Hereditary diseases and human lifestyle. Big Risk Factors Lifestyle Diseases and Their Prevention

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Basic concepts of population health; factors determining health

Objective indicator state of human health - his physical development, which is understood as a complex of morphological and functional characteristics of the body: size, shape, structural and mechanical qualities and harmonious development human body, as well as the reserve of his physical strength.

The foundations of physical development are laid during the period of intrauterine development, however, natural-climatic, socio-economic, environmental factors, life stereotypes that occur in subsequent periods of life determine differences in the physical development of people of different nationalities living in different economic-geographical zones.

Basic indicators of individual human health:

Harmony of physical and neuropsychic development;

Presence or absence chronic disease;

Level of functioning and reserve capabilities of organs and systems of the body;

Level of immune defense and nonspecific resistance of the body.

The following components of health are distinguished: person.

1. Physical component of health- the state of organs and systems that ensure the vital functions of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous, digestive, genitourinary, etc.), as well as the state of the body’s bioenergy.

2. Psycho-emotional health- the ability to adequately assess and perceive one’s feelings and sensations, to consciously manage one’s emotional state, thanks to which a person is able to effectively withstand stressful loads and find safe outlets for negative emotions.

3. Intellectual development a person determines the level of creative activity in various fields of scientific and creative activity.

4. Social component of personal health is determined by a person’s place in society, the nature of his interaction with society, family and friends.

5. Professional component of health determined by work activity. The higher the level of professionalism of a person, the higher the requirements for work.

6. Spiritual development defines a person life values person.

However, optimal health requires optimal relationship between man and the environment. In particular, it is important for a person to know in what conditions he lives, works and rests (electromagnetic radiation, level of air pollution and drinking water, the presence of geoanomalous zones), be able to reduce their adverse effects. That is why the expediency of determining the ecology of each home, workplace, region of residence and markers of environmental distress based on condition assessment data is obvious.

Health is formed under the influence of the following factors:

Endogenous (heredity, intrauterine influences, prematurity, congenital defects);

Natural and climatic (climate, terrain, rivers, seas, forests);

Socio-economic (level economic development society, working conditions, living conditions, food, recreation, cultural and educational level, hygienic skills, upbringing).

At the same time, the weight of various factors in the overall structure of an individual lifestyle is unequal (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Proportion of factors affecting health

The health of each individual person is largely determined by his way of life.

Under the influence of long-term unfavorable factors, the level of physical development decreases, and, conversely, improvement of conditions and normalization of lifestyle contribute to an increase in the level of physical development.

Human self-preservation behavior is of great importance - people’s attitude towards their health and the health of their loved ones, which involves following the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Concept « healthy image life" covers the main forms of human activity. Yu.P. Lisitsyn, based on the classifications of I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, identifies four categories in lifestyle (Fig. 2.2).

Concept "the quality of life" directly related to self-assessment of one’s own health level. IN modern medicine The term “health-related quality of life” is widely used. Currently, WHO has developed the following criteria for assessing health-related quality of life:

Physical (strength, energy, fatigue, pain, discomfort, sleep, rest);

Psychological (emotions, level of cognitive functions, self-esteem);

Level of independence (daily activities, performance);

Social life (personal relationships, social value);

Environment (safety, ecology, security, accessibility and quality medical care, information, training opportunities, everyday life).

Category Standard of living Definition The degree to which a person’s material and spiritual needs are satisfied Characteristics Depends on the income of a person (family), the quantity and quality of material goods and services consumed, housing conditions, accessibility and quality of education, healthcare and culture, the level of social payments and benefits
Life style The set of patterns of behavior of an individual Determined by historically established national and religious traditions, professional needs, as well as family foundations and individual habits
Way of life Established order, structure of social life, everyday life, culture It implies the satisfaction of a person’s material and spiritual needs for communication, recreation, and entertainment; directly depends on the level of culture, climatic and geographical conditions
The quality of life A person's perception of his own position in life in accordance with goals, expectations, norms and concerns Determined by the physical, social and emotional factors of a person’s life that are of significant importance to him and influence him (level of comfort, work, his own financial and social situation, level of performance)

A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, motivated human activity aimed at preventing adaptation failure by eliminating or reducing the impact of harmful environmental factors and increasing the specific and nonspecific resistance of the body, increasing the body’s reserves through training.

Currently, a healthy lifestyle is becoming an increasingly important way to preserve and strengthen the health of the individual and his offspring, and, consequently, the entire population as a whole.

Elements of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Regular physical and physical activity.

2. Elimination of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, substance abuse).

3. Psychological comfort and prosperous family relationships.

4. Economic and material independence.

5. High medical activity.

6. Complete, balanced, balanced diet, adherence to diet.

7. Job satisfaction, physical and mental comfort.

8. Active life position, social optimism.

9. Optimal work and rest regime.

10. Good rest (a combination of active and passive rest, compliance with hygienic requirements for sleep).

11. Competent environmental behavior.

12. Competent hygienic behavior.

13. Hardening.

Questions for self-control

1. List the groups of factors influencing the formation of health.

2. Formulate a definition of the concept of “healthy lifestyle” taking into account the new terminology.

3. Describe the concept of “way of life”.

4. Describe the concept of “standard of living”.

5. Describe the concept of “lifestyle”.

6. Describe the concept of “quality of life”.

The level of health of an individual is determined by the influence of a variety of factors, among which the most important are nutrition, physical activity, good rest, the ability to withstand stress, the absence of bad habits, a reasonable work schedule and active rest, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, the use of natural factors for healing.

The mutation process in humans and its role in hereditary pathology are characterized by the following indicators. 10% of human diseases are determined by pathological genes or genes that determine a predisposition to hereditary diseases. This does not include some forms of malignancies that arise as a result of somatic mutations. About 1% of newborns become ill due to gene mutations, some of which are new.

The mutation process in humans, like in all other organisms, leads to the emergence of alleles that negatively affect health. The vast majority of chromosomal mutations ultimately lead to one form or another of pathology. Currently, more than 2000 hereditary human diseases have been discovered. This also includes chromosomal diseases. Another group of hereditary diseases is caused by genes, the implementation of which to one degree or another depends on the adverse effects of the environment, for example, gout. The negative environmental factor in this case is poor nutrition. There are diseases with a hereditary predisposition ( hypertonic disease, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, many forms of malignant tumors).

Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by changes (mutations), mainly chromosomal or gene, according to which chromosomal and actually hereditary (gene) diseases are conventionally distinguished. The latter include, for example, hemophilia, color blindness, and “molecular diseases.” Unlike so-called congenital diseases, which are detected from birth, hereditary diseases can appear many years after birth. About 2 thousand hereditary diseases and syndromes are known, many of which are the cause of high infant mortality. Medical genetic counseling plays an important role in the prevention of hereditary diseases.

2. Hereditary diseases caused by poor environmental conditions:

1) the influence of heavy metal salts on heredity.

Heavy metals are highly toxic substances that retain their toxic properties for a long time. According to World Organization Health care, they already occupy the second place in terms of danger, inferior to pesticides and significantly ahead of such well-known pollutants as carbon dioxide and sulfur. In the forecast, they should become the most dangerous, more dangerous than nuclear power plant waste (second place) and solid waste (third place).

Poisoning with heavy metal salts begins even before a person is born. Heavy metal salts pass through the placenta, which, instead of protecting the fetus, poisons it day after day. Often the concentration of harmful substances in the fetus is even higher than in the mother. Babies are born with developmental defects genitourinary system, up to 25 percent of babies have deviations from the norm during kidney formation. Rudiments internal organs appear already in the fifth week of pregnancy and from that moment on they are influenced by heavy metal salts. Well, since they also affect the mother’s body, disabling the kidneys, liver, nervous system, then it’s no wonder that now you practically don’t see normal physiological childbirth, and babies come into this life with a lack of weight, with physical and mental developmental defects.

And with each year of life, salts of heavy metals dissolved in water add to their illnesses or aggravate congenital diseases, primarily of the digestive organs and kidneys. Often, one child suffers from 4-6 systems in the body. Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are a kind of indicator of trouble, and they are now found even in preschool children. There are other warning signs too. Thus, exceeding the level of lead leads to a decrease in intelligence. A psychological examination showed that we have up to 12 percent of such children.

What measures should today ensure the protection of human health and its environment from the harmful effects of technogenic metals? We can outline two main ways here: sanitary and technical reduction of the content of metals in environmental objects to maximum permissible (safe) levels through the introduction of architectural, planning, technological, technical and other measures; hygienic scientific development permissible levels their content in the external environment, requirements and recommendations in combination with constant monitoring state and quality of this environment.

Prevention chronic intoxications metals and their compounds should be ensured primarily by replacing them, where possible, with harmless or less toxic substances. In cases where it does not seem realistic to exclude their use, it is necessary to develop such technological schemes and designs that would sharply limit the possibility of air pollution by them production premises and outdoor atmosphere. With regard to transport, which, as mentioned above, is one of the significant sources of lead emissions into the atmosphere, environmentally friendly fuel should be introduced everywhere. A very radical means is the creation of waste-free or low-waste technologies.

Along with the above measures, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of metals in the body. For this purpose, when medical examination workers and the population in cases of their contact with technogenic metals should be determined in the biological media of the body - blood, urine, hair.

2) the influence of dioxins on heredity.

Dioxins remain one of the main dangers threatening our and future generations. Numerous studies show that extremely toxic and persistent organochlorine poisons, which include dioxins, are found everywhere - in water, air, soil, food, human body. At the same time, the federal authorities have not yet made a single real attempt to somehow protect the population from the “dioxin danger.”

Dioxins and dioxin-like substances are invisible but dangerous enemies. The power of their impact on humans is such that the issue of preserving life on Earth in general is already on the agenda. Dioxins are universal cellular poisons that affect all living things in the smallest concentrations. In terms of toxicity, dioxins are superior to such well-known poisons as curare, strychnine, and hydrocyanic acid. These compounds do not decompose in the environment for decades and enter the human body mainly with food, water and air.

Dioxin damage provokes malignant tumors; transmitted through mother's milk, lead to such birth defects, such as anencephaly (absence of the brain), “cleft lip”, and others. Among the more long-term consequences of dioxins is the loss of the ability to reproduce offspring. Men experience impotence and a decrease in sperm count, and women experience an increased rate of miscarriages.

The effect of dioxins on humans is due to their influence on the receptors of cells responsible for the functioning of hormonal systems. In this case, endocrine and hormonal disorders occur, the content of sex hormones, thyroid and pancreatic hormones changes, which increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, the processes of puberty and fetal development are disrupted. Children are lagging behind in development, their education is hampered, and young people develop diseases characteristic of old age. In general, the likelihood of infertility, spontaneous abortion, birth defects and other anomalies. The immune response also changes, which means the body’s susceptibility to infections increases, and the frequency of allergic reactions, oncological diseases.

The main danger of dioxins (which is why they are called super-ecotoxicants) is their effect on the immune-enzyme system of humans and all air-breathing creatures. The effects of dioxins are similar to the effects of damaging radiation. According to American scientists, dioxins play the role of a foreign hormone, suppressing the immune system and enhancing the effects of radiation, allergens, toxins, etc. This provokes the development of cancer, diseases of the blood and the hematopoietic system, endocrine system, congenital deformities occur. Changes are inherited, the effect of dioxins extends over several generations. Women and children are especially susceptible to the damaging effects of dioxins: in women all reproductive functions are impaired, in children immunodeficiency (lowered immunity) appears.

3) the effect of pesticides on heredity.

It is known that pesticides caused considerable harm to the health of people - both those who participated in their use and those who had nothing to do with it. Below is a small section from the book by L.A. Fedorov. and Yablokova A.V. “Pesticides are a dead end of civilization (a toxic blow to the biosphere and humans).”

Since all pesticides are mutagens and their high mutagenic activity has been proven in experiments on animals, including mammals, there is no doubt that in addition to the immediate and quickly noticeable consequences of their exposure, there must also be long-term genetic effects.

The duration of accumulation in humans is much longer than in experimental animals in which the mutagenic activity of pesticides was shown. It doesn't take a prophet to confidently predict a surge hereditary disorders in all pesticide-intensive agricultural areas of the world. As the world abandons the use of pesticides, the consequences of the pesticide strike on the gene

Numerous studies have shown that the factors that determine health are:

  • biological (heredity, type of higher nervous activity, constitution, temperament, etc.);
  • natural (climate, landscape, flora, fauna, etc.);
  • state environment;
  • socio-economic;
  • level of healthcare development.

These factors influence people's lifestyle. It has also been established that lifestyle by about 50%, the state of the environment by 15-20%, heredity by 15-20% and healthcare (the activities of its organs and institutions) determine health (individual and public) by 10%.

Closely related to the concept of health is the idea of.

Health factors

WHO experts in the 80s of the 20th century determined the approximate ratio of various health factors modern man, highlighting four derivatives as main ones. Subsequently, these conclusions were fundamentally confirmed in relation to our country as follows (WHO data in brackets):

  • genetic factors - 15-20% (20%)
  • environmental condition - 20 - 25% (20%)
  • medical support - 10-15% (7 - 8%,)
  • conditions and lifestyle of people - 50 - 55% (53 - 52%).
Table 1. Factors influencing human health

Sphere of influence of factors


Health promoting

Impairing health

Genetic (15-20%)

Healthy heredity. Absence of morpho-functional prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases

Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases

State of the environment (20-25%)

Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, environmentally friendly habitat

Harmful living and production conditions, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the environmental situation

Medical support (10-15%)

Medical screening, high level preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care

Lack of constant medical monitoring of health dynamics, low level primary prevention, poor quality medical care

Conditions and lifestyle (50-55%)

Rational organization of life activity, sedentary lifestyle, adequate physical activity, social and psychological comfort. nutritious and balanced nutrition, absence of bad habits, valeological education, etc.

Lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo- or hyperdynamia, social and psychological discomfort. unhealthy diet bad habits, insufficient level of valeological knowledge