Carrot juice with pulp at home. Carrot juice for the winter at home. Carrot-beetroot-apple juice in a blender - video

I suggest you prepare a very healthy and tasty preparation - carrot juice for the winter. Carrots are a very healthy vegetable, they are high in fiber, microelements, and vitamins. A large number of carotene makes carrots a very important nutritional element. The benefits of eating carrots for eye health, improving metabolism, and also for prevention have been proven. malignant tumors. Carrot juice is delicious and healthy, so let's make it!

So, to prepare carrot juice for the winter, we only need carrots and a little sugar.

First, you need to wash and peel the carrots. Let's cut it into small pieces.

Juice can be squeezed different ways: scroll through a meat grinder and squeeze, use a mechanical juicer. I use an electric juicer. I scrolled the cake twice (by the way, you can make excellent jelly from it or use it in preparing other dishes).

From 1 kg of carrots I got 500 ml of juice. Its quantity depends, of course, on the juiciness of the carrots.

Carrot juice is ready! Invite your loved ones and treat them to a wonderful natural drink!

But we want to prepare juice for the winter, so we’ll heat the juice in a saucepan, bring it to a boil, and add sugar. Pour the juice into jars pre-heated over steam and immediately close the lids tightly. Let's turn it over and put it under the fur coat until it cools. Now we have a wonderful preparation - carrot juice for the winter. Let's be healthy all year!

For the cold weather, along with various homemade rolls, they also make all kinds of juices. This is a great alternative to store-bought options, and is truly natural and healthy. Prepared and carrot juice for the winter. The following will tell you how to do it: culinary recipes. At the same time, everyone will have an excellent opportunity to stock up on vitamin drinks for future use. And if you make it yourself, at home, from environmentally friendly raw materials, it will really be much healthier and tastier than store-bought treats. After all, the entire spectrum of vitamins found in a regular garden orange root vegetable is preserved in the drink.

And, before we take on the workpiece, let’s reveal a little secret. The root vegetable itself and, accordingly, the fresh juice from it are better absorbed if you add a little vegetable fat to them, literally a couple of drops. To do this, use olive, grape or linseed oil. By the way, with such an unusual additive it will become well digestible.

Recipe No. 1

To prepare " Carrot juice. Recipe for the winter"with pulp, excellent for increasing hemoglobin, indicated for use by children and during pregnancy, as well as simply to quench thirst, you will need the following ingredients: 1 kg of ripe juicy carrots, 1-2 tbsp. granulated sugar and 1 liter of water.

Karoteli root vegetables are selected exclusively whole, without spoilage, and are thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then they are cut into cubes of a small size convenient for processing and crushed into puree using a blender. You can first pour boiling water over the vegetables or steam them for a couple of minutes. Ready mass combine with one or two glasses (350-400 ml) of cool water, stir and place on moderate heat until it boils. During cooking, foam will form on the surface of the brew, which must be removed regularly.

After boiling, the heat is reduced to a minimum, and the mass is cooked until completely softened. After boiling, the workpiece is cooled to room temperature. In the meantime, a syrup is made from the remaining water and sugar sand, which is boiled for 7-10 minutes. Next, the vegetable mass that has had time to cool should be ground until smooth in a blender or using a mixer, and poured into an enamel container of a suitable capacity. Sweet syrup is added there, and the mixture is boiled at a gentle simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Finally, it is poured into pre-sterilized glass containers and sealed with sealing caps. The plug is turned upside down and wrapped to cool slowly. The drink should be stored exclusively in cool places. And immediately before use, it is combined with other liquids to improve taste; for example, with fresh grape, apple or pear juice. After all, not everyone can drink exclusively pure carrot juice!

Recipe No. 2

The second option suggests completing the preparation “ Carrot juice for the winter» without turning on the water, that is, in the so-called pure form, concentrated. For this you will need to prepare the following ratio of products: for 1 kg of carrots - 50-100 g granulated sugar(taste).

So, preparing homemade juice begins with preparing vegetables. They should be thoroughly washed and peeled. And then the root vegetables are crushed using any convenient method, and the resulting mass is passed through a juicer or a special press. The distillation must be given time to settle for the sediment to settle, and then carefully strain using gauze folded in several layers or a small sieve. The filtered liquid is poured into an enamel container, placed on the stove and heated - pasteurized - to 85 C.

Having reached the desired heating (it is controlled using a thermometer or the heating is determined by the bubbles that appear on the surface), sugar is poured in to taste. The mixture is stirred and immediately poured into dry glass jars, filling them almost to the very neck. Only 1-1.5 cm remain free to the edge of the container. Next, it is sterilized for about half an hour in boiling water and hermetically sealed. Before cooling, the preservation is turned upside down and covered with a warm blanket.

Recipe No. 3

No less popular is the option of blending the mentioned drink with apple. You can make such a winter treat from: juices of carrots and apples, taken in a 1:2 ratio, as well as 100 g of sugar. Fruits dilute the richness of the carotel, and make the drink soft, pleasant to drink and unusually tasty and fresh.

According to the technology, fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed, dried and then doused with boiling water. Then they should be crushed in a juicer separately, without stirring, and the liquid should be expelled from the resulting puree. The volumes of prepared juices are measured before blending, poured into one enamel pan and mixed. Sweet sand is added to taste and, after mixing again, the workpiece is heated, only bringing it to a boil. Having reached the boiling point, the solution is boiled for about 5 minutes and, while boiling, is poured into a container calcined by steam or in the oven. Having rolled up, apple and carrot juice for the winter left until cool, wrapped and turned upside down with the lid. And can be stored in cool conditions for more than one year.

Or you can prepare a version blended with apples with a predominance of the latter. For example, taking 5 kg of fruit for 1.5 kg of carrots. For moderate sweetness, 300 g of granulated sugar will be enough. The result will amaze all tasters. If the apples are too sour, add more sand. By the way, the ratio of the main components can be changed depending on the degree of their juiciness.

And to begin with, having prepared all the necessary ingredients, they undergo wet processing, if necessary, cleaned and passed through a juicer each separately. To obtain pure juice - without pulp - the liquid should be strained through a cotton cloth or left to settle for sediment to settle. Then they are both poured into an enamel pan and sugar is added to them. Although you can make a treat without sweet additive, so to speak natural, natural.

Afterwards, the pan is placed on the stove, where it is heated, stirring the liquid and until the white crystals dissolve. Heating is carried out to 90-95 C. There is no need to boil the solution! After all, this kills all the vitamins in the original products. After hot pouring into a sterilized glass container, like , it is closed with seaming lids and, after cooling, transferred to a sufficiently cold place for long-term preservation.

Recipe No. 4

Even more useful pumpkin carrot juice for the winter. He collected all the charm of these two fruits. The drink made from these ingredients is moderately thick, like puree. The proposed one is made from the following components: 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp, 2 lemons, 200 g of granulated sugar, 2 liters of boiled water.

According to the homemade culinary method, the pumpkin is peeled from the hard peel and “innards”, and then the pulp is finely grated and the juice is carefully squeezed out of it. The peeled carrots are washed, also finely rubbed and passed through a juicer or press. Citrus follows similar procedures as the previous ingredients.

Next, pumpkin and carrot juice is poured into a small cooking container. Boiled cooled water is added to them, fresh lemon juice and granulated sugar are added. After mixing thoroughly, the container with the contents is placed on moderate heat, and the liquid is brought to a boil. For short-term storage, the drink does not need to be boiled; but for winter preparation, you still have to boil it for about 5 minutes. Then the boiled liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into jars and quickly rolled up. Until it cools completely, the preservation is left upside down and covered with a blanket. The blockage is stored, like everything else, in a cool room or pantry.

Another opportunity to prepare natural juice, combining two orange ingredients, requires the presence of: 3 large carrots and 200 g of pumpkin. The preparation of the drink is simple. The fruits are peeled, cut into cubes and turned through a meat grinder. The resulting puree is filled into bottles or jars and pasteurized at a temperature of 85 C for about 10 minutes. For those with a sweet tooth and in drinks for children, sugar can be added to taste. The dish with sand should be boiled for at least a couple of minutes and only then packaged and closed.

An excellent way of blending - three in one. That is, it includes carrots (1 large), apples (0.5 liters of juice) and pumpkins (0.6 kg of pulp). The pumpkin is pre-boiled in a water bath until moderately softened, or it is stewed in a sealed container with the addition of a small amount of water over low heat. Then it is ground in a blender into a homogeneous mass. The juice is extracted from apples and carrots using a juicer and combined in one container with pumpkin puree. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat, removing the foam that forms on the surface, and then the dishes are removed from the stove and the liquid is preserved in jars.

Carrot juice for the winter with beets

And also carrot juice for the winter diluted with beets. So, 3-4 carotels are thoroughly washed under running water from sand, cleaned, washed again and passed through a juicer. A similar procedure is repeated with beets. Or these vegetables are turned through a meat grinder, resulting in a rich vitamin puree. The amount of beets is arbitrary, but should not exceed the weight of the orange root vegetable. Freshly squeezed liquids are mixed, sugared at individual discretion and boiled for 3-4 minutes at a gentle simmer.

Pouring into jars and sealing. It may taste harsh to some when consumed; Then it would be good to dilute it with cold water.

Recipe No. 6

Carrot juice for the winter, prepared by straining, is of course tasty, but poor in active biological substances. And it is more expedient if the purpose of the procurement is achieved precisely healthy dish, make it with pulp. The “” recipe assumes the presence of: 5 kg of carrots and 750 ml of water.

Only ripe, juicy, brightly colored vegetables are selected for harvesting. They are thoroughly washed with a brush, cleaned, rinsed again with water and rubbed on a coarse grater. Water is added to the resulting grated mass (about 150 ml of liquid per 1 kg of root vegetables), and it is placed on the stove over moderate heat. Thus, the mixture is simmered until softened, and then passed through a juicer twice and additionally whipped using a mixer.

For each resulting mass, add one liter of 10% sugar syrup. The mixture is stirred, heated, bringing it to a boil and stirring with a wooden spoon. Then it should be boiled for 5-7 minutes over low heat and poured hot into pre-sterilized glass bottles or jars, which are immediately sealed. For preservation, the juice is put into the pantry. It turns out not only very beautiful and rich, but also extremely tasty.

Drink consumption

By observing the following rules, you can get the maximum benefit from this drink:

It is advisable to drink juice between meals, and not during them.

A positive effect will be obtained if you add 1 tsp to the liquid. not too fatty sour cream and vegetable oil.

No need to drink carrot juice for the winter daily; It's worth taking breaks. Overdose and excessive abuse of the preparation can lead to vomiting, headaches and negatively affect skin color.

Carrots are very healthy for humans; they contain many vitamins and minerals. How to make carrot juice at home in order to replenish your body with useful substances even in winter is of interest to many. There are many recipes for this delicious drink, they are simple, and many housewives prepare them. Regular consumption of carrot juice helps improve vision and skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the human body. Under its influence it is normalized arterial pressure, strengthens nervous system and performance increases.

How to choose carrots and prepare them

To get high-quality carrot juice for the winter at home, you need to choose the right vegetables. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color; it is better to choose bright orange carrots. The brighter the color of the vegetable, the more nutritious and tastier the fresh juice will be. Vegetables should be firm to the touch; dry and flabby are not of particular value. Preference should be given to medium-sized carrots; large vegetables may contain nitrates.

Before preparing carrot juice, vegetables must be carefully prepared so that the drink can be stored for a long time. The skin contains the maximum amount of carotene, so cutting it off is not advisable. The ends of the carrots are cut off, then the top layer is scraped off with a knife. After this, the vegetables are washed with cold water; if there are dark tubercles, it is better to cut them off. Only after such careful processing are the vegetables ready to squeeze out the healing nectar from them.


How to properly prepare carrot juice? This can be done in several ways. The easiest way is to use carrot juice in a blender; it takes little time and the drink comes out very smooth. Prepared root vegetables should be cut into small pieces and using a blender, grind to a puree. The resulting carrot juice can be diluted a little with water.

You can squeeze carrots in a juicer, which can be manual or electric. Root vegetables cut into pieces are gradually placed in a special hole. Carrot juice freshly squeezed in this way contains a lot of healthy fiber.

If you use a juicer, you will get concentrated, nutritious carrot juice. Root vegetables are peeled, washed, cut into pieces and placed in a juicer. The finished drink will flow from the hose in approximately 1 hour. Before use, it is advisable to dilute this fresh juice with boiled water.

Using a mixer you can prepare delicious drink, to which water is added according to the recipe. For 2.5 kg of root vegetables you will need 2 liters of water and 200 g of sugar. Grind the vegetables with a blender, add a little water to the puree and cook the mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Then the pulp is cooled and thoroughly beaten with a mixer. Separately prepare syrup from the remaining water and sugar. Then mix everything and cook for about 5 more minutes. The finished juice can be drunk immediately or stored for the winter.

Surely every housewife has made carrot juice without a juicer at least once. This method takes a little longer, but you won’t have to wash the equipment for a long time. You will need an ordinary grater with small cells. The prepared vegetables are grated, and then the resulting pulp is spread on gauze folded in several layers, and the juice is squeezed out of it with your hands. The remaining pulp can be used to make salad or soup. You can add a little orange or any other nectar to freshly squeezed carrot juice to improve the taste.

For festive table you can make a wonderful cocktail. To do this you will need ice cream, jam, vanilla, cinnamon and carrot juice - the recipe is very simple. How much of what should you take? The amount of ingredients will depend on how many guests you want to serve. The approximate proportion is as follows: 1 glass of carrot juice, 2 glasses of milk, 100 g of ice cream, 2 tbsp. l. any jam and a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon.

Place ice cream, jam, vanilla, cinnamon into a blender, pour fresh carrot juice over everything and beat until foam appears. Then add milk to the mixture and beat for about 3 minutes. The finished drink is poured into beautiful glasses, decorated with a mint leaf and presented to guests.

Diet lovers who want to get rid of extra pounds can get an excellent diet cocktail from carrots. Squeeze the juice out of carrots (2 pcs.) in any way and add 1 glass of skim milk to it. The drink must be thoroughly shaken until foam appears. Take this cocktail for a week on an empty stomach.

Mixtures of different drinks

You can make a smoothie from carrots, orange and lemon. To freshly squeezed carrot juice prepared from 1 kg of vegetables, add juices squeezed from 1 lemon and orange. Add 0.5 liters of boiled water there, citric acid on the tip of a knife and sugar to taste. The drink can be drunk throughout the day or brought to a boil and rolled into a glass container.

Instead of citrus fruits, you can take a large apple or other fruits. Carrot-apple juice will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. How many fruits to take and in what proportion to mix them will depend on your taste. You can prepare a mixture of fruit and vegetable drinks, like apple and carrot juice, for the winter.

It will be useful for children and adults to prepare juice or puree from pumpkin and carrots. This is one of those dishes that is suitable for feeding small children. The main thing is to choose a ripe and pleasant-tasting pumpkin; it is peeled, cut into pieces and squeezed in any way. Cooking will take a little time. For 0.5 kg of pumpkin you will need the same amount of carrots, 2 lemons and 1 cup of sugar. pumpkin juice, carrot and lemon are mixed in one container, sugar is added there and everything is thoroughly stirred.

You can boil the drink for about 10 minutes and seal the pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter. Nutritionists advise taking a mixture of pumpkin and carrot juice for weight loss. In this case, you need to take 1 part of carrot nectar and 3 parts of pumpkin nectar. A glass of this drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days.

Another tasty and healthy combination is carrots and tomatoes. Alternately, you need to squeeze out the juice from 3 root vegetables, 1 kg of tomatoes and 2 pcs. sweet pepper. Then all types of fresh juice are mixed in one bowl and set to cook. From the start of boiling, cook the juice for approximately 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and sealed. Cover with a towel, leave until completely cool, and then put away for storage.

Carrots with celery

Celery is known to many; it is often included in various diets for its many beneficial qualities. In combination with other vegetables and fruits, its benefits for the body are only enhanced. A widely known combination is celery juice, apples and carrots. To 4 root vegetables you should add 1 celery root and 1 large apple. All components are cleaned, washed and passed through a juicer. You can add a little lemon nectar to the finished celery juice for taste.

Another recipe for celery juice is often prepared in the summer; it perfectly relieves swelling. In addition to celery juice squeezed from 3 stalks, you need to prepare 2 pieces each. carrots, cucumber and pear. All ingredients are cleaned, passed through a juicer and mixed. This drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

And for colds and flu, it is useful to combine celery with carrots and ginger. Preparing the drink will not take much time. Peel and chop celery (2 stalks), carrots (5 pieces) and a small piece of ginger root. Everything is crushed with a blender and a vitamin creamy mass is obtained. When using this paste, you can add a little honey.

Preparing juice for the winter

In order to saturate your body with useful substances all year round, the juice must be preserved. Quantity useful substances in the drink it decreases, but this is a convenient way to prepare it. At any time you can uncork the jar and enjoy fresh carrot juice.

There are two ways to preserve juice: hot pouring or sterilization. In the first case, freshly squeezed carrot juice must be boiled and then poured hot into prepared glass jars. After filling, the containers are tightly sealed with lids; in this form, the drink is stored until spring.

In the second method of preparation, boiled fresh carrot juice is poured into containers, which are then placed in a large saucepan with water, the bottom is first covered with a cloth. In this case, you need to make sure that the water only reaches the neck of the jar. Bring the water to a boil over low heat; the jars should be sterilized after the water boils for about 20 minutes. After sterilization, the jars are carefully removed from the water and immediately sealed with lids. Cover the containers with a towel and leave until completely cool. Only after this they are removed for long-term storage in a cool room.

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Among the reserves of canned food, every housewife is sure to have at least a few jars of juice. What kind of juice it will be depends on culinary preferences. Absolutely all juices are healthy because they contain natural vitamins. And everyone can close carrot juice for the winter at home, because there are no special difficulties in this.

Preservation methods

Carrot juice can be preserved in the following ways:

  1. Hot spill.
  2. Pasteurization (or sterilization).

When using the hot pour method, heat the juice well, strain and put it back on the fire. After the juice boils, let it simmer for a couple of minutes, pour into pre-sterilized glass containers and roll up. Turn the jars with juice over and wrap them up.

The pasteurization method differs in that the carrot juice cannot be allowed to boil - it is only heated, 2 times. After the first heating, the juice is given time to cool. And after the second, pour it into jars to the very top, so that there is no void left under the lid, and sterilize for 20 minutes.

Delicious carrot juice for the winter at home can only be obtained by using fresh, ripe (not overripe) vegetables. The fruits must not contain traces of pest damage or cracks. Wash the carrots well, peel and remove the hard part.

To make carrot juice use:

  • meat grinder (you will have to make physical efforts and allocate time),
  • a mechanical juicer (the process of extracting juice is also manual, but not so long and turning a juicer is much easier than a meat grinder),
  • an electric juicer (a housewife's dream, since all she has to do is add vegetables, the device will do the rest).

Sterilized carrot juice

Most often, carrot juice is obtained using a juicer, and if you don’t have one on the farm, the juice can also be “extracted” using a meat grinder and a press. To make carrot juice for the winter, obtained from a juicer, you will need carrots and sugar (to taste).

Cooking technology:

Carrot juice with pulp

Using a mixer you can prepare very tasty juice with pulp. This recipe for making carrot juice for the winter differs from the classic method of preservation in that it contains water.


  • carrots – 2.5 kg,
  • water – 2 l,
  • sugar – 200 g.

Cooking technology:

Carrot juice should be stored in a dark place for no more than a year.

Carrot juice prepared in a juicer

If you need to prepare natural carrot juice for the winter, you can do it in a juice cooker. But we must take into account that since the juice prepared in this way has a high concentration, it is better to dilute it with water before use. As mentioned above, the juice will be absolutely natural, since only carrots are used to prepare it.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash the juicer before use hot water, boil the hose.
  2. Pour water into the base and bring to a boil.
  3. Next, add the carrots cut into pieces and close the juicer. Close the hose.
  4. It takes from 30 to 70 minutes to prepare the juice.
  5. Pour the finished juice hot into jars and close.

Juice mixture

To dilute the taste of carrot juice and make it less intense, you can mix it with other vegetables or fruits. Carrot-apple juice turns out very tasty. And the carrot-beetroot mixture is just a vitamin cocktail for raising hemoglobin. When drinking juice, it can be diluted with water to eliminate the strong taste.

Carrot-apple juice


  • carrots – 1 kg,
  • apples – 3 kg,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.

Cooking technology:

Carrot-beet juice


  • carrots – 1 kg,
  • beets – 1 kg (a little less, but not more),
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel beets and carrots and grind through a meat grinder or juicer.
  2. Mix the juices and add a little sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer gently for 4 minutes.
  4. Pour into glass containers and roll up.

Carrot-beetroot-apple juice in a blender - video

Diet carrot-pumpkin juice

Carrots also promote weight loss. Mixtures are prepared on the basis of carrot juice, with the help of which excess weight goes away faster. Such juices are consumed both fresh and canned, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach in courses of 10 days. These include juice from carrots and pumpkin.


  • carrots – 1 kg,
  • pumpkin – 1 kg,
  • sugar – 150 g,
  • water – 1 tbsp.,
  • citric acid – 10 g.

Cooking technology:

It is worth taking into account that, despite the benefits it brings, there are restrictions on taking carrot juice. So, you can’t drink juice all the time, otherwise you may experience pain in the head, abnormal bowel movements, and even vomiting.

Unlimited intake of carrot juice causes color changes skin(yellowing).

It is better to take carrot juice as a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink in small courses with breaks, and immediately before drinking add a few drops of olive or vegetable oil or a little sour cream. This will help the juice to be better absorbed and release its vitamins.

Pumpkin and carrot juice through a juicer - video

Carrot juice with orange and melon - video

Carrot juice is rightfully considered a vitamin bomb and one of the healthiest vegetable juices. In winter, when the body's vitamin reserves are depleted, hair becomes dull, and nails become brittle, carrot juice will save the situation. Freshly squeezed carrot juice is considered the healthiest, but alas, sometimes you have to sacrifice a small part of the vitamins in order to maintain your body all year round and preserve carrot juice for the winter.

The most difficult thing about making carrot juice for the winter is squeezing the juice. Carrots are incredibly hard and you can't just stick them in a juicer. You will only ruin the equipment. There are some secrets that allow you to squeeze carrot juice to a drop, although this is a rather labor-intensive process and takes some time.

To make carrot juice, choose carrots that are large, bright, and smooth. Wash it with a brush and scrape off the peel. There is no need to cut off the skin, because this is a loss of carrots, and therefore vitamins.

If you have a blender, you're in luck. Cut the carrots into pieces and grind them into pulp.

If you don't have a blender, use a regular grater. It takes a long time, but there will be more juice.

Now, you can pour the carrot “porridge” into the juicer and squeeze out the juice. There will be a little pulp, but it's not scary.

Pour the carrot juice into a saucepan and add sugar at the rate of 50 grams of sugar per liter of juice. To improve the taste, you can add lemon juice to taste. The cake can be left for cooking; it is an original and very tasty jam.

Place the pan with carrot juice on the fire and heat it to a temperature of 80-85 degrees, but do not boil. Keep an eye on this and stir. This process is called “pasteurization” and at this stage, 5 minutes of pasteurization is enough.

Prepare jars or bottles in which the juice will be stored in winter. Wash them baking soda and bake them in the oven. This will allow them to dry and sterilize.

Pour the juice into hot jars and immediately seal them with a seaming wrench. Main enemy sunset is sharp changes temperature, remember this.

Place a folded kitchen towel in the bottom of a deep, wide saucepan and place the rolled-up cans of juice in the saucepan. Carefully fill the jars with hot water until the water almost reaches the lids and place the pan on the stove. After boiling, pasteurize the carrot juice for 15 minutes if these are liter jars, and 40 minutes if these are three liter bottles.

After pasteurization is complete, turn the jars upside down and cover them with a warm blanket until they cool completely and very slowly.

Pasteurized carrot juice can be stored in a cool place for up to 18 months.

How to make juice from carrots and apples, watch the video: