Presentation on the topic of modern family. The problem of family in modern Russia. The result of changes in the family institution

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Modern family: problems and prospects

In our time: Family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship ties, a common way of life, and mutual moral and material responsibility. The family is the environment in which the conditions for the mental, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child are formed. Family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society. “The family is created, and is not given ready-made, and no rights, no responsibilities are given ready-made, but they all flow by themselves, one from the other. Then only this is strong, then only this is holy. The family is built by the tireless work of the family.” F.M.Dostoevsky

Modern family in the world: Swedish family: Child “out of divorce” Chinese family: 1 family – 1 child Finnish family: no “male” and “female” responsibilities Family in Germany: Family and marriage are the basis of the state Japanese family: Patriarchy, personal example American family: independence, independence, “a place in the sun”

Modern Russian family - development trends INCREASE: Divorced families Single-parent families Remarriages Single parents Number of illegitimate children Number of single people Childless families (every 10 family is infertile, every 6 has a problem with conception) DECREASE: Number of children Number of large families

Our women Russia – 80 million women. Average age- 37 years. 20% of women initiate marriage without registration. 50% are married. The woman is self-sufficient. The roles in the family were practically equalized. One woman - one child. 45% of women initiate divorce.

Our men Average age is 60 years. A Russian man is a warrior, a winner, but not in the role of a father. The father is needed in the family as a symbol. In Russia there is no cult of the father, there is a cult of the mother.

Men are teachers Before the revolution In the 80s of the 20th century Today Women work at school - men win competitions (20-18%). Educational institution without men - incomplete. The majority of teachers are men. 30% of men work in schools. Less than 12% are men.

Types of families Prosperous family: - common interests, spiritual connection; - relationships are built on respect for each other; - creative approach to family education; - material well-being. The goal is to instill family values ​​and foster a thirst for parenthood. Formally, a prosperous family: - external well-being; - loss of family values; - Parents are not involved in upbringing. The goal is education for life in society. Dysfunctional families: - lack of family traditions; - upbringing is not accepted as a parental responsibility; -material problems. The goal is survival in society.

How are children different today? Uninhibitedness Hyperactivity Poor health Independence Interactivity Demanding Egocentrism

Traditionally, parents spend time in the family on their children. MOMS spend 85% of their free time on activities and communication with the child: games; Reading books; Team work; conversations with the child. DADS devote 25% of their time to their children: passive viewing of TV and video; computer games; car trips.

What difficulties do parents have when raising a child? Difficulty in choosing a punishment - 6% Lack of friends for the child - 9% Difficulties with behavior - 32% Lack of mutual understanding - 8% Difficulties in organizing free time -19% Difficult to answer - 26%

Short recommendations Give your child a choice; Accept your child's individuality; Pamper your children wisely; Encourage a breadth of interests; Take care of the future family happiness of your children; Express satisfaction with your child more often. Don't forget to talk to your child; Listen to your child's questions; Watch what and how you say yourself; Show, don't tell; Spend more time together.

Directions preschool work and families Encourage parents in raising children as a subject of social relations; Preservation and promotion of health; Development of parent initiatives (parent committee) Physical education child and his family Education of the child’s aesthetic feelings; Formation and education of a family leisure culture; “Learning together” Information and pedagogical education of parents

Forms of work with families: Pedagogical conversations with parents; Thematic consultations for parents; Parent group meetings; Information stands for parents; Organization of matinees in kindergarten; Leisure activities together with parents; Individual counseling for parents; Thematic exhibitions; Open classes for parents and many others etc. The goal is to show what your children can do.

Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want our friends to say about us: How good your family is!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

What is a family? A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. In the theory of family law, the family...

“Educational and entertainment event “Seven to Seven” as a form of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family”

Goals: Creating a living creative union of adults and children for the full development of the child and self-realization of adults. Objectives: Teach parents to observe the child, study him, look...

Conditions for family well-being

1. Mutual understanding between spouses.

2. Separate apartment.

3. Material well-being.

5. Confidence in the strength of the marriage.

6. Interesting leisure time in the family.7. Interesting job.

8. Appropriate education.

9. Good position at work.

10. Good friends.

11. Independence of spouses.

Family functions

1.Educational function

2. Household function

3. Emotional function of the family

4. Spiritual (cultural) social function

5. Function of primary social control

6. Sexual and erotic functions

French researchers identify three phases in women's lives:


accumulation of intellectual and professional “baggage”;

giving birth and raising children;




For men, life is more “monotonous”, and only a focus on work or family partially changes it.

Five main types of focus of interests in various fields of activity.

For men it is: direction

In women, along with “men’s”

interests in creativity (with

types of interest orientation -

dominance of values

on cognition (“equality”, “cognition”,

"creativity", "work",

"friends") and creativity

"love", "knowledge" and

(“creativity”, “cognition”, “freedom”),

denial of the value of “family”),

which are confirmed by activity

to knowledge (“freedom”,

representatives of these types in the data


spheres and creative results,

"independence"), to work

specifically female

(“work”, “friends”,

types of interest orientation:

"creativity"), "freedom-loving

"harmonic type" (with

hedonic" type

dominance of the values ​​“love”,

(“freedom”, “creativity”,

“family”, “creativity”), as well as two

"love", "pleasure") and

significant in number

“harmonic type” (“family”,

purely family-oriented: 1 - with

"love", "work",

dominance of family values,

"creation"). Thus, at

"love", "financially secure

men only in the latter type

one of the

2 - “freedom”, “love”, “family”.

dominant values

is "family".

Stages of family development

1. A-stage. A young family without children in its infancy.

The main task of the family is to form

create the image of “WE”, learn to live as a single whole, adapt to each other in conditions limited freedom, be able to express your feelings in the language of family life.

B-stage. A young married couple expecting their first child.

The main thing here is to adapt to the new responsibilities and feelings associated with pregnancy.

Stage 2. Formation of a family.

The main task is the adaptation of spouses to the role of parents, reorganization

family relationships, taking into account the needs of the infant and preschooler.

Stabilization or raising children.

The task of the spouses is to raise children of preschool and teenage age, preparing them for independent life.

An elderly couple living separately from their adult children.

It begins with the departure of the last of the children from the parental home, and ends with the death of one of the spouses. On this day, this family ends its life cycle.

Naturally, the description of the stage is only a diagram, since division is possible only in a one-child family. If there are two or more children,

Protests took place in many cities across the country against the introduction of the so-called juvenile system in Russia. Tens of thousands of people took part in the protests. Talk shows were held on all channels, the result of which was the complete defeat in the free discussion of the advocates of promoting juvenile justice and juvenile technologies in Russia. Tens of thousands of letters have been sent to the President, the Government, the State Duma and the Federation Council from citizens concerned about the possibility of gross interference by certain public and state structures in the life and affairs of the family. The wave of rallies and pickets that swept across the country was also supported by representatives of the clergy. Thus, following the meeting of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' with members of the presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia, which took place on April 21, 2010, a special statement was adopted. In it, representatives of traditional faiths of the Russian Federation emphasized that any measures that would allow officials to interfere in the internal life of a family, in its worldview and way of life, in the blood relationship between parents and children, pose a danger. “The norms of intra-family relations are laid down by the Creator in human nature, and their destruction will bring misfortune to the person and the people,” the statement notes.

We know that: Millions of families in America and Europe have already suffered from juvenile technologies! Millions of parents are already left without children! Tens of thousands of officials, judges, social workers, doctors, psychologists, teachers in America and Europe are already feeding from the bins of juvenile justice and their number is only increasing! Several thousand people in Russia are working on the implementation of juvenile justice at the request of the builders of the global new world order! Hundreds of thousands of families in Russia are under the threat of severe control! Illegal removals of children have already begun, still illegal!

The juvenile system is being introduced under the pretext of protecting children from violence in the family, school, penitentiary system, etc. The public's greatest concern is domestic violence. This is what is being promoted now by the lobbyists of the juvenile system, to the point of falsifying criminal cases with gross violations such as the Ageev case, media campaigns and social advertising. To identify threats to the life and health of children in the family, helplines, ombudsmen, health passports for schoolchildren, new instructions for doctors and police on identifying domestic violence, etc. are being introduced.

Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia. No, I don't allow children to be spanked! And put it in a corner too. h ttp:// Domestic violence is interpreted completely arbitrarily.

“The following features of parental behavior suggest the possibility of neglect of the child’s basic needs: - unjustified refusal of preventive vaccinations; - low medical activity (untimely visits to the clinic for preventive examinations, appeal for medical care only in case of a serious illness of the child, failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations, poor condition of the child’s teeth); - poor nutrition child (poor diet, parents give the child foods that are not appropriate for his age, non-compliance with the feeding regime); - parents’ passion for “extreme” methods of education (hardening infant by using cold water, teaching him to swim, using untested methods of early intellectual development, etc.). The guardianship and trusteeship authorities, whose competence includes taking measures to protect the child, up to and including immediately removing him from his parents, must be informed about identified dysfunctional families.” Tsymbal E.I. Cruelty to children: causes, manifestations, consequences. ( Tutorial). Russian charitable foundation “No to alcoholism and drug addiction” (NAN). – M S. – 166.

Juvenile justice is called upon to deal with those families and children who have slipped through the meat grinder of birth control programs based on abortion and abortifacient contraception. See the following websites for details:

According to official data, more than 1 million abortions are performed annually in Russia. This does not take into account medical abortions, the activities of private clinics, and the fact that 9 million women use hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices having an abortifacient effect. REAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN

"Russian Cross". The population of Russia is declining annually, thousand people in 2008. The crisis of the family institution

In 2004, he lobbied for the murderous Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 231 “On average single doses narcotic drugs" Lakhova E.F. known as one of the most scandalous and odious politicians in modern Russia, lobbying for programs to reduce the birth rate, the interests of sexual minorities, pedophiles, businessmen in the porn industry, companies producing contraceptives and fetal drugs, seeking to develop the Russian market. See Medvedeva I. Ya., Shishova T. L. Demographic war against Russia. Demography, family planning and genocide: analytical report. – M., 2000 Lobbyists for the implementation of the juvenile system.

75% of children born as a result of IVF are disabled. According to world statistics, IVF (in vitro fertilization) significantly increases the risk of having a disabled child, said Alexander Baranov, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief pediatrician of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES The district program of assisted reproductive technologies has been implemented since 2007 Khanty-Mansiysk district clinical Hospital Surgut Clinical perinatal center. Total 300 quotas Cooperation Program. Tyumen. Total quotas Federal program TDC. Moscow, Ekaterinburg. A total of 5-7 quotas In 2008, people were accepted (Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut) In 2008, 203 cycles were carried out; 48 pregnancies were registered

Eternal youth – How much material is required for cell transplantation? - A little. There are enough tissues and cells obtained from 30 biological units to treat 300 patients. Cell therapy is a young field in our medicine. Although our scientists have been developing this promising direction for fifteen years. Among those who stood at the origins of cell technologies in Russia is Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Gennady SUKHIKH.

Biological, reproductive and nano-digital technologies designed to replace the family are marching by leaps and bounds to replace the marginalized and economically destroyed large family under multi-billion-dollar investments. These technologies give hope to the elites promoting them not only to always have at hand the required number of easily controlled slaves - clones and cyborgs, but also to acquire superhuman abilities, eternal youth, unprecedented life expectancy. The general plan is visible and has its own internal logic. This is the satanic logic of the post-human kingdom of the Antichrist.

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In our time: Family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship ties, a common way of life, and mutual moral and material responsibility. The family is the environment in which the conditions for the mental, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child are formed. Family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society. “The family is created, and is not given ready-made, and no rights, no responsibilities are given ready-made, but they all flow by themselves, one from the other. Then only this is strong, then only this is holy. The family is built by the tireless work of the family.” F.M.Dostoevsky

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Modern family in the world: Swedish family: Child “out of divorce” Chinese family: 1 family – 1 child Finnish family: no “male” and “female” responsibilities Family in Germany: Family and marriage are the basis of the state Japanese family: Patriarchy, personal example American family: independence, independence, “a place in the sun”

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Modern Russian family - development trends INCREASE: Divorced families Single-parent families Remarriages Single parents Number of illegitimate children Number of single people Childless families (every 10 family is infertile, every 6 has a problem with conception) DECREASE: Number of children Number of large families

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Our women Russia – 80 million women. The average age is 37 years. 20% of women initiate marriage without registration. 50% are married. The woman is self-sufficient. The roles in the family were practically equalized. One woman - one child. 45% of women initiate divorce.

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Our men Average age is 60 years. A Russian man is a warrior, a winner, but not in the role of a father. The father is needed in the family as a symbol. In Russia there is no cult of the father, there is a cult of the mother.

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Men are teachers Before the revolution In the 80s of the 20th century Today Women work at school - men win competitions (20-18%). An educational institution without men is incomplete. The majority of teachers are men. 30% of men work in schools. Less than 12% are men.

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Types of families Prosperous family: - common interests, spiritual connection; - relationships are built on respect for each other; - creative approach to family education; - material well-being. The goal is to instill family values ​​and foster a thirst for parenthood. Formally, a prosperous family: - external well-being; - loss of family values; - Parents are not involved in upbringing. The goal is education for life in society. Dysfunctional families: - lack of family traditions; - upbringing is not accepted as a parental responsibility; -material problems. The goal is survival in society.

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How are children different today? Uninhibitedness Hyperactivity Poor health Independence Interactivity Demanding Egocentrism

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Traditionally, parents spend time in the family on their children. MOMS spend 85% of their free time on activities and communication with the child: games; Reading books; Team work; conversations with the child. DADS devote 25% of their time to their children: passively watching TV and videos; computer games; car trips.

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What difficulties do parents have when raising a child? Difficulty in choosing a punishment - 6% Lack of friends for the child - 9% Difficulties with behavior - 32% Lack of mutual understanding - 8% Difficulties in organizing free time -19% Difficult to answer - 26%

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Short recommendations Give your child a choice; Accept your child's individuality; Pamper your children wisely; Encourage a breadth of interests; Take care of the future family happiness of your children; Express satisfaction with your child more often. Don't forget to talk to your child; Listen to your child's questions; Watch what and how you say yourself; Show, don't tell; Spend more time together. Forms of work with families: Pedagogical conversations with parents; Thematic consultations for parents; Parent group meetings; Information stands for parents; Organization of matinees in kindergarten; Leisure activities together with parents; Individual counseling for parents; Thematic exhibitions; Open classes for parents and more. etc. The goal is to show what your children can do.

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Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want our friends to say about us: How good your family is!