When does fasting begin before the new year? What can you eat during the Nativity Fast - the best recipes for Lenten dishes. Nutrition calendar by day

The winter season is full of holidays, the most special and the main one for many believers is Christmas. Before the start of the holiday, the church established a fast of 40 days, what can be eaten during the Nativity Fast and why this rule was established, what benefits fasting brings to the soul, when to start and how to fast correctly, every person needs to know.

When does the Nativity fast begin?

Every year, the date of the beginning of the Nativity fast is stable, without changes, on November 28th. It ends on the morning of January 7th. On the night of 6 to 7 in the church, the All-Night Vigil is served - a special service of God, the Savior came into the world - he was born in Bethlehem. Poor shepherds and rich wise men brought him gifts, whoever was rich in something and hurried to the newborn baby. The Nativity fast for a layman is a sacrifice for the glory of God, a gift for a newborn that he can give.

Fasting lasts 40 days - this is the path at the end of which a person gains joy from the coming of Christ to earth. The strictest day of this fast is January 6 - Christmas Eve, popularly Christmas Eve. On this day, a strict fast is required, for those who can withstand it for health reasons, even lenten foods are prohibited during the day; in the evening, after the appearance of the first star, it is customary to eat kutya or sochivo - lenten porridge with honey and raisins. The purpose of fasting is to strengthen the spiritual state, to remind that the main need of the human soul is communication with God, we must forget about the essential, that is, food.

Why is the Nativity Fast called Filippov?

The history of the Nativity Fast - stories about times recorded on the pages of the Bible. The very concept of the beginning of the New Era is the time of the Birth of Jesus Christ, the countdown of time based on a specific event. The beginning of the Nativity Fast falls on the day after St. Apostle Philip, the name Philip's fast was invented by the people. In the old days, it was easier and more convenient for believers to navigate by church holidays; there was not a calendar in every home, but everyone went to church and on Sunday the priest announced the upcoming holidays according to the charter for a whole week in advance and talked about the beginning of Lent.

How to prepare for the Nativity Fast?

Christmas or Filippov fast, any fast - work on yourself and established rules. Food, which is abstained from on such days, is not the most important source of human life. Often, in the pursuit of “satisfying the flesh,” people do not find time for the main thing, to strengthen their spiritual strength; they do not have enough time for prayer and alms. Just giving up your usual food is not enough, you need to try to change yourself for the better.

How to observe the Nativity Fast correctly?

The first day and all other days are a report before the festive event; during fasting you should spend more time than usual according to the daily schedule in prayer, doing good deeds, and helping your neighbors. One day you should load yourself with the rules - go headlong into fasting, if you can do it. God strengthens those who strive for Him along the path of fasting.

Rules of the Nativity Fast for the laity

The order for this fast is the last day on which they eat animal products and drink wine. There are four fasts in a year, before each of them there is a day of fasting, if this day falls on Wednesday or Friday, but it is forbidden to consume the above foods. Example - November 27th may fall on a Tuesday, which means you can eat meat and milk, drink wine, but if the 27th falls on a Friday, then you should only eat lean food until Christmas.

How to eat during the Nativity fast?

It is difficult to call food during the Nativity Fast meager; lenten dishes are very tasty, nutritious and healthy. On weekends and special days of remembrance of the most revered saints, such as St. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (celebrated on December 19. On this day it is allowed to eat fish and drink wine. On odd days of the week (except Sunday) food with vegetable oil is prohibited if health allows preparing food without it.

What can you eat during the Nativity Fast?

The list of what is allowed to eat during the Nativity Fast is long. At the very beginning, the question may arise about what food to prepare, but in a few days the usual menu can easily be changed to a lean one. It is especially useful to steam or bake in a sleeve - on days when it is not customary to eat dishes with vegetable oil. Basic products for cooking:

  • porridge;
  • fresh and pickled vegetables;
  • fruits, dried fruits;
  • nuts and bee products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • fish and seafood.
  • mushrooms.

What should you not eat during Lent before Christmas?

You should study the composition of products purchased in the store; if the manufacturer honestly indicates on the label the presence of soy or palm milk in the composition, then such a product can be consumed, it contains fats plant origin. If you pay attention, you can buy a lot of lean products. List of what you can’t eat during the Nativity Fast - all fast foods:

  • meat of any animals;
  • absolutely all dairy products;
  • eggs.

Recipes for the Advent for every day

The rules of the Nativity Fast allow for concessions for sick people, pregnant and lactating women, and children. If a person wants to fast, but his health does not allow him to adhere to all the rules, he can reduce his food intake by half, or exclude some foods from it, without harm to the body. Make it a rule not to consume a specific product for 40 days, or not eat dairy or dairy products. meat products on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage - Lenten version


  • a small head of cabbage;
  • carrots, onions;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 50 g dried mushrooms;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • a bunch of greenery.


  1. Pre-soak the mushrooms for 2 hours and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrot, simmer and add mushrooms and diced tomato.
  3. Add water to the mushroom broth and boil the chopped potatoes and cabbage in it.
  4. Mix the vegetables stewed with mushrooms and boil for a couple of minutes.
  5. Decorate the finished cabbage soup with fresh herbs before serving.

Potatoes for Lent - recipes

It’s not difficult to prepare delicious, hearty dishes during Lent - pies and pies, cutlets with vegetable and fish fillings, casseroles with mushrooms, vegetable stews, homemade sauces and adjikas, and dried herbs will diversify any menu. During Lent before Christmas, many dishes are prepared based on potatoes; they can be baked, fried, boiled, steamed, served on their own or as a side dish.

Country potatoes


  • small potatoes 15-20 pieces;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dry herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and dry on a towel.
  2. Cut into small slices and place in a large saucepan.
  3. Drizzle with oil and squeeze out the garlic, add dry herbs, salt and pepper.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and shake to mix.
  5. Bake in the oven on a baking sheet. Potatoes can be cooked in a sleeve.
"Potato dumplings"


  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • bulb;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Fry chopped onions and mushrooms.
  3. Add the frying to the boiled mashed potatoes.
  4. Make dumplings.
  5. Boil.

Salads for Lent - recipes

Food during the Nativity Fast is very tasty, light, it is beneficial for the body - it helps relieve stress. digestive system, get things going internal organs. Salads are prepared based on fresh and boiled vegetables, seasoned with lean mayonnaise or vegetable oil, and decorated with herbs. Simple, accessible recipes take minimal time to prepare.

Salad “Fruit Pair”


  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 orange;
  • Crimean onion;
  • a jar of olives;
  • 5-6 cherry tomatoes;
  • bunch of lettuce leaves.


  1. Cut the peeled orange into cubes.
  2. Slice the avocado and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Finely chop the olives, divide the tomatoes into four parts, cut the lettuce leaves, chop the onion into half rings.
  4. Mix all ingredients and pour over dressing.
  5. The dressing consists of 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. mustard, a pinch of salt and pepper - mix.

Baking during Lent - recipes

Delicious baked goods and easy to prepare, original dishes during the Nativity Fast, you can prepare it without spending too much money. It is clear that the Lenten recipe does not contain the usual eggs, dairy products, butter, but Lenten baked goods are no less tasty without these ingredients. Ready-made pies are decorated with ground nuts or sprinkled with powder.

Pineapple muffin with dried apricots and prunes


  • 100 g of pineapples and 250 ml of syrup from a can;
  • 10 pieces of prunes;
  • 10 pieces of dried apricots;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 50 g honey;
  • half a teaspoon each of salt, soda and ground cinnamon;
  • 5 g baking powder.


  1. Cut prunes, dried apricots and pineapples into small cubes.
  2. Boil in pineapple syrup in a saucepan for 5 minutes.
  3. Add cinnamon, honey, sugar to the fruit and cool.
  4. Pour flour soda and baking powder into the fruit mixture and stir.
  5. Place in molds greased with vegetable oil.
  6. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180.

Orange Pie

Ingredients for the dough:

  • half a kilo of flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 70 ml cold water;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • salt.

Christmas post 2017/2018, like the other four multi-day fasts, is very ancient and has been revered by Orthodox Christians from time immemorial. The Church does not perform the sacraments of baptism or weddings on these days, for this is a period of prayer and humility, a period of abstinence from excesses and temptations. This is a time of working on your soul, fighting cowardice, anger, and pride.

Fasting in worldly life is much more difficult than in a monastery, however, everything is possible thanks to prayer. Saint John Chrysostom said that fasting humbles the flesh and tames lust

The most recent multi-day fast of the outgoing year is Christmas. He is less strict than Uspensky and the Great. According to the new calendar, it begins on November 28 and ends on January 6, the eve of the Nativity of Christ. It lasts forty days and in the Church Charter is called Lent or the Fast of Philip (in honor of the Holy Apostle Philip).

The Great Nativity of Christ has five days of pre-celebration and six days of post-celebration. On this day church services take place at midnight, at dawn and during the day.

History of establishment

The first mentions of the Nativity Fast were seen in very ancient writings. Beginning in the fourth and fifth centuries, the works of St. Augustine and St. Ambrose of Milan abound in legends about Pentecost.

Initially, the duration of the Nativity Fast in Christianity was only seven days. However, during the reign of Emperor Manuel, all Christians kept a fast for forty days before the Nativity of Christ and still observe it for that long today.

Deeply religious people try to come to Christmas with repentance, having been cleansed of their sins. Saint Ignatius wrote that fasting makes the mind sober, and prayer drives away invisible enemies from a Christian. By taming his body, a person gains true purity and strength. In the ancient teachings of Leo the Great, it was written that the Lord rewarded us with generous earthly gifts, and we need to observe the Nativity Fast and be especially attentive to those in need during it.

Catholics also observe fasting, but in many Catholic countries this phenomenon is becoming less and less common. The pre-Christmas fast in the Catholic Church is called Advent; it is less strict than the Orthodox one.

Nutrition calendar by day

While fasting physically, one must not forget about the main meaning of this action - spirituality. Without visiting the temple, limiting yourself to food alone will not bring meaning - it is meaningless and unconscious. However, while observing the Nativity Fast according to all the rules, you must strictly adhere to the basic nutritional rules, namely:

  • Absolute refusal of meat and meat-containing products;
  • Fish dishes are taboo; they can only be eaten on certain days;
  • Abstinence from milk and dairy products.

If the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God falls on Wednesday or Friday, then you can eat fish. After the feast of St. Nicholas and before Christmas, you can also eat fish, but only on Saturday or Sunday.

The basis of nutrition for forty days will be the alternation of lean foods without adding oil (called dry eating) and raw foods. During the Nativity Fast you can eat pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, various pickles, tomato soups, boiled rice, dumplings without oil, apple charlotte, various nuts, pumpkin dishes, jelly and candied fruits. On some days it is even permissible to eat fish, such as pollock or fish soup and many other different dishes.

There are a lot of interesting Lenten recipes and fresh ideas on the Internet on how to diversify your diet during the Nativity Fast using permitted foods.

Orthodox Christians divide fasting into conditional stages depending on which the nutrition changes.

Starting from November twenty-eighth to December nineteenth (days falling on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker), the first stage will last. From the twentieth of December to the first of January is the second stage, and from the second to the sixth of January is the third.

The first stage of the Nativity Fast

The days on which you need to adhere only to dry eating are Wednesdays, Fridays and Mondays. This means that you can only eat food without heat treatment in its raw, original form. These products include mushrooms, all vegetables, fruits, honey, and nuts.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot food with added vegetable oil. For example, these days you can cook soup (not with broth, of course) or porridge with vegetable oil.

Weekends - Saturdays and Sundays are the same days as Tuesday and Thursday, but the difference is that you can still afford a little red grape or currant wine, fish, hot food with vegetable oil. This is because, according to the calendar, these days fall on the feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, and people who observe fasting can afford to slightly expand their diet.

Second stage of the Nativity Fast

Starting from the second stage, fasting remains the same, but Orthodox Christians will also be able to afford hot dishes and dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

The third stage of the Nativity Fast

In the final stage from the second to the sixth of January, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the basis of nutrition, as before, will be dry eating. On Tuesday and Thursday - food without added oil. On Saturday and Sunday you can eat hot dishes with vegetable oil. Fish dishes and wine drinks are prohibited at this stage.

Serves lusciously as a dish to break the fast. Sochivo is a special dish consisting of wheat and rice soaked in water. It is sweetened with dried fruits, honey and raisins. The name of the word comes from the name of the dish - it is eaten succulently in the evening after completely abstaining from food all day.

Sochivo and kutya are an integral element of the feast. Depending on the countries, kutya was cooked from different cereals, such as lentils, rice, rye, barley, and pearl barley. The main unifying ingredient was honey dissolved in water and poppy seeds. Christians thought so next year It will be more productive if you add dried fruits, nuts, candy or jam to the dish.

Please pay attention Special attention the fact that January 6 (Christmas Eve) is the strictest day, and traditionally you can eat only after the appearance of the first star

There is an ancient custom of not having a meal on Christmas Eve “until the first star.” On Christmas Eve people go to service, and church regulations allow them to eat only after the Liturgy. Therefore, the expression “until the first star” represents the end of the Liturgy. IN modern world Many Christians perceive serving God superficially and believe that the church is a mediator between God and man, but nevertheless, they fast.

Catholic Christmas has some differences from Christian Christmas. At the very beginning of the feast, they humbly read a common prayer and the Gospel of St. Luke about the Nativity of Christ the Savior. At the head festive table father. In countries of Eastern Europe There are Christmas bread on the table. At the end of the festive dinner, families go to church service.

Catholics also have a custom of refusing to eat until the so-called first star. This is connected with the legend about the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared when Christ was born, but there is no written evidence of this. The rest of the preparation for this sacrament does not differ much from Christians.

It is worth remembering that the most important thing in fasting is the spiritual aspect. Days should be spent repenting and praying. A fast spent in renunciation of sins will save the soul rather than a fast spent simply refusing food. You should never use fasting as a means of losing weight without understanding its essence and repentance, because then it makes absolutely no sense. The rules of the Orthodox Church allow the infirm, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly not to fast.


The 40-day Christmas fast begins on November 28 and ends on January 6, the night before Christmas. Fasting involves abstaining from certain foods and prayer with the goal of facing Christmas purified and ready to follow the teachings of the Son of God.

The main goal and meaning of the Nativity Fast according to St. John Chrysostom: “True fasting is removal from evil, curbing the tongue, putting aside anger, taming lusts, stopping slander, lies and perjury.”

The Nativity Fast is also called Filippov, since the day of the Order (the last day before Lent) falls on the day of remembrance of St. Apostle Philip.

Sporsky Vaclav. Prayer

History of the Nativity Fast. Meaning. Prayer

The history of the Nativity Fast begins in the era of the birth of Christianity. At first, the fast lasted 7 days, but later increased to forty days. The exception was the Armenian church, which refused to accept the new rules and still fasts for seven days (from December 30 to January 5).

Ilya Repin. Christ

In Orthodox churches of the Byzantine heritage (the majority of them), days of abstinence take place from November 28 to January 6.

It is important that fast days, although they are closer to holidays, are still different from them. On holidays, clergy invite people to thank God and the saints for their blessings, and on days of restrictions it is necessary to reconcile with God, our Savior, and all the saints.

Ilya Repin. Judas

Fasting as a chance to change. The meaning of fasting is not so much in giving up fast food, but in changing and cleansing yourself of passions not some time ago, but today.

For example, if you are overcome by envy, you need to visit a hospital or shelter - see with your own eyes how many unfortunate and disadvantaged people there are in the world, help them and sympathize with them. This will allow you to cope with envy and will be the beginning of spiritual growth. In the same way, we must fight other passions - the passion of condemnation, anger, pride.

Ilya Repin. Get away from me, Satan, 1860s

Prayer in church and at home. Prayer in church on Sundays and at home before the face of the Savior is especially important. During your communication with God, you should let go of all grievances, contact sincerely, ask for forgiveness for your misdeeds and help for yourself and your loved ones. The rest of the time you should reject everything bad and abstain from marital duties.

Menu for the Nativity Fast. What you can and cannot eat

Fasting is a period when you should avoid certain foods. What should you not eat during fasting and what foods are allowed?

Products for the Nativity Fast

Fast foods. On all fasting days, you are not supposed to eat fast food (animal products) - meat, dairy products, butter, eggs. Other restrictions depend on the day of the week.

Lenten products. Basically, the diet should be dominated by lean foods - vegetables and fruits, compotes, mushrooms, nuts, honey, jam.

Fish. During the Nativity Fast, fish dishes are consumed only on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on Great Holidays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays - on the days of the glorified saint. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, fish is undesirable, just like wine. You can feast on fish and eat caviar on major divine festivals.

Oil. It is necessary to cook food without oil on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - porridge, boiled vegetables. On the remaining days of the week, add vegetable oil to your food.

During the Nativity Fast, the New Year is celebrated. Efforts should be made not to succumb to temptations and not to break prohibitions. And this is a great test for a believer.

Otherwise, the Church Charter prescribes the following rules regarding Christmas meals.

✔ On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating without vegetable oil (foods without heat treatment - bread and plant foods).

✔ On Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot food with vegetable oil.

✔ On Saturdays and Sundays - hot vegetable food with vegetable oil, fish, wine.

✔ Hot vegetable food with vegetable oil, fish, wine.

The strictest fast is from January 2 to January 5 inclusive (the period of the pre-celebration of the Nativity of Christ)

✔ On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating.

✔ On Tuesdays and Thursdays, on Saturdays and Sundays - hot food with vegetable oil.

✔ On Christmas Eve, on Christmas Eve, until the first star, it is customary to completely give up food, and in the evening you can enjoy (sochivom) - porridge from boiled cereals (traditionally - wheat) with various additives - nuts, raisins, honey, etc. includes 12 Lenten dishes.

Nadezhda Poluyan-Vnukova (Ukraine). At grandma's before Christmas

Warning. You should not resort to a lean diet without consulting a doctor, especially people with health problems, since not every body can adapt to the conditions of dietary restrictions. During fasting days, do not overdo it. If something goes wrong, a relaxation in food is permissible.

It is generally not recommended to fast for persons who have suffered serious illnesses (for example, cancer), women whose pregnancy is difficult, weakened persons, and small children. In such cases, one should adhere only to spiritual restrictions and adherence to certain rules of communication with God.

Only Old Believers and monks strictly observe fasting. Of course, the decision to resort to fasting should be made only by you and consciously. Otherwise, the purpose of the Nativity Fast loses its main meaning.

Variants of the Nativity Fast. There are also possible variations in the strictness of observance of fasting days, which a person can choose for himself and adhere to.

✔ Completely abstain from food strictly on certain days (for people in good health).

✔ Dry eating.

✔ It is allowed to eat fish.

✔ Hot food with oil is allowed (exclusively with vegetable oil).

✔ Hot food without oil.

✔ Observance of fast days with food allowances - for children under 7 years of age, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, weakened after long-term illnesses, and the elderly. Such persons are always allowed hot food; You can eat fish, sometimes eat eggs and milk.

How to prepare for the Nativity Fast

It should be remembered that fasting is a truly responsible step that requires gradualness. The main mistake of all beginners is the desire to quickly switch to a lean diet and reduce portions to a minimum. Because of this, health problems most often develop and become aggravated. chronic diseases, irritability appears.

We need to prepare for the Nativity Fast. You can try your hand before fasting - many believers observe restrictions every Wednesday, Friday, as well as on major religious holidays.

You need to eat as much food as you need - do not starve. Don't forget about water balance during this period. The water will be yours an indispensable assistant(at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day).

Entertainment during the Nativity Fast. Is it possible to get married?

During the Nativity Fast, entertainment and carnal pleasures are not allowed. Even according to Slavic beliefs, wedding ceremonies were prohibited on the eve of Christmas and on the holiday itself. It was believed that all witches acquired double strength and could come to the celebration and bring misfortune to the young.

It is possible that the lovers want to get married during the Nativity Fast. Perhaps because of the beautiful and romantic time of year, or maybe the couple feels that this is their date. But the clergy believe that this is not the best idea.

Young people should devote these days to thoughts about strengthening their spirituality, prayers and communication with God, because the essence of fasting is cleansing, getting rid of bad things, pacifying food and bodily lusts.

And most importantly, this is the time when a person gets rid of his sins and learns to cope with desires. Therefore, holding such a solemn event as a wedding during this period is nothing more than proof that you are following your desires, which means you cannot cope with them, that is, you are committing a sin.

However, everyone makes the final decision themselves. After all, there is another opinion (some clergy also adhere to it) - there is nothing purer and more pleasing to God than true love.

Regardless of the purpose for which the Nativity fast is observed, the fasting person performs a good deed on the path to purification of consciousness and soul. If a person voluntarily renounces pleasures and benefits, he has won victory over himself.


In the top photo: Sergey Andriyaka. "Still life with a candle and an old book"

The last of the multi-day fasts of the year is Rozhdestvensky or Filippov. The second name arose because the prayer before its beginning (11/14 according to the old style) falls on the day of remembrance of St. Philip. The Nativity Fast itself has clear deadlines: every year it begins on November 28, lasts 40 days and ends on January 6.

Compliance with restrictions during this period allows Orthodox people to make a feasible sacrifice in gratitude for the harvest, cleanse their flesh and spiritually prepare for one of the greatest holidays for all Christians.


Initially, the Nativity fast lasted only a week, but after the proclamation of this period during the council by Patriarch Luke of Constantinople as a pan-Christian tribute of gratitude to the Lord God, it was increased to 40 days and received a common name in the Church Charter - Pentecost.

Just like every year, in 2018 it begins on November 28 (Wednesday) and lasts 5.5 weeks until Christmas Eve - January 6, 2019 (Sunday).

Spiritual basis

Those believers who intend to take the path of restrictions during this period must understand that the meaning of the Nativity Fast is to gain another spiritual experience. It is important to feel and realize that carnal pleasures are secondary, and sometimes they interfere with hearing the voice of God, which sounds inside every Orthodox Christian. At this time, a person must realize the sinfulness of his existence and sincerely desire to repent and make himself purer, more resilient and more submissive to all the trials that fate has in store.

For the same purpose, during all the weeks of Pentecost and another 11 days after it (Yuletide), the church does not conduct wedding ceremonies: worldly needs and personal joys should not overshadow the main spiritual goal of those fasting during this period.

Restrictions during these 40 days cannot be perceived as punishment. On the contrary, there should be light and joy in the soul from the small part that a believer is able to express his love for the Father God and Jesus Christ.

A moderate fasting diet reduces in people passionate and sinful thoughts that can arise due to excessive nutrition. But the overall goal is not to weaken a person, but to strengthen his spirit, to which light and unburdened flesh will obey.

Rules of the Nativity Fast

For those who want to enter the Nativity Fast as the church teaches, you need to know what rules should be followed during this period:

  • A few days before the start, you can repent and receive a blessing from the priest.
  • You cannot allow anger, envy, or despondency in your soul. If you have any doubts about whether you will be able to endure it to the end, you need to go to church for advice. It is important to remember that God does not give everyone more than they can handle.
  • During these months, you should avoid entertainment events, holidays, and entertaining shows. This is important both from a spiritual point of view and from a practical point of view: during the holidays it is easier to be tempted and break the fasting diet.
  • From intimate relationships should abstain.
  • During this period, you need to attend church as often as possible.

Principles of nutrition

For the entire period of restrictions, it is important to give up animal products. Cottage cheese, meat, butter, cheese, eggs can only be eaten after Christmas Eve. You can replace these products with mushrooms, beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, mung bean and other legumes.

The basis of the diet will be lean soups and cereals. Cereals will dominate the table during these 40 days, but it is important to remember that they must be cooked only in water and without adding butter; it is also advisable not to add salt and sugar. You can cook wheat, semolina, corn, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal and other porridges.

Do not overuse various seasonings or eat pickled vegetables. But fresh vegetables, stewed, boiled, or steamed are ideal as lean food. The same applies to fruits, you can eat them different types nuts and honey.

Consuming vegetable oil will be beneficial. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just sunflower oil; you can also use olive, corn, flaxseed, soybean, mustard, sesame, nut, pumpkin, etc.

Fish and seafood will perfectly complement your diet. It is better to choose low-fat varieties with white fillets: pollock, cod, capelin, squid. You can use it to cook steamed cutlets, bake in the oven, dry-dry, etc. You can make soups based on canned fish. Vegetable salads with tuna, as well as seaweed, are also excellent.

Eating bread is allowed, but it is better to give preference to gray rye.

Every Wednesday and Friday the requirements become stricter, so on these days the consumption of fish and vegetable oils is excluded.

The main requirement for the fasting period is to provide yourself with the most varied diet within the framework established by church canons. This will ensure the supply of all necessary nutrients and vitamins, and will also have the necessary cleansing effect for the digestive system.

Meals by day

To make it easier to navigate during the Nativity Fast, you can use the daily nutrition schedule:

  • November 28 - traditionally, on the first day you need to prepare Lenten kutya, which should be treated to all guests at home.
  • From November 28 to December 19 (St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day) - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it is advisable to eat thermally unprocessed food, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays you can eat hot food. On weekends, you can allow yourself about 100 ml of dry or semi-sweet red wine diluted with water.
  • From December 20 to January 1 - three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) - fast without oil, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends - days of relaxation, you can drink hot tea and eat fish dishes.

  • From January 2 to January 5: the last week of Lent is more strict. You need to give up sugar, salt and hot drinks, and otherwise stick to the diet of the previous period.
  • January 6 – until the stars appear in the sky, you can’t eat, you can only drink water. After the first star appears, you should break your fast with a juice of rice or wheat grains soaked in water with the addition of honey, dried fruits and nuts.

After stopping fasting, you should not immediately start eating a lot different foods, you need to be especially careful when introducing fatty foods.

The clergy emphasize that during the Nativity Fast it is important to feel how the flesh becomes purer and lighter. It is necessary to forgive all your offenders and enter the Nativity of Christ with a bright soul.

Rules of the Nativity fast: video

The beginning of the Nativity Fast is approaching, designed to prepare every believer for the great holiday. For spiritual and physical cleansing, it is necessary from the very first day of fasting to follow the rules that have come to us from the depths of centuries.

The need for special preparation for the great day of the Savior’s birth was recognized in ancient times. According to historical sources, fasting was established already in the 4th century, but then believers fasted for seven days before the holiday. Later the fasting time increased to 40 days. Now this particular tradition is observed, and fasting begins 40 days before the Nativity of Christ, that is November 28. The day before Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy Apostle Philip, which is why people often call the Nativity Fast “Philipov”.

Features of the Nativity Fast

During the period of preparation for the holy holiday, it is necessary to abstain from food of animal origin. The ban applies to meat, eggs and dairy products. However, due to the fact that the Nativity Fast is not the strictest, certain deviations are allowed: on Saturday, Sunday and days of major church holidays it is allowed to eat fish; on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends you can add vegetable oil to your food, and sometimes a small amount of dry red wine is not forbidden.

The Church does not condemn people who, due to health problems, cannot refuse certain products. It is repeatedly emphasized that fasting is not a diet, and abstaining from fast food is far from the main aspect of preparing for Christmas. Even absolute asceticism will not lead to spiritual growth if it is not combined with godly deeds, prayer and positive thoughts. That is why fasting should be a period of intense work on oneself, helping one’s neighbor, and getting rid of feelings such as anger and envy. You should refrain from entertainment, avoid vanity, and devote more time to thinking about your life, repenting of unrighteous deeds, and thinking about how to change yourself for the better. The most important thing is sincerity in every action and impulse. If a person performs a good deed solely out of a desire for praise or gratitude, he falls into the sin of hypocrisy, and his actions lose spiritual power.

Prayers will help you tune in to moral cleansing during the Nativity Fast. An appeal to Heaven will give you moral strength in order to survive this stage as productively as possible and meet the Nativity of Christ with a pure soul and an open heart. Don’t ignore the problems of your loved ones, help everyone whenever possible, attend church more often and don’t allow yourself negative emotions, then fasting will truly become a period of spiritual renewal for you. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons and

23.11.2016 07:10

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