Laser vision correction at 17 years old. What are the new possibilities of laser vision correction? At what age is it better to undergo laser vision correction surgery?

There is an opinion that laser vision correction can only be done after 18 years of age. But at the same time, there are surgeons who perform this operation on children at 10 and 6 years old. What kind of doctors are these? Pest surgeons? Or innovative surgeons? The portal talked about this with Victoria Balasanyan, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist, leading ophthalmic surgeon at the Lasercorr clinic.

According to the Association of Ophthalmologists and Strabismologists, every third student graduates from school wearing glasses. Some people put on glasses even before school. I think everyone understands perfectly well that glasses limit the child and interfere with a full-fledged childhood. Wearing glasses you have to run, watch cartoons, play with friends.

What about sports? Swimming, playing football, doing martial arts? Then, when children grow up, they begin to use lenses. They also cause a lot of inconvenience and often cause dry eye syndrome. But the main thing is that vision problems prevent children from realizing their dreams. Become an athlete, ballerina, pilot, policeman...

WITH poor eyesight these professions are not available. And now we are faced with a problem. For example, Petya wants to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has been wearing glasses since childhood. He has congenital myopia, to which amblyopia was later added. When he gets close to admission, he learns that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not accept people with eye diseases, including myopia and amblyopia.

Then Petya decides to have laser vision correction. And somewhere on the Internet he reads that such an operation can only be performed at the age of 18. And when he finishes school he will only be 17. So what? An unattainable goal and a shattered dream? Look for another university and choose another profession? But in fact, in Petya’s case, laser correction had to be done before school age, until amblyopia developed.

The myth that laser correction can only be done by adults deprives many children of their childhood, and deprives teenagers of a wide choice of profession. Where did the myth come from? There is some truth in this myth. It was previously believed that by the age of 18, myopia in children is completely stabilized and no longer increases. Until then there is no point in the operation. If you do it with increasing myopia, the decline in vision will still continue. But modern ophthalmologists are now noticing another trend - myopia can increase up to 20 years, and even up to 25. So age itself does not matter. It is important how myopia grows and what it is like.

Laser vision correction: for what diseases is it indicated?

If a child has acquired myopia, that is, vision began to decline, for example, at school, then you really need to wait until the age when the myopia stabilizes and stops.

If a child’s vision does not decrease within three years and he has no contraindications, then he can undergo laser correction.

You need to understand that laser correction for children is not just a cosmetic operation that helps to remove glasses. We perform such operations on many children for therapeutic purposes. And sometimes laser correction is the only effective treatment.

If a child has congenital myopia and farsightedness, this must be corrected before school. We usually advise parents to wait until they are 6 years old. By this age, the visual system is fully formed, and farsightedness and myopia are stabilized. And at the age of 6, laser vision correction is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, if you don’t correct these congenital pathologies, then with age the child will also develop amblyopia, or as people call it “lazy, weak” eye. This is when the vision in one eye drops sharply, and then the eye is completely switched off from the visual process.

Sometimes mothers bring to us for appointments children who have developed strabismus due to congenital farsightedness. I want to say that in this case laser correction is sufficient. As soon as we remove farsightedness, strabismus also goes away.

Modern ophthalmologists also perform laser operations on children with astigmatism and anisometropia (when there is a very large difference between the eyes, for example, one is +6, the other is -2). Children's laser correction has long been used for therapeutic purposes all over the world. But many believe myths and do not know about real possibilities modern medicine.

In Russia, the first laser vision correction for a child was performed by Academician of the AMTN, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Igor Erikovich Aznauryan in 1999.

Laser vision correction: how is the operation performed?

For many, the word “surgery” itself brings fear. I want to reassure you: modern ophthalmology allows you to perform laser correction painlessly and in the most relaxed conditions.

We have developed and practice laser correction in medicated sleep. This is very light form short anesthesia. A person falls asleep for 20 minutes, and when he wakes up, he sees the world without glasses. Technicians laser surgery simple and polished.

Every week I operate on children with complex forms of strabismus. And laser correction (compared to such operations) is like a multiplication table for a mathematics university student.

Laser vision correction: what to pay attention to?

  • Before surgery, the child should be tested for dry eye syndrome. It usually appears in those who work a lot on the computer, but modern children are all about gadgets. They are always with their phone, tablet, TV. Even children experience dry eye syndrome. Before surgery, a competent doctor must do a Schirmer test - a test that determines how well the eye is hydrated. If a diagnosis of dry eye syndrome is made, it must first be treated and then operated on. If this is not done, then after the operation there will be a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • You should be confused by the too cheap prices for laser correction. Most likely, this is not an indicator of the doctor’s generosity, but of the fact that the laser machine is of poor quality.

The prevailing myth that laser correction cannot be performed on children greatly distorts the consciousness of many parents. Laser correction can be done up to 18 years of age if the child’s medical indications allow it. The optimal age for laser correction in children is 10 years old, and this is due to age-related changes in a person. However, it should be taken into account that when performing laser correction in children, there are specifics that leading pediatric eye doctors, specialists in the field of pediatric ophthalmology, pediatric eye surgeons and refractive surgeons should be aware of. Each case of laser correction in children is an individual decision and high professionalism of the surgeon.

It should be noted that the history of refractive surgery in the world dates back more than a dozen years, and the first refractive surgeries in children began to be performed by the head of the children's eye clinics "Yasny Vzor", Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Erikovich Aznauryan back in 2000, a patent for their performance was received in 2003 G.

We perform laser correction in children under conditions of short medicated sleep to avoid discomfort and emotional stress

Indications for laser vision correction in children:

  • laser correction of farsightedness and astigmatism in children
    Farsightedness up to +6 diopters, astigmatism up to -/+6.0 diopters. With farsightedness or astigmatism, the child’s eye completes its growth by 5-6 years, and by 9-10 years his eye structures are already fully formed. That is why, already at the age of 10, a child with farsightedness or astigmatism can undergo refractive surgery and his glasses can be removed at school age.
  • laser correction for myopia in children
    Myopia up to -15.0 diopters. For myopia, lengthening eyeball after 5-6 years it is considered pathological and leads to the progression of myopia, which can continue after 18 years. Laser correction possible subject to stable myopia, which can be achieved with proper treatment. After achieving stabilization, patients are observed with us for 2-3 years, and in the absence of progression and complications in the fundus, we can offer laser correction of myopia.
  • laser correction for children with anisometropia and glasses intolerance
    All over the world, refractive surgery is actively used in children with anisometropia - when there is a large difference between the optical power of the right and left eyes, when one of the eyes has congenital myopia or farsightedness high degree. Refractive surgery, or laser correction, is certainly indicated if the child is intolerant of glasses or contact lenses, as well as with gross changes in the facial skeleton that do not allow wearing glasses correction.

Kirill Pershin. Photo from personal archive.

At what age is it better to have laser vision correction? How does vision improve? If a woman has not given birth yet, is it possible to make a correction? What is unique? modern techniques laser correction FEMTO-LASIK?

These and many other questions were answered by the leading ophthalmic surgeon of the Excimer clinic, a doctor of the highest category, MD. Kirill Borisovich Pershin.


Dear Kirill Borisovich!
Has anything fundamentally new appeared in laser vision correction over the past 10 years? New techniques? Has the rate of complications after surgery dropped? Has the recovery period been shortened?

Hello, Egor. The real revolution in ophthalmic surgery was the actual appearance of laser vision correction. All those techniques that have appeared in the last decade essentially hone and bring correction results to a level as close to ideal as possible. They are designed to minimize postoperative complications, unpleasant and painful sensations, shorten the recovery period, and also provide the opportunity to carry out vision correction for those patients who, just a few years ago, had to be refused due to anatomical features eyes, in particular the thin cornea. Now, in order...

Lyudmila I.

Please tell me, is it possible to get rid of farsightedness and cataracts in one operation? Or are these different operations?

Hello! The presence of cataracts is a contraindication for laser correction. You may be offered another method of correcting your vision, for example. In modern ophthalmology, new models of lenses are successfully used - multifocal and accommodating, which allow solving two problems at once - farsightedness and cataracts. The decision on the feasibility and method of correction is made by the doctor after complete diagnostic examination vision.

Is chlamydia a contraindication to laser vision correction?

Hello! Chlamydia conjunctivitis is a contraindication to vision correction and must be treated. If there is no evidence of infection in the conjunctival scraping, surgery can be performed.


Could you list the most common contraindications for surgery?

Hello Andrei! Contraindications to laser vision correction are: patients with eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal pathology and common diseases- tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, tumors, infections. Laser correction is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, since during these periods the woman’s hormonal background changes significantly, which can lead to changes in health, including the visual system, and the result of laser correction performed during this period may be unstable.

At what age can surgery be performed to correct myopia?

Hello! The optimal age for vision correction using laser correction is considered to be from 18 to 45 years. This is the time of maximum vital activity, when the body's functions are ready for such changes. Before the age of 18, correction is not recommended, since at this age, with the growth of the entire body, including the eyeball, the refraction of vision may also change. And after 45 years, doctors warn the patient that laser correction will not protect him from possible appearance age-related farsightedness (presbyopia).

Dear Kirill Borisovich, is it possible to perform excimer laser vision correction on an eye with amblyopia? The second eye has high myopia -10. Thank you.

Hello! The advisability of vision correction depends on the degree of amblyopia. In case of a high degree, as a rule, surgery is not performed; weak degree Amblyopia is quite possible; in case of moderate amblyopia, it is decided individually. Your question can be answered more definitely only after an examination.


Can an adult develop astigmatism, and how does it manifest itself?

Hello! Astigmatism - translated from Latin means the absence of a (focal) point. It occurs due to the shape of the cornea (sometimes the lens), which differs from spherical. As a result, when light rays pass through such a cornea, a distorted image is obtained. An ideal cornea is rarely found in nature, so slight physiological astigmatism (up to 0.75 diopters) is present in the vast majority of people with good vision. Does not require treatment. Astigmatism greater than 1 diopter can affect the clarity of vision.

Kirill Borisovich, how do you feel about the PRK method?

Hello! When carrying out vision correction using the PRK technique, the laser changes the outer layers of the cornea. As a result, the surface layer - the epithelium and Bowman's membrane on which it is located - is damaged. That is, after laser exposure remains open wound surface, which is then gradually covered with epithelium. The recovery process (three to four days) is accompanied by unpleasant sensations(photophobia, feeling of a foreign body in the eye, excessive lacrimation, pain in the eyes). Contact lenses are used to weaken them. Bowman's membrane does not recover after laser correction. This leads to the fact that with high degrees of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, as well as after 30-35 years (due to age-related changes), the recovery period can be complicated. Today, leading ophthalmology clinics have abandoned the widespread use of PRK technology due to the presence of numerous “disadvantages”. The PRK technique is used only for certain medical indications. The most common are others modern technologies— LASIK, LASEK, EPI-LASIK, SUPER LASIK, FEMTO-LASIK (INTRA-LASIK).

Pershina Tatyana Dmitrievna

Son 33 years old, atrophy optic nerve, treated with electrical stimulation. Is there any other treatment? I want to help my son.

Hello, Tatyana Dmitrievna! Optic atrophy is the death of the nerve fibers that transmit information from the eyeball to the brain. Treatment for this pathology is aimed at preserving the remaining visual functions and maintaining them. Restoring vision is impossible.

Could you tell us in more detail about the differences between different laser vision correction techniques, including femto-lasik?

Hello! FEMTO-LASIK is the latest vision correction technique, which allows laser vision correction even with a thin cornea! The Femto-LASIK technique is a real salvation for patients with thin corneas, dry eye syndrome and other complex cases of the visual system. Until recently, such patients had to be denied laser vision correction; now, with the advent of the FEMTO-LASIK technique, this is no longer necessary. In the process of laser correction using the FEMTO-LASIK method, a corneal flap is formed in just six seconds using the FS200 WaveLight femtosecond laser, rather than a mechanical microkeratome, as is the case with other methods. The absence of mechanical impact during the intervention using the femto-LASIK technique increases the safety of laser correction and reduces the risk of acquired postoperative corneal astigmatism, and also allows laser correction to be performed in patients with thin corneas. The main advantage of the FS200 WaveLight femtosecond laser, which is used during excimer laser correction using the FEMTO-LASIK method, is the ability to accurately model the corneal flap. This laser makes it possible to create the thinnest corneal flap, fully controlling its diameter, thickness, alignment and morphology with minimal disruption of the architecture. Unlike other models, the FS200 WaveLight femtosecond laser can be focused to any depth of the corneal stroma with precision of a few microns.


I had myopia, the lens was replaced, now there is no myopia, but I have hyperopia +1. Will farsightedness progress? I am 47 years old.

Good afternoon, Olga! Yes, this is possible. After 45 years, most people develop age-related farsightedness (presbyopia), as with age elastic properties the lens deteriorates, and the activity of the muscular apparatus of the eye, which focuses the eye at close distances, is weakened. We recommend that you contact your attending physician for an in-person examination.


I was 17 years old, that year my vision was 0.2, and six months later it dropped by 0.1. Should I have laser correction when I turn 18? and what is the probability of death?

Good afternoon, Roman! Provided that vision is stable (no progression of myopia over the last 1.5 - 2 years), excimer laser vision correction can be planned, in the absence of other contraindications. In the case of progressive myopia (decrease by 1D or more per year), the first stage, as a rule, is scleroplasty, the indicators are monitored after a year and, when the process stabilizes, laser vision correction is performed.

However, before talking about carrying out any operation, you need to undergo a comprehensive diagnostics of the visual system to clarify clinical picture and selection of possible treatment tactics.


Can you tell me if the cornea thickness is 483 in one eye and 493 in the other, is it possible to do Femto Lasik?

Good afternoon, Evgeniy! Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer your question, since the possibility of laser vision correction depends not only on the thickness of the cornea, but also on the degree of myopia.


Hello. A question. Endovitreal intervention was performed with PFOS tamponade + local filling. Is the operation performed using the Femto-Lasik method in this case? after a year and a half years after filling?

Good day, Andrey! Unfortunately, this condition is a relative contraindication to laser vision correction.


Hello, on 12/07/13 I went to the Excimer clinic for vision diagnostics with subsequent restoration. I have -6.5 vision in both eyes. They refused me the operation, saying that I have a thin cornea, and there is no device that could restore my vision. In 2009, I was checked by you, my vision was -5.75, and the cornea was not much thicker, I was offered vision correction using the Lasik 3 method. You write that now it is possible to perform operations on patients with thin corneas, why I can’t be one of them? Thank you!

Good afternoon, Maya! Please specify your initials (full name). Unfortunately, without this data we cannot give a definite answer.


Hello! I am 26 years old. At the age of 18, I went to Ufa to a clinic for diagnostics, I wanted to have an operation to restore my vision. I was refused, i.e. My vision is -10 in my left eye and -9 in my right, and my thin cornea is half worn away. Tell me, have new technologies appeared? Can I have surgery to at least partially restore my vision?

Good day, Natalia! Yes, in our clinic we use three types to correct high degrees of myopia surgical operations- laser vision correction, implantation of phakic intraocular lenses, refractive lens replacement. The decision on the feasibility and method of correction is made by the doctor after a complete diagnosis of the visual system.


At what age is it best to have surgery on an eye with the disease: astigmatism?? 18 years old, vision has been deteriorating since childhood.

Will there be complications during childbirth or in old age?

good day, Elena! Provided that vision is stable, excimer laser vision correction can be planned, in the absence of other contraindications. Laser correction is the most effective and most common method today for correcting myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Vision correction occurs by changing the shape of the cornea. During correction, as a result of exposure of the layers of the cornea to a laser beam, it is given the shape of a “natural lens”, with parameters individual for each patient. It is usually performed at the age of 18-45 years, but the decision about the possibility of correction is made by the doctor. Laser correction is performed in a “one day” mode.

The feasibility, method and cost of correction are determined by an ophthalmologist based on a complete diagnosis of the visual system.

Laser vision correction itself does not affect the course of labor.

Doctors warn all patients that vision deterioration is possible in case of age-related changes in the body after 40-45 years and the development of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia), regardless of whether you have previously undergone laser correction or not. With age, the elastic properties of the lens deteriorate, and the activity of the muscular system of the eye, which focuses the eye at a close distance, weakens. Therefore, even those people who have always seen well, after 40-45 years old begin to have difficulty reading.


What is the cost of FEMTO-LASIK surgery?

Good afternoon, Pavel! The cost of laser vision correction using the Femto-LASIK method at the Excimer clinic today varies in the range of 42,500-63,500 rubles per eye.


Can I have laser vision correction if I am under 18? my age is 17 years old

Good afternoon, Alexander! Indications for treatment using excimer laser vision correction are determined individually for each patient, based on a complete diagnosis of the visual system, as well as taking into account age, general condition, professional human activity. It is usually performed at the age of 18-45 years, but the decision about the possibility of correction is made by the doctor. In some cases, laser vision correction can be performed up to 18 years of age (for medical reasons, provided that vision has been stable for at least the last 1-1.5 years).

Good afternoon

Please tell me why double vision and areolas appear in the dark after laser correction... Why don’t they disappear over time? Is there also a risk of areolas and poor twilight vision when using femtolasic?

What is a spasm of accommodation and is it checked on devices before correction? Does working at a computer reduce vision after correction?

Thank you.

Good afternoon, Yulia! Aberrations (areolas) are possible after laser correction. They may be due to the fact that part of the image (light) falls on the site of the scar, from the formation of a corneal flap, and also, with high degrees of myopia, when part of the image falls on the operated area, which was exposed to the laser, and part on the non-operated area. After laser correction using the Femto-lasik method, the likelihood of aberrations is less than with other methods.

Spasm of accommodation is considered by doctors as one of the main reasons for the development of myopia. Constant contraction of the ciliary muscle is accompanied by insufficient blood supply and deterioration of its nutrition. Reduced blood flow, in turn, leads to weakness of accommodation and the development of chorioretinal dystrophies. A spasm of accommodation is necessarily detected on comprehensive examination visual system in our clinic.

The result of laser correction, as a rule, does not change. The correction underwent multi-stage clinical trials before ophthalmologists began using it in medical centers and clinics around the world. Since the late 80s, more than 2.5 million corrections have been made and so far there have been no cases of vision deterioration after excimer laser correction using the LASIK technique. However, doctors warn all patients that vision deterioration is possible in case of age-related changes in the body after 45-50 years and the development of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia).


Hello! I am 30 years old, my vision is 2. I want to have Lasik surgery. But the ophthalmologist dissuades me, because after 45 years my vision will become + and I will have to wear two glasses, one for - and the other for +. And if you don’t have surgery, then by 45 years of age your vision will normalize on its own. This is true???

Good afternoon, Irina! Theoretically this is possible. At the age you specified, laser vision correction is usually not recommended, since it will not relieve you of possible age-related changes - age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). Also, with age, most people experience changes inside the eye, for example in the lens, or there may be others eye diseases. In such cases, the effect of laser correction may be incomplete or temporary. In this case, another method of vision correction may be proposed, for example, refractive lens replacement with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Type of implanted IOL (discussed with the doctor after diagnosis)).

The decision on the feasibility and method of correction is made by the ophthalmologist after complex diagnostics visual system in our clinic.


Good day!

I want to do laser correction of myopia (around -4). Now I use night lenses (orthokeratology) in order to give up glasses and soft lenses. Plus it stops the loss of vision. I've been wearing it for 5 years. During this time, the lens parameters did not change. After stopping them, it takes 1-2 months to restore vision. I would like to understand before giving up night lenses whether laser correction can be done, for example, using FEMTOLASIC or not?? Is it possible to do this? What tests and procedures will help understand this?

Good afternoon, Nadezhda! Yes it is possible. To determine possible treatment tactics, you can contact our clinic to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the visual system with a consultation with an ophthalmologist. To obtain accurate diagnostic data and perform laser correction, experts recommend stopping the use of hard contact lenses for 2 weeks before diagnosis.


I'm 17 now, is it possible to make a correction a year before entering school? military school? Are there any contraindications that would prevent military service in special forces?

Good afternoon, Anton! Indications for treatment using excimer laser vision correction are determined individually for each patient, based on a complete diagnosis of the visual system, as well as taking into account the person’s age, general condition, and professional activity. It is usually performed at the age of 18-45 years, but the decision about the possibility of correction is made by the doctor. In some cases, laser vision correction can be performed up to 18 years of age (for medical reasons, provided that vision has been stable for at least the last 1-1.5 years).

In case of progressive myopia (if vision drops to 1D within 1 year), it will be necessary to think about scleroplasty aimed at stabilizing myopia.

On the first day after vision correction, it is recommended to sleep on your back, and for the next 2-3 days, avoid getting soap or shampoo into your eyes. During rehabilitation period(about a week) the following are contraindicated: getting dirty water into the eyes, visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, swimming in ponds; physical exercise associated with increased injuries and heavy lifting (dancing, skiing, skating, contact and extreme sports and other traumatic activities); Women are not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, hairspray, and aerosols. Sunbathing is not recommended; doctors also advise wearing Sunglasses in sunny weather. You should also refrain from drinking alcohol during the rehabilitation period. It is necessary to undergo follow-up vision tests prescribed by your doctor (the postoperative observation schedule will be drawn up by your attending physician). Subsequently, upon completion recovery period There are no restrictions.

Is laser vision correction safe?

Laser vision correction is predictable and safe. The impact, the depth of which is strictly limited, occurs only on one of the refractive media of the optical system of the eye, the cornea. The temperature of the tissue in the affected area practically does not increase. With each pulse, the laser removes a layer of tissue 0.25 microns thick (approximately 1/500th the thickness of a human hair), such precision allows you to achieve the ideal result of the procedure in the most gentle way.

What happens if the laser misses?

During the treatment, the laser cannot miss, since the position of the eye is fixed by a special vacuum ring, and the head by a vacuum cushion. The patient's chair is rigidly connected to the laser unit, the intensity of the laser beam is controlled by a computer, and electronic system tracking the patient's gaze during surgery ensures centering of the treatment area - all this guarantees maximum accuracy of the procedure.

What is the likelihood of vision deterioration after laser correction?

Deterioration of vision in people who have undergone laser correction is possible due to age-related changes in the visual system after 45-50 years or in the situation of the development of eye diseases not related to the correction procedure.

Is it possible to go blind as a result of laser correction procedure?

Laser vision correction underwent multi-stage clinical trials before it began to be used in ophthalmological clinics. Since the late 80s of the last century, this method of vision restoration has spread widely throughout the world; several million corrections have been made using the LASIK technique. There have been no recorded cases of blindness after this procedure.

Does laser correction hurt? Is it done under anesthesia?

This procedure is performed without the use of anesthesia under local drip anesthesia, which, as a rule, is easily tolerated by patients and eliminates any pain.

At what age can laser vision correction be performed?

Laser vision correction can be recommended for those over 18 years of age. However, the final decision on the possibility of carrying out the procedure is made by the doctor, taking into account data on the state of the visual system of each individual patient.

Laser correction is not performed on children and the elderly because it is dangerous?

This procedure is indeed not performed on children, but not because the process has any harmful effects on the child’s eyes - the reason is that laser correction is inappropriate for those who have not yet reached 18 years of age. The fact is that as the body grows, the visual system changes and grows - and it is impossible to guarantee a lasting result of the intervention before vision has completely stabilized.

Correction is not recommended for those over 45 years of age - in this case, due to age-related changes in the visual system, the result may also not be entirely satisfactory, the procedure will not eliminate glasses, and good vision will be provided at long distances, but not at short distances. However, for older patients there are other effective methods restoration of visual functions.

What restrictions apply after surgery?

After the procedure, you cannot use decorative cosmetics for the eyes and hair sprays for several days, and drinking alcoholic beverages is also prohibited during this time. You can watch TV, drive a car, work on a computer, or read books within the first day after laser correction.

Activities such as dancing or light cycling are possible the very next day after the procedure, but, of course, this issue must first be discussed with your doctor. A more serious ban includes extreme activities - for example, lifting weights - and restrictions also apply to team and contact sports - volleyball, football, wrestling, etc. But you will have to wait very little with lifting the barbell, and with volleyball, and with wrestling; at the end of the rehabilitation period, all restrictions are lifted. Also, after laser vision correction, visits to the solarium and swimming pool are not recommended. Recovery time is individual for each patient; on average, this process can take about a month.

Is it possible to have laser vision correction before giving birth? And is it possible to give birth later?

Laser correction is successfully performed on nulliparous women; there are no potential risks for expectant mothers this procedure does not carry within itself. Problems during childbirth are possible for a completely different reason, due to the unsatisfactory condition of the retina - serious stress can cause its detachment and loss of vision. Therefore, all women planning to have a child should check the condition of the retina and, if necessary, undergo a procedure to strengthen it.

How long after laser correction is it better to get pregnant?

Laser correction is not carried out only during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but this ban is not due to any threats to mothers or babies. The body of pregnant and lactating women undergoes certain changes, and the result of the correction may be unstable; the procedure simply will not give the expected effect.

Is it possible to do laser correction with a thin cornea?

Thanks to the possibilities modern equipment The scope of application of the method has expanded significantly. Today, ophthalmic surgeons perform laser vision correction with femtosecond assistance; this is an almost completely automated technology, the new “gold standard” in performing this procedure.

A femtosecond laser does not cut, but non-contactly exfoliates the corneal tissue, and its beam can be focused at a given depth with an accuracy of several microns. Such a gentle, non-contact and at the same time unprecedentedly precise effect makes it possible to carry out vision correction for patients with a thin cornea and other complex conditions of the optical system of the eye - that is, many of those who previously had to be denied.

Is it possible to do laser vision correction in the summer; heat and bright sun will not affect its results?

The features of the recovery period after laser vision correction do not depend on whether it is winter or summer on the calendar. On the day of the procedure, you will have to stay at the clinic for a total of one and a half to two hours. Then, after a follow-up medical examination, the patient goes home on his own - and if it is warm outside, such a walk may be even more pleasant than in the cold winter months.

Due to increased photosensitivity, it is recommended to use outdoors during the rehabilitation period. sunglasses, and this will have to be done both in summer and winter.

Is it possible to have laser vision correction before going on vacation to the south?

You can fly by plane the very next day after the procedure; changes in atmospheric pressure do not pose a danger to a person who has undergone laser vision correction. However, it is still wise to wait a couple of weeks before leaving for vacation. Changing the climate zone increases the risk of developing colds, the complication of which can be eye inflammation, so in the first time after the intervention you should take a little more care. Is it possible to do laser vision correction for myopia -20 D?

For such a high degree of myopia, laser vision correction is not performed. For patients who have not lost the natural accommodation of the eye, that is, the ability to see well both near and far, ophthalmologists suggest paying attention to the procedure for implanting phakic lenses. In essence, this procedure is similar optical correction vision using conventional contact lenses - with the difference that a person puts contact lenses on the cornea independently, and phakic ones are implanted through a micro-access of about 1.8 mm in size, which subsequently self-seals.

Ophthalmic surgeon Georgy Pavlovich Parjanadze answers questions about laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is the most effective method to restore the vision of a child or adult. This type of procedure involves lifting the cell that protects the cornea using special equipment, and evaporating a certain tens of microns of collagen.

Next, over the course of a couple of hours, the incision site is carefully patched along its edge. Laser correction is a completely painless procedure, and it does not require hospitalization at all. After a few days, the patient returns to his normal life, but without the use of contact lenses or glasses.

It is worth considering that for the first time in his years, a little person’s vision begins to develop more rapidly, and it is then that questions about vision correction arise. Most parents have the mistaken opinion that a child’s vision deteriorates only when school begins.
Indeed, during the learning period, the baby’s eyes are subject to more serious stress during lessons, but this is not so big influence so that vision begins to decline. This can only be an impetus for the problems that arose during the formation of vision to begin to progress.

From this information it is worth concluding that the most the right decision- this is to pay maximum attention to detecting any violations that have arisen before the 7th age. If this period of time is missed, recovery will take longer and may not bring the expected effect. And in cases where treatment begins at about 12 years of age, there is no effect, and then the only chance is to carry out laser vision correction after the age of 18.

Preparatory process

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that laser vision correction is just a correction rather than direct treatment. It is worth remembering that this type of operation will help get rid of lenses or glasses, but will not help stop the immediate. Before the time of surgery is scheduled, it is necessary to conduct psychotherapeutic preparation with the child. This type of correction is carried out under local anesthesia.
There are two types of laser vision correction:

  1. The laser acts exclusively on the surface of the cornea
  2. The laser affects exclusively the inner layer of the cornea

First, it is necessary to carry out a series of examinations using special equipment. Before carrying out the laser correction procedure on a child, it is first necessary to various specialists, in order to avoid the sudden discovery of other ailments. Also, one should not exclude the possibility that during the period of the child’s therapeutic training, contact is being established. little patient with the staff.

This type of operation occurs without direct contact with the patient, which eliminates the use of surgical instruments. The entire operation is displayed on a special topographic device. After the operation has already been done, the doctor who made the correction prescribes a set of medications that must be taken until a full recovery. Full restoration of the baby’s visual organ is a relatively long and very important stage.

Visual impairment at a very young age in a child can greatly affect the child’s health as a whole; if you do not seek help from a qualified specialist in a timely manner, your vision can deteriorate very quickly and the child may go to school wearing glasses.

It is also recommended to carry out laser vision correction only when visual impairment (myopia or farsightedness) is stable. If the visual impairment is more serious, then it is necessary to resort to other treatments, such as lens replacement or other treatment methods.


Despite the fact that this type of correction is very popular, it is worth considering that this method may not be suitable for everyone. There are cases when doctors do not undertake correction, as many serious complications can arise. Such complications include:

  • Keratoconus of the cornea
  • Thinning of the cornea
  • Myopia or myopia that progresses
  • Infectious diseases of the eye for the period of time when correction should be carried out

Period after surgery

After laser vision correction, your baby will not have any problems. pain. You can observe a small amount of tears, as well as a little unpleasant discomfort, which can be described as foreign body, but these sensations last only in the first two days after the operation.

During the period when the operation is performed, qualified specialists prescribe special eye drops, for example:

  • Levomycetin
  • Taufon

I recommend using the above drops 4 times a day, and drops such as Naklof are recommended to be used up to twice a day. All drops must be used for 4 to 5 days. The day after the child has undergone laser vision correction, an examination takes place under a special microscope, where it should be clear that the eye is calm.

Prevention to avoid vision problems in a child

Preventive measures to avoid visual impairment include a number of activities.

  1. Maintaining an active lifestyle for your child from an early age.
  2. Locked holding large quantity time near the TV or monitor screen.
  3. A balanced diet that contains foods that can affect vision. For example: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, blueberries, rowan berries, etc.
  4. Perform a simple set of exercises that can strengthen the eye muscles.
  5. Make sure that during the period when the child is reading or writing, the posture should be straight, and the distance should be about 40 centimeters. You must watch TV at a distance of at least 3 meters.
  6. It is necessary to provide the child with proper, complete lighting of the place where the child does his homework or draws.
  7. It is necessary to encourage the child to do constant eye training.

In cases where laser correction cannot be avoided, this procedure should not be delayed.