Project “A dazzling smile for life. Dental health. Methodological development of a health lesson within the framework of the international Colgate Campaign “A Dazzling Smile for Life.” Topic: “Healthy teeth – good health IV. Main stage

Blinding smile: 7 rules of dental care

Summer is a hot time for travel, warmth and light. I just want to stretch out my arms towards the sun, walk in a spectacular pareo along the beach, smile dazzlingly and amaze those around me with my smile. But... Sadly, not everyone can do this - problems with teeth. Well, you know, like in advertising: yellow plaque, bacteria and gum problems? So what should we do? So hide your smile? Not at all, you just need to ensure proper, daily dental care.

So, how shouldtake care of your teeth?

1. Regardless of the time of year, you need to brush your teeth twice a day - morning and evening. And this should be done correctly: the brush is held at an angle of 45° to the area where the teeth and gums meet. Brushing movements should be circular, so as to clean 1-2 teeth at a time.

2. Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes. Take your time and pay attention to the molars, which are not visible when you smile. Chewing teeth suffer the most as they are less likely to be cleaned. According to statistics, many people brush their teeth for no more than 30-40 seconds. Better take your time.

3. When caring for your teeth, hold the brush the same way you would hold a ballpoint pen. With this method of cleaning, the gums are not so injured, and the enamel is cleaned better.

4. Use dental floss. To clean our teeth, we traditionally use a toothbrush, which, unfortunately, does not clean the teeth where they touch each other. The joint can be cleaned exclusively with dental floss. How to use dental floss? Cut 40-45 cm of thread, twist one end around the middle finger of one hand, and the other end around the finger of the other hand. Leave a piece of floss 2-3 cm long. Moving it carefully, insert the dental floss into the space between the teeth. When you reach the gum line, bend the floss into a "C" shape and clean one tooth first, then work your way back to clean the other tooth. Brush your lower teeth from bottom to top, and your upper teeth from top to bottom.

5. You can whiten your teeth by brushing them with baking soda. Wet the brush with water and dip it in baking soda. It's pretty effective remedy to take good care of your teeth. However, do not overdo it, perform 2-3 procedures per week. After a few days, you can repeat the cleaning.

6. Carry out prophylaxis of the entire oral cavity. Finally, visit the dentist. Treat cavities and unhappy gums. Stop suffering, be brave! Also, remove the tartar and switch to professional toothpaste for a couple of months. It will help restore gums after brushing and relieve inflammation.

7. If a regular brush doesn’t help, buy an electric one. These can be found in specialty stores and pharmacies. According to experts, electric brush removes almost 90% of all plaque (compared to conventional - 47% plaque).

Be healthy and beautiful!

Have a wonderful summer!

Colgate helps children in 80 countries achieve a dazzling smile.

A large number of children around the world do not have access to basic oral hygiene and are not familiar with basic hygiene rules. Colgate's Brighter Smiles for Life program helps kids learn good oral hygiene and get free screenings. Colgate helps you develop lifelong healthy habits that help build self-esteem and lay the foundation for future success.


Colgate's Brighter Smiles for Life is one of the largest and most successful oral health programs for children worldwide. Long-term cooperation with authorities, educational institutions and local communities has provided free dental consultations and oral hygiene education to more than 950 million children.


Colgate's Brighter Smile for Life program is based on award-winning training. Colgate's cross-cultural educational materials, developed by experts from around the world, help demonstrate how to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

In Russia, the program has been implemented since 2009 in partnership with the Dental Association of Russia and the Society of Dental Hygienists. Cumulatively, since 2009, more than 2,200,000 children have been enrolled in oral hygiene lessons.

Today educational program Colgate A Brighter Smile for Life is available in 30 languages ​​and has become part of the school curriculum in many countries.

Event goals

1. Convince children that against the backdrop of an unfavorable environment The greatest value can only be human health, and it is necessary to take care of it from an early age.

2. Foster the need to visit the dentist and brush your teeth to keep them healthy.


1. The class teacher with a group of students is preparing a re-enactment of “How the Princess with a Sweet Tooth was Treated.”

2. Parents make costumes, a poster for decorating the board, and prepare copies of handouts.

3. Getting ready necessary equipment:

— posters “Teeth are a mirror of the body and attitude towards one’s health”, “Diagram of the structure of a tooth”;

- model of the jaw,

— demonstration toothbrush;

- pictures of smiling people;

— handouts for working in groups;

- a poster with a picture of shutters.

2nd grade students and the class teacher are participating.

Progress of the event

The event begins with a performance.




Witch Doctor

The shutters open and the Grandmother-storyteller appears.

Grandmother-storyteller. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in an ancient castle, there lived a fairy-tale King. He had a daughter, she only loved sweets...

On stage, the Princess sits at a table and eats candy.


Breakfast is on the table, it's time to eat,

But I don't need porridge.

If chocolate is good

And when it’s just salad, it’s bad.

I don't like cottage cheese, but I like pie

With chocolate cream.

If it has honey, it's good

But when it’s the other way around, it’s bad!

The princess bit into a nut and broke a tooth.

Princess(shouting). Oh! Oh oh oh! What's wrong with me?

The King comes running

King(sings). What happened, you are my Troubadour! Why don't you eat the candy on the plate? Don't be silent, answer your father!

Princess(sings). I do not want anything!

King(sings). What's wrong with you, my darling? How much can you eat one chocolate! Or maybe see a doctor?

Princess(sings). I do not want anything!

King. I’ll still call the Medicine Woman.

He leaves and returns with Grandma Witch Doctor.

Here, here, Uzhasina Tikhonovna! Here she is, my daughter, here she is, my beloved, my poor thing, be patient a little!

The medicine woman walks around the Princess.

Witch Doctor. This is a familiar picture; I have encountered such an illness. I saved my hedgehog grandmother from such an infection. I remember her cheek was so swollen, so swollen. Don’t be scared, now I’ll prepare a potion, make a decoction, and drive all the illness out of you.

He approaches the pan and sings.

I'll put garlic, ceiling, ceiling

And I'll add boiling water, boiling water, boiling water,

I'll throw the leeches

In a potion for seasoning.

Bat, fly, fly, fly!

Add flavor to the stew, add it, add it!

I'll salt and pepper

And I’ll whisper a little.

Well, my potion is ready! Come on, take a sample, Princess!

Princess (jumps up and screams). I won't drink! Remove this witch! Daddy, where are you? Guys, help, call the King.

The King runs in.

King. What happened, daughter?

Princess. She wants to poison me!

King. What should I do now? I remembered! Guards, bring the overseas doctor here! Maybe he knows how to help. Be patient, daughter, he will come now.

The Doctor enters.

Doctor. What happened, King? Why did you call?

King. Help! Save my daughter!

The doctor examines the Princess.

Doctor. The diagnosis is clear. You fed the Princess with sweets. From such food she can have neither strength nor health.

Witch Doctor. But no! Don't trust him! Nothing depends on this. It is good for children to eat chocolate.

Doctor. No, milk is good for you!

Witch Doctor. Snickers and Bounty!

Doctor. Apples and pears!

Witch Doctor. Cakes and pastries!

Doctor. Cucumbers and tomatoes!

King. Guys, help me understand which of them is right.

The children willingly help the King.

Doctor. That's right, guys! Too much sweets are very harmful. The composition of tooth enamel is damaged. What happens to such teeth?

The children answer.

What will we talk about today? class hour? How to keep your teeth healthy and your smile dazzling.

The teacher invites students to look at pictures of smiling people, focusing on how pleasant it is to look at a smiling person, at his beautiful teeth, then he is asked to paint over the teeth (1-3) of the people in the pictures with a black felt-tip pen. It is necessary to pay attention to how ugly and even scary the smile in the photo has become.

Classroom teacher. What happened? Why?

The children answer.

The same misfortune happened to our Princess. What advice would you give her?

a) brush your teeth;

b) consult a doctor;

c) eat candy.

How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Why?

Children make guesses.

Bacteria, combining with sugar that remains after eating, form sticky substances (dental plaque), this is a sticky thin film. Plaque bacteria feed on sugars, producing acid. Plaque gradually develops into mature plaque. This process lasts on average 18-28 hours. The acid begins to dissolve the enamel and caries begins. However, we can reduce the likelihood of tooth decay if we brush our teeth (jaw mold and brush). That's why you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, every 12 hours. What do we need to brush our teeth?

Students. Paste and brush.

Classroom teacher. What substances should be in toothpaste for children?

Students. Calcium and fluoride.

Classroom teacher. These are natural substances that prevent tooth decay.

Demonstration of brushing teeth on a model: 32 teeth - 8 sharp incisors, 4 strong canines, 8 small and 12 large molars.

Now let's solve the puzzle. It is necessary to put the letters in accordance with their numbers.

On the board: u(6), e(4), 6(1), e(2), g(5), p(3), y(8), s(10), 6(9), z( 7).

With the right decision, the phrase “take care of your teeth” is obtained.

2. You should brush your teeth before breakfast, but after dinner.

3. It is necessary to use fluoride paste.

4. After brushing your teeth at night, eat some candy and it will leave a pleasant taste in your mouth.

5. You cannot chew pens and pencils.

6. You can suck your thumb.

7. Everyone has their own toothbrush.

8. To quench your thirst, drink lemonade.

9. You should go to the dentist when your tooth hurts.

State budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 000

Methodological development

health lesson

within international promotion « Colgate»

"A dazzling smile for life."

Subject: " Healthy teeth- to your health."

(“Teeth and care”)


GBOU school No. 000

Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Goals and objectives:

1. Give an idea of ​​the structure of teeth;

2. Introduce students to the rules of dental care;

3. Expand knowledge about oral hygiene;

4. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards visiting a dental office and meeting with a doctor;

5. Shape careful attitude to your health.


1. A set of visual aids on the topic “Teeth and their care.”

2. Personalized mirror.

3. Toothbrush.

4. Toothpaste.

5. Model of teeth.

6. Plates with printed words: gums, caries, enamel, pulp, root, nerve.

7. Multimedia installation.

8. Disc mp 3 “Song about a smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky) from the film “Little Raccoon”.

9. Pictures of food: carrots, cabbage, milk, nuts, candies, chocolate, cottage cheese, tomato, popsicle, apple, crackers, etc.

10. DVD "Doctor Hare and the Legend of the Tooth Kingdom."

11. Pictures of smiling people.

During the classes.

I.Organizational stage. Creating an emotional mood.

Children enter the classroom. The composer's “Song about a Smile” sounds.

II. Motivation.

"If you just laugh,

Then miracles will come -

Smiles will make you clearer

Both eyes and heaven.

Come on, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To make it happen on the planet

Both lighter and warmer.”

Let us smile and look at each other.

What attracts other people's attention at this moment? (children's answers)

Look at pictures of smiling people. You see what a beautiful smile they have.

What does it depend on beautiful smile? The riddle will help you guess “White doves are sitting at the red hole.”

The teeth are ours faithful helpers. They boldly plunge into hard apples and grind crackers, as if in a mill. They crush nuts, cut meat and mash potatoes. They often freeze from ice cream and burn themselves from hot tea. They have a hard job. They work every day without vacations or weekends. They care about your health. Why don't you take care of them too?

Do you think teeth can constantly regrow, like, say, the hair on your head and your fingernails and toenails?

III. Definition of the topic.

What is the lesson about? (children name the topic)

Guess what we will talk about? (children's versions)

Why does a person need to know as much as possible about teeth?

Today we will go on an unusual journey to Tooth Kingdom.

Our route is: (posted on the board)

1. What are teeth for?

2. What types of teeth are there?

3. Tooth structure.

4. Why do my teeth hurt?

5. To keep your teeth healthy.

6. How to eat properly.

IV. Main stage..

1.What are teeth needed for?

Could we do without teeth? Why do we need teeth? ( tentative answers children: teeth help chew food, pronounce sounds, words, decorate the face, etc.)

2. What types of teeth are there?

When a person is born, he has no teeth at all. The first ones are the milk ones, appear in the first year of life, and by the age of 6-7 there are 20 of them. In place of the milk ones, new ones appear - permanent ones.

Your front teeth are already permanent. By the age of 10-11, all baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. By age 20, a person should have 32 teeth.

-Remember: If you lose a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow.

Practical work No. 1. (teacher shows on the model)

Take a mirror. (children look at their teeth).

Find your baby teeth. Permanent. They differ in color and size. Temporary ones are white-bluish in color and smaller. Baby teeth need to be cared for just as carefully as permanent teeth. If baby teeth hurt, there will be a lot of germs in the mouth. Then the permanent teeth will not grow healthy.

All teeth are different in shape and size, because they perform different jobs.

Front – incisors. Consider them. They are at the top and bottom right in the middle. Run your tongue along the edge. Feel how sharp they are. We use these teeth to bite off small pieces of food. For example, when we eat bread, an apple.

On the sides of the incisors are located fangs. They are needed for tearing and gnawing dense foods, such as carrots and meat. Look at them - they are not like incisors. Many animals and predators have fangs.

Chew and grind food big and small indigenous teeth. Their surface is uneven, with protrusions. This makes it easier to grind food.

Conclusion: All kinds of teeth are needed, all kinds of teeth are important.

3. Tooth structure. (table)

(the teacher can involve previously prepared children in the story)

Teeth do a very difficult job. To deal with it well, they must be well protected.

There is such protection. Lightly tap the tip of the pen on your teeth. You feel how hard they are. This is because they are covered with a thick layer enamels. There is nothing harder in our body than enamel. It's harder than bone. Even a drill cannot penetrate healthy, strong enamel, and the tip of a saber breaks when it hits the enamel.

Inside the tooth. Under the enamel, hidden soft pulp . Here are the nerves and blood vessels through which oxygen enters the tooth, nutrients and vitamins necessary for the growth and preservation of teeth.

Each tooth has its own root. It secures the teeth so that they do not become loose or fall out.

Passes through the root nerve, which transmits a signal to the brain and back about the condition of your teeth.

The base of the tooth is surrounded on all sides gum. It is very important that the gums are healthy, otherwise the infection can spread to the tooth and destroy it.

4. Why do my teeth hurt?

You found out how strong the enamel on your teeth is. But why is it being destroyed? (children's versions)

Yes, enamel is destroyed very quickly if you don’t take care of your teeth. Small cracks appear on the surface of the enamel.

What causes cracks in teeth? Children tell.

Student 1.

- Cracks in the enamel may appear if you bite hard nuts or candies with your teeth; from bad habit take nails in teeth, chew pens, pencils. In addition, cracks may appear if you drink, for example, cold juice, water, or bite into ice cream immediately after a hot meal. Enamel can lose strength if a person does not eat properly: does not drink milk, does not eat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, black bread, but on the contrary, eats a lot of candies and other sweets.

Student 2.

After eating, food debris gets into these small cracks and narrow crevices between the teeth. If they are not removed, they begin to rot. Dangerous microbes are formed that will continue to destroy tooth enamel. Then a cavity or simply a hole forms in the tooth. This disease is called caries. If such a tooth is not cured immediately, then severe pain occurs.

Student 1.

- Together with dirty hands, germs that are dangerous for teeth can also enter your mouth. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands before eating. Bad teeth also harm other organs: the heart, kidneys. A person with bad teeth does not chew food well, and this can cause stomach pain.

Student 2.

- If the doctor does not heal the hollow while it is still small, it will increase and reach the inside of the tooth. Therefore, the tooth begins to ache. If you do not see a doctor in time, you can lose your tooth. But many children are very afraid of the dentist.

V. Physical education pause.

Dramatization of the poem "Harmful Petya."


Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya.

Loved him more than anyone in the world

This boy is chocolate

Choco pie and marmalade.

Well, kids love candy.

But Petya didn’t brush his teeth.

I was afraid of brushes like fire,

I rarely even washed my face.


Wow, what a prickly one!

Scratch my mouth.

Ugh! How disgusting!

Who would put something like that in their mouth?


After all, he didn’t think, guys,

That your teeth will hurt someday.

Petya ate a chocolate bar,

And Petya’s tooth ached.

Petya runs and shouts:


Help! My tooth hurts!

Oh! Oh! Oh! I can't stand it!

Why should I die now?


Petenka’s mom feels sorry

Rinsing in a cup warms.


We will go with you to the doctor!


And Petya again:



Petya, Petya, don't be a coward.


No! I'm absolutely afraid of the doctor!

He has a drill like this

He'll drill me in an instant!

He has these tongs

All my teeth will be pulled out!

There they give injections to everyone,

They'll kill me completely there!

The doctor looks terrible.

It’s better if the tooth hurts!

Baba Yaga: (appears)

I am Grandmother Yaga, a toothless old woman.

I am a bone leg - a friend to all children.

I love to chew nuts

Chupa - chups and kirieshki.

I bit the crackers

I broke my penultimate tooth.

And now there is only one tooth.

I don't know any trouble with him

Yes, and I can bite everyone with one tooth.

(addresses Petya)

You, iris, be patient,

Have some chocolate.

Let's be together: you and me!

We are a toothless family! (Petya runs away from Baba Yaga)


In vain you shout: Oh! Oh! Oh!

The doctor is not evil at all!


Don't be afraid of him, children,

He is the kindest in the world.

I've known him for a long time -

This is my mom! (the doctor’s mother comes in, takes Petya by the hand, and sits him in a chair)

Mom doctor:

You, sick man, don't be afraid of me,

Don't shake, calm down (heals)

We will not kill, we will not maim.

We'll treat you a little.

That's all! The tooth became healthy!


Don't be afraid of doctors, children!

VI. The main stage (continued).

5. To keep your teeth healthy.

What happens if a piece of meat is left in the heat?

What if a piece of food gets stuck in a tooth? The same. Microbes hide between your teeth like pirates. Teeth cannot take care of themselves. They need help. And then they will give you a dazzling smile!

Listen to what the guys will tell you.

Student 1.

- To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush and care for them.

“When you’ve eaten, brush your teeth.

Do this 2 times a day"

People understood this a long time ago. We used ash, crushed glass and sand. Woolen rags soaked in honey served as a toothbrush.

The toothpicks were animal claws. This kind of care was not very pleasant!

Student 2.

- They chewed tree bark in India, and resin in Siberia. They rubbed their teeth with salt. Then they started brushing their teeth with crushed chalk. This is how tooth powder was born. Toothpaste appeared only in the 20s of the 20th century. It was invented later than the automobile and the steam locomotive.

- It is necessary to remove food debris that is stuck between the teeth and in small cracks. And a toothbrush will help with this. Its bristles “sweep out” food debris, and toothpaste cleans teeth and mouth from germs. After this, the teeth become white, shiny and smooth.

“Did you have a delicious breakfast?

You need to brush your teeth.

Take a brush in your hands,

Apply some toothpaste!”

Student 3.

- Each person should have their own toothbrush. The bristles should not be very hard, so as not to damage the gums and scratch the mouth.

- You need to change your toothbrush 4 times a year. You should clean it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening before bed. And after every meal, rinse your mouth.

“We brush our teeth carefully,

After all, you can hurt your gums...

And what's next? And then

We'll rinse our teeth.

We need a mug..

Smile at each other.

They worked skillfully.

Our teeth have become white."

Student 4.

To avoid pain and fear in the doctor’s office, you need to come to the doctor when your teeth are not yet sick. Do this at least 2 times a year.

“So that the tooth does not bother you,

Remember this rule:

Let's go to the dentist
2 appointments per year,

And then smiles light

You will save it for many years!”

Practical lesson No. 2.

-And now we will learn how to brush our teeth correctly. (reliance on the table)

1.First, wash your hands with soap.

2.Rinse the toothbrush under running water and shake off.

3. Squeeze a little paste onto your toothbrush.

4. We brush the upper teeth from TOP TO DOWN, and the lower teeth from BOTTOM TO UP. Then, pressing lightly, swipe right and left. They also clean the inside. Then they clean the chewing surface of each tooth. Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes.

5.Then rinse your mouth well with warm water.

6.Rinse the brush thoroughly, shake it off and place it in a glass, handle down, to dry.

6. How to eat properly.

We learned how to brush our teeth correctly. And now we find out how to eat so that your teeth don’t deteriorate. (reliance on the table)

Student 1.

To prevent teeth from deteriorating, you should eat milk, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. Vitamin D is especially useful. It is found in fish, egg yolk, butter, and milk.

Student 2.

- It is useful to eat onions, garlic, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, oranges, tomatoes, seaweed, Rye bread. These products contain vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, which strengthens teeth.

Student 3.

Choose foods that are good for your teeth (shows pictures): carrots, apple, candy, cabbage, cottage cheese, nuts, chocolate, tomato, popsicle, crackers, milk.

VII. Consolidation. Game "Yes - no"

1. " Constantly need to eat

For your teeth:

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

Clap your hands."

2. " Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's not tasty at all.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marinade.
This good advice? No!"

3. " Lyuba told her mother:

"I won't brush my teeth."

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba? (No)

4. " Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If our (my) advice is good,

You clap your hands."

VIII. Reflection.

What have you learned?

What did you remember?

IX. Summary of the lesson.

As we conclude this lesson, we would like to wish you all good health. Take care of your teeth from childhood and when you become adults, your teeth will not cause trouble.

Student 1

So let's, friends, take care of our teeth. We talked about this in class today.

Student 2

We will cherish our teeth, we will love our teeth, and we will be able to blind everyone with our smile.

At the end, the children sing the song “ Smile".

To consolidate the knowledge and practical skills in dental care acquired in this lesson, it is recommended to watch the video “Doctor Hare and the Legend of the Dental Kingdom.” (DVD)

X. Homework.

Children are invited to make drawings based on the topic of the lesson.