interpretation Lynn

Let's look at what clouds mean in dreams in his interpretation. He interprets them as signs sent from heaven. The interpretation in this case is given to the shape that the clouds take. They are not intended to warn, but to guide.

Why do you dream white? Lynn's dream book interprets them as a sign of peace of mind, creative energy and harmony. The dream book also has quite positive information about what black clouds mean in dreams. If they usually promise something bad, in this case it is a sign of spiritual search and self-improvement. Perhaps soon you will make an unexpected discovery about your personality.

Interpretation of the “Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor”

If in a dream you looked at the clouds with interest, then you are looking for the truth or meaning of your life. If at the same time your head was thrown back strongly, then you risk breaking the connection with higher powers by your own foolish step. Be careful.

Did the clouds scare you? “Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor” warns that you lack spirituality in your life. You are too busy chasing material wealth.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

The author of the dream book claims that if the dreamer saw clouds in a dream, the subconscious is trying to say that he needs to start analyzing own life, feelings and thoughts, since they are the ones who guide actions. Carefully consider each step and its consequences. Restore relationships with those with whom you are in conflict, engage in meditation or read prayers.

Clouds with clouds interpretation

Black clouds together with clouds are interpreted as a sign of an imminent trip. White is a sign that the trip will go well and will give you a lot of pleasant impressions. Black is a sign of difficulties and troubles.

It is also worth paying attention to the amount of clouds. If the sky was completely overcast, this is a warning that the trip should be postponed for a while if possible. There is a danger of injury or accident.

Clouds and sun

Rare clouds along with the sun are a sign that you will soon receive an invitation to a big holiday. If the rays of the sun break through the clouds, the period of difficulties will soon be left behind and a white streak will come. But if lightning flashed, you need to prepare for a long period of difficulties and troubles.

If the sky is covered with clouds too quickly, someone is plotting something very unpleasant against you. When in a dream a person saw cirrus clouds and the sun was shining very brightly, this is a sure sign that misfortunes are in the past, and a bright, joyful period will soon come.

Interpretation of white, black, pink clouds in a dream

If the clouds in a dream were black and low, this is a sign of financial difficulties in the near future. Thunderclouds through which lightning flashes warn of illness. When clouds gather tightly over a person’s head, this is a sign of great grief that he will have to go through. Multi-colored clouds are a sign of abundance and happiness.

If you have ever experienced a large number of difficulties for a long time, then light white clouds foreshadow the onset of a bright streak of life. Why do you dream of pink clouds? Such a dream is interpreted as a person being in illusions and dreams, unwillingness to notice real life. When dark and light clouds run across the sky one after another, there will be many events in life - both good and not so good.

Flying in the clouds - interpretation of a dream

Why do you dream of flying in the clouds? Flying above the clouds - symbol good news who came from afar. If the heavenly lambs were under your feet, a new interesting job or a promising project awaits you. Sitting on clouds is not very good good sign. This means that in Lately you were in a state of daydreaming and illusion, but one way or another you will have to return to the world of reality, no matter how boring it is to live in it.

If in a dream you were flying across the sky and the clouds were under your feet, this is a symbol that you have a lot of vital energy that has not been wasted. Direct it in a creative direction. This will help you achieve significant financial results.

Above the water

When clouds float over water in a dream, this is a symbol that what you want will not come true soon, because circumstances have not yet developed in the right way. Be careful in your relationships with others, this applies to both personal and professional relationships.

On the horizon

If a person sees clouds on the horizon, this is a sure sign that he is driven by passion, which does not allow him to enjoy life to the fullest and consider the prospects. When the horizon is covered with low clouds, it is a symbol of melancholy and depression. Transparent clouds are a symbol of great opportunities in the near future.

Why do you dream about clouds? The answer to this question is presented in this publication. If the interpretation frightened you, do not be upset. Even the most negative dream is just a dream, and this is its difference from reality. Tune in to the fact that everything will be fine and your fears will go away, like clouds in the sky.

  • A veil is foggy over the sea,
  • It swirls both night and day.
  • In the mountain village the rain is drizzling, Autumn has already arrived. Wang Guan Yang (d. 1380) Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach, lungs , colon, kidneys, bladder , liver, gall bladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation Water, sky and earth are three of the eight fundamental symbols of the birth and movement of life in Chinese philosophy. A person must maintain the correct balance of energies in himself and around him. If you add a little more yang energy to water, it will tend to the sky, like all entities with a predominance of yang energy. Heavenly light and heavenly warmth add yang energy to the water. Water turns into steam, fog, rushes to the sky, gathering there into a cloud and pouring back to the ground in rain, carrying with it a strong charge of yang energy. Is this why rain and snow water is good for drinking? The oldest Chinese philosophical books say that the Great Limit or wu ji existed first of all - this is what was before the universe appeared; this is a certain event that caused the beginning of movement, a certain intrinsic existence. The tendency of water towards the sky is natural: if the opposite occurred from a single root, then the two halves will strive for reunification. The transformation of water into clouds, steam and fog will be an earthly similarity to the moment of transformation of ji into tai chi: life has arisen, there is no definite shape yet, but the scope for development is limitless. Is it not because people love to contemplate clouds and foggy air masses so much that they see in them prototypes of the birth of the universe? The majestic picture of clouds running across the sky has enchanted people for thousands of years: people watch and absorb the rhythm of reunion, the rhythm of the eternal circulation of yin and yang - the rhythm of immortality in the variability of forms. Clouds, steam, fog in a dream, seeing/being among them (feeling) is a mixture of Yin and Yang energy. You dream about clouds/steam/fog/observe them with pleasure - the passion to look at the variability of cloudy and foggy masses speaks of a desire for adequate knowledge of the world and one’s place in it. The world exists on its own, man is one of the forms of existence of the world, the observer is the eyes and mirror of the world; if a person fulfills his function, then his life is long. Approaching such a worldview gives peace, strength and self-confidence. Is it possible to be unsure of the powers given by earth and heaven? A calm and confident person will achieve success in any field. Sleep is favorable in any season, but especially in autumn. The calm sadness of comparing oneself with the enormity of the universe has a beneficial effect on the lungs and in the future, in winter, on the kidneys. To observe steam, fog with displeasure/to be frightened in a dream by the diversity and variability of forms/to lose the way in the fog and be afraid - displeasure and fear when realizing the enormity of the eternal movement of the universe is a sign that the dreamer’s life has little in common with the rhythms of nature and the Cosmos. A small artificial world of one’s own concepts and laws has been put in place of the Universe, but the underlying feeling of the artificiality of such a life, its illusoryness and unreality, has long given rise to internal depression and complete disbelief in one’s own strength. The purpose of life was hidden in the dangerous primordial fog that had become dangerous for the artificial creation. Reluctance to admit your mistakes makes you fear the fog, although you should be afraid of yourself - the fog around the dreamer is a way out of his own emotional sphere internal unhealthy yin, such a fog can even naturally give rise to images evil spirits(see corresponding article), torn out by their own spirit. The dream is unfavorable; the lack of clarity in the purpose of the general movement will give rise, if not to instant collapse, then to confusion in affairs and relationships, which will someday lead to collapse. Depression had exhausted the lungs and damaged the kidneys, the spleen and liver were also extremely tired from fighting the foggy ghosts. Observe clouds with fear (specifically clouds) - clouds are closer to Heaven than just steam and fog. To observe the clouds, you need to tilt your head back. The connection with Heaven can be interrupted only through one’s own fault, as a result of unethical actions or complete rejection, failure to think about the vastness and infinity of life. Fear of clouds and the sky in a dream actually coincides with purely material interests in life and hostility towards everything that is not everyday high topics. From a medical point of view, the spleen does a poor job of moving fluids, which causes congestion in the lungs. The lungs and spleen adversely affect the kidneys, and kidney emptiness occurs. General symptoms will be: weakness, swelling, shortness of breath, indigestion, malaise genitourinary system and a feeling of coldness and a kind of inner emptiness, which are often extinguished by constant consumption of alcoholic beverages. If a dream and some accompanying symptoms appeared in the fall, then the disease will most likely manifest itself in the spring, during the season of renewal and revival of life: when the spiritual basis of revival is absent, then there cannot be a physical revival, then in the spring diseases of the liver and gall bladder are born. The dream is unfavorable and requires a global revision of relations with the world.

Light clouds in a dream: symbolize daydreaming and uncertainty. Most likely, your life plans lack specificity.

However, if the clouds in your dream are small and beautiful: such a dream may portend positive emotions for you.

The sun behind the clouds: a sign of misunderstanding. Perhaps you are confused about some issue or are about to take on a task about which you understand little.

Seeing stars behind the clouds: a sign that empty fantasies and inability to concentrate are preventing you from achieving some important goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the dream of Cloud mean?

White and red - fortunately.

Wandering in the clouds means the situation will resolve itself happily and to your benefit.

Seeing them floating across the sky means that the business you are doing will not end in success.

Seeing colorful clouds means great happiness and prosperity in everything.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Clouds are a blessing in business transactions.

Clouds of vapor rise above the burial mound - fortunately.

Clouds suddenly cover the sun - secret machinations, nefarious deeds.

The clouds clear, the sun appears - the unhappy situation will be resolved.

Clouds that are blue or black are unlucky.

Clouds Rising from four sides - success in commercial transactions.

Clouds floating across the sky - the work you are doing will not end in success.

Multi-colored clouds - portends great happiness and prosperity in everything.

Black clouds descend on the earth - illnesses associated with breathing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Seeing Clouds in a dream

They serve as harbingers of success or recognition, especially if the clouds are light and light.

Fast moving clouds can mean a decline in business; rain clouds will bring you prosperity.

Suddenly the clouds cover the sun - secret machinations and nefarious deeds are interfering with you.

Multi-colored clouds - great happiness and prosperity await you in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What do Cloud dreams mean?

Seeing black heavy clouds in a dream portends failure and inability to cope with work. If it rains, expect trouble and illness.

Seeing shiny, clear clouds with the rays of the sun breaking through them means that you will soon achieve success after you have been accompanied by worries and worries for a long time.

Seeing transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them means fleeting joys and small successes in business.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do Clouds mean in a dream?

Dark clouds indicate that you will have to go through great grief.

If the clouds move or break, the sadness will pass.

Interpretation of dreams from Sivananda's Dream Book

Cloud Dream Meaning

Very expressive signs.

Watch the clouds: this is the fastest way to receive signs.

Clouds instantly convey messages and beautifully show us signs.

Watching the clouds: you may notice how their changing shapes and shadows take on meaning.

The American Indians call the spirits that live in the clouds “cloud people.”

These creatures convey messages through their movements in the sky.

Clear clouds: indicate spiritual upliftment.

This positive, healthy symbol is associated with peace of mind.

Storm clouds: may foreshadow a spiritual quest.

A storm is brewing in my soul.

It can also be a sign of air purification and personal cleansing.

Are you building castles in the air?

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

What do Clouds mean in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Clouds

Black, heavy clouds in a dream foreshadow failures and the inability to complete your work. Clouds with rain dream of troubles and illness. Shining, clear clouds with the rays of the sun breaking through them portend success after long worries and worries. Transparent clouds with stars twinkling in them - to fleeting joys and modest success in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What Clouds predict in a dream

Clean, white, fluffy are good; with a darkened, leaden tint, cloudy, transient, darkened states of the soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Clouds in a dream?

A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who saw such a dream will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

What does the Cloud dream predict?

Seeing white light clouds in the blue sky means professional success, honors and awards await you. If you saw a blue sky covered with black clouds, the dream foreshadows failures in your personal life and troubles in your career. If the clouds have completely covered the sky, so that no clearing is visible, a series of dull everyday life begins in your life, full of routine work and joyless worries. If there is a gap in the gray cloudy sky through which the Sunbeam, this means that your drab life will be illuminated by some joyful event that will give you strength and lift your spirits. If the clearance increases and the sky clears of clouds, the period of bad luck ends, and soon you will start to have luck again. Seeing white clouds in the night sky is a good sign. The dream means quiet family joys (see also Heaven).

Seeing a thundercloud in which lightning flashes is a sign of a formidable event, after which, however, your life will improve much. Seeing cumulus and rain clouds means difficult but fruitful work awaits you, the result of which will satisfy you both morally and financially.

If you dreamed of thunderclouds, imagine that they are dissipating, the bright rays of the sun are breaking through them - and soon the sky becomes completely clear.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Cloud Dream Meaning

A sign of trouble.

The wind drives the clouds away and the sky becomes clear - things will soon get better.

Seeing clouds near the sun is fortunately a symbol of help big man and the end of troubles.

Seeing white clouds means a good harvest.

Black clouds are a symbol of an epidemic in your area.

Multi-colored clouds are a symbol of struggle, the invasion of enemies into your territory.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

See Clouds in a dream

A single cloud standing in the clear sky of a dream is a gift for you in reality or someone’s gratitude.

Beautiful, light clouds are a sign of success and recognition.

Heavy, gloomy, running very quickly - to worries, worries, mistakes.

Rain cloud, rain from a cloud - to illness or well-being (depending on what kind of rain and what kind of cloud: for example, blind rain).

Transparent night clouds with stars twinkling through them are fleeting joys.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Cloud dream prediction

Meditation is shown, at the same time it makes sense to analyze your life and if there are serious sins, sincerely repent of them, perhaps confess and take communion in the church according to your faith (the non-believer mentally repents to those whom he offended, sincerely asks for their forgiveness).

Cirrus clouds - expect new love.

Cloud - plans that will come true only with hard work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Why do you dream about Clouds?

In any case, they foretell a journey. If the clouds are white, then the trip will be pleasant, but if they are dark and stormy, then unexpected obstacles are possible along the way.

If the sky is completely covered with clouds, then it is better for you not to leave the house at all, since there is a high probability of getting into an accident even when traveling by public transport.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Seeing Clouds in a dream

Clouds - Cumulus - for rainy weather. Feathery, wavy - to fruitless dreams and imagination. Being, sitting on a cloud means groundless hopes, it’s time to return to earth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do Cloud dreams mean?

“to soar (fly) in the clouds” is a fruitless dream.

“cloudless sky above” protection, favor.

“The clouds are gathering” and trouble is coming.

My friends and I are sitting in a cafe. I look at the sky, it is black, black. And suddenly faces form from white clouds or it was white haze. I see Einstein, Pushkin, Lermontov. Then the picture changes, a blue oval or circle appears in the black sky and in this circle I see girls in pink flowing clothes, they seem to be floating in a circle, then the picture changes, the circle or oval becomes red and black figures are located on it, all crooked, they move in a circle. I tell my friends to look, but they don’t see it. Then for some reason I buy vodka to drink with my friends. Emotions in a dream are a fascinating sight. When I woke up, the first thought was that they showed me heaven and hell. About myself, I am 30 years old, female. True, I had this dream a year ago, but I remember it vividly. I associate the dream with some important event in my life. While it was not there.


We were sitting with my future husband on the shore of some body of water and suddenly my son from his first marriage descended on a small cloud (for some reason made of padding polyester) and invited us to ride on the cloud. I sit on a cloud, but it doesn’t take off with me, then I climb onto some small brick column and jump down from it along with the cloud. It descends to the ground as slowly as a feather; it cannot fly. I suggest my future husband take a ride on a cloud. But the cloud cannot rise with it at all. The son with the cloud disappears. The tide will come in, very fast. We are sitting on a large rock and suddenly we are completely overwhelmed by water. I’m already lying down, I open my eyes and see the sky through the water, and algae floats in the water above me, but there aren’t many of them, like just a few leaves. For some reason I feel very good. The dream is over. I’m 30 years old, my name is Snezhanna, I can’t even imagine what my dream is connected with.


I’ll explain right away - throughout the entire dream I felt blissful and pleasant, despite the fact that from the outside it might look like a horror movie. I was inside - and it was beautiful inside: I was standing in the middle of the city. small - five-story buildings. I stand and look at the sky, across which clouds begin to quickly float and gather into a large cloud. grayish cloud. but I'm not worried. Birds begin to fly across the sky. snow-white birds, different types and sizes - but all white. lots and lots. they begin to lay loops in this huge flock above my head. I rejoice and stretch my hands up, as if I could stroke them, touch the snow-white breasts. then I immediately find myself on the seashore. it’s not clear whether it was me who went there or the sea that came here - I don’t look back to see where I am, because events attract my attention and cut off other thoughts. the sea is coming. I look at the birds and the advancing sea and know that soon it will capture me. will take over everything. I dive in and after some time I’m already dangling in the waves. only the face is on the surface. and I’m not really me anymore, but some kind of sea animal with remnants of mental activity, but primitive enough not to frolic in the waves, to explore something there, but to just hang out and be happy. I’m thinking: this is my body somewhere under water - large, and on the surface only what is now perceived as a face [what this face looks like doesn’t bother me at all], or I’m generally reduced to my head - that is, not much larger in area than what I am now showing the surface, dangling in the waves. I also think that now there is only water everywhere. There is only water all around and I live in it. and wonderful. only the birds don't circle anymore. it's a pity. it was beautiful. I would be hanging out looking at the sky, and there were birds... then I find myself in something like a grotto. For me, my condition is still new, so I think about the changes that are taking place and try to generally understand how and what is happening. here I’m thinking about what I don’t understand anymore - it’s the air or the water around me: I’m in a grotto, in an air pocket - and this barrier of water is here - it’s the boundary beyond which there’s a thickness of water, the sea. or I am in a cave filled with water and this film of water is actually the surface and behind it is air. I get confused - is it up or down - mainly. in the water - it hides air or depth - but eggs swim on this border. my caviar. a lot of variegated, multi-colored caviar. I'm happy - oooh, I have a lot of caviar. lovely. I’m sitting (?) alone in a cave, there’s no one and nothing around, just me and my caviar. Amazing. so pleased. and then... out of the water [out of thin air?] appears... a camera lens!!! This is absolutely arrogance. I’m not that angry, but upset... they are examining me... watching me. It was so interesting to watch my transformations and then they invaded. interfere. That means everything remains the same, only I’m now at sea. but that’s not what oppresses me—it’s the invasion that oppresses me. the operator [in reality, I know this person and have very mixed feelings towards him] is happy like this. watching... poured caviar into the lens. so as not to rejoice and not to meddle. he cleaned it off and takes it off again. poured more. got it. then they woke me up...


If you trace the transformations of the heroine of the dream, then first she is a person watching a flock of birds, then she is a primitive sea creature (carefree and quickly reproducing). And then an “alien” appears (camera lens, mechanical eye of the deviation monitor, programming operator). Overall, this is a regressive dynamic. And this regression can be traced back to the stage of the appearance of birds. Here we see a flock of birds of “various types and sizes,” and such flocks are usually “associated with damage to agriculture. They symbolize a parasitic attitude or loss of strength in social sphere. The image of birds constantly repeated in various dreams speaks of schizophrenia or a developed stage of mechanical negativity, which pushes towards murder or suicide.”

Seeing black heavy clouds in a dream portends failure and inability to cope with work. If it rains, expect trouble and illness. Seeing shiny, clear clouds with the rays of the sun breaking through them means that you will soon achieve success after you have been accompanied by worries and worries for a long time. Seeing transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them means fleeting joys and small successes in business.

Modern dream book Clouds

Seeing dark, heavy clouds in a dream means failure and poor management of affairs. If it rains from the clouds, then this portends troubles and illnesses. Seeing the sun shining through bright transparent clouds predicts that after the troubles that have haunted you lately. Good luck will smile on you. Seeing the light of stars through the clouds portends fleeting joys and little progress.

Esoteric dream book Clouds

Cumulus - for rainy weather. Feathery, wavy - to fruitless dreams and imagination. Being, sitting on a cloud means groundless hopes, it’s time to return to earth.

Dreams to make wishes come true Clouds

to professional success, honors and rewards. Imagine a warm summer day, you are outside the city, in nature, lying on the grass and looking at the sky. The sun is shining, the sky above you is clear and bright blue. Suddenly a light, warm and pleasant breeze begins to blow, and white clouds appear in the sky. But they don't block the sun, you're still warm. These light clouds do not promise rain, and you calmly admire them. They take on the most amazing and bizarre forms, as if specifically to please you. You look at this spectacle with interest.

Your personal dream book Clouds

Your personal dream book Clouds

If you see large dark clouds in a dream, then the path to your cherished desire will be very difficult with various obstacles. Rain suddenly drips from the clouds. Serious troubles with your health and business await you. If the sun peeks out of the clouds, it means that soon, after disappointments and troubles, good luck awaits you. The shining of stars through the clouds foretells joys that will be fleeting.

Muslim dream book Clouds

Points to Islam, which grants people True life and saves them from everything bad. And sometimes clouds are knowledge in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, fiqh, wisdom and beauty of speech. They can also indicate a pregnant woman and sometimes rain because they are the cause of rain. It is also said that if someone sees clouds in their season, that is, during rain, he will achieve goodness, barakat, Allah's mercy and wealth. Clouds are also a sign of the disappearance of anxiety and unhappiness. Storm clouds can also portend difficulties in business. Anyone who sees clouds rising up in a dream can soon go on a journey, from where he will return alive and well with a lot of impressions. Dark clouds can foreshadow either new decrees from the ruler or the approach of cold weather. Red clouds in a dream - to illness, sadness and a big scandal.