Presentation on the theme "swans". Presentation "research work" Red Book of the Ulyanovsk region, mute swan" Presentation of swans for elementary school

Swans are amazingly beautiful birds!

It is no coincidence that the swan lake with graceful and beautiful swans swimming in it near the famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany inspired the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky to write his most famous musical work - "Swan Lake"...

You might be interested in reading 7 interesting facts about these wonderful birds:

  1. Swans are the largest waterfowl in Europe. Depending on the species, the body length of adult individuals reaches 120-180 cm, and the weight can reach up to 15 kg.

2. The long life of swans in their natural environment is 25-28 years.

3. A symbol of fidelity and a happy married life is a pair of white swans. A swan, as a rule, finds a partner and stays with him for the rest of his life. In addition, swans do everything together: they get food, fly, hatch and raise their chicks. And they love each other immensely. That is why wedding cakes are often decorated with figurines in the form of a pair of swans - for good luck.

4. It is rare, but it also happens that black swans create a pair of two males. And only for reproduction they find a female. And when the female lays an egg, she may be expelled from the nest. This egg is incubated by two males in turn. And then they raise the baby themselves.

5. Swans take the death of their partner very hard. If a partner dies, then lonely swans often leave the flock and live alone. There are known cases when swans, unable to survive the longing for their beloved half, fell down from a great height and were broken.

6. Swans care not only about their partner, but also about their other brothers. In case of illness of one of the flock members, the birds may postpone their flight until their relative recovers.



The work was completed by:

Cherkasova Ekaterina Vladimirovna,

9th grade student

MBOU secondary school No. 17,

Chigagova Maria Leonidovna,

10th grade student

MAOU secondary school No. 19

Scientific supervisors

Neverova Natalya Fedorovna,

biology teacher MBOU secondary school No. 17,

Abdulganieva Svetlana Sergeevna,

Biology teacher MAOU Secondary School No. 19

Photo No. 1. Kezhevatova T.F.


Goal of the work– to identify the nesting of swans on the Melekesska River, determine the number, find out the peculiarities in the behavior of birds, disseminate information about swans among the population of the city of Dimitrovgrad in order to preserve the species of mute swan living on the ponds of the Melekesska River.

To achieve our goal, we have set the following tasks:

Study of the Melekessk River;

Determination of the species of swans nesting on the Melekessk River;

Identification of nesting sites and behavioral characteristics of birds (care of chicks,

ways of eating);

Monitoring of mute swan nesting on the Melekessk River over the past 5 years, including using observations of local amateur ornithologists V.V. Shtynda, T.F. Kezhevatova. and others.

Distribution of the mute swan.

Nesting range

All year round

Only in winter

Widely distributed in Eurasia: from southern Scandinavia and central Europe east to the Ussuri Valley. North-west and south of European Russia, south of Western Siberia, southern Transbaikalia. Distribution within the range is complex and variable. The species is currently spreading rapidly to the north.

Place, material and research methodology.

The material for the study was a bird from the family Anseriformes, a species of mute swan.

This is a majestic bird, personifying the symbol of the beauty of peace, love and fidelity.

The study area was the ponds: lying in the north direction to the source of the river behind the villages of Dachny and Lebediny, located in a forest 1,331 km from the city of Dimitrovgrad.

The distance between ponds is 2.75 km.

The objects of study are nesting sites, vegetation (cattails, reeds), and invertebrate inhabitants of the pond.

On April 22, 2017, we recorded the arrival of two swans to the pond in the village of Dachny. (Fig.1)

05/06/17 recorded a pair of swans on Swan Pond. (Fig. 2)

05/06/17 on the Upper Pond, solitary swan.

Experimental part. Study of the Melekessk River.

“Melekessk is a small river that flows through the Melekessky district of the Ulyanovsk region (Dimitrovgrad). It flows into the Cheremshansky Bay (Kuibyshev Reservoir - right bank) 52 km from the mouth. The length of the watercourse is 16 km.

The drainage area is 107 sq. km.”

Pond Dachny

Pond Dachny , is located on the outskirts of the village of Dachny, with dacha garden plots located around the pond.

The length of the pond is 227 m.,

Width - 64.2 m. (widest point)

The right bank (closer to the source of the river) is abundantly overgrown with vegetation,

mainly cattails, some reeds are also found. We defined this place as “If I were a swan...”. In all respects, the site was ideal for nesting; far from people, a lot of cattails, it is difficult for predators, locals to get to the nest stray dogs, foxes.

Identifying a mute swan by appearance.

A very large snow-white bird, the largest species among all swans and among the entire order of Anseriformes. Upon closer examination, an adult mute swan has a noticeable black growth (bump) on the forehead at the top of the base of the beak. In adult males this black growth is larger than in females. The base of the beak, its top to the nostrils, the cavities of the nostrils and the edges of the mouth are black, and the remaining parts of the beak are orange-red, the tip of the beak is also black.

The eyes, legs, toes and membranes between the toes are black. When swimming, the S bends its neck forward and tilts its red-orange beak towards the water. The weight of female mute swans reaches 6 kg, and males - from 8 to 13 kg. The body length of an adult bird can reach 180 cm, and the wingspan can reach 240 cm.

Young birds of the first and second years differ in feather color. In adults the feather is white, in juveniles it is dark gray.

Conclusion. A mute swan nests on the Melekessk River. (Working with a bird guide). The male is larger than the female.

During the observation period, mute swans did not leave the pond. It was clear from the behavior of the birds that this was their home.

The nest was built from pieces of last year's reeds and other aquatic plants. The nest was about a meter wide and up to 70 cm high.

While the female was on the nest, the male was nearby. The female, in order to feed, left her nest for a short time 10-15 minutes.

The nest was built by the female in the cattail thickets in the shallow waters of the pond, and the male guarded the territory around the nest being built by the female, making hissing sounds when other inhabitants of the pond (mallard) approached. According to local fishermen, the males are very aggressive, can attack people and boats if they approach the nest, and emit a threatening hiss. At this time, the bird raises its wings above its back, like a sailboat.

There was a case when a lone swan flew to the pond. He wanted to swim up to a pair of local swans. The male, raising his wings, quickly moved towards the “stranger” with hissing sounds. The arriving swan lost its nerves; first it swam to the far corner of the pond, and then left it completely.

Conclusion. The mute swan got its name because of the characteristic sounds it makes when in danger.

06/16/17 We noted the appearance of chicks - eight babies. The chicks are covered with gray-brown down, their beak is painted lead. grey colour. I managed to see it very briefly. The parents, seeing people on the shore, took their chicks into the cattail thickets.

For the night, the whole family returned to their nest.

We watched as the parents and their chicks returned to the nest just before sunset. As always, the male swam at the end of the line. Swimming up to the nest, the female slightly spread her wings, small fluffy creatures climbed over her back into their “cradle”. Then the female cleaned her feathers, climbed into the nest, and covered the chicks with her wings. The male, having waited for this moment, stayed a little longer at the nest and swam around his possessions.

Conclusion. The female incubated the eggs of the chicks from 05/12/17. to 06/16/17 Knowing from the literature that a bird incubates eggs for 35-38 days, according to our calculations, the female built her nest in a week. The clutch consisted of 8 eggs.


Shell crustacean


Dragonfly larva


October 2017 Our chicks have become fully grown, more than four months have passed. The family has been together since the very first day, the number has remained the same: two adult swans and eight chicks. It seems that the parents, with extensive experience, preserved and raised the entire brood.

Once we arrived at the pond, we saw young people without parental supervision; the adults were on a nearby pond. It seems that parents are teaching the younger generation to be independent or encouraging them to fly. And so it happened, the next day the whole family was together again, but only on the neighboring pond. The chicks are on their wings.

10/22/17. We arrived at the Dachny pond, there were no swans, at 16.08 hours, we witnessed the arrival of a family at the pond. The swans made three circles and sat down on the water.

This was the last recording of a mute swan on the Dachny pond.

From 23 to 24.10. night temperature dropped to -6 C

26.10.17 The mute swan family left the Dachny pond.

The ice on the pond is frozen, 12mm thick.

Swan Pond

The pond under study (Swan Pond) is located between the city of Dimitrovgrad and the village of Dachny in the area of ​​the Dimitrovgrad meat processing plant.

The length of the pond is 768 m.,

Width - 262.71 m (widest point).

Two mute swans have moved into Swan Pond.

The nesting territory was not visible from the shore.

It was clear from the behavior of the birds that this was their nesting territory. After regularly visiting the pond for two and a half months, we did not see the swans, and we began to doubt that they remained there.

08/10/17 a pair of swans appeared again, but without chicks. We began to interview local fishermen, it turns out that all this time the swans did not leave the pond and, according to D.S. Bochkarev, the swans had two grown chicks. This married couple suffered a tragedy; they were left without offspring. According to the recordings of ornithologists - lovers of Kezhevatova T.F. and our leader N.F. Neverova in 2016, there were 5 young birds on Swan Pond.

Our assumption is that the chicks were weak and died, since during the incubation period the weather conditions in Dimitrovgrad were unfavorable, heavy rains fell in May - June, and the water level rose sharply.

Pond Verkhniy

The Upper Pond is located in the area of ​​the Khimmash plant.

The length of the pond is 834 m.,

Width - 120m (widest point)

There was one migrating swan on the Upper Pond.

Number of nesting sites and mute swan individuals (over the last 5 years)

B - adult bird

M – young bird

S – family


There are 5 ponds on the Melekessk River; it nests on two (Dachny, Lebediny).

one mute swan family each.

The mute swan has been nesting on the Dachny pond since 2013. Total number of young birds

in 5 years – 25.

The mute swan has been nesting on the Swan pond since 2014. Total number of young birds

in 4 years – 13.

Total on the Melekessk River since 2013. 38 young birds grew up.

The distance between nesting areas is 2.75 km.

Swan Pond is many times larger than Dachny Pond, but each of them is inhabited by one family.

Since 2013, the mute swan has been regularly nesting on the Melekesska River.

From the moment the pond is settled until its departure, the mute swan family does not leave the nesting area.

The settlement of nesting areas on the Melekessk River begins in April. From Maya to mid-June – incubation period, chicks appear in mid-June. Birds prepare to fly in October

24.10.17 After the frost, the ice stood up (12mm). Swans from Dachny Pond (10 birds), Swan Pond (2 birds) left the nesting territory.

Both parents care for the offspring.

The mute swan mainly feeds on plant foods.

Adults differ from young ones in the color of their plumage.

To protect birds, it is necessary to fight poachers, stop the burning of coastal vegetation in the spring, and observe a period of silence on reservoirs in May-June.


In the process of carrying out the work under study, we used the following literature and Internet links:

Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region / under scientific. Ed. E. A. Artemyeva, A.V. Maslennikova, M.V. Korepova; Government of the Ulyanovsk region - Moscow: Buki Vedi Publishing House, 2015. 550 p.

- “Birds of the city of Ulyanovsk” Moskvichev A.I., Borodin O.V., Korepov M.V., Korolkov M.A. Birds of the city of Ulyanovsk: species composition, distribution, limiting factors and protection measures - Ulyanovsk: Publishing House "Corporation of Promotion Technologies", 2011.-280p.

Birds of the Moscow region. Field guide. Moscow 2011

Wikipedia website. Swans.https://ru.wikipedia.

Website “Birds of the Middle Volga Region”

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Slide captions:

Beautiful bird - swan Presentation by: Nadezhda Ivanovna Mursalimova, teacher primary classes Municipal budgetary educational institution "Novoaganskaya secondary school No. 2"

Guess which bird I'm telling you about? That long-necked bird is as graceful as a queen, swims across the surface of the water, curls its neck wonderfully. The bird floats slowly, like a white ship. Proud and beautiful, patient and timid. This bird is known to everyone - he was an ugly duckling. And the fairy tale is interesting. It's a pity that I forgot it.

The swan is a bird that belongs to the order Anseriformes, the family Anatidae. On the territory of Russia there are mute swan, tundra swan and whooper swan.

Mute Swan The mute swan gets its name because of the hissing sound it makes when irritated. The swan's color is white, the bird's beak is red. The bird is about 1.8 m long. The male weighs about 8-13 kg, the female is slightly less than 5-6 kg. The wingspan is approximately 240 cm. The bird has a fairly thick and Long neck.

The tundra, or small swan, is found only in our country. The swan lives mainly in the tundra zone. The body length of the tundra swan varies from 115 to 127 cm, the bird weighs approximately 5 - 6 kg. The bird's wingspan is 170 - 195 cm. The voice of the tundra swan is more muffled compared to the whooper's voice. The bird's beak is almost entirely black. Most often, the tundra swan is located in open water bodies.

The whooper swan is a fairly large bird, weighing from 7 to 10 kg. The neck is the same length as the body. The bird's legs are small. The swan has a yellow beak, which is black only on the edge. The color of the bird is white. The color of the chicks is smoky gray, the feathers on the head are painted a darker color. By the age of three, the color of the feathers becomes white. The whooper swan, moving through the air, makes loud sounds (for which the bird began to be called “whooper”).

Swans fly at a speed of 60-80 km/h

The swan lives in lakes, feeds on algae, frogs, and small fish. Weighs about 20 kg.

Only one couple lives on one pond, and they live their entire lives for 30-40 years.

One female mainly takes part in the construction of the nest. The nest consists of large quantity last year's vegetation. The nest is located in areas overgrown with reeds, reeds or cattails. The female lays 3–5 eggs. If they die, she lays more, but much less than the first time. Only the female takes part in incubation. The male's job is to ensure safety. After 5 weeks, the chicks are born. Both parents take part in their upbringing.

Compiled by:

biology and chemistry teacher
first qualification category
Yakovleva Larisa Alexandrovna
Based on materials from the magazine “Medley for Children” No. 2, 2006

Slide 2

Swans have long been one of the most beloved birds of the people, a symbol of beauty and fidelity. The swan's fidelity, proud posture, snow-white plumage and beautifully curved neck are sung by poets, writers and artists of all times and peoples.

Slide 3

  • Swans are birds from the Anseriformes order, the Anatidae family. Geese, ducks and geese are the closest relatives of these majestic birds.
  • 6 species of swans live in Eurasia, America and Australia. There are 3 types of swans living in Russia: the mute swan, the whooper swan and the little swan.
  • Swans are the largest waterfowl, weighing up to 13 kg.
  • Slide 4

    • The very long neck of swans makes it easier to get food from under the water.
    • Swans feed on plants growing on water or in swamps, insects and their larvae, worms, shells, amphibians and fish. Immersing their long necks in the water, the Birds pick off the plants there and rummage through the mud.
    • Swan fidelity really exists. Swans mate once and for life. And swans live long - up to 30 - 40 years.
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    The swan's nest is a powerful and bulky structure: almost a meter high, and more than two meters across (up to 3m). It is built from the stems and leaves of reeds, sometimes with branches and twigs, and the inside is lined with softer and more delicate material - dry stems of herbaceous plants, moss, feathers and down, which the female plucks from her chest.

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    Getting close to this building is not easy, and besides, any predator (fox or human) will meet on its way an attack from a male, who swoops down on the enemy with force and beats with his wings. The chicks hatch covered in down and after a few hours are able to swim.

    Slide 8

    The mute swan is the most beautiful of swans. He wears a snow-white outfit, and his neck is arched like the Latin letter S. And this swan was called a mute for the sounds it makes. When he gets angry, he hisses. Unlike the snowy white parents, the young chicks are gray in color. Swans become adults late.

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    The white swan is a symbol of Udmurtia. He spread his wings on the state emblem of the Udmurt Republic. The black swan is the official state emblem of Western Australia and the symbol of Sydney.

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    Swans in mythology and art

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    The wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus, Leda, conquered the supreme god Zeus with her beauty, who combined with her in the form of a swan. From this union Leda gave birth to an egg, from which Elena emerged - half-man, half-swan. Helen was distinguished by her enchanting beauty, for which Paris kidnapped her, giving rise to the Trojan War.

    "Leda with a Swan" Roman marble copy of a Greek original by sculptor Timothy. 4th century BC e. Villa Albani. Rome. Leda with a swan. Leonardo da Vinci

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    Scene from the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake"

    Slide 13

    Later, the fairy-tale maiden-bird appeared in European poetry (Guys, Pushkin, Baratynsky, etc. Based on Pushkin’s “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” the famous opera of the same name by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov was staged, after which M.A.’s Magic Picture was released. Vrubel "The Swan Princess"

    View all slides

    Swans are among the largest birds capable of flight. When searching for food, they dive like ducks, lowering their heads under the water and sticking their tail up. Thanks to its long neck, the mute swan can reach aquatic plants from a depth of 1 m. It is the most famous of the European swans. Mute swan taking off

    Mute swan. Adult birds have white plumage, a very long neck, an elongated body and a medium-sized head with an orange-red beak, at the base of which there is a characteristic black growth. Adult birds have white plumage, a very long neck, an elongated body and a medium-sized head with an orange-red beak, at the base of which there is a characteristic black growth. It can reach 180 cm in length, the weight of females is 5.5-6 kg, males are 8-13 kg, the wingspan of a mute swan is about 240 cm. It is named mute because of the sound made when irritated. The length can reach 180 cm, the weight of females is 5.5-6 kg, males 8-13 kg, the wingspan of a mute swan is about 240 cm. The neck is thicker than that of a whooper, therefore it seems shorter. The neck is thicker than that of a whooper, which is why it appears shorter.

    White swans. When swimming, the mute swan bends its neck in the shape of the letter S, its beak and head are tilted towards the water, and its wings are slightly raised. This image of a swan can be found in all ancient books. When swimming, the mute swan bends its neck in the shape of the letter S, its beak and head are tilted towards the water, and its wings are slightly raised. This image of a swan can be found in all ancient books. However, this bird has one drawback (from a human point of view, of course) - a low, hoarse and slightly rattling voice. However, this bird has one drawback (from a human point of view, of course) - a low, hoarse and slightly rattling voice. An irritated bird makes a characteristic hissing sound, which is why it got its name in contrast to another species of whooper swan (C. cygnus), which is distinguished by a loud trumpet voice. An irritated bird makes a characteristic hissing sound, which is why it got its name in contrast to another species of whooper swan (C. cygnus), which is distinguished by a loud trumpet voice. Its North American relative is the trumpet swan. Its North American relative is the trumpet swan.

    Black-necked swans with cubs. This bird nests near ponds and lakes in Scandinavia and Iceland, and in winter lives on ponds, lakes and large rivers Central Europe. In search of food, swans fly to This bird nests near ponds and lakes in Scandinavia and Iceland, and in winter lives on ponds, lakes and large rivers in Central Europe. In search of food, swans fly to fields and meadows. In March they fly north again. He is a winter visitor to Europe.

    Black Swan In Australia and New Zealand there is a black swan (C. atratus), the plumage of which is almost all black, except for the white spots on the wings. These spots become especially noticeable when the bird is high in the air. The black swan is easily tamed and has become a common bird in the parks and gardens of Europe.

    BLACK SWAN (Cygnus atratus) has black plumage, and only the large flight feathers are white. The black swan has a very short tail, a thin long neck and a small head; beak without growth. The inner secondary flight and shoulder feathers are beautifully and luxuriantly curled.

    Black Swan. Lives in vast swamps and lakes overgrown with vegetation. A nest in the form of a large pile of marsh plants, located on small islands4 or on the water. Lives in vast swamps and lakes overgrown with vegetation. A nest in the form of a large pile of marsh plants, located on small islands4 or on the water. The clutch consists of 5-7 dirty white eggs. One female incubates. The black swan is easily tamed and has become a common ornamental bird in parks and gardens. The clutch consists of 5-7 dirty white eggs. One female incubates. The black swan is easily tamed and has become a common ornamental bird in parks and gardens.
    American swan. Similar to the mute swan, but larger in size and has a thinner neck. Similar to the mute swan, but larger in size and has a thinner neck. Previously, it was widespread throughout the tundra and partly forest-tundra North America from Alaska to Baffin Island, now extremely rare. Settles in the most remote and inaccessible places. Winters along the Pacific coast of North America. It is found in Russia on Anadyr and the Commander Islands.

    The importance of birds for nature and humans. Birds are one of the important components of wildlife. Birds are one of the important components of wildlife. Game and poultry are suppliers of meat, down, and eggs. Game and poultry are suppliers of meat, down, and eggs. Bird droppings are a valuable organic fertilizer. Bird droppings are a valuable organic fertilizer. Aesthetic and scientific. Aesthetic and scientific.