Beautiful New Year's photo zones. Ideas for a New Year's photo zone at home. Organizational ideas for creating a photo zone

IN New Year I really want celebration and joy, just like in childhood. That’s why it’s so great when Christmas photo shoots turn out to be the most extraordinary of the year.

Today we have collected for you an inspiring selection of photos from the social network Pinterest with the best ideas for holiday photography so that you can give a small miracle to yourself and your loved ones. And, of course, to the clients who behaved well all year ;)

16 ideas that will create a holiday feeling in your frame

Idea No. 1. Light up the Christmas lights

This type of shooting with holiday garlands can be organized for both small children and adults. Check the serviceability of the garland, dim or completely turn off the lights - and shoot!

Idea No. 2. Play with reflections

Shiny New Year's toys give a holiday - just like in childhood. If you want the camera not to be visible in the frame, use a very small “spy” camera or... do a little magic in Photoshop.

Idea No. 3. Take a black and white photo with vibrant details

You will need basic knowledge graphic editors Photoshop or Lightroom - they are enough to play around with post-processing a little and get such nice photos.

By the way, at the beginning next year We will invite you to a marathon on image processing. So follow our newsletter so you don't miss this event.

Idea No. 4. Use wish signs

These photos turn out very cute and stylish. You can print them on cardboard as postcards and congratulate all your friends.

Idea No. 5. Shoot in a holiday-themed studio

Choose a studio with a location you like on the Internet and sign up quickly. During the New Year holidays it is usually sold out.

Idea No. 6. Make a Christmas backdrop from gift paper

A If you couldn’t sign up for a studio, make a beautiful backdrop for shooting right at home.

Idea No. 7. Make a beard and Santa Claus hat out of paper

P get a little crazy. Shooting with such fun attributes is a lot of fun. So, catch the real emotions of the models and laugh yourself to charge your photos with positivity.

Idea No. 8. Have a photo shoot in nature

Go to the forest, dress up a New Year's tree and take your best photo next to the Christmas tree.

Here's how the preparation for such photo shoots usually goes.

Idea No. 9. Make a heart out of candy canes

These long candies with mint or cinnamon flavor are familiar to us from foreign Christmas cartoons and cards.

Such beauty will become a holiday decoration, a delicious treat, and... a prop for photography.

Idea No. 10. Make stars from foil and wire

Of course, you will have to tinker a little with making the stars. But can you imagine what a pleasure it is to decorate a house with your own hands. And create a magical interior for filming.

Idea No. 11. Take a photo of the mountain of gifts

A whole mountain of beautiful boxes with a secret inside. Each of them contains a little secret and something incredibly pleasant and useful. While you shake the box and guess what is in it, curiosity tickles inside so pleasantly that at the same time you want to open the box and preserve this anticipation of a miracle.

Take your time opening gifts. Arrange a photo shoot with them to preserve this childhood joy throughout the year.

Idea No. 12. Dress up your model as a snowman

Or a deer. Or a fairy. Or cut out a crown and build a red robe. Now is the time to go beyond the usual boundaries and help the model reveal her new facets.

Now is New Year's Eve - the time for such magical transformations.

Idea No. 13. Decorate the wall with flags

Did you make garlands from flags as a child? It's time to remember this good tradition.

Believe me, it's a lot of fun. And you will get a beautiful corner for a photo shoot right at home.

Idea No. 14. Draw a funny animal mask out of paper

A sheet of paper, a black marker, 10 minutes of your time - and the props for creating a series of funny photos are ready.

Idea No. 15. Film the process of preparing holiday treats

Another culinary idea. If you are planning unusual holiday treats on your table, keep your camera close to the kitchen. Such photographs will be useful to you for selling on photo stocks. Especially if you film the entire process of preparing these mind-blowing sweets.

We offer the production of thematically designed art objects in a winter style, the concept of which is associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays. Use the photo zone for the New Year for:

    Shopping, entertainment and business centers.

    Photo studios (and privately for photo sessions).

Features of creating a winter photo zone

The design includes such attributes as glowing garlands, pine branches, artificial snow, snowflakes and stars. Three-dimensional figures of various characters are used as art elements - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, deer, other animals, as well as sleighs, false fireplaces and other thematic elements. We often install dummy lanterns, home furnishings and furniture, and decorate the photo backdrop with Christmas tree decorations.

The color palette for attractive photographs is chosen to be colorful, but not more than one or two main shades; the rest will complement. A popular method is monochrome design. The classic palette for New Year and Christmas is red, blue, green, silver and gold, wood texture, sparkles and fashionable glitter.

Composition ideas for the New Year

For studios

Photo backdrops, which are ordered to take photographs in studios, create an atmosphere of comfort and homely atmosphere. Family photos look warm and cozy. Attributes that couples with children and families choose:

    Christmas trees decorated with toys;

    False fireplaces;


    Threads from light bulbs and spruce branches;

    Lamps and baskets;

    Models of fruits and sweets;

    Vintage wooden utensils.

Armchairs and home textiles - blankets and pillows - look good as a complement. Imagine what a family photo looks like against the backdrop of a decorated Christmas tree. Especially if there is a spruce with beautiful light bulbs, a fireplace, where loved ones are covered with a warm blanket and smile at each other. Compositions with rocking chairs and other seating areas against the backdrop of garlands, shelves with toys, and vintage decor are popular. There are often fireplaces with Christmas stockings hanging on top, chests, and antique clocks.

Unlike the classic photo backdrop layout, it is not necessary to have a backdrop - a banner on the frame. Its role is played by the walls of the studio.

For shopping centers and business centers

We install the structures in an open space with high traffic. As a rule, they have a backdrop - a banner with a thematic image. Objects with a Christmas tree look beautiful, as an obligatory component of the holiday, near which passers-by and buyers take photos. You can supplement the art object with 3D figures of various characters, artificial snow, lanterns, sleighs, and other dummies. Interactive branded photo zones look interesting and are well remembered by those who participate in promotions and competitions.

It is one of the most beloved holidays by Russians. It is not surprising that the main calendar holiday of the year is rightfully loved by both adults and children. After all, as is commonly believed, only on New Year’s Day will all the wishes made during the chiming clock definitely come true.

The whole New Year's atmosphere is permeated with good magic. Is not it? How many positive emotions surround us at this time. At home, on the way to work, on the street in the park, in a cafe, in a store, and even in various government institutions– everywhere at this time you can feel the magical pre-New Year bustle.

Someone is in a hurry to buy clothes, or for gifts, or perhaps for new decorations for the Christmas tree or for the house, while all people are united in one impulse - to give joy and be happy.

Also at this time, celebrations dedicated to the New Year are held everywhere. And it doesn’t matter that it should come only in a few days - everyone can’t wait to plunge into this extravaganza of everyone’s favorite holiday.

Everywhere there are:

  • children's matinees,
  • school evenings,
  • corporate events,

dedicated to the main holiday of the country.The halls of cafes and restaurants are pre-decorated according to New Year's style.

Photo as a souvenir with a fairytale background

Perhaps, as the practice of publishing photographs of users of all ages in various in social networks, it is on these New Year's days that people take many photographs, demonstrating their readiness to celebrate the New Year, as well as showing how the process of celebrating it goes.

Often, sadly, the pictures turn out crumpled and, alas, not interesting. Agree, no one will be interested in looking at photographs with a boring and blurry background.

The company offers you a specially designated corner or area in the style of the New Year as a decoration for the New Year in the form of a photo zone.

Here you can take memorable photos in person or surrounded by family and friends that will decorate your social networks.

Our New Year's photo zones, created from other attributes of this celebration, will give you an indescribable feeling of magic and take you to a New Year's fairy tale.

Your photographs taken against the backdrop of such a photo zone will evoke a lot of positive emotions both in you and in those with whom you share them.

Also, our photo zones will be an excellent decoration for public areas; they will attract new clients and visitors, which is also not unimportant, given the pre-New Year competition and the fight for each client.

So if you are still thinking about this: whether to install a photo zone or not, stop thinking about it and take care of installing it as soon as possible. Be one of the first to pleasantly surprise others and give joy and anticipation of a miracle on the eve of the New Year!

Call now, we will place your order in a minute.

We offer you balloons with delivery or pickup, whichever is more convenient for you:

We all look forward to the New Year holidays, because they bring not only joy and fun, but also faith in a better future. But, as they say, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, attention must be paid not only festive table but also entertainment, among which the New Year’s photo zone can take pride of place.

A mandatory attribute of a New Year's party, corporate event or home gatherings is photography. To make your photos stand out and be special, try making your own special photo booth. To do this, you just need to be patient and in a good mood. The decoration can be done as usual using balloons, garlands or rain. Or you can come up with a themed decor, all the elements of which relate to a given theme. Such decoration will be more difficult to arrange, but it will be more interesting, and the pictures will be brighter and more individual.

Rules for designing a New Year's photo zone

If you strive not only to diversify your photographs, but also to please your guests, then you should adhere to some rules designed to provide for all the nuances:

  1. Provide space for photography. It is desirable that 2 sq.m. be free. This is exactly what a photographer needs to take high-quality photographs.
  2. Before the banner there should be free place to accommodate people.
  3. The location of the photo zone should be the most convenient and at the same time remote from the table and dance area. It should not block the passage.
  4. If this is a corporate event or a themed party, then the decor of the photo zone should match the overall palette of the interior.
  5. Pay attention to what is behind the photo zone. Avoid mirrors, because they will reflect the photographer and everything that should not be included in the frame.
  6. It is advisable to illuminate the photo zone with professional equipment: reflectors, light boxes, etc. If such equipment is not available, then the stand with attributes is installed in the brightest place, and an external flash is used during photography. Thanks to these nuances, the pictures will be better, brighter and better quality.

It is advisable to place a small table near the equipped stand, on which it will be convenient to place various New Year or themed accessories: hats, glasses, mittens, tinsel, wigs, masks, etc.

They don't have to be used during a photo shoot, but they can help people loosen up and have fun, resulting in natural, relaxed shots.

The rules are not mandatory, because the required space is not always available, but if you try, you can easily do without a professional photographer, and photos taken not in the studio, but at home, will surprise you with their uniqueness.

Organizational ideas for creating a photo zone

When organizing a photo zone for the New Year, pay attention to its style. There are many options: the Middle Ages with a fireplace, Santa Claus's house, a gangster party or a magical winter fairy tale. Of course, in an apartment it will be difficult to create the closest possible approximation to the theme, but it’s worth trying. After styling, accessories and other elements that match the theme are selected. A Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of the holiday, so you need to allocate a place for it.

If you plan to use it in a photo zone, then choose a low tree that will fit completely into the frame.

A New Year's photo zone can be organized using the following materials:

  • Paper garlands. The most basic thing you can do is cut out the letters “Happy New Year” from colored paper, and then hang them like a garland. You can use paper snowflakes as decoration. If they are voluminous, then they can be hung on a ribbon or with the help of rain, and if they are flat, then glued to a stand or strung on a thread. If you want something original, you will have to make every effort to create voluminous and unusual jewelry.

  • Electric garlands will decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the New Year’s photo zone. It's not original, but by hanging them everywhere and dimming the main lighting, you get mysterious and magical photos. If the holiday takes place at home in an apartment or office, and not in a studio or in a banquet hall, then a wall is quite suitable for a photo zone, and the garland can be hung in the form of an arch. By adding fabric drapery or the same curtains, you get unique photographs.

  • Tinsel and Christmas tree rain are integral companions of the New Year, so they can be safely used in all decorations. An arch with a hanging Christmas tree rain will look especially beautiful, and if you add a garland with lights, it will look like something out of a fairy tale. Wrapping paper will replace the usual wallpaper background and will be a wonderful decoration for a festive photo zone.

    Ask your child to help glue the bows to the stand and you will have a lot of fun working together and great results. Organize competitions between children.

  • Ribbons will help make the decor of the photo zone more festive and brighter. The most important color of the New Year is considered to be red and the one that corresponds to the symbolism of the coming year, so decorating the area in these colors will be a good decision.

  • Paper snowflakes are an oldie, but huge paper snowflakes make a unique and special photo spot. Winter will come to your home in the form of elegant snowflakes. The windows can also be decorated. To do this, use a can of artificial snow, which will help create unimaginable frosty patterns.

Themes and ideas for the New Year's photo zone

Home fire for the New Year

The first and main theme that is played out at photo sessions is the hearth in the form of a fireplace, family and warmth in relationships. To create such an installation you won’t need a lot of decorations. It is enough to highlight the main location - a bed, a Christmas tree, a fluffy carpet on the floor or chairs by the fireplace. Large gift boxes with bows will serve as props. You can use a terry blanket or wicker blanket. In such photographs, as a rule, the background is blurred, so you don’t need to pay much attention to it.

Various photo studios offer their services, which include renting a room with decor, lighting equipment and a photographer. Professionals know how to arrange furniture elements and accessories to advantage, so you don’t have to think about this topic. In the studio, professionals can create everything, including a homelike bedroom with a bed or a living room with a fireplace. An Advent wreath with gold ribbons or a bell will decorate the wall above the fireplace.

Homemade fireplaces made of cardboard and paper are very popular. Anyone can make them themselves, relying on various master classes presented on the Internet. The fireplace reminds us of the warmth and comfort of home, as well as of Santa Claus and Father Frost, who bring gifts under the tree.

By the way, as a photo accessory for the New Year, you can use a small figurine of Santa Claus or his mask and hat.

Photo zone with clock

A beautiful and timeless element of the New Year is the large clock with Roman numerals, which symbolizes time and the coming of the new year. Making them yourself is not difficult, and if you also involve a child in the process, then success is guaranteed. Depending on the size of the clock, it can be hung or placed near a chair, armchair or background.

New Year's balls, made with your own hands together with your baby, will decorate your home and complement the decor. You can make them from colored paper, ribbons, beads and anything else you can get your hands on. As a base, you can use foam blanks, which are available in any craft store.

One of the simple and very interesting options for creating balloons is to use knitting threads, PVA glue and a balloon. Dipping the threads into the glue, you need to wrap them around the balloon. Let the glue dry, leaving it for several hours. Then deflate the ball and take it out. The result is a cocoon that can be decorated with beads, flowers or ribbons.

Gangster party on New Year's Eve

The most popular theme for New Year's celebrations is the gangster party. Stylish clothes, feathers, boas, pistols and hats - this is what is very important to have with you when going to such a party. You can print out a large prison stadiometer as a background, and write comic achievements instead of centimeters.

The main colors are white and black. Sometimes gold is added as a luxurious addition. If you have a place for a white piano at your corporate event, then consider that you automatically become the owner of the most glamorous shots.

Children's photo zone

In fact, the New Year holiday is all permeated with childhood and adults, at times, unbearably want to plunge into this world. Various toys, gifts, a Christmas tree decorated with garlands, balls and figures, all this makes you feel like a child waiting for a miracle.

But who said that we ourselves cannot create miracles? Sweets must be present in the children's New Year's photo zone. It doesn’t matter whether they are lying on the floor, hanging on the Christmas tree or used as garlands, candies will help keep your spirits high throughout the photo shoot.

A small dollhouse looks very beautiful in photographs, so if it is not available, you can make it yourself, at least just the front wall with a porch and a window. Be sure to hang a mailbox to drop letters for loved ones there. For children, this will be an additional entertainment, as it is always nice to receive mail. Invite them to draw pictures with a dream or wish and send it by mail to Santa Claus.

Street photo zone

A great idea is to set up an outdoor photo zone for the New Year, especially if there is white all around and snow softly falls on the branches of the trees. You can use a decorated window, porch, house wall, or garden as a background. You just need to complement the natural beauty with simple decor and excellent photographs are guaranteed.

It will turn out very beautifully if you decorate the Christmas tree in the garden with garlands in advance, and conduct a photo shoot after the snow falls. On a frosty evening, turning on the lights, you will see how beautiful everything is around. Setting up a photo zone on the street for the New Year is a risky business, especially in those areas where precipitation falls in the form of rain rather than snow, so it is better to turn to a professional photo studio.

Photo zone in the office

It is necessary to arrange a photo zone in the office for the New Year professionally, because no one will tolerate pretentiousness and bad taste. This is especially important where formality is preferred. As a rule, in such offices for the New Year, a banner with the company logo is installed on some festive background. A Christmas tree is placed nearby, perhaps even a natural one. Decorations are selected in one or two colors. Widespread in Lately It was a European tradition to hang a Christmas wreath on the porch or front door. It looks very elegant, stylish and consists of pine branches.

New Year is a magical time! The time when most of us begin to believe in fairy tales again and it’s as if each of us awakens Small child. Photos taken during the New Year turn out to be especially kind, cozy and beautiful.

How to arrange a home New Year's photo shoot and what you need for this will be discussed in the article.

Place for a photo zone

Choose a well-lit area that is large enough to accommodate the number of people required. Take several shots at your chosen location throughout the day under different lighting conditions. Choose the angles from which the photos look best.

Backgrounds for New Year's photo shoot

The background (or backing) is one of the most important attributes for preparing for a photo shoot. A properly selected background is already half the success. The richer the background looks or the better it represents the theme, the fewer props you can use.

A background made of New Year's tinsel looks ideal and very simple (but how impressive!). It is convenient to hang it from the cornice, imitating curtains, the main thing is that the background is thick enough and the window (or colorful background) is not visible through it. Moreover, both ordinary rain and other types of tinsel look good. Using New Year's tinsel as a background, it is enough to use the numbers of the coming year as a prop.

Photo: Photo:

Create winter's tale It’s a little more complicated, but it will turn out more fabulous - use light plain fabrics in white and blue tones for the background. You can drape the wallpaper with delicate light chiffon fabrics; under them you can attach a New Year's garland with tape, which will need to be turned on before the photo shoot.

You can use it as a prop, imitating trees. You can use snowflakes or a snow garland as pendants.



Photo: by ZoeStewartPhotography



The atmosphere of home comfort, warmth and cohesion is one of the main themes for New Year's photographs, so it is worth preparing a small photo zone for family photos. The background in this case does not matter much (decisively).

To create a family New Year's photo zone, the most important prop, of course, can be a bright and elegant christmas tree. The minimum set of props for photographs “at the Christmas tree”: brightly packaged “gift” boxes, figures for the coming year. A warm blanket, fur (fluffy) rugs, and burlap are usually placed under the feet.


If there is an armchair or sofa next to the tree, throw a blanket over it or spread it on the floor. As an option, you can decorate the photo zone with pillows of New Year's shapes: Christmas trees, snowmen, or make a bright congratulatory phrase from soft letters.

Photographs of fake fireplaces are very popular, which you can do yourself, if, of course, you have space.

If, in addition to portrait photos, you want to show the New Year's troubles, then you can film how you decorate the Christmas tree, admire the Christmas tree or toys, hold or choose a gift. In any case, the most important thing for a good photograph will be your upbeat, joyful (festive) mood.


Props for a New Year's photo shoot

List of possible New Year's props (except for the New Year's tree):

  • Snowflakes
  • New Year's garlands
  • New Year's toys
  • New Year's tinsel
  • the coming year
  • Prop boxes with gifts
  • Figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, animal of the coming year
  • Big clock
  • New Year's hats and costumes
  • Red bag with gifts (Santa Claus bag)
  • New Year's sock for gifts
  • Plaid, fur (fluffy rugs)
  • Fake fireplace
  • Elegant sleigh

New Year's photo props

Last time so that the photos are not boring, Photo props are popular, including New Year themed ones. It can be either in the form of New Year's attributes, for example, caps, kokoshniks, etc.