Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions: examples. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions II. Main stage

In this lesson you will get acquainted with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, learn to distinguish between them, learn the rules for determining homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, and look at interesting example sentences.

2. Definitions that characterize one subject, but according to different criteria, will be homogeneous.

For example:

Scary, tragic, an incredible set of circumstances did not allow me to fulfill homework In Russian(Fig. 2) .

Each of these definitions refers directly to the word being defined, and a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between them:

scary And tragic,

scary And incredible

Rice. 2. The boy is doing his homework ().

3. As a rule, artistic definitions, i.e. epithets, are homogeneous.

For example:

bright, gentle sun(Fig. 3)

gloomy, evil neighbor

important, arrogant look

funny, optimistic disposition

Rice. 3. Bright, gentle sun ().

4. Definitions will be homogeneous if they form a semantic gradation, that is, each subsequent definition strengthens the expressed characteristic.

For example:

Light, joyful , Maxim, who had finally returned home, was filled with a festive mood.

5. If after a single definition there is a participial phrase, then such definitions are homogeneous and are separated by a comma.

For example:

It's been a long time , a months-long return(Fig. 4) .

Do not forget that the participial phrase that comes before the word being defined is not isolated. Therefore, after the word months there is no comma.

1. Definitions will not be homogeneous if the previous definition does not refer directly to the word being defined, but to the combination of the next definition with the word being defined.

For example:

Bigsquare chocolate candy(Fig. 5) .

If you carefully examine the sentence, it becomes clear that the word big refers to the combination square chocolate candy, A

definition square refers to the combination chocolate candy.

These definitions characterize an object, in our case a chocolate candy, according to different criteria, according to different characteristics.




2. Heterogeneous definitions are very often expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. After all different types adjectives mean different signs.

For example:

I got some delicious strawberry ice cream today(Fig. 6) .

Words delicious And strawberry- these are heterogeneous definitions.

Rice. 6. Strawberry ice cream ().

In red cardboard box lay a huge striped lollipop(Fig. 7) .

Red And cardboard- heterogeneous definitions.

Huge And striped- heterogeneous definitions.

3. It is easy to identify heterogeneous definitions expressed by relative adjectives.

For example:

openworkcast iron gate,

summerlinguistic school,

4. If a relative adjective is combined with a participle, then these definitions will also be heterogeneous.

For example:


That's all the basic rules that are needed to understand whether the definitions are homogeneous or not. However, there are even more complex but interesting cases when it is not so easy to understand whether this definition is homogeneous or not, because it is related to the meaning of the sentence.

If we recognize the definitions as homogeneous, then we want to say that in these definitions there is some common feature, that we unite them according to some characteristic:

  • in appearance;
  • according to the impression made;
  • by cause and effect, etc.

For example:

Shined bright , summer sun(Fig. 8) .

We can put a comma in this sentence if we want to say that it was bright precisely because it was summer.

Rice. 8. Bright, summer sun ().

Even in the example we considered about candy:

Large square chocolate candy.

Big , square , chocolate candy.

Big+ square+ chocolate

We combine these signs general meaning- a good candy, we like everything about this candy: its size, its shape, and its composition. And, of course, such a sentence is pronounced with a completely different intonation.

Let's look at another example:

I was treated to a delicious chocolate candy.

In this sentence, the definition is expressed as a qualitative and relative adjective; it characterizes the subject according to different criteria, and, of course, they are heterogeneous. But it's not that simple. If we do add a comma, this sentence takes on a new meaning:

I was treated to a delicious , chocolate candy(Fig. 9) .

In this case, the word chocolate takes on a clarifying meaning, that is, we thus make it clear that only chocolate candy can be tasty, and all other candies are tasteless.

Rice. 9. Chocolate candy ().

Compare two sentences:

I'll order another ice cream(Fig. 10) .

I'll order another , ice cream.

In the first case, the definitions are heterogeneous and it is clear that the previous ice cream was also creamy. And in the second sentence the definitions are homogeneous, a comma is placed between them, and the second definition takes on a clarifying meaning, that is, the previous ice cream was not creamy. This sentence is pronounced with clarifying intonation.

Rice. 10. Ice cream ().

In today's lesson, you learned to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, and realized how one comma can change the meaning of a sentence.


1. Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnevskaya E.I., Stepanova E.B. Russian language. Tutorial for senior classes of humanitarian schools,: Moscow University Publishing House, 2011.

2. Barkhudarov S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu.. Cheshko L.A.. Russian language . 8th grade. Textbook for general education institutions,: Education, 2013

3. Russian language: textbook for 8th grade general education. institutions / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others - M.: Education, OJSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2008.

1. Website videotutor-rusyaz.ru ()


1. List the cases in which the definitions will not be uniform.

2. Indicate which sentences contain homogeneous definitions.

There was wet, loose and dazzling snow in the fields.

We walked through the quiet, star-lit taiga.

Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.

A dry, hot wind was blowing.

The rain-washed young grass smelled intoxicating.

The old country park is quiet.

Everything fell asleep in a sound, healthy sleep.

3. Copy the text, adding the missing commas:

Meanwhile, the sun rose a little more above the horizon. Now the sea no longer shone entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon there was a long shining stripe, and dozens of bright lights flashed in the slowly approaching waves. cutting eyes stars Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the gentle, sad blue of the August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different, new and unprecedented. It changes every hour before our eyes. Then it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. Then it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo wool, as if it were being ironed against the pile.

Without definitions that explain the properties and quality of an object, human speech would be “dry” and uninteresting. Everything that has a characteristic is conveyed in sentences using definitions. It is the description of objects that creates our knowledge about it and our attitude towards it: tasty fruit, bitter experience, beautiful person, white and fluffy rabbit, etc. Such explanations characterizing objects help to better understand them.

The concept of homogeneous members

To further reveal the content of a sentence or strengthen any part of it, sentences are often used. They answer the same question and explain or relate to the same part of the sentence. Homogeneous members are absolutely independent and are connected in a sentence either by enumerative intonation, or rarely they can be connected by concessions or reasons for what is happening that convey the meaning.

For example:

All members of a sentence, both secondary and major, can be equally homogeneous. Difficulties in placing punctuation marks often raise doubts about their uniformity. To know when commas are needed and when they are not, you need to understand what distinguishes between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions heterogeneous and homogeneous

Definitions that relate to one member of a sentence or that characterize it and answer one question are considered homogeneous. Commas are placed between homogeneous definitions, since they describe an object from some aspect or list its varieties, for example:

Heterogeneous definitions give a description of an object from different sides, characterizing it by its various qualities.

This is what distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Examples have shown that homogeneous ones are divided according to the characteristics and conditions that they characterize. They are also characterized by enumerative intonation.

Heterogeneous definitions

According to the method of expressing characteristics and place in a sentence, homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions can be divided.

Heterogeneous ones include:

  • Definitions that characterize or reveal the properties of an object from different sides. At the same time, its various qualities may be listed - shape, color, width, height, material, etc. For example: a long black scarf was wrapped several times around the neck (definitions indicate the length and color of the object).
  • Definitions consisting of a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For example: a girl took a red woolen mitten from her hand and stroked the kitten (“red” is a qualitative adjective characterizing the color, “woolen” is a relative adjective indicating the material).
  • Definitions represented by qualitative adjectives included in different semantic groups. For example: his cheerful green eyes narrowed (two qualitative adjectives characterize the word being defined from different angles).

Another feature that distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (examples clearly demonstrate this) is the absence of enumerative intonation when they reveal different properties of objects.

Main signs of homogeneity

To determine what type of definitions in a sentence belong to, you should know what specific features of the subject they can characterize. In the section “Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Definitions” (grade 8), the main features indicating homogeneity are given:

  • enumeration of qualities various items: aspens were decorated with yellow, purple and red foliage, birch trees - golden (definitions characterize foliage of different colors);

  • revealing the signs of an object, on the one hand, or a state: warm, quiet, unhurried rain rustled through the leaves (uniform definitions convey the state of rain);
  • each subsequent definition reveals or complements the meaning of the previous one: every September the forest is briefly transformed, acquiring a special, bright, unique appearance (the subsequent definition reveals the meaning of the previous one);
  • between the definitions you can substitute the conjunction and: on the table there were pencil and ink sketches (pencil and ink sketches);
  • when they convey different signs of an object, united in a common context by a single property: inflamed red eyes (red due to inflammation);
  • when they come after the defined word: we immediately looked at a fluffy, tall, slender Christmas tree (the defined word “Christmas tree”, followed by definitions describing it);
  • when this minor member of the sentence is an adjective and the person following it takes out a fragrant, browned loaf from the oven.
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are also distinguished by punctuation marks in a sentence. With homogeneous minor terms they are always placed.

    Punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions

    It is important to correctly determine whether or not to put punctuation marks when there are homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in a sentence. The lesson (8th grade) on this topic gives the following examples of comma placement:

    • When homogeneous definitions are expressed by a single adjective and a participial phrase following it, a comma is placed between them: the son handed his mother a large bouquet of wildflowers that he had collected.

    • When they list the characteristics of various objects, for example: red, yellow, orange, blue flowers, drawn by children on a gray fence, made it festive.
    • When listing different properties of one object, pointing out one of its properties: The cold, hard scoops of ice cream were different colors.
    • When all homogeneous definitions refer to one word and between them you can put a conjunction and: he answered with an honest, calm look (an honest and calm look).
    • When they are located immediately after the word being defined: he saw an elegant, fragile, gentle girl.
    • When synonymous properties of an object are listed in a single context: a stormy, roaring, deafening storm broke out.
    • When there are signs due to mutual dependence: heavy, prolonged downpour (prolonged because it is strong).
    • Commas are not used if homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are separated by the coordinating conjunction and. For example: red and yellow balls (uniform definitions); the house was large and made of stone (heterogeneous definitions).

      Additional signs of homogeneity and heterogeneity

      In addition to the main ones, there are additional signs indicating that the definitions are homogeneous. or poetic forms bound by the requirements of rhyme or terminology. In such speech constructions, definitions, even those that come after the object they define, may be undefinable. For example:

      Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (the exercises confirm this) can move from one quality to another. For example, when one definition comes before another, forming a single phrase with the subject: a long train.

      A special type of definition

      A special type includes definitions that connect explanatory relations. In this case, it is easy to determine where the definitions are homogeneous and heterogeneous. The test for distinguishing them is to substitute the conjunctions “namely” and “that is.”

      • A completely different, interesting time has come (different, namely interesting).
      • The play received a new, original sound (new, that is, original).

      A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions associated with explanatory conditions.


      As the rules show, they may have exceptions or notes, which is confirmed by the study of the topic “homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.” A class 11 lesson introduces students to a note on this topic. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions tend to change the meaning of a sentence, for example:

      • New, yellow taxis appeared on the city streets (the previous ones were not yellow).
      • New yellow taxis have appeared on the city streets (the number of yellow taxis has increased).

      In the first example, the emphasis is on the fact that taxis in the city have turned yellow. In the second, new cars appeared among the yellow taxis.

      Double punctuation

      Depending on what intonation the speaker uses, in some phrases the definition following the first may become not homogeneous, but explanatory. For example:

      • New proven methods led to the result (before these methods did not exist).
      • New, proven methods led to the result (previous methods were not proven).

      In the second example, you can substitute the conjunctions “that is” and “namely”, so a comma is added and the intonation changes.

Subject. “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.”

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Checking homework.
  1. Repetition

At home you should have repeated the spelling letters O-Y after the hissing ones. What determines the choice of letter after the sibilant? (From the part of the word in which the spelling is located, as well as from the part of speech). Tell us about the spelling of the letters O-E after sibilants. (The root is written E if you can find a word with the letter E, for example, yellow - to turn yellow. In the suffix and ending, the spelling depends on the stress: under the stress it is written O.). (E is written in the suffixes of participles, and also in the endings of verbs).

Cards with a differentiated task.

  1. Exercise 280.
  1. Syntax five minutes.

Write down the number, class work, and sentence for parsing in your notebooks.

The hundred-year-old pines called to each other in an alarming, whistling whisper, and dry frost poured from the disturbed branches with a soft rustle.

(Individual task – morphological analysis of the word “soft”)

  1. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, the topic of our lesson today is “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.” Lesson objectives: get acquainted with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, learn to distinguish between them, and correctly format their punctuation in writing.

  1. Repetition of learned material.
  1. Conversation.

What is a definition? (Definition - a minor member of a sentence that denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHOSE?)

What part of speech is most often expressed as a definition? (Adjective).

Before getting acquainted with the new material, let's remember the categories of adjectives by meaning? (Qualitative, relative, possessive.)

Name their differences.

Now let’s check how well you can distinguish between adjectives of different categories.

2. Let's conduct a digital dictation.

1 – relative, 2 – possessive, 3 – qualitative.

Mother’s shawl, a comfortable chair, a kitchen towel, a child’s shirt, a sandy beach, a young agronomist, green foliage, father’s gun, sweet tea, carrot puree.

Key: 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1.

Check it out.

  1. Getting to know new material.

1.Work with a proposal written on the board.

Read the sentence written on the board.

Low one-story houses were hidden under the oak trees.

Name the definitions in this sentence and how they are expressed.

Please note that both definitions refer to the same word, answer the same question, but there is no comma between them, since the definitions based on these characteristics are not always homogeneous.

  1. Writing on the board.

Look at this table. The adjectives in each column characterize the object from one side: color, size, taste, etc. The definitions expressed by such adjectives will be homogeneous.

If we take the adjectives of different columns, these will be heterogeneous definitions that characterize the subject from different sides and are most often expressed by a combination of a qualitative and a relative adjective.

Compare the sentences: 1) The clearing was colorfulwhite, blue, redflowers. - Mother boughtbig red sweetwatermelon. 2) They were on the counterwool, silk, chintz scarves. – White wool the jacket hung on the back of the chair.

So, heterogeneous definitions characterize the subject from different sides. However, such definitions can be homogeneous if they are combined general concept, that is, they create a general, holistic, unified impression of the subject. For example:Gray, rainy, gloomythe sky hung above us (all definitions are united by one common concept - the autumn sky, nondescript).

  1. Working with textbook T (p. 189).

Open paragraph 189 and write down point by point what other definitions are considered homogeneous. Write the entry in the form of a table.



1. Characterize an object (or objects) on one side: by color, shape, etc.

1. Characterize an object from different angles (usually a combination of a qualitative and a relative adjective).

2. Create a general, holistic, unified impression of the object (objects)

2. Definitions, when one is expressed by a pronoun or numeral, and the other by an adjective.

3. A combination of a single adjective with a participial phrase.

4. The second definition explains the first.

Check how you filled out the table.

Formulate the rule for placing a comma in definitions. (A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions.)

  1. Consolidation of new material.
  1. Working with the textbook.

A) Exercise 286 (oral).

The theme of the text is saving chicks, the main idea is that animals need to be protected and helped.

Conclude which definitions are called homogeneous?

B) Exercise 287.

The main idea is that the amazing is near us.

From Exercise 287, write down heterogeneous definitions with the words being defined.

(A steep sandy slope, a small blue-blue bird, a high sandy slope, a small silver fish, a sandy coastal slope).

What definitions are called heterogeneous?

  1. Working with signal cards.

Red color – heterogeneous definitions, yellow– homogeneous.

  1. Deep, dense antiquity surrounded my childhood in the settlement.
  2. A gray passenger ship passed.
  3. It was an annoying October rain.
  4. We bought an inflatable rubber boat for fishing.
  5. A joyful, festive, radiant mood was spreading, and the uniform seemed to become tight.
  6. It was somehow really sad in this small garden, already touched by late autumn.
  7. Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror.
  1. Explanatory dictation.
  1. It was an autumn day, gray, but quiet and warm. 2) A huge red moon slowly appeared from behind the roofs of a nearby village. 3) From the direction of the village, the hasty tramp of lively sheep’s feet was heard. 4) Pavel met the calm gray eyes of the stranger, who were carefully studying him.

Peer review.

  1. Independent work.

Your task is to find spelling and punctuation errors in the text.

We went to the village for the whole summer. Our old wooden house stood on the steep bank of the small, shallow and narrow Serebryanka River. It flowed quietly and calmly, either among colorful pine trees or through dense pine and spruce forests until it flowed into a flattering lake overgrown with lovely water lilies. In the summer, an adult could easily wade across it, but in the spring it began to violently boil up violently and overflow violently, and flooded the surrounding meadows. (10)

Check it out.

  1. Homework: paragraph 189, ex. 288, ind. Task – 291, 294, repeat. paragraph 42 (b after hissing words).
  2. Summarizing.

What new did you learn about definitions in this lesson? (They are homogeneous and heterogeneous).

Why is it important to be able to identify homogeneous or heterogeneous definitions? (For correct punctuation marks).

How can we determine whether the definitions are homogeneous or not?

Now let's solve the crossword puzzle:

1. A secondary member of a sentence, which denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHOSE? (Definition).

2. Definitions that characterize the subject on the one hand. (Homogeneous).

3. What are the names of definitions expressed by adjectives, ordinal numbers, participles and most often found before the word being defined? (Agreed).

4 and 6. Name the combination of which adjectives are usually used to express heterogeneous definitions. (Qualitative and relative).

5. What sign is placed between homogeneous definitions? (Comma).

What word is in the highlighted cells? (Benefit). Guys, I think that today's lesson was useful for you, you did a good and fruitful job. Today's assessments are...

Homogeneous these are called members of the proposal, which are interconnected by a coordinating connection, are subordinate to the same member of the sentence (or are subordinate to the same member of the sentence) and perform the same function in the sentence.

The problem of homogeneity/heterogeneity of sentence members is one of the most difficult. From homogeneous definitions, which are separated by commas in writing must be distinguished heterogeneous definitions, between which there is no comma.

One of the main criteria for distinguishing homogeneity / heterogeneity of definitions is the meaning of definitions. Homogeneous definitions characterize one object or different ones according to the same attribute, while heterogeneous definitions characterize from different aspects.

Homogeneity of definitions may increase morphological indicators. Should be considered way of expressing definitions(row homogeneous members represented, as a rule, either only by qualitative or only by relative adjectives), position in relation to the defined noun, as well as general character context.

Definitions are homogeneous if:

1 . indicate the distinctive features of different objects;

Her clothes combined white, red, lemon, and yellow tones (the tones were white, the tones were red, etc.).

2. denote various signs of one object, characterize the object on one side (when describing appearance, situation, during assessment);

The devastated, burned city was empty.

3. under contextual conditions, synonymous relations are created between definitions (contextual synonyms are formed);

Luck rarely looks upon a strong, prosperous person (in this context, the forms strong and prosperous, which are not synonyms in the language, act as synonyms, that is, as words close in meaning).

4. with each definition, the characteristic it expresses intensifies (a gradation is formed);

The mountain was fraught with some unknown, alarming, terrible danger.

5. the first definition is expressed by an adjective, and the second by a participial phrase - a participle with a dependent word;

An elderly man with a bushy beard, beginning to turn grey, greeted us.

Please note that the participle should not be single, but with a dependent word (participial phrase), and the participial phrase should be in second place (the single definition precedes the common one). In this case, a comma is placed between the adjective and the participial phrase, and not after the participial phrase.

6. stand after the word being defined (usually in a position of isolation);

A greyhound troika is running along a boring winter road.

7. definitions act as epithets - artistic definitions.

She really looked like a young, white, slender birch tree.

As homogeneousperform definitions, contrasted with a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Not long ago there were low, wooden houses in this area, but now there are tall, stone ones.

Let us pay attention to the definitions that are interconnected by explanatory relationships: the second definition specifies the first (usually conjunctions can be inserted between them, namely, that is). In this case, a comma is placed between the definitions:

Give me another, interesting book.

I need a different, better freedom...

Definitions are heterogeneous if:

1. characterize an object from different sides (express characteristics that relate to different generic (general) concepts);

Large _ white clouds floated across the sky (large - “size”, white - “color”).

2. they are represented by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives;

A fur coat made of thick _ fox fur.

3. one of them is directly related to the word being defined, forming a phrase with it, and the other relates to the entire phrase;

We looked at punctuation with agreed upon definitions. Inconsistent definitions As a rule, they are homogeneous: A gentleman wearing glasses, with amazed eyes, wearing a blue velvet beret and a long coat drove up to the porch.

Usually are homogeneous combinations of agreed and inconsistent definitions: A young man of about twenty-five entered, well dressed, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes.

The main task of everyone communication skills speech – ensure the effectiveness of speech.

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