Why doesn't the Scottish cat sit in your arms? Why British cats and cats don't like to sit on your hands: the main reasons. The British cat does not sit on hands due to its origin

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If you have a cat at home, you have, of course, picked it up more than once. While not all cats enjoy being held, most cats at least don't mind it. Usually you can rock the cat like a baby or put it on its back - it will react quite calmly to this. When the cat wants to be let go, she will let you know by starting to push you with her paws, but, for the most part, this does not happen soon enough; the cat quite favorably accepts the attention of a person.
Cat in your arms?
However, it is not so rare among cats to come across individuals who do not like to be held. As soon as such a cat suspects that they are going to pick it up, it tenses up and, if possible, strives to increase the distance from the person. Once caught in your arms, even in the “grip” recommended by veterinarians (one hand under the chest, the other under the hind legs), the cat, if it does not break free, remains tense, like a spring, the entire time it is being held. It is quite obvious that in such a situation the cat does not experience any pleasure and strives to free itself as quickly as possible.
So why do some cats love to be held while others avoid it at all costs? There are reasons that determine a cat’s attitude towards hands and methods that allow you to correct its behavior.
Life experience of a cat.
On cat behavior big influence influences the experience they gained in childhood of interacting with people. Unfortunately, it is not always known how the first months of your furry friend’s life went, and this is a decisive period in the socialization of a kitten. Perhaps as a kitten, the cat did not receive enough human attention, so it did not form positive associations with human hands. However, it is possible that the decisive factor is simply the personality of a particular animal.
However, one of the most probable causes The reason why your cat doesn't like to be handled is due to negative experiences in the past. Who knows, maybe when she was a kitten she was dropped several times, maybe someone pulled her ears or tail? All this can lead to the fact that the cat, as an adult, will be very wary of human hands.
Another reason could be events that people do not perceive as negative, but for a cat they are. A striking example is a visit to the veterinarian - cats in the vast majority of cases perceive such events extremely negatively (this is understandable - which of us liked visiting doctors as children). As a result, the cat may assume that it is being picked up to be taken somewhere where, of course, extremely unpleasant things await it.
The cat is just afraid.
No one has ever seen one adult cat pick up another. A cat can only be lifted from the ground in early childhood, when the mother carries the kitten from place to place. At the same time, kittens completely transfer control over themselves to the cat - this is an instinct developed in the process of evolution.
On the other hand, adult cats are generally not inclined to allow other cats to approach, even if both animals are very friendly. They need to take a closer look and sniff each other first. A person is not only much, much larger than any cat (even a Maine Coon), but also strives to very quickly pick up a cat, not allowing her to prepare for this.
Imagine yourself in a situation where a certain creature, even usually harmless, but no less than 10 times larger, suddenly appears, lifts you up and starts rubbing the hair on your head! There is something to panic about! The creature can easily crush you - by accident or on purpose, who knows what is on its mind?
Possibility of bruise or injury.
If your cat doesn't mind being held, but runs away every time you try to pick her up, there are two possible reasons. Negative experiences have already been discussed above, but if you can confidently rule them out as causes, there is a chance that the cat may be sick or injured.
To check, it's probably worth consulting with your veterinarian to check for possible injury or medical conditions that may be causing pain when you lift your cat. Even after the medical problem is resolved, the cat may continue to avoid human hands because it associates them with the pain it previously experienced.
Impossibility of escape.
When a cat is picked up, it perceives this as a form of restriction of freedom of movement (similar to placing it in a carrier). The cat, being a small animal, prefers to always have a way to escape - this is one of important factors survival in nature. In addition, although this does not happen every time she is picked up, it is not difficult for the cat to conclude that the possibility of an unpleasant continuation cannot be ruled out. Maybe they are going to trim her nails, bathe her, take her temperature, put her in a carrier, etc.
The cat must be handled correctly.
Perhaps the cat doesn’t like the way you pick it up. In any case, the cat must be lifted and held carefully, as it can easily be injured. It is best to stick to the standard "two point method" - one hand supporting the cat under the chest, the other under the hind legs.
How to hold a cat correctly?
Brief summary.
All of the above leads to the conclusion that answering the question of why some cats do not like to be picked up is quite difficult, even if you have known your cat since she was a kitten. The reason may lie in both character traits and negative experiences gained when you were not at home. A cat may simply be afraid because of the size of people or because being held is sometimes followed by a trip to the veterinarian or groomer.
This article is not intended to provide recommendations for changing this particular behavior, it simply encourages respecting the cat's preferences as it is an individual, although it is understandable that we all love to hold cats from time to time and sometimes simply cannot resist the temptation .

Beginning cat breeders who bring a Scot into their family have a desperate question: Do Scots even sit on their hands? Yes, they are sitting. On holidays. But if a Scottish cat suddenly wants to come to the owner, she will chatter to him, and lie on his lap, chest, or even head, and lick him, rewarding him with a light, affectionate kiss with her teeth (this is how tenderness is shown in cats).

What can you do to make your cat love to sit in your arms not only when she comes? You can't train her to do something she doesn't like. But you can use a little trickery and achieve the desired effect. For example, many Scottish cats love to cuddle when they are asleep, so they can be stroked and picked up at this very moment. Others will happily sit in your arms if you stand next to the place that the cat is interested in, but which he cannot reach on his own. Still others are happy and sit on their hands if they are allowed to rub their hair.

However, most often the cat’s behavior will be as follows: the Scottish cat does not go into your arms, bites when you try to grab it, but willingly sits next to you, like a faithful dog. Such is the nature of this breed, nothing can be done. However, if you are already holding her in your arms, ​The cat also needs to be held correctly. The animal must have support on all four paws, this is the only way it feels confident. Therefore, give him such support in the form of your hands so that the cat rests on you with each paw.

You can also recommend rewarding your pet with a treat after sitting in your arms. Then the owner's hug will cause a positive association.

Additionally, if you play aggressively with your cat using your bare hands, she may associate them with attack. It is not surprising that after this the cat will perceive your caresses as a threat. Therefore, sometimes you have to choose: either games or affection.

But how do Scottish fold and straight-eared cats sleep? If you allow them, they will sleep next to you on the pillow or at your feet. Here's your contact.

And in general, the Scots are the kind of cat dogs who willingly follow their owner’s heels and are always present nearby. And if you don’t grab the cat in your arms every time he comes into view, the tailed cat will respond to you with complete trust. But it will only arise if you communicate as equals and do not use force.

You have taken home a living creature and must understand that everything here is like with a person: you cannot influence his desires, including caressing you, since he is a separate person with his own opinion. Do you want to be loved? Then love yourself. And to love means to give freedom.

Lifehack. Scottish cats They don’t like hands, but they love lying in hammocks. Try making a hammock from a long shawl or dress that will be attached to your neck, and place your pet there. Perhaps he will enjoy it as much as the author's cat: then he will be able to lie in the hammock for an indefinite amount of time, and you will feel as if you have a pet in your arms. In fact, this is how it will be, only without hands.

Owners of special cats are perplexed; they do not understand why their pets do not like stroking and attention. Beginning breeders imagined their new host as a companion who would sit on their knees and purr. However, a huge number of cats want independence, but they don’t like to spend time on their owner’s lap. Before you shout that cats are ungrateful creatures, you need to understand what causes the animal’s alienation.

Cat character

Each cat has its own character; there are some rather reserved creatures who like to spend more time outside than at home. They avoid close contact with people. Especially often, cats do not show a response when they are petted and picked up; on the contrary, at the first opportunity they run away to their secluded place, away from people; they usually hide on hills and feel comfortable there.

Cats do not want to be in the hands of humans because of their nature. Pets prefer to communicate with their relatives, so all attempts to force a cat to sit in your arms either end in failure or in the pet’s dissatisfaction.

Cats are sensitive creatures and quickly pick up on bad experiences. For example, when children come, a situation may arise that the animal will run under the sofa; it has already encountered children and knows that they will pick them up and drag and squeeze. Accordingly, when trying to physically tame a cat, it may happen that the tailed pet will hide under the beds and come out only when absolutely necessary.

Independent types of cats

The breed of a cat often speaks about how it relates to pets and people. Breeds such as the British Shorthair and Scottish Fold are famous for their independent habits; they do not want to sit in a person’s arms or feel delighted at the sight of their breadwinner. In other words, they are not trying to curry favor with the “higher authorities,” but, on the contrary, they act from a position of strength and give the person the opportunity to only stroke himself.

The above character can also be found in the inimitable Maine Coons. But not for everyone, since in life there are also friendly individuals who adapt to circumstances.

But mongrels easily make contact and rub against the owner’s legs, sit calmly in the arms and purr. True, among mongrel cats there are also aristocrats.

Secretive and cowardly cats

There is a shy type of cats; they avoid any communication with humans. They do not want human touches and stroking, and when they see human hands, they immediately capitulate to their shelter. A healthy-looking cat with constant fearful behavior does not suffer from any illness, she just developed such a habit with childhood. Even as a kitten, no one stroked or picked her up, and with age, it simply became habitual not to experience any pleasant sensations from human attention. IN best case scenario such an animal will be close to a person, for example, in the same room, but still maintaining a distance.

They suffer from particular timidity street cats, whom people saw on the street and decided to take in. They are not used to touch, and, therefore, they always behave carefully and do not allow themselves to relax. The most problematic cases involve animals that have experienced pain at the hands of humans. An unpleasant aftertaste can remain in the cat’s memory for a long time and manifest itself in the form of aggression or flight.

The adaptation process occurs gradually; there is no need to resort to physical force to train your pet. Forced holding will only worsen the problem, because the cat will begin to associate hands not with pleasure, but with suffering.

It is very simple to understand whether a cat is well - if she purrs and does not show the appearance that she is enduring, then usually this signals the feline’s friendly mood.

The younger the cat is, the easier it is to tame it. A timid creature should first only be stroked in passing, and then carefully, after which it is better not to touch it for 24 hours. Every day you need to gradually increase the degree of stroking, and do this process correctly, that is, do not stroke the cat against the grain and persistently. Having made a tradition out of stroking, you should not rush; it is better to let the cat get used to this daily procedure, and only then start bonding. First, you need to try to feed the cat by hand, so she can understand that hands are good.

It is necessary to pick up a pet only at the moment when the cat ceases to be completely afraid and gains trust in the owner. But even if the pet trusts, then you should not always take control of it; any living creature is an authoritarian creature and, with excessive attention from the owner, can again turn into a closed and cautious person.

You should carry a cat in your arms only if the animal is no longer afraid of moving hands and the owner. If the cat feels discomfort, it must be released immediately. You can, of course, be happy that a cat is sitting in your arms, but what is the use of this if your beloved animal experiences physical and psychological discomfort?

Avid cat lovers recommend taking a cat into your arms and feeding it delicious food, thereby reinforcing the idea that hands are good. Only by showing great patience can you achieve a close connection with your beloved pet; perhaps one day the cat will even begin to ask to be held.

In the event that your pet still does not want to sit in your arms and tolerate affection, then you will have to come to terms with this. We have already discussed above the fact that some cats do not like affection; they may love their owners, but simply do not want to give up their independence, and there is nothing monstrous in this, you just have to understand and accept your cat for who she is. And life will improve for both the furry and its owner.

Video: how to accustom a kitten to your hands

Every owner dreams of stroking and holding their pet on their lap. But why doesn’t the cat sit in your arms in response to affection, and even scratch, bite and growl with displeasure? Here are the main reasons for this behavior and ways to tame an animal and make it affectionate and gentle.

Reasons for behavior

Cats are freedom-loving and self-sufficient animals. Professional trainers know that it is almost impossible to force them to do something against their will, even force a cat to sit in your arms. Cats have different personalities from each other, just like people. Some are more affectionate, patient, friendly and capable of purring for a long time on their owner’s lap, others are strict and independent, not allowing themselves to be simply petted. British shorthair and fold-eared cats are especially susceptible to this. Often the cat chooses its own place in the apartment and, if it does not want to sit in your arms, nothing can be done, but sometimes it can be tamed.

Here are the main reasons why a cat won't sit in its owner's arms:

  1. The kitten is constantly on the move. If something distracts his attention, he will not sit on his hands;
  2. Pungent odor from the owner. The cat's nose is very sensitive and does not like the smell of lemon, orange, alcohol, spices, washing powder, creams and perfumes;
  3. Memories of past grievances. If the previous owner beat the kitten, offended him, or if the cat grew up on the street and is not used to affection, he may not give in and not be handled. The cat will not sit in the arms of the person who offended him;
  4. Some animals are so independent that they don’t like being picked up by anyone, even their beloved owner. They begin to hiss and bite in response, expressing displeasure;
  5. The cat does not like to sit on laps because he is afraid of heights and loss of balance;
  6. The cat doesn't like to sit in other people's arms. He can perceive and love only the owner, but not the members of his family;
  7. A street cat does not like to sit on laps, as it is unfamiliar with tenderness and affection. Over time, he begins to shun any manifestations of tenderness;
  8. A purebred animal. British and fold cats do not like to be handled, remaining self-sufficient and independent;
  9. Fear. If an animal is scared, it will not be affectionate even with its owner. Cats cannot tolerate sharp sounds, screams, they can become frightened and in this state it is difficult even to simply pet them;
  10. The cat does not like to sit in the arms of children, as they squeeze it and offend it. Even if the child has grown up and doesn’t do this anymore, the cat remembers the insult and no longer asks to be held in his arms.

A characteristic feature of all cats is independence, resentment and vindictiveness. They will never sit in the arms of a person who offended them, hit them, or drove them away. The cat will not do anything against its will, much less sit in your arms. You need to make her want to do it.

How to accustom a cat to your hands

It is worthwhile to tame a cat gradually. The younger the animal, the easier it is to do this. If the kitten responds to affection, then as soon as he starts to worry and hit his tail, you should immediately let him go. These are signals that he is tired of it and has a lot of urgent matters to deal with. If he responds to affection, you can use the following techniques

  • You should not pick up a cat if you smell of alcohol, citrus fruits or perfume. Any cat does not like a strong smell and will never sit on the lap if the owner smells strongly;
  • You can attract his attention with food that is tasty for him. Cats instantly react to edible smells and jump into your arms if they see that something tasty is in store for them;
  • An affectionate kitten will happily sit in your arms if you play with him. If the cat starts to fuss, attract his attention with food.
  • The cat does not like to be grabbed and for this reason does not sit in your arms. Avoid sudden movements and do not try to hold her by force - she will remember this;
  • If a cat is afraid of heights, you need to hold it under the armpits with one hand and support it with the other. hind legs. She will not experience a feeling of weightlessness and fear;
  • Another reason why a cat does not like to sit on hands is sudden movements and pinches. The cat can sit quietly on your lap when it is not being squeezed. Therefore, it is better to gently stroke him, but not to press him to yourself;
  • Another way to get a cat to sit on your hands is to smear your hands with valerian or another cat aphrodisiac. But this method does not work if the kitten is under one year old;
  • Don’t drive the cat away if he starts wanting to jump on your lap, even if you don’t have time. If you alternately caress him and then chase him away, it will be difficult to get affection from him;
  • Teach children to carefully handle animals, especially adults. A cat may be afraid of children and will not sit on their lap;
  • The treatment should be smooth and friendly. The cat will sit with an owner who does not scream, is calm and is not an angry person. The cat does not like to sit in the arms of aggressive individuals, especially males.

Psychological atmosphere

The cat will sit in your arms in a calm state and environment. Noise, loud television, screams and scandals cause him tension and he does not want to sit in anyone's arms. The cat does not like to sit in the arms of some people who smoke, who are aggressive even towards them, who abuse alcoholic beverages, or who are sloppy. It happens that she categorically does not accept a family member and this cannot be changed. You can only gradually teach a cat to sit in your arms if you treat her with care and affection, avoiding coercion, and then sooner or later she will reciprocate and affectionately.


Owners of some cats worry that their pets behave distantly, do not cuddle and do not strive for intimacy with the owner. When getting a cat as a companion, people often imagine an idyllic picture of a quiet evening with their furry pet comfortably nestled on their lap.

But some cats are not interested in this pastime and do not like to sit on your hands. Before sounding the alarm and looking for a solution to the “problem,” it is worth understanding the reasons for this cat’s behavior.

Character and temperament

There are cats that do not tolerate close contact at all, are unsociable and unsociable. They prefer solitude and do not seem to need human company at all. Some cats themselves do not take the initiative, but also do not run away when they are picked up; at the same time, they behave calmly, but at the first opportunity they sneak away unnoticed. Most often, a cat’s reluctance to sit in your arms is due to its character and temperamental characteristics. The harshest animals prefer complete solitude, and attempts to accustom them to handling will most likely end in failure.

A cat is a very sensitive creature; it can take offense at its owner. By refusing to sit in your arms, a cat can express its dissatisfaction in this way.

Features of some breeds

Cat's dislike for physical contacts may be due to the characteristics of her breed. and straight-eared cats often behave very independently, which is also manifested in their reluctance to sit on their hands. The phlegmatic British and Scots do not really need affection, they are self-sufficient and usually do not go on their own, they only allow themselves to be stroked. Wayward people can also exhibit similar qualities. Among cats of these breeds there are also more sociable individuals, but exceptions only confirm the rule.

Outbred pets are usually more sociable, love affection, rub against legs and are willing to be held, experiencing real bliss. But even among outbred cats there are cats that avoid the hands of their owner and prefer to stay at some distance from people.

Closed and shy cats

Some cats not only avoid being held, but are generally not inclined to actively communicate with humans. They do not like to be touched, avoid stroking and try to escape whenever their owners try to pick them up. If the cat is healthy, and such behavior is habitual for it, then, most likely, its dislike of physical contact was formed in childhood.

The kitten, which early age not picked up or stroked, it is unlikely that with age he will begin to experience a craving for sitting in a person’s arms. In the best case, the animal can lie nearby, maintaining some distance. If a cat was born and raised on the street, then it is hardly surprising that human touches make her wary.

An animal's negative life experiences cause it to experience fear, associating the proximity of human hands with unpleasant events and sensations. Only the sensitivity and patience of her owner will help her overcome this fear and learn to trust people again, at least her own.

How to accustom a cat to your hands

You can try to accustom your cat to physical contact, but you need to do this gradually, and do not insist if the animal does not like something. Forced stroking can only aggravate the situation; the cat will break free, most likely, it will begin. If you hold a cat forcibly in your arms, it will be afraid and may begin to hide from people, seeing an intention to touch it.

It is easier to train a kitten or young cat to sit in your arms than a mature cat. When accustoming a timid cat to your hands, for starters, you can limit yourself to a light touch with your fingertips; it’s better to do this in passing, after which you should leave the cat alone for a while. Gradually you can move on to occasional, unobtrusive stroking in the direction of fur growth.

Having turned such stroking into a kind of ritual, you need to let the cat get used to it, and only then move on to greater intimacy. You can try feeding your cat from your palm so that it is not afraid of your hands. You can pick up the cat when it stops avoiding touching, and you don’t need to hold the cat if it starts to resist.

To get closer to a cat, some experienced owners recommend encouraging it with some kind of treat, so that the proximity of the owner’s hands evokes positive emotions in it. You can use catnip for the same purpose, but you should not get carried away with the aromatic bait to prevent addiction.

By showing patience, an attentive owner will be able to reach an understanding with his pet and, perhaps, the cat will share his desire and, over time, will begin to enjoy sitting in his arms. If this does not happen, then the owner will have to come to terms with the cat’s character and not insist. If a cat does not want to sit in a person’s arms, this does not mean that she does not love him.