The most mysterious and inexplicable facts. Unexplained phenomena. Well to Hell

Do you believe in coincidences? Or is everything that happens in the world quite natural and explainable to you? Do you believe that there is some mysterious mechanism that allows events to happen in this particular way?

We are publishing a collection of amazing coincidences in recent history that show how surprising and inexplicable events can be.

Double death
2002, Finland. A man on a bicycle tries to cross a highway, gets hit by a car and dies. Two hours later, his twin brother, also on a bicycle, tries to cross the highway and is killed in exactly the same way - he is hit by a car. The time interval between deaths is 2 hours.

Patient Bullet
One girl committed suicide as a result of unhappy love. Her brother swore that he would kill the culprit, Henry Siegland. He shot at him, but missed: the fired bullet got stuck in a tree in a neighboring area. A few years later, Henry was clearing the area and decided to use dynamite to get rid of the tree. As a result of the explosion, a bullet hit Siegland and still killed him. True, we had to wait a little for this.

Musical neighbors
Jimi Hendrix and George Handel were neighbors, albeit with a time difference of 200 years. They lived at 23 and 25 Brook Street, respectively, in London.

Mr. Bryson checks in twice
When Mr. George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, he discovered that the previous guest at the calving house was also Mr. George D. Bryson.

The first and last victims of the Hoover Dam
The first worker to die during the construction of the dam was J. G. Tierney. This occurred on December 20, 1922. The last person to die during construction was the son of J. G. Tierney. It was December 20, 1935.

He wasn't joking
Legend has it that on June 20, 1941, Soviet archaeologists uncovered the tomb of Tamerlane, a descendant of Genghis Khan. The inscription on the grave was a warning: “Whoever opens the grave of Tamerlane will release the spirit of war. And there will be a massacre so bloody and terrible that the world has never seen it forever.” They opened it, 2 days later Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

A license plate that said a lot more than anyone thought
The license plate number of the car of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which he was assassinated was III118. The official end of the First World War was Armistice Day, 11/11/18

Don't take it on cruises!
Violet Jessup is like a walking bad omen. She served on all Olympic class airliners and was an eyewitness to incidents involving them. She was on board the Olympic, which collided with the cruiser Hawk, on board the Titanic, which collided with an iceberg, and served as a nurse on board the Britannic, which sank after being struck by a mine.

Dangerous Taxi
In 1975, a man was killed by a taxi driver in Bermuda. A taxi passenger witnessed the death. A year later, the same taxi driver was carrying the same passenger as the year before. This time, the taxi driver hit and killed a man who was... the brother of that very first victim. It happens!

Keep children away from the window!
In the 1930s, a child fell on one Joseph Figlock after falling out of a window. IN next year, on the same day, the same child fell out of the window again and again... onto Joseph Figlock. Neither the child nor Figlock were injured, but it would obviously do the parents some good to install a protective screen on the window.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet
Halley's Comet flies past us once every 76 years, a period almost the length of a human life. Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day when a comet flew past the Earth, and died in 1910, during its next return.

I'd like to see their insurance.
In 1895, two cars collided in Ohio. And everything would be fine, but in the entire state of Ohio at that time there were only... 2 cars.

Death of Twins
On May 22, 1975, twins John and Arthur Mawforth were admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of heart attack" The twins died soon after. At that moment they were far from each other and knew nothing about each other. There were 120 km between them.

Incredible facts - history repeats itself
Hitler was born 129 years after Napoleon. He also came to power 129 years after Napoleon came to power, invaded Russia 129 years after Napoleon attacked Russia, and was defeated 129 years after Napoleon lost.

A time when you should have listened to yourself
South African astronomer Danny do Toit, aged 49, gave a lecture on how death can strike at any time. At the end of the lecture, he vigorously stuffed a menthol candy into his mouth, choked and died.

Non-random chance
Stalin, Hitler and Emperor Franz Joseph lived in Vienna on neighboring streets at the same time. It was 1913.

Geminis are strange people
The Ohio twins were separated as children and each grew up unaware of the other's existence. Both were named James, both worked as police officers and married women named Linda. They each had one son, named James Alan and James Allan. Everyone had a dog named Toy. They were both divorced, but each later remarried to women named Betty.

Neighbors forever
The first British soldier killed in the Second World War is buried meters from the last British soldier killed in the Second World War. This was not done intentionally.

The name with which the history of Rome began and ended
Rome, according to legend, was founded by Romulus, who was said to have been raised by a wolf along with his brother, Remus. The last emperor of Rome was named Romulus Augustus.

Fatal error
When designing landscapes for the Deus Ex games, one of the artists made a mistake: he forgot to put the twin towers on the diagram. In order to hide this mistake, they created something like a terrorist attack. The real terrorist attack followed 1 year after the games were released.

Hello from childhood
American writer Ann Parrish found her favorite book of fairy tales in a used bookstore. She was very happy and told her husband how much she loved the book when she was a child. When she opened it, she found on the title page: “Ann Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado.”

Three fellow travelers
1920, three men are traveling in a compartment. As it turned out later, the last name of one of them was Binkham, the second was Powell, and the third was Binkham-Powell. It's amazing that they weren't even related.

They weren't even twins
The King of Italy, Umberto I, once wandered into a restaurant, the owner of which also turned out to be Umberto. He was like two peas in a pod like a king. Moreover, it turned out that the king and the restaurateur were born on the same day - March 14, 1844. The restaurant was opened on the day of the king's coronation. In 1900, the king was informed that the owner of the restaurant had died from a gunshot. King Umberto I was also shot dead.

Fortune book
One story by the writer Edgar Allan Poe tells of a shipwreck in which four people survived. They were carried along the ocean for a long time, hunger tormented them and in the end they ate a young man, Richard Parker. A few years later, a ship with three shipwrecks was discovered on the high seas. In general, there were four survivors, but hunger forced them to eat the cabin boy, the youngest of them. His name was Richard Parker.

Each of these mysterious stories one could call it a detective. But in detective stories, as you know, all the secrets are revealed by the last page. And in these stories, the solution is still far away, although humanity has been puzzling over some of them for decades. Perhaps we are not destined to find answers for them at all? Or will the veil of secrecy ever be lifted? And what do you think?

43 missing Mexican students

In 2014, 43 students from the College of Education from Ayotzinapa went to demonstrate in Iguala, where the mayor's wife was scheduled to speak to residents. The corrupt mayor ordered the police to rid him of this problem. On his orders, the police detained the students, and as a result of the harsh detention, two students and three bystanders died. The remaining students, as we found out, were handed over to the local crime syndicate Guerreros Unidos. The next day, the body of one of the students was found on the street with the skin torn off his face. Later, the remains of two more students were found. Relatives and friends of the students organized mass demonstrations, triggering a full-blown political crisis in the country. The corrupt mayor, his friends and the chief of police tried to escape, but were detained a few weeks later. The provincial governor resigned, and several dozen police officers and officials were arrested. And only one thing remains a mystery - the fate of almost four dozen students is still unknown.

Oak Island Money Pit

Off the coast of Nova Scotia, on Canadian territory, there is a small island - Oak Island, or Oak Island. There is the famous “money pit”. According to legend, local residents found it back in 1795. This is a very deep and complex mine, in which, according to legend, countless treasures are hidden. Many have tried to get into it - but the design is treacherous, and after the treasure hunter has dug to a certain depth, the mine begins to be intensively filled with water. They say that brave souls found at a depth of 40 meters a stone tablet with the scrawled inscription: “Two million pounds are buried 15 meters deeper.” More than one generation has tried to get the promised treasure out of the hole. Even the future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during his student years at Harvard, came to Oak Island with a group of friends to try his luck. But the treasure is not given to anyone. And is he there?..

Who was Benjamin Kyle?

In 2004, an unknown man woke up outside a Burger King in Georgia. He had no clothes on, there were no documents with him, but the worst thing was that he didn’t remember anything about himself. That is, absolutely nothing! The police conducted a thorough investigation, but were unable to find any traces: neither missing people with such characteristics, nor relatives who could identify him from a photo. He was soon given the name Benjamin Kyle, under which he continues to live to this day. Without documents or certificates of any education, he could not find a job, but one local businessman, having learned about him from a television program, out of pity, gave him a job as a dishwasher. He still works there now. The efforts of doctors to awaken his memory, and the police to find his previous traces, did not yield results.

Shore of Severed Legs

"Severed Legs Coast" is the name given to a beach on the Pacific Northwest coast of British Columbia. It received this terrible name because local residents several times found severed human legs here, shod in sneakers or trainers. From 2007 to the present, 17 of them have been found, with the majority being right-wing. There are several theories to explain why legs wash up on this beach - natural disasters, the work of a serial killer... some even claim that the mafia destroys the bodies of its victims on this remote beach. But none of these theories looks convincing, and no one knows where the truth is.

"Dancing Death" 1518

One day in the summer of 1518 in Strasbourg, a woman suddenly began dancing in the middle of the street. She danced wildly until she fell from exhaustion. The strangest thing is that gradually others joined her. A week later, 34 people were dancing in the city, and a month later - 400. Many dancers died from overwork and heart attacks. The doctors did not know what to think, and the churchmen also could not exorcise the demons possessing the dancers. In the end, it was decided to leave the dancers alone. The fever gradually subsided, but no one ever knew what caused it. We were talking about something special form epilepsy, poisoning, and even a secret, pre-coordinated religious ceremony. But scientists of that time did not find an exact answer.

Signal from aliens

On August 15, 1977, Jerry Eman, who was monitoring signals from space at the volunteer Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, picked up a signal at a random radio frequency, clearly coming from deep space, from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. This signal was much stronger than the cosmic noise that Eman was used to hearing on the air. It lasted only 72 seconds and consisted of a completely definite, in the eye of the observer, completely random list of letters and numbers, which, however, was accurately reproduced several times in a row. Eman disciplinedly recorded the sequence and reported it to his colleagues in the search for aliens. However, further listening to this frequency did not yield anything, as did any attempts to catch at least some signal from the constellation Sagittarius. What was it - a prank by completely earthly jokers or an attempt extraterrestrial civilization to get in touch with us - still no one knows.

Unknown from Somerton Beach

Here's another perfect murder, the mystery of which has still not been solved. On December 1, 1948, in Australia, on Somerton Beach in southern Adelaide, the body of an unknown man was discovered. There were no documents with him, only a note with two words: “Taman Shud” was found in one of his pockets. This was a line from Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat, meaning "the end." The cause of death of the unknown man could not be determined. The forensic investigator believed that it was a case of poisoning, but could not prove it. Others believed it was a suicide, but this claim was also unsubstantiated. The mysterious case has alarmed not only Australia, but the whole world. They tried to establish the identity of the unknown person in almost all countries of Europe and America, but the efforts of the police were in vain, and the history of Taman Shud remained shrouded in secrecy.

Confederate Treasures

This legend still haunts American treasure hunters - and not only them. According to legend, when the northerners were already close to victory in Civil War, the treasurer of the Confederate government, George Trenholm, in desperation, decided to deprive the victors of their rightful spoils - the treasury of the southerners. Confederate President Jefferson Davis personally took on this mission. He and his guards left Richmond with a huge cargo of gold, silver and jewelry. No one knows where they went, but when the northerners took Davis prisoner, he had no jewelry with him, and 4 tons of Mexican gold dollars also disappeared without a trace. Davis never revealed the secret of the gold. Some believe that he distributed it to the planters of the South so that they could bury it until better times, others believe that it is buried somewhere in the vicinity of Danville, Virginia. Some believe that the secret society “Knights of the Golden Circle”, who were secretly preparing revenge in the Civil War, laid their paws on him. Some even say that the treasure is hidden at the bottom of the lake. Dozens of treasure hunters are still looking for him, but none of them can get to the bottom of either the money or the truth.

Voynich manuscript

The mysterious book, known as the Voynich manuscript, is named after the Polish-born American bookseller Wilfred Voynich, who bought it from an unknown person in 1912. In 1915, having taken a closer look at the find, he told the whole world about it - and since then many have not known peace. According to scientists, the manuscript was written in XV-XVI centuries V central Europe. The book contains a lot of text written in neat handwriting, hundreds of drawings depicting plants, most of which are unknown modern science. Zodiac signs are also drawn here, healing herbs, accompanied by text, apparently, of recipes for their use. However, the contents of the text are just speculations of scientists who have not been able to understand it. The reason is simple: the book is written in a language still unknown on Earth, which is also practically indecipherable. Who wrote the Voynich manuscript and why, we may not know even in centuries.

Karst wells of Yamal

In July 2014, an inexplicable explosion was heard in Yamal, as a result of which a huge well appeared in the ground, the width and height of which reached 40 meters! Yamal is not the most populated place on the planet, so no one was injured from the explosion and the appearance of a sinkhole. However, this is strange and potentially dangerous phenomenon required an explanation, and a scientific expedition set off for Yamal. It included everyone who could be useful in studying the strange phenomenon - from geographers to experienced mountain climbers. However, upon arrival, they were unable to understand the reasons and nature of what had happened. Moreover, while the expedition was working, two more similar failures appeared in Yamal in exactly the same way! Until now, scientists have been able to come up with only one version - about periodic explosions of natural gas coming to the surface from underground. However, experts consider it unconvincing. The Yamal failures remain a mystery.

Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered by treasure hunters on a sunken ancient Greek ship at the beginning of the twentieth century, this device, which at first seemed like just another artifact, turned out to be, no less, the first analog computer in history! A complex system of bronze disks, made with precision and accuracy unimaginable in those distant times, made it possible to calculate the position of stars and luminaries in the sky, time in accordance with different calendars and dates Olympic Games. According to the results of the analyses, the device was made at the turn of the millennium - about a century before the birth of Christ, 1600 years before the discoveries of Galileo and 1700 before the birth of Isaac Newton. This device was more than a thousand years ahead of its time and still amazes scientists.

Sea people

The Bronze Age, which lasted approximately from the XXXV to the X century BC, was the heyday of several European and Middle Eastern civilizations - Greek, Cretan, Cananese. People developed metallurgy, created impressive architectural monuments, and tools became more complex. It seemed that humanity was moving by leaps and bounds towards prosperity. But everything collapsed within a few years. The civilized peoples of Europe and Asia were attacked by a horde of “people of the sea” - barbarians on countless ships. They burned and destroyed cities and villages, burned food, killed and took people into slavery. After their invasion, ruins remained everywhere. Civilization was thrown back at least a thousand years ago. In once powerful and educated countries, writing disappeared, and many secrets of construction and working with metals were lost. The most mysterious thing is that after the invasion, the “sea people” disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. Scientists are still wondering who and where this people came from and what their future fate was. But there is no clear answer to this question yet.

Murder of the Black Dahlia

Books were written and films were made about this legendary murder, but it was never solved. On January 15, 1947, 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short was found brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Her naked body was subjected to cruel abuse: it was practically cut in half and bore traces of many injuries. At the same time, the body was washed clean and completely devoid of blood. This story of one of the oldest unsolved murders was widely circulated by journalists, giving Short the nickname “black dahlia.” Despite an active search, the police were unable to find the killer. The Black Dahlia case is considered one of the oldest unsolved murders in Los Angeles.

Motor ship "Ourang Medan"

In early 1948, the Dutch ship Ourang Medan sent an SOS signal while in the Strait of Mallaka off the coast of Sumatra and Malaysia. According to eyewitnesses, the radio message said that the captain and the entire crew were dead, and it ended with the chilling words: “And I am dying.” The captain of the Silver Star, having heard the distress signal, went in search of the Ourang Medan. Having discovered the ship in the Strait of Malacca, the sailors from the Silver Star boarded and saw that it was indeed full of corpses, and the cause of death was not visible on the bodies. Soon the rescuers noticed suspicious smoke coming from the hold and, just in case, chose to return to their ship. And they did the right thing, because soon the Ourang Medan spontaneously exploded and sank. Of course, because of this, the possibility of an investigation became zero. Why the crew died and the ship exploded is still a mystery.

Baghdad battery

Until recently, it was believed that humanity mastered the production and use of electric current only at the end of the 18th century. However, an artifact found by archaeologists in the region ancient Mesopotamia in 1936, casts doubt on this conclusion. The device consists of a clay pot in which the battery itself is hidden: an iron core wrapped in copper, which is believed to have been filled with some kind of acid, after which it began to generate electricity. For many years, archaeologists debated whether the devices were actually related to the generation of electricity. In the end, they collected the same primitive products - and managed to get with their help electricity! So, did they really know how to install electric lighting in ancient Mesopotamia? Since written sources from that era have not survived, this mystery will now probably forever excite scientists.

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      On August 15, 1977, Jerry Ehman received a radio signal from space, the origin of which everyone considered to be potentially neither “unearthly” nor “non-solar.” Surprised by how well the signal matched the supposed cosmic signal mark, Yeiman circled it on a computer printout and wrote his comment: “Wow!” It was this statement by Yeiman that became the name of the signal.
  1. Strange flight of the Pioneer 10 and 11 ships

The Pioneer 10 and 11 space research stations (launched in 1972 and 1973) have long since completed their missions around the solar system, but scientists are still focusing on them Special attention. Although Pioneer 11 was completely lost, both research stations unexpectedly (and inexplicably) changed the direction of their flights. However, the mysteries do not end there: it seems that both ships were heading in the same direction.

Puzzled scientists gave a huge variety of assumptions about this: computer errors, solar winds, fuel leaks. However, this all remained only at the level of assumptions; nothing has been proven.

  1. Female orgasm

Some scientists believe that the female orgasm is a vestigial concept, that is, it has no obvious evolutionary function. In their opinion, female orgasm does not in any way contribute to increasing the chances of fertilization. Other researchers argue that this opinion is false because the psychosocial aspects of a woman's orgasm were not taken into account.

  1. Dark energy

Most physicists were once confident that the expansion of the universe was gradually decreasing. But already in 1998 it became clear that this was not so. On the contrary, our universe continues to expand. An explanation for this could be a phenomenon called dark energy, which supposedly makes up 3 quarters of our universe.

The general consensus is that dark energy rarely travels, but rather interacts with other objects through gravity. Dark energy has a negative pressure that causes it to literally tear the universe apart. This is what explains the constant expansion of the universe.

  1. Speed ​​of light

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, nothing is faster than the speed of light. Well, scientists had to try to do the impossible, and they succeeded. In 2000, Princeton University scientists sent a small laser pulse through vapor generated from cesium gas. The researchers achieved their goal: the laser pulse moved through the vapor space faster than light.

  1. Placebo effect

A placebo is a pill or medical drug, which is essentially a drug but does not actually contain any active ingredients and therefore has no effect on the person taking the placebo. This mysterious phenomenon is called the placebo effect. How our psyche can affect health is still not completely clear to science, but scientists are working hard on this and, perhaps, soon the veil of secrecy will be lifted.

  1. Cold fusion

When atoms collide with sufficient force, they can join together. Along with this merger, a huge amount of energy is released. All kinds of scientific theories tell us that this can only happen in an environment with incredibly strong energy, for example, in the solar core.

However, scientific experiments have proven that this can be achieved in a real situation. If you conduct an electrical voltage between palladium electrodes in water that contains deuterium and heavy hydrogen, an incredible phenomenon will happen before your eyes.

  1. Yawn

Yawning is usually perceived as a sign of fatigue or melancholy, but no one will deny the fact that a person yawns not only when he is bored or wants to sleep. Anaerobic athletes such as weightlifters or sprinters often find themselves yawning during vigorous training and competition. Yawning is also inexplicably “contagious”: if someone next to you yawns, you will certainly want to do the same.

One of the hypothesized functions of yawning is the accumulation of carbon dioxide. However, this does not explain all aspects of yawning: for example, why it is still so contagious.

  1. Dark matter

All objects attract other objects, and the more objects an object can attract to itself, the greater its force of attraction. Everything is quite simple. However, the modern understanding of the concept of gravity does not give us an explanation of why visible objects move freely in the universe.

In order to solve this problem, modern physicists have created a special hypothetical substance - dark matter. The presence of dark matter can only be determined by the gravitational effect it has on larger objects. Dark matter is believed to make up most of the mass of the universe.

  1. What happened before and what will happen after

There are a huge number of different theories describing what will happen if our universe does come to an end. But besides that, there are a lot of different hypotheses about the origin of our world. Yes, in this case it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in quantum mechanics in order to say that any of these theories cannot be verified for truthfulness.

Some questions are simply impossible to answer. Where does a person go after death? What is the goal human life? These questions are still for a long time will not give rest to the curious mind of man.

 14.07.2016 04:58  1

In mid-May, mass cases of insanity among schoolchildren were recorded in Peru. The children talk about a mysterious “black ghost strangler” who is trying to kill them. Parents are confident in their obsession, but doctors and government authorities are shocked. During lessons, children simultaneously fall into a trance, become hysterical, and then report the same terrible vision - according to them, they were strangled by a ghost with a long beard...

 19.02.2016 19:13  1

A resident of the city of Elektrostal, in an apartment where unexplained phenomena began to occur at night, decided to try to find out what it was, and left the camera for several hours for two nights. Although the author thinks that this is a brownie, we see the appearance of a classic poltergeist (in Russian - “barabashka”), which moves objects, and after the 41st minute the entity itself appears at the door. The night filming itself was taken in December 2015. Below is a still from the video...

 11.01.2016 13:31  0

A group of tourists from Perm who found the body of an unknown man about 50 years old at the Dyatlov Pass disappeared. They cannot be contacted. They are following the difficult route of the Northern Urals. Ivdel and should be at their destination on January 18.

 27.12.2015 01:05  1

I have compiled a video of these several images of some strange activity in the skies over Kentucky, writes the author of the video. The images resemble the aftermath of some strange energy event, perhaps a plasma explosion or something else. This is what it looks like. But no noise was recorded and no one reported explosions in the area. Local residents were left perplexed and continue to seek answers to their questions. If you have ever encountered…

 10.12.2015 21:39  1

The year 1994 was marked by an amazing event that most people simply ignored or did not even know about. But very close, right on our planet, there are mysterious creatures moving at such speed that they can only be recorded with a video camera. It was in 1994 that the famous director from Mexico, Jose Escamilla, filmed a film near the city of Midway, USA. And then he noticed strange things in the frame...

 22.10.2015 00:25  0

The disappearance of Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 in 1950 and the disappearance of Captain George Donner from a locked cargo ship cabin are two of the most intriguing mysteries surrounding the Michigan Triangle. The anomalous zone of the Michigan Triangle, which is located on the territory of Lake Michigan, is associated with many mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft. Bermuda Triangle It is considered one of the most famous places where planes and ships mysteriously disappear. However, there are many...

 14.10.2015 21:39  0

A huge mysterious city, including skyscrapers, floating in the clouds above the city of Foshan in the central province of Guangdong, China appeared in the sky on October 7, 2015. The phenomenon, which occurred in front of hundreds of shocked local residents, lasted only a few minutes before disappearing completely. One of the hypotheses discussed on many forums is that this is a Mirage, a natural optical phenomenon. Another version is Fata Morgana. However, others expressed concerns that this is a mysterious...

 22.09.2015 15:44  1

— Where do the strange ships come from in the Earth’s airspace and who do they belong to? What do the military do when they see them? — Secret developments or traces of other civilizations. Who got to the truth and what threatens the planet if this secret is revealed; — Unique evidence and exclusive interviews of those who create star wars spaceships and weapons.

The history of planet Earth is full of amazing, inexplicable mysteries. And a lifetime is not enough to solve them. But you can look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of unexplained secrets on our planet.

12 photos of inexplicable things on planet Earth:

1. Obelisk, Egypt

They began to cut the obelisk right into the rock, but cracks appeared along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning!

2. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gate of the Sun is located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a huge empire. There is still no idea what the drawings on the gate mean. Perhaps they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

3. Underwater city, o. Yonaguni, Japan

The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved sank under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than its construction. Egyptian pyramids. According to modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

4. L'Anse aux Meadows site, Canada

This settlement was founded by the Vikings about 1000 years ago. Which means they got to North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus was born.

5. Moa Bird

Moas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori aborigines. But during one of the expeditions, scientists came across a huge part of a bird’s paw, which was incredibly well preserved.

6. Longyu Grottoes, China

These grottoes were carved out of sandstone by humans - it was a complex task that definitely must have involved thousands of Chinese, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes and the hard work that went into creating them.

7. Sacsayhuaman Temple Complex, Peru

This temple complex amazes with its impeccable masonry without a single drop of connecting mortar (even a piece of paper cannot be inserted between some of the stones). And how perfectly the surface of each block is processed.

8. Stone Age Tunnels

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (spanning across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days doing more than just hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels still remains a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, while others believe that people traveled through this system, protected from weather conditions and wars.

9. Mohenjo-Daro (“Hill of the Dead”), Pakistan

For many decades now, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this large city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? The excavations did not answer any of them.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious perfectly round stone formations intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 30s of the 20th century by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that there was supposed to be gold hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty. It is unknown by whom and for what purpose these petrospheres were created. It can be assumed that these were symbols of heavenly bodies or designations of boundaries between the lands of different tribes.

11. Golden Incas figurines

Golden figurines found in South America, look like aircraft, and it’s hard to believe. What served as the prototype for the creation of these figures is unknown.

12. Genetic drive

An incredible artifact - a genetic disk - depicts things and processes that modern man can only be observed under a microscope. The disc most likely shows the process of the birth and development of the embryo. Also one of the strange drawings is the head of a man of incomprehensible shape. The disc is made of a durable stone called lydite. With its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and, despite the presence of this ancient artifact, it seems impossible to produce something similar to it both practically and theoretically.