Presentation to the teachers' council "modern teacher" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Modern teacher Presentation on the topic of what kind of modern teacher he is

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What a child can do today in cooperation and under guidance, tomorrow he becomes able to do independently... Bringing the child to this is the main task modern teacher. L. S. Vygotsky The role of the teacher in a modern school

The main goal is to improve the quality of students’ knowledge so that in the future graduates can become competitive in the adult world.

The main task is to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world.

What should a teacher be like in this rapidly changing world? A teacher who is in love with his subject. A teacher who respects the individuality of the student. A teacher who can perceive the student's point of view. The teacher is a psychologist. A teacher proficient in modern ICT. The teacher is a colleague.

Professional qualities of a modern teacher Requirements for a teacher Qualities of a teacher Teacher model

Professional qualities of a modern teacher: general pedagogical psychological and pedagogical socio-pedagogical pedagogical erudition

Professional qualities of a modern teacher: mastery of pedagogical diagnostics

Professional qualities of a modern teacher: mastery of pedagogical technology

Professional qualities of a modern teacher pedagogical innovations

Pedagogical innovations By type of activity: pedagogical management By the nature of the changes introduced: radical combinatorial By source of origin: external internal

Professional qualities of a modern teacher Scientific – research(research work) in pedagogy

What role does a school teacher play at the present stage of educational development?

Teacher From the state: Requirements for the level of teacher competence (certification) From the state: Requirements for the graduate model (standards, etc.) From the administration: Reports, certificates From science: Provisions of modern didactics From the student: Individual approach From parents: Expectations

First model Second model Third model

Modern teacher What should he be like?

Basic requirements for teaching staff 1) Qualification of the appropriate level and profile 2) Competitiveness in the labor market 3) Competence 4) Responsibility 5) Fluency in their profession 6) Orientation in related fields of activity 7) Proficiency in modern pedagogical and information technologies 8) Ability to constantly professional growth 9) Social and professional mobility

competence competence

1. Knowledge of the content and methodology of the subject 2. Knowledge of the patterns of student cognitive processes in learning and the ability to apply them when designing a real educational process 3. Knowledge of valeological requirements for a lesson and the ability to use them when designing an educational process 4. Knowledge of techniques for effective communication with children, with colleagues, with parents 5. Proficiency in techniques that socialize and develop a child in an educational subject 6. Proficiency in management technologies (pedagogical analysis, goal setting, planning, organization) 7. Ability to manage the innovation process (design, conduct and analyze an experiment) 8. Proficiency in skills generalization and transfer of one’s experience System of professional competencies of teachers

Analysis of the level of teacher competencies can be carried out in 3 ways: 1) the method of self-assessment 2) the method of expert assessment by direct observation of teachers’ work in the classroom and targeted analysis of these lessons 3) testing the level of knowledge and skills in certain competencies

Teacher of the 20th century


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Teacher of the 20th century

Knows how to find a common language with his students

Gotta keep up with the times

Must have a good vocabulary and sense of humor

Must be a modern intelligent person

Don't expect rewards for your work

Don't be embarrassed by your mistakes. Experiment, search.

Keep your childishness

Accept everything that is in the child

Help and approve the child’s work

Try not to teach your child anything directly. Learn by yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that you see around

Pedagogy of tenderness - a requirement of harsh times

Modern teacher and quality of education Personally – oriented approach on lessons

The main means of subjectivization: 1) Systematic use of advanced reflection of the surrounding reality at almost all structural stages of the lesson 2) Purposeful development of students’ logical thinking 3) Increasing the speech activity of schoolchildren

What does this give? The student predetermines the types and content of educational activities Logical thinking is the most important intellectual quality Wide inclusion oral speech in educational activities stimulates the student’s attention, memory and thinking

To implement personality-oriented learning in practice, they use various methods: research problem heuristic

Who is he - a modern teacher? In Russian schools, 1 million 264 thousand teachers 1 million 99 thousand (87%) are women In France - 57% In Japan - 32%

Who is he - a modern teacher? Average age teachers - 43 years old The same number of young people (under 30 years old) 50.7% - people from 31 to 46 years old Every tenth is a pensioner

Who is he - a modern teacher? About 40% of teachers do not: Almost 70% do not want to change their job to another

Who is he - a modern teacher? Unique, smart, successful, versatile, good at presenting material Honest, humane, sensitive, with a sense of humor Sincere, individual Tactical, tolerant, patient Natural, like-minded Loving children. l loves his job Very soft, like a soft sign and the word itself! TEACHER

Results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student”

What should we be like - teachers of a modern school?

Pedagogical credo

Society must save teachers from excessive workload

Time flies quickly at school. It would seem that just yesterday there was a holiday of knowledge, touching first-graders with huge bouquets solemnly walked to their first lesson, and today I am sitting in an open lesson in the first grade. The lesson is open to parents. Sitting in the back desks, they turn on their smartphones and observe what their children have learned in the first two weeks of school.

They are not prohibited from using gadgets during class. Everyone has the right to capture their child who has entered the path of knowledge. This road, as we know, has no end, for each of us has to learn throughout our lives. But the first steps are a special stage, when from the very beginning the foundations are laid not only of knowledge, as was the case in the recent past, but also ways of obtaining and systematizing it. What was filmed on smartphones will be shared in chats among relatives and friends, for which the parents of first-graders will receive coveted likes, will remain in the family archives, and decades later will be shown to the children of current first-graders as an edifying parental example of an initially serious attitude to learning, literally from the first steps of education. All these pleasant opportunities to capture every moment of life became possible thanks to the world high technology.

I won’t hide it, not only and not so much to please parents’ feelings, open lessons are held throughout the school. They, the parents, were not taught the way they are today. At first it is difficult to understand what this lesson is. Getting to know the outside world? Mathematics? Native speech?

Gentle music is playing, leaves are falling on the interactive board, a crane wedge is rushing south in the sky... It’s clear: getting to know the outside world, in the old way, natural history. But no. From identifying the signs of golden autumn, children move on to counting the number of birds in a flock. Wandering along forest paths, they operate with the concepts of straight and broken line, ray and segment. Each group also works with virtual thermometers, during which every single child understands that the same numbers, being above or below zero, record different air temperatures.

Dividing the class into groups accustoms children to teamwork, clearly demonstrates to them the benefits of interaction, and ultimately develops those very “soft skills” of well-coordinated communication that are so valued today in the development and implementation of innovative projects.

Out of the corner of my eye I watch the faces of my grandparents, who, of course, did not miss the opportunity to watch their beloved grandchildren in action. Bewilderment gradually gives way to delight. Nostalgic memories of chalk, rags and counting sticks cease to please their minds. Consequently, there will be fewer complaints against a school that teaches “the wrong thing.” Not the way they were taught in the good old Soviet times.

Watching the progress of the lesson, which is meticulously conducted by Irina Viktorovna Nurmukhametova, I think about how last years The work of a teacher has become incredibly difficult. He needs to swim like a fish in the digital environment, adequately using its achievements, and at the same time develop in children the skills of live communication, co-creation, team interaction and other important skills outside the digital environment. He is responsible for the head safe behavior in the electronic digital space. But that is not all.

The implementation of the concept of inclusive education has led to an incredible complication of the student population of mass secondary schools. Today, there is a situation everywhere where in the same class there are children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children with disabilities with specific diagnoses that inevitably affect the cognitive sphere. We owe them all equal opportunities to receive a full education. There will not be fewer such children in the near future.

According to Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health, in Russia today only 12% of potentially healthy children, approximately 250 thousand children are in long-term and severe treatment in children's hospitals and at home, over 650 thousand disabled children, the majority of whom have mental disorders, even more have the status of children with disabilities in various nosologies. This tendency to change the contingent did not originate today, but today it has become a relevant problem area for the work of a teacher and has clearly identified the shortcomings of the teaching profession. It is obvious that a dominant emphasis on the subject and profile qualifications of a teacher will not contribute to the successful implementation of the tasks of preschool and school education.

It is important for a modern teacher to be able to accompany any child in the learning process, that is, to possess the universal knowledge of a tutor, navigate communication strategies with any child and his parents (legal representatives), as well as with colleagues, be able to flexibly adjust work programs and build individual educational routes based on existing and identified during the educational process of special educational needs children.

To solve a set of existing problems, teachers have to master additional competencies without leaving the teacher’s desk. Today, a teacher can no longer be only a subject specialist: a historian, physicist, chemist - he has to master special psychological and pedagogical competencies that require studying the fundamentals of defectology, psychology and other relevant areas.

A serious problem is the growing complexity of the student population due to population migration. For a significant proportion of children in Russian schools, Russian is not their native language, and they do not speak it at home. The current situation requires teachers to master a new competence: teaching Russian as a second language.

I am deliberately leaving out such an important layer of a teacher’s work as education, which is not limited to the lesson and requires separate time, as well as enormous exertion of mental strength. I hope it is obvious to any sane adult that in modern conditions, solving educational problems is no less, and perhaps even more important, than solving teaching problems. And here the demands on teachers from society increase incredibly. Parents rightly demand from the school in general and teachers in particular non-formal compliance with their job responsibilities, but genuine combustion.

I continue to observe Irina Viktorovna’s masterful work. She is in that happy middle age when accumulated experience and skill are combined with excellent health and unspent vitality. This is the great “age of acme,” when a person reaches the pinnacle of achievement in his profession. Hence the genuine burning that captivates children and captivates the “spectators.” open lesson. And only we, professionals, understand what colossal preparation precedes such a lesson. You can't get far here on inspiration alone.

Therefore, while paying tribute to the skill of the teacher, I think hard: how long will it last? And will young students (some of them were present at the lesson as trainees), understanding what oceans of sweat need to be shed, what Himalayas to climb before learning how to work like this, will they want to replace us in the difficult teaching field?

Today, technocratic optimists have emerged who claim that in the near future the role of the teacher will be reduced to a minimum. All you have to do is press a button and the computer will broadcast the optimal lesson scenario to the children. And artificial intelligence will provide an independent objective verification of knowledge. I affirm with all responsibility: this will NEVER happen.

For no achievements of high technology can replace personal, eye-to-eye contact between a teacher and a child. Therefore, if society is seriously interested in improving the quality of a teacher’s work, it is worth saving.

The volume and complexity of tasks that a modern teacher has to solve on the march in a short time, inevitably leads to professional burnout. According to research by the famous sociologist, academician Vladimir Sobkin, professional burnout among teachers is two times higher than burnout among employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition to the incredible complexity of the work content, early teacher burnout has another external cause. The May decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to increase the material well-being of teachers, state that a teacher’s salary should not be lower than the average salary in the region. Salary, not rate! In megacities, where schools are actually large complexes with a large number of students, and donor regions, it is still possible to avoid teacher overload. In all the rest, the situation is alarming: there they are forced to increase the teacher’s workload to thirty hours a week or more. What does such a weekly workload for a Russian language or mathematics teacher lead to (among other things, it involves checking up to ten thousand assignments and test papers per month)? That's right - to forced hackwork. The quality of education in such a situation should be forgotten.

Teacher's Day is approaching. I would like to hope that our legislators, having objectively analyzed the situation, will make a gift to teachers, providing them the necessary conditions for quality work.

A modern teacher and a modern student. “First of all, a teacher must be a patriot of his profession. I sometimes remember the words of Vasily Sukhomlinsky about what is hell and what is heaven. So, hell is when a person does not work according to his calling, and heaven is a place where all people work in accordance with their talents. The teacher and his students will be happy only when this work of enlightening children’s heads is to his liking.” Secondly, the teacher must be a highly educated professional who constantly improves himself. And, of course, he must be socially protected. The state needs to help the teacher in everything so that he does not walk around, say, with a shovel in the garden in order to feed his cow and pigs, but create all the conditions and opportunities for reading, thinking, and working on the Internet. So that he can get better and get treatment.” Ten-year-old Savva was more specific: “A teacher must know his subject. Know the limits in presenting educational material and be able to teach it in such a way that everyone sitting in the class can understand what is being said. I believe that every teacher can do this, if only they want to.” “I like it when a teacher gives a second chance to those who haven’t done their homework. If this happens again, then let him give a bad grade, the student believes. primary school and at the end he adds: I see a teacher with brown hair, brown eyes and not very high." It’s interesting that high school students’ opinions about the modern teacher are radically opposite. Some see it as their own, while others see it as a walking encyclopedia. Almost everyone agreed on one thing: not to scold you for your makeup and stylish clothes. The rest of the thoughts of the teenagers were contained in the words of a 15-year-old teenager: “A modern teacher is not a young “cool teacher” with piercings who views you as the object of his work. This is a teacher who understands you and is always ready to help you. He becomes attached to his students and wants only the best for them. He can find a common language with everyone. And of course, he will be happy if his students appreciate his work. A real teacher must be patient because students can get a little carried away. It’s probably very difficult to make an intelligent person out of a “log,” so you have to at least sometimes meet the teacher halfway, and, no matter what he is, respect him.” A modern teacher, a true professional. This is a teacher who is capable of modernizing the content of his activities through critical, creative reflection and application of scientific achievements and pedagogical experience in practice. What should be its methodological support? In our opinion, fundamental in content and structure methodological work is to determine the pedagogical position and develop the innovative potential of the teacher. Recognizing the teacher as a key figure in the system of development, training and education of students, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of his personality. The organization of competitions of pedagogical initiatives within the framework of the ISO project creates conditions that can ensure the disclosure and development of a teacher’s innovative potential - the ability to design and model the development of education in specific forms, in practical activities. Teachers who are more focused on achieving success and free pedagogical creativity become participants in competitions for pedagogical initiatives. Participation in the competition gives the teacher the opportunity to present his teaching experience, discuss it in a friendly manner, and demonstrates the growth of professional competence. The students were asked the question “What should a modern teacher be like?” The diagram shows the students' answers.

What should a modern teacher be like? 19.1% (476) 11.9% (295) 9.7% (241) 6.6% (163) 13.8% (344) 17.8% (443) 11.8% (293) 9.3% (231) competent; mobile; humane; practical; decent; enthusiastic; cheerful other Student and Teacher: pedagogy of cooperation Where does school begin? From the chalkboard? From a piece of chalk, textbooks and notebooks? Any teacher will say: “I’m done”! The parent will say: “It’s off me”! But an ordinary schoolchild, having built his hierarchy of school values, will say: “Hey, grown-up people! Ask me"! In our opinion, this child will be right. Often, adults begin to draw intricate figures and drawings on the “blank sheet of childhood,” each trying, in his own way, to add or change something to create a masterpiece of pedagogical art. But which one? The game “Modern student through the eyes of...” (parents, teachers, children) and a similar game “Modern teacher through the eyes of...” All participants are divided into three groups - parents, students, teachers. On the sheet, they draw an image of the student through the eyes of representatives of their group, then pass it around and each group completes the drawing of the image of the student. Then all the drawings are hung on the board and brainstorming begins - how to teach, how to educate, so that the education of a modern student is effective and interesting, and the children are successful. Then, based on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn - what to teach and how to teach. How can you use this data? How can we change to become successful teachers and our students to become successful? A parent brings a child to school in the hope and full confidence that their beloved child has undeniable “prodigy abilities” and that they can be developed. The teacher believes that all the children in front of him have the same development, and teaches them according to the standard program (failure to complete the program is tantamount to a professional crime!). Not only is the parent trying to realize sometimes impossible dreams in their child, but also teachers at school strive through their subject to create the future Mikhailo Lomonosovs and A. Pushkins, because the teacher’s opinion is indisputable and categorical. It seems to me that it is necessary to get rid of this practice long ago, since it harms not only the adults themselves (after all, by and large, the conflicting parties in school are not children, but parents and teachers), but, most importantly, the child! A child, being a naturally gifted student, may gradually lose the taste for learning. Thus, S. Papert emphasized that he sees one of the reasons for the formation of a child’s fear and reluctance to learn in the division of all people accepted in modern society into those capable and incapable of learning, into those inclined towards mathematical sciences and those in the humanities, although the point is not at all in abilities, and in organizing the learning process. The school teacher believes that all the successes of his student are connected with his authority, with the quality of education, but sometimes such successes are built on tutors, additional paid education, and the efforts of parents. In a series of problems, we forget about the main thing, that the word “school” combines the most important words “student”, “teacher”, “parent”!

Until we find close contact in the sociological chain, until we begin to understand that common efforts should yield fruitful results, it is too early to talk about changes in education that will contribute to the development of the national project “Education”. For myself, several years ago, I made a decision about the need radical measures in professional self-development. I have read many books and publications. But there was no new surge of energy, and the students’ love for the subject did not increase. There was some skepticism and distrust: “Who needs these innovations”? But it is experience that shows that the use of non-traditional forms and methods contributes to the development of interest in the subject, broadens horizons, eliminates memorization of material, and knowledge is acquired through practice. Currently, school graduates are required not only to have knowledge of a wide variety of sciences, but also to have the qualities of a free, creative and responsible individual, capable of optimally building their lives in a rapidly changing information society. Under these conditions, it is becoming increasingly obvious that traditional education, focused on the direct transfer of reference knowledge, is no longer fully capable of solving the tasks assigned to it. There is a need for a new, active learning model that implements the principles of student-centered education. A lesson using information technology can be considered as a form of active learning. After all, for a teacher, this is an opportunity to bring together and put into practice all the principles of teaching using various means and teaching methods. For a student, this means a different style of communication, a feeling of being in a new capacity, which means the emergence of new duties and responsibilities. For teachers and students, these are opportunities to develop their creative abilities, experience the interconnection of different sciences, and apply various sources of knowledge. In the process of conducting lessons using information technology, favorable conditions are created for the development of critical thinking, analytical abilities, and specificity in the formulation of both questions and answers. As the famous English teacher Anthony Mullan noted, “if the computer had not been invented as a universal technical device, it should have been created specifically for educational purposes.” And in understanding this thesis, it is necessary to start with the teachers themselves, who, for the most part, do not see the value of using computer technology in the educational process. In our opinion, a modern teacher must have basic skills in using information technology and a computer, which will help him solve the following problems:         preparation of school documents; creation of monitoring and diagnostics; using the media library; creating presentations and using them in training; organization independent work students; exchange of information via the Internet; creation of a teacher’s creative laboratory; compiling the teacher's methodological base. As the teacher masters information technologies, he will definitely want to try them in his activities. There will be a desire to create not only yourself, but also together with your students. And this is the most valuable thing. I can say with confidence that children never laugh at the teacher’s mistakes, they try to help and always do it with an open soul. How is this not collaborative pedagogy? It seems to us that even in the stages of a traditional lesson (questioning, explanation of new material, consolidation and explanation homework), and in different types lesson (combined, learning new material, consolidating knowledge, monitoring and assessing knowledge in lessons) information technology fits harmoniously. Project activities come to the aid of teachers and students, allowing them to study the issue deeply and comprehensively, using a wide variety of research tools. Students

successfully perform work when they have personal interest, the opportunity to express themselves, and an understanding of the practical significance of the research. It is precisely these conditions that the teacher should create for the independent activity of schoolchildren. This function is not easy and responsible. Information technology remains one of the tools for a student’s independent work, and support, correction of students’ actions, building an atmosphere of research - all this falls on the shoulders of the mentor and teacher. Maybe we are wrong, but for now we clearly see four stages of the lesson in which the method can be used creative project in the educational process:     explanation of new material, homework, extracurricular activities, assessment of the quality of knowledge.

Currently, the state and government have turned Special attention on school problems. The national project “Education” is being successfully implemented in Russia. We felt this in the region, in the city, and at school. These include cash grants for the best teachers and schools, awards for talented students, and connecting schools to the Internet. And all this serves one goal - to improve the quality of students’ knowledge, so that in the future graduates can become competitive in the adult world.

The implementation of modern policy in education is impossible without a teacher who has high professionalism, creative potential, and occupies leading intellectual positions in society. A modern teacher, working on the intellectual richness of the content of education, high level teaching methods, striving to know, love the student and help him create himself, he considers the degree of his participation in the renewal and development of the school. Who is he - a modern teacher? What should it be like? They have tried to find answers to these questions at all times.

A teacher is a professional - this issue has always worried children and their parents, since a good education is one of the significant spiritual values ​​of modern society. Pedagogical professionalism is defined through the concept of “pedagogical skill,” which can be considered both as an ideal of pedagogical activity, encouraging teachers to self-improvement, and as a standard containing an assessment of the effectiveness of teaching work.

Teaching excellence is often perceived as the most important professional quality personality of the teacher and educator. One of the most important criteria of pedagogical excellence in modern pedagogy The effectiveness of a teacher’s work is considered to be manifested in one hundred percent academic performance of schoolchildren and the same (one hundred percent) interest in the subject, that is, a teacher is a master if he knows how to teach all children without exception. The professionalism of a teacher is most clearly manifested in the good results of those students who are generally considered unwilling, unable, or unable to learn.

A teacher can become a professional if he has a set of abilities and competencies that takes responsibility for the results of his work. In real practice, it is the mastery of pedagogical techniques that expresses the teacher’s skill and professionalism. The main indicators of the effectiveness of a teacher’s activities are considered to be: -improvement of the educational process, -the level of development of students’ subject competencies, -increasing the level of education of children, -the skill and pedagogical professionalism of the teacher.

The entire system of work should be aimed at ensuring that students master the necessary level of knowledge and skills. And our main task is to ensure that graduating students, when taking entrance exams, show results no lower than those they had while studying at school and successfully pass the Unified State Exam. Checking the level of development of educational competencies implies constant control in the teacher's work system

For this purpose, a monitoring experiment is being carried out, in which we have been participating since this academic year and within the framework of which an adjustment has been made to the current program and a “Workshop in the Russian language to prepare for the Unified State Exam” has been developed for 10th grade students based on the results of the monitoring tests. The adjusted program was approved by the Orenburg Region Ministry of Defense.

“The teacher is by no means the most main man in the lesson, and the first among his equals: leader and follower at the same time.” E.N. Ilyin. The teacher's commandments to himself Accept everything that is in the child as natural, in accordance with his nature, even if it does not correspond to your knowledge, cultural ideas and moral principles. (The only exception is the child’s rejection of what threatens the health of people and his health) Accompany his positive self-realization by accepting all the child’s manifestations, both positive and negative. (If you help and approve the child’s work in every possible way, stimulate his creative ideas, then they will grow and develop in him) Try not to teach the child anything directly. Learn by yourself. Then the child, being with you, will always see, feel and know how to learn. Seek the truth with him. Sincerely admire everything beautiful that you see around

The changes taking place in the country, in society, and the implementation of the priority national project “Education” make new demands on the modern teacher. What is he like, a modern teacher? It is perhaps difficult to answer this question unambiguously. This is a person who is able to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, develop in students the desire for a creative perception of knowledge, teach them to think independently, independently formulate questions for themselves in the process of studying the material, more fully realize their needs, increase motivation for studying subjects, encourage their individual inclinations and talents. The modern teacher is in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the current problematic question “what to teach schoolchildren?” A modern teacher combines love for his work and for his students; he knows how to not only teach children, but is also able to learn from his students. A modern teacher must identify the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of every child, to encourage children so that they receive joy from the acquired knowledge, so that, upon graduating from school, they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are ready to participate in solving current and future problems of our society . A modern teacher is a professional. The professionalism of a teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, i.e., the purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary to perform professional activities. The distinctive features of a modern teacher, a master teacher, are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and a high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-educational needs. For a modern teacher, it is very important to never stop there, but to move forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for boundless creativity. “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to only what they think they can do. You can achieve so much more. You just have to believe in what you are doing” (Mary Kay Ash). For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of satisfaction and recognition. A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher is interesting to the child.

Modern teacher. What is he like?

Babina Elena Ivanovna,
Gubkin Belgorod region

Participation in the city competition “Teacher of the Year 2007” made me think once again about what kind of a modern teacher he is. Evaluating my participation in all competitive events, I can say for sure that in many ways I was helped by the desire not to lose the sense of joy of work and life in general. Even, as it seemed to me, a not entirely successful lesson, after careful analysis, became for me a source of mobilization of all my knowledge, my experience and subsequent victory.

So, maybe this is one of the qualities of a teacher, a modern teacher working in a school of the 21st century - in a school where conditions are created for the child to be interested in acquiring knowledge on his own, engaging in self-education, and having the opportunity to try his hand at different areas , including in scientific research activities.

The changes taking place in the country and in society have radically affected school life: not only programs, textbooks, forms and methods of work have changed, but also our students, parents and, of course, teachers. Previously, the teacher’s task was mainly to convey to students a certain amount of knowledge, check the degree of their assimilation, and evaluate the progress and quality of knowledge. Today, the teacher faces a not entirely simple task - to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, to develop in students the desire for a creative perception of knowledge, to teach them to think independently, to more fully realize their needs, to increase motivation for studying subjects, to encourage their individual inclinations and talents. No one doubts that the future of our society depends on the children sitting at their school desks, their civic position, and sense of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland. It is necessary that students learn not only to answer the questions that the teacher puts before them, but also to independently formulate them for themselves in the process of studying the material.

The need of modern society is such that, entering adulthood, graduates will constantly be faced with the problem of choice, will independently seek answers to life’s questions and make independent decisions.

The main goals and objectives of education are not only to ensure competent teaching academic disciplines, but also preparing a new citizen for adult life. Each of the academic disciplines studied at school makes its own specific contribution to the formation of the civic worldview of students.

In various fields of work, proactive workers are needed, ready for quick and decisive changes; mobility and communication skills are necessary, and this must be taught from school. The modern teacher is in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the current problematic question “what to teach schoolchildren?”

The basis for organizing the pedagogical process is personality-oriented education. At the same time, the education of the individual is a super task, in relation to which teaching knowledge, skills, abilities acts as a means of education.

In the "Modernization Concept" Russian education"It says that “upbringing as a top priority in education should become an organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into general process training and development. The most important task of education is to develop in schoolchildren civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market.”

A modern teacher... What is he like?

L.N. Tolstoy said that “ if a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.”

Can a teacher be called modern and perfect if he does not educate himself and does not learn anything from his students? Our children see differently the world, paint it with bright rainbow colors. In this world, reminiscent of a rainbow, there is a lot of kindness, warmth, light, love. What about the thoughts of our students? Probably, many have noticed that sometimes the statements of our students differ significantly from the truisms of adults in their depth. A modern teacher not only knows how to teach children, but is also able to learn from his students.

The teacher of today is a person dedicated to his work and his students.

What is the most important thing in a teacher's job? Knowledge, skills, abilities? Cognitive activity of children? Human communication? Improving yourself as an individual?...

Everyone knows that abilities, including cognitive and creative ones, develop, and inclinations and interests are formed. This happens only in the process of activity. Cognitive research activities develop the ability to learn and the ability for independent cognition.

Each school subject is a special way of achieving reality. By connecting the sciences into one whole with their activities, the child becomes holistic. In the future, such a person will not allow the destruction of the world, because he considers himself part of it. And knowledge will be strong if you imagine its practical application.

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education states: “ Educational policy is the most important component of state policy, an instrument for ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, increasing the rate of socio-economic, scientific and technical development, humanization of society, and cultural growth" This quote formulates the main goals and objectives of education in Russia in the 21st century. The key words here are “personality”, “development”, “humanization”, “culture”. Personal development, like the development of society as a whole, is impossible without a humane attitude based on the culture and traditions of the nation.

What should teachers teach so that the child’s personality develops, so that he can understand his place in society, so that he can work for the good of society? Be a good man, identify the best qualities inherent in the child’s soul, encourage the child so that he receives joy from the acquired knowledge.

But how can book knowledge and dry information be linked with manifestations of the human soul, love, heart? This is precisely what education based on universal human values ​​does. Any topic of any lesson is presented through the prism of human relationships, the laws of the universe, the laws of harmony and love. That is why one of training courses as part of a summer study camp in English and regional studies of the USA “Rainbow”, organized on the basis of the municipal educational institution “Gymnasium No. 6” in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod region in the summer of 2006, there was a course “Formation and development of universal, civil and cultural values ​​in teaching foreign languages"(using the example of creating a portfolio).

The school has a special role in shaping citizenship in the younger generation. The origins of citizenship are in ourselves, in our love for the Motherland, in a sense of pride in its successes. These qualities are inherent in our attitude towards children, in the wisdom of our love, respect and exactingness towards the child. The origins of citizenship lie on the surface. They are in the attitude of our children to the people around them, to their first responsibilities, to everything that is created by their hands, in the first skills of disciplined behavior.

A modern teacher... What is he like?

This is a teacher who can prepare a growing person to participate in solving the current and future problems of our society, because society expects a citizen from the school. Sh. A. Amonashvili has wonderful words that “only spiritual community - and nothing that can split this community; only the reciprocity of co-creation, cooperation - and nothing that can sow distrust in it,... only optimism and a deep understanding of the child - this is what ennobles our educational field, on which we grow the future of humanity, forge the destinies and happiness of people».

A modern teacher... What is he like?

A modern teacher is a professional. The professionalism of a teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, i.e., the purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary to perform professional activities.

The distinctive features of a modern teacher, a master teacher, are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and a high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-educational needs. This is one of the reasons for my personal participation in training, practical seminars, and scientific and practical conferences.

In order for a student and a teacher to adequately evaluate their knowledge and progress in their activities, they must have some kind of standard. For me and my students, the language portfolio has become such a standard that promotes the formation of the necessary self-assessment skills.

The work of a teacher is incredibly hard, but it is also interesting; it provides opportunities for limitless creativity. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, remember the advice of psychologists: “ If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it" There will always be those who can help you with this, those who surround you: like-minded teachers and students.

Being a teacher is difficult, but possible. The main thing is that teachers need to learn to be happy. After all, an unhappy teacher will never raise a happy student. For a happy teacher, students at school experience a state of happiness: they act, create, feel that they are loved and wish them well.

Socrates said more than two thousand years ago: “There is sun in every person, just let it shine”. Each of us can give a piece of our warmth and love to others.

Like any person, I like to joke and smile, because in an atmosphere of excessive pathos, boredom and hostility I feel very uncomfortable. I always remember the wonderful words of “that same Munchausen”: “ A serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with this expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!”. What can you add to it? A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher in it is interesting to the child.

The profession of a teacher has become for me an opportunity for personal self-realization. The work of a teacher brings satisfaction and new energy.

Principles, which I would like to implement in my work can be expressed by the following formula: traditionality - innovation - craftsmanship.

I also have my own formula for success, which is the sum of the following components:

love for your work + inspiration + competence + vision .

But the main thing the formula for success is recognition when you see a reflection of what you wanted to get as a result of the work done, in the eyes of students, parents, colleagues, and others.

The motto of many of my affairs, including in the professional sphere, are the words of Mary Kay Ash: “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to only what they think they can do. You can achieve so much more. You just have to believe in what you are doing."

For a modern teacher, it is very important to never stop there, but always move forward.

A modern teacher.... What is he like?