Syria operational tape summary 9.10. Will the US attack on Syria lead to a third world war? The Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the suburbs of Donetsk

The situation in Syria is quite complicated. In the suburbs of Damascus, government troops storm jihadist enclaves. ISIS gangs periodically carry out attacks in the area of ​​the Palmyra-Deir ez-Zor highway, which leads to blocking of supplies. In the north of Hama the group " Hayat Tahrir al-Sham"went on a counter-offensive. In the province of Deir ez-Zor, the Syrian army expanded its bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and surrounded the city of Al-Mayadeen. You can find out more detailed information about the events taking place in Syria from our daily report.

  • Damascus Province:

Western Ghouta

On Saturday, units of the 4th Armored Division subjected Hayat Tahrir al-Sham positions to heavy rocket fire for several hours. After this, the security forces began the assault.

During the battle, the Syrian military managed to capture the heights of Tal Al-Dabaa and Lisan Al-Sakhar, cutting off the jihadist supply lines between the villages of Beit Timah and Kafr Khawar.

Syrian Air Force helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the city of Beit Jinn. The bombing took place in the foothills of Mount Hermon.

Eastern Ghouta

There are virtually no changes in the area of ​​Jobar and Ain Tarma enclaves. Government forces once again struck jihadist positions with 30 Elephant missiles. No territorial acquisitions were recorded by either party over the past 24 hours.

Information has appeared at the headquarters of the SAR Armed Forces that a new commander will be appointed to the front sector in Eastern Ghouta. He must propose an operation plan to eliminate gangs in the east of Damascus.

Homs Province:

The situation in eastern Homs is quite complex. ISIS raiding groups carry out attacks on checkpoints and vehicles along the Palmyra-Deir ez-Zor highway, which is why the command Sun SAR forced to divert significant forces to unblock the highway.

Once again, terrorists captured the village of Khuribshah, cutting off the strategic highway. Yesterday, government troops, with the support of their allies, pushed the jihadists back from the village, restoring traffic along the strategic road. ().

Video: The Syrian army regains control of the Palmyra-Deir ez-Zor highway

Fierce fighting continues at Karyathein. Units of the SAR Armed Forces surrounded the city on all sides, preventing terrorists from getting out of it. The army forces knocked out militants from several heights near a populated area and are keeping some areas under fire control.

  • Deir ez-Zor Province:

On Sunday, units of the 4th Mechanized Division expanded the bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. Busy n.p. Marat Al-Fauqa. Government forces also managed to liberate the village of Hatla Fokkani, as a result of which the IS group located in the city of Deir ez-Zor was cut off from the main forces.

Video: The Syrian army expands its bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Euphrates

The Syrian press reports that the Syrian Armed Forces have liberated most of Al-Mayadeen. This was achieved by introducing into battle large quantity armored vehicles. However, this information has not been confirmed by official sources.

At the same time, it is alleged that Al-Mayadeen is surrounded on all sides by government troops.

Video: Battle for Al-Mayadeen City

In the north of Deir ez-Zor " Syrian Democratic Forces» ( SDF), virtually unopposed, occupied the villages of Wesiha, Al-Sawa and Zugheir Jazira last weekend. During this operation, according to the SDF command, 8 IS militants were killed.

  • Idlib Province:

The rebels launched a counterattack, supported by a tank. At the same time, the 50 Syrian soldiers defending the village were unable to effectively use armored vehicles.

During the battle, the security forces lost about 10 soldiers killed and 8 captured. In addition, 2 tanks and a weapons depot became trophies of the jihadists. At the same time, during the capture of the village, the militants lost three field commanders killed.

Video: Footage of fighting in the Abu Dali area filmed by the al-Nusra press service

Currently, jihadists are attacking the positions of the Syrian Armed Forces near the village. Thulaisya. Fierce fighting is taking place in this area.

Eastern Hama

In the east of Hama, separate militant groups " Islamic State"tried to break into the province of Idlib in the area of ​​the settlement. Wadi Auzayb. The army noticed the advance of the terrorists in time and launched an artillery attack on the ISIS crowd. As a result, several dozen jihadists were killed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union that the time has come to think about the post-war reconstruction of Syria.

“I believe that the international community should already think about the post-war restoration of the state, about how, in what forms and volumes to provide assistance to this and other countries in the region, how to more effectively promote their socio-economic development, strengthening state institutions, including the legislative branch of government,” Putin said.

Damascus is protesting against the entry of Turkish troops into the Syrian province of Idlib to create a fourth de-escalation zone. This was reported by the SANA agency, citing an official source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry called the entry of Turkish troops into the northwestern region of the country “a blatant and unjustified act of aggression against the sovereignty and security of Syria and a monstrous violation of norms.” international law" The Foreign Ministry noted that Ankara’s actions are not consistent with the agreements reached earlier at inter-Syrian negotiations in Astana, and even contradict them. Damascus demands the immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syrian territory without any conditions.

As part of the implementation of the Memorandum on the creation of de-escalation zones in the Syrian Arab Republic, control groups continued to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.

The situation in the de-escalation zones is assessed as stable.

The Russian part of the representative office recorded 9 cases of shooting in the provinces: Aleppo - 3, Daraa - 3, Damascus - 3.

The Turkish part of the mission recorded 3 violations in the provinces: Hama - 1, Damascus - 2.

During the day, the Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the SAR did not carry out humanitarian actions.

In total, 1645 humanitarian actions were carried out.

The total weight of the delivered humanitarian cargo is 2232.9 tons.

Within 24 hours, Russian military doctors provided health care 1 person

In total, medical assistance was provided to 59,744 residents.

During the day, agreements on the accession of settlements to the cessation of hostilities regime were not signed.

The number of settlements that joined the reconciliation process did not change - 2249.

The number of armed formations that have declared their commitment to accepting and fulfilling the conditions for the cessation of hostilities has not changed - 234.

A rally in support of Russia’s actions in Syria was held near the Russian Embassy in Paris, it was organized by branches of the Union of Syrian Patriots and the Union of Syrian Students associations.

The branch of the National Union of Syrian Students in Slovakia, on Freedom Square in Bratislava, held an action of solidarity with Syria and its army, which was attended by students, representatives of the Syrian community and members of the socialist and communist parties in Slovakia.

The child immunization program in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor could suffer if information is confirmed that the only cold storage facility for vaccines in the Mayadin district was destroyed during the fighting, it said World organization health (WHO).

Current map of the military situation in the SAR.

Aleppo: In Aleppo, restoration of the most important irrigation canal has begun, supplying water to the northern part of the province, where the country's largest fields and plantations are located, the NTV channel reports.

Video: arrival of a humanitarian convoy.

Idlib. Video: strike by the Russian Aerospace Forces on the Headquarters of the Faylaq Al Sham group.

A Turkish army convoy has intruded into areas surrounding the Samaan Citadel south of the Afrin region, raising doubts about the reality of the stated goals of the Turkish state in its military operations in Idlib and the surrounding Afrin region. Sources report a Turkish army column of more than 200 soldiers Vehicle, says the Kurdish publication ANHA.

Hama. The Syrian Arab Army carried out attacks on the positions of HTS militants in the area of ​​the village. Abu Dali.

Damascus. Militants shelled the capital's Al-Abbassiyin neighborhood, resulting in four people being wounded, SANA reports.

Hasakah. Coalition aircraft near the city of Shadaddi destroyed two combat positions and an IS logistics hub.

Deir ez-Zor. The Deir ez-Zor military airport is once again accepting aviation. A Syrian Air Force plane landed at Deir ez-Zor airport for the first time in a year.

In the city of Deir ez-Zor, fighting continues in the As-Sinaa and Al-Orfi neighborhoods, SANA reports. There is also fighting in the Ummal region.

Video from the village of Hatlah liberated the day before

On the eastern bank of the Euphrates there are battles for the settlements of Janenah and Husanyah.

SAA took n.p. Al-Salahiyah.

Syrian government troops have completed an operation to destroy militants of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group banned in Russia in the city of Mayadin, said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

“Assault units of the Syrian army under the command of General Hassan Suhel, having broken the fierce resistance of terrorists in the central and southern quarters, completely liberated the city,” he said, noting that Mayadin was “the most powerful fortified terrorist area in eastern Syria.” A representative of the Russian defense department indicated that currently the assault troops of General Suhel, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, are developing an offensive against the positions of the Islamic State.

“The defeat of the terrorists in Mayadin created the necessary conditions to transform the tactical success of the Syrian troops into operational success,” Konashenkov concluded.

Video from Al-Mayadeen:

Report from RT.

About ten SDF fighters were killed during an attack by IS militants in the Al-Jazrah oil field. The Al-Jazrah oil field itself is under the complete control of Kurdish forces.

The SDF recaptured the village from ISIS. Al-Janna and Al-Ushaytah.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Abu Kamal destroyed the IS headquarters building.

Raqqa. Fighting in the city of Raqqa, which militants of the Islamic State group banned in Russia called their capital in Syria, continues; the time has not yet come to talk about a complete victory in the city over the Islamic State. A representative of the US-led coalition, whose forces have been fighting for the city since June, told Reuters about this.

"We expect heavy fighting in the coming days and have not set a timeline for the complete defeat of ISIS in Raqqa," Ryan Dillon said.

In the area of ​​the city of Raqqa, about 100 militants of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (IS, banned in Russia) surrendered over the past 24 hours, Ryan Dillon also reported. “The militants who surrendered were taken out of the city. We still expect difficult fighting in the coming days and will continue to support our Syrian opposition partners in their fight against ISIS,” Dillon was quoted as saying by The New York Times.

The Russian Ministry of Defense condemned the US actions in Syria, announcing thousands of casualties during ill-prepared operations.

The United States is bombing residential areas in Raqqa and destroying water supplies. This was announced on Saturday by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, TASS reports.

“The carpet bombing of residential areas with people and the deliberate destruction of all natural sources of water supply in Raqqa, used by the United States and the coalition, have so far brought nothing but thousands of victims of the “liberated” population and vivid examples of illiterate planning of this military operation,” he said.

Konashenkov noted that such actions contrast sharply with the successful offensive of Syrian government troops on Mayadin, which was liberated from ISIS militants today.

A statement from the Raqqa Tribal Council confirms agreements with the SDF on the withdrawal of Syrian IS fighters from Raqqa:

We, the elders of the tribes of Raqqa, declare that we want to end the bloodshed and end the tragedy of our people, after they were deceived by terrorists and hypocrites, and only a few of them still remain trapped in one or more points of the city, they do not have nothing but surrender or choosing death. We appealed to the Syrian Democratic Forces with a request to resolve the situation inside the city for local fighters and provide them with access to areas outside the city with our guarantees, and the Syrian Democratic Forces agreed with the content of this call.

We are now organizing a mechanism to remove these deceived people, to preserve the lives of the civilians they have taken as human shields and to protect the rest of the city from death and destruction.

Therefore, we declare to the public that we, as the elders of the Al-Raqqa clans, will ensure the lives of those who will be removed.

We hope that we will move on to other areas with steps to ensure security and peace in our country and clean up the abomination of terrorism and injustice, and live like others in our heroic city that fought terrorism on behalf of peace.

We reiterate our gratitude to the Syrian democratic forces who responded positively to our call, understood the nature of our tribal society and demonstrated their understanding for the lives of defenseless civilians.

Death to terrorism and victory to our peoples.

Sheikhs and dignitaries of the tribes of Raqqa 10/14/2017

According to human rights activists, all Syrian militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS) have already left Raqqa. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on the morning of Saturday, October 14, that the last group of jihadists left the city last night.

Militants and their families during last days were taken out of Raqqa according to an agreement reached between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Islamists. It is not noted where exactly they were sent.

Now measures are being taken to remove foreign members of the Islamic State from the city who still remain in Raqqa. Their exact number is still unclear.

Only foreign mercenaries of the “Caliphate” remain in the city. The decision not to let foreigners out of the city was made by the command of the international coalition led by the United States and communicated to the Kurdish leadership.

“The convoy of vehicles is scheduled to leave Raqqa on October 14 as part of an agreement reached on October 12 through the mediation of the Raqqa Civil Council and local Arab tribal elders. This agreement, designed to minimize civilian casualties, does not, according to its text, include foreign IS fighters,” the coalition said in a statement. People who leave the city will then be searched by members of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Despite the fact that the coalition itself did not participate in the process of agreeing on the agreement, the operation headquarters is convinced that it will allow “the SDF and the coalition to concentrate their attention on defeating the Islamic State in Raqqa.” “We do not support agreements that would allow terrorists to escape justice and then reappear somewhere else,” said Brigadier General Jonathan Braga, chief of coalition operations.

As Reuters reports, citing a representative of the Raqqa city council, the Kurdish forces leading the battles in the city allowed all militants of the Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) to leave it. At the same time, the 400 hostages they held in the Raqqa National Hospital will be a guarantee of security for the militants.

There is no information yet about where the terrorists will go and where they will release the hostages.

In the city of Raqqa, the Nahdah district has been cleared of IS militants.

A DPR fighter about the situation in the area of ​​the Avdeevka industrial zone: they still shoot, they continue to shoot

The Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the suburbs of Donetsk

The Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the suburb of Donetsk - the village of Spartak.

About it "Russian Spring" reported the DPR representative office in the JCCC.

According to the source, the military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine located in Avdiivka fired 4 mines with a caliber of 82 mm, 5 LNG grenades, fired 7 BMP-1 shots, as well as 20 BMP-2 shots, and also used small and large-caliber small arms.

As of 18:42, the shelling continued.

News roundup: DPR, LPR, Syria, world / 03/13/2018

Regimental priest about the difference in worldviews of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the LPR

DPR military delivered humanitarian aid to residents of Lugansk

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have placed ammunition depots in populated areas in the “ATO” zone – Marochko

DPR reconnaissance detected three Ukrainian self-propelled guns near Donetsk – DPR Armed Forces

Ukrainian Armed Forces snipers have become more active at the contact line: summary of the military situation in the DPR for March 12-13 (VIDEO)

“Russian Spring” publishes a full summary of the military situation in the DPR over the past 24 hours based on the results of today’s briefing by the head of the press service of the DPR Armed Forces, Daniil Bezsonov.

Despite the ceasefire, over the past 24 hours the number of attacks by Ukrainian militants has increased significantly, their intensity has increased, and mortars were used, which must be withdrawn from the contact line.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy carried out small arms fire. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

In the Gorlovka direction, Ukrainian militants from positions in the area of ​​n. In the village of Zhovanka, fire from small arms, including large-caliber ones, was carried out indiscriminate shelling of the village of Zaitsevo, thus covering the work of the sniper pair.

Sniper shooting at both civilians and military personnel of the DPR Armed Forces are those cynical methods of war that the Ukrainian side uses to achieve its “great” victories.

However, apart from contempt for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this does not cause anything else among the residents of Donbass.

In the Mariupol direction, the areas of the settlements Leninskoye, Dzerzhinskoye, Sakhanka came under fire, at which the enemy fired 33 mines of 120 and 82 mm caliber, and different kinds grenade launchers and small arms.

In total, over the past 24 hours, 5 ceasefire violations were recorded by the Ukrainian occupiers.

In violation of the Minsk agreements, the enemy continues to concentrate heavy weapons in prohibited areas. So, on the southern outskirts of the village. Ostrovskoe village, 15 kilometers from the contact line, three self-propelled artillery installations from the howitzer self-propelled artillery battalion of the 30th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were noted.

Correspondents from more than a dozen Ukrainian and foreign TV channels and news agencies have arrived in the ATO zone with a period of work near the contact line until March 19.

In addition, today a Lithuanian delegation arrived at the ATO headquarters, which included employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and journalists from Lithuania.

The increase in the number of ceasefire violations, as well as the intensification of snipers near the contact line, are provocative in nature.

The purpose of these actions is to force our Armed Forces to return fire and, through controlled and interacting media, to present these facts to the world community as “evidence” that the Donetsk People’s Republic is allegedly unilaterally violating its obligations.

Current information from the theater of military operations in Syria, releases from Syrian media, statements on the current situation.

18.00. According to Kurdish sources, in the province of Idlib, Jabhat al-Nusra militants surrendered the territory of the Taftanaz helicopter airfield to the Turkish armed forces without resistance. Pro-Turkish militants from FSA groups also entered the helicopter base.

17.20. The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group continues to attack ISIS in the north of Hama: earlier, part of the Islamic State militants* managed to escape from the Akerbat “cauldron” to the north and “seize” part of the settlements that were under the control of HTS. With the arrival of reinforcements, Hayat militants are gradually regaining control over these cities. Media close to the group published a video of an attack using armored vehicles near the village of Mustariha, during which ISIS fled, and the group they left as cover was subsequently executed.

16.55. In the area of ​​the “remnants” of the Akerbat pocket, the Syrian Arab Army regained control over a number of settlements: Hamala, Jub Yed, Adb al-Amir, Rawda, Wadi Mazluf-Azib-Hasu Rumail, the Seeb Dam and the Tanajaj heights - a total of about 300 sq. km of territory in the east of Hama province returned to government control.

16.25. SDF fighters in al-Raqqa are celebrating victory - SDF spokesman Talal Silo stated that “the issue of al-Raqqa is closed.”

15.45. The Lebanese publication, citing sources in the Syrian Arab Army, reports that all territories along the western bank of the Euphrates from Deir ez-Zor to al-Mayadeen have been liberated from Islamic State militants*. Previously, we reported about the liberation of Mohassan and its environs, which, however, government troops do not enter until they are completely cleared and demined.

15.15. The French news agency AFP reported on the complete liberation of al-Raqqa: on October 17, the first publications of such information appeared not from Kurdish sources, but from official news agencies.

14.30. As we previously reported, a “military bulldozer” was destroyed in Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, in the Ain Tarma area - the new video shows that we are talking about a mine-clearing vehicle, a “land minesweeper.”

14.00. Iraqi forces have announced full control of the border between the Syrian province of al-Hasakah and the Iraqi Ninewa - Til Kocher border crossing.

13.40. A video of ISIS* militants leaving the hospital has been published - apparently, we are not talking about release, but about agreements. We previously reported that, according to agreements between the Kurds and the Syrian militants of the Islamic State, the latter were able to freely leave al-Raqqa and go in the direction of Deir ez-Zor.

12.50. Arab sources once again report the “complete liberation” of al-Raqqa. Let us remember that previously such information “waves” passed several times, also since last week, various representatives of the Kurdish command promised liberation within a few days, and the BBC’s own correspondent in the Middle East spoke of “control over 95%” of the city’s territory.

12.05. In the east of Hama province, units of the Syrian Arab Army liberated the city of Jubab Tanajaj from IS militants * - the settlement is located south of Itria, not far from the Salamiyya - al-Raqqa highway. Previously, government forces kept militants in a pocket in this area.

11.40. In Deir ez-Zor, militants of the “Islamic State”* retreated from the city of Mohassan - the Arabic publication calls it strategically important. Militants are also withdrawing from the surrounding areas: Bo Umar, Bo Lel and al-Tob, located along the Deir ez-Zor - al-Mayadeen highway. Government forces, however, do not enter these populated areas until they have been completely cleared and demined.

10.55. In the west of the area held in al-Raqqa by ISIS militants, Kurdish SDF fighters recaptured the al-Naim roundabout - during the battle, 11 militants were killed and 37 surrendered.

10.30. In al-Raqqa, SDF forces liberated the National Hospital - previously Islamic State militants* had driven an unknown number there civilians, using them as a “human shield”. The building was subjected to intense shelling from the Kurds; there was no information about those liberated. Over the past week and at the beginning of this week, the SDF command has stated that “the city will be liberated within a few days” - at the moment, their sources say they control 95% of the territory of al-Raqqa.

9.45. In eastern Syria, an Islamic State suicide bomber attacked government positions with a car bomb. According to the militants, there are casualties among the Syrian Arab Army soldiers.

9.00. In Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, the situation has escalated: in the Ain Tarma area, militants from the Faylah al-Rahman group destroyed a government Shilka anti-aircraft gun and a military bulldozer; positions, according to their information, occupied by government soldiers were blown up (video). To the east, in the al-Nashabiyya area, the Jaysh al-Islam group announced that an attack by government forces had been repulsed.

* “Islamic State”, ISIS is an organization banned in the Russian Federation.

The Turkish Armed Forces have begun operations in Syrian Idlib.

“On October 8, the Turkish armed forces began reconnaissance work to establish observation posts as part of an operation to be carried out in Idlib province,” the statement said.

This step is in line with the rules of engagement agreed upon as part of the Astana process.

The United States supports Turkey's efforts to combat terrorism, as well as steps to protect state borders. This was stated by a representative of the American defense department, Eric Pahon, commenting on Ankara’s decision to launch a military operation in the Syrian province of Idlib, Russian Dialogue reports.

A Pentagon representative noted that the north-west of the Syrian Arab Republic has become a stronghold for al-Qaeda terrorists (banned in the Russian Federation), whose actions pose a danger to the entire region.

The American side emphasized that it does not intend to change its position regarding the Jabhat al-Nusra group (banned in the Russian Federation) - Washington considers the organization the Syrian wing of al-Qaeda and recognizes it as terrorist.

The Syrian army again accuses the United States of supplying weapons to terrorists, RIA Novosti reports. As the head of the main operational department of the Syrian army, General Ali Al-Ali, said during a demonstration of weapons seized from militants, between June 5 and September 15, Washington delivered 1,421 trucks with military equipment and weapons to the militants.

Demonstrating weapons seized from militants, Al-Ali said that they were intended to fight terrorists, but eventually fell into the hands of IS militants and Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist organizations banned in Russia).

According to the general, radicals in Syria are getting weapons that are purchased by the American defense companies Chemring and Orbital ATK under the Pentagon’s state program to assist US allies.

As Al-Ali explained, these weapons are delivered to the Middle East by sea. It enters Syria through sections of the border that the Syrian army does not control.

Ali Al-Ali also noted that in Eastern Ghouta and in the eastern neighborhoods of Damascus there is irrefutable evidence that terrorists are using foreign weapons and ammunition.

The general emphasized that fragments of foreign-made ammunition with serial numbers were found. Militants regularly fire at residential areas of Damascus and its suburbs with this ammunition.

It is noted that during demining of the Sakhur-2 quarter in the eastern regions of Aleppo, the military discovered and neutralized 193 ammunition, including grenades for the M203 grenade launcher and 60-mm mines made in the United States.

The Syrian military has repeatedly stated that some of the weapons that the United States transfers to the opposition end up in the hands of militants. The Syrian Foreign Ministry said in August that toxic substances found in warehouses abandoned by militants were delivered to terrorists from the United States and Great Britain.

Investigation: how did the international coalition provide weapons to terrorists in Syria?

The Pentagon denied information that the United States supplies weapons to militants of the Islamic State (IS, an organization banned in the Russian Federation) and other radical groups, and not to the so-called moderate opposition. The statement of the Syrian Ministry of Defense to a TASS correspondent was commented on by the official representative of the American defense department, Eric Pahon.

“Without a doubt, these statements are ridiculous and untrue,” he said.

Pahon argues that such information “represents a propaganda campaign by Russia and the regime to discredit the United States and the coalition’s successful fight against ISIS in Syria.” According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense, the US Armed Forces “carry out their missions in Syria on the basis of the fight against terrorism.” “They will continue to advise and assist partners as long as IS” remains a threat, Pahon concluded.

“The video shows Roman Zabolotny trying to have a conversation with the militant, saying that he has information about weapons. Grigory Turcanu sits with his back to the cabin, blindfolded. Roman also says that they went to headquarters with information, they were not in Deir ez-Zor,” the Conflict Intelligence Team notes.

As part of the implementation of the Memorandum on the creation of de-escalation zones in the Syrian Arab Republic, control groups continued to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.

The situation in the de-escalation zones is assessed as stable.

The Russian part of the representative office recorded 8 cases of shooting in the provinces: Aleppo - 3, Homs - 3, Damascus - 1, Daraa - 1.

The Turkish part of the mission recorded 1 violation in the province of Damascus.

During the day, the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the SAR carried out one medical humanitarian action in the Mugamba military hospital in Aleppo, and provided assistance to 71 servicemen of the SAR Armed Forces.

In total, 1640 humanitarian actions were carried out, the total weight of delivered humanitarian cargo was 2221.3 tons.

Medical assistance was provided to 126 residents within 24 hours.

In total, medical assistance was provided to 59,055 residents.

During the day, 4 agreements on joining the cessation of hostilities were signed.

The number of localities that joined the reconciliation process increased to 2,248.

The number of armed formations that have declared their commitment to accepting and fulfilling the conditions for the cessation of hostilities has not changed - 234.

The heads of the foreign affairs departments of Russia and the United States, Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson, held telephone conversations, during which they discussed the progress of implementation of the Minsk agreements, as well as the functioning of the de-escalation zones created in Syria, the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

During the conversation, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out the need for strict adherence to the principle territorial integrity Syria in the fight against terrorist groups in the country.

Idlib. Long-range artillery of the Turkish Armed Forces from Hatay province is shelling the positions of Islamist militants in Syrian Idlib, where one of the de-escalation zones in Syria should be created. The artillery strikes, which began on Sunday, October 8, are carried out to support the ground operation in Idlib of the pro-Turkish Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants, the Associated Press reports.

Militants of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) recaptured the city of Armanaz in the north of the province from the Ahrar al-Sham group.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham also called on the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) group to support the offensive.

The Ansar al-Furqan group declared war on Turkey and the FSA.

Pro-government aircraft attacked militants in the city of Khan Sheikhoun.

Hama. Militants of the Ahrar Al-Sham group fired 40 Grad MLRS rockets towards the Hama air base in retaliation for attacks by the Syrian Air Force in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.

The rockets fell on farms before reaching the airbase, government sources said.

A large group of IS militants broke out of the pocket, information about the complete clearing of which was premature, and, passing through the SAA positions, attacked the HTS militants, capturing the settlements: Abu Lafa, Al-Jumlan, Yub- Al Tabqali, Shakushiya, Hasrat, Rasm Al-Ahmar, Sarha, Wadi Zarub, Sarha Shamaliya, Al Mostari (Al Mostariha), Murjajib Um Al-Fawr (Murjajib Um Al-Fawr), Nafila (Nafila), located in the eastern part of the province. The HTS missile base was also captured.

HTS militants blamed Russia and Assad for the incident, who allowed IS militants to pass through SAA positions to attack HTS.

In the village of Abu Daleh, ISIS robbed the houses and shops of local residents, some of whom were kidnapped by jihadists.

Video of militants from Abu Dali.

Damascus. Jordan has officially announced that the Nisib border crossing will begin operations in early 2018.

Quneitra. The 42nd brigade of the 4th mechanized division of the SAA was withdrawn from the eastern suburb of Damascus - Jobar and deployed in the Golan Heights region.

Hasaka. Video. Residents of the village of Tal Jazira described the horror of life in the so-called Islamic State.

Deir ez-Zor. There are battles to the west and south of the city of Al-Mayadeen. Government forces have taken control of the areas of Al-Matar Al-Mahjur, Makef Al-Ghanam, the industrial zone and several blocks on the western outskirts of the city, SANA reports.

The 4th Mechanized Division and the 5th Legion of the SAA liberated the city of Hatla Al-Sharqiyah, located near the Al-Umar oil fields.

The Syrian army reached the Siyasiyah bridge.

Government troops resumed offensive operations along the Sukhna-Deir ez-Zor highway, attacking IS militants near the village. Al-Shoulah.

Video: sappers working to clear car mines.

A number of sources report that IS militants are moving heavy weapons and tanks from the line of contact with the SDF towards the front with the Syrian army.

The SDF took the village. Zughayr Kabira, Huwayj Diyab, Abu Ghaminah and Muhaymidah.

Coalition aircraft near the city of Abu Kamal destroyed an IS tactical unit and vehicle.

A day earlier: an IS tactical unit and vehicle were destroyed near the city of Abu Kamal; The IS command post was destroyed near the city of Deir ez-Zor.

Raqqa. US Special Representative for the Anti-ISIS Coalition Brett McGurk said on Twitter that the battle for Raqqa is entering its final phase. Coalition airstrikes over the past 48 hours are setting the stage for an SDF offensive against remaining IS strongholds.

IN in social networks a possible deal between ISIS and the SDF is being discussed regarding the surrender of the city of Raqqa and the movement of the remaining ISIS fighters to the fronts with Government forces. According to sources, negotiations on the safe exit of IS militants from Raqqa are taking place through the mediation of tribal leaders.

Coalition aircraft near Raqqa destroyed two tactical units, 15 combat positions, 11 vehicles, an IED vehicle, a machine gun and four IS command posts.

A day earlier, four tactical units, 50 combat positions, a tactical vehicle, six vehicles, IEDs and four IS command posts were destroyed in Raqqa.