Parents' corner in kindergarten. Decorating a corner for parents in pre-school groups. Desktop thematic information

Corner for parents in preschool educational institutions

Parent corner location: in the locker room above the children's lockers, in a specially designated area, there is a colorfully decorated stand.

Contents of the corner for parents : bulletin board, group daily routine, GCD schedule, daily menu, useful articles and tips forparents, doctor's advice,recommendations for parents on studying the material of the week; mobile folders, as well as an exhibition stand with children's works (The World through the Eyes of Children).

The relevance of the information presented in the corner for parents : the parent corner provides the necessary information, a kind of group passport.

Compliance with the rules for designing a corner for parents (volume and accessibility of the information provided; location; interesting and colorful design; availability of information about: kindergarten, consultations with specialists, useful articles from magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Contentthe parent corner should be brief, clear, legible, so thatparentsthere was a desire to turn to its content. Fillingcornerthe freshest and useful information, the stand is colorful and eye-catching. The content of the corner is regularly updated in accordance with the time of year, current tasks, and upcoming events.

    Information posted at the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

    The parent corner should be accessible and convenient for perceiving (reading) information, informational (adapted to posting information, meaningful, aesthetically and colorfully designed).

    The information posted at the stands must be relevant, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account age characteristics children.

    The font is large (14-16), clear, the text is not voluminous.

    When placing any printed material at the stand, a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, is required.

    The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating your stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also posters and photographs. When designing a stand, there is no need to overuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls and toys.

Requirements for the contents of the corner:

The group's business card.

Mode, program objectives of upbringing and education of preschool children (planned results of mastering the program, planning an organized educational activities(grid of classes, information about the content of the thematic week (name of the week, purpose, content of work).

Information about the age characteristics of the children in the group (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year, etc. anthropometric data).

- "Our life day after day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, topics, and lesson goals. The material is constantly updated. - Equipped place for organizing an exhibition of children's works.

Bulletin board. Only official information is placed on it: when the meeting will take place and the decision of the parent meeting, invitations to holidays, to participate in competitions, etc.

Menu (No abbreviations, indicating product output, in clear handwriting).

Pages of specialists working in the group: topic of the period, information and advisory materials in an accessible form and colorfully designed, consultations for parents, etc.:

Mandatory content in the parents' corner: information on life safety, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, consultations on preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, etc.


Parent's Corner kindergarten- This is one of the ways to communicate with parents in a unique way. For every teacher, contact with the child’s parents is very important. A well-designed parent corner provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with parents. With the help of information displayed in the parent's corner, mothers and fathers can see the progress of their children, learn more about what classes are held with them and other events in the kindergarten, and also read good advice about how best to raise children. Thanks to them, parents are more attentive to their children and monitor their progress. They begin to treat the work of educators with even more respect.

Ksenia Zykova

Hello! I would like to acquaint you and myself first of all with the requirements for designing a corner for parents.

Requirements for the design of a corner for parents.


Easy to understand

Alternating design style and placement

Large “readable” font (preferably at least 18-20) (TimesNewRoman)

Not very large volume / Possibility of “book reading”

Graphic images (if necessary)

Availability of bright illustrative design (do not overload).

“Compatibility” of the material, i.e. one information sheet should not contradict another

“Living material”, i.e. what is currently relevant and interesting for parents: In winter: “Winter poems”, “Warm clothes for walks”; In summer: “Games with sand and water”; “Air baths”, “Safety from sun rays”

Particularly important material stands out: font, color stripe, non-standard design of the title or text, bright background.

Today, I decided to go through the groups of my kindergarten and look at the corners for parents in order to analyze and in my group do everything according to the design requirements.

Junior group (3-4 years)

The corner for parents is decorated colorfully, brightly, and is easy to understand. readable font. The daily routine for kindergarten and family, menu, tips and recommendations, announcements, characteristics of the age of children are presented. The corner meets the annual plan, goals and objectives junior group. At the “Advice” stand, recommendations are given to parents on educational activities in the family: a description in an accessible form to parents about the types of educational activities in the family within the framework of the thematic week (update information weekly).

3-4 times a week, as the children’s activities progress, the illustrations in the “Our Successes” corner are replaced.

There are information sheets, booklets, and folders with important information on life safety, traffic rules, and healthy lifestyle.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents: “You cannot bring it to kindergarten.” Phone numbers given emergency assistance, helpline and important information “The child has the right.”

Conclusion: the information is easy to understand, large readable font, changeable, bright design. The material is appropriate for this age group.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

This is our group No. 7 “Luchiki”, famous for the fact that the teachers like to decorate everything very beautifully, so you can see how they decorated the walls and doors in the locker room, beautifully. Information for parents is presented colorfully and vividly. Important information for parents: working hours for children. kindergarten, menu, class schedule, etc. The table contains information on issues of pedagogy, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, information from specialists (their names, office hours, telephone numbers, disease prevention (in a mobile folder).

There is also a stand for children and parents “You cannot bring to kindergarten...”

On the other wall there is “Advice from Experts”

The information is updated by the specialists themselves (psychologist, speech therapist, physician, etc. There are links to the publication, including authorship and year of publication

The information stand “For You, Parents” presents data on the height and weight of children, routine moments of the day, a plan for working with parents for February and a schedule of continuous educational activities in this group.

Also in this group, children’s creativity is presented at the “Creativity Clearing”; children’s daily achievements are displayed here. On the wall there is a thematic exhibition of artistic works made by the hands of children, parents, and teachers. The theme of this exhibition: “Our Dads” dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland!

Conclusion: in the group, all the information for parents is age-appropriate, corresponds to the plan and objectives of the kindergarten, the style of design and placement alternates, accessibility to understanding, and “compatibility of the material.”

Senior group (5-6 years old)

The stand is decorated colorfully, not only inscriptions are used, but also photographs. Designed according to the season (winter, information for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

On the table there is temporary information about the group’s projects, relevant information: advice on raising children, issues of pedagogy, medicine, planning of organized educational activities.

At the stand: “For you, parents!” The work plan for February, the age characteristics of children in this group, the daily routine and the schedule of continuous educational activities are presented.

“Living material”: a story about the winter months, poems about winter, songs, games.

In honor of the upcoming holidays, thematic exhibition folders were made about the mothers and fathers of our group, information was provided by parents

Children's creative activities are hung on creativity ribbons

Conclusion: the information is easy to understand, large font, according to the age of this group, there is “live material”, expert advice, especially important material is highlighted in bright, large font.

Preparatory group (6-7 years old)

The information stand for parents presents: daily routine, schedule of continuous educational activities, plan for working with parents for February. But this group has a peculiarity: the motto of the group “Why” is announced, and there is also information about the features of winter games and safety rules on the street in winter.

Also on the table in folders are tips on training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking, notes on disease prevention, information about the program under which the preschool child care institution operates, recommendations for parents on educational activities in the family: a description in an accessible form to parents about the types educational activities in the family within the framework of a thematic week.

“Our life day by day” here is daily material in the form of a photo report about past holidays

There is also a screen with various photographs and figures on display for parents in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Conclusion: The information posted on the stands is relevant, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children. The compatibility of the material is observed, as well as the presence of a bright illustrative design.

As a result of analyzing the corners for parents, I discovered a lot of useful information for myself.

6. Menu. Change daily.

  • Information posted on the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.
  • When placing any printed material at the stand (medical advice, psychologist, etc.), a link to the publication. Including authorship and year of publication is required.
  • The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only hand-written drawings and inscriptions, but also posters and photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, there is no need to overuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls and toys.

The ratio of text and illustrations in mobile folders should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations); they must first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them

  • A reserve should be created for the exchange of information between groups.

The parent's corner should contain:

1. Characteristics of the age of children. Changes once a year.

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do of this age). Changes once a year.

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family. Changes once a year.

4. Grid of classes. Changes once a year.

5. Anthropometric data (for average and senior group dow: standard and survey result). Changes 2 times a year (September, May).

6. Menu. Change daily.

7. Study with us. Change daily.

8. Rules for parents. Change once a year.

9. What did we do today? Change daily.

11. Announcements. Change as needed.

The design should have no more than two colors. The material is located at parental eye level.

You can purchase stands for decorating the parent corner by clicking on the link

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of classes, and gives advice and recommendations on education. Helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of a kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children and reveals the value of their own work.



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Often, parents of an autistic child face great difficulties due to his extreme selectivity in food. It happens that a child refuses everything except milk and cookies. Sometimes the reason lies in the reluctance or fear of trying a new product, or in an unpleasant impression (taste, smell, packaging, etc.) that turned out to be associated with an already familiar food. In these cases, it may be possible to mix new food unnoticed by the child’s favorite food, and gradually include a new product in the diet.

Girl L. drank only cranberry juice and water, refusing any other liquid. However, at some point the parents noticed L.’s desire to try the red liquid. It turned out to be possible to give other types of red juice, and thus slightly expand the diet.

In some cases, an autistic child recognizes the presence of an unwanted product, even in a very disguised form, and refuses to eat. When a child's diet is extremely limited and such selectivity can be harmful to his health, it is important to decide which foods you really need to try to add to his diet. For example, if a child does not eat dairy products and fruits, but drinks fruit juice, then first of all, it is advisable to add something dairy to his diet, and temporarily not focus on the rest.
First, the child is rewarded with a favorite treat every time he eats just a little bit of new food, even just licking a spoon. One girl who loved very much potato chips, taught to drink kefir as follows. When she saw the chips, she opened her mouth and at that moment they managed to give her a spoonful of kefir and, almost at the same time, a piece of chips.

Although during the first attempts she initially screamed and tried to spit out the kefir, but after a few spoons she began to swallow. Gradually it became possible to give chips after 2-3 spoons, and then do without them.
Interestingly, the same girl, despite the offered chips, flatly refused to eat cottage cheese. The protest in this case was expressed more strongly; at the sight of a spoon with cottage cheese, she instantly clenched her teeth, and even the deprivation of the promised chips did not affect her determination. It is most often impossible to force a child to eat in such a situation. Therefore, having taught a child, as in the above example, to eat kefir and yogurt, you don’t have to insist on one more additional dairy product.
The child’s preferred food should be given to him at the table, clearly indicating meal times, limiting its availability at other times. The habit of biting can take hold and develop into a serious problem later in life, when many children become overweight.

Sometimes a child's successful attempt to try something new may be preceded by repeated encounters with this product in play activities. When an adult draws or plays with a child, he begins to fantasize about “what we will treat grandma to, what we will buy for our brother, what berries we will grow in the garden,” trying to infect him with the experience of his feelings: “oh, what a sweet and juicy strawberry.” Thus, we make other food more attractive in an imaginary way.

Developing and starting to explore more actively the world, the child gradually begins to try new foods. The problem of selectivity in food is extremely difficult and requires a lot of patience from parents, but over time the child’s diet can be expanded.
Children whose problem of food selectivity is not so acute should begin to be taught table manners. To do this, you first need to properly organize the place. A chair that is comfortable in height should be selected. Only a plate of food and a spoon or fork are placed in front of the child, and all foreign objects, as well as common dishes with food attractive to the child, are removed. It is important to ensure the correct position of the spoon in your hand when giving your child necessary help, preferably from behind. IN left hand(if the child is right-handed) you can insert a piece of bread, which is good for helping to scoop food into the spoon.

If your child jumps up from the table with a piece of food in his hand, calmly but firmly sit him down, or make sure he leaves the food on the table before leaving. Don't forget to praise him when he sits correctly at the table, this can cost him a lot of effort, which should be rewarded.

Boy I., 5 years old, when he went to kindergarten, did not eat there on his own. After about a month or a month and a half, they very gradually taught him (the teacher and the nanny) to eat on his own: first they fed him, then they held his hand with their hand and fed him like that, then they held him under the elbow, then they just put a finger under his elbow, then they stood next to him and, finally, complete independence.

Such a gradual weakening of assistance requires a lot of patience from parents and teachers. They are faced with the task, on the one hand, not to rush to complicate the task, and on the other hand, not to get stuck at an already mastered stage.
Often a child experiences difficulties while eating due to his increased disgust. Even a drop of soup on the cheek or on clothing can become a source of discomfort. This problem can be mitigated by teaching your child how to use a napkin.
The ability to eat carefully and sit at the table with other people facilitates the further socialization of an autistic child and his participation in the life of his family and peers.


Personal hygiene skills: brushing teeth.

Often an autistic child strongly protests against attempts to brush his teeth and refuses to take toothbrush into the mouth due to its hypersensitivity to touch, food selectivity, and reluctance to stand in one place.

Therefore, parents of autistic children often hesitate to start teaching them to brush their teeth, not wanting to provoke additional conflict.
At the same time, many autistic children's teeth begin to deteriorate quickly, and since going to the dentist is often an even more difficult problem, it is better to teach the child to brush their teeth as early as possible.
It is very important to make this procedure as attractive as possible for the child - buy children's toothpaste and a small, comfortable toothbrush, which you can give him to wash and touch. It would be good if your child could watch you brush your teeth and enjoy it.
Some children may immediately like the toothpaste, which will make brushing their teeth more attractive, while others may find it easier to start using an empty brush and add toothpaste to it as they get used to it.

It is better for the child to hold the brush from the very beginning, and the adult's hand to be on top of his hand. However, there may be individual solutions depending on what kind of help he tolerates more easily.
The touch of the brush should be very light at first. It is very important not to make the child negativistic about this situation. As you get used to it, you can begin to increase the duration of the process, brush your teeth more thoroughly and let go of your hand.
Many children do not know how to rinse their mouths and spit out water. Some people find it helpful if an adult, at the same time as the child, takes water into their mouth and defiantly spits it out. Sometimes it is necessary to tilt the child's head down and touch the chin. It often takes a long time before he learns to spit out water, and you need to be prepared that a lot of paste will be swallowed before that.

Therefore, it is better to squeeze just a little paste onto the brush.
As with teaching other skills, it is necessary to think through a clear sequence of actions and stick to it until the child learns the activity. Below we offer a version of such a scheme.

1. Turn on the water
2. Open the pasta
3. Take a toothbrush and wet it
4. Squeeze out the paste and place the tube on the edge of the sink
5. Brush your teeth on the left
6. Brush your teeth on the right
7. Brush your teeth from the front
8. Put down the brush
9. Take a glass of water and rinse your mouth
10. Put the glass in place
11. Wash the brush and place it in a glass
12. Close toothpaste and put it back in place
13. Wash
14. Close the tap
15. Wipe your face and hands
16. Hang the towel back

I would like to note that it is necessary with early age teach an autistic child to take care of his appearance, be neat and clean. In this case, it will be easier for him later to adapt to society, to find an acceptable social niche for himself, despite the remaining behavioral difficulties.”


Big" toilet training - how to solve this problem in autism?

Many children in preschool and adolescence have difficulty defecating in the toilet. Such a sensitive topic often becomes a serious problem for the child himself and those around him.
Some parents try to use various means to solve this problem on their own, and may not turn to specialists. The child may develop phobias and fears of the toilet, or develop particularly undesirable behaviors such as smearing feces, playing with feces, etc. Those around the child - peers, educators and teachers - cannot build social and pleasant relationships with the child if he wears his pants too big, and this problem often becomes a serious obstacle to the child’s socialization and inclusion.

As with any behavioral problem, it should not be treated as a symptom of autism or mental retardation, but as problematic behavior. Hence, the first steps in solving this problem will be data collection and analysis.

Initially, data should be recorded for at least two weeks on a daily basis. You should write down:
1. The date and exact time of all bowel movements (as well as the time of all meals).
2. The place where the child defecated
3. What the child was wearing.
4. Stool consistency.

After the data has been collected, an analysis should be carried out to determine why this problem occurs:

  1. 1. Medical reasons
  2. 2. Lack of skill (or lack of generalization of the already taught skill of urinating in the toilet)
  3. 3. Non-cooperation
  4. 4. The presence of rituals and stereotypes associated with defecation.

In children who have problems with defecation in the toilet associated with medical reasons , atypical signs are usually present - too frequent and loose stool, or vice versa, too rare and hard. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician, and if there really is a problem, the pediatrician will give a referral to the appropriate specialist. In this case, you should consistently follow the recommendations provided by a specialist in this field.

If a child “walks around in his pants” because he lacks the ability to defecate in the toilet, from the data analysis it will be noticeable that there are no specific characteristics or stereotypies associated with this process. In this case, a correction procedure based on proactive and reactive methods should be applied.

First of all, you should make sure that the child knows how to sit on the toilet for a long time. If the child does not sit on the toilet, or sits very tensely, for only a few seconds - in this case there is no way that the child will be able to defecate in the toilet. In this case, you should organize training for sitting on the toilet as a separate exercise. Physical cues and rewards or tokens can be used for learning.

In addition to learning to sit on the toilet, you should create a schedule for visiting the toilet. Based on the initial data, you should choose a time that is closest to the time when the child usually defecates. You should take the child to the toilet at this time and help him sit on the toilet for 5 minutes. If nothing happens, the child can leave the toilet, but after that you will take the child to the toilet every 10 minutes.

If your child manages to make a big pee in the toilet, you need to give him the most desirable and motivational prize.

If the child still manages to soil his pants, it is recommended to use a reactive procedure - either “Over-correction” (for example, clean and wash his clothes) or “Reaction cost” (deprivation of any privileges, for example, a ban on watching cartoons for evenings).

Sometimes motivational reinforcement alone is sufficient, but since bowel movements do not occur as frequently as urination, additional reactive procedures are sometimes required to move the learning process forward.

If incidents occur because the child refuses to cooperate- this will become noticeable when the child begins to squeeze and actively hold the “chair” when you ask to go to the toilet. Such behavior usually characterizes the child not only in relation to the toilet, but also in other areas of daily demands too.
In such cases effective means often turns out to be used medical supplies, How glycerin suppositories or enemas. But it is advisable to resort to them
as auxiliary methods, while the behavioral correction procedure will be the main one. In this case, the reward for successful defecation in the toilet should be very significant. Sometimes a technique that can be used is to prevent access to all significant incentives for two weeks before introducing the program. This will increase the motivational value of the reward, and condition the receipt of this reward on defecation in the toilet.

When avoiding bowel movements in the toilet is associated with routines and stereotypes(for example, a child defecates only at home, and only in a diaper, and only standing behind the sofa) - this routine is very difficult to stop or interrupt. In this case more effective method willgradual and slow formation of a new routine, which will be close to the behavior of defecation in the toilet. When forming this routine, encouragement is required for each new approximate form of reaction. It is important to take your time and not move too quickly, otherwise this may lead to constipation and further difficulties.
Provided that the child always defecates in the diaper, standing behind the sofa, you can arrange the following stages:

  1. 1. Help the child stand in front of the sofa, and if he manages to go “big” into the diaper, but in front of the sofa, he receives encouragement.
  2. 2. Help the child stand in the corridor in front of the toilet, and if he manages to go “big” in the diaper, but in the corridor in front of the toilet, he receives encouragement.
  3. 3. Help the child stand in the toilet, and if he manages to go “big” into the diaper, but in the toilet, he receives encouragement.
  4. 4. Help the child to go “big” in the diaper while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, and if he manages to go “big” in the diaper, but sitting on the toilet in the toilet, he receives encouragement.
  5. 5. Help the child go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet with the diaper lowered to his knees, and if he manages to go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but with the diaper lowered to his knees, he receives encouragement.
  6. 6. Help the child go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, holding the diaper in his hands, and if he manages to go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but holding the diaper in his hands, he receives encouragement.
  7. 7. Help the child go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, without a diaper, and if he manages to go “big” while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but without a diaper, he receives encouragement.

It should be remembered that the stages and steps for teaching a child to defecate in the toilet should bebased on his individual abilities and needs. For some children, a more gradual process will be necessary, or a different way to stop using the diaper (for example, not lowering the diaper, but leaving the diaper on the child, but cutting a hole in it in advance, and gradually enlarging the hole until the diaper is no longer needed).

To successfully carry out the “big” toilet training procedure, you need:

1. Consolidation of “small” toilet training skills- i.e. The child should already be able to urinate in the toilet.

2. Recording data on a permanent basis. Do not stop taking notes until the child has fully mastered this skill.

3. Consistent application of training procedures- at least 3 weeks of consistent use of the procedure are required to evaluate its effectiveness. Children who have been wearing their pants “big” for years cannot wean themselves off this within two or three days.

Consequently, the process of learning and consolidating an alternative skill, i.e. defecation in the toilet may occur for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to apply the procedure consistently and keep records so that the dynamics of the process can be tracked.



This “Memo” is not only a kind of monologue of a child defending his rights, but also an open invitation to adults for dialogue and mutual understanding.

Let's listen to the advice of our children!

“Rather than listen to a sermon, I’d better look
And it is better to guide me than to show me the way.
The eyes are smarter than the ears - they will understand everything without difficulty.
Words are sometimes confusing, but example never is.
The best preacher is the one who has lived his faith.
Good to see in action - this is the best of schools.
And if you tell me everything, I will learn a lesson.
But the movement of hands is clearer to me than a stream of rapid words.
It must be possible to believe clever words,
But I’d rather see what you do yourself.
What if I misunderstand your wonderful advice,
But I will understand how you live: in truth or not.”

Eternal childhood wisdom

  1. Don't spoil me, you're spoiling me. I know very well that you don't have to give me everything I ask for. I'm just testing you.
  2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to determine my place.
  3. Don't let mine bad habits attract an inordinate amount of your attention to me. This will only inspire me to continue them.
  4. Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I will take it out on you by becoming a “crybaby” and a “whiner.”
  5. Don't do for me and for me what I can do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant.
  6. Don't ask me to immediately explain why I did this or that. Sometimes I myself don’t know why I act this way and not otherwise.
  7. Don't test my integrity too much. When intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  8. Don't be inconsistent. This confuses me and makes me try harder to have the last word in all cases.
  9. Don't nag me or nag me. If you do this, I will be forced to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.
  10. Don't try to lecture me. You will be surprised to discover how well I know what is good and what is bad.
  11. Do not forget that I cannot develop successfully without understanding and approval, but praise, when it is honestly deserved, is sometimes forgotten. And it seems like never a scolding.
  12. Don't rely on force in your relationship with me. This will teach me that only strength needs to be taken into account. I will respond more readily to your initiatives.
  13. Treat me the same way you treat your friends. Then I will become your friend. Remember that I learn by imitating examples rather than by being criticized.
  14. It is important for me to know from you what is right and what is wrong. But most of all, it is important for me to see in your actions confirmation of whether you yourself understand what is right and what is wrong.

Parent corners in kindergartens must be available in every group. Their main purpose is to notify moms and dads about what the children are doing in kindergarten. At such stands it is very convenient to place various announcements, birthday greetings, etc.

Currently, you can purchase ready-made kits for posting information for the parent’s corner, or you can make it yourself. In the latter case, the main thing is to come up with an interesting and unusual plot, which then needs to be implemented. Our goal is to optimally reflect all the most important information for parents and create an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort in the group locker room.

Decorating a parent's corner in a preschool educational institution with your own hands

In kindergarten, designing a parent's corner is the task of teachers and methodologists. In our article we will describe how to design the “Train” parent corner.

First, you need to prepare everything you need: ceiling tiles, thick cardboard, the narrowest ceiling plinth for edging, colored self-adhesive paper, glue, a stationery knife, plastic pockets for placing A4 sheets of information in them.

The ceiling tiles will be cut to shape, glued to cardboard for strength, and covered with adhesive paper. A ceiling plinth is attached to the edges. It can also be used to frame posted images. Plastic pockets are attached with a stapler or glue.

Secondly, on a pre-shaped ceiling tile we prepare a locomotive with the image of a cat driver. Instead of a picture of a cat, you can place a photo of the teacher.

Thirdly, we are making “cars” to place information about the class schedule and the group menu for each day. We use flowers of different colors in the form of a bunch between the trailers.

Fourthly, we make a trailer for the group photo using cardboard, self-adhesive paper and pockets. You can also make trailers to place other important information. The whole composition can be supplemented with the sun, butterflies, and moving folders. We place the finished train on the wall in the group's locker room.

It is important to have time to update the information on it in a timely manner. In particular, the menu and all important announcements need to be updated. Such a stand is easy and quick to implement and does not require large material costs. It is made in the first days of school and lasts for a whole year or even more.