Full moon ritual for a man's love. Rituals and rituals of love magic during the full moon. Love spell. love spells and conspiracies for everyone

Let's take a closer look at the full moon spell for a man's love read - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

On the night of the full moon you can read the most strong conspiracies and love spells. This is the best time to perform a magical ritual yourself under the full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own on the full moon. The most popular full moon conspiracies can be read for money and wealth– the best ritual for attracting money into your life is done with your own wallet and, of course, only on your own. It is customary to read conspiracies on the full moon. for love– most often they are done out of loneliness or to bring back a loved one, but there are also very strong conspiracies to attract love and marriage which you need to read in order to meet your soul mate. Full moon conspiracy for beauty(witch spell) will make a woman the most attractive and beautiful, giving her a magical charm for men and women. If on a full moon night read health conspiracies then all diseases will go away with the moon, and with the new moon the body will be renewed. And of course so loved by everyone spells to make a wish come true on the full moon allow you to fulfill the most important desires in your life.

full moon spells for money

If, during the full moon, you do a ritual ritual on your wallet yourself and read a strong conspiracy on the full moon for money and wealth, then very soon serious changes will occur in your life and “stray” money will come into your life from the most unexpected sources. Full moon conspiracies for wealth used to be, and even now, successful traders like to read in order to quickly sell their goods with the greatest benefit for themselves. The following conspiracy for money and wealth must be read on every full moon, and then the ritual for attracting money into your life will make you a very rich person.

Before reading a full moon spell for money, prepare a wallet with coins of different denominations. The wallet must contain all existing money at a given time, from 1 kopeck to the largest paper bill! At midnight on the full moon, open your wallet and say the words of the money spell:

The full moon was shining in the sky and bringing money into my life every day.

My wallet saw all the money - it showed it to the full moon.

Now the moon will grow quickly and bring money into my wallet every day.

The moon will grow and grow, but I will always live in wealth.

Close your wallet and go to bed without talking to anyone. It happens that a person does not have large bills, but you only need them while reading the plot, so you can always borrow up to next day from relatives or neighbors and exchange it at the bank for the required bill, and in the morning return the debt (the bills are needed only for the ritual), and all the magical power of the conspiracy to attract money read on the full moon is superimposed on your wallet and if you are running a business, the conspiracy will affect your trade increasing turnover significantly.

full moon spells for love

Full moon spells for love are magical rituals against loneliness and if you are lonely as a “lonely moon”, this means that the full moon in the sky will help you get your soulmate back, or if you don’t have one, you need to read a spell for the love of a man or guy that works to attract love and will help you meet a person - your soul mate and marry your loved one in the shortest possible time. On the night of the full moon, open the window and say the words of the love spell in a low voice:

I read love spells for the full moon

I call upon men's love.

My dear betrothed, come to my home.

Just as a whole cannot exist without a half.

So you can’t sleep or walk under the moon without me.

When the full moon passes in the sky,

So love will enter your heart for me.

Without me you can neither live nor drink,

Look for me every day, and when you find me, quickly call me to marry you.

I close the love spell under the full moon,

I put the key away under the stone.

My word is strong and molded to my beloved.

After closing the window, go to bed and soon the conspiracy will begin to act, exerting its influence on your loved one.

full moon spells to make a wish come true

Conspiracies to fulfill a wish on a full moon are the most effective magical rituals that can fulfill real wishes in a very short time and, as you may have guessed, you need to read them yourself. Looking at the full moon, you need to make a wish and say the words of the conspiracy:

I begin the ritual for the full moon, I read the words of the spell to the moon.

Just as the moon is full in the sky, so my desire will be fulfilled in full.

A star fell in the sky and I made my wish.

full moon spells for beauty

The magic of beauty reveals a lot of conspiracies for beauty, attractiveness and youth that women read to attract the attention of men, and the most effective ones should be read on the night of the full moon. Full moon spells made for beauty were read by witches, which is why this ritual is called a witch spell for rejuvenation and beauty. Having taken off all your amulets and jewelry, let your hair down and in your nightgown, on the night of the full moon, go to the window and say the words of the beauty spell:

Be me like the clear moon

Among my pav friends there is only one like this.

My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,

How people bow to the Mother Church,

So now people will love and respect me,

Love spell - the most effective options

Love magic is the most popular, since it is difficult to meet a girl who would not want to live happily with a worthy man. There are many different rituals that help attract a soul mate, improve relationships in a couple, regain former passion and cope with various problems.

Spell to attract love

Since ancient times, girls have used magic to cope with various problems in their personal lives. To ensure that rituals do not cause harm, they must be performed in accordance with all magical rules. When reading a strong love spell, it is important to strictly follow the instructions, since without this it may not only not work, but also cause negative consequences. To get results, it is important to believe in the result and not forget about observing the sacrament.

Spell for husband's love

In many couples, feelings diminish over time, which causes many problems and even separation. In such situations, many women use magical help. The Vanga ritual, which is performed on Sunday night, is popular. Prepare a church candle and a photograph of your chosen one. Stand near an open window with a burning candle. Slowly and clearly say a strong spell for your husband's love nine times, and then drip wax on the photo and hide it under the pillow. Repeat everything for nine Sunday nights. Hide the photo in a secret place.

“The dawn of darkness has risen, and strength has come to me with it. The black melancholy, the fear of death, descended from the swamps of the dead and the rotten wells, and sank to the threshold of the homewrecker. My strong word will go, my strong word, not through doors, not through gates, but along hidden paths, dark holes. You can’t sleep without me, you’ll miss me, remember me, wipe away your tears. If you get up in the morning and go over the threshold, you will find me in our house. You come back and forget her like a bad dream. Strength and love will always be with me! Amen!"

Spell to make a man love you at a distance

There are times when the man you like is at a distance and it is not possible to win his heart in real life. In order for a conspiracy to attract a man’s love to work, there had to be at least one meeting or conversation on the phone, since without this it may not work. Equally important is faith in the implementation of your plan, and if you don’t focus on the goal, then nothing will happen. The presented ritual will help when lovers have to separate for a while in order to avoid temptations and quarrels over trifles.

To read a love plot, you need to prepare a red candle, granulated sugar, salt and a homemade bag made of natural material, on which you need to write the name of your lover. Hold salt in your right hand and sugar in your left. At the same time, pour paths on the table from different sides into the center, repeating the spell three times. At the end the tracks should connect. They need to be mixed and put everything in a bag. Leave it under your pillow and carry it with you all the time during the day. Such a ritual will preserve feelings and speed up the meeting.

Waning Moon spell for love

Since the energy of the waning moon is aimed at destruction, rituals are performed during this period to take a man away from another relationship or to get rid of his mistress. Based on the fact that the purpose of the ritual is negative, it is usually classified as black magic, so it is important to know about possible consequences. Dark love spells can change a person’s character, cause health and mental problems, lead to insomnia, energy exhaustion, and so on. In addition, the bewitched person may experience disgust towards the performer of the ritual.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare a photograph of your lover, an igloo and three red candles from the church. It should be started at midnight. Light candles on the windowsill and stand so as to look at the Moon. Take a photo of your chosen one and, looking at her, then at the Earth’s satellite, say the spell three times. “Just as the night loves the moon and does not begin without it, so you, the servant of God (name of the chosen one), would love only me, (your name), your moon, be with me only, and not go to anyone else.”.

Then put out the candles, cover the photo of your lover with melted wax and draw a castle on the cast, saying the following words: “I lock it and take the key for myself. Amen". The photograph must be hidden in a secret place and taken out only after the wedding. The ritual will begin immediately after the new moon. It is important to never tell anyone about seeking magical help, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided.

New moon spell for a man's love

The new moon period is ideal for single girls who dream of meeting their soulmate. It is best to carry out rituals on women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. New moon spells for love help to reveal your feminine energy, which will attract male representatives. The presented ritual must be performed naked.

Place a container of water in front of the mirror and add rose oil and rose petals. Light a red or red candle nearby. Pink colour and say a conspiracy. Looking in the mirror, wash yourself with water, and also wash the door handle located on the outside with it and sprinkle the threshold. Place a container of water under the bed. If the ritual is performed correctly, then you can count on meeting your loved one within a month.

Love spell on the full moon

The ritual presented below can be called universal, since it will help single people find a soul mate, and strengthen feelings for couples. It can also be used by girls who dream of walking down the aisle. Such a love spell is effective due to the fact that it should be read on a full moon, when all the power of the Earth’s satellite is invested in the ritual, increasing its effect.

For the presented ritual, prepare holy water or at least spring water. Exactly at midnight, take a glass of water and read a love spell on it three times. It is important to put your desire to become happy into every word. When the text is pronounced, you need to drink all the water and soon you will be able to see the result, how your relationship with your lover will improve.

Love spell for the waxing moon

The period of growth of the Moon is considered the most suitable for carrying out love rituals, since feelings will grow along with the Earth’s satellite. Put a piece white bread near the window so that the light of the heavenly body falls on it. Visualize your goal, and then read the spell for mutual love. After this, leave the bread on the windowsill, and in the morning eat it on an empty stomach, preferably before sunrise. The ritual will help you find your love and become more successful.

“In an open field, in a wide field, a lonely maiden stands, holding a lot of bread in her basket. Whoever tastes bread from that maiden, she will forever dry him with love. I, the servant of God (name), will find that bread, eat that bread myself and receive the help of love forever. I will attract men to me from the north, I will attract men from the west, I will attract men from the south and east, I will attract men from everywhere. The young moon will be my assistant, she will be my sister and helpmate. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spell for a gift

If there is a holiday ahead, you can take advantage of this to strengthen your feelings and improve your relationships. To make a love spell, you need to prepare three church candles, two of which place on the same line, and the third above, to make a triangle. Place the purchased gift in the center and cover it with both hands. Close your eyes and mentally imagine your chosen one for whom the gift is intended.

“Merchants are coming from the far side, not carrying goods, not sweet drinks, not shiny stones, not thin fabrics, not stubs, not cinders, but gifts for the king. So I, God’s servant (name), come with a gift, but I will not give it away for free! Not for gold, not for a word, not for a look, not for a greeting - for love I will only give, pass on, and pass myself off as a servant of God (the man’s name), so that neither my gift nor myself will be forgotten, lost or given away , Amen!”

Read the plot slowly and clearly. Then think about candles, starting from the right edge, saying after that the following words: “You won’t have long to wait for a reward for a gift”. It is recommended to tie the candles together with a gold chain and hide them. A charmed gift can be used for its intended purpose. When the ritual begins to take effect, the chain must be worn and the candles must be placed in a visible place.

Pin spell for love

Such a simple and accessible item as a pin is widely used for magical purposes to perform various rituals. The most powerful love spell must be read only on a new pin so that there are no energy traces on it. The presented ritual is used when feelings have cooled down. Take a white bowl and pour a handful of salt into it, granulated sugar and rice. Stir and stick a pin into the resulting mixture, pour holy water over it, saying a spell. After that, pin it to your chosen one’s shirt. It is important that he does not discover it and remove it.

Love spell on water

Water is one of the primary elements, therefore it is believed that it is sacred and has enormous energy. Love spells at home should be pronounced over the purified liquid, for which you need to read a prayer over it, holding a lit candle in your hands. Rituals are performed more often on the waxing Moon, since the feelings of the chosen one will grow along with it.

The presented love plot will help to regain lost feelings and improve relationships in a couple. It must be read on every odd date of the month. To carry out the ceremony, go to church, bow to the icons and read a prayer, and when leaving, buy the largest candle and consecrate it with water. The ritual should be performed after sunset in complete privacy.

Place a lit candle in front of you, and hold any item of your chosen one in your right hand, and a glass of purified water in the other. Repeat the spell three times, and then look at the fire and imagine the image of your chosen one and think about feelings. When the candle goes out by itself, place a piece of white bread on the glass and place the item next to you. In the morning, sprinkle the charmed water on your chosen one’s clothes.

The text of the conspiracy goes like this: “With the purity of Heavenly power I speak to this water and ask, Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, because it is not self-interest that guides me, but love, for I do not know what peace is without the servant of God (name). Accept my request and melt the ice in the heart of the servant of God (name) and with the Light of the Lord revive his heart, and awaken in the servant of God (name) love for me, the servant of God (name).”

Effective spells for the full moon phase that will help attract various benefits

The night of the full moon has long been associated with the mysteries of the transition of lunar energy into our world. Wasting its power, the Moon endows all life on Earth with special magnetism. That is why people try to strictly follow the rules regarding what is not allowed and what can be done during this time. For example, on a full moon you can collect medicinal herbs, perform various rituals to gain beauty, luck, money, wealth, and meet love. And in this article you will find conspiracies that should be read on the full moon in order to attract magic to fulfill your cherished desires.

Every powerful magical spell involves turning to the Moon. However, if you use all its power when you see the full lunar disk in the sky, you can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy several times.

Ritual to attract love

This plot can be read on a full moon by those who have a lover in mind. A spell can also be useful for those who want to tie their loved one to themselves forever, so that his feelings are realized only with you. Having calculated the night of the full moon according to a special calendar, you can begin to implement your plans. To do this, you will need to get some holy water in advance and fill a glass with it. Then, after waiting for the hands to approach 12 on the clock, place the container near the window. You must first select the window sill where the moonlight will shine as long as possible. Place a glass next to it so that the full moon is reflected in the water.

In order for the full moon love spell to be successful, you must then follow these steps. Swipe along the edge of the glass seven times right hand, each time pronouncing the name of the beloved. Looking at the reflection of the lunar disk, say the magic words:

“Clean, transparent water, may the Moon fill you with strength, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved man) may see my beauty.” May he come and remain with me forever, God’s servant (his name). Together we spend our days and our nights. Let it be so! Amen".

Leave the container containing the love spell on the windowsill until the morning. The water in it will be saturated with a strong magical flow, which will help attract love. And in the morning, quietly add the charmed liquid to your loved one’s tea (or other drink or treat).

Charming water to attract your betrothed

There is another powerful ritual, which, when performed on a full moon, can attract your lover to you in order to awaken mutual feelings and passion in him. In this case, the plot is read under the full moon for water, which you will need to drink yourself. The result of the ceremony, as a rule, is a quick marriage.

On the night planned for the ceremony, fill the glass vessel with holy water halfway. Holding it in your hand, whisper the following words of the full moon love spell over the water three times:

“Just as grass dries up without rain, just as a tree burns from the flame of fire, just as a fish does not live outside a reservoir, so may the servant of God (the guy’s name) not be happy away from me. As soon as I drink this water, which I have enchanted, the servant of God (his name) will have longing and strong love for me. Let him see my beauty, let him not admire me enough. Amen".

As soon as you pronounce the text, drink the charmed composition in one gulp. Remember that unlike the previous full moon spell, this water cannot be stored.

Ritual to attract good luck

If the purpose of the ritual is to attract good luck to all areas of your activity, this full moon spell is suitable for you.

Having calculated the phase of the full moon using the lunar calendar, read the following magic words at dawn and then at sunset:

“Just as the morning dawn cannot meet the evening dawn, so my house becomes a full cup. So that wealth and other benefits fill my home, there is always money in it, and luck does not pass me by. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Just keep in mind that when pronouncing the text in the evening, you need to swap some words. Thus, from your lips it should sound: “How can the evening dawn not meet the morning.”

As a rule, such rituals (for good luck, wealth, money, other material goods) performed during the full moon are the most powerful and effective. Full moon conspiracies, if read correctly, begin to “work” almost immediately.

Conspiracy to attract money

If you want to attract wealth and good luck in financial matters into your life, read a special spell for money on the full moon. The ritual should be performed three nights in a row when the full moon appears in the sky.

For the ritual you will need:

On the first night, place an empty wallet on the windowsill so that it receives direct moonlight. Read the money plot over him:

“As the night sky is strewn with stars, so may there be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the servant of God (her name) always has money, so that there is always enough for prosperity. Amen".

Before the second night, put a few coins in your wallet. Next, do everything in the same way as described above. On the third night, you should place a wallet filled with banknotes under the moonlight. Next, you should pronounce the magic words described above. Despite the fact that this money plot is very strong, it can be read on every full moon.

A ritual to become more attractive

This full moon spell helps girls who are not very confident in themselves to attract beauty or preserve the one given by nature. To perform the ceremony, prepare:

On the full moon, at exactly 12 am, stand naked in front of the mirror, placing lit candles on a platter in front of you. Say the magic text:

“I will leave the house, go to an open field, to the golden throne. On that throne I will meet an angel. I will ask him, crossing myself and praying, for unearthly beauty. So that I become brighter than the sun, whiter than snow. Amen".

Having repeated this full moon spell three times, go to bed. Leave candles to burn out on a platter to enhance their natural beauty.

Conspiracies for the full moon: what rituals and how to read

The time when the Queen of the night dials full force(round face) is magical. This is not an exaggeration. During these three days, anyone can discover subtle worlds. It is believed that the boundary between the physical side and the subtle side is almost erased. We are simply not accustomed to feel it. Although there are still people who intuitively understand this. Many women suffer from increased excitability, some are unable to make informed decisions. During the full moon, a huge number of irrational actions are committed. This is the magic of the Queen of the Night!

Full moon spells: the magical power of the full moon

This is a period when everything around is completely open and accessible. This refers to the other side of life. Anyone with minimal preparation can get their hands on the keys to any problem. Nothing can be covered or hidden. During the full moon, our souls and hearts are especially sensitive to outside influence. Would you say that we are becoming defenseless? No, that's not entirely true. Just once a month the whole world becomes powerful and whole. Energetically we penetrate each other and open up, demonstrating true will, kindness, power. Not the superficial one that we invented for ourselves and now call “civilization,” but the real one, given by the Lord from the beginning.

In principle, it is not at all necessary to understand this. It is important to know that the full moon is the best day to have a positive impact on your own and others' lives. Although, black also uses the magic of this moment. Yes, you need to have a “good roof”. That is, to be connected to a more powerful source of dark ones, so that the purity of the full moon does not burn a person to the ground. The Queen of the Night does not particularly honor the dark ones. For her, the desire for harmony is preferable to the destructuring of life.

Which moon to read conspiracies for?

Conspiracies for the full moon must be pronounced clearly, with a good idea of ​​the goal. Beginners are recommended to carry out rituals in the light of the Night Beauty. Here it is important to create a connection (purely mental) with her full face. With practice, you can recreate it in your mind. But first, you need to cultivate this feeling in yourself. That is, learn how to read, first letters, then words. Same with the Moon. The first step: observe and hear the inner response to it. And then this peculiar thing will come. A unique feeling of Her strength being infused into your veins.

Pictures or mental images will not help much here. You need to look at the moon to feel the flow of its life-giving power, its unearthly magical effect. Then everything you desire will literally come true before your eyes. In general, the full moon is a positive period. It is strictly not recommended to practice such black things as casting spells during the full moon. You might burn yourself.

Effective spells for the full moon

Previously, it was believed that prosperity comes to those who managed to “tie their round face into a purse.” This is the meaning of the ritual. On a full moon, place your wallet open on the window. Let the Queen look into it and leave her energy there. At the moment when the round face looks into the wallet for the first time, say:

“Luna is a sister! You bring wonder to everyone, you never let anyone get bored. Give me gold and silver to the eyeballs, so that life turns into a fairy tale! Amen!"

You can also do this. Take a bowl, fill it with spring water (required). Place it so that the Moon is reflected in it. Now throw a “golden” coin with the words:

“The moon is bathing in my lake. I'll get money for this! I don't take payment, but gifts. Luna, how can you thank me? I will accept everything with a bow, but without damage! Amen!"

Let the coin lie in the water until the morning. Then put it in a corner near the front door and throw the water over the threshold.

Here is an ancient ritual for lonely people suffering from the absence of a soulmate. It is carried out only on the day of the full moon (during the warm season). Go to a pond in the evening. Catch the moon trail. Walk along it into the water and, plunging your head into the water, say three times:

“From the light of the moon love was born. She enveloped me in happiness, plunged her into passion, but did not drown. I wash myself and part with loneliness! Amen!"

Looking into the round face, say these words:

“The Moon is a maiden, the Sun’s bride. You don't care to be together! The earth will unite you and make you related! Help me, sister, to unite with my destiny. Take your loved one by the hand and bring him to me, darling! So that we can shine together like you, the bride! Amen!"

So that the magic of the Night Queen attracts only a happy coincidence of circumstances into your life, so that joy does not leave your heart, do not be lazy. Perform this ritual every full moon. You need to take a new scarf (piece of fabric) and a handful of grain. Put it in the moonlight, read it seven times:

“The moon nourishes the grains, gives growth, and pours strength! Just as they have no life without the sun and earth, so there is no grief and misfortune in my destiny! The light of the moon gives good luck and pours happiness! Amen!"

When you finish saying the words, tie the scarf in a knot and place it in a secret place in your home. Most often this bundle was placed under the stove. There the brownie guarded him and did not let his luck leave the house. Now you can stuff it in the kitchen cabinet. When the time comes to change, throw this bundle on fire. And when you feel that luck is leaving your hands, take a couple of grains, chew and eat. Everything will turn out for the better.

Strong spells for the full moon

Most often, love conspiracies are read during this period. The subtle world is happy to help hearts connect and find harmony. Anyone who suffers from unrequited feelings can perform such a ritual. Pour water into a bowl. Place a photo of your favorite person on the bottom, place it so that the moon is reflected there.

Say these words:

“With the Strong Moon I connect you (name) with me! As the royal face enters your image, so you must always be with me! The fireworks of the Moon will excite your feelings, invigorate you, and reward you with love for me! Don’t be afraid and don’t suffer, give me your heart forever! Amen!"

Leave the photo in the water under the moon until the morning.

Just keep in mind that the effect may be unexpected. The ritual not only attracts love, but also cleanses. If your feeling was not serious, then soon there will be no trace of it. And if it arose by the will of the Higher Powers, then it will be reciprocated for you.

Magic is closely related to the forces of nature. A good wizard always focuses on the phase of the moon, the weather, even the mood in the environment, so as not to cause trouble. It is advisable for a novice magician to understand some rules of rituals and principles of interaction with nature in order to achieve success in his work. We will study the full moon ritual. Let's try to figure out how and why it works, what makes it stronger, and what precautions should be taken. Interesting?

How magic is related to the queen of the night

First you need to understand the theoretical aspect of magic. You know, of course, you can do magic based on faith. But in our scientific age, it is better to understand what and how happens when a ritual is performed on the full moon. And this is a time filled with incredible power. If you rely on the esoteric theory that everything around is alive, then you can imagine the breathing of our planet. It is synchronized with the phases of the moon. When the queen of the night wanes, the earth exhales; when it grows, forces flow into the planet. And this process is gaining momentum until the full moon. Then there is a decline again. The ancients understood this well. Still, their knowledge and way of thinking were completely different from ours, “spoiled” by the scientific worldview. The full moon makes rites and rituals especially strong and effective. Compare with surfing. It's like harnessing an ocean wave and riding on its crest at incredible speed. So it is in magic. If you manage to do the full moon ritual correctly, you will find what you want, and maybe much more. The energy wave coming from the center of the universe to the heart of the planet will obey your will and will itself fulfill what it intended. In addition, at this time the ancient connection of the individual with nature is activated. The moon binds everything that exists into a fusion of energies striving for harmony. That’s why they escalate and are eager to take action. Women know this well. Their reaction to full moons is especially pronounced in mood, emotionality, restless sleep and so on.

Magical practice during the full moon: precautions

It is not enough to understand the charms and advantages of this period. Power is a double-edged sword. She fulfills wishes, makes dreams come true. But an incompetent wizard can get hit on the stupid forehead with its impact. Therefore, it is recommended to use the full moon wisely. Conspiracies and rituals at this time should be read with complete, impenetrable confidence in one’s rightness. This means that doubt is not allowed. Beginning wizards are advised not to perform rituals that contain a negative intention. For example, a love spell on the full moon can only be performed by a master. A non-specialist risks ruining his fate forever. It is also important to have a positive attitude. Inspiration and faith in a favorable outcome are the key to future success. But despondency, hysteria, and sorrowful lamentations during magical practice will increase many times over. Life after such a dubious experiment will be worse than hell. Play magic with optimism, joy and fun, playing the wizard. This is the advice of people who understand the laws of magic. Now let's turn to practice, for which, undoubtedly, the reader was looking for this material.

on the full moon

Financial problems are often solved with the help of We will not give up such a positive and effective practice. Purchase a thick candle from the temple in advance. Also prepare anise oil and some dried basil. This herb perfectly counteracts envy and other negativity that blocks cash flows. On the day of the ceremony, buy a pack of coarse salt, leaving the change to the seller. Check with lunar calendar so as not to make the wrong time. on a full moon, it is recommended to start at the minute it occurs. Be alone. The candle should be completely covered with oil, leaving only the wick untouched. Roll it in chopped dried basil leaves. Secure the candle in a glass filled with salt (from a purchased pack). Light it and look at the flame continuously. When the candle begins to melt, emitting a pleasant aroma, begin to read the prayer. "Our Father" will do. But its text is not enough to get results. Pray, and then express your intention (i.e., desire) in your own words. Repeat at least seven times.

The result of money divination

You know, most of the disappointments of wizards come from waiting for mountains of gold the morning after they perform the ritual on the full moon. And this is a direct path to the destruction of the created space of well-being. You need to firmly understand: benefits will come on time. That is, when the ceremony has been performed, this topic should be put aside and forgotten about it. Let the magical energy work, don’t interfere. Then disappointments and failures will be minimized, and life will begin to unfold towards the wizard on a bright, joyful side. Keep in mind, money rituals for the full moon last a long time. You can cast a spell once a year and forget about your need. This is not a temporary influence of magic, but a radical restructuring of the entire energy of the client (or wizard).

How to use the moon to make your cherished wish come true

It is much easier to negotiate with the queen of the night if your intention is broader than receiving a certain amount of money. It is much more effective in development creative projects. If you have a dream, practice full moon rituals to make your wish come true. For example, you need to swim in a natural pond when the night star fills it with its light. The ritual is very ancient. Nowadays it is called the “Moon Path”. Wait until the full moon and go to a lake, river or sea. The larger the body of water, the faster the plan will come true. Put on a long shirt, take off your jewelry, and let your hair down. Men should bewitch in Stand at the beginning of the lunar path with bare feet. Speak your desire loudly and clearly. Go into the depths, trying to adhere to the reflections of the night light on the water. Say these words: “The power of the full moon is within me. I take it for myself. Together we change the space, fulfill my wishes! Amen!". Plunge yourself in. Repeat three times.

Another ritual to make a dream come true

It is clear that you can plunge into the water only in warm weather. What if it’s frosty outside? Why miss the energy of the full moon? Of course not. There are other rituals. For example, check this one. You need to tune in to getting what you want, remove doubts and mistrust from your thoughts. Go out onto the balcony or outside. Stretch your hands towards the night luminary with open palms. Catch the moon's rays (imaginary). So say out loud: “The moon, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the light, stand up for me. Let what I want come true, let the power fall into my hands. Let it be as I ask. How the moon forever sheds light on the earth! Amen!". The ritual works even better if you take a small mirror in your hands. Say the formula and hide it in a paid bag. The wish will soon become a reality.

Full moon cleansing

This magical period is suitable for getting rid of negative thoughts, habits, and energies. Even scientists have already agreed with this statement. And magicians claim that the most powerful rituals during the full moon are cleansing ones. With their help, destinies are corrected, damage is removed, evil eyes and curses are removed. Life becomes completely different, positive and joyful. You need to do this:

  • Collect three buckets of water from natural source on the first day of the full moon.
  • Leave it in the open air so that the liquid is saturated with magic.
  • Light three fires on the lawn at the corners of an equilateral triangle.
  • Stand in the center wearing one white shirt.
  • Drench yourself from all the buckets, pronouncing the spell each time.

If it is not possible to make fires, use candles, placing them in the bathroom in the manner described.

Spell for cleansing

The words of the formula are: “Mother moon, you are full! Cleanse me with silver light. Fill your thoughts, body and destiny with what is sent from Above. Let your light suffocate my soul. Amen!". They are pronounced before water will get in on the head. There is only one important condition. You should not be afraid of this procedure. If you can't stand it cold water, dilute it with a little boiling water. The feeling from such an impromptu shower should be positive, refreshing, and exciting.

Attracting Love on a Full Moon

It is believed that this is women's time. It will be useful for single ladies to perform a full moon ritual for love. This is a way to open roads to personal happiness (not to be confused with a love spell). The ritual is intended for someone to appear who will bestow affection, fidelity, and will be there until the last breath. This person needs to be imagined, presented in every detail. It is advisable to prepare for the moment of divination, and not forgive God knows what. Also buy some soap bubbles. Walk with them into the moonlight. Stand so that nothing blocks you from the queen of the night. Blow bubbles, keeping in mind the image of your future life partner. Launch airy, sparkling balls straight to the moon. Once you have a large, beautiful, stable bubble, imagine that you and your loved one are rushing into the night in it. Repeat seven times, take your time.

Full moon rituals for a man's love

The previous ritual is not recommended to be done on the reciprocity of the person you know in life. There are special rituals for this purpose. For example, take a photo of your chosen one. Prepare your image as well. In the photo, you and your chosen one should be in a good mood. Buy a red woolen thread, new. On the night of the full moon, concentrate on the image of a man. Imagine how your feelings fill him with incredible joy and inspiration. Place the photos facing each other. Sew along the perimeter with thread using a prepared needle. While you are making stitches, say a special spell. When finished, do not break the thread or remove it from the needle. You should pierce the resulting structure in the center, in this simple way to fasten the images even more firmly. Read the formula again and hide the photo away.

Spell for a man's love on a full moon

The words should be pronounced as follows: “In the middle of the stormy ocean there is a large stone, a whale fish guards it, and does not allow people to come ashore. That stone rests on the moon. It holds her in the sky and gives everyone hope. I ask you to let the whale fish land on a rock that rises like a mountain. I climb onto it and turn to the moon. Let the beauty shine through the window of the Lord's servant (name), let him not let him sleep, let my image settle in his heart, reward him with love, endow him with fidelity and passion. I sew up the moonlight, I rest it with a mountain. No one will take out the needle, love will never leave us. Amen!". You need to learn the formula. Reading and sewing at the same time is very difficult. This will divert some of the energy in an unnecessary direction, and the ritual may not work. Do not show the stitched photos to anyone. Is it dangerous.

Rite of wealth

Fortune telling on finances is not always carried out with the goal of attracting a certain amount to life. Rather, on the contrary, it is better to form the intention not to experience difficulties with material values, without limiting magical powers to a certain framework. If you conjure to obtain, for example, the amount necessary to pay for a trip to a resort, then you are depriving yourself. What if you are also entitled to a new car, a house, a dacha and, in addition, a bag of diamonds? It is better to perform full moon rituals without specifying the amount. They are also called rituals for wealth. When preparing, create a stable image in your head of how you want to ideally live. Dream about prosperity, wealth, complete absence restrictions. Save the picture in your imagination. Prepare a church candle. Take it thicker. The ritual can be performed monthly with the same candle. You will also need a handkerchief made of green fabric (without a pattern). If you don’t find one on sale, make one yourself from a piece of fabric. On the night of the full moon, light a candle. Read “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice.” Take out of your imagination the pre-prepared image of a comfortable existence. Admire it in your mind. Fold the scarf diagonally and tie it with a strong knot. Imagine that your image is forever attached to the life line in this way. So say: “With a green knot, a bright mind, lunar fullness, wealth is always with me. What is supposed to happen will work out, I will no longer suffer from poverty. Amen!". Keep the bundle in a secret place. When the full moon comes again, repeat the ritual with the same scarf and candle. Good luck and wealth!

In magical practices, the full moon is considered to be the period when the Moon is at its peak, its capabilities and powers are concentrated to the maximum. The energy that emanates during this lunar phase can be directed to the implementation of rites, conspiracies and rituals that are directed in many directions. In ancient times, the full moon was called Big Lake Day. Full moon conspiracies for love and luck in personal relationships are so powerful precisely because a lot of special silver energy, pure feminine energy, is invested in them.

Full Moon Love Rituals

Our ancestors, who were much closer to magic and mysticism, noticed that on the days of the full moon the magician has much more power in his hands. On such days, energy flows are so strong that you can attract a lot of good things to yourself in one day. So, in particular, on the days of the Big Lake they cast spells:

  • for wealth;
  • for the birth of a child;
  • to attract love, etc.

Since ancient times, people at this time turned to natural forces, realizing and feeling that higher power They themselves bestow power in order to be used.

Healing herbs that were collected during the full moon in the night sky had the most powerful healing properties. The power of this phase of the Moon can only be compared with the power of the new moon, but there is a big difference in the purposes for which rituals and conspiracies are aimed. The time allotted for the implementation of the plan may also differ. Full moon conspiracies for love, that is, those carried out between the 14th and 17th day of the lunar month, come into force almost immediately after a person has performed magical actions.

How to do rituals correctly

In magical practices significant role plays a role in how a ritual action or sequence of actions is performed. Every mistake made by a person leads to its consequences. And the stronger the ritual or spell, the more severe the consequences of the mistake both for the practitioner himself and for those around him. Therefore, it is extremely important to know all the intricacies of the rituals. Let's take a closer look at the key points in conducting rituals and ceremonies during the full moon.

If a person wants to take advantage of the opportunities and strengths that this gives magical time, he should prepare for the sacred hour:

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that the Moon will share its power with the person who cares about his health.
  2. For this reason, magicians recommend refraining from consuming any alcohol and absorbing nicotine.
  3. It is important to keep a strict fast for at least three days from the moment when it is necessary to read conspiracies for a man’s love.

Any magic performed by a person requires connection to special channels that serve as a conductor of power from the world of subtle matters and flows to our material world. Any connection to channels requires energy. Conspiracies and rituals performed on the full moon also require connection to the channels of the moon. In order for the energy reserve to be sufficient to fulfill this connection and fulfill a person’s desire, magicians recommend refraining from the following things:

  • intimacy;
  • gambling;
  • active recreation and sports.

The duration of refusal from the above actions is three days before the ritual. Become closer to nature and the Powers of All Things these days, spend more time in the peace and quiet of the garden and fields. Don't quarrel with people, give kindness and alms.

Rules for preparing for rituals

In addition, you need to prepare before reading the plot during the full moon. This stage requires a fairly simple action. The person performing the ritual must show concentration and focus all his thoughts and emotions on the result that he wants to obtain and visualize it as clearly as possible against the backdrop of the bright light of the moon. This will allow higher powers to better understand what a person is striving for. If someone reads full moon spells for the sake of love, he must imagine a picture in which he is with the person he wants to attract to himself, “cut out” this image and fix it on the surface of a beautiful full moon.

And one more important recommendation that many people who practice magic pay attention to. Those rituals that are performed during the full moon are not recommended to be performed during other lunar phases. If some conspiracies can be read at other times, then this requires large reservations and clarifications. Therefore, in order to minimize the likelihood of making mistakes and obtaining the wrong result, the texts of the spells must be known by heart, and all instructions for performing the ritual must be known as clearly as possible. This will allow you not to confuse the Moon and fulfill the desire for which the ritual is being performed.

Water spell

Unrequited love has always tormented the hearts of people of all age and property categories. People have always tried to find a way to overcome this barrier to simple happiness. And in many cases, it was magic that was the saving straw for those who were drowning in the river of loneliness and emotions accumulated in the soul.

The proposed plot helps to get rid of one-sided love. The difficulty of performing the ritual lies in the fact that only water from a spring or well is spoken. That is, don’t try to perform such a ritual with water collected from a pipeline, there will be no effect, and there is a risk of ineffectiveness.

How to perform the ritual

  1. When the full moon appears in the sky, a glass of water is placed on the windowsill.
  2. You cannot say nasty things at this time, or carry the anger of past grievances in your soul.
  3. Don't try to speed up the process, it won't have any effect.
  4. It is extremely important to place it so that the meadows illuminate it, and the water, which is a powerful energy conductor, absorbs moonlight filled with magical energy.

When the time approaches midnight, take a glass charged with the moon, bring it to your lips and whisper the following text three times:

“The moon is clear, white and beautiful, it shines on dark forests, it shines on blue seas, it shines on wild animals and kind people. I followed the lunar path and found my sweetheart. Let him also follow the lunar path, and let the moon lead him to me. You, Luna, look into his eyes and turn his heart towards me. So that he would notice me alone and greet me alone. May our love be like the moon, red and full!”

As soon as water is spoken, a person must say words of gratitude to the moon three times, and then drink the water in one gulp. Immediately after the ritual is completed, go to bed, while maintaining silence. As you know, magic does not like publicity, and outside influence in the form of envy or skepticism can ruin all the efforts made to obtain a result. When performing the ritual, it is also very important to leave the windows open so that the moonlight, filled with the magic of the full moon, fills the space of the room.

Ritual of turning to the moon

There are conspiracies for acquiring love a large number of. Some of them require specific attributes and massive preparation. But there are also conspiracies and rituals for which all this is not a direct necessity. The proposed conspiracy is striking in its simplicity and effectiveness. It is aimed at attracting into the life of the girl who performed the ritual a guy who will be worthy and will help her overcome loneliness.

  1. In the evening before reading the plot, wash yourself well, remove any cosmetics and creams from your face, remove all jewelry, comb your hair and leave it loose.
  2. The girl should wear a long shirt or a long white dress.
  3. Feet must be bare.
  4. It is necessary to open the window and stand near it so that the light of the Moon falls on the face of the person performing the ritual of turning to the Moon.

Having taken the correct position, you need to recite the text of the conspiracy nine times:

“The Lunar Moon walked across the blue sky, carrying love and goodness, distributing it to everyone and not forgetting me. I've had three mountains of love - I can't grasp it with my eyes, I can't wrap my hand around it, I can't love it enough with my heart! When the moon rises and is full again, I will be happy and healthy!”

Any conspiracies performed on the full moon, including the proposed one, must be completed with words of gratitude to the moon or bows.

Is it possible to bring back loved ones with the help of conspiracies?

Magic helps not only to attract, but also to return love to a person’s life. In the magical heritage of our ancestors there are rites and rituals for the return of lost love, carried out on the full moon. Such a ritual is not suitable for attracting married man into your life, but it will help speed up the meeting of your husband if he is destined for you by fate, but you broke up.

To implement the proposed ritual, which will help bring back your loved one, only two photographs are required, without unnecessary people in the photographs. The first should depict the person whose return is the purpose of the ritual, the second should depict the person performing the ritual. Recommendations for photography are as follows:

  1. High clarity of the image used.
  2. It is advisable that people in the photo be depicted in full height.
  3. In addition to photographs, you will need two small mirrors and a red ribbon.

How to perform the ritual

  1. First of all, you need to fix each of the photographs on the mirrors.
  2. The photographs are placed with the reverse side facing the mirror surface.
  3. Place the photos facing each other and tie them with a pre-prepared ribbon.
  4. Leave them like this under the rays of the full moon all night.
  5. In the morning, put the photo in a place inaccessible to prying hands and eyes, where the mirrors with the photos will lie until the full moon appears in the sky again.
  6. During the next full moon, share the photos and make your request to the Moon.
  7. Under the influence of lunar magic, the connection between a man and a woman becomes much stronger, so the return will happen quite naturally and without consequences, which love spells cannot guarantee.

It is also important to take into account that in some cases the effectiveness of the ritual is directly dependent on what sign the Moon is in; without this condition it will be extremely difficult to achieve effectiveness. Those conspiracies that are aimed at attracting love relationship or returning the extinguished interest of a loved one, will be most effective in cases where the Moon is in two zodiac constellations, namely:

  1. Taurus, ruled by Venus.
  2. Cancer, which is ruled directly by the mistress of the night sky.

Therefore, if a person decides to achieve one hundred percent results by performing the proposed rituals, it is worth paying attention to this fact.

A few words in conclusion

The desire to be loved or loved is quite natural, because no one can live their whole life alone. But often everything turns out in such a way that you have to fight for true love, about which songs are written and legends are made. Love spells, conspiracies, rituals and rituals - all this is the tool that higher powers have given us in our hands so that in difficult times people can make their dreams come true. The main thing is to know all the subtleties of each magical action and sincerely believe that our happiness is in our hands. Making a secret wish and enlisting the help of the energy of the Great Lake means gaining knowledge without flaw.

Strong full moon spells for a man’s love, 5 spells

Accept as a gift absolutely free 5 powerful spells for a man’s love, performed on the days of the full moon.

You won't have to perform any cumbersome occult rituals.

You don't even need church candles.

All those love spells that are offered for development must necessarily be replete with your own energy.

I have already spoken about this several times.

My dears, love can even “move mountains,” not to mention the energy supply of magic words.

If your love for a man is truly strong, just retire to a room, sit at the table and follow all the steps listed below.

Wait patiently for the calendar full moon.

Write all 5 strong conspiracies on a piece of white paper.

Sit comfortably on an armchair or chair.

Mentally imagine your beloved man and those images of happiness that wander in your head all the time.

Send him your love vibrations, but only without a shadow of falsehood.

Don’t try to send a love spell that forces him to live by your rules.

We have already talked about love spells, and they are present in abundance on our website.

In this case, let everything go according to fate.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper short full moon spells for a man’s love.

1). Just as my love is strong and heartfelt, so let the feeling (say the man’s name) for me be eternal. Amen.

2). Just as the apple never falls far from the tree, let the man I love make me happy forever. Amen.

3). Just as honey and sugar are sweet, so may the little man love me. Amen.

4). Just as there are no barriers in love, let the man be happy with me. Amen.

5). Let the man I love not reject me, and let him not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

Read these 5 conspiracies on the days of the full moon, breathing into them your sincere feeling.

If your beloved man was sent by fate, he will certainly reciprocate your feelings.

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During the full moon cycle.

You read the first plot 13 times in a row, then the second spell exactly the same number of times.

Get to the fifth.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Wu has repeatedly stated that I am not a psychic or a healer.

For this reason, I cannot truthfully answer the question posed.

It is quite possible that the number 13 is associated with the “devil’s dozen”.

We are talking about occult rituals, not Orthodox prayers.

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  • Ekaterina - Spell on a mirror for love and beauty, 3 spells
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Full moon spells for love, beauty and fulfillment of desires

Love is the most beautiful and amazing feeling a person is capable of. What to do if your loved one still hasn’t appeared in your life? You can sit and wait until everything comes on its own, or you can try to speed things up - a little help happiness find you. Since ancient times, people have been able to perform various rites, rituals and love spells. And the rituals performed on the full moon have always been considered the most powerful.

What is a full moon?

The full moon is the phase of the moon when its illuminated disk is completely visible from the Earth. Astronomers can calculate the onset of this moment down to minutes; in everyday life, the time of the full moon is a period of several days when the Moon does not differ from the full one. It is believed that at this time the Moon sheds all its energy on the Earth and transmits a special magical power to all living things.

For this reason, conspiracies performed during the full moon have the greatest magical power. At this time, both positive and negative energy resources are activated, therefore There are some rules about what you can and cannot do on a full moon:

  • It is not advisable to attempt promotion.
  • It's better to postpone visits to government agencies on matters that are significant to you.
  • Litigation and it is better to postpone the filing of lawsuits to another time.
  • If you perform any ritual, the goals must be meaningful and specific. Small problems cannot be solved using the energy of the Moon., in this case you are wasting it on trifles.

But on the full moon many positive opportunities open up:

  • Hostile actions of enemies can be prevented, nullify the machinations of your ill-wishers.
  • This is a great time to improve your health, acquiring beauty, replenishing vital energy resources.
  • You can easily attract success and wealth into your life.
  • And finally, the full moon is the most best time to excite love passion.

There are certain rites, rituals and love spells that need to be performed on the full moon.. We will present some of them. Do not forget that at this time the evil principle (followers of black magic, stealers of other people’s energy) is as active as the good one, Therefore, before starting the rituals, it is better to take some protective actions.

For example, For protection, a pin pinned to the inside of your clothing will do.. It is very important to sincerely believe in what you are doing, to concentrate your thoughts on positive result, think only about the good, and then everything will definitely work out.

Rite of love

This ritual is performed to attract a betrothed person into your life. It can be carried out by those who already have a lover in mind. To perform the ritual, you will need a glass of holy water or, if you don’t have it, simple spring water. At midnight, go to the window so that the moon illuminates the water and, holding a glass in your hand, read the prayer over it three times:

“Just as grass dries without water, a tree burns from fire, just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) should not live without me. As soon as I quench my thirst with the enchanted water, burning melancholy, strong sadness, and eternal love will come to him. So that he looked at me, could not stop admiring him, listened to me, could not stop listening. Amen!"

After this, you need to drink all the water at once, do not leave it for storage. The conspiracy will begin to take effect immediately, but will reach its greatest strength after 2 weeks - during this time, try to catch the eye of the object of your attention as often as possible.

It is interesting that in ancient times, love spells were not the prerogative of only women; men also performed such rituals. For example, there is a known way to attract the girl you like. Every time a man sees her, he should whisper the following prayer:

“The Lord God created woman for man. I love this woman, I am attracted to her, I attract her. God's servant (name) will be mine. Amen."

If you don’t have a person in mind with whom you would like to connect your life, you can perform a ritual to attract love. To do this, go outside on a full moon and walk under the moonlight. You need to walk completely alone, mentally preparing yourself for positive changes in your destiny.

Imagine that you already have a loved one next to you, try to feel this happiness and peace in reality. Then step over the line - any stripe lying in front of you (it could be the shadow of a tree, a path, etc.) and say:

“Moonlight, let love into my soul!”

Soon you will definitely meet the person you love, and it will be mutual.

This plot is suitable both for those who want to attract the attention of their lover, and for those who have already established a relationship and who want to tie their loved one to themselves forever. To perform the ceremony you will need a glass of holy water.

On a full moon, go to the windowsill and place a glass of water on it. The window must be chosen in which the moonlight will fall as much as possible. for a long time. The moon should be reflected in the water. At midnight, move your right hand along the edge of the glass seven times, each time saying the name of your lover, then, looking at the reflection of the Moon in the water, say the words of prayer:

“Clean, transparent water, may the Moon fill you with strength, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved man) may see my beauty.” May he come and remain with me forever, God’s servant (his name). Together we spend our days and our nights. Let it be so! Amen."

After this, go to bed and leave a glass of water on the windowsill. In the morning, water will need to be discreetly added to any drink for your loved one.. The result will not be long in coming.

Other conspiracies

For beauty

To complete this plot, you need to buy 13 candles. At midnight, on the full moon, you need to light all the candles, next to them put the cream that you will use. Then say the following words:

“Power of the moon, give me beauty - face and body in this darkness. Let youth remain on your face, and let beauty flow from the cream. As soon as I smear it on my face, the wrinkles will immediately go away. As soon as the cream is completely gone, the freshness of a young face will come. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After fulfilling the spell, put out all the candles and throw them away. This spell can be repeated every full moon.

To fulfill a wish

To perform this ritual you will need a blank sheet of paper and three church candles.. At 12 o'clock, under the full moon, place candles on the windowsill and light them.

First, write down your cherished desire on a piece of paper (remember that you should not waste lunar energy over trifles). Then stand in front of the burning candles and imagine that your wish has already come true, imagine your feelings at the same time - you need to recreate as complete a picture as possible in your imagination.

Light a sheet of paper from a medium candle after the sheet has burned completely you need to collect the ashes and throw them out the window with the words “So be it!” Your wish will definitely come true, perhaps not immediately - it all depends on the size and complexity of the goal you set.

Full moon spells. Spells read on the full moon on a full moon

On the night of the full moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells. This is the best time to perform a magical ritual yourself under the full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own on the full moon. The most popular full moon conspiracies can be read for money and wealth– the best ritual for attracting money into your life is done with your own wallet and, of course, only on your own. It is customary to read conspiracies on the full moon. for love– most often they are done out of loneliness or to bring back a loved one, but there are also very strong conspiracies to attract love and marriage which you need to read in order to meet your soul mate. Full moon conspiracy for beauty(witch spell) will make a woman the most attractive and beautiful, giving her a magical charm for men and women. If on a full moon night read health conspiracies then all diseases will go away with the moon, and with the new moon the body will be renewed. And of course so loved by everyone spells to make a wish come true on the full moon allow you to fulfill the most important desires in your life.

full moon spells for money

If, during the full moon, you do a ritual ritual on your wallet yourself and read a strong conspiracy on the full moon for money and wealth, then very soon serious changes will occur in your life and “stray” money will come into your life from the most unexpected sources. Full moon conspiracies for wealth used to be, and even now, successful traders like to read in order to quickly sell their goods with the greatest benefit for themselves. The following conspiracy for money and wealth must be read on every full moon, and then the ritual for attracting money into your life will make you a very rich person.

Before reading a full moon spell for money, prepare a wallet with coins of different denominations. The wallet must contain all existing money at a given time, from 1 kopeck to the largest paper bill! At midnight on the full moon, open your wallet and say the words of the money spell:

The full moon was shining in the sky and bringing money into my life every day.

My wallet saw all the money - it showed it to the full moon.

Now the moon will grow quickly and bring money into my wallet every day.

The moon will grow and grow, but I will always live in wealth.

Close your wallet and go to bed without talking to anyone. It happens that a person does not have large bills, but you only need them while reading the plot, so you can always borrow from your relatives or neighbors until the next day and exchange them at the bank for the required bill, and repay the debt in the morning (the bills are only needed for the ritual) , and all the magical power of the conspiracy to attract money read on the full moon is superimposed on your wallet and if you are running a business, the conspiracy will affect your trade by significantly increasing your turnover.

full moon spells for love

Full moon spells for love are magical rituals against loneliness and if you are lonely like the “lonely moon”, this means that the full moon in the sky will help you get your soulmate back, or if you don’t have one, you need to read a spell for a man’s love that works to attract love and will help you meet a person - your soul mate and marry your loved one in the mildest term. On the night of the full moon, open the window and say the words of the love spell in a low voice:

I read love spells for the full moon

I call upon men's love.

My dear betrothed, come to my home.

Just as a whole cannot exist without a half.

So you can’t sleep or walk under the moon without me.

When the full moon passes in the sky,

So love will enter your heart for me.

Without me you can neither live nor drink,

Look for me every day, and when you find me, quickly call me to marry you.

I close the love spell under the full moon,

I put the key away under the stone.

My word is strong and molded to my beloved.

After closing the window, go to bed and soon the conspiracy will begin to act, exerting its influence on your loved one.

full moon spells to make a wish come true

Conspiracies to fulfill a wish on a full moon are the most effective magical rituals that can fulfill real wishes in a very short time and, as you may have guessed, you need to read them yourself. Looking at the full moon, you need to make a wish and say the words of the conspiracy:

I begin the ritual for the full moon, I read the words of the spell to the moon.

Just as the moon is full in the sky, so my desire will be fulfilled in full.

A star fell in the sky and I made my wish.

full moon spells for beauty

The magic of beauty reveals a lot of conspiracies for beauty, attractiveness and youth that women read to attract the attention of men, and the most effective ones should be read on the night of the full moon. Full moon spells made for beauty were read by witches, which is why this ritual is called a witch spell for rejuvenation and beauty. Having taken off all your amulets and jewelry, let your hair down and in your nightgown, on the night of the full moon, go to the window and say the words of the beauty spell:

Be me like the clear moon

Among my pav friends there is only one like this.

My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,

How people bow to the Mother Church,

So now people will love and respect me,

Greet you with a smile and see you off with your eyes.

My word is first, my deed is strong.

What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,

What I didn’t think about in my thoughts.

My plot will bring everything to fruition.

Proven and instant conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are a very popular topic. A love spell for everyone, in order to remove this gap, opened a separate topic of answers and the most common questions, answering them and telling the most powerful conspiracies on the waning moon that you need to read yourself - these are time-tested and people-tested rites and rituals with

The love spell should be read at home at a distance from the person being bewitched, looking at the waxing moon and in the photo. For home reading, you will also need a church candle and holy water - this white magic without imposing your will on a person. Also, this love spell is suitable for those who do not know how to return the lost love of their husband or are looking for a spell

The most powerful church love spell that is done independently in the church using two church candles and a photo of the one who needs to bewitch is called black wedding and how to do it, read on. A love spell using 2 church candles twisted together for greater power can be performed in three different churches by reading the love spell yourself in any

A love spell has been cast on how to remove it from yourself and your loved ones - a man's husband, a woman's wife or a loved one. We have already told you how to determine whether a love spell exists and whether you can remove it yourself at home, but this topic is so great that we returned to it again and today we will tell everyone in detail about love spells. effective ways how to remove induced

Vanga’s powerful spells and prayers for money and good luck have enormous power, and Vanga is happy to allow everyone to read them on their own for free. The Bulgarian clairvoyant left people quite a lot of prayers and conspiracies for all occasions, but the most popular among them are conspiracies and prayers for money from Vanga herself, there are some that you need

If you don’t have money, Vanga advised the most The best way how to attract money to yourself - you just need to read prayers for money and good luck in work that help in life so that money is always found and not transferred. Very strong conspiracies and prayers for money from Vanga are addressed to Saints Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker and a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for

Prayer to Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg for marriage and a happy marriage, as well as all family and household needs, has helped many, and will help you get married quickly and successfully, the main thing is faith! To this Christian and most strong prayer Many believing women rely on Xenia for marriage, praying to the saint for help in getting married. People believe that Saint Blessed Xenia

A strong destiny-changing prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage really helped change their destiny for the better for many girls who, in a very short time, were able to successfully marry for love and in their personal lives become a beloved and happy woman - a legal wife. For those who do not know how to quickly marry a loved one or have not yet met their future husband

A strong Orthodox prayer to “Matronushka” Matrona of Moscow about love, marriage and personal life has helped many and will help you find love. On the Internet you can read many reviews of those girls who Matronushka really helped to marry a loved one, for some the wedding went quickly, for others they got married within a year, but Matrona’s help in their marriage was

A love spell on cards can be done at any phase of the moon and at any time of the day. This powerful love spell ritual is suitable for any man, both married and single; you can also cast a love spell on a man you like but does not pay attention to you. What are the only ways to make a love spell on cards that women and girls do not use on their own to bewitch a man?

A love spell cast on the hair of someone who needs to be bewitched is very powerful, because when it is carried out, the flesh of the person being bewitched is used. A love spell with hair cannot be removed and its effect takes place at any distance from the object of this strong love spell made with the help of hair. The love spell ritual is considered a very powerful magical rite that leads

Full moon spells. Conspiracies read on the full moon during the full moon REVIEWS WHO DID:

How to make a love spell?

How to remove a love spell? The site will tell you -


Complete collection and description: full moon prayer for love for the spiritual life of a believer.

Magicians constantly take into account the lunar phases in their difficult work. This is due to the use of the potential of the planet’s satellite, which is extremely large. Conspiracies during the new moon generate certain events, and during the waning phase - others. Special time is the filling of the night beauty. It is rightfully considered the strongest. But we will look at the strongest conspiracies on the new moon. These formulas are compiled in such a way that a person takes advantage of the tendency of increasing energy of the planet - the breath of the earth - to his benefit.

How does the new moon work in magic?

We cannot do without theory. Without understanding what is happening and how, the wizard will definitely make serious mistakes. And we need results! New moon conspiracies are long-lasting weapons. That is, the result can come within a few hours. But the magic itself will not go away. It will intensify along with the energy of the earth. There is such a beautiful theory that says that the planet is alive. She, like a person, inhales air, and is also cyclically filled with life-giving forces from the Universe. This interaction gives rise to powerful energy flows. They have been used by magicians since ancient times. They understood that when the moon waxes, the earth is replenished with the forces of the Universe and, conversely, when it wanes, the evil leaves the planet and it relaxes. If you manage to catch and ride this gigantic wave by human standards, you will become the “ruler of the world”; no one will be able to oppose the embodiment of your intentions. Rituals and conspiracies on the new moon are aimed at a positive impact, attracting love and wealth into life, and revealing abilities. They are built on the flows of the purest energy of the Universe. Therefore, it is advisable to understand what a wizard should not do during this period.

Restrictive measures

You know, in order to achieve unrealistic results, a wizard needs to be in unison with the energy environment. This is the basic magical rule. On pure waves coming from the center of the Universe, it is undesirable to do evil. Experienced witches, of course, do such things. Only retribution, if you want to repeat their path, will not please you. It is better to use the opportunities provided by nature itself, taking into account the “safety rules”. And they are simple. New moon spells must contain a positive intention. This means a ban on:

  • evil directed at another person;
  • revenge;
  • the desire to enslave or simply force someone to do something that he does not want.

You need to put into your intention the light of happiness that everyone strives for. normal person. For example, new moon spells for love are rituals to attract reciprocity that satisfies both partners, and not just one of them. The love spell also works at this time, but due to the energy of the witch, which pays with health, wealth, and fate. Let's put an end to the theory, practice is more interesting!

Spell for money on the new moon

It is unknown who invented this magnificent tradition. Ever since coins, the equivalent of material wealth, were invented, people have associated roundels with the face of the moon. As the beauty of the night grows, they believed, so wealth will increase if you know the special words. It is recommended to do this. Stay alone, close the doors. Look out the open window and fill your aura with lunar power. (Imagine that a wave from the center of the Universe passes through you.) Say the following words: “I conjure the Lord to the servant (name) for big money, for not empty profits, for good and wealth, to swim in gold forever. Amen!" The formula is read loudly, clearly, confidently. The last one is especially important. Do not allow even a shadow of suspicion in your head about the lack of magic in the moon. The following enriching plot is read for a coin. The newly born month needs to show its “earthly reflection” and say the following words. They are as follows: “The moon is filling in the sky, profit is coming to me. The coin is in my wallet - it guards my income. As the moon waxes, gold itself will come to the house. Amen!" The charmed coin must be kept in your wallet until the next new moon.

Prayer for wealth

The wizard is recommended to use those magical tools that inspire confidence. This means that some are suitable for conspiracies, others are suitable for prayers, and for others, folk rituals born of the traditions of their ancestors are suitable. It is better for a believer not to practice witchcraft. This person subconsciously considers such an action a sin. With such internal conflict, where will wealth come from? It is better for these people to pray and ask the Lord for support. Turning to the saints cleanses the soul and helps eliminate negative energy that interferes with living normally and getting what you should. And this is how you should do it. Buy candles and an icon of your angel in the temple. At dawn on the day of the new moon, perform a small ritual. Get up before the light. Light a candle in front of the icon. So say: “My angel! With your bright wings, clear the path of the sinful Lord's servant (name). Help me overcome all obstacles, get rid of devilish passions, live righteously and pleasing to God. Pray for me (name) before the Throne of the Lord, so that I may be given what I deserve in the earthly world. Amen!" Remember, conspiracies and prayers for the new moon need to be filled with life-affirming, positive feelings. Then everything will definitely work out!

New moon spells for a man's love

Rituals during this period contribute to the purification of the young man. A veil seems to be lifted from his eyes, preventing him from seeing all the beauty of a woman. A new moon spell is not a love spell, but a liberating rite. He pushes aside the negativity that does not allow a man to manifest himself in a relationship. This leads to the fact that “your” guy falls in love, while the “stranger” remains unaffected by the magic. You can read the plot in a photo or food, water, or the person himself. We will present several formulas. Invite your loved one to dinner on the new moon. Set the table next to the window. Light the candles. It is advisable for the light of the month to shine on the food. Before treating a loved one, whisper these words to any dish: “Food is in the blood, love is in the heart!” The conspiracy is not personal. Caution must be exercised. Do not treat another guy with a charmed dish, only your loved one.

Ritual with photography on the new moon

Images have also been used in magic for a long time. This tradition probably originated from a caveman who believed that a picture of prey on the wall of his home would help in hunting. If you can't invite a guy home for dinner, perform a ritual with his photo. It is advisable to use a recent image. On the night of the new moon, light a candle, put a photo, red threads and rose petal oil in front of you. The ritual is carried out as follows:

  • Looking at the image of a man, dream of reciprocity, rejecting doubts and worries.
  • Soak in fragrant oil forefinger(left hand).
  • Draw crosses on the photo: on the forehead, around the heart and genitals.
  • Read the formula three times at the same time.
  • Wrap the photo crosswise with red thread, tying the ends with seven knots.
  • Seal them with wax.

Conspiracy text

“On a clear, sometimes beautiful night, roses are fragrant, calling the body to passion. I give my beloved happiness both on a sunny day and in bad weather. Let his heart burn, let his dream beckon to me into his arms. As the moon grows in the night sky, the beloved loses peace. He’s confused with his thoughts, he’s worried about his blood, he’s drawn to me, he’ll stay by my side forever. Amen".

Attracting good luck on the new moon

You can cast a spell not only to attract something specific, material. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, they practice spells for good luck on the new moon. This ritual expands a person’s capabilities and allows him to choose the intuitively correct direction of movement. It is recommended to carry it out with grain. For example, rice or wheat will do. Only a handful of grains is needed. With them, go to the window on the new moon. Show the palm with grains to the month. Say this once: “Under the moonlit sky, the ears of corn are pouring. Birds feed on their abundance. Fly winged ones ahead of me, lead happiness and luck by the hand. Amen!" Leave the grains on the windowsill until dawn. And early in the morning feed them to the birds. And don’t forget to thank the month for its help. Good luck!

Spells for love on the full moon

The full moon is the time of the moon's greatest strength, the point of concentration and the limit of its capabilities. The energy of the full moon can be used for various conspiracies: for love, for money, for conception, and so on. During this period, people have long turned to the forces of nature, realizing that the moon itself shares with them the most valuable energy.

So, medicinal herbs, collected during the period when there is a full moon in the sky, are considered the most healing. Only the new moon can be compared in power to the full moon, however, new moon conspiracies usually differ in purpose and task, as well as in the period of time allotted to obtain the result. Spells and conspiracies to attract a loved one, cast between the 14th and 17th lunar days, begin to take effect almost immediately.

Correct execution

In order to take full advantage of the benefits that the moon at its peak gives to a person, it is necessary to prepare well for this magical and mysterious time. Firstly, the moon is ready to give its strength only to those who lead healthy image life: if you are going to read a love spell on the full moon, as well as on the new moon, you should stop drinking alcohol (even the lightest wines) and smoking at least three days before the cherished hour.

To save own energy(in order for it to be enough to connect to the moon channel), it is also necessary to leave intimacy, gambling and too active sports for about the same period of time.

Immediately before reading a love spell on a full moon, you need to focus on what you want and imagine the result against the backdrop of a bright and light lunar disk. If the goal of your lunar practice is love, then you can draw a picture in your head, imagining yourself and your loved one together and, mentally “cutting out” the image, “glue” it to the beautiful moon. Rituals performed on the full moon are repeated during other periods of the moon (for example, on the new moon, or on the waning moon), as a rule, if possible, then with significant reservations. Therefore, carefully read the conditions for performing the ritual, and learn the texts of the spells by heart, so as not to confuse the moon.

Charmed water

This plot is recommended for those who suffer from unrequited love. His only difficulty is getting a glass of water - well or spring. When the full moon appears in the sky, the glass is placed on the windowsill so that it absorbs the magical moonlight. After some time, closer to midnight, the glass is taken into left hand, bring it to your mouth and whisper three times in a row:

“The moon is clear, white and beautiful, it shines on dark forests, it shines on blue seas, it shines on wild animals and kind people. I followed the lunar path and found my sweetheart. Let him also follow the lunar path, and let the moon lead him to me. You, Luna, look into his eyes and turn his heart towards me. So that he would notice me alone and greet me alone. May our love be like the moon, red and full!”

After reading, they thank the moon three times and drink the water in one gulp. After this, you need to immediately go to bed without speaking to anyone. The windows cannot be curtained; it is necessary to allow the light of the moon to penetrate into the room.

Appeal to the Moon

Among the spells for love on the full moon, there is one more, simpler one. It helps to attract a worthy person into your life and cope with loneliness. The evening before it is pronounced, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, cleanse your face of cosmetics and creams, loosen and comb your hair, put on a long white shirt or dress, remove all jewelry and stand barefoot by an open window so that the moon illuminates your face.

If you can't see the moon from your window, you can climb to the roof of your house to choose the right direction. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced nine times, addressing the night luminary directly:

“The Lunar Moon walked across the blue sky, carrying love and goodness, distributing it to everyone and not forgetting me. I've had three mountains of love - I can't grasp it with my eyes, I can't wrap my hand around it, I can't love it enough with my heart! When the moon rises and is full again, I will be happy and healthy!”

It is customary to end any love spells on the full moon with words of gratitude or bows. You can repeat your favorite spells every full moon.

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December 17, 2017 30th lunar day – New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Strong full moon spells for a man’s love, 5 spells

Accept as a gift absolutely free 5 powerful spells for a man’s love, performed on the days of the full moon.

You won't have to perform any cumbersome occult rituals.

You don't even need church candles.

All those love spells that are offered for development must necessarily be replete with your own energy.

I have already spoken about this several times.

My dears, love can even “move mountains,” not to mention the energy supply of magic words.

If your love for a man is truly strong, just retire to a room, sit at the table and follow all the steps listed below.

Wait patiently for the calendar full moon.

Write all 5 strong conspiracies on a piece of white paper.

Sit comfortably on an armchair or chair.

Mentally imagine your beloved man and those images of happiness that wander in your head all the time.

Send him your love vibrations, but only without a shadow of falsehood.

Don’t try to send a love spell that forces him to live by your rules.

We have already talked about love spells, and they are present in abundance on our website.

In this case, let everything go according to fate.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper short full moon spells for a man’s love.

1). Just as my love is strong and heartfelt, so let the feeling (say the man’s name) for me be eternal. Amen.

2). Just as the apple never falls far from the tree, let the man I love make me happy forever. Amen.

3). Just as honey and sugar are sweet, so may the little man love me. Amen.

4). Just as there are no barriers in love, let the man be happy with me. Amen.

5). Let the man I love not reject me, and let him not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

Read these 5 conspiracies on the days of the full moon, breathing into them your sincere feeling.

If your beloved man was sent by fate, he will certainly reciprocate your feelings.

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Number of reviews: 6

During the full moon cycle.

You read the first plot 13 times in a row, then the second spell exactly the same number of times.

Get to the fifth.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Wu has repeatedly stated that I am not a psychic or a healer.

For this reason, I cannot truthfully answer the question posed.

It is quite possible that the number 13 is associated with the “devil’s dozen”.

We are talking about occult rituals, not Orthodox prayers.

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Full moon spells. Spells read on the full moon on a full moon

On the night of the full moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells. This is the best time to perform a magical ritual yourself under the full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own on the full moon. The most popular full moon conspiracies can be read for money and wealth– the best ritual for attracting money into your life is done with your own wallet and, of course, only on your own. It is customary to read conspiracies on the full moon. for love– most often they are done out of loneliness or to bring back a loved one, but there are also very strong conspiracies to attract love and marriage which you need to read in order to meet your soul mate. Full moon conspiracy for beauty(witch spell) will make a woman the most attractive and beautiful, giving her a magical charm for men and women. If on a full moon night read health conspiracies then all diseases will go away with the moon, and with the new moon the body will be renewed. And of course so loved by everyone spells to make a wish come true on the full moon allow you to fulfill the most important desires in your life.

full moon spells for money

If, during the full moon, you do a ritual ritual on your wallet yourself and read a strong conspiracy on the full moon for money and wealth, then very soon serious changes will occur in your life and “stray” money will come into your life from the most unexpected sources. Full moon conspiracies for wealth used to be, and even now, successful traders like to read in order to quickly sell their goods with the greatest benefit for themselves. The following conspiracy for money and wealth must be read on every full moon, and then the ritual for attracting money into your life will make you a very rich person.

Before reading a full moon spell for money, prepare a wallet with coins of different denominations. The wallet must contain all existing money at a given time, from 1 kopeck to the largest paper bill! At midnight on the full moon, open your wallet and say the words of the money spell:

The full moon was shining in the sky and bringing money into my life every day.

My wallet saw all the money - it showed it to the full moon.

Now the moon will grow quickly and bring money into my wallet every day.

The moon will grow and grow, but I will always live in wealth.

Close your wallet and go to bed without talking to anyone. It happens that a person does not have large bills, but you only need them while reading the plot, so you can always borrow from your relatives or neighbors until the next day and exchange them at the bank for the required bill, and repay the debt in the morning (the bills are only needed for the ritual) , and all the magical power of the conspiracy to attract money read on the full moon is superimposed on your wallet and if you are running a business, the conspiracy will affect your trade by significantly increasing your turnover.

full moon spells for love

Full moon spells for love are magical rituals against loneliness and if you are lonely like the “lonely moon”, this means that the full moon in the sky will help you get your soulmate back, or if you don’t have one, you need to read a spell for a man’s love that works to attract love and will help you meet a person - your soul mate and marry your loved one in the mildest term. On the night of the full moon, open the window and say the words of the love spell in a low voice:

I read love spells for the full moon

I call upon men's love.

My dear betrothed, come to my home.

Just as a whole cannot exist without a half.

So you can’t sleep or walk under the moon without me.

When the full moon passes in the sky,

So love will enter your heart for me.

Without me you can neither live nor drink,

Look for me every day, and when you find me, quickly call me to marry you.

I close the love spell under the full moon,

I put the key away under the stone.

My word is strong and molded to my beloved.

After closing the window, go to bed and soon the conspiracy will begin to act, exerting its influence on your loved one.

full moon spells to make a wish come true

Conspiracies to fulfill a wish on a full moon are the most effective magical rituals that can fulfill real wishes in a very short time and, as you may have guessed, you need to read them yourself. Looking at the full moon, you need to make a wish and say the words of the conspiracy:

I begin the ritual for the full moon, I read the words of the spell to the moon.

Just as the moon is full in the sky, so my desire will be fulfilled in full.

A star fell in the sky and I made my wish.

full moon spells for beauty

The magic of beauty reveals a lot of conspiracies for beauty, attractiveness and youth that women read to attract the attention of men, and the most effective ones should be read on the night of the full moon. Full moon spells made for beauty were read by witches, which is why this ritual is called a witch spell for rejuvenation and beauty. Having taken off all your amulets and jewelry, let your hair down and in your nightgown, on the night of the full moon, go to the window and say the words of the beauty spell:

Be me like the clear moon

Among my pav friends there is only one like this.

My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,

How people bow to the Mother Church,

So now people will love and respect me,

Greet you with a smile and see you off with your eyes.

My word is first, my deed is strong.

What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,

What I didn’t think about in my thoughts.

My plot will bring everything to fruition.

Proven and instant conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are a very popular topic. A love spell for everyone, in order to remove this gap, opened a separate topic of answers and the most common questions, answering them and telling the most powerful conspiracies on the waning moon that you need to read yourself - these are time-tested and people-tested rites and rituals with

The love spell should be read at home at a distance from the person being bewitched, looking at the waxing moon and in the photo. For home reading, you will also need a church candle and holy water - this is white magic without imposing your will on a person. Also, this love spell is suitable for those who do not know how to return the lost love of their husband or are looking for a spell

The most powerful church love spell that is done independently in a church using two church candles and a photo of the one who needs to bewitch is called a black wedding, and how to do it, read on. A love spell using 2 church candles twisted together for greater power can be performed in three different churches by reading the love spell yourself in any

A love spell has been cast on how to remove it from yourself and your loved ones - a man's husband, a woman's wife or a loved one. We have already told you how to determine whether a love spell exists and whether you can remove it yourself at home, but this topic is so great that we returned to it again and today we will tell everyone in detail the most effective ways to remove the spell.

Vanga’s powerful spells and prayers for money and good luck have enormous power, and Vanga is happy to allow everyone to read them on their own for free. The Bulgarian clairvoyant left people quite a lot of prayers and conspiracies for all occasions, but the most popular among them are conspiracies and prayers for money from Vanga herself, there are some that you need

If you don’t have money, Vanga advised the best way to attract money to yourself - you just need to read prayers for money and good luck in work, which help in life so that money is always found and not transferred. Very strong conspiracies and prayers for money from Vanga are addressed to Saints Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker and a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for

Prayer to Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg for marriage and a happy marriage, as well as all family and household needs, has helped many, and will help you get married quickly and successfully, the main thing is faith! Many believing women rely on this Christian and most powerful prayer of Xenia for marriage, praying to the saint for help in getting married. People believe that Saint Blessed Xenia

A strong destiny-changing prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage really helped change their destiny for the better for many girls who, in a very short time, were able to successfully marry for love and in their personal lives become a beloved and happy woman - a legal wife. For those who do not know how to quickly marry a loved one or have not yet met their future husband

A strong Orthodox prayer to “Matronushka” Matrona of Moscow about love, marriage and personal life has helped many and will help you find love. On the Internet you can read many reviews of those girls who Matronushka really helped to marry a loved one, for some the wedding went quickly, for others they got married within a year, but Matrona’s help in their marriage was

A love spell on cards can be done at any phase of the moon and at any time of the day. This powerful love spell ritual is suitable for any man, both married and single; you can also cast a love spell on a man you like but does not pay attention to you. What are the only ways to make a love spell on cards that women and girls do not use on their own to bewitch a man?

A love spell cast on the hair of someone who needs to be bewitched is very powerful, because when it is carried out, the flesh of the person being bewitched is used. A love spell with hair cannot be removed and its effect takes place at any distance from the object of this strong love spell made with the help of hair. The love spell ritual is considered a very powerful magical rite that leads

Full moon spells. Conspiracies read on the full moon during the full moon REVIEWS WHO DID:

How to make a love spell?

How to remove a love spell? The site will tell you -