Congratulations to the canteen workers on last call in prose. Holiday "Last Call". Scenario of the ceremonial line. Congratulations from the life safety teacher

Travel to the islandIn a hall decorated to look like a desert island (in the background: palm trees, vines, na...
Travel to the island

In a hall decorated like a desert island (in the background: palm trees, vines, a painted lake, large soft toys of tropical animals; in the center: a mat with an imitation of a fire and a small toy spider on it; in the foreground: on the right in front of the curtain there is a bench, on the right - singing along; behind the scenes imitation of the sun and moon, as well as a bottle of water) teachers, parents, guests, and students gather.

The presenters enter the stage:

Today is our special day
We are both happy and sad a little
We solemnly gathered today
At the Last Bell celebration.

We invite graduates to the last holiday in their school life - the “Last Bell” holiday

/Graduates enter the hall to music and applause and take their seats/

In the rain or in the heat, but on time
Every new spring there is a last call
It's like an exam, it's like a new dawn,
He sums up the results of ten school years
He is the prelude to entering the infinity of roads
He will call you at the door in any weather
He is beautiful, desperate, ready to become a springboard,
It signals the beginning of the main steps in life
How many promises it contains! This ringing calls into the distance,
It contains the bitterness of farewells, a million hopes
Last call, farewell call
Everything is ahead, everything is behind:
From your doorstep, school,
All paths begin.

Dear graduates! Today a special bell will ring for you, unlike any that has sounded before. It is like the boundary between childhood and adulthood.

And you still look with blurred eyes
In anticipation of new paths and roads
It will be heard again throughout all the corridors
Sad, farewell last call.
We can't escape these moments
And each of us is familiar with this feeling
And that means not only school childhood
He leaves us with the school bell.

Fairy tales end like a Christmas tree,
Like a movie reel, dreams are cut short.
No longer relying on anyone's tips,
We must solve all problems ourselves.

The floor is given to the school principal.....

The floor is given to the head teacher of the school.....

Teachers came to congratulate you: .....

Mothers, dear, kind mothers
We want to say thank you
For your work, for being with us
Everyone is ready to take the exams.
You moved from class to class,
We gained knowledge and grew,
Everything we were taught at school
You helped us manage everything.

The floor is given to the parents of graduates: .....
And now, dear graduates, junior schoolchildren congratulate you.
/Students enter to the music “They teach at school” primary classes/.

And now let’s speak to the tenth graders, future graduates of our school.
/Transfer of the symbolic key to the school/.

And now the response is given to our graduates.

Voice behind the scene:
"Dear ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you on board our plane on the flight "Childhood - Adulthood". We ask you to fasten your seat belts, our plane is taking off (soundtrack of the plane taking off)."

Scene one.
(There is a separate group of people on the plane (three guys are sitting on a bench))

1st: Guys! Well, I don’t want to fly into this adult life! Just think: (begin to list) the institute!
2nd: Wife!
3rd: Work!
1st: Children!
2nd: Guys, I have a plan!

(They confer and with joyful faces go to their places behind the scenes).

Scene two.
(Actors jump out from behind the scenes.)

Those who have fallen shake themselves off and begin to look around, the song “Island of Bad Luck” begins. All:

All covered with greenery, absolutely all,
We have Learning Island in the South.
Lovely people live here
Schoolchildren -
All the guys are local
Sharp on the tongue.

They've been fooling around for ten years.
They try to hammer home to them that learning is light.
They are trying to hammer home
That learning is light.
And they always try
Kind to give advice.

Everyone on this island is looking for a valuable treasure,
Algebra and physics are crammed day and night.
They study chemistry and history.
Where is the treasure?
No one knows this.

They run and jump, learn languages,
They write essays and submit poems.
They study Russian
Songs are sung
The cards are made up
They are looking but will not find.

Here they believe in omens, in their holy lies.
Once you gain knowledge, you will immediately find a treasure!
Once you get the knowledge, you're at the end of the line,
Maximum efforts - dreams will come true.

1st: And this, in your opinion, is adult life?
2nd: It’s hard to believe!
3rd: I won’t survive here! I'll die here! I don't want…
1st: (knowingly) Calm down! Everything will be fine! We will arrange everything here, just like our beloved director equipped our school. Calm down, everything will be OK!
(sings, and the rest, running to their places and dancing, pick up)

Song based on "Chunga-Changa":

We have fun at our school,
We are happy to go to our school,
And the director will meet you at the door,
We say "Hello!" with a smile. to her.
I tried everything, I found out,
I didn't forget anything
Our school was furnished by the director.
And thank you very much
For your work and care,
For attention and rigor,
Our director!

(words of gratitude to the director):

“Dear ....! We have always been fascinated by your optimism and spontaneity. Thank you for saving us from final savagery when we found ourselves on a desert island; for being an example for us in everything! I wish you happiness, love, health! "

Scene three.

Everyone gradually calms down, takes their seats, and then:
Masha puts her hand down, hits the spider and, throwing it closer to Karina: A!!! He bit me! He bit me! Take him away! Ugh! Take him away!
(Karina) Well, why did you shout!? Did it bite you? (puts the spider on the microphone) This little harmless spider? Remember, in biology lessons... did you tell me? A small harmless spider, order Arachnida, species Cross. Do you remember how in class we listened with inspiration to her stories about these cute creatures?

Masha: Yeah, HARMLESS!
All together, lined up at the microphones:
Song-verse (Winnie the Pooh):

Leeches preserved in alcohol - no problem!
The environment is fine - yes, yes, yes!
Let's dig up all the flowers and plant them in pots!
Cure sick kidneys - nonsense!
We have always loved biology!
Cro-Magnons were found - yes, yes, yes!
Fleas, lice and cockroaches,
Monkeys and bananas -
We will remember those lessons forever!

(words of gratitude to the biology teacher):

“Dear…..! You taught us to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, understand ourselves. Happiness, health, longevity!”

Scene four.

(The student comes out, holding a model of the moon at head level.)
1st: It’s starting to get colder!
2nd: Yes, it’s true!
3rd: We need to make a fire. Guys, does anyone have any matches?
No, no!
1st: Well, as always! How to run around school during breaks, you always have them! And when necessary... you will have to make a fire with improvised means. (a little thoughtfully) I remember in physics lessons..... she said something about the force of friction...
Everyone gathers tightly until the first one: puts a mock-up of a fire behind them, the music starts, everyone goes to the microphones.

To the physics teacher to the tune of Zemfira’s song “Proved”:

In the race with wires,
With coils and conductors.
And we calculated the amplitude
They wrote papers for five.

Science is by no means simple,
It's not an easy subject, we know
But you explained it to us,
You helped us understand.

And we decided at Rymkevich’s school,
You sat around and helped us in everything,
You taught us the most important thing, e-e-e!

And we also decided for Stepanova,
It didn’t work out - they decided everything again,
We dreamed of becoming Newton, Hooke and Maxwell, yeah!

(Words of gratitude to the physics teacher):

“Dear...! Your charm, attractiveness and passion for the subject helped us make our way through the jungle of electrical wires, circuits and magnetic field. I wish you success in everything, kindness and warmth!"

Scene five.

Someone goes to warm themselves by the fire:
1st: - Yes, I would like to eat something now!
2nd: - And in the dining room now there are probably pasta and cutlets!

The song of the canteen on Chicherina “Heat” begins to sound, at the introduction everyone makes 2 circles around the fire one after another, without turning their backs to the hall, and runs up to the microphones:

Which lesson is it we want,
We run to the dining room at the speed of light.
Barely breathing, we chew pizza,
And again to the lesson with Coca-Cola together!

Food, food! Thanks to the canteen and cooks!
Food, food! Thank you, thank you all!

(Words of gratitude to the canteen workers):

“Dear canteen workers! We have always been amazed by your dedication and devotion to your work, patience during our siege during breaks. Thank you for the delicious breakfasts and lunches. Happiness, joy, peaceful skies above your head!”

Scene six.

1st: Guys, you should cover the fire with pebbles so that there is no fire. Let's look?
Everyone disperses in search of stones, then everyone brings one and places it around the fire.

The music of the song for the life safety teacher on Strelka “Dislike” sounds:

We wrote our tests correctly,
Safety first!
Matches are not toys for us, we knew
Nothing was sprayed anywhere.
But as often happens in life,
Suddenly everyone and always had to
We will apply a tourniquet around the neck,
We will save you from any harm.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! It will help us in life.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! And we won’t use phosgene
We are making our enemies' lives miserable!

(words of gratitude to the life safety teacher):
“Dear .....! You helped us out in difficult times with your versatile knowledge of school subjects. You carried the burden of household chores on your fragile shoulders. Remain as energetic and full of enthusiasm!”

Scene Seven.

A student with the moon goes backstage, another student appears on stage with a model of the Sun and takes the place of the moon.

1st: Guys, it’s getting light. It's time to put out the fire!
2nd: How to find an algorithm for extinguishing this fire!
3rd: Didn’t you study computer science at school, or what?

1st: No!
3rd: Well, let me explain to you. Look. So, the beginning of the program is the presence of a fire, then comes the task of variables - these are stones and sand. Then there is a cycle, i.e. the program itself. (Everyone blocks the fire and knocks it over from behind, and then everyone disperses, and the student hangs the sun on the wall and goes backstage) And the result is an extinguished fire!
Everyone moves away from the microphones a little, 2 students approach them (only the two of them sing until the chorus, after which everyone else joins in):

Virus "Don't look for me":

BASIC, Turbopascal and TP7,
We dream about the cycle and END,
Now we will write a hundred programs,
And someone will come up with their own Internet.

You are an expert in computers,
But, unfortunately, sometimes this happened,
What is the program for us?
Well, it seemed completely incomprehensible.
Only years will pass
Even though we will be bored and cry,
We will create Microsoft,
And then we won’t forget about you.

Words of gratitude:
Dear…..! Thank you for teaching us to think logically and understand the confusing world of programs. Happiness to you and boundless warmth!

Scene eight.

The student runs out from behind the scenes with a lively face:
Oh guys, I found this there! Come, help me get him out!
the boys go after her and half a minute later they carry her out like a statue of a student who carried out the sun. They place it between the microphones a little sideways.
1st: Wow, what is this?
2nd: Yes, what is it called?
1st: ...What are you doing? Don't you know? This is little Sapper, nicknamed Zinnober! What did you listen to during MHC lessons?
(rest) Middle ear!
1st: You can see it!

Music sounds to the song for the MHC teacher (A. Pugacheva “Love is like a dream”), everyone approaches the microphones:

The world is huge, diverse and often rough.
Without culture, our life is an empty vessel.
And fill it with light and warmth,
Make life colorful
We must with you.

You can't forget something and get tired.
Your job is to bring joy to people.
If a dawn suddenly breaks out in people’s hearts,
So your work was not in vain. Not in vain!

Let life hurry like the stars,
Like a comet dance of stars.
Culture lives from century to century
As long as a person breathes!

Words of gratitude to the MHC and music teachers
"Romantic .... and ......! Your sophistication of perception of the world could not leave our hearts indifferent. Thank you! Tenderness, love, success, inspiration!"

Scene nine.

1st: I want to drink something. Nobody has water?
1st: Where then to look for water?
2nd: In a pond.
1st: Yes? Where is the pond?
2nd: Where there is water, there is a reservoir.
1st: Witty. Let's go look!

They leave to look for a pond. They look for it for a while, then they see a model of a reservoir on the wall. The student extends her hand behind the scenes, the other gives her a bottle of water. Everyone comes up to the microphones to sing a song to the geography teacher to the music of BI-2 “Nobody Writes to the Colonel”:

Big cities, capitals and seas,
Where are the coal deposits, as well as the demand and business,
And thanks to you, we know all this.
Now we are not afraid of exams and crises.

And everyone writes geography
And everyone knows economics.

We will draw up a Business Plan quickly and easily,
Let us not forget what you taught us.

Words of gratitude to the geography teacher:
“Dear…..! You showed us this big planet, explained to us the structure of our economic system. Now we know without geography - we are nowhere. Thank you! Happiness, joy, success!”

Scene ten.

The student goes backstage and pulls out a model of a rock with some hieroglyphs.
- Look what I found!
- I wonder what is written there?
- Yes.
- If only our historian were here, he would tell us.
- Yes, I had to study history.

A song begins for the history teacher, set to music from the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” - “Alexandra”:

Not everything worked out right away,
Moscow was not built in a day.
The history of homeland
Keeps quite a few secrets.
Radical reforms,
National problems.
They didn’t believe the textbooks
And they believed only you.

Ah, historian, our historian,
This class was ours with you.
We were his destiny,
But farewell has come.
Whatever happened in the beginning
We've never been bored
And now we're parting
And thank you for everything.

Words of gratitude to the history teacher:
“Dear Vladimir Petrovich! You taught us to soberly assess the situation, compare the present with the past. Happiness, health, long life!”

Scene eleven.

The student climbed onto a stand covered with a model of a rock and shouted from there to everyone else:
- Guys! Look how high I am!
1st: Well, you, Sash, are quite an athlete!
2nd: Get out of there quickly!

At this point, 2 students are already sitting on the bench with guitars. And after the last words, they begin to play a song together for physical education teachers based on the song Chizh and Co. "About love":

Shouldn't we sing a song about physics,
Shouldn't we come up with a standard?
Shorter rope, softer mat,
And then we’ll pass all the exercises.

And we will become top-class athletes,
A lot of money, medals - that's all.
We will remember you with gratitude
And we’ll understand that we didn’t take the cross-country course in vain!

Words of gratitude to physical education teachers:
“Dear ... and ....! Your lessons are always a holiday for us. We were glad to find good friends in you. Good luck to you!”

Scene twelve.

The student falls from the cliff with a wild cry, everyone rushes to him:
- What's wrong with you, Sasha!
- Leg! Leg!
- We need a doctor! Urgently!
- Call the nurse!

Poem for a nurse:

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in his office.
Come to him for treatment
Student and student.
She will give you pills,
She will make mantu.
She never sleeps
In a responsible position.
He will check everything, he will find out everything
And it will keep you healthy.
And perhaps everyone knows
We will not forget her hands!

Words of gratitude to the nurse:
"Dear......! You are a person who was responsible for our health. Thank you for your work, we will not forget your care. We wish you perseverance, good spirits and inexhaustible health!"

Scene thirteen.

Do you think there is still life on this island?
(Everyone else, pointing to the audience) There she is!!!

At the end of the hall are the Papuans and their leader. The first one goes out with a spear to investigate. With a suspicious look, he looks around at those around him, checks them, then runs up to the microphones and says to the others, waving his hand: Ooh! The remaining two Papuans lift the leader in their arms and carry him to the stage with the others, accompanied by everyone tapping the rhythm of Queen's song "We will rock you". Three Papuans stand in a row and begin to look around, scratch themselves and do all sorts of nonsense. Seeing this, the leader, making a certain gesture with his hand, says harshly: Ooh! Everyone is leveling out. Another "Uh-oh!" and they all follow the command “Attention!” two towards the leader, the leader - towards the opposite side.

Student: Wow! I wonder if they can speak any language that we can understand?
Papuan: Russo tourist.
Student: (almost squealing with pleasure) Oh, my God, how lovely!

Student: squeals and starts jumping, clapping her hands, everyone else, with the exception of the leader and the Papuans, picks up.

Student: Can you speak English? Do you speak English?
(Leader, in broken English, absolutely expressionless) We are from Iceland.
Student: From island!Oh! They are from the island! (to general applause) Wow, how lovely! What is your name? (making appropriate hand gestures) My name is…. And what is your name?
(Chief) Ooh! (pointing a finger at her, then at himself) Masha! Ooh! Masha! Ooh!
Student: His name is Ooh! My God, what a beauty! We want to be your friends! Friends. (extending his hand to the leader, shaking his hand) Seat, seat!

Everyone moves back, sits on the mat and sways rhythmically to one side as the girls sing. The rest stand behind, hold hands and sway rhythmically from behind in the opposite direction from those sitting on the mat.

Song for teachers in English to the tune of Whitney Houston's "I will always love you":

If we could stay and
Begin our study again.
So, we go, but you know
We will never forget you
In our soul.

And we will always love you,
Will always love you.

You, our teacher you.

Our knowledge, memories -
That is all we"re taking with.
So, goodbye and, please, don't cry,
And thank you for everything you did!

Words of gratitude to English teachers:
"Dear .... And ....! Your love for new textbooks and new programs is as boundless as our love for you. Enthusiasm, energy, health to you!"

Scene fourteen.

The Papuans are leaving.
Student: Yes, it’s good, of course, here: we now have friends, we can live, we’ve already checked that, but still I miss you a lot. Shall we write them a letter?
Student 2: takes out paper and pen, sits down more comfortably:
What should I write?
- Well, write that we miss you
- We want you to come for us, to save us.
- We want to eat!
- Leg hurts.
- I don’t want to die here!
- Come quickly!

2 student folds the letter.

Are you sure you wrote everything correctly?
Student 2 I’m sure, but...probably not.

Everyone stands up to sing to the literature teacher (to the tune of the romance “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”):

Lermontov and Pushkin dissuaded
Great and mighty tongue.
And sadly leaving your lesson,

And sadly leaving your lesson,
We will regret it more than once.

We know that our studies were not in vain
The ability of poets to understand.

You have opened up a wise and beautiful world to us.
And we want to thank you.

Words of gratitude to the literature teacher:
"Dear .....! Humane, sublime, lyrical nature. We have always admired you. You opened the doors to us in amazing world literature, and most importantly - into the world of adult life, in which we have to stay, but now, without you! Thank you for everything!"

Scene fifteen.

And how good it was with... and...!
- Yes!
- How much easier!
- Yes!
- How much dearer!
- Yes!
- I wonder if they will come for us?
- Yes!

We sing a song to the class teachers to the tune of Boyarsky’s song “Thank You”:

Many years will pass
Another class we believe
Will also stand
Here and talk like us,
That someone in turn
He will also sing to you.
We're leaving now
And we whisper to you, dear ones:

"Thank you for the day,
Thanks for the year
Thank you for your knowledge and work,
thanks for all
And we ask you
Please don't forget us."

Words of gratitude to the class teachers:
"Dear... and...! You are our cool mothers, our lighthouse in the ocean of school life. Kind, sympathetic, calm, confident hands led us through the labyrinth to adulthood! Your optimism, unique sense of humor, never-ending energy, which you drop by drop poured into us, made school life especially interesting! Thank you! We love you!"

Scene sixteen.

Do you think they will come for us?
- Must…
- I really hope for it.

The noise of an approaching helicopter is heard, everyone screams with joy, new faces appear on the stage in the form of our classmates who have flown in after us, everyone rushes to each other.

The rest of the graduates approach the stage from both sides of the curtain (on the right - 11 "A", on the left - 11 "B"). Thank you speech to all teachers:

“You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive. You led us through the years of childhood and adolescence, you gave us your warmth and love. You made sure that our knowledge and skills grew from year to year, taught us to be necessary and necessary people "If someday, suddenly, we find ourselves on a desert island, we know we will not be lost! Thank you for your hard work and we bow deeply to you!"

The final song sounds based on the Zemfira group's song "Goodbye!":

As the years go by, this happens
Finished school.
And they let us go
Certificates are presented
And a cool photo.
And everyone understands:
Not long left
We have to study at school.
And from first grade
It seemed so much -
Eleven whole years!

Goodbye, school, goodbye!
We are already in your chronicles (oo-o-a-p!)
Expectations, tears and farewells,
And memories of bygone years (oo-o-a-p!)!

Then institutions, other concerns -
We must continue to learn.
And after work and only about school
We will remember more often.
From first grade to graduation -
Let's not forget anything.
And we'll meet again,
Later in our lives
Eleven whole years!

The presenters come out and close the celebration:
"Dear graduates!
Not every path will be smooth,
Not all trials will be easy,
And life lies before you like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.
Ring over the past and present,
Over everything that I saved and that I didn’t save,
Ring over your passing childhood
Sad, farewell last call!

The right to give the last bell is granted to a student of grade 11... and a student of grade 1 "B".
This, dear graduates, our holiday is over.
Good luck to you, friends, all the way,
Paths of quests, plans and accomplishments!
Have a safe journey and happiness!"

1st presenter.
A cheerful day has flared up,
The streets are noisy with the sea,
From the open windows of the school
The guys' voices are heard.

2nd presenter.
Today the school bell will ring,
Which will not be quite ordinary.
The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,
When lesson changed to lesson.

1st presenter.
The graduation class is noisy, worried,
Voices are ringing with a farewell echo,
The school ship raised its sails.
And now a completely different path awaits him.

The music “They teach at school...” plays not loudly, gradually intensifying.

2nd presenter.
Let's salute the brave
Past storms of turbulent school years.
Marching into life along the path of victories, -
Graduates are solemn and important!

“They teach at school” sounds loudly, Graduates enter.

1st presenter. Dear graduates!
2nd presenter. Dear teachers!

1st presenter. Dear moms and dads!
2nd presenter. Dear guests!

1st presenter. We allow the ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell 2013 to be considered open.

The Russian Anthem is playing.

2nd presenter. To read out the order for the school, the floor is given to the school director E.A. Orlova.

The director reads the order on the admission of graduates to the exams and congratulates the graduates.

To the director:

Student: Popova M.

To root for everything in the world with your soul,
To delve into everything, to give up your whole life,
So that children gain knowledge,
And they could understand the purpose of life.
Thank you, our dear director,
We are grateful to you to the point of tears.
We don’t know where you get your strength,
Pulling such a heavy cart!

Student: Shchutskaya K.

Director, your work is not easy.
Probably nothing can measure it,
Your every day is theater and battle
And you have the strength to believe in victory!
Bringing teaching light,
You are altruists by nature
And in human culture
There are no such professions anymore!

1. Song for the director(to the tune of “Everything for you” by S. Mikhailov) (Appendix 2)

Student: K. Shchutskaya. The alumni council decided to reward the director of our school, E.A. Orlova, with a valuable gift for her dedicated work.

Head teacher:

Student: Zakurdaev I.

So that the learning process is clear
Went to educational institution
The head teacher has concerns
Find a solution to this
So make a schedule
So that the load is evenly
Encourage children's desire
Do everything at school
Don't discourage children
Learn the lessons firmly
Masham, Valya, Yulyam, Petyam,

Student: Tkachenok Yu.

Look into the origins of knowledge.
The head teacher keeps control over:
At school the whole process is educational
That's why his roles are significant.
The head teacher is notable in his position
It's a mess without him
Inconsistencies, vanity,
Where the Head Teacher is, it’s immediately quiet,
Where the Head Teacher is - Beauty!

Student:Zakurdaev I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward for fairness and rigor the deputy directors for academic and educational
work of E.V. Rybalchenko and O.M. Sibilev with a valuable gift and a memorable address.

2nd presenter. The response to congratulate and greet the graduates on behalf of the teachers is given to the head teacher E.V. Rybalchenko.

1st presenter.

We have a lot of guests today -
Alumni, colleagues, friends,
Touch the school threshold,
Be sad with your school.

2nd presenter. The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the Kansky district L.N. Krasnoshapko.

1st presenter. The word for greetings and congratulations is provided (we list the names of the guests).

1st presenter.

School years are like steps
They took me up high for a long time
The time has come to look back:
They are sitting in this room with you now
Those who have been eleven long years
They equally shared the burden of troubles and victories.

Student: Moseychuk I. Today, May 24, 2013, we say goodbye to childhood and go to Great Life. And all our words of gratitude to you today,
dear school, to you, beloved teachers! (So ​​here we go!)

Student: Tkachenok Yu.

Hail to the teacher, who gives us knowledge
Giver of heart, living at school.
There are no random, cold people here
There are no such teachers.

Student: Popova M.

We are lucky to study at this school
Every teacher can be proud.
There are many pearls in the school crown:
The chemist and lyricist is important and needed here.
Every lighthouse is a guide for us
We went with them from class to class.

Student: Pankina V.

Oh, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all of our teachers?
We part, loving you.
The last bell will ring,
He won't call us to class.

Student: Khromykh I.

You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles.

To the first teacher

Student: Popova M.

On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
God knows in what year, in what region -
We will not forget with a kind word
Your first teacher!
That she carefully counted us like chickens,
When I took you under my “wing”,

When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And she solemnly led into the school walls.
Thank you for your word, for your science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

2. Song for the first teacher based on Natalie’s tune “Oh God, what a man” (Appendix 3)

Student: Popova M. The Alumni Council decided to reward the first teacher V.N. Savisko with a memorable gift for his dedicated work. We also express our gratitude to primary school teachers (full name of teachers).

1st presenter. The first teacher, V.N. Savisko, is given a response for congratulations.

2nd presenter: Look, graduates, at the kids who came to greet you. This is how you were 11 years ago. You also saw off the graduates then. Standing in the same place with bells in your hands, you, worried, repeated the memorized verses to yourself. Listen to those who are set to graduate in 2023.

(The music “School Waltz” plays. First graders come out) Read the words. (Appendix 4)

First-graders hang bells for graduates.

The music “School Waltz” is playing.

A response from graduates to first-graders:

Student: Zakurdaev I.

Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Combed with bows
They're coming for the girl!

Student: Sosnovskaya I.

And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
That just anywhere.

Student: Pankina V.

All former pranksters -
Today first graders
Everyone is good today
They are waiting for you at school!

Student: Pankina V. And according to tradition, we send you a package from childhood to youth. We recommend opening it at your last call in 2023 (copybooks in the form of a parcel).

Literature teacher

Student: Zagainova N.

Everything in a person should be beautiful -
That's what Uncle Chekhov once said.
And we should not live our lives in vain
As one of those poets asked us in verse,
Whose creativity and life path we studied,
And whose poems we loved forever!
you to us literature on“five” taught.
And we will never forget you!

3. Song for a wordsmith based on the tune of F. Kirkorov “Diva” (Appendix 5)

Student: Zagainova N. The Alumni Council decided to award a gift with a memorial address to the teacher of Russian language and literature T.P. Trofimenko for his love of his native word and patience.

To the class teacher

Student: Tkachenok Yu.

A parting word, a kind look,
We rejoiced at our victories together.
Today each of the guys will say:
Life was very interesting for you and me!
It all seems like yesterday
And even on weekends we worked.
Excursions, hikes, evenings,
After all, this is also a little happiness!

Let everyone envy
How do you cook and sew with us!
With such a leader, our class is
He was in sight, always held in high esteem by everyone!
Thank you for everything you gave us,
Sorry for the worries and disappointments!
We wish you love, hope and dreams,
Ideas, good luck, smiles, inspiration!

Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided to reward class teacher O.M. for his patience and endless kindness. Sibilev with a valuable gift.

1st presenter. The response for congratulations is given to the class teacher O.M. Sibileva.

English teacher

Student: Pankina V.

The intricacies of times
There are many nuances in grammar,
But the one who is in love with our English,
A wonderful road awaits you.

We want to tell the teacher
Today we thank you,
Don't get tired of repeating
That we could become the best!

Student: Pankina V. The Alumni Council decided to reward English teacher N.S. Shlepochenko for integrity and rigor with a gift and a memorial address.


Student: Tkachenok Yu.:

You have invested everything in us,
Proving year after year,
What does mathematics need?
Not only to count income;
May a pair of your kind hands

No voltage controls
Queen of the recognized sciences!
Let there be peace and harmony all around!
We all congratulate you today!

4. Song for mathematics based on the song “Oriental Tales” gr. Shiny (Appendix 6)

Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided: for the clarity and strength of mind to reward N.B. Sergienko with a valuable gift and a memorable address.

Story. Society, MHC, ORR

Student: Khromykh I.

With a light tread you entered the classroom,
Like the eighth wonder of the world, we were waiting for you,
You took us away at other times,
An hour of the lesson flew by unnoticed.

You are a teacher at MHC,
And smile at us a little,
Always smiles at us.
Like the Mona Lisa through the centuries.

5. Song for the history teacher based on the song “Doll Masha” by Ivanushka (Appendix 7)

Student: Khromykh I. The Alumni Council decided: to award the teacher of history, social studies, MHC and ORR E.A. Orlova with a memorial address for her love of life.

Biology and chemistry

Student Sosnovskaya I.

Man, as a part of nature,
Must know it perfectly:
How everything works in nature
Coordinated and harmonious.
And for your wonderful story
About the structure of creatures
We wish different things in life
The most wonderful miracles to you!

Kohl went chemical process,
It is already dangerous to brake him:
It can make a big noise in a test tube too,
What will all the previous seem

6. Song for a biologist and chemist based on a song by gr. Paints “Boys” (Appendix 8)

Student: K. Shchutskaya. The alumni council decided: to reward the teacher of chemistry and biology V.V. Druzhinin with a gift and a memorable address for his love of life.


Student: Zakurdaev I.

Among formulas and laws
You live at work.
How do phenomena work?
You make everything clear to us.

We are very grateful to you,
After all, now we won’t be lost:
We are excellent at physics
Now we know and rent!

7. Song for a physics teacher based on a song by gr. Demo “Sun” (Appendix 9)

Student: Zakurdaev I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward physics teacher E.V. Rybalchenko with a valuable gift for his crystal clear conscience.

life safety fundamentals

Student: Tkachenok Yu.

Kind, strong, like a giant,
Slim as an ancient Greek,
And he knows everything about life safety
And all the cataclysms.
He will tell you how to behave,

When laughter is out of place,
How to survive in the snow
Don't get sick in a snowstorm.
Where is the body of water safe?
How to tan evenly.

8. Song to OBZhist based on the Russian folk song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming...” (Appendix 10)

Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided: to award the teacher-organizer of life safety N.Yu. Voitovich for school safety is valuable
a gift and a memorial address.

Computer science

9. A song for a computer scientist based on a song from the film. Adventure Electronics “What has progress come to” (Appendix 11)

Student: Khromykh I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward computer science teacher A.A. Pazhinsky for his communication skills with a memorable address.


Student Moseychuk I.

Someone is sewing, and the guys are whittling,
They drive nails like crazy
The lessons with you were not in vain
We remember everything - we forgot nothing.
Measure seven times and cut once.
Smell the glue, fry it, eat it.

Hammer a nail, wash the stove,
How to manage everything - the question is?
How should we distribute things?
Who should cut? Who should cook?
Who should drill? Who should I stitch up?
The question is: how will we live?

10. Song for technologists based on a song from the m.f. “Bremen Town Musicians” Song of the Robbers (Appendix 12)

Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided to reward technology teacher T.M. Ganchin with a gift and a memorial address for his hard work.


Zagainova's student N.

We studied cities and countries.
We wandered through the valleys and mountains.
Now we know where bananas grow
Where do tea and coffee come from?
And where, what language will be useful to us.
And where and what miracles to marvel at.
We are not afraid to get lost in the world
Now he is no stranger to us.

11. Song to a geographer based on the tune “Ocean and Three Rivers” by V. Meladze and gr. “ViaGra” (Appendix 13)

Student: N. Zagainova. The Alumni Council decided to reward geography teacher N.G. Bondukhova with a gift and a memorial address for her comprehensive development.

Physical training

Student Moseychuk I.

Olympic hopes
They tried to raise us
Look at the boys -
Well, it’s not in vain that you worked hard!
It doesn't matter that their records
The Olympics are not equal.

Let them still be eaglets
In the future there are eagles.
And girls, look
How slim and graceful
Athletics and running
They take it seriously.

12. Song for physical education teachers based on the song from gr. Factory “About Love...” (Appendix 14)

Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided: for openness and sociability, to reward physical education teacher S.O. Petrov with a gift and a memorable address.

To parents:

Student: Popova M.

Well, how can we not remember today those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter
Who collected for school every day
And sometimes he burned with shame for us...

Student: Shchutskaya K.

Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble with you is not a problem!
And joy - so full of fun!
After all, you still have a long time to study with us...

Student: Sosnovskaya I. Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire it! Your kids have grown up! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!

It was we who provided you with life in extreme situations all these years! It is to us that you owe the unbearable days that smoothly turn into sleepless nights!

Student: Zagainova N. Yes! We didn’t always bring you only joy and diaries proudly swollen with A’s.

Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that we cannot be called exemplary children!

Student: Tkachenok Yu. But we know: no matter what we do, no matter what we throw out, you will attribute everything to the protracted transitional age and you will
love us even more.

And we want to tell you a secret: All: We love you very much too!

Song for parents “Where does childhood go?”

2nd presenter. The solemn right to tie “Graduate 2013” ​​ribbons is given to parents of graduates.

The music “They teach at school” plays. Parents knit ribbons. Everyone takes pictures.

For veteran teachers

Student: Popova Maria

Low bow to you veterans,
For your hard, necessary work
For all the children you raised
And those who will grow up soon.

For your affection and attention -
For sincerity and kindness.
For courage and understanding,
For sensitivity, wisdom, simplicity.

Student: Pankina V. The Alumni Council decided: to reward veterans of teaching work with sweet gifts for their dedication to the school: full name of veterans of teaching work.

Psychological and pedagogical support

Cooks, service staff

Student: Zagainova N.

There are not enough words to express all the feelings,
Which are overwhelming us now!
We will say loudly together
(All in chorus)"Thank you!"
For the fact that you worked everything for us.

Pankin's student V.

Ekaterina is simply a treasure!
Our organizer is irreplaceable.
Always smile guys
She met me very nice.

Student: Sosnovskaya I.

To the caretaker - for repairs and order,
For the cleanliness of the yard we help the janitor
We would like to say thank you
After all, the school yard
It was always swept beautifully.
For your gigantic work,
It's so good to have it next to us
They still live!

Student: Tkachenok Yu.

The social worker is simply talented!
Everyone was happy to meet him!
He dedicated himself to service
He was a reliable defender.

Student: Zagainova A.

The bus dispatcher is our faithful friend:
You came to the office with an order-application -
And she threw us a life-saving circle -
I tried to send her to intensive care!

Student: Khromykh I.

And these are our chefs
Let's tell them (all together): “Gib-bib “HURRAY”!
They'll fry pancakes in the morning,
Delicious borscht will be cooked for lunch,
Why can't you leave the dining room?

Student: Shchutskaya K.

Huge card index
Kept in the library.
Svetlana Alexandrovna is an important figure,
And even somewhat brave!

Student: Moseychuk I.

You knew no peace from us,
And sometimes you scolded us.
But you and I have always been friends.
We appreciated you for many things.

After all, you dragged dirt on us.
Everything was washed until the morning.
For this, honor and praise to you.
Technical staff (All): "HOORAY".

Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided: to award a memorial address for hard work (name of each) to the teacher-organizer, speech therapist, dispatcher, social teacher, librarian. Foreman, cooks, junior service personnel: (name of each).

2nd presenter. There are still ninth-graders graduating from our school this academic year. Some of the kids will stay in 10th grade, while others will go on to study further. We give the floor to 9th graders.

9th grade words

1st presenter. The word for congratulating the ninth graders is given to the class teacher ___

2nd presenter. The word for congratulations on behalf of the parents of 9th graders is given to ___

13. Last song

To the tune of the song gr. “White Eagle” “How delightful are the evenings in Russia” (Appendix 15)

2nd presenter.

In the rain or in the heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring
Last call!

1st presenter.

He's the foreplay of the entrance
Into the infinity of roads,
He is in any weather
He will call you over the threshold.

2nd presenter.

He is beautiful, desperate,
Ready to become a springboard
He signals the beginning
The main steps in life.

1st presenter.

How many promises it contains!
This ringing calls into the distance.
It contains the bitterness of farewells,
And there are a million hopes.

2nd presenter.

In the rain or in the heat
But in due time,
Every new spring,
Last call!

1st presenter. The right to give the last bell in the 2012-2013 academic year is granted to graduate Tkachenok Yuri and 1st grade student Anna Abramova.

They do a victory lap and the first-graders lead the graduates away to the music of “They Learn at School.”

2nd presenter. We allow the ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell holiday to be considered closed.

School director is not an easy position,
You have a great responsibility,
But you don’t give doubts a chance,
You are confidently driving the school ship!

Today we say goodbye to school,
Life inspires us with a new dream,
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
I wish you good health from the heart!

Dear Director,
We say thank you
For all the years of leadership
We sincerely thank you.

What we collected at our school
Sensitive, wise team,
Sowing into children's hearts
Eternal, kind positive.

Last school bell rings
We want to wish you
Longevity, health,
Strength to be on time everywhere.

Let the prestige and status of the school
They only move up
And let in bold endeavors
Success will certainly await you!

Dear director, throughout all your years of study you have been a wise leader, a competent mentor, a caring and responsive person. Thank you for your sincere participation in the fate of graduates, professionalism and ability to guide and lead. We wish you health and success in your difficult and responsible work.

You are the best leader
There is no wiser director
Both the boss and the teacher,
You rule the entire school.

And under your sensitive gaze
The team has become more successful
And studies go uphill,
More new perspectives.

We express our gratitude
For your responsible work,
And for all the years we wish you,
So that the route leads to success!

We wish you, director, patience,
Strength of spirit, luck and faith.
In September there is already a new generation
It will test your nerves.

We want to tell you: “Thank you
For science, for faith, for wisdom,
For studying, forgiving mistakes,
Here’s to a happy childhood and youth!”

You once accepted us into school,
So that we can gain knowledge.
Upon admission we were wished good luck
And learn all your lessons conscientiously!

They insisted that all this would be useful,
That we can’t get anywhere in life without knowledge...
And in the future we will all be proud,
That we all got here to school!

Now we say: “You were right.”
Thank you for this grace...
We are very glad that you are our director!
And we are so sorry to leave school!

Your work is the work of a crew captain,
Where in every step there is wisdom and struggle.
You are responsible for everything, always on guard
Stand strong. And the “hut” is intact,
And the children in it are the happiest in the world,
The teachers are reliable and bright.
Be it in class, or at a teacher's meeting,
You deserve nothing but praise!
Look how many couples are looking at you
Trusting and grateful eyes.
May our common home prosper forever.
We are grateful to have you with us!

We will all remember you.
And we sincerely want to say.
Thanks for the hard work,
Lessons in 45 minutes,
For thrashings and encouragements,
For justice and patience.
We bow to the director,
He deserves all the good things in life,
And a little respite,
After all, in the fall - back to battle.

How many worries does the director have?
But everyone will find an approach.
The whole school rests on him,
He understands everything.

Both discipline and repair,
Will distribute the educational fund.
And he will put things in order at school,
He will establish a routine.

It's the last call for us,
And we congratulate you on this.
Let's say goodbye to school
We admire you.

We wish you good health,
So that the school remains exemplary.
We wish you inspiration, strength,
And your work brought you joy.

We would like to congratulate you, director,
Happy last call day.
May your work give you joy,
After all, your mission is important.

Thank you for your wisdom,
For understanding in everything,
Studying was easy for all of us
Under your golden wing.

School doors are closing
And for you, our release is over.
But you don’t need to be sad, believe me,
The New Year is still ahead!

Everyone is a little sad today,
School days are behind us.
But a new door is open to us:
There are so many new things ahead!

We say thank you today,
Our director, beloved, dear.
May directorship be a joy to you,
Gives happiness and peace of mind!

Graduation party in 11th grade.

Music is playing.

Organizer: 11th grade students and class teachers are invited to the graduation party.

11 A class

11 B class

Class teacher Irina Lvovna Gureeva, a teacher of the highest category, was awarded the “Honorary Worker” badge for her services in the field of education general education Russian Federation".


(full name, class)

Bring in the flag.


The floor is given to the school director Natalia Olegovna Fedyaeva

Director's speech.

Presentation of certificates, certificates and letters of gratitude.





And now the floor is given to the graduates

Presenter 1:

Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2:

Dear graduates and parents!

Presenter 1:

Dear teachers and guests!

Presenter 2:

Today we have an unusual evening, one of a kind.

Presenter 1:

Firstly, because for graduates this is the last evening with their classmates.

Presenter 2:

And secondly, because this is the last evening in the huge house under

called "school".

(music background)

Presenter 1:

Friend, classmate, freeze for a moment!

This day has come, this hour has come!

Presenter 2:

The school is seeing you off

With excitement -

School childhood

He's leaving us!

Presenter 1:

Dear graduates!

Presenter 2:

Today, at our school, a photo studio “For Memory ...” is starting to work, where, with the help of still images, we will remember the best years of our lives, the best moments of meetings with teachers. And each of you will find and take the place in our photo studio that you like, and where the historical photograph “For memory...” will be taken.

So, everything is ready and we can start!

Frame 1. “School in general plan...”

Graduate 1:

Here is the temple of sciences. He has strict lines.

Impeccable proportions.

Will glorify thousands of names.

Graduate 2:

They say that school is our second home. Why the second one? Let's calculate how much time an 11th grade student spends at school and at home.

Six to seven lessons daily plus special courses plus electives plus individual consultations...

Plus cool watch plus duty plus extracurricular activities...

Plus cleaning the school grounds.

Graduate 3:

How much time do we spend at home? Have you calculated?

Therefore, we can rightfully say that school is our first home!

And since the school is our first home, we decided to visit a large family. The head of the family is the school director Natalia Olegovna Fedyaeva.

Frame 2. “Director, my dear director...”

(bell sounds)

Graduate 1:

No matter what light we look at,

Our director is responsible for everything -

On everyone, on the school floors,

At all, at the main lines!

What a bright personality you are.

Life gives you “excellent” marks for everything!

And to school until the end from the beginning

We passed under your leadership.

More releases for you! And more!

Let's go ahead! - your own path!

Graduate 2:

We thank the administration of school No. 1416:

Directors: Natalia Olegovna Fedyaeva

Head teacher: Galina Grigorievna

(Congratulations from the director and head teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 3. “First time - in first grade...”

(music sounds)

Graduate 1:

And it started with the first call,

When with bouquets and a satchel on your back

We met our first teacher,

When we were called a class for the first time,

When fate brought us together...

Graduate 2:

For the fact that even though the years go and go,

You will forever remain a school mom for us!

Graduate 1:

We thank the primary school teachers:

Morenkova Nadezhda Dmitrievna

Petrov Yulia Petrovna

Evseeva Ekaterina Yurievna

Kulagina Angelina Andreevna

Tomko Natalya Zigmundovna

(Congratulations from primary school teachers. Presentation of flowers. Performance by first-graders)

Frame 4. “Thank you, teachers...”

Graduate 1:

Everyone is ready to take an oath:

If necessary:

We are any of the languages

Let's study everything together.

We say “thank you” to you

For all your efforts.

And we all grieve with our souls

On the day of our separation!

Graduate 2:

We thank the teachers foreign languages(thank you in different languages):

Spitskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna


Khokhlova Valentina Nikolaevna

Bronnikov Boris Vadimovich

Shchukina Anna Igorevna

Frame 5. “I am writing to you...”

Graduate 1:

Great and mighty, how difficult you are!

It’s easy to drown in your wisdom,

But you, as a navigator, are in constant routine for us,

A path was paved among the suffixes.

We know the rules, we have learned the declensions,

We read the classics and heeded your advice,

But sometimes I still have doubts:

That Natasha ball – was it a dream or reality?)

Graduate 2:

We thank the teachers of Russian language and literature:

Sakhno Svetlana Timofeevna

Naumchik Tamara Dmitrievna

Bochkareva Irina Evgenievna

Frame 6. “It will happen again...”

Graduate 1:

You led us along a difficult road

Between axioms and theorems.

Sometimes the topic seemed difficult,

And life was full of problems,

But the beauty of exact science

You managed to show us.

For our foundation of knowledge is strong

We would like to say “thank you” to you!

Graduate 2:

We thank the mathematics teachers:

Guseva Tatyana Nikolaevna

Gureeva Irina Lvovna

Frame 7. “Things of yesteryear are bygone...”

Graduate 1:

History is a serious science:

Only facts cannot be added or taken away.

But, my God, what boredom this is -

Memorize dry date numbers.

But still you managed to explain to us:

Behind every date there are thousands of worries.

We are truly grateful to you.

For your help in choosing roads.

Graduate 2:

We thank history teachers and the knowledge society:

Zhuravleva Nina Fedorovna

Tsigoeva Klara Borisovna

(Congratulations to history teachers and the knowledge society. Presentation of flowers)

Frame 8. “There is no better moment than that…”

Graduate 1:

We learned Newton's law.

But they realized too late, alas:

There is a force of gravity at school,

And the center of gravity is you.

Graduate 2:

We thank the physics and computer science teacher

Shishkova Nelli Antonovna

(Congratulations from the physics and computer science teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 9 “Which far places have we never been?”

Graduate 1:

You came to us and captivated everyone

School life has become more fun

We fell in love with geography

Well, you are a million times stronger.

Graduate 2:

We know thousands of different names,

Countries, seas, mountains, villages and rivers.

How much knowledge did you give us at school?

That, believe me, they will last for a century.

Graduate 1:

We thank the geography teachers:

Kislitsyna Anna Grigorievna

Afanasova Valentina Leonidovna

(Congratulations to geography teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 10. “Her element is transformation...”

Graduate 1:

In laboratory experiments we have:

Cones, test tubes, liquids and gas.

Transparent acid will burn through my jeans,

Cracking will not work: the reagent is not the same.

I light a match and bring it to the alcohol lamp,

Knowing that I won’t leave the lesson alive.

But I’ll learn the formulas and write down the reactions.

In general, beware of your own school

Graduate 2:

We thank the chemistry teachers

Isakov Valery Vasilievich

Frame 11. “Biology is a science...”

Graduate 1:

Together we studied the person.

You taught us that we are human beings!

You taught us to understand yourself,

And don’t just answer everything according to the book.

You shook before us with dummies,

They called us all kids.

You loved us, although sometimes you were angry,

We learned humanity from you.

And what to take care of is health.

Remember us, at least sometimes.

Smile - and trouble will pass you by!

Graduate 2:

We thank the biology teachers:

Gerdymova Zoya Sergeevna

Lavrova Tatyana Arkadyevna

Frame 12. “The heart is as reliable as a motor...”

Graduate 1:

In a healthy body healthy mind,

Someone said from the ancients.

It’s easier to live with this motto,

Work is in full swing in my hands.

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy,

Try to do without doctors.

Douse yourself with cold water,

If you want to be healthy!

Graduate 2:

We wish you all good health and sincerely thank our physical education teachers:

Subbotina Capitalina Viktorovna

Gagarina Larisa Viktorovna

Alexey Evgenievich

Frame 13. “To spite all deaths...”


We studied life safety at school,

We boldly look all death in the face.

The teachers taught us reliably,

What and how to do in bad weather.

Autumn, summer, spring or winter,

This science is needed in life,

Let adversity circle

We will tell them: “We will live!”

Graduate 2:

We thank the life safety teachers

Mokin Arkady Valentinovich

Frame 14. “To the class teacher...”

Graduate 1:


The most important thing is the weather at school,

We have understood this a hundred times.

There are us and you,

And everything except

We'll settle it

As you taught us.

Everyone is tired of evil and vanity,

You taught us lessons in kindness.



Just like every state has a ruler,

So each class has its own leader.

You were a great mom to all of us,

The most beloved, the kindest.

Graduate 2:

We thank our class teachers:

Spitskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna

Gureeva Irina Lvovna

Frame 15. “Teacher, teacher, teacher...”

Graduate 1:

We can sew and cook great,

You taught us this easily.

And if we don’t do mathematics,

The hostesses will be oh-ho-ho.

Thank you, Raisa Petrovna, for your work.

Graduate 2:

We thank the labor teacher:

Galkina Raisa Petrovna

(Congratulations from the labor teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 16. “And the music still sounds...”

Graduate 1:

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together,

Draw keys, rulers,

Don't stare at your neighbor.

Various composers

You told us a secret

And without great music

We have no joy in life.

Many players and centers

The people now have

No electric beast.

And in companies with friends

We won't be discouraged

We invite you to join us

To hum your songs.

Graduate 2:

We thank the music teacher:

Sidorov Vladimir Evgenievich

(Congratulations from the music teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 17. “Without you, all breakfasts and lunches are like transcendental dreams...”

Graduate 1:

Every stress will affect

For the educational process,

And healthy eating

Makes it easier to understand.

During a long, boring lesson

We don't take our eyes off the board

It's pouring out of the dining room

Delicious smells.

To our family cooks

We are very grateful

After all, no one in our school

Can't survive without food.

Who is at school early in the morning?

These are our chefs:

Aunt Valya, aunt...,

We will set you as an example,

How to cook pies,

All friends and boyfriends.

Everyone has heard about you

The chefs are top class.

Graduate 2:

We thank our cooks and canteen workers:

(Congratulations to the canteen workers. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 18. “Who are you without a book?...”

Graduate 1:

From time immemorial everyone knows the centuries,

Everyone needs a library

Who are you without a book? Nobody!

Just a clean spot.

Svetlana Grigorievna, believe me,

Love you!

We speak here without embellishment,

Who always saved us

Who gave us books?

Remain “from now on as a guardian of books”

And we will tell everyone about you.

Graduate 2:

We thank our librarian:

Svetlana Grigorievna Skorobogatova.

(Congratulations from the librarian. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 19. “Don’t get sick, don’t get sick...”

Graduate 1:

Without medicine, nowhere

Without medicine, everyone is in trouble,

Golubkova Evgeniya is our joy,

Your help is like a reward for us,

Don't be sick, don't be sick,

And don’t skimp on smiles!

Graduate 2:

We thank medical workers:

Golubkov Evgeniy

(Congratulations to medical workers. Presentation of flowers.)

Frame 20. “Cleanliness is the key to health...”

Graduate 1:

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets, no.

You are also school workers,

We send you warm greetings, yes hello.

During the eleven years that we spent at school,

We've messed up so many times

What if we put everything up a mountain,

The North Caucasus and the Caucasus would fade away.

Who is the most tired?

School technical staff

After all, it’s difficult to collect papers for everyone,

Clean, wash and sweep.

Paint, smear and whitewash.

How can we not love you?

Graduate 2:

We thank the technical staff of the school:

(Graduates present flowers to technical staff.)

Presenter 1:

It’s time for us to remember that the school house was visited not only by students who studied and teachers who taught, but also by parents who both taught and studied at the same time.

Frame 21. “We say thank you to our parents...”

Graduate 1:

Thank you, our dear parents.

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

Let us bow to the ground at your waist,

Thank you, dear ones, thank you, thank you!

Parents' response

You carried flowers to the line,

They put on a nice uniform for you.

There were joys, there were hardships,

Your teacher and first lesson -

You studied. We fell in love and grew.

The days flowed by like spring waters,

And I just couldn’t believe it then,

Oh, how quickly the years fly by!

We almost didn’t have time to look back

We will never forget

The last bell will ring,

And the school vaults say goodbye.

Frame 22. “The years have flown by...”

(photos of graduates)

Presenter 1:

We can't escape these moments,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling:

Childhood ends like a Christmas tree,

Like a movie reel, a dream ends.

No longer relying on anyone's tips,

We must solve all problems ourselves,

We must make our fairy tales come true

And our wildest dreams!

Presenter 2:

Today we say goodbye to school.

There is no way to first class now.

And I don't want to think about pain,

What is now lurking with us.

We've grown up and become smarter

And we finally go out into life.

We'll leave and the doors will slam,

Which hurts our hearts so much.

Everything they taught us at school

It will not pass, will not disappear like smoke.

Goodbye, painfully familiar

The school house that became our home.

We say goodbye to you all!

(photo of the school)


Last call holiday.

Music from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” is playing.


Dear parents and teachers! Dear guests!

Today is the “Last Bell” holiday at our school.

Another of our pupils, eleventh graders, are preparing to leave school.

Let's ask them to come into this room. And let's greet them with applause.

Meet us on our star trail -

11 A class

Class teacher Tatyana Anatolyevna Spitskaya, teacher of the highest category.

And now we are glad to see on this star trek

11 B class

with her class teacher Irina Lvovna Gureeva, a teacher of the highest category, awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” for her services in the field of education.

Graduates take their places in the hall.

Organizer: School, attention! Stand at attention as the State Flag of the Russian Federation is taken out! The best students of the school bring the flag

(full name, class)

Bring in the flag.

(a march sounds. Phonogram. Carrying out the flag)

The anthem of the Russian Federation is played. Phonogram


Here comes your finest hour, our glorious graduates!

You yourself have become, although not the biggest yet, but already stars in our school firmament.

Over the course of 11 school years, each of you has transformed from a tiny spark into a bright star.

And there is not a single star among you that is alike, because you are very individual and unique.

Our holiday today, although not fully, will still show your skill and talent.

Today you will illuminate the hall even brighter with your feelings for everyone present here.

So here we go!

By tradition, the first word is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Galina Grigorievna Vasilyeva to read the Order on the admission of 11th grade students to the final certification.

Greetings are provided by:

school director Natalia Olegovna Fedyaeva;



6 b;

French language teacher Anna Igorevna Shchukina;

Russian language teacher Sakhno Svetlana Timofeevna;

primary school teachers;

first graders;

class teachers;


A response from graduates.

Presenter 1: (music background)

Here he comes - the last day of school,

And May is a magician, admire for yourself,

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Presenter 2:

In the rain or in the heat, but on time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

It's like an exam

He's like a new dawn

He sums it up

Eleven school years.

He signals the beginning

The main steps in life.

How many promises it contains!

It contains the bitterness of farewells,

And there are a million hopes.

Presenter 1: the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

Presenter 2:

And I carried it to school

Today is a special day.

We are a little happy and sad,

We solemnly gathered today

At the Last Bell celebration.

Presenter 3:

Dear graduates!

School years are like steps

They took you upward for a long time.

The time has come to look back!

They are sitting in this room with you now

Those with whom you have been for eleven long years

They equally shared the burden of troubles and victories.

Presenter 4 (against the background of the “Last Call” melody)

Four and a half thousand calls covered 11 school years. None of them are like the other. Someone hurried you to the first lesson, someone called you to your favorite teacher, someone helped you out at a tragic moment when you were called to the blackboard, but you didn’t want to go there at all...

And, to be honest, there were incomparable calls at the end of the school year and quarter. There seemed to be no end to them! But the time has come for the last call!

Eleven years are behind us, school years are behind us.

Presenter 1:

The graduates of May 2008 gathered at about 5 minutes, and a wave of memories of their school life washed over them.

(2 graduates and 2 graduates sit on the steps and start a conversation.)


Examinations soon


Recent, school, graduation.


And we probably won’t remember each other.


C'mon. You! How can you not remember how many years we have been together!


And let’s remember the school, our own locker room.


And the schedule.


And the dining room.


What about the lessons? Don't we remember the lessons?


And the carpet...


In the director's office!


How else? The theater begins with a hanger, and the school begins with a locker room.


Oh, hey, duty officer, hang it up quickly! We're late!

(Everyone rushes to the makeshift hanger, shouts are heard: “Don’t trample on my jacket!”, “Where is my change?”, “Yes, hang it up, hurry up! The bell has already rung!” The guys descend from the stage.)

"For the first time in first class…"

Graduate 1:

Graduate 2:

And it was the first day. And it was first class, in other words, everything was for the first time.

(The song “They teach at school” is played. A first-grader and a graduate appear on stage.)


What, girl, are you lost?

First grader:

I'm looking for 1 "A"!


And, for the first time in first grade? Let's go together!

(melody sounds: “Dialogue at the New Year’s tree.”)

First grader:

What's going on in the world?


It's just September.

First grader:

Just September?

Are you sure?


Yes, I am sure.

I've already heard

How the school doors creaked,

And the first one will sound soon

Your school bell!

First grader:

What will happen after all this?


Will there be a lesson?

First grader:

Will there be a lesson?

What's one in total?


No, a lot.

The school is waiting for you,

It's a very long road,

But don't worry

It will end on time.

First grader:

How will all this end?


There will be a call.

First grader:

Call again?


Well, of course,

But only farewell.

The years will fly by

And the crystal ringing will spread,

And in your life you will have

Last call.

Performance by first graders

Graduates: primary school teachers.

Now our last bell will ring,

And it was the first one. Do you remember this -

Our class, our very first lesson in life

And a school filled with sunlight!


That light has protected us all for many years,

Do you remember: if resentment flows like a fountain,

They ran to your class. Sheltered from troubles

Always our first school mom.


Thanks for your amazing work!

For sincerity, generosity of soul - without deception,

For the fact that even though the years come and go, you will forever remain a school mother for us!

“Director, my dear director...”


Like the captain of a big ship

You stand on the captain's bridge forever,

And to the pier called Earth

You will certainly lead us through the storms.

Behind you like behind a stone wall:

Help, solve the problems.

For leadership of the school country,

On this holiday "thank you"

Let's all say it!

"To the class teacher..."

(against the background of the music “Weather in the house...”)


Let it rain and let the ridiculous weather,

And let the poplars bend from the wind,

It's nice if it's at your own entrance

Teachers meet us in the morning.


The most important thing is the weather at school,

We have understood this a hundred times.

There are us and you,

And everything except

We'll settle it

As you taught us.

Even if the world is very turbulent these days,

Everyone is tired of evil and vanity,

But believe me, we will be worthy of you,

You taught us lessons in kindness.


The hour of separation is approaching ever closer,

But the heart still doesn’t want to know.

How I want to shake my own hands,

How I want to hug you tighter.


(Congratulations from the class teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

“We say thank you to our parents...”

(against the background of the music “Parental House...”)

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too.

Your care, attention, and patience

They always help us like that.

But we admit it with regret.

We are deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns,

Doubts, sorrowful reproaches.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it grows between us.

And sometimes it seems: she

It cannot collapse even with the help of a tsunami.

But we love, we love you,

Although we often keep our feelings secret,

And our restraint sometimes hinders us

Admit it.

Parents' response

The first time you came to first grade,

You carried flowers to the line.

They put on a nice uniform for you.

First class is the first bell,

There were joys, there were hardships.

Your teacher and first lesson -

This is how my school years began.

You learned, you fell in love, you grew.

The days flowed by like spring waters.

And I just couldn’t believe it then,

That school years will end.

Oh, how quickly the years fly by!

We almost didn’t have time to look back.

We will never forget

These are the days when you grow up.

The last bell has rung,

And the school vaults say goodbye.

But we still can’t believe it

That school years are over.

  1. Today we are finishing school together with our children.
  2. And we worry with them, and worry, and rejoice.
  3. We dream about the future.
  4. And we hope for happiness.
  5. At this school our children received solid knowledge,
  6. And it is interesting to study and live in this school.
  7. For this, my heartfelt thanks to the school administration, teaching staff and school staff.
  8. Today we want to congratulate our guys on their graduation,
  9. Yes. You are graduates!

Feel free to look into the distance.

“Thank you, teachers...”

Graduate 1:

Dear teachers!

You all know our faces,

(It’s a pity we couldn’t wear the uniform)

We managed to do everything: study,

Falling in love, even singing songs.

Graduate 2:

You had to work hard with us

Year after year and day after day.

Alas, the time has come to say goodbye,

We are leaving the school house.

Graduate 3:

Give up the sad words

I can barely stand it anymore!

You can say everything differently

Otherwise I’ll pay now.

(the melody “On the French side..” sounds)foreign language teachers.

Graduates (singing)

On the Russian side

In a great city

Teachers teach us

Different languages.

How tired am I?

Can't say it in words!

All the teachers are crying

Bitter tears!


The youth have gone wrong

They don't read books.

Only from noon until morning

The videos are running.

We don't know what to do

After all, we have a program

We want to teach them

But they are stubborn.


Everyone is ready to take an oath:

If necessary:

We are any of the languages

Let's study everything together.

We say “thank you” to you

For all your efforts.

And we all grieve with our souls

On the day of our separation!

(Congratulations to foreign language teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

“I am writing to you...” to teachers of Russian language and literature.

(music from the opera “Eugene Onegin” sounds)


Say goodbye! What more?

What more can we say?

After all, it was often in your will

Should we be spared or punished?

To hear praise from you -

Such a rare bliss.

May you be a top class teacher,

Let us be imperfection itself.

But to us in our unhappy lot,

Holding so much pity

Of my own free will

With a soul full of fire,

You saved our grades,

And with them you saved us,

To raise self-esteem,

The class could believe in itself.

(Congratulations from teachers of Russian language and literature. Presentation of flowers.)

“There will be more…” to mathematics teachers.


We used to count on our fingers

And then barely. But the teacher

whom we respected

Helped me acquire knowledge.

(song sounds to the tune of “It will happen again..”)

Load more and more of us

For some reason they began

We are not afraid now

Even an institute.

The teacher asks us

Difficult tasks

My poor dad, and he

Cries over a task.


Maybe there will be more (3 times)

Oh oh oh!

She is preparing for university

She worked with us.

Kovalevskaya herself

I would be at a loss here

And the computer would die

From her program, -

The best would be bad

The most modern.


(Congratulations to mathematics teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

“Things of yesteryear are bygone…” for history teachers and knowledge society


We all loved history

Crammed dates all in a row

And we gained a lot of knowledge,

For which we all say thank you.

The past years are the same.

Campaigns, battle plans.

Through the darkness of centuries we comprehended

And they remembered something.

In all the lessons between us

Peace and grace reigned.

How good it was for you and me

And how much we could find out!

(Congratulations to history teachers and the knowledge society. Presentation


“There is no better moment than this…” to physics teachers


If someone jumps fast,

Three steps into the classroom,

Being afraid of being late means

Physics is with us now.

He will let us all go to class,

He will reward you with a stern look,

She has such a character!

Even though she looks kind.

Song based on the song “Hostile Whirlwinds...”

The vortices of induction are blowing over us.

The forces of Ampere are viciously oppressing us.

We entered into a fatal battle with the fields,

And ahead of all the tests await us.

But we will write long spurs, hide them securely in our hiding places,

There are paper mountains at the doorstep,

They were prepared by graduates.

Physics, children, is not an easy task,

Newton smiled from the threshold,

It's a pity that the apple hung low:

It would be a whole law less.

(Congratulations from physics and computer science teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

“What distant places have we not been to?”geography teacher.

(Song to the tune of “What do you need”)

Don't look at me, I didn't read the paragraph,

And I haven’t seen the textbook for a long time,

You tell me straight out what I need to know for a C,

I don’t even know if I get an A (2 times).

At least teach me about cyclones, about monsoons,

And about oil and ore deposits,

Then I can give you four

For your hard work (2 times)


This is what you taught us: here is Australia, here is Chile,

Here, without noise and without boredom, the aborigines ate Cook.

A world without travel, adventures, or incidents is boring.

And the tourist does not go to the Alps and Kilimanjaro in vain.

(Congratulations from the geography teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

“Her element is transformation...” to the chemistry teacher.


(Song to the tune of “Five Reasons”)

I was in chemistry class

As usual, I got a bad mark.

Even grandma grumbles at home

And I have five reasons for this:


The first reason is laziness,

And the second - it’s spring now.

The third reason is love.

After all, the girl of my dreams is beautiful.

The fourth reason is teachers,

I was not appreciated, but in vain.

The main reason is pain:

Maybe, brothers, I'm stupid?

And today I saw

Periodic table in a dream.

The heart is beating like a bell,

And I have five reasons for this:


(Congratulations from the chemistry teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

“Biology is the science...” to a biology teacher.

(against the background of the music “In the Animal World”)


(Song to the tune of “My Girl.”

Our glorious school

Very lucky:

They teach us biology

All deaths are out of spite.

By crossing finches

We got busy with her

And now part ways

We don't want something.

Bio, bio, biology,

Reproduction and cytology,

Synthesis, ATP, mitosis or meiosis.

Curly terminology,

It makes my head hurt.

For your sake, we are ready to teach it seriously!)

(Congratulations to biology teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

“The heart is as reliable as a motor...” to physical education teachers.


Look - look here!

How strong are bodies?

We have grown stronger, matured,

This, brothers, is not easy.

We are talking to you about love

And we wish you a year

And health and success,

And people like him and me!

(Congratulations from physical education teachers. Presentation of flowers.)

life safety fundamentals

(against the background of the music “What is autumn...”)


(Congratulations from the life safety teacher. Presentation of flowers.)

Canteen workers.

Dining room, dining room,

Loving you is not new

Love for you is old

For cabbage soup, compotes with cherries.

It happened like this: my pockets are empty

And everyone is hungry like a wolf -

Cutlets, pies with cabbage

You lent us money.

And we valued not only compotes,

But your cordiality, warmth and care.

To the librarian.

Our school library

When we see books, it hurts us a little:

There is so much wisdom on their pages,

And we. It happened only out of stupidity

Wealth was neglected

And we ran away from him

But in order to take place in life,

We are book wealth again,

Perhaps we will discover for ourselves -

AND new world Let's build it for ourselves.

"Teacher, teacher, teacher..."

(graduates perform the song “Teacher” based on a song from the book “Mimino”)

The years have flown by (2 times)

And the time has come for us to leave.

And it's hard to believe (2 times)

But the past years cannot be returned.


But what happened (2 times)

It is impossible not to take it away, not to lose it.

(beautiful childhood days

The heart has not forgotten

And he reminds us of them again.) (2 times)

We're a little sad (2 times)

But believe me, this sadness is light,

Waiting for us at the door

Long road,

The road has passed through life.


Strict and tired,

Kind and cheerful

Let's not forget the teachers

Even though we leave you on the doorstep of the school,

There is nothing closer or nicer in the world.


Presenter 1:

It became sad at a happy hour,

Because we are saying goodbye to school.

Presenter 2:

We still have serious exams ahead of us.

And it’s worth dreaming about what will come true.

Presenter 1:

Only we can’t bring back childhood again,

Like a school waltz, it will not be forgotten.

(the melody of the school waltz sounds)

Presenter 2:

The last minutes of our last day at school are coming.

Presenter 1:

It’s always sad to part with what has become dear and dear to you.

Presenter 2:

And the last bell, which will now sound with its unforgettable trill, will separate us from childhood.

Presenter 1:

But he will also tell us about our growing up, about the beginning of our almost adult journey.

Presenter 2:

Let us be worthy of our teachers and parents.

Presenter 1:

Let us be worthy people in life.

The last bell sounds.

Closing song

You were very strict

When you were taught.

And a lot these years

You did it for us!

You taught us to think,

The world of creativity has been opened,

It's great that you're happy

We learned from you.

We crammed formulas

And they drew drawings,

And they walked away from the Olympics with victory more than once.

And with pride to each other

The guys said:

It's great that we're at school

We all learned from you.

And to gifted children

They were always humane.

And I was given a chance to get straight A's more than once.

You created special tasks for us,

How great it is for creativity

We learned from you.

Presenter 1:

And we don't say goodbye to you

Presenter 2:

We say goodbye

“The years have flown by...”

How quickly the farewell date came,

How soon the hour of parting has come...

School years are wonderful!

With a book, friendship, with a song,

How fast they fly

You can't turn them back.

Should we forget about them forever?

No, no one will ever forget

School years!

We know: at this moment, at this hour

Our school childhood is leaving us.

Leaves us with this school bell

Carefree, sweet childhood.

Ring over the past and over the present,

Over everything that I saved and that I didn’t save,

Ring over my passing childhood

Cheerful and sad, last call!

And the school waltz leads its whirling.

Spin, earth! Universe, spin!

We came to the ball from the ship “Uchenye”,

And from the ball to the ship called “Life”!

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It was written by me on behalf of school graduates from previous years. Used when preparing an essay about school graduates - leaders
enterprises and organizations. Can be used at Home School Day (at a alumni meeting).

Gratitude to the school from students

School graduation is always a significant day for both teachers and their students. This is the day of farewell to the school and the opportunity to thank all those who have been there all these years, at the same desk, in the same class, in the same building. Grievances and misunderstandings are forgotten forever, but good memories remain for a lifetime. Don't miss the chance to say thanks to the school and teachers on graduation day.

Gratitude from students to teachers at graduation

Yesterday we sat at a desk,
And everyone thought about their own,
About yours, so beautiful,
Not about the lesson, our lesson comes later!

“Later” comes unnoticed,
Other problems will knock on the door,
And we will remember the beautiful things -
Lessons in the school of his youth.

Sample of gratitude No. 1

Today we, like swallows, are flying out of our nest. The nests in which we, like chicks, frolicked carefree, learned to fly and calculate the trajectory of our flight. Of course, no one remembered all the knowledge that you gave us, dear teachers. One to a greater extent, the other to a lesser extent, will convey features to their grandchildren trigonometric functions and diversity chemical elements. But we still feel grateful to all the teachers, the head teacher, the principal and all the school staff who endured our test flights and falls along the school corridors. Children are children. Thank you for treating us condescendingly, like children, and teaching us to be adults. We say: “thank you” for teaching us to think all these years. Think in class, think in the hallway during recess, think at home and even on the street, outside the school walls. The most important calling of a child is to become a Human. And year after year you brought us closer to this ideal. And these lessons are priceless. You not only wasted your time on your students, you wasted your nerves and soul strength. Parents have one or more children. Teachers have dozens and hundreds of them. You are parents too. Only squared and cubed. The wind is blowing in our heads, as always. But your words will forever remain and live in our hearts. THANK YOU!

Sample of gratitude No. 2

Today, on this significant day, the day yesterday’s children enter the big adult life, I would like to say words of gratitude to all those who created this amazing bright atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding at school. In lessons, teachers often repeat the same phrase: here they fuss with you, take care of you, but at the institute or at work no one will babysit you! Now that we are finally standing on the threshold of this life, an understanding of these words has come. There will be no more nannies, they will remain at school, and the school will remain in the wonderful era of childhood. If it weren’t for you, dear teachers, who are too mature for your years, life would have begun earlier, childhood would have been shorter. But you always found a place for irony, for jokes, and for forgiving our stupidities and failures. You brought us knowledge and skills, making your way through the raging waves of our characters and temperaments. You found time for additional activities and the main thing for you was our desire to become better and smarter, and in this you unselfishly found motivation for your work. Gratitude, which from today will settle forever in our hearts, will remind us of your faces, your advice, your care.

Gratitude to the school from students in verse

Thank you, school, for becoming my home.
Thank you, school, for the abyss of friends.
Thank you for the lessons and the breaks, for the excursions and for the cleanup days.
Thank you, school, I learned to make friends, I learned to count to a million.
I learned tests, dictations, and even the exam is not scary for me now.
I realized that school is not a building, not a classroom, or a stadium.
School is your whole life.
Items will be different.
But the school will remain.
Thank you, school, for teaching me how to live.

Sample of gratitude No. 3

Once upon a time, a long time ago, we came here, under these arches, as little first-graders, in white bows and first trousers. The school opened its doors to us and greeted us with the first bell on a sunny September day. The teachers smiled, said kind words, and with bated breath we entered the classroom for the first time.

And now the time has come to leave the classroom, leave school. To forget how we blushed at the blackboard without learning the lesson, how we disliked dictations and tests, how we roared at the news of a late teacher. We scolded school when we received “Ds,” and raised our heads proudly when we earned “A’s.” We were always right, always in the spotlight, demanded respect for ourselves and wondered why we couldn’t boldly contradict... But now we feel nothing but gratitude for the school. In addition to the deep feeling of irretrievable loss, we realized that all our school troubles were equal to carelessness.