PGU public services electronic diary. Mos ru electronic student diary: login. Recovering a forgotten password from the PGU MOS RU account

Why was created, and what kind of portal is it? If you have had to deal with paying utility bills, enrolling your child in kindergarten, school, or a sports section, or paying fines, then you probably know how difficult it was. Queues, irritated and tired officials, wasted time. The Moscow government has made sure that all citizens can use the services without leaving their home.

Now you can even check your children's progress without going to school. Monitor the progress of schoolchildren, learn about events that are planned at school, find out about attendance and unexcused absences - all this has become available with the development of electronic services. In order to always stay up to date with all events, you will need to activate the service.

Now that the Moscow leadership has created the official portal, processing all your documents and paying bills has become much easier. You can also issue train tickets online, without leaving your home, and participate in the Russian Railways Bonus loyalty program, no matter where you are in the country.

Once you have created your own, you can carry out any operations without even leaving your apartment. But first you will need to register. If you haven't already done so, we've put together a step-by-step guide for you.

How to register on

To complete the registration procedure on the portal, you need to complete the following steps:

  • go to the official website of via the link:;
  • in the upper right corner, find the button: login and click on it;

You will see a picture like this. For registered users, you will need to enter your login or SNILS and password specified during registration.

And for those who have not yet registered, click on the word “Register”. This is what the registration form looks like:

How to correctly fill out a form on the government services portal

After you click on the “register” tab, a form will open in front of you in which you need to enter reliable data.

Start filling out the form. Enter your last name, first name and patronymic. They must fit exactly as shown on your documents.

Enter your valid email address. It is not recommended to use a general or corporate address because... If you possibly lose your password, you will not be able to log in to the system without outside help.

*Create a password that is strong enough to protect your data. Keep it out of reach of others.

*Select the test question that is closest to you from the drop-down list. It is advisable that only you know the answer. You can also come up with your own question. You should either remember the answer or write it down in a safe place.

*All you have to do is enter the number mobile phone, to which you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. You will have to enter this code in the window that appears later. So keep your phone handy.

*Tick the box indicating that you accept the terms of the agreement, and then press the button Register.

Enter the confirmation code that will be sent to your mobile here:

After that, click the button "Confirm"

Sometimes it happens that the code does not arrive right away, wait a little and try again. To do this, there is a “resend code” button.

Important: By default, the system will use your email address specified when filling out the form as your login. If you want to change your login, you can do so later.

How to enter your personal account PGU.MOS.RU

After you have entered all the data, you will have access to your account, which you can use at any time. You can enter it by entering your login (email or login) or entering SNILS.

Watch a short video that explains how easy it is to log into your Personal Account at

With the help of your Personal Account, new opportunities will open up for you. You will manage your affairs without leaving your home.

The electronic diary is a kind of screen through which parents can exercise control over all the events that happen in their child’s life, which you can connect to on the government services website

This diary will allow you to:

  • constantly monitor your children’s grades at school;
  • be aware of the student’s progress in all subjects;
  • monitor compliance with teachers' requirements;
  • be able to receive and send important information to all interested parties: teachers, director, head teacher, etc.

At first, using an electronic diary raised a lot of questions. Many parents could not log into the electronic diary, lost or were unable to enter the password.

But gradually these problems were solved and the use of the diary in in electronic format has become more familiar, understandable and no longer causes so many complaints from parents and students.

How to find the Electronic Diary service on the official website

Go to the official website and then on the main page click the word - “Services”

Then find the line “Electronic student diary” in the drop-down list:

Click on it and you will be taken to the login form for your Personal Account

Diary how to apply for the service

To activate the service and gain access to the electronic diary, you must go to the official website of Opens in a new window and log into your Personal Account.

If you have already registered, then you will need to enter your login or SNILS, and if you have yet to complete the process

  1. Log in to your Personal Account and enter your data: e-mail, SNILS (if available), mobile phone number.
  2. If you are unable to log into the Electronic Diary, this may be due to the fact that the school does not have all the necessary data about you, or it does not match what you enter. In this case, call the teacher or go to school and inform them of your desire to activate the Electronic Diary service to the class teacher.

Important: The information you leave at school and the information you enter into your Personal Account must match.

Student's electronic diary

Each student must also be registered on the state services portal in order to enter their electronic student diary.

To register your child on the portal, you need to:

  • Log in to the government services portal and press the “Login” button;
  • register your child by clicking the “Register” button;
  • Enter his full name and contact information into the form.

In the future, your child will log into their electronic diary using their username and password.

Parents, guardians and other legal representatives of the child can activate the “Electronic Diary” service. The Student Electronic Diary service is free and valid throughout the academic year.

How to access the electronic diary (MRKO)

Information about the student’s current progress and access to the electronic diary (MRKO) can be obtained from the Moscow Department of Education.

To connect you will need the following documents:

  • statement;
  • child's birth certificate (original);
  • ID card (passport) for parents;
  • document on the right of guardianship and trusteeship for guardians.

The service is issued within three days and is valid throughout the entire academic year.

As a result, you will receive complete information about the child’s progress, his grades, all current and upcoming events, the interaction of the student with teachers, classmates, and behavior.

As a result, you will receive an envelope with an access code to the student’s electronic diary.

Important! In this case, you must be present in person.

Obtaining information and participating in the educational process

To receive this service, you need to leave an application at the OIV and receive confirmation in one minute on the website

What is an electronic diary

This service is an electronic version of a child’s regular school diary. This diary, as well as the paper version, contains all grades during the child’s education in a particular institution. Therefore, in order to find out information about their children’s progress, parents do not have to visit the school in person or meet with teachers. All this can be done from your computer by visiting the city portal. It is interesting that this service is so informative that, due to its effectiveness, in some academic institutions it has simply replaced ordinary diaries. There are some conditions in order to have access to the electronic diary:

  • The diary ID can only be issued to the student's parents or official representatives. As a rule, it is provided by the class teacher, or school employees who are responsible for this area of ​​activity;
  • This version of the diary will be available throughout the course;
  • You will not need documents that will confirm your child's identity;
  • The entire diary identification procedure is absolutely free.

How to use an electronic diary?

When creating this section, the format of a regular paper diary was taken as a basis. This is exactly what an electronic document will be like. Therefore, the schedule of all the student’s subjects, as well as grades and homework will be provided here. All marks that are placed in a regular diary, as well as a school journal, will be displayed in electronic form. All this will now be available for parental control.

What advantages does the electronic diary format have over the regular paper version? – Two main advantages:

  1. Having an electronic version saves parents time, since they control everything educational process at a distance, and doing this at any time;
  2. This protects parents from deception, which children often resort to. Knowing that there is an electronic version of the diary, there will be no point in hiding real learning problems or errors for the child. Moreover, it will be pointless for a student to correct marks in a regular diary. Therefore, the electronic version to some extent plays an educational role.

In addition, parents are provided with the following options:

  • They can find out what homework was assigned in a particular subject at school, as well as grades for these assignments, from the “selected subject” tab;
  • In the “all grades” tab, you can find out your child’s grades for a certain period of time;
  • The “final grades” tab allows you to find out all the annual grades;
  • By selecting a time interval, you can view homework and grades for a specific period of time. To do this, you need to select the required date and determine the boundaries of the time interval.

The functions of the electronic diary are illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. View of a student’s electronic diary.

To summarize, a personal diary in electronic form is a useful service, especially for those parents who have to a large number of dedicate time to work and providing for family. This service will save a lot of time on visits to educational institution, so you can spend this time with your child. electronic diary is one of the services of the Moscow City Services Portal, which is available in electronic form.

In total, provides 314 services, of which 170 are available in electronic form. One of the most popular among them is the electronic diary.

In order to use the service, you must go to the catalog. The “Electronic student diary” service is presented in the “Education” section (“Secondary general”). In addition, you can also access this service in the “Popular” section.

Catalog – Electronic student diary

The electronic diary on, first of all, provides access to information regarding the progress of schoolchildren. Thus, parents and teachers, with the help of such a diary, can monitor the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of the school curriculum. This ensures that all participants are informed educational process both about the course of training and its results for a particular student.

In order to gain access to the electronic diary, you must complete the registration procedure on To do this, follow the “Login” link presented in the upper right corner, and then follow the “Registration” link.

User registration

Next, you will be asked to fill out a registration form, in which you will need to provide personal information, including last name, first name and patronymic, as well as email address and phone number. During registration, you will also need to come up with a password, which will later be used to log into your personal account. Here you will need to select a security question and also provide an answer to it.

In order to enter your personal account on, you will need to provide a phone number, email address or SNILS and password (if necessary, the latter can be restored) or use one of the other available login methods.

To gain access to a service such as an electronic diary, you will need to check the correctness of the specified data in your personal account (mobile phone number, e-mail and, if you have SNILS), then contact the school and provide this data to your class teacher.

After the data transferred to the school has been processed, the student and his parents will be able to access the electronic diary. In order to log in, you will need to provide a login (phone number, email address or SNILS) and password from

It should be noted that parents (legal representatives) have the right to provide authorized persons with access to view the diary. To do this, you need to follow the link “Add trusted persons to view the diary” and click on the “Add trusted person” button. You can also select the service “Provide access to an electronic diary and information about the child’s attendance and nutrition” in the catalog. After this, you will need to select the service to which you want to provide access to a trusted representative. Here you will also need to indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the child, as well as the surname, SNILS or mobile phone number of the person you want to invite.

Catalog - Provide access to an electronic diary and information about the child’s visits and nutrition

After the trusted person receives your invitation (the information will be displayed in his personal account in the “Messages” tab in the “Notification Center” section), he will be able to view the information contained in the diary. Gaining access is carried out within 24 hours after the invitation has been accepted by a trusted person.

In general, parents of schoolchildren (legal representatives), as well as students themselves and authorized representatives can apply for such a service as electronic diary. It should be noted that to enter the personal diary, each student must have his own registration on the portal. That is, the student and the parent must have separate personal accounts.

The “Electronic Student Diary” service is free and is provided throughout the entire academic year. The result of the provision of the service is the provision complete information regarding student performance and activities in educational organization. In addition, the diary allows for interaction between all participants in the educational process.

Registration of the service is possible not only directly on, but also by contacting the relevant executive authority. You can apply for services to the OIV individuals by submitting an application (request). This service is provided free of charge for one minute. The result of the provision of the service is access to information related to the educational process, such as class schedules, dates, lesson topics, homework with comments from the teacher, grades received in the lesson, as well as notes on the student’s absence from the lesson.

Conditions for receiving the service “Electronic student diary” at OIV

The electronic diary also provides information on the results of monitoring assimilation educational material, grades based on the results of intermediate and final certification, the student’s performance in subjects for the selected period. The diary also contains information about implemented educational programs. A communication block is also presented here, allowing participants in the educational process to communicate with each other, as well as view news and events of the educational organization, city, and administrative news.

One of the opportunities that the electronic diary provides is viewing the lesson schedule. In this case, you will need to select the “Diary” section, the link to which is located in the top horizontal menu, and then go to the “Diary” tab. Then, in the menu that appears on the right side of the screen, you will need to indicate the week of interest.

To view the schedule of holidays, weekends and vacations for the current academic year, in the “Diary” section you will need to select the “Calendar” tab training schedule" As a result, a calendar will open in which different colors Holidays, training modules, and weekends will be marked. It is also possible to view the time of lessons and breaks, for which you will need to select “Stay mode”.

If you are the parent of several students, to switch between their diaries on you must select the gray triangle located under your last name and initials, presented in the upper right corner of the screen.

An electronic diary allows parents to receive information about the student’s attendance at classes. If a child missed a lesson, then in the “Diary” tab (in the “Grades” column), the teacher will mark “n”. You can also see when a child was not present at school in the “Notification of Absence” tab. So, blue The days that the student missed completely are marked, and those in green are those on which the student missed several lessons. When you move the cursor to the desired day, information will appear about which lessons were missed.

If you need to report that your child will not be at school, you should select the “Diary” section, and then go to the “Notification of Absence” tab. Next, in the calendar that opens, you must indicate the date on which you plan to create the notification. In the event that the child misses only one or several lessons, you will need to select “In some lessons” and mark the appropriate lessons. If a student misses the whole day or several days, you will need to select “By days”, and then mark the necessary days. To confirm your selection, click on the “Create on selected range” button.

If you need to delete a previously created notification, select the desired date in the calendar (it will be marked in green or blue), indicate which notification you want to delete, and click on “Delete on the selected range”. It should be noted that it is impossible to delete notifications for days that have already passed. electronic diary also allows you to view information about all sections and clubs that the child attends. To do this, you will need to select the “Diary” tab in the “Diary” section. There, after the schedule for the week, you can see all the additional classes the student is enrolled in.

If you need to contact school staff or a student’s parents via an electronic diary, you must go to the “Personal Messages” section (image of an envelope), then click on “+” and indicate the name of the chat. After this, you can add students, parents, teachers and school administration to your chat. To do this, you need to enter the first letters of the last name of the person you want to send a message to in the “Start entering full name” field. If necessary, you can use the chat settings.

The electronic diary is available not only from stationary devices, but also through mobile app. In this case, you will need to download the “Moscow State Services” application, open it and register, indicating your mobile phone number. Next, on the main screen, you need to select the “Electronic Diary” section and indicate the email address that was sent to the school to access the diary.

Electronic diary - Mobile application

With the introduction of new technologies into our lives, people are increasingly abandoning paper in favor of electronic analogues of documentation. The student's diary was no exception.

Why is a diary in electronic format convenient?

If you have access to the Internet, you will also have access to an electronic diary. Thus, you can monitor your own child’s progress while at work, or on a business trip, or even on the way home. Data is available at any time of the day or night.

Progress monitoring is easy to use and automated. Once you log into your personal account, you will not see a requirement to enter any more data. The diary is visible immediately, all the information in it is also visible.

The electronic diary contains an attendance schedule. If a child missed school for some reason, this will be visible on the online page. The reason for absence is also indicated - if, for example, the student missed classes not on his own initiative, but due to illness or important family circumstances.

In general, the electronic diary helps to establish a closer connection between teachers and parents of schoolchildren. If earlier, in order to find out the full picture of a child’s progress, you had to set aside time yourself (often working hours), come to school, look for a teacher (and more than one), talk to him about the child’s absences and grades, but today all this can be seen without leaving the house.

The use of electronic diaries will help each school to be on the crest of a wave of progress, and to best meet the requirements for modernizing the information and communication technologies used in the educational process.

Why an electronic diary is convenient for a parent

1. You can clearly see how many grades your offspring was given today and in what subjects. All data without exception is entered into the electronic diary, and not just for individual disciplines.

2. Also, an electronic diary is a good way to monitor homework completion. Now the child will not be able to hide any assignment on a subject that he really does not like, simply by not writing it down. All tasks are duplicated in electronic diaries, where parents can also see them and monitor their completion.

Important: Teachers also use technology, so it may be that some kind of electronic file. This is not malware or a hack personal account: the teacher simply wanted to provide additional materials (for example, videos) in such a way that it would be easier for children to complete their homework. You can safely upload a file: all incoming electronic documents are scanned for viruses.

3. Comments from teachers regarding behavior in class, as well as adherence to general discipline, are also in the electronic diary. It will not be possible to conduct a full correspondence with the teacher using a diary; but the parent will be aware of the state of affairs, and if necessary, will be able to either call the teacher, or write to him in the messenger, or immediately proceed to an educational conversation with the student.

4. It is also possible to notify parents through an electronic diary about events that are planned to be held at school, schedule changes, unplanned lesson cancellations or even teacher substitutions.

6. If a student gets sick, you won’t need to call every teacher or classmate to find out what topics he missed. Even if the child does not show up for class, homework will still appear in the electronic diary. This way, parents will know exactly what topics he missed and what they need to prepare for intensively before returning to school.

7. Parents themselves can also see when the next parent meetings are planned. If they have already missed one, a notification will be sent to their personal account.

Why an electronic diary is important for students

Children themselves often need additional motivation to study. For them, the argument “you are working for your future” is unlikely to be effective, because at their age there is not yet a formed “adult” idea of ​​the future as something inevitable.

Therefore, the most effective is small-scale motivation, step by step. Good method In this case, the child begins to track his own average grade. If he sees positive dynamics, it motivates him to try even harder. If a student notices a sharp decline, he is unlikely to like it.

In addition, schoolchildren themselves can also have a separate personal account and view homework and grades without having to ask a parent to give their username and password (rules safe behavior On the Internet, by the way, it is forbidden to provide your personal data from your account to anyone).

How to register an electronic diary

The portal will help you with this simple task. This is the easiest and most convenient way to start an online diary for a student. This is done in several steps.

1. Go to the main page of the site. Our goal is the “Education” section in the left column:

2. The “Education” menu opens up a large number of opportunities for children of all ages. But at the moment, what we most need is the menu about “Secondary general” education, located in the middle column:

3. The third point in the right column will direct us to instructions on how to register a student’s electronic diary:

4. Click on it and you will be redirected to a separate page dedicated to electronic diaries:

Important: Don’t be afraid of the line “Cost of the service and payment procedure”! The service is completely free, which a pop-up menu will notify you about when you click on this line:

5. So, when you click on the big red button called “Get a service” you will be redirected to your personal account.

There you will only need to enter the correct data and then contact your class teacher - and now you are already connected to the service. But the following page may open:

In addition to the possibility of using electronic diaries, your personal account will provide access to more than two hundred different services, from online payment utility payments before filing an application for marriage registration. is a portal of city services in Moscow. We can say that is high-quality analogue government services website. With it, you will have access to the basic services that are in greatest demand among Muscovites.

The PGU MOS RU portal will help:

  • 1. Make an appointment with a doctor.
  • 2. Enroll your child in any clubs or sports sections.
  • 3. Pay for housing and communal services, schools, kindergarten etc.
  • 4. Get a spot at the weekend fair.

It is also possible to receive water meter data using

All this is very important, because this way you can save a lot of time. This will be especially true if we are talking about a busy person or pensioners who find it physically difficult to get out into the city.

The website provides a variety of services only in the capital. This is precisely one of the key differences from the public services portal.

In order to gain access to all the features of, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Almost everyone who has visited the website at least once in their life knows this. The registration procedure is quite simple, but details of what needs to be done to successfully complete it can be found below in the text.

Those who have been registered for a long time only need to log into their personal account. This can be done in exactly the same way as on the government services website. In particular, the user is required to enter a login. This can be either SNILS, a mobile phone number or an email address (it all depends on the chosen registration method).

Login to your personal account PSU MOS RU


  1. First you will need to open the page:
  2. The next step is to enter your login and password. There is nothing complicated here, however, since some people lose logins and passwords, they have to go through the procedure of recovering a forgotten or lost password or login. This will be discussed below in the text.
  3. After the user enters the username and password, he needs to click the “Login” button.

Each user will be able to log in even through social network"In contact with". This is very convenient, since in this case you don’t have to remember your username and password. In order to do this, you need to find the corresponding button at the bottom of the page and then click on it.

Registration of personal account of PGU MOS RU

Registration is a necessary procedure that simply cannot be ignored. The fact is, without it, you simply won’t be able to get any services on the PSU portal. So, how does the registration procedure go?

1. To begin, you are required to open the website

2. After this, the user needs to enter personal data. We are talking about your full name, as well as your mobile number, since it will be required in order to receive an SMS message.

3. Now the user needs to come up with a password.

4. You are then required to assign a security question, which will come in handy if you forget your password. In this case, it will be much easier to recover your password and access to your account.

Recovery forgotten password from the office PGU MOS RU

  • There are times when people forget or lose their password. This should not be allowed, but if this happens, you need to resort to the password recovery function.
  • In order to do this, you need to open the following link:
  • You are then required to select a recovery method. This can be either a phone number, an email address or SNILS.

After this, you should receive a message with further instructions. It is there that you can find the code that is needed to log into your account. It is important to note that this method is very simple, however, in order to use it, you need to have access to the phone or email that was specified during registration.

One of the most common problems during password recovery is related to by email. In some cases, a letter with a recovery code ends up in the spam folder, so in order to find it, you need to check this folder in advance.

Smartphone applications

It is impossible not to mention the mobile application, which was created specifically so that users can use all the services they need at any time convenient for them. Some users believe that the mobile application has reduced functionality, but in reality this is not the case at all. It completely duplicates the functionality of the site.