The most famous same-sex couples. Happy Together: The Strongest Star Gay Couples. Kristen Stewart and Alisha Cargile

In the top 10 famous lesbian couples, Gaypress gathered women who managed to find themselves, make a career and enter into a same-sex marriage, which became a happy family. In addition, 10 photos of lesbian couples with their love stories, coming out and cute kids.

1. Christine Marinoni - wife of Cynthia Nixon

Cynthia Nixon (left) and Christine Marinoni

Miranda Hobbs - the character of Cynthia Nixon in the series "Sex and the City" - was the most modest of the four friends. And the actress herself lived with Danny Moses for fifteen years, having given birth to two children with him, but then she suddenly exchanged him for activist Christine Marinoni.

In 2009, a lesbian couple announced their engagement, and in 2012 they got married. Today, Cynthia and Christine are raising three children: Samantha and Charles (from Nixon's previous marriage) and Max Ellington, whom Christine gave birth to in 2011.

2. Alexandra Hedison - Wife of Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster (left) and Alexandra Hedison

After a secret admirer of young Jodie Foster (The Accused, The Silence of the Lambs) made an attempt on the then President Reagan in order to win the favor of her beloved, the actress began to keep her personal life in the strictest confidence from the press.

Only in 2007, Jodie was able to admit that she had been dating producer Sidney Bernard for many years. True, the lesbian couple soon broke up, and Foster had a new hobby - screenwriter Cindy Mort.

This relationship did not last long, and in 2014, Jodie tied the knot with same-sex photographer, director and actress of Italian-Armenian origin Alexandra Hedison.

By the way, for the latter, this is also not the first experience of same-sex relationships - from 2001 to 2004, Hedison met with TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres.

3. Portia de Rossi - wife of Ellen Lee DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres (left) and Portia de Rossi

Australian star of Lucky Ted and Arrested Development, Amanda Lee Rogers, most people know as actress Portia de Rossi. However, her name is just a pseudonym that the girl took, being inspired by Shakespeare's plays.

Portia de Rossi's first marriage to American director Mel Metcalf was also fictitious, whom she married only to get a green card and hide her true orientation.

However, the relationship of the spouses did not last so long - from 1996 to 1999, after which they broke up. And already in 2004, Portia de Rossi met her true love - famous presenter, comedian and actress Ellen Lee DeGeneres. In 2008, the lesbian couple got married, and today Ellen and Portia are considered by many to be one of the most harmonious same-sex families in the world.

4. Linda Perry - wife of Sarah Gilbert
Linda Perry (left) and Sarah Gilbert

The name of rock singer, songwriter and producer Linda Perry is familiar to many music lovers, because she wrote several hits for stars such as Pink, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani. And in 2012, the world spread the news about Linda's romance with the famous actress Sarah Gilbert, and a year later the lesbian couple got engaged, and in 2014 the girls got married. By the way, this is not the first experience of same-sex relationships for Sarah: from 2001 to 2011, she was in an actual same-sex marriage with screenwriter and producer Allison Adler (from this marriage she had a daughter, Sauer).

And in 2015, the couple had their own first-born son, Rhodes Emilio Gilbert-Perri, whose biological mother was also Sarah Gilbert.

5. Alex Nidbalski - Wife of Wanda Sykes

Wanda Sykes (left) and Alex Nidbalsky

Not much is known about the wife of actress and TV presenter Wanda Sykes. The presenter herself said that she met Alex Nidbalski in New York when they were on a ferry together.

Wanda's coming out turned out to be very symbolic: it happened in 2008 right at a rally whose participants voted to ban same-sex marriage in California.

Moreover, the coming out included not only recognition in non-traditional orientation: Wanda introduced her wife Alex Nidbalsky to the public and added that they expect replenishment soon. A year later, the lesbian couple had twins Claude Lucas and Olivia Lou.

6. Lauren Blitzer - wife of Sheli Wright
Lauren Blitzer (left) and Shelley Wright

In 2010, at the age of 40, Sheli Wright became the first country singer to go public with her homosexuality.

This made a splash among her fans, soon Wright shocked the public even more by formalizing a relationship with Lauren Blitzer, a prominent LGBT activist and human rights activist.

The wedding was played in 2011 and about 200 guests were invited to it. And already in 2013, the twins Everett Joseph and George Samuel were born, whom Sheli gave birth to.

7. Jonina Leosdottir - wife of Johanna Sigurdardottir

Jonina Leosdottir (right) and Johanna Sigurdardottir

Johanna and Jonina are perhaps the most significant lesbian couple in the history of mankind: Johanna Sigurdardottir becomes the world's first head of state to marry same-sex.

It all started in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, when both women lived quietly with their husbands and raised children. But joint participation writers and journalists Jonina and Johanna's women's rights politics led to them falling in love and terminating their official relationship.

At the same time, they began to live together as a lesbian couple only in 2000, since before that they feared that unconventional orientation could ruin Johanna's career.

January 2009 Johanna Sigurdardóttir becomes Prime Minister of Iceland and in 2010, she formalized a relationship with Jonina Leosdottir, 25 years after they met. In 2013, Jonina published her joint autobiography Johanna and Me.

8. Kristen Ogata - Beth Ditto's wife

Beth Ditto (left) and Kristen Ogata

Gossip soloist Beth Ditto has always been an unusual girl.

Beth Ditto managed to prove that a defiant figure, a shocking voice and branded feminist statements absolutely do not interfere on the path to fame. This also includes the singer's bisexuality and her commitment to polygamous relationships.

However, in 2013, Beth decided to settle down by marrying her longtime friend, Japanese-Hawaiian photographer Kristen Ogata. The celebration of the famous lesbian couple took place in Hawaii, where more than a hundred guests arrived, and Jean-Paul Gaultier himself sewed the dress for the bride.

True, homosexual relationships registered in Hawaii do not have legal force, so the girls had to register a same-sex marriage again in the United States, which they did on the eve of 2015.

9. Yulia Lemigova - wife of Martina Navratilova

Yulia Lemigova (left) and Martina Navratilova

The novel of the legendary Czech tennis player Navratilova and the Soviet model Yulia Lemigova was first discussed in 2009. According to Martina, meeting Yulia in the early 2000s forever changed her life for the better. A celebrity romance developed, and

in September 2014, right at the US Open championship, Navratilova made an offer to Lemigova in front of the audience.

And on December 15 of the same year, they entered into a same-sex marriage. At the same time, Yulia and Martina not only live together, but also raise Lemigova's two daughters, Emma and Victoria.

10. Susan Mikula - partner of Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow (left) and Susan Mikula

However, back in 1999, Rachel was forced to take any part-time job in order to pay for her doctoral studies at Stanford.

It was then, quite by chance, that she met the artist Susan Mikula, who hired Maddow to mow the lawn of her house. Later it turned out that this was a meeting for life.

Since that time, the lovers have been living together, and although same-sex marriages are allowed in Massachusetts, Rachel and Susan are in no hurry to formalize the relationship, arguing that it does not matter to them.

Scientific studies show an amazing variety of animals that engage in same-sex relationships. In this amazing list, you'll find "lesbian albatrosses" from Hawaii, male dolphins who have boyfriends, and same-sex pairs of gulls who take young to fly together.

(Total 10 photos)

We are often told to advise sheep when we want to sleep, but the natural behavioral tendencies of rams actually keep scientists from sleeping soundly. Domestic sheep are the most numerous gay mammals. Scientific studies have shown that 8% of males can form pairs exclusively with males, refusing any contact with females. These same-sex couples do not mate, but they act as a lifelong couple. Homosexual herds stand out as an example of the various relationship statuses among animals, but of course they are less popular with farmers who seek to get as many sheep as possible.

2. Leysan albatrosses

In 2007, scientists studying Leysan albatrosses from Oahu noticed that 60% of the birds were females, and 31% of all albatross pairs were lesbian. These pairs of females show all the signs of closely related pairs, and also participate in nesting, kissing and a range of other attributes of the behavior of breeding albatrosses. Same-sex couples can persist, just like traditional ones - in one case, this lasted as long as 19 years. In New Zealand, same-sex pairs of royal albatrosses have recently found a tendency to nest together, suggesting that this may be a widespread phenomenon.

3. bottlenose dolphins

Dolphins have taken a position at the top tier of animal intelligence, and are comparable in cognitive and social abilities to chimpanzees and humans. There is great diversity in dolphin society, including numerous same-sex relationships. In one incredible case, a gay dolphin couple went through 17 years of relationship while researchers identified an entire pod of all-male dolphins who happened to be bisexual and had no shortage of romantic relationships, enjoying passionate encounters with members of the same sex or vice versa.

Bonobos, which resemble miniature chimpanzees, are not only one of the most intelligent animals in the world, but the closest relatives of humans. Living in colonies, bonobos are more good-natured compared to their often aggressive chimpanzee relatives. They are known for using the language of love rather than aggression to solve problems and communicate with each other. Since many conflicts occur between two males or between two females, homosexual relationships have become common among these monkeys. Sexual contacts are more common among females, but also occur among males, with contacts taking on a “play-fight” format. Bonobos are critically endangered and require the utmost efforts to protect them from conservationists.

5. Rooster from Gibraltar

The "Rooster of Gibraltar" is a striking forest songbird that has an extremely bright appearance, in which brilliant orange feathers are combined with a huge crest. Notably, up to 40% of the males of this species engage in same-sex sexual encounters. Unlike sea birds, only males of this species make homosexual contacts. It is possible that gay behavior is associated with high population density, as well as extensive male competition for females. Same-sex contacts also satisfy the birds' desire to express their promiscuity and high mating potential, thereby increasing social stability among the birds.

6 African Lions

African lions, which attract harems of females, often act as symbols of traditional dominance, especially in patriarchal societies. However, a certain percentage of male African lions leave available females in order to create their own same-sex groups. Male lions have been observed making contact with other males and exhibiting behavioral nuances that are characteristic of same-sex couples. And while many other animal communities are structured in the same way, which can sometimes play to the advantage of same-sex mating, the reason for the male association of lions is unknown. Lions have one of the strongest sexual drives among felines, which means that the contacts are probably more ... targeted than the same sex among birds or rams.

7. Waterfowl and penguins

Homosexual relationships have been documented among wild Australian black swans, which sometimes form two-male tribal communities when they determine a nesting site. Incredibly, these two-male encounters actually led to an increase in breeding due to the effectiveness of the males in defending the nest from predators. In addition, two male penguins made headlines after laying an egg and successfully hatching it. Before they had their own egg, gay penguins tried to steal eggs from opposite-sex pairs of penguins. Ornithologists studying this phenomenon have concluded that, in general, male pairs in birds form among the most sexually promiscuous songbird species, while female pairs form among monogamous species. While this behavior naturally arose among some species of birds, Scientific research showed that the increased incidence of same-sex contact among South American ibis may be the result of mercury contamination, which alters sex hormones.

8. Western gulls

Western gulls are similar to Leysan albatrosses, but in fact, they are more closely related to puffins. Convergent evolution has given them a resemblance to huge albatrosses, along with a similar mating system sometimes involving two females. Scientific expeditions to the California Channel Islands have shown that at least 14% of pairs of gulls consist of two females. This diversity was first noticed in colonies when surprisingly a large number of eggs. Some of the eggs were even fertilized due to connections with males "on the side".

Young male giraffes sometimes practice same-sex contacts and short-term alliances before mating with a female. This activity may include kissing language, neck massage and "hugs", and full body contact. Scientists suggest that the purpose of same-sex interactions is to introduce mating techniques before presenting them to the female giraffe. In a small community that is a herd of giraffes, the idea is to build the right relationship with the females by testing the methods on several males.

10. Dragonflies

It's a fact: insects can be gay. Dragonflies are among the most highly evolved predators in the insect world, and also exhibit the most spectacular mid-air dances and serious sensory encounters with other dragonflies. But the presence of the opposite sex is not always necessary condition for dates dragonflies; studies have shown unexpectedly high mating rates between same-sex dragonflies. Understanding the causes of same-sex relationships among such small invertebrates is challenging, and the interaction is poorly understood even today. Chemistry environment and the lack of partners may be one of the factors influencing the mating behavior of dragonflies.

The modern world is an unplowed area that has been actively processed by new trends and views. And this is not surprising, given the fact that humanity is making technological progress by leaps and bounds. A change in concepts and values ​​is a concomitant factor in development, and one can only come to terms with this.

Tribute to fashion or progress?

Gay couples are a new recognized form of same-sex relationships. This can be blamed, or you can simply take it for granted. Unfortunately, on the territory of the countries of the former USSR, such a phenomenon as gay couples is viewed in a negative way. This is most likely due to the stereotypes that societies instill in our people from generation to generation. It will be a long time before society realizes that such unions also have the right to exist. Did you know that many gay couples abroad celebrate twenty or even thirty years of living together? Such figures cannot but amaze, especially if we look under a magnifying glass at the shaken traditional marriages, in which there is nothing left but big words. This review will introduce you to the most faithful gay couples.

Chamberlain and Rebbett

The actor and Martin Rabbett (his manager) have been together for 35 years. Watching the famous film "The Thorn Birds", the audience, who admired the manly beauty of the protagonist, did not suspect that he had been happy in a same-sex relationship with his manager for more than 20 years.

In his memoirs, Richard wrote that he was immensely grateful to his partner for what he experienced during the period when he hid their union from the eyes and ears of the public. One false step, and Richard's career could be covered with a copper basin. Martin resisted the temptation to denigrate the movie star and in doing so won the actor's deep respect and love for years to come.

At the moment, an elderly homosexual couple is enjoying the idyll of family life in Hawaii. Richard is grateful to fate for meeting Martin and for the opportunity to legalize marriage, which was once a real taboo.

Elton John and David Furnish

The famous singer, musician, actor and composer received a knighthood from the English Queen Elizabeth II.

He recently turned 70 years old. He is known not only as a creative person, but also as a public figure. Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Initially, he positioned himself as bisexual, but eventually declared that he was a pure homosexual. In 2005, Elton John and his film producer legalized their marriage.

A gay couple did not miss the opportunity to use the services of a surrogate mother, and in 2010 they had their first son (Zachary). In 2013, their second son (Elijah) was born in the same way.

By the way!

Not everyone famous people in the West are delighted with the new laws. For example, it is worth taking the case of Stefano Gabbana. The personal life of both is of interest to the public, so it has long been no secret that they have a negative attitude towards such an achievement. modern world like gay marriages. The tough stance of the partners shocked the public: celebrities oppose non-traditional families, “wombs for rent” and “synthetic children”. Also, Dolce and Gabbana, in an interview with the Italian magazine Panorama, said that modern experiments with two same-sex parents will have consequences that will soon require the intervention of psychiatrists. According to celebrities, children should appear only as a result of an "act of love" and be brought up in a "full-fledged family." Dolce does not hide his homosexual nature, but has long come to terms with the fact that he will not see his family. And Gabbana, meanwhile, dreams of creating a "real family."

Stephen Fry and his orientation

The world-famous English comedian, writer, public figure and fighter for equality Stephen Fry for many years could not accept his sexual inclinations. He was helped to open up by an ordinary salesman in a cosmetics store named Daniel Cohen. Stephen Fry and Daniel lived together for 15 years! A figure that not every heterosexual marriage reaches! However, the feelings of both disappeared in time, and the writer found himself a new lover.

Steven's new love is a young stand-up comedian. The couple have been together for several years now and not so long ago the men got married. By the way, Spencer is 30 years younger than his famous partner, but this did not become an obstacle to their happiness. The young guy admires Stephen Fry's sense of humor. “It is Steve's sense of humor that is the secret of our relationship,” says the stand-up comedian.

Tom Ford and Richard Buckley

This couple has been together for over 30 years! Tom Ford, creator of the acclaimed drama A Single Man, calls Richard the man he loves "more than anyone else."

Tom Ford and Richard Buckley first met back in 1986 while filming for the famous Vogue Hommes International magazine, which Richard was the editor at that time. In 1989, a gay couple faced a major challenge when Richard was diagnosed with cancer. Now that the disease has subsided and all worries have disappeared, the couple leads a monogamous life on a ranch in New Mexico and dreams of children. Tom Ford does not want to leave "only dresses" behind, he is sure that Richard will become a wonderful father, and their life after the "replenishment" will take on a new meaning.

Darren Hayes and cartoonist Richard Cullen

In the summer of 2006, ex-star of the duo Savage Garden named Darren Hayes married Richard Cullen. The gay couple immediately rushed down the aisle to London as soon as they learned about the new law allowing same-sex unions in Britain. The handsome musician stopped hiding his orientation back in 2000, when he divorced makeup artist Colby Taylor. In 2013, a gay couple received another marriage certificate, which confirmed their marriage in the state of California.

Darren Hayes and Richard Cullen have been happy together for many years, and this can only be envied.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi

The world-famous American TV presenter and her friend Portia de Rossi, known as the star of the TV series Arrested Development, got married in 2008 (this happened in Los Angeles). Two years after the marriage, actress Portia de Rossi took her wife's surname (she uses her maiden name as a working pseudonym).

The couple has three dogs and four cats, and the women are also rumored to be mothers.

Lesbian couple - Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni

The love story of these girls could serve as the plot for a romantic movie: they met at a time when Cynthia Nixon (the star of "Sex and the City") was moving away from her divorce from her husband (Danny Moses). Some time after meeting Christine Marinoni, Cynthia was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The actress bravely fought terrible disease(not without the help of a beloved, of course). In 2009, the couple announced their engagement, and three years later they got married. There are three children in the family of two women: son Charles and daughter Samantha from Nixon's first marriage and little Max, whom Christine gave birth to in 2011.

Foster and Hadison

Jodie Foster received an honorary Cecil DeMille Award at the Golden Globe Awards and shared some of the juiciest features of her personal life with the public. Until that moment, she was credited with a long relationship with a film producer named In fact, the chosen one (or rather the chosen one) of the 52-year-old Foster was the actress and photographer Alexandra Hadison. Until this moment, Jodie was distinguished by her secrecy, but now she happily goes arm in arm with her wife, not hiding her happiness.

Jacobs proposal

Renowned designer Marc Jacobs dated Charlie DeFrancesco, a former fashion model and owner of a scented candle brand, for several years.

Mark's creative nature did not allow him to approach such important business like a marriage proposal.

The date of the engagement, Marc Jacobs timed to coincide with Charlie's birthday, which the gay couple decided to celebrate in one of the Mexican restaurants.

After dinner, all the visitors and employees of the institution got up from their seats and began to dance to the song of Prince - Kiss, and Defrancesco began to shoot a funny flash mob on his phone, thinking that in this way his boyfriend wanted to wish him a happy birthday. But when Mark got down on his knee, it turned out that the most interesting thing would be ahead. Almost at the same time, Charlie answered him yes, and the whole restaurant erupted in applause.

Of course, the significant moment was captured in the spirit of modernity: the event was filmed on video, which Jacobs subsequently posted on Instagram with words of gratitude to all participants in the fun dance.

The most famous "gays" in Russia

In Russia, a country with hardened views, it is difficult to speak freely about such a topic as fidelity and love in gay marriages. It is much easier for the public to gossip about the gossip and guesswork that circles around Russian pop stars. But all rumors, conjectures and conjectures usually have no real background. Usually Russian gay couples prefer to remain in the background, so the public can only guess. Well, let's go through the main "gays" of the Russian stage.

List of Russian homosexuals, according to public opinion

It is customary to refer to the LGBT community as Sergei Zverev, a famous showman, winner of the World Championship in hairdressing. His sexual orientation, in fact, does not belong to the public domain, but according to outward signs and occupation, people are accustomed to consider him a person with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

According to the same criteria, Boris Moiseev is also referred to the "rainbow community". But he is really homosexual, which he mentioned more than once in public.

The sugary appearance of the famous singer Sergei Lazarev does not allow him to breathe freely. For some reason, for many years now he has been stubbornly referred to as LGBT culture, although the singer has repeatedly stated that he simply supports people with non-traditional sexual orientation, but does not belong to them himself. Media anger hit the celebrity at the moment when Sergei broke up with his girlfriend Lera Kudryavtseva. The headlines "Lazarev is gay" spread in the blink of an eye and outraged the public.

Maxim Galkin is a presenter, humorist and just the young husband of Alla Pugacheva (by the way, they have two children). The label "gay" stuck to him and hangs even after the wedding. According to the Russian media, a well-groomed, handsome and successful man is necessarily a homosexual.

According to the same criteria, Nikolai Baskov was included in the list. The “golden voice” of Russia probably suffered the most. His manners, behavior, hairstyle, songs were discussed ... However, he reacts with enviable calmness to such criticism and simply does not talk about his personal life.

Andrey Malakhov is a talented TV presenter and just a kind person who always looks stylish and well-groomed. According to most, he is the most that neither is gay. But no one has proof of that.

The list of possible "gays" in Russia closes Philip Kirkorov. But since all assumptions are based on speculation and conjecture, the stars do not pay attention to them and advise their fans to react in the same way.

Real famous gays in Russia

It is worth clarifying that it is mostly LGBT culture activists who openly declare their non-traditional orientation. These people do not appear on television, there is very little information about them. But most importantly, they are not shy about their orientation.

Pavel Samburov opens the list of real gays in Russia. He is the coordinator of the LGBT Rainbow Association. Those who know him call him a simple and kind person. His organization is aimed at promoting the ideas of tolerance, getting rid of discrimination at all levels of life.

Igor Kochetkov. Is an LGBT activist and public figure. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the Russian LGBT Network. By education, Igor is a candidate of historical sciences.

At first, Igor was known as a publicist. He has worked in projects such as GayRussia and GayNews. When the LGBT network was created, Igor became its executive director. To date, he is the head of an LGBT organization called Exit.

Igor Kochetkov is a well-known human rights activist, authors of articles and reports on the situation of LGBT people in Russia. He is married (the wedding took place in New York).

He is considered a rather unpleasant person who creates the wrong impression about Russian gays. Being a rather aggressive person, Igor treats people with a traditional sexual orientation (that is, non-gays) with hostility.

Eugene Pisemsky. He is the head of the organization "Phoenix PLUS", whose main task is to inform about sexual health and LGBT relationships. Conducts lectures on HIV in the gay community.

Maxim Lapunov closes the chain of well-known Russian LGBT activists. He spoke at a conference on LGBT persecution in Chechnya. He had to openly declare the situation, as he himself was subjected to torture and death threats. According to Maxim, he is far from the only one who ended up in a Chechen prison on the grounds of homosexuality. And yet, he is the only one who could not be afraid to declare this to the whole world.

Many people think that homosexuality and family happiness are incompatible concepts. But there are many happy LGBT couples in the world who have been living together for decades and raising children together.

Among the most famous same-sex families there are both influential politicians and Hollywood stars, famous couturiers, singers and businessmen. We present to your attention the 12 most famous couples who are not shy and do not hide their same-sex relationships.

1. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berger

It all started at the end of 1957, when Laurent and Berger first met at the funeral ceremony of Christian Dior, in 1958 they met for the second time - since then their romantic and long history began. When Laurent was fired from Dior, he created his own fashion house Yves Saint Laurent, headed by Bergé.

Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé were together for a long 18 years

After living together for 18 years, the couple divorced in 1976, but they remained lifelong friends and business partners. In June 2008, couturier Yves Saint Laurent died at his home in Paris. Berger is now actively involved in charitable foundations.

Eve took all my strength, all my life, but I wanted it myself. Today, I continue to think of him fondly, despite the fact that he had a lot of flaws. However, who doesn't?
recalls Pierre Berger.

2. Elton John and David Furnish

The legendary English musician met film director and producer David Furnish in 1993. The couple have been pushing for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the UK for a long time. In December 2005 they got married.

Note that their wedding is considered one of the most expensive in history - the couple spent more than $ 1.5 million.

Elton John and David Furnish have been together for over 20 years

3. Xavier Bettel and Gauthier Destin

In May 2015, the 42-year-old prime minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, entered into a same-sex marriage. who married 36-year-old Belgian architect Gauthier Desten.

The politician then even "skipped" the Riga Eastern Partnership summit, because he had a honeymoon.

Gauthier Desten and Xavier Bettel

4. Cynthia Nikton and Christine Marinoni

The Sex and the City star and her co-star Christine Marinoni met at a parent protest protesting public school budget cuts.

They were then arrested - that's how they met. In 2012, the couple got married, the family has a 6-year-old son, Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni.

Christine Marinoni and Cynthia Nikton have a six-year-old son

5. George Michael and Kenny Goss

The famous singer was paired with her husband Anselmo Feleppa, who died in 1993. Since 1996, former cheerleading coach Kenny Goss has become Michael's new chosen one. Where exactly the men met is unknown: according to one version, in a spa, according to another, in one of the Los Angeles boutiques.

George Michael and Kenny Goss lived in a civil marriage for 14 years

Kenny Goss and George Michael lived in a civil marriage for 14 years, in 2010 the couple broke up due to the fact that George regarded the relationship as free. At the end of 2016, Michael died of a drug overdose.

6. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi

Popular American TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres and her chosen one actress Portia de Rossi got married in 2008 after the lifting of the ban on same-sex marriages in California. In addition, Helen gave Rossi an engagement ring with a pink diamond of three carats.

They live in high-end Beverly Hills, they have no children, but they have three dogs and four cats, both women are vegans. The couple have been together for 9 years.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi together for 9 years

7. Kristen Stewart and Alisha Kargile

After breaking up with Robert Pattinson, Twilight star Kristen Stewart began dating film producer Alicia Cargile in 2013.

According to media reports, in August 2016, Kristen Stewart proposed to her girlfriend.

I had never publicly discussed my relationship before, but that all changed when I started dating girls: by talking about it, I express something socially significant. I still want my privacy to remain private, but I don't want it to look like I have something to hide,
- the actress admitted in an interview with one of the famous glossy .

Kristen Stewart proposed to Alisha Cargile

8. Zemfira and Renata Litvinova

Zemfira Ramazanova and Renata Litvinova met in 2004 at the recording of the soundtrack for the film "Goddess". They began close cooperation, Litvinova shot videos for the songs "Blues", "Airplane", "We Crash" and others for Zemfira.

The couple has been living together for a long time, and, according to media rumors, in 2009 they registered their marriage in Sweden, since gay marriage is illegal in Russia.

Zemfira and Renata Litvinova have not yet officially announced their relationship

9. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

In 1982, while working in a Milan atelier, two Italians created the most successful couturier duo in the fashion world, and in 1994, the couple now creates the global brand D&G. The couple dreamed of their own children for a long time, but later they parted, only business remained in common.

Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce remain good friends

Now Stefano Gabbana is dating Alessandro, and Domenico lives alone.

We are still together because we have a true love story behind us. Now I have other relationships, but Domenico is the most important person in my life. We remained friends and business partners,
Stefano recalls.

10. Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison

For almost 20 years, actress Jodie Foster lived with producer Sidney Bernard, they raised two children. But in 2008, the couple divorced. In 2014, the actress began a relationship with photographer Alexandra Hedison.

Jodie Foster happy with Alexandra Hedison

11. Cara Delevingne and Annie Clark

24-year-old top model Cara Delevingne dated famous actress Michelle Rodriguez in 2014. The couple broke up, and now Kara is in a relationship with American singer Annie Clark, better known under the pseudonym St. Vincent.

Cara Delevingne is dating singer Annie Clark

12. Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak

W The Big Bang Theory star, who played Sheldon Cooper, recently got married to 44-year-old graphic designer Todd Spivak.

Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak celebrated their wedding

Todd Spivak and Jim Parsons celebrated their wedding

In the 21st century, many countries around the world have allowed same-sex marriages, and many homosexual couples hastened to formalize their relationship legally. Among them are many stars.

So, celebrities who formalized their non-traditional relationships in the most traditional way - by entering into a legal marriage.

This is perhaps the most famous homosexual couple to formalize their union. Elton John and David Furnish did it in 2005, just after same-sex marriage was legal in England. More than 700 guests attended the gala wedding, including the Beckhams, Ozzy Osbourne and Elizabeth Hurley. Sir Elton informed all his fans about this event by posting a photo on Instagram with the caption:

“The legal part is completed. Now let's celebrate"

The couple are raising two little sons, who were born to them by surrogate mothers. On this basis, Elton John even had a conflict with another world-famous unconventional couple - fashion designers Dolce and Gabbana. Couturiers spoke out against homosexual marriages and surrogate motherhood, which caused the wrath of the musical legend:

“How dare you call my wonderful boys “synthetic”? Be ashamed! … I will never wear Dolce & Gabbana again.”
Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni

Gorgeous Cynthia Nixon, who played the role of Miranda in the popular series "Sex and the City", suddenly, at 38, with a 15-year marriage behind her, realized that she was a lesbian. She was prompted to this discovery by a meeting with the love of her life - Christine Marinoni. The women met in 2004 under very curious circumstances: both of them participated in a protest against cuts in the school budget and were taken to the police station for disturbing the public peace. Probably, there a spark ran between the two "hooligans", which then flared up into a serious feeling. Already in 2009, the women announced their engagement, in 2011 their son was born (Kristin gave birth to him), and in 2012 they entered into an official marriage.

The other day it became known about the wedding of another famous lesbian couple. The star of the cult TV series Orange is the New Black, the black beauty Samira Wylie married Lauren Morelli, the screenwriter of the same series. The ceremony took place in Palms Springs (California) in the presence of relatives and friends of the girls. Both newlyweds were in white: Samira chose a dress with bare shoulders, and Lauren - a light jumpsuit with a train.

By the way, this is not the first marriage for Lauren, she was previously married to a man, but the meeting with Samira turned her whole life upside down: she forced her to change her orientation and leave her husband.

When they met in 1986, Tom Ford was 25 years old, and Buckley was 38. Ford later admitted that it took him only a single elevator ride together to understand that he wanted to register a marriage with this “man with eyes the color of water”. And after 27 years, his wish came true.

In 2014, after years of marriage, Ford and Buckley entered into an official alliance. Now the couple is raising an adopted son, adopted in 2012.

Beth Ditto and Christine Ogatu

The eccentric Gossip lead singer Beth Ditto married her fiancé Christine Ogata in 2013. The ceremony took place in Hawaii. The outfits for the two brides were created by the famous designer Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Stephen Fry and Elliot Spencer

The famous English actor Stephen Fry got married for the first time at the age of 57. His chosen one Elliot Spencer is 30 years younger than Fry. Before the wedding, the partners met for only 3 months, and then decided to sign. According to Fry, who suffers from bipolar disorder, the young husband returned his lust for life. Young Spencer's parents had nothing against their son's wedding, moreover, they are in seventh heaven. That's what his father said anyway.

Now the couple is thinking about children.

Ellen DeGneres and Portia De Rossi

TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres and popular actress Portia De Rossi got married in 2008 after 4 years of relationship. By Hollywood standards, the wedding was very modest: only 19 guests attended the ceremony. But the marriage did not turn out to be fleeting: for almost 9 years, Ellen and Portia have been living in perfect harmony, and Portia took the name of her partner. Spouses are in no hurry to have children, as long as they have enough of a few dogs and cats.

In 2014, Jodie Foster entered into a legal marriage with actress Alexandra Hedison. The ceremony was closed. Previously, both actresses already had affairs with women, but in both cases they didn’t get married: then same-sex marriages had not yet been legalized.

Darren Hayes and Richard Cullen

June 19, 2006 was probably the saddest day in the life of fans of Darren Hayes. It was on this day that the famous musician married the animator Richard Cullen, thereby depriving all his female fans of ghostly hopes. Prior to Richard, Darren was married to makeup artist Colby Taylor, with whom he still maintains friendly relations.