Nudism in the world. The best beaches in Europe for nudists (travel world). Haulover Beach - Miami, Florida This beach located in Miami is a rarity in the USA

Top 5 best nudist resorts: popular beach resorts for relaxation, places to stay, specialized beaches for nudists.

Immediately lose all shame and put complexes in a deep box, because in front of you are five of the best places in the world where you need to stay exclusively naked.

Formentera, Spain

Stripes of an untanned body from a swimsuit? What swimsuit? Welcome to the tiny and southern island of the Spanish Balearic - Formentera, which is famous for some of the best beaches in the entire Mediterranean. You won't need a pareo, shorts, or even the most outrageous mini-bikinis here - a naked body is the norm for this island.

The most popular places: Playa Levante - an amazing sandy strip of the coast, decorated with greenery; and Playa Es Calo, famous for its azure waters and great snorkelling. In addition, it is not necessary to come here to live - party lovers staying in Ibiza sail to Formentera in one hour by ferry, rent a bike and find a beach or bay to their liking.

English Garden, Munich, Germany

While the standards of liberalism are only gaining momentum in Europe, nudism is already rampant in Germany. The Freikörperkultur (free body culture) movement originated in the country already in the 19th century, today reaching a downright threatening proportion. For example, in Munich, every summer, thousands of nudists flock to the largest park in the city - the English Garden, to bathe their naked bodies in the cool waters of the river, fry in the sun on green grass and have lunch right there, without leaving the place. Some tourists, of course, are somewhat shocked by such landscapes, while others join them without hesitation. And still others hire a rickshaw who famously takes them past the haul rookery to the Japanese house, where they come to their senses in the atmosphere of traditional peace and quiet of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Paradise Beach, Mykonos, Greece

In the 60s of the 20th century, thanks to hedonistic travelers, hippies and just free-love lovers, not just a beach appeared on the map of Greece, but a real Eden - the picturesque coast of Paradise Beach on the island of Mykonos. Today, what remains of the former glory of the resort are crowds of backpackers, incendiary parties, crowded bars and nightclubs. In a word, this beach is not the place where you can merge with nature, being in delightful loneliness.

Life in Paradise revolves around hundreds of tourists who not only love to sunbathe in what their mother gave birth to, but also practice homosexual love. In a word, morals here are the freest.

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Lake Viti, Askja caldera, Iceland

Tan, beach, nudism and Iceland somehow don't fit in your mind? And in vain. This country of volcanoes and geysers hides a real pearl - the Askja crater, which is secluded in the very center of the country, in the shadow of the Vatnajökull glacier, so getting there will not be easy. However, it is worth it: after the 1875 eruption, a water-filled caldera and two lakes formed here - Joskyuvatn and Viti. The latter is famous for its stunning nature, natural geothermal pools and secluded corners for those who like to unite with nature.

Traditional onsens, Japan

Bathing in hot springs - onsen - carefully guarded cultural tradition Japan. Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, this country seethes, soars and bubbles all year round. No wonder these baths are so loved by thousands of Japanese managers, considering them the best way relieve stress and relax. However, you can enjoy all the benefits of onsen only naked (and for the most part in the company of 5-6 of the same lovers of Japanese baths) - this is the philosophy of this place.

When considering places like nudist beaches, it is important to remember their motto - what was born in, what came in handy. Therefore, if you are attracted by the opportunity to discard all your complexes along with clothes, then you should figure out in which places it is best to look at others and show yourself.

Going out to the sun and sea waves, the main thing is to know that the coolness of such beaches is evaluated according to many criteria, but there are two most important ones:

1. Personal preference of each nudist. Indeed, for each person, what is personally dear to him will be cool, and not what is considered socially recognized.

2. Public preference - the more people gather on the beach, so, respectively, it will be cooler than the rest, because people will not choose bad places - the variety is simply great.

It is absolutely endless to find places dear to your heart, but I want to tell you about those that are already widely known and revered by a huge number of nudists around the world.

Nudist beaches, first of all, are designed to provide a person with the freedom that he often cannot get. But such freedom should not contradict legislative norms, therefore I propose to consider the best and, most importantly, legalized world beaches, which have accessibility, elitism and favorable conditions for being on them.


The French are a rather liberated nation, especially in terms of demonstration own body. The best nudist beaches in France are divided into several categories.

The most secular beach is located in Saint-Tropez and is called Plage de Tahiti. Everything on this beach looks as natural as possible. Here you can meet many of the most famous celebrities, and some very popular films like "And God Created Woman" were filmed and filmed here. In this place you will never run short of interesting personalities, because on your left there will be a company of well-groomed old women and volumes of popular books, and on your right - the same tanned company of grandfathers, covered only sunglasses from a famous brand.

The most family beach in France is called CHM-Montalivet Beach and is located in Vendée-Montalivet. This beach is considered one of the very first in the world, and nudists here call themselves naturists and feel unity with nature. There are a lot of cottages on this beach, and there is even a kids club, because it is designed for families with small children.

The closest to Venday-Montalive (80 km) is Bordeaux Airport. It is possible to fly from Moscow to Bordeaux and back (first there, back on August 15th) approximately.

The most nude beach is Cap d'Agde beach, located in the resort of Agde. If you come here, you will be able to flaunt naked not only on the beach itself, but also walk like this in the hotel itself, in the bar, at the post office. You can also go to the bank completely undressed, unless you take sunblock and glasses with you. You only have to dress once - when your vacation ends and you go to the airport to go home. In this place, they always look askance at dressed people, and they can even forcefully ask you to undress.


In Greece there is a very good and party beach, it is the most popular. This place is called Super Paradise Beach and is located on the island of Mykonos. There is just a huge flow of young people here - in the summer you simply will not push through because of the abundance of dancing bodies of various nationalities. It is precisely those who go here who in no way want to face solitude, because parties here are just around the clock. It is better not to leave such a beach at all, so as not to miss all the fun and get a good tan.

There are several very good beaches in the USA at once. The most picturesque of them is Baker Beach, which is located in San Francisco. From here you can enjoy a stunning view of the Golden Gate Bridge. But there is one rule - you need to take pictures very carefully and as closed as possible, because local naturists are very contemptuous of people with cameras. Therefore, if you were unexpectedly exposed, then it is better to show with all your appearance that you are filming sights and nature, and not a neighboring grandfather.

Haulover Beach in Miami is recognized as the most international beach in the USA. Here is the best security, white sand and skyscrapers stretching above the horizon. Attendance at the beach is quite high - about 7,000 people a day, and nice lifeguards make sure that you do not drown and do not overheat in the sun.


Praia do Pino, located in Santa Catarina, is recognized as the only official nudist beach in the country. This beach is one of the best in the whole world, although Brazil is not famous for its full body nudity. A huge number of nudists from all over the world flock to this beach, and the season lasts from November to February.

A flight from Moscow to Rio de Janeiro and back (in mid-September) will cost

The history of nudism has probably exactly the same number of years as the history of mankind. Adam and Eve were fine without clothes until they sinned and learned what shame is.

Many centuries later, the ancient Greeks quite calmly exposed themselves during sports competitions. It was they who came up with the word "gymnastics", which in translation literally meant "outcrop" (from the Greek "gymnos"). The gloomy era of the Middle Ages forced people to put on clothes. But already at that time there were "elements" protesting against such prohibitions. By the name of the first nudist Adam in history, they called themselves Adamites and claimed that clothes became the first barrier between people and their Creator. Despite the fact that the sect was subjected to severe persecution by the official church, the Adamite movement not only survived, but also “multiplied”: in the 14th century, under the name “Bogumils”, the Adamites appeared in Bulgaria, a little later in the Czech Republic and Germany, and in the 19th century century, the Adamite community "Oneida" appeared in the United States.
Nudism has become truly fashionable in Europe in the last century. The Croatian island of Rab became the first official naturist holiday destination in history. Since 1943, the most “advanced” bohemian characters from all over the world have been resting here.

Your shirt is closer to your body

The first nudists, who soon appeared in Russia, were exposed mainly as a sign of protest against sanctimonious moral norms. In 1925, they even created a society in Moscow called "Down with Shame", which was patronized by the Soviet government. From the point of view of the nudists of Soviet Russia of those years, shame was included in the list of bourgeois prejudices. It was necessary to fight with him, which, in fact, was what the community members were doing. And they did it this way: having gathered in small groups, they walked around the streets in the nude. Or rather, not completely naked: from the clothes on each of them there was only a ribbon with the inscription "Down with shame, bourgeois prejudice!" In this form, the fighters with shame visited cinemas, workers' canteens and other public places. The old women made the sign of the cross, turning around after them, the children cheerfully threw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at the wrestlers. Soon, however, the government nevertheless hinted to nudists to get out of the city, since the Moscow climate is not very favorable for the health of adherents of the naked order walking along the streets ...
Digging through the annals of history, you can find many earlier examples of nudism. Tsar Nicholas II, for example, was very fond of taking air baths in the nude and addicted to this occupation not only his family members, but also numerous courtiers. The pages of the official biography of the leader of the world proletariat, Ulyanov-Lenin, testify to the fact that he did not escape the pleasant fate of running naked on the nude beaches of Switzerland. And later, at the dacha of his colleague and party comrade Bonch-Bruevich, he even considered a draft law on behavior on nudist beaches ... One of the most famous nudists in Russia can be considered the famous poet Maximilian Voloshin, who opened an outlandish nudist beach at his dacha in Koktebel, which very quickly became a popular holiday destination for the Moscow and St. Petersburg intelligentsia. This beach, by the way, exists in Koktebeyl to this day. At different times, Isadora Duncan, Leo Tolstoy, Bernard Shaw and Albert Einstein demonstrated their passion for public exposure…
And today nudism in Russia is flourishing. In a country that has thrown off the yoke of socialist conventions and prejudices, there are several hundred official and semi-official naturist associations.

From a psychologist's point of view

The modern science of psychology, of course, could not stay away from the study of such a phenomenon of the human psyche as a passion for public exposure. However, not so much "public" as exposure. Nudists and naturists gather in groups not for the sake of debauchery, but for the sake of unity with nature. And, by the way, the rules of conduct on nudist beaches are quite strict: not a drop of alcohol, no dirty harassment, mockery of the figures of “brothers in mind”.
Psychologists distinguish among them a fairly large group of so-called outrageous personalities. For them, the presence on a nudist beach is a kind of landmark move that allows them to attribute themselves to a progressive, devoid of stupid prejudices, "advanced" part of society. A painful need for self-affirmation, which finds no outlet, also often leads a person to a nudist beach or a naturist community.
Another reason that brings a person to a nudist beach is often some kind of mental disorder. It manifests itself in the painful pleasure that a person experiences from exposure. This is one of the varieties of exhibitionism, in this case unconscious, and among nudists, painful cravings are dressed in a socially acceptable and not criminally punishable form, while exposure in public places can fall under the article of the criminal code, being regarded as hooliganism.
And, finally, the third psychotype, which is very common among nudists, is imitators. Seeing in the nudist movement itself or, more often, in some of its representatives, a certain ideal, a role model, they easily throw off their clothes, taking a step towards perfection.

Under the clothes all the people are naked

Nudism, by the way, has nothing to do with voyeurism. Those who consider nudists to be sick people who just like to show their genitals to each other are mistaken. Nudists are mostly peaceful people, living in a closed area and not violating its borders. Militant puritans can accuse them of anything, secretly dreaming ... at least once in their lives to swim naked, feeling the gentle touch of a wave on a completely naked body and a primitive feeling of complete unity with nature! ..
If sooner or later such a thought will visit you, do not forget that, in addition to pleasure, swimming and sunbathing on nudist beaches are fraught with a number of dangers. The decline in the importance of nudity as an erotic symbol and, as a result, the decrease in the intensity of sexual impressions is just one of them. We should also not forget about the serious danger of ultraviolet radiation for the female breast. Convex moles do not like the sun either. Among the troubles that often await a nudist on the beach is the risk of being photographed and seeing your photo posted on the Internet or on the pages of some “yellow” newspaper. So citizens, beware! %BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B0&hl=ru&biw=1366&bih=575&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=kpuXk_CBEL3kNM:&imgrefurl= =iU5aZ2L6KfmZKM&imgurl=http:/

Home clothes.

It makes no sense to talk about the benefits and necessity of home clothes for a long time. ()

Home clothes.

It makes no sense to talk about the benefits and necessity of home clothes for a long time. Home clothing is necessary for any person, except that he is not an avid convinced nudist who simply does not like clothes very much. Home clothes should not only be comfortable and comfortable, but they should also be beautiful in order not to give the impression of sloppiness on your home and those around you. Especially it concerns fair half humanity, which, unfortunately, is accustomed to walking around at home with a beloved husband in a greasy bathrobe, with a mask on his face and without makeup. The paradox is that in the end, when the family falls apart and the husband goes to his mistress, the woman quite sincerely asks the question, what was wrong in their relationship?

In fact, the answer is simple - since men are greedy for external beauty and they love, as you know, with their eyes, they constantly want to see a beautiful, well-groomed woman next to them, who takes care of herself and does not allow her to look sloppy and unkempt, like at home, as well as outside the home. It is in this case that it is necessary to purchase modern and comfortable home clothes, which, in addition to being very convenient and comfortable, are also beautiful and neat. Home clothes can be completely different - it can be such an intimate option - a peignoir and a silk robe, but this is not always convenient, especially when there is active cleaning or cooking, that is, when a woman is doing housework. Home clothes should be practical, which is why the most common home clothes are a t-shirt + pants or t-shirt + shorts suit, in which it is very convenient to do cleaning, cook food, and exercise practice and wallow on the couch with your favorite animal.

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Get into the habit of periodically being naked in front of a mirror. Psychologists are sure that women who are embarrassed by their nudity cannot fully enjoy life. Their lack of confidence in their own beauty and attractiveness is reflected in almost everything - relationships with men, family life, career advancement and other important things for modern woman spheres.

This, of course, does not mean that we all immediately have to turn into nudists. However, learning to adequately perceive your body in the nude will not hurt many of us. If you have such a problem, see what experts advise those women who want to feel confident in any situation ...

Get naked in front of a mirror.
Get into the habit of occasionally getting naked in front of a mirror. Let your uncovered body stop embarrassing you, and over time you will learn to find in it not only flaws, but also virtues. And to get rid of the complexes, recommends periodically visiting the sauna, swimming pool or gym, where you can see other women in a naked state. Then you will understand that ideal bodies It doesn't, and you don't have to worry too much about it. And in order to learn to feel even more harmonious in the naked, look like “neglizhe” when you are all alone at home.

Feel your body.
To learn to love your body as it is, you must first “feel” it well. This can be achieved by doing yoga, as many famous models and star beauties do. However, you can do without yoga, if you periodically do a very simple exercise. Left at home alone, in complete silence, lie on the floor with your back down and make a few movements with your arms and legs. At the same time, you should feel all the muscles of your body, “play” with them, because only in this way will you be able to control your body to the fullest. Your task is to turn on the "connection" with those muscles that we simply do not feel in ordinary life.

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Futurama: Bender's big score! (2007)
When evil nudist aliens stage a cyber attack on the Planet Express, they discover a shocking fact: the secret to time travel is magically tattooed on Fry's buttocks. Using their devious software to control Bender, they send the robot back in time to plunder Earth's greatest treasures. Bender's rampage of space and time leads to dire consequences when he faces Al Gore during a recount in 2000...

The largest bikini parade took place in the American city of Panama City. Well, men can and will be delighted by this spectacle, but somehow I don’t give a damn about who they are and what they wear. At least they arrange a nudist parade.

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The history of nudism! Where did he start?

All strange and not quite ordinary directions and movements began somewhere.

Having learned the origins, you can better understand the very essence of the process.
Nudism appeared a very long time ago - we can say that the trend arose along with humanity itself.

The basis of this phenomenon is not a vulgar and, in some way, completely perverted desire to admire nudity and show one's own (this is rather inherent in exhibitionists), but a completely healthy desire to become closer to nature.

The modern world is slowly starting to get rid of the remnants of morality acquired over the centuries: people are increasingly and more willing to arrange not only nudist beaches, but also whole naturism tours.
And it all started like this...

At the end of the 19th century, two books published almost simultaneously, but independently of each other, "Nudity" by Heinrich Ingewitter and "Cult of Nudity" by Heinrich Pudor became super-bestsellers throughout Europe.

They served as the detonator of a real psychological revolution, which very quickly swept all enlightened countries.

The essence of these books boiled down to the fact that humanity has lost a lot, forever fenced off from wildlife with walls of dwellings and clothing, thereby falling under a deep dependence on them.

That for complete physical and mental health, the body needs closer, direct bodily contact with air, water, grass, dew, and other natural accumulators of a beneficial natural aura.

It should be noted here that the bathing suits of that time were similar to modern night pajamas.
So we decided not to shorten them, not to cut them to the size of a bikini, which at that time would have looked very eccentric, but to remove them altogether.
The ideas of nudism have not only become fashionable, they have become an indicator of the cultural level of a person.

Not sharing, much less condemning these ideas was considered a sign of backwardness.

Nudism was practiced by all the highest aristocracy, scientific and business intelligentsia, cultural and art figures.

Ancient Greece.
The sacred nature of nudity was noticed even in antiquity: it was not for nothing that the Greeks held all sporting events completely naked.

The word "gymnos" itself means "naked", from which the modern word "gymnastics" comes to us.

In addition, most of the pagan fertility rites were also performed in the nude.

In many regions of ancient Greece, there was a practice of spiritual protection against a possible attack: every month, young girls had to pass with a plow around the borders of the village.

The origin of nudism in India was also associated with mystical reasons.

Even the chroniclers of Alexander the Great described the course of the so-called gymnosophists - naked sages.

At the moment, there is still a certain sect of ascetics, which, in fact, is one of the branches of Jainism.

Here nudity is seen as liberation from the mortal world.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Puritan Germany surprised the rest of the world.

The culture of the free body was born here, which, as you understand, is based on the constant nudism of its adherents.

From this point on, you can count modern history nudism, founded by the geographer (and staunch anarchist) Eliza Reclus.

He declared nudity as a socially acceptable behavior that could lead the whole world to a new way of thinking.
Around the same time, the teachings of naturism also penetrated Scandinavia.

Here, his apologist is Soren Sorensen, who founded in 1936 the first of its kind nudist club "Sunny Sport of the North". From here, the current spread to France, where the doctors Gaston and André Duville began publishing the magazine Live Wisely and founded the Heliopolis themed resort.

Naturally, Russia, as the largest European power, did not stand aside. In St. Petersburg, and then in other large cities, nudist societies formed.

In "backward" and "uncivilized" countries - such as the USA, Canada, Australia - the first nudist societies appeared only 30 years later.
The first members of the St. Petersburg society were representatives of the highest aristocracy, the elite and bohemians of the capital. Tsar Nicholas II was an honorary member, his wife and children also took an active part.

In the summer, “nudist Sundays” were regularly arranged with trips to bathing places. In addition, trips to "nudist camps" were arranged every 2-3 weeks.
It happened like this.

On carts loaded with dry hay, the society went away from the city, into deserted forests and fields.

There, everyone undressed, handed over clothes to the convoy, and took only tools, dishes and a supply of food with them.

Women were taken to lighting fires and cooking.

The men cut down trees and built a large shed for the night with a straw roof. The earth was lined with a layer of dry hay so that it was not hard to sleep.

In the evenings, they sat around the fire after midnight with conversations and chants.

On the full moon, dances were arranged around the fire to the beat of home-made drums in the spirit of primitive exoticism.

His Imperial Highness Nicholas II with the Guardsmen of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

1913, Finnish Skerries.
In those years, in big fashion (as it is now amateur video) there was a photograph that had just appeared.

Nicholas II was very fond of her, he left behind a huge photo archive.
There were other photographers among the nudists.
In 1992, when there was a general declassification of the "red" archives, a documentary film was shown on television as part of the Vzglyad program, consisting entirely of these photographs - the tsar and ministers in Adam's costumes are cutting down trees, a naked queen with maids of honor is cooking porridge by the fire, and other.
However, this film was never broadcast again, and all copies of it were removed from the archives.

The situation cleared up when some time later, after the reburial of the remains of the executed royal family, Nicholas II was canonized.

Alexandra Kollontai and Pavel Dybenko, 1924
As they say, Lenin began to practice nudism back in Zurich, among the peaceful intellectuals there.

When some social democrat came to visit from Russia, he was always taken to the nudist lakes to take a sip of spiritual and bodily freedom.
Returning to Russia, Lenin immediately shared his European experience with his comrades-in-arms and organized a nudist society at Bonch-Bruevich's dacha.

The charter and program of the society, written by Lenin himself, have been preserved in the archives.

At Bonch-Bruevich, on weekends, the color of the dictatorship of the proletariat was exposed, including Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Kamenev and many others.
In the women's section, of course, Shurochka Kollontai was in the lead - an extremely crazy “non-tea”, later the creator of the sexual theory of the “Glass of Water”. She brought Dybenko to society.

In those days, the Bolsheviks did not hide their loyalty to nudism, on the contrary, they were proud of it.
Here is what Sergey Glezerov writes:
In the summer of 1925, the “Down with shame!” Society appeared in Moscow.

Groups of six or ten people marched completely naked through the streets, and on the ribbons worn across the naked body was written:

"Down with shame - this is a bourgeois prejudice." The women were wearing nothing but shoes and bags for documents.

Moreover, they went to the cinema in this form, to the canteen for workers, and even rode the tram.

The idea did not arouse understanding in society: they say that grandmothers, seeing them, were baptized, children threw stones and rotten vegetables at them.
The Belgian consul in Russia, Joseph Douillet, later recalled:

“In 1925, for propaganda, some members of the eccentric society “Down with shame!” were sent on trips: to Kharkov, Rostov, Mineral water etc.

I saw them dressed as Adam and Eve in Rostov."

Rural commune in the Moscow region, 1925
After some thought, People's Commissar of Health Semashko, on behalf of the government, condemned the attempts to walk naked around Moscow.

At the same time, he put forward the following as the main argument: “an unsuitable climate, too low temperature Moscow, threatening the health of the population if it is carried away by the ideas of the “Down with Shame!” society. The People's Commissariat of Health found out that the air of city streets is oversaturated with dust and bacteria that are harmful to human skin.

Therefore, it was recommended not to appear on city streets without clothes, but to look for healthy fresh air and sunlight on the outskirts of the city and on the banks of reservoirs ...
Gradually, the government formed an opinion that it was time to end this "nudist" lawlessness.

Stalin, having learned the benefits of outwardly decent asceticism while still in the theological seminary, quickly put things in order. Exposure in public was attributed to the articles of the Criminal Code "hooliganism" and "violation of public order."

By the 30th year, nudism in the USSR was over, it began to be considered a crime.
In Europe, meanwhile, the boom stage ended, the spread of nudism slowly went on as usual.

There were, of course, deviations and excesses there, but gradually time smoothed them out.

Nudism has become a common thing, the norm of life, no longer shocked or even surprised anyone. It is especially widespread in the countries northern Europe- in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and throughout Scandinavia.
Maximilian Voloshin, a well-known poet, artist and critic, became the main ideologist of Russian and then Soviet nudism.

It was he who became the founder of the first nudist beaches in Koktebel, where all the color of the then Russian intelligentsia gathered at his dacha.

IN different years Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Nikolai Gumilyov, Alexei Tolstoy and many others have been here.

Video without sound, unfortunately.

Here are the top 10 nude beaches in the world for your information:

10. Wreck Beach - Vancouver, Canada
Canada is best known for its polite disposition, beautiful women and great food.

So it's rather strange that Canada has some of the most beautiful nude beaches in the world.

On the other hand, if you're surrounded by naked people, it really doesn't hurt to be polite.

Wreck Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Canada, especially for young people.

It's also only 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver, so it's easy to get to.

The beach covers almost 8 km and is even considered one of the "Seven Wonders of Canada".

9. Playa Las Suecas - Contadora Island, Panama
Over the past few years, Panama has become one of the most popular countries for tourists. Vibrant culture combined with magnificent scenery attracts people from all over the world.

Playa Las Suecas on the island of Contadora is the only place in Panama where you can be completely naked, and such exclusivity is saying something!

This is perhaps the most famous and one of the most beautiful nude beaches in the world.

8. Bellevue Beach - Copenhagen, Denmark
About ten kilometers from the center of Copenhagen lies the Bellevue beach. The location has made it one of the most popular nude beaches in the world. During the summer it is packed with tourists and locals.

Most visitors to this 700-meter-long beach prefer to swim without clothes.

Although the beach is quite small, it is fully equipped with showers, restrooms and lifeguards.

The shy need not worry - no one will force you to undress, and no one forbade swimwear here.

7. Haulover Beach - Miami, Florida
This beach located in Miami is a rarity in the USA.

The state beach, where you don't have to wear swimwear, is known as one of the cleanest beaches in Miami.

Pristine white sand, tranquil atmosphere and great weather - Haulover Beach is definitely worth a visit.

The beach is fully equipped, and for the safety of visitors it is even guarded by a police patrol.

6. Es Cavallet - Ibiza, Spain
The official nude and gay friendly beach of Ibiza is one of the most beautiful in Spain.

The picturesque views and variety of tropical flora are simply breathtaking. The beach is a 25-minute drive from San Antonio, and most of its visitors are young party-goers who are not shy about getting naked.

5. Lokrum Island - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Like Panama, last years Croatia has gained popularity among tourists from all over the world.

From Dubrovnik to Lokrum Island can be reached by water taxi in just fifteen minutes, so getting here is not a problem.

The nude beach here is more rocky, but that just means there are fewer people and a lot more freedom than any other beach.

4. Playa El Agua - Margarita Island, Venezuela
Playa El Agua is the largest and most beautiful beach on Margarita Island.

The beach, lined with palm trees, is one of the most visited in Venezuela.

Not only can you walk around without clothes here, you can also find everything you need here - from restaurants to hotels.

Venezuela is famous for its wild energy and beautiful women, and El Agua Beach has it all in abundance.

3. Grand Saline - St. Barth
Basically, St. Barth's is a sandbox for the rich and famous. Literally.

Everyone who is worth at least something ends up here sooner or later, and during the hot season you can meet more than one celebrity here.

This luxury destination is one of the most desirable travel destinations on the planet.

Although it is incredibly beautiful and calm here, the wind on the beach is quite severe, but this does not interfere with lovers of sunbathing without swimsuits.

2. Plakias Beach - Crete, Greece
Rich history and culture, excellent cuisine and breathtaking views provide Greece with a steady flow of tourists from all over the world.

Many of them do not bypass the Plakias beach, which is one of the most famous nudist beaches on the planet. While most beaches in Greece allow topless sunbathing, Plakias allows visitors complete freedom and most prefer not to wear any clothes at all.

1. Le Centro Helio Marin - Montalivier, France
It is not surprising that the first place belongs to a nudist beach in France.