Why does a girl often want to sleep? Constantly want to sleep and severe fatigue causes and treatment. Chronic heart failure

Sleep is an important physiological process necessary for the functioning of the body. In a dream, all of it is restored functional systems and pumping tissues with vital energy. It is well known that a person can live much less without sleep than without food.

The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours every day. A person's need for sleep changes as they age. Babies sleep constantly - 12-18 hours a day, and this is the norm. Gradually, sleep duration decreases until it reaches adult levels. On the other hand, older people also often have an increased need for sleep.

It is also important that man belongs to the type of representatives of the animal kingdom for whom it is normal night sleep and daytime wakefulness. If a person cannot spend the time necessary for proper rest every night in sleep, then such a syndrome is called insomnia or insomnia. This situation leads to many unpleasant consequences for the body. But the opposite situation also brings no less problems - when a person wants to sleep more than the allotted time, including during the daytime, when a person is prescribed by nature to stay awake and have an active lifestyle.

This syndrome can be called differently: hypersomnia, somnolence, or, more commonly, drowsiness. It has many reasons, and finding the right one in each specific case is very difficult.

First, let's define the concept of drowsiness more precisely. This is the name of the condition when a person is overcome by yawning, heaviness presses on the eyes, his blood pressure and heart rate decrease, consciousness becomes less acute, and actions become less confident. The secretion of the salivary and lacrimal glands also decreases. At the same time, a person becomes terribly sleepy, he has a desire to sleep right here and now. Weakness and drowsiness in an adult can be a permanent phenomenon, that is, haunt a person all the time he is awake, or transient, observed only at a certain time.

Why do you always want to sleep?

First of all, it is worth noting that constant sleepiness negatively affects a person’s entire life. He sleeps on the move, cannot fully perform his work duties, do household chores, and because of this constantly comes into conflict with others. This in turn leads to stress and neuroses. In addition, drowsiness can directly pose a danger to the person and others, for example, if he is driving a car.


It is not always easy to answer the question of why a person wants to sleep. Main factors causing drowsiness, can be divided into those caused by a person’s unhealthy lifestyle or external reasons, and those associated with pathological processes in the human body. In many cases of drowsiness, there are several causes at once.

Natural factors

People react differently to natural phenomena. For some they have no noticeable effect, while others are very sensitive to weather changes. If it rains outside for several days in a row and there is low pressure, then the body of such people reacts to these circumstances by lowering blood pressure and vitality. As a result, a person may feel drowsy and tired on such days; he may fall asleep while walking, but when the weather improves, his usual vigor returns. Other people, on the contrary, may react in a similar way to extreme heat and stuffiness.

Also, some people are susceptible to a syndrome in which a decrease in daylight hours causes the body to release hormones necessary for sleep much earlier than planned. Another reason explaining why a person constantly sleeps in winter is that in winter our body has access to fewer vitamins obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits, the consumption of which is known to improve metabolism.

Lack of night sleep

Constant lack of sleep is the reason that seems the most obvious. And in practice, daytime sleepiness caused by poor night sleep is the most common. However, many people tend to ignore it. Even if you think you are getting enough sleep, this may not actually be the case. And if a person did not sleep well at night, then there is a high probability that his eyes will close during the day.

Night sleep may be incomplete, its phases may be unbalanced, that is, the period of REM sleep prevails over the period of slow sleep, during which the most good rest. In addition, a person may wake up very often at night and may be distracted by noise and stuffiness in the room.

A common pathology that often disrupts the quality of night sleep is apnea. With this syndrome, the patient experiences insufficient oxygen supply to the body's tissues, resulting in intermittent, restless sleep.

It should also be taken into account that over time a person needs more and more sleep. Consequently, if at twenty years old a person can sleep six hours a day, and this will be enough for him to feel vigorous, then at thirty years old the body is no longer so resilient, and it requires more complete rest.

However, daytime sleepiness is not always a consequence of inadequate night sleep or insomnia. Sometimes a situation occurs when a person cannot get enough sleep at night, although he sleeps well. This means a general pathological increase daily requirement during sleep in the absence of night sleep disturbances.


Our life goes by at a frantic pace and is filled with everyday bustle that we don’t even notice. Household chores, shopping, car travel, everyday problems - all this in itself takes away our energy and strength. And if at work you still have to do the most complex and at the same time boring things, sitting for hours in front of a monitor screen and looking at numbers and graphs, then the brain eventually becomes overloaded. And it signals that he needs rest. This, among other things, can be expressed in increased drowsiness. By the way, brain overload can be caused not only by visual, but also by auditory stimuli (for example, Full time job in a noisy workshop, etc.).

Drowsiness caused by this reason is relatively easy to eliminate - just take a break, a day off, or even go on vacation to put your exhausted nerve cells in order.

Stress and depression

It’s a completely different matter when a person is tormented by some problem that he cannot solve. In this case, at first the person will be full of energy, trying to overcome life's obstacles. But if he fails to do this, then apathy, weakness and fatigue come over the person, which can be expressed, among other things, in increased drowsiness. The sleepy state is a protective reaction of the body, because in a dream it is in to a greater extent protected from the negative effects of stress.

Drowsiness can also be caused by depression - an even more severe damage to a person’s psyche, when he is literally not interested in anything, and around him, as it seems to him, there is complete hopelessness and desperation. Depression is usually caused by a lack of neurotransmitter hormones in the brain and requires serious treatment.

Taking medications

Many medicines, especially those intended for the treatment of neurological and mental disorders, can cause drowsiness. This category includes tranquilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics.

However, just because the drug you are taking is not in this category does not mean it cannot cause drowsiness as a side effect. Drowsiness is a common side effect for antihistamines first generation (tavegil, suprastin, diphenhydramine), many drugs for hypertension.

Infectious diseases

Many people are familiar with the feeling of the flu or acute respiratory infections, especially those accompanied by a high temperature, when it’s cold and you want to sleep. This reaction is due to the body’s desire to use all available energy in the fight against infection.

However, lethargy and drowsiness may also be present in infectious diseases that are not accompanied by severe symptoms, such as pathological respiratory phenomena or heat. It is quite possible that we are talking about inflammatory process somewhere deep in the body. A similar condition even wears special name– asthenic syndrome. And often the cause of drowsiness is asthenic syndrome.

It is characteristic of many serious diseases, both infectious and non-infectious in nature. However, drowsiness is not the only sign of asthenic syndrome. It is also characterized by symptoms such as extremely rapid fatigue, irritability and mood lability. Also, asthenic syndrome is characterized by signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia - surges in blood pressure, pain in the heart, chilliness or sweating, discoloration skin, headaches, tachycardia, abdominal pain and digestive disorders.

Hormonal imbalances

Many of the hormones produced in human body, influence the activity of physiological and nervous processes. If they are deficient, a person will feel drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, and loss of strength. This can also lower blood pressure and weaken the immune system. These hormones include the hormones thyroid gland, adrenal hormones. In addition to drowsiness, these diseases are also characterized by symptoms such as loss of weight and appetite, and decreased blood pressure. Similar symptoms may appear in the hypoglycemic form of diabetes.

The cause of doubt in middle-aged and elderly men may also be a lack of the sex hormone - testosterone.

Diseases that cause decreased blood flow to the brain or intoxication of the body

For many diseases internal organs the brain lacks oxygen. This can also cause a phenomenon such as daytime sleepiness. Such diseases include cardiovascular pathologies and lung diseases:

  • ischemia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • heart attack,
  • hypertension,
  • arrhythmias,
  • bronchitis,
  • asthma,
  • pneumonia,
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

With liver and kidney diseases, various toxic substances can enter the bloodstream, including those that lead to increased drowsiness.


Although this disease is considered to be characteristic of the elderly, nevertheless, in Lately Relatively young people are also susceptible to it. This disease is expressed in the fact that the vessels of the brain become clogged with lipids deposited on the walls of the vessels. Drowsiness in the case of this disease is just one of the symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency. In addition to drowsiness, the disease is also characterized by memory impairment and noise in the head.


Recently, a disease called osteochondrosis has become widespread among people, especially those who engage in sedentary work. cervical spine spine. Every second person suffers from this disease in one form or another. Meanwhile, few people know that with this disease, not only pain in the neck is often observed, but also spasm of the cervical arteries. The situation is well known when many people who sit for a long time in front of a monitor screen, especially in an uncomfortable position, cannot concentrate properly. However, they do not even suspect that this disease is the cause of their problems. And from the inability to concentrate while performing one’s work duties, consequences arise such as rapid fatigue and the desire to quickly go to bed, that is, drowsiness.


Pregnancy is one of the causes of drowsiness in women. During the first stage of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), a woman’s body experiences an increased need for sleep. This is a normal physiological reaction caused by hormonal changes and the fact that a woman needs to gain strength for the upcoming process of childbirth. So it is not surprising if a pregnant woman can sleep 10-12 hours a day. In the last two trimesters, sleepiness is less common. In some cases, it may indicate some abnormalities during pregnancy - for example, anemia or eclampsia.

Anemia, vitamin deficiencies, dehydration

Lack of blood in circulatory system(anemia), as well as a lack of hemoglobin, also often lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to brain tissue. With anemia, a person often feels like his eyes are heavy and he wants to sleep. But this, of course, is not the only symptom of the disease. With anemia, dizziness, weakness and pallor are also observed.

A similar situation is also observed when there is a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the body, or when the body is dehydrated. Dehydration occurs as a result of loss of water and electrolytic compounds. Often results from severe diarrhea. Thus, often the cause of drowsiness is simply a lack of certain substances in the body.

Use of drugs, alcohol and smoking

After taking a significant dose of alcohol, a person becomes sleepy - this effect is well known to many. What is less known is that smoking can also lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to brain tissue. Many drugs also have a sedative effect. This should be kept in mind by many parents who are concerned about the sudden excessive sleepiness of their teenage children. It is possible that the change in their condition is associated with the use of narcotic drugs.

Mental and neurological diseases

Sleepy states are typical for many mental illness, as well as personality disorders. For what diseases nervous system and the psyche can there be doubtfulness? These diseases include:

  • schizophrenia,
  • epilepsy,
  • apathetic stupor,
  • vegetative seizures and crises,
  • psychoses of various types.

Hypersomnia can also be side effect treating diseases with pharmaceuticals. For disorders of the functioning of the brain associated with traumatic brain injuries, encephalopathies of various origins, increased intracranial pressure, this symptom may also be observed. The same can be said about infectious tissue diseases associated with higher nervous activity - encephalitis, meningitis, polio.

There are other types of hypersomnia, predominantly of a neurological nature - idiopathic hypersomnia, Kleine-Levin syndrome.

How to get rid of drowsiness

When it comes to drowsiness, identifying the causes is not always easy. As is clear from the above, the causes of drowsiness can be varied - from an uncomfortable bed on which a person spends the night, to serious, life-threatening pathological conditions. Consequently, it is very difficult to find a universal recipe that would help a person cope with the problem.

The first thing that is recommended to do is to start with changing your lifestyle. Analyze whether you sleep well enough, whether you devote enough time to rest and relaxation, whether you should take a break, take a vacation or change your occupation?

Primary attention should be paid to night sleep, because the reasons for constant drowsiness may lie in its lack. The fullness of a night's sleep largely depends on the biorhythms developed over centuries, dictating to the body that it is necessary to go to bed after sunset, and to get up with its first rays. But, unfortunately, many people have learned to successfully ignore the instincts inherent in nature, and go to bed at a completely inappropriate time for this - well after midnight. This is facilitated by both the huge busyness of the modern city dweller and the availability of various entertainment activities (for example, television programs) in the evening. It's worth remembering that this bad habit, which is worth getting rid of. The earlier a person goes to bed, the longer and deeper his sleep will be and, therefore, the less likely he will feel tired and sleep-deprived during the daytime. In some cases, taking sleeping pills or sedatives is recommended, but they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

In addition, there is a great way to increase your resistance to blues and stress - this is sports and physical exercise, walking and hardening. If you have a sedentary job, then you should take breaks to warm up or take a walk, do a workout physical exercise. Even daily morning work-out can increase your vitality so much that the constant desire to sleep during the day will pass by itself. Contrast shower, dousing cold water, swimming in the pool are all great ways to always feel invigorated.

You must not forget to ventilate the room where you constantly sleep or work, since stuffy and hot air, as well as a lack of oxygen in it, contributes to loss of strength and lethargy.

You also need to review your diet by including natural sources of vitamins and minerals, for example, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods that stimulate the production of endorphins, such as chocolate. Natural drinks, such as green tea.

What vitamins can you take if you have increased doubtfulness? First of all, it is vitamin B1, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) and vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is especially common during the winter months.

However, what should you do if you have tried all the ways to overcome your sleepiness and failed? Perhaps the issue is a metabolic disorder and a lack of neurotransmitters in the brain - serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphins, or a lack of production of thyroid or adrenal hormones, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, hidden infections. In this case, you cannot do without undergoing thorough medical research. Depending on the detected pathology, various treatment methods can be used - taking medications ( vitamin complexes, antidepressants, antibiotics, trace elements, etc.).

Which specialist is best to contact if you suffer from severe drowsiness? As a rule, such problems are solved by a neurologist or neuropathologist. There are also doctors who specialize in sleep disorders - somnologists. In most cases, a specialist doctor will be able to figure out why you want to sleep during the day.

What not to do if you notice excessive sleepiness

Self-administration of medications is not advisable, as is the constant use of stimulants, such as coffee or energy drinks. Yes, a cup of coffee can cheer up a person if he did not sleep well and requires increased attention and performance. However, constant stimulation of the nervous system with the help of caffeine or other energy drinks does not solve the problem, but only eliminates the external symptoms of hypersomnia and forms the mental dependence on stimulants.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness in men is a well-known ailment. However, the fight against fatigue and drowsiness is complicated by the fact that they are a nonspecific symptom that can be observed both against the background of overwork or stress, and against the background of a variety of health problems - from a banal acute respiratory infection to a serious chronic pathology.

The variety of causes makes it difficult to find ways to solve the problem, and to successfully eliminate it, the help of a doctor is often required.

Rice. 1 - Identify reasons constant fatigue and drowsiness is not easy, because this symptom characteristic of many diseases and conditions.

Drowsiness in children

Drowsiness is a common occurrence in a newborn; a pediatrician can help young parents. If the child is lethargic and sleepy, it is better to contact a specialist immediately. A consultation with a pediatrician and an extensive examination of the baby will help to find out the reasons for this condition of the child.
Child's body younger age is intensively formed, the nervous system develops unevenly. Whims, tears, screams are possible. In addition to a full night's sleep, a child of this age also requires a nap during the day. Attentive parents have no problem identifying their child’s lack of sleep and correcting the situation.

If you notice that your child is sick, call a doctor at home. Put the child in a clean bed, give him a toy or a book. During illness, it is better to observe bed rest; lying down the child will fall asleep faster. Sleep, as they say, is the best medicine.

Other reasons may also cause a child to want to sleep:

  • low blood oxygen levels;
  • low arterial pressure;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of internal organs.

In such cases, you should consult a pediatrician and do not delay it!

Sleepiness in the elderly

It is not uncommon to see older people dozing off while reading newspapers or books. Why does this condition occur at this age? This is explained not only by the years lived. Fragmentation of sleep is most common in older people. A person goes to bed in the evening at his usual time, falls asleep peacefully, and wakes up in the middle of the night. He cannot fall asleep for a long time; in the morning he manages to do so with great difficulty. Such interrupted sleep is called fragmented sleep. During it, the human body does not recover and, moreover, does not recover. The nervous system is weakened, the immune status decreases, and health deteriorates. As a result old man, feeling exhausted and weak, wants to sleep in the middle of the day.

On the other hand, overweight and obesity are companions to most diseases of the endocrine system. Violation of the hormonal balance of the body leads to changes in brain activity, disruptions immune system, they are also followed by disturbance of night sleep. This explains the habit of sleeping during the day among overweight elderly people.

It is important to know

There is vigor in the lives of those who “hear” themselves and the fatigue of their body. Timely, high-quality, complete rest will allow you to forget about the constant desire to sleep. Surround yourself with a safe, environmentally friendly environment, eat rationally, treat stress lightly, as if it were some kind of adventure, be positive not only towards your loved ones, but towards all people. Live actively and take care of yourself!

Why do you always want to sleep?

in the morning? The day has not yet begun, and you already feel weak and unwilling to do anything!

Constant fatigue and drowsiness

Malaise and some weakness may be signs or causes that need to be corrected!

Moreover, constant drowsiness and fatigue can accompany you if you have slept for many hours, but your body still does not want and cannot wake up.


  • absent-mindedness
  • inattention
  • memory loss
  • apathy
  • loss of interest and some indifference
  • the desire to lie on the sofa in front of the TV or sleep and sleep again

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that regardless of age, these symptoms can accompany both adults and children! Therefore, it is necessary to find out why you constantly want to sleep, so to speak. the root cause!. Causes


Vitamin deficiency or lack of essential and very important microelements

You should especially worry about such important vitamins as iron, iodine, vitamins D and C!

  • Constant diets and a small amount of kcal in relation to energy consumption
  • Reduced immunity and lack of a healthy lifestyle can provoke all the signs
  • Low pressure
  • lack of water
  • Toxicity and slagging of the body
  • Pregnancy

For pregnancy, it is important to take a complex of vitamins on time, walk more in the fresh air and perform special gymnastics!


Depression is, as you know, the wrong direction of thought, unwillingness to do business, go to work, tired of everything, etc. The surest way to eliminate constant drowsiness and fatigue is to start working on the sources of your depression!

If we take the basis of psychology, then fatigue reflects resistance, boredom, and reluctance to do one’s work. That is, an unloved thing that takes up the bulk of life kills all enthusiasm and the body strives to get more of it in a dream! Fatigue and drowsiness only show that you have chosen the wrong path!

What not to do if you notice excessive sleepiness

Increased sleepiness is a condition in which a person wants to sleep during periods that are not intended for this. Typically, unhealthy sleepiness appears during the day, when you need to work or, for example, drive a car.

If the situation is one-time, then there is nothing to worry about. You need to rest well and your body will return to normal. When you constantly want to sleep at odd hours, you can talk about a functional disorder.

A mentally and physically healthy person usually needs 7-9 hours to get enough sleep and feel alert. There are individual differences, when, for example, 4-5 hours of sleep is enough. But the norm in medicine is considered to be an average of 8 hours of sleep.

Humans, as a representative of the animal world, are characterized by falling asleep at night and being awake during the day. The sun goes below the horizon in the evening, there is no opportunity for productive activity. At night all the birds and animals fall asleep, and humans must also sleep and regain strength. This is how nature intended.

Sleep disturbance can be expressed in two forms - insomnia (inability to fall asleep) and hypersomnia (desire to sleep during the day).

The state of hypersomnia is characterized by such signs as: decreased blood pressure and heart rate, yawning, general weakness, inhibition of reactions and actions.

Many of us, in the absence of time to visit hospitals, independently purchase medicines, which are presented in huge quantities and are sold without prescriptions. You can't do this!

We talked about the fact that there are a lot of reasons why you want to sleep and they lie in different areas. Uncontrolled use of drugs can only aggravate the course of pathologies and will not bring the desired result. Part sleeping pills includes mainly sedatives, i.e. sedative components. But they cannot help, for example, with circulatory problems. You will be able to fall asleep at night, but during the day you will be even more sleepy.

It is widespread among people who want to sleep during the day to take drugs that stimulate the nervous system: from banal coffee to energy drinks. Indeed, on a short time Caffeine will help you perk up, but it cannot solve the problem of sleep disturbances.

Energy drinks have negative effects on the heart and liver, and they are also addictive. The condition can only get worse.

The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours every day. A person's need for sleep changes as they age. Babies sleep constantly - 12-18 hours a day, and this is the norm. Gradually, sleep duration decreases until it reaches adult levels. On the other hand, older people also often have an increased need for sleep.

It is also important that a person belongs to the type of representatives of the animal kingdom for whom night sleep and daytime wakefulness are normal. If a person cannot spend the time necessary for proper rest every night in sleep, then such a syndrome is called insomnia or insomnia. This situation leads to many unpleasant consequences for the body.

This syndrome can be called differently: hypersomnia, somnolence, or, more commonly, drowsiness. It has many reasons, and finding the right one in each specific case is very difficult.

First, let's define the concept of drowsiness more precisely. This is the name of the condition when a person is overcome by yawning, heaviness presses on the eyes, his blood pressure and heart rate decrease, consciousness becomes less acute, and actions become less confident. The secretion of the salivary and lacrimal glands also decreases. At the same time, a person becomes terribly sleepy, he has a desire to sleep right here and now.

Self-administration of medications is not advisable, as is the constant use of stimulants, such as coffee or energy drinks. Yes, a cup of coffee can cheer up a person if he did not sleep well and requires increased attention and performance. However, constant stimulation of the nervous system with the help of caffeine or other energy drinks does not solve the problem, but only eliminates the external symptoms of hypersomnia and forms the mental dependence on stimulants.

Sound sleep plays an important role in our lives. If a person has worked mentally for a long time without giving the brain a break, then the body automatically resists overexertion.

Let's look at other causes of drowsiness that can be easily eliminated if necessary.

  • Lethargy and desire to sleep during the day are side effect a number of medications, except sleeping pills. These may be Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil and others.
  • Energetic drinks. At first they cause excitement and invigorate, but with prolonged use they have the opposite effect.
  • Fatty, rich food before bed.
  • Daily or shift work schedules. A person sleeps at different times, and the body cannot adapt to the regime.
  • Time zone change.
  • Late falling asleep with early rising.
  • Staying in a horizontal position for a long time immediately before bed.
  • Freezing of the body or lowering its temperature.
  • Lack of oxygen in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Any external factors, interfering with normal rest. You can simply not get enough sleep because of the noise, then you will want to sleep during the day.
  • Not proper nutrition, diets and the resulting lack of fats, vitamins A and E. At the same time, a person not only feels drowsy, but also freezes even in the summer, when it is warm.
  • Avitaminosis. It is observed in most people in winter and especially in spring. To cope with it, you need to change your diet and drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness

B vitamins

Physical activity, stress, illness, and injury exhaust a person, so the need for additional sources of nutrition increases tenfold. For example, folic acid (Vitamin B9) eliminates the negative effects of depression, successfully fights insomnia, and also eliminates unpleasant tingling in the limbs.

Women planning to conceive a child especially need a useful element - they urgently need to tune in to a positive mood and eliminate any signs of fatigue.

Replenish supplies folic acid you can add to your daily diet:

  • wheat flour,
  • melon,
  • avocado,
  • apricots,
  • egg yolks,
  • carrot.

high temperatures

You can compensate for the lack of cyanocobalamin using:

  • dairy products,
  • eggs,
  • fish,
  • various types of meat.

Vitamin D

cardiovascular systemblood pressureunpleasant symptoms

Vitamin dosages are calculated individually after a thorough examination and blood test. In case of deficiency of any of the vitamins, the doctor will write a prescription with the required dosage indicated.

It is not recommended to take vitamin complexes that are available in pharmacies without consulting your doctor. Otherwise, you can easily harm the body. In addition, most of the beneficial elements contained in pharmaceutical drugs, are not absorbed.

Good afternoon or evening, dear friends and blog guests. I am very glad that you visited the page. I will try to meet your expectations and write an interesting and necessary article.

I would like to dedicate today’s article to the fatigue that we experience and sometimes we simply collapse. The modern rhythm of life, which does not always depend on our capabilities. We must adhere to certain rules that do not always coincide with our desires.

Every person wants and should live joyfully, happily and long. Read the article, I think you will be interested in knowing how to deal with fatigue folk remedies so that our life brings us and our loved ones joy and happiness.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you always want to sleep. With a large number of plaques in the cerebral vessels, it is possible oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex. And these are headaches, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, and unsteady gait. Sometimes it can provoke a stroke.

Endocrine system diseases

They may also be to blame for the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this also provokes brain starvation. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissue, and this can also cause drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the blood vessels of the brain. The cerebral cortex can also be damaged by insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, you may have poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. And nicotine, and alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vascular spasms.

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion from cancer and infection with its decay products do not make you more energetic.

Mental and nervous system disorders

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy will not give us vigor.

Severe blood loss, dehydration, shock and intestinal obstruction. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we to blame for?

We ourselves can disrupt the functioning of our internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work involves constant changes in daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself don’t know when it will be night and when it will be day, your brain even gets lost and tired. This can happen to those who alternate day shifts with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or go on business trips.

The culprit may also be stopping breathing during sleep, that is, apnea. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting a full night's sleep. Stress is also implicated in sleepiness. By the way, strict diets, or hunger strikes, can also make you sleepy. And no one but yourself is to blame for the fact that you are tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, you watch TV shows or mindlessly surf the Internet when you need to have your tenth dream.

What to do?

  • It’s trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you first need to go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to improve your daily routine and sleep patterns. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then don't be shy about it: it's better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change your type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working from home), run into a cold shower. At least spray your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. You will come to life immediately! You also need water inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not ruin your plans.

Treatment methods

If the answer to the question of why you constantly want to sleep lies in the disease, then only a doctor can develop the correct therapy. First of all, it is necessary to treat the root cause, then it will be easy to cope with drowsiness.

For physiological causes of drowsiness, solving the problem is quite simple. There are several ways to overcome severe drowsiness:

USEFUL INFORMATION: Why your hands cramp at night: causes of cramps

Now you know why a person may feel sleepy. If you cannot resolve the problem on your own, be sure to consult your doctor.

Pathological causes

If a person, despite proper rest, proper nutrition and optimal living conditions, still feels constant drowsiness, fatigue and apathy, one should think about the pathological causes of the condition. A similar symptom can be observed when various diseases, therefore it should be considered only in conjunction with other signs of pathology.


Constantly want to sleep, don’t have enough strength to get out of bed and nothing in life makes you happy? Perhaps the reason is low blood pressure. With long-term hypotension, the brain suffers from lack of nutrition and temporary ischemia. In addition to drowsiness, pathological condition accompanied by apathy, fatigue, dizziness, nausea.


One of the signs of anemia is a constant desire to lie down. A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin disrupts the transport of oxygen to brain tissue, causing hypoxia. In an acute condition, a person becomes very tired and wants to sleep, suffers from dizziness and perversion of appetite. The condition of hair and nails noticeably deteriorates, the skin becomes dry and acquires a waxy pallor.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Constantly wants to lie down and chronic disorder cerebral circulation. A person suffers from drowsiness during the day, and in the evenings suffers from headaches and severe fatigue. Other symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis include:

  • noise in ears;
  • unsteady gait;
  • deterioration of attention and memory, decreased reaction.

If the sleepy state does not leave throughout the day, signs of depression appear respiratory center and speech impairment - possible development of ischemic stroke.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

One of the severe conditions of the body in which a person cannot get enough sleep is idiopathic hypersomnia. The feeling of drowsiness literally haunts the patient, he falls asleep at the slightest opportunity at work and at home, wakes up with difficulty, showing aggression towards those who are trying to wake him up. In such patients, the quality of life deteriorates and professional skills are weakened.

Endocrine causes

A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness is typical for patients with a disorder of the functionality of the endocrine glands. With hypothyroidism, in addition to the desire to rest, there is a depletion of emotions, a person loses interest in life and loses some of his cognitive abilities.

Increased fatigue and drowsiness manifests itself diabetes. Fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to ketoacidosis, which causes a constant desire to lie down during the day. Other symptoms of diabetes: increased thirst, dizziness, lethargy, itchy skin.


Constant sleepiness is often a sign of apnea. Impaired breathing causes cerebral hypoxia, intermittent and restless sleep. As a result, a person does not get enough sleep, becomes irritable, gets tired quickly and tries to compensate for the lack of sleep with a minute of rest during the day.

Endocrine system dysfunction

The reasons for constant drowsiness and malaise may lie in serious disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

  • Hypothyroidism. With a lack of thyroid hormones, a person always wants to sleep, feels tired, is constantly cold, and loses interest in life. Metabolism slows down, causing brain activity to suffer.
  • Diabetes. Thirst, weight loss and daytime sleepiness are the first symptoms of this disease.
  • Chronic adrenal insufficiency. Additional signs are muscle weakness, apathy, weight loss, darkening of the skin and mucous membranes, and the person may feel sick.

It is not difficult to guess that drowsiness overtakes a person if he is unable to get enough sleep at night. Then throughout the day he wants to sleep and his eyes close to important upcoming matters.

As a rule, lack of sleep occurs when the body is overtired, when a night's rest is simply not enough for the body to rest and gain strength. However, sometimes doctors claim that pathological drowsiness often appears when a person is tired of boredom and the monotony of his own life.

Medicine divides constant drowsiness into two types:

  • pathological;
  • physiological.

Physiological drowsiness appears due to a banal lack of sleep in people, which shows that the brain needs a break, and the whole body needs rest.

As a result, he will constantly want to sleep, and this can lead to negative health consequences.

Why does physiological drowsiness occur? This happens at a time when the human body, due to lack of sleep, begins to use spare energy set aside “for a rainy day.” Of course, it won't last long.

In addition, the personality will be weak and lethargic, which indicates a lack of proper sleep. Because of this, a blockage occurs in the cerebral cortex, as well as sensory organs, which causes a person to constantly feel drowsy and drowsy.

Such pathological drowsiness, which occurs due to frequent lack of sleep, requires urgent treatment in adolescents, women, men and the elderly. Otherwise, the patient will soon develop serious illnesses, such as:

  • diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver;
  • development of anemia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression;
  • development of intoxication of the body.

But why do people develop drowsiness and always want to close their eyes? Let's consider the main causes of pathological and physiological drowsiness.

But not only because of global diseases or after lunch, daytime drowsiness can set in. There are other reasons, for example, simply lack of sleep due to lifestyle. Therefore, you need to take the following recommendations as a rule:

  1. Don't steal time from sleep. Some people think that during the time needed to sleep, more useful things could be done, for example, cleaning the room, watching a TV series, putting on makeup. But do not forget that for a full life you need quality sleep of at least seven hours a day, and sometimes longer. For teenagers, this time should take 9 hours.
  2. Train yourself to go to bed a little earlier. Go to bed, for example, not at 23.00, as usual, but at 22.45.
  3. Eat meals at the same time. This routine will help your body get used to having a stable schedule.
  4. Regular physical exercise makes your sleep deeper, and your body will be more energetic during the day.
  5. Don't waste time being bored. Try to always be doing something.
  6. If you don't feel sleepy, then don't go to bed. Fatigue is different, be able to distinguish between these two sensations. Therefore, it is better not to go to bed just to take a nap, otherwise your night's sleep will be more disturbing, and during the day you will want to rest.
  7. Contrary to what many people think, alcohol in the evening does not improve the quality of sleep.

Lack of sleep doesn't just cause inconvenience. The quality of life deteriorates, side problems with health, and the reason for this is sleepiness during the day. It is better to find out the causes of this problem from a specialist, since a person cannot establish a diagnosis on his own. After all, it may not just be insomnia or another sleep disorder. Such problems may indicate liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, infection or other misfortune.

How to deal with chronic fatigue

Since a regular feeling of sleepiness negatively affects not only the ability to lead an active lifestyle, but also a person’s health, this condition should be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, a constant desire to sleep in women can lead to the development of stress and neuroses.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to healthy image life. You should rest regularly, protect yourself from stressful situations and overwork.

If you have secondary symptoms, you need to promptly contact a doctor to diagnose the presence of pathologies and identify ways to treat them.

You can improve your own well-being if you regularly exercise, walk, exercise, ventilate the room, and eat right. When diagnosing a lack of microelements, you need to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. This is especially true during the winter period of the year. If a woman cannot overcome the desire to sleep on her own, she should consult a neurologist or neurologist or somnologist.

Why does a person feel tired and overwhelmed?

In any work team you can find different people - cheerful and active, as well as sleepy and apathetic. Understanding the causes of this condition, we can divide these factors into two main groups - physiological causes and diseases that can cause such a condition. Let's start with something simple.

  1. Lack of sleep.
    This is the simplest and most common cause of stable drowsiness. If at your home Small child, who wakes up many times at night, if your neighbor spends the night doing repairs, if you are forced to work part-time at night - there is no talk of any alert state. The solution to this problem is simple - you just need to get some sleep. While you're at work, you can drink a cup of strong coffee.
  2. Oxygen deficiency.
    Very often in large offices with poor ventilation, this problem arises - people begin to yawn, they become dizzy, and they literally fall asleep at their desks. In this case, you need to ventilate the room more often, leave the windows open if the weather permits.
  3. Stress.
    When there is excessive nervous stress, a special substance is released - cartisol, the excess of which causes fatigue and exhaustion. If your work involves stress, you need to take breaks, and, of course, change your attitude towards such work, try to be less nervous.
  4. Excess coffee.
    Some people, struggling with apathy, drink the lion's dose of coffee, and in vain. The fact is that one or two cups really invigorate, but a large number of caffeine calms and even relaxes. After such a shocking dose of drink, you will certainly want to sleep.
  5. Avitaminosis.
    A deficiency of important vitamins can tell about itself in this way. Most often, chronic fatigue indicates a lack of iodine or magnesium. Fatigue from vitamin deficiency most often occurs in the spring, when natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables become negligible - during this period you need to take multivitamin complexes. And, of course, you should reconsider your diet. In any season you need to consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, only natural dishes, no fast food.
  6. Bad habits.
    Everyone knows that alcohol and nicotine narrow the lumen blood vessels, less oxygen is delivered to the organs, including the brain. Regular smoking leads to poor health, a constant state of weakness and fatigue.
  7. Magnetic storms and weather conditions.
    Weather-dependent people notice that drowsiness often occurs against the background of magnetic storms and before rain. This is explained simply - in such weather conditions, atmospheric pressure decreases, the body reacts and gradually lowers blood pressure, the heartbeat slows down, and fatigue syndrome occurs. In addition, this condition most often occurs in autumn and winter, when there is little sunlight. The fact is that when exposed to ultraviolet rays, the skin produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
  8. Satiety.
    Fatigue sets in most often after a hearty lunch, doesn’t it? The thing is that when you overeat, all the blood rushes to the digestive organs, flowing away from the brain, this leads to an increased desire to sleep. It’s not difficult to deal with this – you just don’t need to overeat.
  9. Pregnancy.
    Very often, women feel sleepy during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimester. This is due to change hormonal levels Moreover, pregnant women cannot sleep normally at night - frequent trips to the toilet, lack of oxygen, a disturbed stomach in the later stages, and excessive suspiciousness - all this leads to insomnia.

What to do if you feel sleepy

In order not to experience a sudden loss of energy in the middle of the day, you need to give up “fast” carbohydrates. But hunger is the reason why you fall asleep, because the body does not have enough energy. In this case, you need to eat light food to fill up, but not “overload” the digestive system.

Don't forget about weather dependence. If it is possible to check your blood pressure readings, then you need to do this and take it medications, if the source of hypersomnia is correctly identified.

Sometimes it’s enough to lock yourself in a room where there are no extraneous sounds and just get some sleep. This is not enough at the end of the work week, and weekends are not always enough to replenish energy.

From nap It is possible to benefit from livability, as Thomas Edison did. When he felt himself starting to fall asleep, he placed metal pans on the sides of his wooden wing chair.

Next, he picked up metal objects and relaxed, hanging his hands over the pots. At the moment of immersion in “rapid” sleep, the muscles relaxed and a loud ringing sound was heard, bringing the inventor out of this state.

A sudden awakening during REM sleep helps to find interesting ideas that need to be recorded. Edison said that this method replenished his materials almost daily.

Lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness causes and treatment

If fatigue occurs, which is not relieved even by long rest, then it is necessary first to rule out health problems. Thus, symptoms of constant fatigue are caused by taking certain medications, malfunctions of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system, and hormonal disorders.

To identify and eliminate all physiological causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness in women, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe special tests and research will reveal a lack of any vitamins or microelements.

Eat physical reasons constant weakness, doctors should deal with this, but here we will talk about the causes of weakness and drowsiness in adult woman, for which there are no obvious physiological reasons, but there may be psychological ones.

Fatigue and drowsiness in women - psychological reasons

To cope with the constant feeling of fatigue, we are usually recommended to take a vacation, regularly spend time in the fresh air, and normalize the work and rest schedule. Let's try to figure out why the usual advice doesn't help or only works for a short period of time.

Let us highlight two main groups of reasons leading to constant weakness and fatigue:

  1. Sleep problems.
  2. Changes in life (abrupt or gradual), which subjectively worsened its quality.

Let's look at each group in more detail.

Life is like a dream: the main cause of drowsiness

Do you know the feeling when you are so tired that you fall off your feet, but when you get to the desired bed, you realize that there is no sleep in either eye? You toss and turn half the night, counting sheep and the ticking clock in the kitchen, fall asleep in the morning and already know that the next day you will want to sleep all the time again...

If by night you feel a surge of energy, and during the day you are constantly drowsy, the reason may be that you are the owner of a sound vector. And nervous and superficial sleep, and increased fatigue from seemingly insufficient rest may be the result of an attempt to live outside of one’s natural rhythm.

Yuri Burlan at the “System-Vector Psychology” training shows that a person with a sound vector is the only one who feels a surge of strength, activity and vigor at a time when all other people go to bed. Instead of sweet oblivion, thoughts come to mind that are triggered by the established blissful silence, darkness and solitude - at least in one’s own head.

Not knowing about our peculiarities, we try to go to bed early, and cannot sleep. Or we fall asleep, but wake up in the middle of the night. Or we sleep for many hours, and still feel constant weakness and fatigue, as after hard physical labor.

Independent ways to combat drowsiness

  • It's worth organizing correctly healthy sleep: ventilate the room, purchase a comfortable mattress and pillow, do not eat before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk.
  • We need to get rid of bad habits.
  • It is advisable to play sports or at least take daily walks.
  • The diet must be balanced and correct.
  • There is no need to overeat before bed or during the day.
  • You should eat in fractions, that is, you need to eat little by little often.
  • In the morning it is good to use a contrast shower.
  • Try to remove the TV and computer from the bedroom.
  • Avoid nervous overstrain, stress.
  • Massage your limbs and head yourself, this will help improve blood circulation, which guarantees improved oxygen supply to the brain.

If the state of fatigue does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor and get tested for hemoglobin levels in the blood and thyroid hormones.

Women's sleepiness

The female body has its own characteristics; finely tuned hormonal processes undergo not only periodic changes. Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the processes of inhibition of the cerebral cortex. The desire to sleep during this period of a woman’s life is quite natural; the duration of sleep should be at least 10 hours a day. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you definitely need to sleep 1-1.5 hours during the day. The unborn child demands special attention to herself, only a well-rested expectant mother can give him everything. Sleep during pregnancy should be complete and sufficient.

Insomnia, Bad mood, reduced immunity and weakness - all this should be avoided. Helping to rationally organize the work and rest schedule of a nursing mother is the main task of loved ones. When a woman feels this care, she will not experience irritability, nervousness and weakness, or decreased performance. The amount of sleep you get while breastfeeding is not as important as the quality of your sleep. Two full sleep cycles (with fast and deep phases) will allow a woman to restore her nervous system.

An irresistible desire to sleep can occur in women before or during menstruation. This condition occurs due to blood loss (50-80 ml), deterioration in blood quality (decreased hemoglobin levels due to decreased iron). The body gives a signal that it is exhausted and weak, that it needs to rest. During menstruation, only moderate physical activity, taking vitamins and iron supplements, and a balanced diet are recommended. You should avoid stress and all kinds of “over-”: overwork, overheating, overtraining. By leading a moderate lifestyle, you will give yourself the opportunity to recover.

Feeling tired after a hard day at work, housework, and all kinds of stress is completely normal. But if it is repeated day after day, night sleep does not provide relief, becomes intermittent, and in the morning the feeling of weakness, fatigue does not leave you, you want to sleep during the day, irritability appears, this may be a symptom of a hormonal disorder or some disease.

There are many reasons, but by identifying the real one, the condition can be normalized.

Fatigue appears due to a malfunction of the endocrine gland.

In addition to this symptom there are:

  • problems with weight – it decreases or increases;
  • performance decreases;
  • muscle pain appears;
  • body temperature drops;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vision deteriorates.

Hormonal balance affects the speed of metabolic processes - they slow down, so if you are constantly tired, you need to get tested for hormones. Treatment of fatigue caused by thyroid dysfunction is treated hormonal agents, as well as dietary adjustments. Recommended to be included in the diet sea ​​fish, seaweed, flaxseed.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

During the day you want to sleep - the reasons are sometimes trivial, since stress and fatigue tend to accumulate if you do not rest properly. At some point, rest no longer gives you strength. This condition may be caused by a disorder of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce cortisol and adrenaline in increased amounts.

Additional symptoms:

  • prolonged migraines;
  • pain in muscles, joints, throat, which can be confused with cold symptoms;
  • constipation;
  • memory problems, absent-mindedness;
  • convulsions.

Syndrome chronic fatigue- one of the reasons why a person wants to sleep during the day.

The amount of stress hormones directly depends on how often stress is experienced. Constant stress must be dealt with by leading a healthy lifestyle, playing sports, and resting if the body requires it.

Low blood pressure

Weakness occurs due to lack of oxygen in the blood. In addition, the person begins to yawn frequently. Low blood pressure can be increased with coffee, green tea, lard, and folk remedies.


Obesity promotes sleepiness because in this state there is no desire to move. An unhealthy diet contributes to the development of diabetes. With diabetes mellitus, encephalopathy develops - damage to brain cells, characterized by tissue degeneration. All this together leads to a feeling of fatigue.

Severe stress

When stressed, hormones are produced that mobilize the human body: the muscles are prepared for increased stress, the heart is ready to pump blood faster and in greater volume. This does not go unnoticed for the body. After some time, a “rollback” occurs, a loss of strength. Drowsiness signals the body the need to recuperate.

Intoxication of the body

Acute intoxication can be caused by:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking tobacco products and prohibited drugs;
  • taking tranquilizers;
  • dehydration.

The mechanism of development of drowsiness will be different in each case.

Obstructive sleep apnea

This is cessation of breathing during sleep. Sometimes a person is not aware of this problem, but as a result, sleep phases are disrupted, which is why one feels tired in the morning and constantly wants to sleep during the day.

People over 50 years of age and those suffering from excessive obesity are predisposed to apnea. In some cases, treatment through surgery is required.

Habit of daytime rest

It may also be a matter of getting used to a special daily routine. If you sleep for some time during the day, and then deprive yourself of this and stay awake, then during the day you will have a desire to sleep at certain hours. Daytime sleepiness significantly reduces physical and mental performance.


I want to sleep during the day, the reasons for this phenomenon are physiological, during pregnancy. Drowsiness is caused by hormonal changes. The feeling of constant fatigue is accompanied by absent-mindedness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness.

Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus

This body system is responsible for maintaining balance. If any imbalance occurs, and it may not be caused by pathological reasons, and for example, motion sickness in transport, then weakness appears, reactions slow down, and dizziness. If daytime sleepiness occurs while traveling, then this is the cause.

Wrong evening routine

During the day, some people want to sleep because at night they suffer from insufficient deep sleep. Reason: nervous excitement before bedtime. This is facilitated by watching TV, sitting in in social networks in front of the screen of a laptop, smartphone, tablet. Screen flickering negatively affects subsequent sleep.

It is best to listen to calm music or read a book at night. This promotes relaxation. As a result, sleep will come faster and will be more productive.

Violations of work and rest schedules

This is most clearly manifested among people forced to work in night shift With periodic changes graphics: sometimes during the day, sometimes during the night. The body does not have time to adapt, which is why drowsiness occurs during the day.


Fatigue can periodically set in during periods of cloudy rainy weather. Firstly, it is determined physical factors, since there is a relationship between low atmospheric pressure and a decrease in blood pressure.

Secondly, the general “dullness” affects environment, which does not have the best effect on a person’s psychological state. This makes you feel sad, your interest in life decreases, and as a result, you feel tired during the day.


With anemia, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which is responsible for transporting oxygen, decreases. The brain and nervous system experience oxygen starvation, which immediately affects performance.

Additional symptoms:

  • pallor;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • Bad mood.

The condition requires treatment. Prescribe iron supplements and adjust the diet to include iron-rich foods.

Infectious diseases

During infectious diseases, the body spends energy fighting infection and maintaining working condition. After healing, the body is weakened, exhausted, and needs some time to recover. During this period, it is advisable to maintain a gentle working regime, take a course of vitamins and eat well.


Drowsiness often occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. However, anemia, physical inactivity, and low blood pressure are not the only causes of this condition.

One of the main reasons is insufficient vascular permeability of the brain.

Additional symptoms:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • noise in ears.

Adrenal insufficiency

With this disease, the production of hormones is disrupted, which leads to dystrophy and poor appetite. The overall energy tone of the body decreases.

Heart failure

In heart failure, a circulatory disorder occurs, causing the brain to experience oxygen starvation.

Liver and kidney diseases

In both cases, toxic substances accumulate in the body, which disrupt metabolic processes. This leads to increased sleepiness.


During the day you want to sleep (the causes of drowsiness are not always harmless) if a neoplasm develops in the body. Oncology is a disease in which toxic substances also accumulate in the body and the functioning of organs is disrupted. The immune system, forced to constantly fight the tumor, is gradually depleted, and along with it, energy reserves.

Idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsy

This is a pathological condition observed mainly in young people. The disease is difficult to diagnose. Conclusions about its presence are made on the basis of examination using polysomnography and testing. Distinctive feature Hypersomnia is constant sleepiness during the day, literally being half asleep.

Narcolepsy is characterized by a sudden, irresistible desire to fall asleep, which occurs even in completely inappropriate situations. Drowsiness comes in attacks and can be combined after waking up with a significant decrease in muscle tone.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy can be caused by brain injuries, psychophysiological factors, and the use of certain medications.

How to get rid of fatigue

Helps to get rid of drowsiness:

Why you shouldn't drink coffee

Doctors do not recommend fighting the feeling of fatigue with coffee. Coffee can both raise and lower blood pressure, but not everyone knows about this. Coffee contains not only caffeine, which has a vasoconstrictor property and helps increase blood pressure. This effect is observed only in the first 60 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee.

Then caffeine is broken down and other vasodilating substances - theophylline theobromine, vitamin PP - begin to affect the body. This is why some people complain of low energy after a short burst of energy caused by drinking coffee.

In addition, coffee is addictive, which is why in order to achieve the desired effect - a feeling of vigor - you have to gradually increase the dosage and drink not one, but two or three cups of coffee. Increased doses of caffeine load cardiovascular system, which causes palpitations and poor health.

If the body gets used to caffeine, then the opposite effect is observed, since the nervous system is not excited; on the contrary, a hot drink creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, relaxes, and creates a feeling of comfort. As a result, one begins to feel sleepy.

You can get rid of a state of drowsiness caused by external reasons, if you want to sleep during the day at an inconvenient time, by normalizing your work and rest schedule. But when systemic diseases Correcting your regimen and diet will help slightly. In such cases, serious drug treatment and sometimes surgery.

Video about daytime sleepiness, its causes and ways to combat it

Three reasons for drowsiness:

10 ways to eliminate drowsiness:

A fast-paced lifestyle, hard work, stress, and overwork negatively affect human health. As a result, weakness and drowsiness appear. Thus, adults adapt to the mental and physical stress they endure. The brain needs rest and “reboot”. Doctors point to various causes of weakness and drowsiness, ranging from simple overexertion to serious illnesses. Relieve general state a person can be treated with the help of medications, reflexology and other effective procedures.

Symptoms accompanying weakness and drowsiness

General weakness can be caused by various conditions, and accordingly, complaints in adults can be different. Loss of strength, weakness and drowsiness are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling unwell when doing daily work;
  • rapid and frequent fatigue, lethargy;
  • lethargy, fainting in case of a sharp drop in pressure, change in body position;
  • intolerance to loud speech, strong smell;
  • irritability, sleep disturbance, nightmares, short temper.

Causes of weakness and drowsiness may be various diseases if a person makes the following complaints:

  • headache, runny nose, sore throat;
  • cough, muscle and bone aches, joint pain;
  • constant thirst, weight loss, noise in the ears and head;
  • shortness of breath while walking, increased body temperature;
  • redness of the eyes, pressure surges, abdominal pain, nausea.

The appearance of at least three symptoms simultaneously indicates that a person is suffering from some disease. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor.

Anemia and weakness

Anemia is a blood disease characterized by low levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells. The first symptom to notice is pale skin and severe fatigue. In addition to these complaints, patients may indicate the following:

  • headache, lethargy;
  • rapid and prolonged fatigue;
  • palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue and lightheadedness when physical activity;
  • sticking on the lips, distortion of taste, increased brittleness of nails and hair.

Important! With anemia, hemoglobin levels are below 110 g/l

Most of the complaints with anemia appear due to hypoxia (decreased blood oxygen levels), as a result of which the tissues do not receive the required amount of O2 (oxygen).

The following diseases are accompanied by anemia:

Adults with anemia should be careful, as the disease manifests itself at very low levels hemoglobin. The first manifestation of the disease may be fainting and loss of consciousness at work. Therefore, as soon as pale skin and constant weakness and drowsiness, you should visit a doctor.

Low blood pressure and drowsiness

Spikes in blood pressure can occur in both adults and young people. All this is associated with instability of the nervous system, and in the older generation - with vascular atherosclerosis.

Symptoms low pressure, in addition to severe drowsiness, are:

  • severe pain in the back of the head, which gradually spreads to the entire head;
  • dizziness in the head with a sudden change in body position;
  • severe drowsiness, especially in the afternoon;
  • neck pain, lethargy and impotence, weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Doctor's advice. If you are worried about sudden fatigue, you should immediately measure your blood pressure using a tonometer.

Low blood pressure can accompany the following conditions:

  • orthostatic collapse, when a drop in pressure occurs after a sudden change in body position;
  • overdose of antihypertensive drugs, bleeding;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD);
  • scalene muscle syndrome, when the muscle complex in the neck compresses the vertebral arteries;
  • heart failure.

Low blood pressure very often appears in people under 20-22 years of age. In this case, the indicators are kept at the level of 90/60 mmHg. Art.

Hypothyroidism causes general weakness

The thyroid gland plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. The disease of this important body occurs as a result of autoimmune processes, viral damage, oncological pathology, iodine deficiency in food, due to stressful situations.

Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of the thyroid gland, characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Patients indicate the following signs of hypothyroidism:

  • I constantly want to rest and sleep;
  • weakness and severe drowsiness, apathy;
  • memory impairment;
  • absence of usual emotions - joy, anger, surprise;
  • a person ceases to be interested in the outside world;
  • asthenia, or powerlessness to do anything;
  • low blood pressure, heart pain, obesity;
  • swelling in the legs, hair loss and dry skin.

Important! If the hair on your head falls out for no reason, you need to take a blood test for thyroid hormones

A reduced amount of thyroid hormones is observed in the following conditions:

Thyroid hormones affect the heart, nervous system, and digestive tract. Patients with hypothyroidism suffer from hypersomnia, they want to sleep all day, and it is very difficult to force themselves to work.

Weakness and drowsiness in diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus mainly affects older people when there is insufficient insulin production in the body. This hormone is synthesized by the pancreas. In type 1 diabetes, the body completely lacks insulin.

Important! Normal blood sugar levels are 3.3-5.5 mmol/l. In diabetes mellitus, indicators can increase to 10-15 mmol/l and higher

The symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

  • dry mouth;
  • with low blood sugar levels, patients report fatigue, lethargy, and faintness;
  • drowsiness, fatigue, overwork;
  • numbness of limbs, blurred vision;
  • frequent urination- up to 5-7 liters per day, constant thirst.

Diabetes mellitus can be accompanied by a sharp drop or rise in blood glucose levels. A person who does not know about his illness cannot understand why he is always thirsty, tired and drowsy. These are signs of hyperglycemia.

With hypoglycemia, when blood glucose is below 3.3 mmol/l, patients complain of sudden general weakness, fatigue, increased sweating, tremors in the hands, tingling in the muscles. If you do not help a person, he faints and a coma may occur.

Other causes of weakness and drowsiness

Often the causes of drowsiness, weakness or fatigue are infectious diseases. Sometimes symptoms appear due to malnutrition.

Doctors point to the following conditions that make you always want to sleep (described below).

  1. Chronic fatigue syndrome. The disease occurs in people who live in big cities, exposed to stress and overwork. A distinctive feature of the disease is the lack of relief even after a long rest.
  2. Hypovitaminosis. Insufficient nutrition, a small amount of vitamins in the diet affects the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, adults complain of moderate weakness, instability to overexertion, and fatigue.
  3. Magnetic storms affect blood pressure. At the same time, I really want to sleep all the time, my head hurts, and adults feel general powerlessness.
  4. Stress can overtake a person after a long and hard day of work or strong experiences. In this case, adults will want to sleep and experience headaches. For some time a person will not be able to get rid of insomnia.

Important! Sound sleep is the key to health. This rule is applicable to combat stress and fatigue.

Can't be treated stressful conditions carelessly, as this can lead to serious neurological problems. For example, a nervous breakdown often ends in depression and neurosis.

How to deal with weakness and drowsiness

First of all, to get rid of general weakness, you should change your lifestyle. A person must clearly answer the question: “Do I want to improve my health”? To do this you need:

  1. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. The diet should be rich in vitamins and consist of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  4. Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening. First, wash your face for 10 minutes warm water, then cold for 30 seconds.
  5. When working at a computer, you need to rest for 5 minutes, look out the window and into the distance for 2-3 minutes. This way the eyes relax and vision is restored. Do the procedures 4-5 times a day.
  6. Every morning you need to force yourself to do light exercises. They start with moderate circular movements of the head, then intensively raise their straightened arms up and lower them along the body. Then they bend the torso forward and backward, and finish with 15-20 squats. Each procedure lasts 2-3 minutes.

The doctor will tell you exactly how to get rid of lethargy and fatigue. The following medications can be used:

A drug


Weakness, fatigue with low blood pressure

  1. Citramon.
  2. Askofen.
  3. Pentalgin

1 tablet in the morning or at lunch, but not more than 1 week

Ginseng tincture

20 drops per 50 ml of water. Take orally twice in the morning

Schisandra tincture

Dilute 25 drops in 100 ml of water. Take orally twice a day, last dose no later than 16 pm

Weakness due to anemia

Sorbifer Durules

1 tablet twice a day 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 months

Drowsiness, fatigue with hypothyroidism


1 tablet (100 mg) in the morning daily. This treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor; it is prohibited to use the tablets on your own.



1 tablet (325 mg) 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days

Stir 1 sachet in 100 ml of water, consume orally twice a day for 3-4 days

Doctor's advice. Taking pills for diabetes and hypothyroidism should only be done after consulting a doctor

Only a doctor can tell an adult exactly what to do with fatigue and drowsiness and what medications to use.

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep, understanding that this fact is not the norm. Why is there such weakness, no energy, lethargy and you can barely drag your legs - what to do about it? One desire is to sleep constantly.

There is nothing to say, many people understand that it is impossible to live like this. Let's find the reason why a woman constantly wants to sleep and try to get rid of drowsiness.

Why do women want to sleep all the time? Reasons for women:

A woman cannot go without sleep either; 7 to 8 hours is enough. You only need to sleep at night.

Be aware that the quality of sleep is affected by an evening cup of coffee, sitting in front of the TV, turned on phones and glowing devices.

When you go to bed, turn everything off and take a walk outside before going to bed. Perhaps then the quality of your sleep will improve and you will begin to rest.

Sleep quality is affected by:

  1. Your nutrition.
  2. Age is associated with changes in the hormonal levels of the body.
  3. Stress, if it is almost constant in your life.
  4. Physical state.
  5. Genetic components.
  6. Diseases acquired during life.

If you don’t feel rested in the morning and throughout the day, your body feels lethargic, you have no energy, sound the alarm.

And now the main reasons for the constant desire to sleep:


In older women, disruptions in her work may primarily cause symptoms:

  1. Fatigue, lethargy, constant drowsiness.
  2. Pain and discomfort in the muscles of the body.
  3. Body weight decreases or, on the contrary, increases.
  4. Vision problems begin.
  5. We are doing our work slowly.
  6. Body temperature changes.
  7. Appetite also changes.

The thyroid gland directs the work of every organ and cell in our body, producing special hormones.

And it directly affects energy levels.

Therefore, when making a diagnosis due to perpetual sleepiness, check the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is treated with hormones that maintain the level in your body of those that you lack. Treatment is necessary, there is no need to be afraid of it.

Include more protein in your diet: fish, kelp (seaweed), flax seeds.

Chronic fatigue syndrome:

There is such a disease. The name speaks for itself - you work a lot, you get nervous, you forget to rest.

Very often there is an imbalance of the adrenal glands - they also produce hormones. This is usually observed after 50 years. The most famous are cortisol and adrenaline.

How does a person feel with this disease:

  1. No matter how much he sleeps, he does not feel rested.
  2. All joints and muscles hurt.
  3. Permanent.
  4. Symptoms of the flu - sore throat, whole body aches.
  5. Cramps and constipation appear.
  6. The head is not thinking well.
  7. It is very difficult to remember anything and concentrate.

The amount of hormones produced depends on the stress you receive. If it is constant, you will feel very bad.

Tension, fatigue, lethargy, desire to lie down and not move your arms.

Only a healthy lifestyle, timely rest, treatment of associated diseases, daily routine, healthy diet for the body, sports can normalize this condition.

Low blood pressure:

In this case, there is a lack of oxygen, weakness, and drowsiness. The woman yawns often.

Low blood pressure must be treated. Green tea, coffee, salted herring, and a piece of lard will help.


greatly promotes sleepiness. We move little, we eat a lot and the wrong things. Sooner or later you will develop type 2 diabetes.

Drowsiness occurs when there is a lack of nutrition to the brain. There is a lot of glucose in the blood, but it does not reach the brain. The person is very tired. He can eat and sleep.

Losing weight in this situation is to save your health.

Obstructive sleep apnea:

People simply call it snoring. This is oxygen starvation. A short-term cessation of breathing occurs during sleep at the height of snoring. Then he snores and begins to breathe.

Quite common in older, overweight women.

Mandatory examination:

Somnological examination during sleep. After determining the cause, special devices are used to treat snoring. In some cases, surgical treatment is performed.

But first of all, all sufferers need to lose weight.

It is very difficult to cope with daytime sleepiness. Sometimes a person gets used to sleeping during the day, but then due to being busy during the day, he cannot do this.

Here it comes to funny things: a woman can fall asleep at a table in a cafe or dining room.

Elderly people and young children need naps during the day. For women in the prime of their lives, sleepiness is very bothersome, and sometimes the problem can lead to depression.

  1. A woman's memory and performance decrease.
  2. She is constantly tired.

Cold and hot shower:

  1. A good method to come to your senses: cold water. Drowsiness sets in - go into the bathroom, open the shower.
  2. At first a little warm water, then cold. After 3 minutes there will be no trace of drowsiness left.


  1. A quick walk outside will help. At first you will be very weak, then the energy will not keep you waiting. Don't be lazy.
  2. By the way, this is an effective recipe. Anyone who exercises and eats properly does not suffer from drowsiness.

Food and water:

  1. Watch what you eat. Remove everything harmful, fried, heavy. More vitamins. Fight constipation.
  2. Drink clean water; if there is a lack of it, weakness and lethargy occurs, and therefore drowsiness.
  3. The blood is thickening nutrients poorly reach cells, including oxygen.
  4. A simple method for determining whether you are drinking enough water: pay attention.
  5. If it is light yellow, everything is fine. If your color is dark, drink more.
  6. Drowsiness is caused by rich foods: meat, dumplings, pancakes, cake, pies.
  7. The blood drains from the head and rushes to the stomach - you will want to sleep.
  8. Don't fill your stomachs to capacity, no. Learn to go out with the feeling of “I’m not full.” After 20 minutes you will be full.
  9. Eliminate coffee from your menu; oddly enough, it promotes drowsiness.
  10. Do not drink alcoholic drinks, after which you will suffer for a long time either from insomnia or, conversely, from drowsiness.
  11. At lunchtime you can lie down to rest for about 20 minutes. Sleeping as long as you like is bad, it will be even worse.
  12. When working at night, daytime sleepiness is natural.

Essential oils:

  1. Some essential oils will help disperse daytime sleep: jasmine, rosemary.
  2. Just smell an open bottle of oil.

Night rest:

Get a good night's sleep and get enough sleep.

  1. Read a book before you fall asleep. Scientists claim that this helps you fall asleep.
  2. If you suffer from drowsiness, do not watch TV in the evening. It is harmful to the brain.

There are women who are owls, for them this is the norm.

In winter, most often you want to sleep. It’s dark outside, there’s not enough sunshine, we walk around lethargic and sleepy.

Hidden gymnastics:

If you feel sleepy at work, do hidden exercises.

  1. This is alternate tension and relaxation of muscles: buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen.
  2. Outsiders will not notice this, but you will get rid of drowsiness.
  3. Ventilate the room, let clean air into the room, or try to go outside.
  4. Rinse your face and hands with cold water.
  5. Give a massage to the withers. Rub your neck vigorously, and soon a surge of strength will be noticeable.
  6. Rub your hands vigorously until your palms glow. You will notice that the drowsiness goes away immediately.

Why a woman constantly wants to sleep can take a very long time to answer. I have named all the most common reasons.

The summary of all that has been said:

  • Illnesses need to be treated if they are causing drowsiness.
  • Get a normal night's sleep.
  • Don't eat junk food, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Sports should be in your life, at least 10 minutes of gymnastics.
  • Don't overeat.
  • If necessary.
  • Rest when you are very tired.

I wish you health for many years, without daytime sleepiness and normal night sleep.

I'm always waiting on my website.

See how to get rid of drowsiness: