Reg vessels what. Rheoencephalography: what it is and why it is performed. Positive and negative aspects of REG

Brain pathology spares neither adults nor children. Timely diagnosed disease, as well as competent treatment will avoid serious complications, preserve the patient’s quality of life and even life itself.

Diagnosis using REG of cerebral vessels or rheoentselography is one of the most informative, time-tested methods. Thanks to it, the possibility of timely provision of assistance to the patient increases and the likelihood of developing complications of the underlying disease decreases.

The study of the condition of blood vessels in other parts of the body has another name:

  • rheohepatography – diagnoses the condition of the liver;
  • rheovasography – vessels of the extremities;
  • rheocardiography – works with the condition of the heart;
  • rheopulmonography – characterizes the condition of the lungs.

There are other types of rheography. To study the blood supply to the brain when performing rheoencephalography, special equipment is used (a device called a rheograph). Usually it is an attachment to other multi-channel equipment: ECG devices, polygraph. Its “heart” is a high-frequency generator. The rheograph allows you to record a rheogram (graphic display of the obtained data). Interaction with the studied areas of the body occurs through metal electrodes - they are placed on a bare, previously defatted alcohol solution area of ​​skin. Improved contact is achieved by using a pad moistened with saline solution. To study the blood flow of a single area, two electrodes are used: the first is placed at the beginning of the area, the second at the end.

The REG procedure is similar to an EEG: electrodes are also attached to the patient’s head, which read data on blood flow to the brain

REG as a research method

Rheoencephalography as a method for studying blood supply brain structures, is a safe, non-invasive way to obtain information about the elasticity and tone of the vascular wall of the vessels supplying the brain. REG of the brain also allows you to determine the blood supply to individual structures of the brain. If a vascular lesion is present, its location and size are determined.

Using rheoencephalography, you can obtain meaningful data if the patient has vascular diseases, this method is very informative in relation to cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke, vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Studying the state of the vascular network using REG makes it possible to establish the real reason encephalopathies (headaches).

The information content of the REG can be increased by performing functional tests. The most common tests are nitroglycerin and nicotine. They allow you to assess the form of brain damage:

  • functional;
  • organic.

If, after taking nitroglycerin, the amplitude of the REG wave is insufficiently increased, this indicates “organism”. To assess the condition of the vertebral arteries, functional tests are used that involve changing the position of the head.

In addition to performing medical tests, the patient may be asked to change the position of the head to check the vertebral arteries

REG of vessels and ultrasound complement each other perfectly. Depending on the situation, preference is given to one or the other of them. Diagnosis using REG allows you to assess the condition of both large vessels and small ones. But in many cases, REG is only an additional method of examination. For example, this method of studying the state of the brain is often used in conjunction with EEG. Moreover, the EEG remains the main diagnostic method. What is EEG and why is REG only a “method in the wings”?

REG and EEG – two sides of the same coin

In some cases, EEG is preferred to identify brain pathology - for example, in epilepsy. Or they use this method of study as the main one, supplementing it with studies that make it possible to study the condition of the blood vessels. EEG can detect more pathologies than rheoencephalography. An EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. The activity of neurons is recorded using electrodes attached to the patient's head.

Reasons for conducting an EEG include spontaneous loss of consciousness, headaches that cannot be relieved with medications, sleep problems, vestibulopathies and excessive fatigue, suspected delay mental development children and epilepsy. This study also allows you to monitor the therapy being carried out. The question of which diagnostic procedure is better is not entirely correct to ask.

Diagnostic methods are chosen based on the suspicion of a particular pathological process. Often, diagnostic methods complement each other and their combined use allows you to quickly and accurately determine the cause of suffering.

How the research is carried out

The research procedure is not very complicated, but for the success and objectivity of the research, several rules must be followed. First, the patient must be calm. He needs to take a sitting position or lie down, close his eyes and try to relax not only physically, but also mentally. Calm must be maintained throughout the entire rheoencephalography procedure. Before the procedure, you should spend 15-30 minutes in a calm state, and if the patient smokes tobacco, you should refrain from smoking at least 2 hours before the procedure. Any drugs that can affect vascular tone should also not be taken before a rheoencephalography study.

The research process itself is simple to the point of banality. Areas of the scalp are degreased with alcohol, then electrodes are attached to them. During the examination, the diagnostician may ask the patient to make head movements or change body position.

To ensure that the test result does not turn out to be distorted, the patient needs to be in a calm mood and relax

Indications and contraindications

The range of diseases for which rheoencephalography can be prescribed is quite wide. REG of cerebral vessels is prescribed:

  • for injuries (bruises, concussions, traumatic brain injuries);
  • encephalopathies;
  • ischemia;
  • vestibulopathies;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • migraines and migraine-like conditions;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • if diabetic microangiopathy is suspected;
  • with hearing impairment;
  • VSD, NDC;
  • hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • cognitive disorders;
  • and a number of other pathological vascular changes.

The procedure can be prescribed as a preventive measure when a person reaches old age, in order to notice the onset of pathology in time, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases with age. REG is a non-traumatic procedure and is one of the safest forms of diagnostics.

Studying the blood supply to the head using REG is a simple procedure, but deciphering its results requires special education and skills. Therefore, make a diagnosis and correlate changes in the rheogram with possible pathologies vascular system Only a specialist can. In the process of analyzing the data obtained, the diagnostician studies deviations in the amplitude of the waves from the norm, the reaction of the REG wave to functional tests, and makes a conclusion about the normality or pathology of the vessels supplying the brain with blood. REG waves have several types. Common types are:

  • hypertensive type– characterized by persistent hypertonicity of the vascular wall of the vessels delivering blood to the brain, and a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the brain structures;
  • dystonic type– disturbance of vascular tone, which is characterized by regular changes - for example, hypertonicity may predominate, combined with low pulse pressure, venous stagnation may be observed;
  • angiodystonic close to the previous version, the characteristic difference is the presence of a defect in the vascular wall, which leads to a decrease in elasticity and disruption of the blood supply to individual brain structures.

The type of rheoencephalogram is not a diagnosis. The curve graph shows only the changes that the blood flow undergoes. And how it differs from the norm. Based on the decoding of these changes and data from others diagnostic procedures the doctor can determine the cause of the suffering and make a diagnosis.

The result of the study shows deviations from the norm of blood supply to the brain, that is pathological conditions vessels

Where can I get tested?

Where can I get an REG? You can do the examination in many private clinics that specialize in vascular pathology or diseases of the brain structures. State medical institutions also equipped with rheographs. Medicine today has an ambiguous attitude towards this diagnostic method of examination: some specialists are full of skepticism, others consider REG to be perhaps the only way to find out the cause of a person’s suffering in certain diseases.

Constant headaches not only worsen a person’s mood, but also reduce their performance. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom many accept different medications However, this does not always bring the patient a feeling of relief.

To make a correct diagnosis and find out the cause of headaches, a study such as rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels is used. What is an REG examination, what may be the indications for its implementation and what pathologies can be identified with its help?

Rheoencephalography is one of the methods for assessing blood circulation in the brain. With the help of such a study it is possible to identify various pathologies brain and assess the state of the circulatory system. Many specialists resort to this research method, since it is highly informative and makes it possible to obtain accurate results, and its cost is low.

Carrying out REG makes it possible to obtain data on the condition of the blood vessels of the brain and diagnose abnormalities in the circulatory system at an early stage. This is considered quite important factor, because at the initial stage it is possible to prevent the development of many dangerous pathologies and consequences.Thanks to REG of cerebral vessels, it is possible to determine the viscosity of the blood, the speed of blood flow, the time of flow and propagation of the pulse wave. This procedure is carried out using a recording device such as a rheograph.

Rheoencephalography is prescribed to patients both for certain indications and for preventive purposes.

The fact is that in many elderly people the elasticity of blood vessels significantly decreases, and the consequence of this is the development of many concomitant pathologies.

Experts identify the following indications for prescribing a study such as REG:

  • patient complaints of temporary and permanent dizziness, as well as when positioned vertically
  • injuries of varying complexity to the cervical region and head
  • the appearance of problems with hearing, vision and memory
  • recurrent headaches or noise in the hearing organs
  • family history
  • diagnosis of damage to the vascular system of the brain
  • assessment of the functional capabilities of collateral circulation
  • control cerebral circulation after the operation
  • patient's dependence on weather conditions
  • cerebral atherosclerosis
  • migraines of various origins and complexity
  • vascular crises
  • the appearance of attacks of osteochondrosis or epilepsy

In addition to the listed indications, REG of cerebral vessels is used to determine the speed of the trigger wave and blood flow, as well as its viscosity.

Despite the fact that REG is considered a fairly simple study, it can help identify an extensive list of diseases:

  1. hematomas and various formations after injuries
  2. pathologies of cerebral circulation in acute form
  3. disorders of the vegetative-vascular system
  4. cerebral vessels
  5. migraines of varying severity
  6. pre-stroke conditions and strokes

If a specialist has doubts about making the correct diagnosis, then REG provides him with great help in this. Thanks to such a study, it is possible not only to identify a pre-stroke condition, but also to select effective treatment. To clarify the results obtained during REG, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as Doppler ultrasound, may be prescribed.

Rheoencephalography is considered a non-invasive research method, during which the skin is not exposed to any impact from various surgical instruments.

Research methodology

When an REG is prescribed, patients often begin to worry and completely in vain. This method is considered completely painless, since there is no effect on the skin. REG does not cause any harm to the human body, so it can be performed even on infants.

The REG study is performed using a 2-6 channel device - a rheograph. In fact, the more channels the device has, the larger the survey area will be covered. The REC procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The patient is asked to sit on a soft couch.
  2. Metal plates – electrodes – are placed on a person’s head, which are pre-treated with a special gel in order to avoid irritation of the skin.
  3. Using a rubber band, the electrodes are attached to the areas where the condition of the blood vessels is to be assessed.
  4. Electrodes are applied depending on which part of the brain will be examined.
  5. If necessary, study the pool internally carotid artery electrodes are placed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and mastoid process.
  6. When examining the external carotid artery, metal plates are attached above the eyebrow, outside and in front of the ear canal.
  7. If it is necessary to assess the functioning of the vessels of the vertebral artery basin, electrodes are applied to the mastoid process and occipital protuberances while simultaneously performing an ECG.

If a specialist needs to conduct an examination of the head, it is recommended to close your eyes. This is due to the fact that the impact of external stimuli on the body can lead to the final results being distorted.

All data recorded by the device is reflected on paper tape.

The difficulty of carrying out the procedure lies in the fact that under the influence of a stressful environment a person begins to become very nervous, which leads to a narrowing of blood vessels and this can result in unreliable results.

Decoding the results

Before starting to decipher the results of the REG, the specialist asks the patient about his age. The fact is that such a factor must be taken into account to obtain adequate information. In fact, for a young and an elderly person, the standard indicators of tone and elasticity will be completely different. When conducting an REG, exactly those waves are recorded that characterize the areas of the brain filled with blood and the reaction of blood vessels to this process.

After the study and recording of the REG, the specialist notes deviations from the required norm and makes certain conclusions. Typically, a doctor determines the following types of damage to the vascular system:

  • dystonic type
  • angiodystonic type
  • hypertensive type

Each type of REG should not be interpreted as a separate pathology, since they accompany another disease. In addition, such indicators serve as a kind of diagnostic guideline for identifying the disease.

Carrying out the procedure in childhood

A research method such as REG is used to examine young children. Typically, the duration of such a procedure is approximately 10 minutes, but can stretch up to half an hour. During such a study, the child has to lie or sit motionless with his eyes closed so as not to be distracted by external stimuli.

In fact, not all small patients can withstand such a long time, so experts recommend abandoning REG if the child is too restless. The main task of parents is to influence the child educationally and tell him about why such an examination is needed.

In fact, REG is considered a more preferable research method compared to tomography.

REG is a completely safe procedure, the implementation of which does not affect the patient’s health in any way. It is for this reason that absolutely no one can be sent for such an examination. healthy people for preventive purposes. REG has been carried out by specialists for quite some time now long time, and some scientists consider it already obsolete, however, its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

To conduct such a study, it is not necessary to provide additional laboratory space or purchase expensive equipment. During the procedure, the device reflects data on the functioning of arteries and veins separately from each other, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis of pathologies at various stages of their development. The main advantage of REG over other methods is its painlessness and simple conditions carrying out.

More information about what electroencephalography is can be found in the video:

Today, REG of cerebral vessels is considered one of the most important and informative research, which is characterized by high diagnostic value. Thanks to this technique, it is possible not only to assess the condition of the brain vessels, but also to diagnose many dangerous diseases.

REG stands for rheoencephalography; it is a method of examining the vessels of the brain. During this study, all changes in tissue resistance are graphically recorded while a low-level electrical current is passed through them.

REG of cerebral vessels allows you to find out a large number of necessary information. Moreover, the method is accessible and relatively simple; it is considered non-invasive. REG of the head is carried out if there are certain indications, having previously prepared the person for the procedure.

The REG study is carried out using electrodes, with the help of which an electric current is applied to the brain. A person is put on a “hat” with many wires, through which a small charge is applied, the frequency of which is from 16 to 300 kHz.

Human tissues and blood vessels react in a special way to current. All changes that occur are recorded by the computer. Using the results obtained, you can create a map of the functioning of the organ, after decoding which you can confirm or refute the presence of the disease.

REG of the brain is performed for people without any painful sensations. Despite the fact that the body will be exposed to electric current, the person will not experience any inconvenience. During the procedure, it is important not to worry so as not to distort the result.

REG for the head is performed in order to become familiar with the operation of blood vessels, to find out about their breakage or blockage. Also, based on the test results, you can understand how to act to avoid health problems in the future. If you have to go through this procedure, it will be useful for a person to learn more about it.

What is it used for?

REG of cerebral vessels is performed in order to understand what processes are occurring in the organ of interest. Often, such a procedure is prescribed when there has been a serious head injury. A timely examination allows you to avoid cerebral hemorrhage.

The benefits of the study do not end there, and REG for the vessels of the head helps determine blood flow through the main and main vessels. It is also possible to analyze collateral circulation, if due to any factors it is violated.

It can be concluded that this examination determines the speed at which blood flows out. It is possible to determine the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as their tone. It turns out to analyze the functioning of individual vessels. That is, you can see everything that happens inside the patient’s skull. It is REG for the vessels of the head that is useful if there are suspicions of any pathology.

Indications and contraindications

There are a number of cases in which REG is prescribed to a child or an adult. A doctor may refer you for this examination if there are reasons for this. Let's consider in what situations brain research may be required.


  • -Stroke-.
  • Cerebrovascular pathologies, dystonia.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Circulatory problems are chronic and acute.
  • Monitoring the effects of prescribed treatment and individual medications.
  • The need to identify the vertebrogenic effect on the arteries during osteochondrosis, or due to injury.

Also this study may be required if a person’s hearing, memory or vision has become worse, dizziness is often observed, or dizziness occurs regularly headache. In case of a head injury, it is also important to conduct an REG examination to prevent possible negative consequences.

Some people are afraid to do REG for a child, because they think that the procedure can harm them. The study is really not recommended for newborns. Also contraindicated are wounds and bruises in areas that should be involved in the procedure. In other cases, REG is performed on children, and there are no complications from it.

Preparation for the procedure

If rheoencephalography of blood vessels is planned, it is recommended to prepare for it in advance. First of all, you should not worry because this may distort the results. There is no reason to worry; they will not even make injections or incisions. In this case, no harm is done to the body, so REG is carried out without fear for the child.

You should take a towel or napkins with you. They will be needed to wipe off the gel after medical procedures. Experts do not recommend smoking before undergoing the test. ABOUT bad habit It’s worth forgetting for at least a few hours before going to the hospital.

It is important that a person does not think about bad things and is in a calm state. It is best to rest for at least 15 minutes before attaching the electrodes. Before surgery, the surface of the skin will need to be disinfected with alcohol. This manipulation will be carried out by a doctor, so nothing will be required from the person.

Procedure for conducting the study

The preparatory stage is quite easy, so even a child can go through it without difficulty. The procedure itself will be carried out by a doctor, the patient only needs to follow the instructions. To understand the study, it is worth considering the procedure.

What do we have to do:

  1. The person should sit in a comfortable chair.
  2. Next, his head will be lubricated with a special gel to prevent irritation later.
  3. You will need to wear a “hat” with electrodes. The device will be pre-prepared for the patient.
  4. The specialist will tell you that you need to close your eyes. This is necessary so that the brain does not react to external stimuli.

Electrodes can be attached in different places depending on what exactly needs to be examined. When the vessels of the internal carotid artery are of interest, the devices are located on the bridge of the nose and mastoid process.

When analyzing the external carotid artery, electrodes are attached in front of the ear and above the eyebrow. If the vessels of the vertebral arteries are of interest, then the occipital protuberances and mastoid process will be involved.

The REG results will look like a paper strip with a diagram on it. It looks like a cardiogram, but has a different meaning. The patient will not be able to decipher it on his own; only a specialist can do this.

About the results

When deciphering the analysis, much will depend on the patient’s age, because this factor greatly influences the result of the REG. For children, young people and senior citizens, there are different standards for tone and elasticity.

On the resulting paper, the specialist will be able to see waves that will characterize the filling of brain areas with blood, as well as the reaction of blood vessels to filling with blood.

The doctor will definitely pay attention to the following points:

  • Are the waves regular?
  • Where is the top located and how exactly is it rounded.
  • The appearance is ascending and descending.
  • Location of the dicrotic tooth and incisura.
  • Are there additional waves?

After the doctor analyzes the results of rheoencephalography, he will be able to record the presence of deviations from the norm. The patient may not always understand what exactly the doctor's conclusion will mean.

There may be a similar inscription before your eyes: Arterial hypertensive type REG, degree 2. Naturally, such a conclusion says little. to an ordinary person, so the decoding will be of interest.

Common research findings:

Dystonic type REG. With it, vascular tone regularly changes, and hypertonicity with reduced pulse filling is most often observed. The dystonic type of REG can be accompanied by difficult venous outflow.

Hypertensive type . In this case, there is a persistent high tone of the afferent vessels, while there are difficulties with venous outflow.

Angiodystonic type. It is similar to dystonic, in which disorders occur due to a defect in the structure of the vascular wall. Because of this, the elasticity of blood vessels decreases and blood circulation in a certain area becomes difficult.

These types are not a separate disease, they only accompany another pathology. By determining the specific type, you can understand what kind of ailment worries a person. The doctor can roughly understand what kind of disease he is dealing with by looking at the result obtained.

  • Vascular dystonia there are floating teeth; additional waves located on the descending line are observed.
  • Cerebral the vertices in the figure are flatter than necessary; there are no additional waves; REG smoothed.
  • Low arterial tone there is a steep climb; there is a short ascending line; large wave amplitude; the additional tooth is displaced and enlarged.
  • there is a multi-wave zone of the curve before the subsequent REG cycle; the descending line is extended.
  • High arterial tone the additional scar is not visible; smooth rise; there are additional waves located on the ascending line; the top is displaced.

Without the appropriate education, it will be difficult for a person to understand exactly what problem he has. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. He will be able to guess what kind of illness he had to face, as well as what to do to improve the condition.


Considering the fact that many medical procedures expensive, people care about the price. REG can be classified as a relatively cheap research. The specific cost will depend on the clinic, as well as on the country in which the person is going to be examined.

In Russia, as a rule, an examination will cost from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. Much will depend on what kind of clinic a person chooses, as well as how good the specialists are.

If a person wants to get tested for free, then he needs to have an insurance policy, as well as a referral from a doctor. In the case where you want to carry out the procedure at home, you will have to pay significantly more money.

In Ukraine, you will have to pay from 90 to 150 hryvnia for the examination, and in Kazakhstan - from 1200 tenge. It is also worth understanding that citizens of the country will be able to undergo the procedure much cheaper than foreigners. If a person wants to get a high-quality research result, then he should not look for ways to save money.

It should be remembered that REG allows early stages identify many health problems, while the procedure is safe and painless.

Rheoencephalography of cerebral vessels is simple, but effective method diagnosing. As a result of this procedure, such pathological processes, such as circulatory disorders, as well as other deviations from the normal functioning of this important organ.

The method is popular with patients and doctors. This is explained not so much by the affordability of the survey, but by its high information content and the ability to quickly obtain accurate results.

A big advantage over other methods of examining cerebral vessels is its minimal invasiveness, which becomes a factor favoring the use of this diagnostic even for pediatric patients.

General information about the method

Rheoencephalography (REG) allows you to identify circulatory disorders in the brain even in the early stages of pathology and thereby prevent the possibility of developing complications that pose a danger to the health and life of patients.

Its invaluable advantage over MRI and CT is the ability to be examined without waiting in line, which in other places takes about six months. Without detracting from the effectiveness of magnetic resonance and computed tomography, it should be noted that timely treatment is the key to victory over the disease, and in some cases, the ability to save the patient’s life.

What kind of procedure is this, who needs it, how to prepare for the examination - these are the questions that will be discussed in the article.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The main purpose of the survey is to study:

  • problem areas of the brain;
  • state of vascular tone;
  • the speed of blood movement through the vessels;
  • density and viscosity of blood.

And most importantly, the reaction of the vessels to all processes occurring in them is determined.

In addition to procedures related to the need to study pathological changes in the arteries and vessels of the brain, it is advisable to conduct REG for preventive purposes.

Operating principle of the device

The essence of rheoencephalography is that with the help of a special device - a rheograph - an electric current of low frequency is passed through the brain, as a result of which the resistance of brain tissue is visualized on the monitor. This way, abnormalities in arteries, veins and small vessels are detected.

The presence of six channels in the device makes it possible to simultaneously examine several areas of the brain.

In the projection of the studied areas, metal electrodes are installed using an elastic rubber band, which transmit the image to the monitor.

When is an REG prescribed?

There are many indications for examination:

  • patient complaints of dizziness;
  • deterioration of condition with changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • noise in ears;
  • debilitating headaches;
  • suspicion of ischemic disease;
  • memory losses;
  • weakened vision;
  • hearing loss;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • dystonia;
  • hypertension of the cerebral arteries.

For all pathologies associated with a violation of the condition of blood vessels - their blood supply, changes in blood flow speed and viscosity, it is necessary to conduct an REG.

What the study shows

The value of the survey is that:

  1. Based on rheoencephalography of the vessels of the head, specialists receive significant information about the condition of the object of examination. Among them is the possibility of studying vascular tone, their elasticity, blood circulation speed and blood inflow/outflow.
  2. The use of rheoencephalography makes it possible not only to detect abnormalities in the vessels of the brain, but also to monitor blood flow after complex operations or severe injuries.
  3. With the help of REG, various pathologies are detected, and the severity of the pathological process is established.

At the same time, it is of no small importance high speed obtaining results.

What problems are being identified?

During the examination, the following are diagnosed:

  • presence of traumatic brain injuries;
  • localization of hematomas formed as a result of head trauma;
  • pre-stroke condition;
  • damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques (atherosclerosis);
  • thrombus formation in the vessels of the brain;
  • predisposition to increase blood pressure;
  • diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

The procedure facilitates the task of making an accurate diagnosis, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes an adequate course of treatment. With the help of it, he subsequently monitors the effectiveness of therapy.

Due to the complete safety of such an examination for the patient’s health, it can be performed repeatedly.

One of the most significant advantages of encephalography is the ability to distinguish between pre-stroke indicators, which have certain differences for men and women.

Other features of the method

Specialists obtain even more information by conducting functional tests.

The simplest and most accessible of them is with nitroglycerin. This substance helps reduce vascular tone. This test is used to differentiate organic and functional disorders.

How to decipher the results

When assessing the examination results, the patient’s age must be taken into account. This is explained by the fact that the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity over the years, become more fragile, and react differently to various stimuli.

An REG shows graphical wave fluctuations. The following indicators are taken into account:

  • ascending (anacrotes) and descending (catacrotes) wave lines;
  • bending of the incisura (middle part of the rising wave);
  • dicrotic tooth.

The specialist reads the diagnostic results, taking into account the regularity of the waves, the appearance and rounding of the apex, as well as the location of the tooth and incisura.

The rate of oscillations of the wave depicted on the screen in adults differs from the manifestations of acceptable indicators in a child.

Rheoencephalographic study makes it possible to classify the condition of blood vessels according to three types of their behavior:

  1. Dystonic. Characterized by frequent manifestations of changes in vascular tone. Hypotonia with difficulty in venous outflow of blood and low pulse filling is more often observed.
  2. Angiodystonic. Its symptoms are similar to those of the previous type. The difference is that the cause of the tone disorder is a defect in the vessel wall.
  3. Hypertensive type according to REG. Significantly different from the species described above. Vascular tone is significantly increased. Venous drainage broken.

These types of behavior are not independent pathologies. They are only signs of other diseases and make it possible to identify them on early stages development.

You should not attempt to decipher the examination results yourself. It is better to leave this to qualified doctors who will do it professionally and establish an accurate diagnosis.

How is the procedure performed?

The described diagnostic method is completely painless and safe. During the procedure, there is no impact on the patient’s skin, and no various instruments are used.

During the procedure, the patient is placed on a couch or offered to sit on a chair. To obtain more accurate information, the patient is asked to tilt his head forward, turn it to the right or to the left.

The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. The results of the study are displayed immediately on the monitor screen and are assessed by a neurologist.

To avoid distorting the results, you should consider some simple tips:

  1. Before installing the electrodes, some areas of the head are treated with alcohol. It is advisable not to stress and take it calmly.
  2. Eyes should be kept closed during the procedure.
  3. You need to completely relax. Anxiety can cause a sharp constriction of blood vessels. This will affect the wave oscillation performance.
  4. It is advisable to rest for 15-20 minutes before the procedure.
  5. The day before the scheduled examination should not be taken medicines that can affect the speed of blood flow.
  6. The session should not be interfered with by any objects, so you need to remove chains, earrings, hairpins and let your hair down.

If you are examining a small child, you should tell him in advance everything about the upcoming procedure. You can pick him up and sit on a chair with him. Then he will not be afraid and nervous.

About contraindications

Due to the absolute absence of harm to the body, rheoencephalography has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

The main prohibition on the procedure is damage skin heads.

This examination is contraindicated for newborns.. This is explained by the small amplitude of the reflected waves, the large size of the anacrota and complete absence Incisures. Such readings do not provide an accurate picture of the condition of the vessels of the head.

Rheoencephalography is an effective and affordable method for examining cerebral vessels. His wide application due to the presence of the device in every hospital and, of course, the lack side effects and contraindications for use.

Rheoencephalography of the brain is a non-invasive method for diagnosing blood vessels, which is based on rheography. The study provides information mainly about functional state blood vessels: tone, peripheral resistance, blood filling. Also, REG of cerebral vessels shows anatomical features, for example, the elasticity and integrity of vascular walls.

Blood is a liquid system filled with formed elements and electrolytes. These components affect the electrical charge of the tissues of the arteries and veins. When blood flows through a vessel, the charge changes, followed by a change in the electrical resistance of the tissue. The change in this indicator is recorded by a device - a rheoencephalograph. The output data indicates the condition of the blood vessels.

The method is safe and does not affect the patient's health. It can be carried out an infinite number of times.

The effectiveness of the study is now disputed in medical communities. Some neurologists doubt the diagnostic value of the method due to the fact that resistance is also present in the bones of the skull electric current, therefore the results obtained do not reflect all pathological processes. Opponents' research proves that bones are not an obstacle to current flow, so the results are not distorted.

A rheoencephalogram is rarely prescribed as an independent study. Usually the method is combined with other methods: magnetic and computed tomography, contrast radiography and electroencephalography. This increases the diagnostic value of each method and reduces the likelihood of an erroneous diagnosis.

Indications and contraindications

A rheoencephalogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • General cerebral disorders:
    • headache, dizziness, impaired consciousness;
    • noise in ears;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • decreased visual acuity and loss of lateral fields, darkening of the eyes;
    • hypersensitivity to climate change.
  • Mental disorders:
    • decreased memory capacity, decreased concentration, slowed thinking;
    • irritability, frequent mood swings (more than 2-3 times a day), short temper, sleep disturbance;
    • reduced ability to learn and receptive to new information.
  • Mechanical head injuries: skull fractures, bruises and concussions.
  • Suspicion of an intracranial tumor.
  • Somatic diseases in which blood circulation is impaired:
    • diabetes;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • coronary heart disease, heart failure;
  • Post-stroke condition.
  • Acute circulatory disorders, subarachnoid hemorrhage, accumulation of blood and brain spaces.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of prescribed medications.

REG is a safe method, but it is not recommended for newborns and people whose skin areas being examined are damaged: wounds, hematomas, boils. The study should not be carried out on children if they are overly excited and agitated. First, the child needs to be reassured, and only after that the diagnosis begins.

Vascular rheoencephalography is prescribed when there are several of the above symptoms at once. The manifestation of single symptoms is often considered temporary functional impairment. For example, when concentration of attention decreases, REG is not prescribed.

Diagnostics in adults is no different from the pediatric version.

You should not smoke half an hour before the start. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which distorts the results. It is also recommended to remain calm before and during the procedure: anxiety affects vascular tone, so the results may be distorted.

Conducting a survey

How to do RZHG of cerebral vessels, step-by-step algorithm:

  • The subject is asked to sit down.
  • Gel is applied to some areas of the scalp - this prevents irritation and blocks additional resistance.
  • A cap equipped with electrodes is placed on the patient's head. They measure and record changes in electrical resistance.
  • At the doctor's request, the subject closes his eyes. This is necessary in order to relieve excess stress on the sensory system of the brain.

Separate electrodes are applied to different places on the head - it depends on the indicators:

  1. Sensors are attached to the bridge of the nose and mastoid process if it is necessary to examine the blood flow in the internal carotid artery and its basin.
  2. In front of the ear and above the eyebrows is the pool of the external carotid artery.
  3. Occipital protuberances, mastoid process - basin of the basilar artery.

Examination of the rag's head can be carried out using functional tests. The latter are drugs that are administered before the study to record sudden changes in vascular tone. Functional tests are prescribed to differentiate and find the difference between organic vascular damage, such as atherosclerosis, and dysfunction, such as arterial hypertension.


The interpretation of the results depends on the age of the patient. Thus, the older the person under study, the lower his vascular tone and functional state.

The result of the study is depicted on a graphic curve, the lines of which are located in a certain way and have parameters. This graphical curve is located on the tape. The result looks like an electrocardiogram. Each pulsating impulse of blood in a vessel is reflected by a wave - a repeating complex, which must consist of stable and regular elements.

What the wave shows: normally it has a peak - anacrotic. It is followed by an incissura - a depression, after which a new wave begins - a dicrotic rise. At various diseases these three components change. For example, with atherosclerosis the complex becomes flattened.

Decoding the indicators takes into account the following parameters:

  1. Wave frequency.
  2. Degree of anactor rounding.
  3. The state of a descending and ascending line.
  4. The nature of the depression and dicrotic rise.
  5. The presence of additional waves on the tape.

When deciphering, the difference in electrical resistance of the vessels of the left and right hemispheres is taken into account. Ideally, these results are combined with an electroencephalogram, so that the electrical activity of the brain is studied as a whole.

What does REG of the head show in diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels:
    • sharp peaks;
    • all complexes on the REG are smoothed.
      With massive atherosclerosis, the waves have the appearance of an arch.
  • Decreased vascular tone:
    • waves have increased amplitude;
    • sharp apex and rise;
    • between the complexes there is an additional tooth that moves upward;
    • the rising line is short.
  • Increased tone of vascular walls:
    • waves have low amplitude;
    • the rise is smooth;
    • the top is displaced;
    • there is an additional tooth, but it is weakly expressed;
    • the rising line is distorted.
  • :
    • the descending line is convex and elongated;
  • Severe vascular spasm:
    • the tops are rounded.
  • Arterial hypertension:
    • the amplitude and shape of the complex changes.