Work program on "Russian language for foreign citizens". Work program on “Russian language for foreign citizens” on organizing the study of the discipline

Direction of training"Linguistics"

Training profile - Theory and practice of intercultural communication
Translation and translation studies

Graduate qualifications – Bachelor

The purpose of discipline"Practical course of the first foreign language» is the formation of professional English language skills in the field of translation activities, obtaining in-depth knowledge in such humanitarian disciplines as history, linguistics, theory and history of the languages ​​being studied and others, as well as practical preparation for work as translators (written and oral translations) in various firms, companies and organizations that require translation of documentation, business letters, etc. from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

The goal of the course “Practical course of the first foreign language (English)” is realized through the content of language teaching. It includes the following aspects: material (means of language and speech, including texts), ideal (problems, areas of communication) and procedural. Means of language and communication problems are concentrated in educational literature. It was selected on the basis of compliance with modern requirements for the content of language education ( educational information must be authentic, socially significant and culturally specific) and in accordance with the objectives of the learning stages.

The structure of the discipline includes the following sections:

1. Practice speaking.

2. Practical phonetics.

3. Practical grammar.

4. Home reading.

5. Business English.

6. Practice writing.

Objectives of mastering the discipline:

Tasks speaking practice are:

Teaching speech activity in a language, developing skills in operating with the rules by which linguistic units are arranged into meaningful statements;

Development of the ability to communicate, i.e. the ability to plan speech behavior, understand and convey information in coherent, logical and reasoned statements, construct and organize a statement in accordance with the functional task of communication;

Developing the ability to implement different types speech-thinking activity and choose linguistic means in accordance with the place, time, sphere of communication, adequate to the social status of the communication partner;

Formation of the need for self-improvement in a foreign language, that is, the student’s ability to overcome the deficit of his knowledge in the field of linguistic code, the presence of linguistic and general cultural foreign language skills that allow him to find ways to fill gaps in linguistic, speech and sociocultural competencies.

Task practical phonetics is to form an idea of ​​all the components of the phonetic structure of the modern English language in their system, to become familiar with the prosodic system of the English language, the main varieties of the English language and to develop the skill of distinguishing them by ear, to acquire the ability to transcribe and produce intonation markings of statements, to develop in students speech hearing, which allows for a correct interpretation of the received speech signal, and on the other hand, to possess the necessary articulatory and rhythmic-intonation skills in order to be able to adequately encode one’s own speech in a foreign language.

The task practical grammar is to form in students an idea of ​​the grammatical structure of a foreign (English) language, the laws and rules for the formation and modification of words, combining them into phrases, the rules for constructing sentences and combining them within more complex syntactic structures. The ability to apply acquired knowledge about word formation, morphology and syntax is carried out through performing grammar exercises, which use both traditional and communicative ones, aimed at the situational use of grammatical structures.

The task home reading is to introduce students to one of the ways to improve their skills and abilities and teach them how to correctly use it in the future for the purpose of self-improvement, increase their vocabulary using the example of works of fiction, and also develop the ability to receive and analyze information.

Tasks business English are:

To familiarize students with the basic concepts of business English;

Expand students’ vocabulary in the context of proposed business topics;

Teach students to successfully discuss various current issues with business partners, both orally and in writing;

Develop the ability to understand your interlocutor in business English;

Develop skills in reading and translating business publications in English.

The task writing practice is to develop students’ skills in writing a short essay and business letter, familiarize students with the scheme for writing an essay, report, summary.

Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

  • possess a system of linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical, word-formation phenomena and patterns of functioning of the foreign language being studied, its functional varieties (PC-1);
  • have an idea of ​​the ethical and moral standards of behavior accepted in a foreign cultural society, models of social situations, typical interaction scenarios (PC-2);
  • master the basic discursive methods of realizing the communicative goals of an utterance in relation to the features of the current communicative context (time, place, goals and conditions of interaction) (PC-3);
  • master the basic ways of expressing semantic, communicative and structural continuity between parts of a statement - compositional elements of the text (introduction, main part, conclusion), superphrasal unities, sentences (PC-4);
  • be able to freely express your thoughts, adequately using a variety of linguistic means in order to highlight relevant information (PC-5);

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:


· high level of motivation and desire to constant development and self-improvement;

· readiness to work in society: respect for other people’s opinions and a critical attitude towards one’s own strengths and weaknesses.


· the system and structure of the language and the rules of its functioning in the process of foreign language communication;

· ethical and moral standards of behavior accepted in a foreign cultural society, models of social situations, typical interaction scenarios;

· forms of politeness, business and professional vocabulary of various spheres of life (for example, medicine, education, etc.);

· ways, methods and means of independently improving your professional level.

be able to:

· organize your speech and non-speech behavior adequately to the tasks of communication;

· use formal means to create grammatically and phonologically correct, meaningful statements in the language;

· overcoming the influence of stereotypes, simulate various communication situations;

· create foreign language texts of various directions;

· analyze and summarize information.


· the main features of official, neutral and informal registers of communication;

  • oral and written communication skills.

Thematic content of the discipline:


Topic 1. Personal form of the verb

Topic 2. Present tense

Topic 3. Past tense

Topic 4. Past tense

Topic 5. Past tense

Topic 6. Future tense

Topic 7. Noun, pronoun

Topic 8. Noun, articles

Topic 9. Passive voice

Topic 10. Indirect speech

Topic 11. Adverbs and adjectives

Topic 12. Modal verbs

Topic 13. Infinitive

Topic 14. Gerund

Topic 15. Gerund and Infinitive

Topic 16. Participle I and participle II

Topic 17. Types of proposals

Topic 18. Means of expressing unrealistic actions in subordinate clauses various types

Topic 19. Inversion

Topic 20.Grammar of oral and written discourse

Topic 21. Grammatical features of various types of discourse (scientific, journalistic, etc.)

Topic 22. Grammatical features of various types of discourse (political, etc.)


Topic 1. Education and employment

Topic 2. Tourism

Topic 3. Globalization of cultures

Topic 4. International relationships

Topic 5. Medicine and health

Topic 6. Fashion

Topic 7. People and their ideas

Topic 8. New technologies

Topic 9. Mass media

Topic 10. Law and order

Topic 11. Art

Topic 12. Business

Topic 13. Natural sciences


Topic 1. Subject of phonetics. Phonetics sections. Speech communication

Topic 2. Acoustic base of phonetics

Topic 3. Strong and weak forms of words

Topic 4. Syllable structure

Topic 5. Speech. Flow of speech

Topic 6. Features of English prosody

Topic 7. Communicative types of sentences.

Topic 8. Intonation of interrogative sentences

Topic 9. Intonation of subordinate constructions

Topic 10. Graphics and spelling

Topic 11. Pronunciation norm


Topic 1. Stories of R. Dahl

Topic 2. Stories by O. Wilde

Topic 3. Stories by R. Bradbury

Topic 4. Stories by Charles Dickens

Topic 5. Stories by G. Green

Topic 6. Stories by E. Hemingway

Topic 7. Stories by S. Maugham




Department theory and practice of translation



directions 031100.62 “Linguistics”

Qualification: Bachelor of Linguistics

Art. teacher

The educational complex in the discipline “Practical course of the first foreign language (English)” in the direction 031100.62 “Linguistics” complies with the presented work program of the discipline and the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education; presented in handwritten and electronic form.

The discipline is part of the federal component of the cycle of general professional disciplines.

Coordination with the dean of the training institute

Dean __________________ ___________

(signature) (acting surname)

Library Director ________ ___________




OPD. F.03 “Practical course of the first foreign language”

(English language)

031100.62 “Linguistics”

(OOP code according to OKSO classifier) ​​(OOP name)

Department of Theory and Practice of Translation

Well: 2 Semester: 3,4

Practical lessons: 228 hours

Independent work: 166hours

Total: 560 hours

Tests: developed. Coursework: not provided

Test: 3rd semester

Exam: 4th semester

Working programm compiled on the basis of author's developments

The work program was discussed at a department meeting

dated “__” _________ 200_, protocol No. ____

(date) (protocol)

Head of the department ______________________

(signature) (acting surname)

Compiled by _______________________

(signature) (acting surname)

1. Organizational and methodological section

Course program “Practical course of the first foreign language (English)” compiled in accordance with the State educational standard for the training of bachelor linguists in the direction 031100.62 “Linguistics” and is intended for students studying English as their main specialty.

The program includes an organizational and methodological section (goal of the course, objectives of the course; requirements for the level of mastery of the course content, taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education); course content (calendar-thematic plan; topics and summary course (according to Table 1); educational and methodological support for the course (basic literature; additional literature).

1.1 Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the basic educational program By direction 031100.62 "Linguistics". Qualification: Bachelor of Linguistics.

Linguistic competence presupposes knowledge of the phonetic, grammatical and lexical norms of the language being studied, mastery of such compositional speech forms as description, narration, reasoning, as well as mastery of monologue and dialogic speech.

Pragmatic competence involves the ability to adapt linguistic units in accordance with pragmatic parameters, knowledge of functional and stylistic differences.

Intercultural competence provides knowledge of the history, culture, traditions of the countries of the language being studied, features of communicative behavior in certain communicative situations.

To achieve this goal, the following are put forward: tasks:

    To teach how to correctly, from the point of view of lexical and grammatical structures, express one’s thoughts on everyday topics in dialogic and monologue communication using the necessary stylistic and emotional-modal means of language;
    Train students in listening skills (the ability to understand the speech of a teacher or another person in direct communication, the ability to understand a literary text recorded on tape performed by announcers);
    To teach how to correctly express your thoughts in writing graphically, orthographically, lexically, grammatically and stylistically (write dictations, expositions, essays);
    Teach students reading skills, more high level, which involves the use of more complex texts and deepening the interpretation of linguistic phenomena;
    To develop students’ skills in written and oral translation of literary and artistic texts and texts on everyday topics, both from English into Russian and from Russian into English;
    To lay the foundations of lexical and grammatical analysis, necessary for the further development of text analysis skills in terms of vocabulary and stylistics in subsequent courses.

At the end of the course, students must master practical phonetics, grammar, syntax, word formation, word combinations, as well as the most common vocabulary and phraseology of the English language.

1.3 Place of the course in the system of relevant fields of knowledge

The teaching of the course is related to other government courses educational standard: “Russian language stylistics and speech culture”, “Ancient languages ​​and cultures”, “Linguistics”, “Theory and history of studied languages”, “Theoretical phonetics”, “Lexicology”, “Theoretical grammar”, “Stylistics”, “Great Britain regional studies” and the USA”, “Workshop on the culture of speech communication”.

1.4. Requirements for types of speech activity taking into account the requirements of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education:


Understand monologue and dialogic speech of the middle topic in direct communication;

Completely understand dialogic and monologue speech at a natural pace in an audio recording (5–7 min), the topics of the materials correspond to those studied;

Extract key information while listening to audio at a high tempo, relying on keywords and using contextual guesses.


Upon completion of the course, the student must:

Possess prepared and spontaneous monologue speech;

Possess dialogic speech in the form of interviews, conversations based on the studied material;

Master standard pronunciation, phrasal stress and intonation of various communicative types of sentences;

Master various compositional speech forms;

Be able to convey the content of the text and express your opinion;

Be able to speak at a pace close to natural;

Be able to use complex syntactic structures in both prepared and unprepared speech, introductory words and phrases;

Master the most common cliché formulas that form the basis of speech etiquette.

In the second year, communication skills are improved in conversation classes taught by a certified specialist.


Upon completion of the course, the student must:

Possess formal and informal writing skills;

Be able to realize communicative intentions with logic and clarity, observing semantic and structural completeness, and in accordance with language norms and pragmatic and sociocultural parameters;

Be able to write a short and detailed text according to the plan;

Be able to write a message on a given topic, based on keywords of 200–250 words;

Be able to write an official letter (200 words);

Be able to write an informal letter (200 words);

Be able to write a detailed and brief retelling of a text of 4,000 paragraphs. after listening twice;

Be able to make lexically, grammatically and stylistically correct translations from English into Russian and from Russian into English, based on the lexical and grammatical material covered;

Be able to write a retelling with elements of an essay (express your attitude to the content, give arguments, draw conclusions;

Master all compositional speech forms and their combinations;

Own various types discourse: characterization, definition, evaluation, commenting and their combinations.


Upon completion of the course, the student must:

Be able to read texts of everyday life, socio-political nature, unadapted fiction, relying on the studied material, sociocultural knowledge, knowledge of the organization of English-language discourse and contextual guesses;

Master different types of reading techniques: introductory, aimed at identifying the main content of the text; detailed, aimed at an absolutely accurate understanding of the text and analysis of linguistic phenomena; search, aimed at finding specific information;

Be able to identify main and secondary information in the text;

Be able to use bilingual and explanatory dictionaries.

From the text

The personal development of students is realized in the form of such qualities as independence in cognitive activity, improvement of language guesswork, independence in creative search and in working with information resources, including reference materials.

The discipline “Practical course of the first foreign language” in the second year covers 228 hours of classroom work (114 hours each in semesters 3 and 4).

At the end of the 3rd semester there is a test. At the end of the 4th semester there is an exam.

In classes on the practice of oral and written speech, work is carried out on the development of all types of speech activity - speaking, listening, writing, reading, as well as the development and consolidation of conversational formulas in various communicative situations, work on vocabulary.

3rd semester

The volume of the used dictionary is about 2,400 lexical units, stylistically neutral and related mainly to everyday life, as well as socio-political vocabulary of the English-language press. Lexical units are selected in accordance with the topics and communicative situations provided for by the program.

The student must be able to maintain a conversation on the following topics:

1. Choosing a career. Personal inclinations, abilities. Determining factors.

2. Diseases, their symptoms. Methods of treatment.

4. Sights of London and Moscow.

5. Traditions of cooking and eating in England.

The topics of oral and written speech are based on the active vocabulary and texts of the textbook “Practical English Language Course” (II year) and the textbook “ English language for language universities." Additional literature on topics is also used (see list of references).

Home reading of a book chosen by the student from the recommended list; her end-of-semester presentation; survey on words and expressions from the book (300 pcs.)

4th semester

The volume of the dictionary used is about 2,800 lexical units related to everyday language, the dictionary of fiction, and the dictionary of the modern English-language press. Lexical units are selected in accordance with the topics and communicative situations provided for by the program.

The student must maintain a conversation on the following topics:

specialty 031100.62 “Linguistics”

The test was: , Art. Lecturer, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation


Name of didactic unit


Job number


Present Group Times

Times of the group Past

Future times

Passive voice

Conditional sentences

Subjunctive mood

Prepositions of time and place

Career choice

Diseases and methods of their treatment

London Attractions


Sample APIM test

1. Choose sentences that use the tense The present Indefinite Tense

1. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen smells delicious.

2. It’s raining outside.

3. How long have you known Kate?

4. How old are you? - I'm twenty.

5. He’s a doctor as far as I know.

2. Which of the following verbs do not have the Continuous form?

3. Determine in which sentences it is used correct form verb

1. When did you were in London for the first time?

2. When my mother came we were dining in the kitchen.

3. Hardly had he entered the house it started raining.

4 It had been a lovely day so we decided to stroll in the park for an hour.

5. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it had been raining hard for two hours.

4. Choose sentences that will use The Future Continuous Tense instead of the infinitive in brackets

1. When I get home, my animals (to sit) at the door waiting for me.

2. It (to be) the middle of the June. They (to come) soon.

3. At this time next week they (to board) the plane to London.

4. I (to wait) for you when you come.

5. At this time tomorrow she (to do) her shopping.

5. Find sentences in which the passive voice form is used correctly

1. Since all our matches had soaked when the boat turned over we could not make a fire.

2. Joan's face was covered with scratches and his clothes were torn and dirty.

3. The plane wasn't delayed in Colorado.

4. The letter has to sign the chief of police.

5. Peaches can be bought here for 10 p each.

6. Match left and right columns

1) If the dog keeps barking,

2) If I were you,

3) Had the ice not melted

4) But for the traffic jam

A) We could go skating.

B) I wouldn't buy these jeans

B) she wouldn't sing in the need, bath

D) the neighbors will complain

D) he might have avoided that accident

7. Choose sentences that have errors

1. If he booked tickets yesterday, he would lie on the beach now.

2. We wished he hadn’t come so late yesterday.

3. If the weather is fine tomorrow we would go to the seaside.

4. But for the rain we would have gone to the theater yesterday.

5. If I am you I wouldn’t do it.

8. Choose the analytical form of the subjunctive mood from the proposed options

9. Choose best translation highlighted phrase in a sentence

Suffice it to say that he didn’t have any idea to offend you.

1. I had no idea...

2. Let's assume that...

3. I can’t even imagine that...

4. Suffice it to say...

5. I am inclined to believe that...

10. What function does the highlighted verb perform in a sentence?

If I were to be offered a new job, I’d probably accept it.

1. Mood Auxiliary

3.Modal Predicate

4. Past Subjunctive of the verb to be

11. What type conditional sentence the following sentence applies

If he weren’t absent-minded he wouldn’t have left a hat in the shop yesterday.

plex sentence of unreal condition

plex sentence of split condition

plex sentence of real condition

plex sentence of adverbial condition

plex sentence of future condition

12. In which sentences should the preposition at be used instead of a blank?

1. I’ll be ___ home on Friday morning.

2. Our flat is ____ the second floor.

3. We traveled by 6.45 train, which arrived ___ 8.30.

4. I prefer tea ___ coffee.

5. ____ Christmas Day I got a lot of presents.

13. Match left and right columns

1) I looked ___, but saw no people anywhere.

2) Look ___ those documents, please.

3) Don’t forget to look ___ the flowers when I’m away.

4) I’ve been looking ___ you since the very morning.

5) John looked ___ to seeing Mario and his wife.

14. Choose the correct answer

How ______ it is to live near a big park!

15. Choose expressions in which the preposition for is used instead of blanks

1. to go in ___ teaching

2. to be responsible ___ smth

3. to cope ___ smth

4. to have respect ___ smb

5. love ___ smth

16. Choose best option sentence translation

I can't keep from laughing at him.

1. I can't laugh at him.

2. I can't help but laugh at him.

4. I can't look at him laughing.

5. It’s hard for me to laugh in his presence.

17. Select synonyms for the verb to shiver from the list of suggested verbs

18. Match left and right columns

1) I feel a sharp pain ___ my right knee.

2) The unemployed live ___ very bad condition.

3). This boy is __ the head of the class.

4) Roger promised to give ___ smoking.

5). He works ___ a doctor in one of our hospitals.

19. Choose the correct answer that matches the description of the disease

This is a catching disease marked by fever and small red spots on the body and often leaves permanent marks.

3. typhoid fever

4. scarlet fever

20. Choose a word that is not synonymous with illness

21. Choose an expression that is not translated as pull out a tooth

1. to pull out a tooth

2. to take out a tooth

3. to have an extraction

4. to have one’s tooth pulled out

5. to have one’s tooth X-rayed

22. Choose a phrase in which historic incorrectly used

1. historic place

2. historic date

3. historic museum

4. historic speech

5. historic battle

23. Choose the correct translation of the phrase lump of sugar

1. a piece of sugar

2. a slice of sugar

3. a lump of sugar

4. a lumb of sugar

24. Choose sentences in which instead of a blank you need to put the preposition on

1. He struck the boy ___ the face.

2. I hit my head ___ the low shelf.

3. His behavior is worthy ____ great praise.

4. In 1971 Britain changed ___ to decimal currency system.

5. One ___ seven of the population of the UK is a Londoner.

25. Answer the question by choosing the correct answer.

The largest park in London is

2. Kensington Gardens

4. Regent's Park


Director of IMOYAC



practical course of the first foreign language
(Russian language)

DIRECTION OF OOP 035700 Linguistics

TRAINING PROFILE Theory and practice of intercultural communication QUALIFICATION Bachelor



AMOUNT OF CREDITS 52 (6/12/12/12/10)

PREQUISITES Preparatory department program (Russian as a foreign language)

COREQUISITES Russian language and culture of speech, History of literature of the countries of the language being studied, Practical course of a second foreign language


hours (aud.)

Practical lessons

hours (aud.)






TYPE OF INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATION Test in 1, 3, 4 semesters, exam in 2, 5 semesters


HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT _______________

HEAD OF PLO _______________

TEACHERS _______________

1. Goals of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering this discipline, the bachelor acquires knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the achievement of goals Ts1, Ts2, Ts5 main educational program "Linguistics". The goal of the discipline is to develop communicative competence that allows solving communicative problems in various situations and areas of communication (at the middle stage of studying RFL). The discipline is aimed at preparing bachelors of linguistics for production and practical activities to ensure intercultural communication in various professional fields.

2. The place of discipline in the structure of OOP

The discipline is included in the basic part of the professional cycle and is directly related to the disciplines of this cycle, including the discipline “Practical course of a second foreign language”. The course is basic for the simultaneous and further study of all disciplines of the first foreign language: “Ancient languages ​​and cultures”, “History of literature of the countries of the language being studied”, disciplines of the profile “Theory and practice of intercultural communication”.

To successfully master the discipline, a student must have a sufficient level of competencies in the field of Russian as a foreign language, developed within the framework of the preparatory department program, corresponding to the first level of the TRFL.

3. Results of mastering the discipline

After studying this discipline, bachelors acquire knowledge, skills and experience that allow them to achieve the results of the main educational program P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P11*. The correspondence of the results of mastering the discipline “Practical course of the first foreign language” with the results of training in the OOP “Linguistics” is presented in the table.

Components of learning outcomes in accordance with OOP*

Results of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline, the bachelor must know

Studying and practicing grammatical categories of a noun; fixing the declension of nouns. Study of grammatical categories, methods of formation and change, features of the use of pronouns of all types.

Section 2. Rest

Introduction to the active vocabulary of the vocabulary of the thematic group “recreation”; discussion of types of entertainment in modern society. Introduction to Russian folk holidays, presentation by students of the national holiday of their country. Discussion of cultural issues, comparison of Russian culture and the native culture of students. Travel lessons around the world. Introduction of vocabulary from the thematic group “travel, tourism”. Familiarization with the vocabulary of the thematic group “sport”.

Studying and practicing forms of adjectives and numerals.

Section 3. Man as a living being

Introduction to active vocabulary vocabulary thematic groups“appearance”, “health”, “food”, “furniture”, “clothing, shoes”. Formation of the ability to describe a person’s appearance. Introduction to traditional Russian cuisine, presentation by students of traditional cuisine of their country. Description of the house. Discussion of wealth issues.

Studying and practicing grammatical categories and classes of verbs. Formation of the ability to distinguish the features of the use of types of tense forms of verbs. Formation of the ability to use verbs of motion and verbs with - sya. Introduction to participles and gerunds.

Section 4. City

Introduction to the active vocabulary of vocabulary from thematic groups “city”, “urban transport”, “shop”. Study of the history, structure, sights of Tomsk, presentation by students of their hometown. Formation of the ability to carry out free dialogical communication in urban transport, in a store, cafe, restaurant.

Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the formation, meaning and use of adverbs in the Russian language. Practicing basic prepositional-case constructions, distributors of basic models of simple sentences, and the use of compound and complex sentences.

Section 5. Man and society: communication

Acquaintance with the system of government, presentation by students of the government system of their country, discussion of problems of the internal policy of the state. Formation of the ability to carry out free dialogical communication in urban institutions. Studying Russian etiquette, comparing the features of Russian etiquette and the etiquette of the students’ country. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of speech behavior on various trips.

Studying ways of expressing a predicate in Russian.

Section 6. Man and society: areas of activity

Discussion of areas of human activity. Acquaintance with Russian art, presentation by students of the art of their country. Discussion of issues of science and medicine. Acquaintance with various media, developing the ability to understand the texts of modern media. Characteristics of professions.

Improving the ability to use various types of tense forms of verbs. Learning to control verbs and short adjectives.

Section 7. Man as a rational being

Introduction to the active vocabulary of vocabulary from thematic groups “intelligence”, “emotions”, “character”. Discussion of human intellectual capabilities. Formation of the ability to describe emotional condition, person's character.

Learning ways to express time in simple and complex sentences. Improving the ability to use spatial spreaders in simple sentence. Studying ways of expressing cause-and-effect relationships in simple and complex sentences.

Section 8. Nature

Introduction to the active vocabulary of vocabulary from thematic groups “geography”, “climate”, “animals and plants”. Characteristic geographical location and climate Russian Federation, presentation by students of the geography of their country. Discussion of modern environmental problems.

Studying ways of expressing attributive relations in simple and complex sentences. Improving the ability to use participles and participial phrases, active and passive constructions.

Section 9. A person and his personal life

Formation of the ability to describe a person’s biography, familiarity with the biography of famous personalities. Improving the ability to describe a person’s appearance and character traits. Discussion of issues of maintaining health in modern society. Discussion of issues of personal relationships: love, friendship, family. Characteristics of the traditional way of life of the Russian family, presentation by students of the way of life in their country.

Studying ways of characterizing a mode of action, expressing target and conditional relationships in simple and complex sentences.

Section 10. National specifics

Acquaintance with Russian national character, national traditions, cuisine, clothing. Presentation by students of their national traditions. Discussion of the problems of globalization and preservation of national specifics.

Studying ways of expressing comparison and concessional relations in simple and complex sentences. Studying the rules for constructing sentences with explanatory clauses.

4.2 Structure of the discipline by sections, forms of organization and control of training

Table 1

Discipline structure

by sections and forms of training organization

Section/topic title

Classroom work (hour)

form of control

Pract. classes

1 semester

Section 1. Training

Autobiography, acquaintance, meetings.

Animated and inanimate names nouns Gender and number of nouns

Counter. slave.

Declension of nouns (genitive, dative and accusative cases)


Declension of nouns (instrumental and prepositional cases)

Study after classes.

Personal pronouns, reflexive pronoun “oneself”

Work after school.

Possessive and demonstrative pronouns

Entertainment and hobbies.

Determinative, interrogative and relative pronouns


Negative and indefinite pronouns

Section 2. Rest

Recreation and entertainment.

Gender and number of adjectives

Counter. slave.


Declension of adjectives


Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Travel, tourism.

Short form of adjective

Cardinal numbers


Ordinal and collective numbers

2nd semester

Section 3. Man as a living being

Body parts, appearance.

Mood of verbs. Transitive and intransitive groups of verbs. Verb classes representing different types inflections

Counter. slave.


Verb type in past tense

Food, products.

Verb type in present and future tense

Phases of life, age.

Type of verb in infinitive and imperative

Housing, furniture.

Verbs of motion

Clothes, shoes.

Verbs with - xia


Participle and gerund

Section 4. City

City, urban transport.

Counter. slave.

Shops, shopping.

Basic meanings of prepositional case constructions

Cafes, restaurants.

Basic models of simple sentences

Distributors of basic simple sentence models


Compound and complex sentence

3rd semester

Section 5. Man and society: communication

Government structure, city institutions.

Subject and predicate agreement

Counter. slave.

Communication, etiquette.

Forms of expression of the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate

Transport, travel.

The use of full and short adjectives in the predicative function

Section 6. Man and society: areas of activity

Education, art, sports.

Kind of verb in personal forms

Counter. slave.

Science, medicine.

Kind of verb in infinitive

Mass media.

Type of verb in the imperative

Profession, specialty, work.

Object Spreaders for Verbs and Short Adjectives

4th semester

Section 7. Man as a rational being

Intelligence, will, desire.

Expressing time in simple and complex sentences

Counter. slave.

Emotions, state.

Spatial distributors in a simple sentence

Character, temperament.

Expressing cause-and-effect relationships in simple and complex sentences

Section 8. Nature

Geography, climate.

Expressing attributive relations in simple and complex sentences

Counter. slave.

Animals and plants.

Participle, participial phrase


Active and passive designs

5th semester

Section 9. A person and his personal life

Biography, appearance.

Characteristics of the mode of action

Counter. slave.

Character traits, health.

Expressing target relationships in simple and complex sentences

Love, friendship, family.

Expressing conditional relations in simple and complex sentences

Section 10. National specifics

National character.

Expressing concessional relations in simple and complex sentences

Counter. slave.

National traditions.

Explanatory clauses

National cuisine, clothing, fashion.

Expressing comparison in simple and complex sentences


4.3 Distribution of competencies by discipline sections

table 2

Distribution of planned learning outcomes by discipline sections



Sections of the discipline

Z.2.4, Z.3.2, Z.3.3, Z.3.6, Z.11.1

Z.3.4, Z.4.3, Z.4.7, Z.5.1, Z.5.2

U.2.4, U.3.2, U.3.3

U.2.5, U.3.1, U.3.4, U.4.3, U.4.7, U.11.1

U.4.6, U.6.1, U.6.2, U.6.3, U.6.4

U.5.1, U.5.2, U.7.1

V.2.4, V.3.2, V.3.3, V.11.1

V.4.6, V.5.2, V.6.1, V.6.2, V.6.3, V.6.4, V.7.1

5. Educational technologies

Table 3

Methods and forms of training organization (TEO)

6. Organization and educational and methodological support for students’ independent work

6.1 Current SRS is aimed at deepening and consolidating the student’s knowledge and developing practical skills. The current SRS within the discipline “Practical course of the first foreign language (Russian language)” includes the following types works:

– doing homework;

- home reading;

– working with an electronic textbook;

For the teacher

on organizing the study of the discipline

“Practical course of the first foreign language (speaking and writing workshop)”

The discipline “Practicum of oral and written speech” is one of the subject training courses, which, in combination with other practical and theoretical disciplines of this cycle, should provide comprehensive language training for students.

The discipline “Practicum of oral and written speech” includes training in the lexical side of speech, training in speech skills: listening, reading, monologue speech, dialogic speech, writing.

Practical lesson plans are set out in the course work program and contain the following main topics:

First semester: biography, family, housing, food, English cuisine, countries, nationalities, working day.

Second semester: weather. recreation, shopping, theater, appearance and character.

Third semester: choice of profession, health, sports.

Fourth semester: travel, London, British Isles.

Fifth semester: hobbies, cinema, raising children.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

Know: basic information from the geography, history, political, economic, social and cultural life of the country of the language being studied, about the role of the country of the language being studied in regional and global political processes

Phonetic, lexical, grammatical system of the language being studied, the concepts of norm and usage, linguistic organization of functional and stylistic varieties of text;

Rules for constructing coherent, consistent and integral texts in a foreign language.

Be able to: compose oral and written communications on topics related to life in the country of the language being studied and its role in the world community.

Create dialogic and monologue statements in a foreign language in accordance with the chosen language style.

Apply the rules for constructing texts in working languages ​​to achieve their coherence, consistency, and integrity based on compositional speech forms

Possess: lexical, grammatical, regional studies material, allowing you to compose oral and written messages on topics related to life in the country of the language being studied and its role in global political processes.

Sustained skills in generating speech in foreign languages, taking into account their phonetic organization, maintaining tempo, norm, usage and style of the language

Rules for constructing coherent, consistent and integral texts.

Gain activity experience: experience communicating in a foreign language on topics dedicated to life in the country of the language being studied and the role it plays in the world community.

Communication in a foreign language with using different styles.

Experience in composing coherent, consistent and complete texts in a foreign language.

The structure of the main course is presented in sections, including a number of subtopics, work on which is carried out by students in the following modes: 1) under the direct guidance of the teacher, 2) independently with the advisory support of the teacher. It is recommended to use open learning methods, such as training and mutual learning in micro-groups, developing projects, preparing presentations, conducting independent comparative studies, etc., aimed at developing such key competencies of students as the ability to learn independently and work with information, apply in practice acquired knowledge, carry out cooperation and communication.

Listening tasks involve:

Testing the ability to understand the main content of an audio text

Testing the ability to understand the content of an audio text in detail

Testing the ability to purposefully extract the requested information from an audio text

To successfully complete assignments, the student must have the following skills and abilities:

Possess strategies for global, selective, detailed understanding of what is heard, be able to apply these strategies in connection with the assigned tasks;

Have a developed mechanism for semantic prediction, based not on conjecture and fantasy, but on the linguistic form of the message,

Be able to use acoustic paralinguistic elements of the text (raising/lowering voice, pause, rhythm, interjections, etc.) to understand the text;

Be able to distinguish between audio texts of different genres

The development of the lexical side of speech goes through 3 stages. The conceptualization stage can be divided into 3 successive steps: motivation (introduction to the topic by reading headlines, analyzing illustrations, formulating assumptions about the content of the communication situation, its problems), selection of new lexical units (at the text level), semantization (disclosure of the meaning of new lexical units based on linguistic guesswork, analysis of semantic meanings in different languages). The internalization stage consists of developing the ability to use new vocabulary, memorizing it, and translating it into long-term memory. This is achieved through exercises, the purpose of which is to form stable associative connections of a new word with a situation, topic, and other words (maintaining thematic dictionaries, cards, grouping vocabulary by characteristics, filling out diagrams, tables, crosswords, captioning pictures, compatibility exercises). Then come the wildcards, questions and answers written and oral exercises that allow you to use a word in context. In the first year of study, associative exercises should be numerous and varied, while in the second and third years the focus is on the use of new words in text-based communication. At the training stage, students’ speech actions with lexical material are organized “hierarchically”: statements with support, solution of a specific communicative task.

The methodology for developing reading skills should combine training in reading-comprehension itself with the interpretation of the text as a product of verbal communication in the perspective of recreating a similar type of text in speaking and writing. Reading with full understanding is carried out on the material of educational texts, the difficulties of which are dosed, and the lexical and grammatical material is subject to productive assimilation. Reading with understanding of the main content is carried out on authentic texts, including a certain amount of unfamiliar vocabulary. Reading with selective understanding of what is being read is carried out on the material of authentic functional texts (advertising, notices, diagrams, questionnaires, annotations, recipes, posters, headlines, etc.).

It is important to remember that reading comprehension is not reducible only to logical or linguistic operations - it is a complex set of skills that can be mastered as a result of targeted training, including the following basic actions:

Constant, rather than occasional, work on reading with an emphasis on understanding what is being read, while the text should be considered as a source of information used for communicative purposes;

The ability to apply various reading strategies, which involves working on various types of reading, understanding the specifics of texts of various genres and their intended purpose. It is necessary to understand what types of tasks and exercises will be most effective for certain types of reading;

Recognition of text “signals”: ​​each type of text is characterized by its own characteristics, for example, shape, external and internal structure, specific headings, and printing design features. These are the supporting elements of the text, allowing you to predict its content, which significantly facilitates the process of understanding when reading;

Use of compensatory skills.

Training students in correct time management during tests

Methodology for teaching dialogical statement includes the following stages: preparatory (determination of the communication situation, reference to sample dialogues, improvement of phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills), reproductive (reproduction of a sample dialogue, exercises to select an appropriate response to a remark, correlation of a remark with a picture, role identification, development dialogue strategies, modification of sample dialogue according to certain parameters), productive (solving communicative problems within the framework of educational and speech situations).

The formation of monologue utterance skills is carried out on the material of a complete text. This process is carried out in stages: preparatory stage (analysis of the communicative intention and structure of the text), reproductive (exercises on comparison, explanation, giving an example, description, confirmation, refutation, filling in gaps, retelling with an expression of personal attitude, summarizing the text), productive (solving a problem tasks, answers to problematic questions, argumentation of one’s own point of view, group discussions, statements based on a video, text, development of an idea, addition to the base text, description based on visual support).

Writing skills include the following levels: calligraphy, spelling, punctuation, syntax and style. Writing skills and abilities need to be developed in the areas of spelling and sentence syntax, while skills at the textual and stylistic levels should be developed based on existing skills. Written speech itself reproduces authentic genres of written speech: biography, questionnaire, personal letter, postcard, personal diary, newspaper article, advertisement, own texts by analogy.

For effective teaching of the discipline “Practicum of oral and written speech” the following pedagogical technologies can be used.

- Group collaboration of students - a complex of pedagogical teaching methods, which involves students mastering a number of algorithms, techniques and technologies for joint decision-making, development overall strategy actions and finding solutions to emerging problems, which are successfully used in the future during discussions and disputes.

- Discussion a method of organizing joint collective activity, which allows, in the process of direct communication, through logical arguments, to influence the opinions, positions and attitudes of the participants in the discussion. The purpose of the discussion is an intensive and productive solution to the group problem. During the discussion, students have the opportunity to activate their acquired speaking skills. Group discussions are widely used in teaching a second foreign language at all stages of learning.

- Dispute this is a public debate, one of the active forms of working with students. Usually devoted to discussing topical issues. Disputes can be held not only with students of the same group, but also between students of parallel groups.

- Report - public message, which is a detailed statement a certain topic, program question. IN report preparation process students actively use reading skills (viewing, familiarizing and studying), writing, learn the appropriate design of material for its presentation to students. This method is actively used in organizing students’ independent work.

- Role-playing game a teaching method that simulates the activities of an organization or group of people. Events, specific human activities, as well as the environment in which an event occurs or an activity is carried out can be modeled. The game script contains a plot, a description of the structure and purpose of the simulated processes and objects. Participants assume the roles of various characters in the game and act according to these roles.

Brainstorm (brainstorming) a method of activating thought processes through a joint search for solutions to a difficult problem. A brainstorming session involves a team of several students and a teacher acting as a facilitator. Before brainstorming begins, the facilitator clearly states the problem to be solved. During a brainstorming session, participants express their ideas for solving the problem, both logical and absurd. In the process of brainstorming, ideas at first are not particularly original, but gradually as the work progresses, when the template ideas are exhausted, the participants express original ideas. The facilitator writes down all ideas expressed. Then a detailed analysis of each idea expressed is carried out. As a result, the most optimal solution is selected. This method is especially important at the second stage of training, in preparation for business games and discussions.

- Presentation a way of visually presenting information, usually using audiovisual media. A presentation based on information and communication technologies contains text, illustrations, and uses hyperlinks.

- Self-learning is a method in which the learner interacts with educational resources for minimal participation of the teacher and other students. For self-study on the basis modern technologies characterized by a multimedia approach, which uses educational resources: printed materials, audio and video materials, computer training programs, electronic magazines, interactive databases, etc.

Guidelines for students

for studying the discipline "Workshop on oral and written speech"
Planning and organizing time

In order to effectively master the discipline, you need to properly organize your time. TO practical classes You should prepare in advance in order to better understand the material, and if necessary, clarify unclear points with the teacher during a consultation.

Scenario for studying the discipline

Studying lexical topic usually carried out according to the following scheme: presentation of vocabulary on the topic, pre-text exercises, work with basic text on the topic, post-text language exercises, work with additional texts on the topic, speech exercises, prepared monologue statement, prepared dialogical speech, unprepared dialogical speech with elements of a monologue. At the initial stage, the rules of spelling of the French language are studied; exercises are recommended to be done in writing. In subsequent stages, the rules for writing an address and executing a personal and business letter are explained.

Working with teaching materials of the discipline

Each student has the right to familiarize himself with the teaching materials of the discipline, which consists of 3 sections: the work program, the methodological support of the discipline, and the fund of assessment tools.

In the work program, a student can glean the following information: requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline (in terms of knowing, being able to, mastering, gaining experience in activities); the number of hours allocated to study the course; topics for practical classes, topics for self-study; list of basic and additional literature, periodicals, Internet resources.

In the methodological support of the discipline, the student can familiarize himself with these guidelines for studying the discipline.

The fund of assessment tools contains forms of current control, intermediate and final certification; schedule of control and assessment activities; practical assignments for tests and exams; evaluation criteria; types and forms of making up missed classes.
Guidelines for certain species works

Successful learning of a foreign language not only depends on the professional skills of the teacher, but also on the ability of students to understand and accept the tasks and content of the subject. It is necessary to take an active part in educational process and be responsible for what you do in French practical classes and during self-study.

Successful learning of a foreign language is possible only with systematic independent work on it. An important role in this is played by the accumulation of sufficient vocabulary, knowledge of grammatical structures and the phonetic structure of the language being studied through extracurricular reading.

In order to learn to read correctly, understand foreign speech by ear, and also speak a foreign language, you should widely use technical means that combine visual and audio perception: listen to audio recordings, watch videos in a foreign language. When listening, the text is heard once or twice. After the first listen it should work out big picture about what was heard, after the second - with an understanding of the details. When listening, it is recommended to make notes: dates, titles, and only then proceed to the tasks.

To develop skills and abilities to work with text without a dictionary, regular and systematic work is necessary to expand the vocabulary, and this, in turn, is inevitably associated with the ability to work with a dictionary. In addition, for a more accurate understanding of the content of the text, it is recommended to use grammatical and lexical analysis of the text.

When reading, it is not recommended to consult the dictionary every time you encounter an unfamiliar word. First you need to try to determine its meaning from the context. Only after this should its meaning be clarified in the dictionary, written down with the current meaning and others available in the dictionary, as well as with fixed expressions. When writing new words, you should follow the accepted recording culture: nouns indicating gender, adjectives indicating female, verbs in the infinitive (with conjugation, if the type of conjugation is not familiar). Write down and memorize first of all the most common verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, as well as function words (i.e. all pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions and particles). When translating, take into account the polysemy of words and choose the appropriate meaning in the dictionary Russian word, based on the general content of the translated text. When writing out so-called international words, pay attention to the fact that along with the frequent coincidence of the meanings of words in Russian and foreign languages, there is a strong discrepancy in the meanings of words.

An effective means of expanding your vocabulary is knowledge of word formation methods in a foreign language. Knowing how to break down a derived word into a root, prefix and suffix, it is easier to determine the meaning of an unknown new word. In addition, by knowing the meaning of the most common prefixes and suffixes, you can easily understand the meaning of all words derived from the same root word that you know.

IN Each language has specific phrases unique to a given language. These stable phrases (so-called idiomatic expressions) are an inextricable whole, the meaning of which cannot always be understood by translating its constituent words. Set phrases in one language cannot be literally translated into another language. Such expressions should be written out and memorized in their entirety.

The learning skills necessary for successful learning activities must be developed independently and with the help of a teacher.

Conventionally, educational skills are divided into three groups:

Skills related to intellectual processes

Skills related to the organization of educational activities and their correlation,

Compensatory or adaptive skills.

The skills associated with intellectual processes include the following skills:

Observe one or another linguistic phenomenon in a foreign language, compare and contrast linguistic phenomena in a foreign language and one’s native language;

Compare, compare, classify, group, systematize information in accordance with a specific educational task;

Summarize the information received, evaluate what you listened to and read; record the main content of messages; formulate (orally and in writing) the main idea of ​​the message; draw up a plan, formulate theses;

Prepare and present detailed reports such as reports.

The skills associated with the organization of educational activities and their correlation include:

Work in different modes (individually, in pairs, in groups), interacting with each other;

Use abstracts and reference materials;

Control your actions and the actions of your comrades, objectively evaluate your actions;

Seek help or additional clarification from the teacher or other students.

Compensatory or adaptive skills allow you to:

Use linguistic or contextual guesses, dictionaries of various types, various kinds of hints, supports in the text (keywords, text structure, preliminary information, etc.);

Use periphrases, synonymous means, and descriptive words when speaking and writing general concepts, explanations, examples, interpretations, “word creation”;

Repeat or paraphrase the interlocutor’s remark to confirm understanding of his statement or question;

Ask your interlocutor for help (clarify the question, ask again, etc.);

Use facial expressions and gestures (in general and in cases where linguistic means are not enough to express certain communicative intentions);

- “switch” the conversation to another topic.

The main purpose of organizing preparation for practical classes is to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. When preparing for each lesson, you must refer to the lesson in the textbook on this topic and additional textbooks to learn new vocabulary, terminology, grammatical structures. When working with lexical and grammatical material, it is necessary to strive not only to recognize a word or grammatical phrase, but also to understand the purpose of its use in a given context, the functional load that a given linguistic unit has.

To master the discipline at the required level, it is necessary to have all the basic literature, use additional sources to expand and deepen knowledge, and make extensive use of the Internet (on-line dictionaries, video reports, linguistic and cultural information).

Methodological recommendations (materials) for teachers
By organization of discipline study"Business conversation"

The purpose of teaching this discipline is to develop the student’s ability and readiness to perform pre-translation analysis business text and the actual official business translation of the text, which involves the development of skills in written (reading, writing) and direct oral (speaking, listening) foreign language communication. Special meaning when achieving this goal, the ability to work with literature is given, that is, mastery of all types of reading, since it is widely in demand in solving many professional problems.

Teaching speaking and listening is focused on the expression and understanding of various information and different communicative intentions, characteristic of both everyday situations and professional communication. One of the main tasks is to develop the skills to conduct business and personal correspondence, take working notes when reading and listening to texts, and perform abstract and annotative types of translation.

While studying this discipline, a student must master certain cognitive techniques that allow him to carry out cognitive and communicative activities. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of compensatory skills, including the ability to clarify elements of statements.

The educational potential of the discipline makes it possible to form a respectful attitude towards the spiritual and material values ​​of other countries and peoples, and to improve the moral qualities of the student’s personality.

Guidelines for students

Methodological recommendations for students on the organization of mastering the discipline “Peculiarities of Translation of Business Documents” are intended to help in independent work on the development of practical skills in reading and translating literature in a foreign language. To achieve success, you need to start working on the language from the very first days of classes at the university and study systematically.

1. Stock of words and expressions

To understand technical literature in a foreign language, you need to master a certain vocabulary and expressions. To do this, it is recommended to regularly read educational texts, newspapers and foreign language literature in the specialty. We recommend working on consolidating and enriching vocabulary as follows:

a) Familiarize yourself with the construction of the dictionary and the system of symbols adopted in this dictionary.

b) Write down unfamiliar words in a notebook or on cards original form with the corresponding grammatical characteristic, i.e. nouns – in singular number; verbs - in an indefinite form (in the infinitive), indicating the basic forms for irregular verbs.

When translating from a foreign language into Russian, it is necessary to remember that difficulties are caused by the following: polysemy of words; internationalisms; word formation, etc.

A characteristic feature of the language of scientific literature is the presence of very large quantity terms. A term is a word or a stable phrase that has one strictly defined meaning for a specific field of science. However, in There are cases in the scientific literature when one term has several meanings. The difficulty of translation lies in choosing the correct meaning of a polysemantic foreign term. To avoid mistakes, you need to know the general content of a passage or paragraph and, based on the context, determine to which area of ​​knowledge the concept expressed by the unknown term belongs.

2. Work on the text

Since the main goal of learning is to obtain information from a foreign language source, Special attention should be devoted to reading texts.

Understanding a foreign text is achieved by performing two types of reading:

1) reading with general content coverage;

2) studying reading.

When reading a text intended to understand the general content, it is necessary, without resorting to a dictionary, to understand the basic meaning of what was read.

Reading covering general content consists of the following skills: a) guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words based on word-formation features and context; b) see international words and establish their meaning; c) find familiar grammatical forms and constructions and establish their equivalents in Russian; d) use the illustrative material, diagrams, formulas, etc. available in the text; e) apply knowledge of special subjects as the basis for semantic and linguistic guesses. An accurate and complete understanding of the text is achieved through studying reading.

Study reading presupposes the ability to independently conduct lexical and grammatical analysis of special texts. The result of learning reading is an accurate translation of the text into the native language.

When carrying out this type of work, one should develop the skills of adequate translation of text (oral or written) using industry-specific, terminological dictionaries, and dictionaries of abbreviations.