Kalmyk fairy tales in Russian for children. Kalmyk fairy tales methodological development (middle group) on the topic. Kalmyk folk tales

The springs are flowing, the deer are screaming, the flowers are blooming. The greenery of the meadows is overflowing, the thin-voiced cuckoos are crowing, the wind is swaying the sandalwood trees, which are unable to lift their branches. Hawks and golden eagles scream, bushes intertwine with each other, green grass stands in a ridge.

Blue smoke stretches out, a dove coos, the larch tree becomes beautiful. Nature and people are happy.

Once upon a time, an old man lived on the edge of a khan’s nomadic camps. He had three daughters; the youngest, named Kooku, was distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her wisdom.

One day the old man decided to drive cattle to the khan's bazaar for sale and asked each daughter to tell frankly what gift to bring her.

One Kalmyk's mother died. The Kalmyk asked Gelyung to send his mother’s soul straight to heaven with his prayers.

He took the Gelyung mandzhik boy and went to the Kalmyk’s wagon. He wanted to earn more; For this purpose, he caught an expensive steppe mouse, gave it to the mandzhik 1 and ordered: when they sing a prayer to the one who expels the soul of the old woman, the mandzhik must release the mouse. Kalmyk will accept a mouse for the soul of an old woman and will pay more, - this is what the cunning Gelyung decided 2.

In ancient times, a farmer had a son. He sold his field, bought three fathoms of linen and went to foreign lands to trade.

On the way, he met a crowd of children who tied a mouse to a string and threw it into the water, and then pulled it out. He began to beg the children to take pity on the mouse and let it go. And the children are insolent in response:

There was a tree in a field, there was a hollow in the tree, in the hollow there was a nest, in the nest there were three chicks, and with them their mother, the Kuklukhai bird.

One day the wolf khan was running through the field, saw Kuklukhai with her children and growled:

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had only one son. They lived in poverty. The old man fell ill and died. There is nothing to wrap the old man in to bury him. It’s a pity for the son to bury his father naked in the ground. He tore the beshmet, wrapped his father’s body, and buried it.

Time has passed. The old mother fell ill and died. He was left an orphan. It’s a pity for a son to bury his mother naked. He took off his shirt, tore it, wrapped his mother’s body in it and buried it.

Many years ago there lived an old widow. She had four children: three sons and a daughter. Sons are good-looking, daughters are even better. You can’t find such a beauty a thousand miles around. Whoever saw this girl at least once remembered her beauty all his life.

KALMYKS(self-name - Khalmg) are a people living in Russia, the indigenous population of Kalmykia. The number of Kalmyks in Russia is 174 thousand people, of which 156 thousand live in Kalmykia. They speak Kalmyk language, which belongs to the Mongolian group of the Altaic language family. The Kalmyk alphabet was created in the mid-17th century on the old Mongolian graphic basis. In 1925, a new alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet was adopted, in 1930 it was replaced by a Latinized one, and since 1938 the Cyrillic alphabet has been used again. Kalmyk believers are Lamaists, but there are also Orthodox Christians.

KALMYKIA(Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch) is located in Russian Federation. Area 76.1 thousand km2. Population 314.3 thousand people (2001), of which about 50% are Kalmyks, about 40% are Russians. Capital - city Elista.

In the 13-14 centuries, the ancestors of the Kalmyks were part of the Mongol state. Since the end of the 14th century, part of the Western Mongolian tribes - Oirats- emerged as an independent political force called “Derven Ord”. The state they created was a union of entities with a complex ethnic composition. The self-name of the Kalmyks is "halmg"- Turkic term meaning “remnant”; this meant part of the Oirats who did not convert to Islam. At the end of the 16th - first third of the 17th century, the Oirats moved from Western Mongolia to Russia, to the Lower Volga region and the Caspian region. In the process of migration and settlement of new lands, the Kalmyk people were formed, the main core of which were the Oirats. In Russian written sources, the ethnonym “Kalmyk” appeared at the end of the 16th century; from the end of the 18th century, the Kalmyks themselves began to use it.

Since 1667, a relatively autonomous Kalmyk Khanate existed within Russia. It was liquidated in 1771, when some of the Kalmyks, dissatisfied with the policies of the Russian government and interference in the affairs of the Khanate, left for their historical homeland. A group of influential noyons led by the governor Ubashi led their subjects (two-thirds living in Russia) back to Dzungaria (Central Asia). Less than half of the departed Kalmyks survived. Nowadays, almost 150 thousand of their descendants live in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. The part of the Kalmyk uluses that remained in Russia soon lost the status of a khanate. Russian and Ukrainian peasants from land-poor provinces began to move here. At the end of the 18th century, a gradual process of abandoning the nomadic lifestyle of the Kalmyks began.

The basis of the economy of most Kalmyks was nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding. Cattle were kept on pasture all year round; only in the 19th century did they begin to store food for the winter. Separate groups of Kalmyks were engaged in fishing. Since the 1830s, Kalmyks in Ergeni began to engage in arable farming. Hunting was of no small importance, mainly saigas, as well as wolves and foxes. The Kalmyks developed crafts, including leather processing, felting, wood carving, leather stamping, chasing and metal engraving, and embroidery.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, traditional Kalmyk settlements (khotons) had a family-related character. They were characterized by a circle-shaped layout of portable dwellings; cattle were driven into the center, and public gatherings were held there. In the 19th century, stationary settlements with a linear layout appeared. The main dwelling of nomadic Kalmyks was a Mongolian-type yurt.

Kalmyk men wore white shirts with long sewn-in sleeves and a round neckline, and blue or striped pants. On top they wore a beshmet sewn at the waist and another pair of trousers, usually cloth. The beshmet was belted with a leather belt, richly ornamented with silver plaques; it was an indicator of the owner’s wealth; a knife in a sheath was hung from the belt on the left side. The men's headdress was a fur hat like a papakha or a sheepskin cap with earflaps. Women's clothing was more varied. The white long shirt had an open collar and a slit in the front down to the waist. Women's pants were usually of blue color. The biiz (long dress) was made of chintz or woolen fabric, and was tied at the waist with a belt with metal overlays. Women also wore birz - wide dress without a belt. Women's shoes were leather boots. Women's jewelry was numerous - earrings, hairpins, hairpins made of gold, silver, bone, precious and semi-precious stones; men wore an earring in their left ear, a ring and an amulet bracelet.

The traditional food of Kalmyks was meat and milk. Meat dishes were prepared from lamb and beef; other types of meat were rarely used. Fish dishes have become widespread in coastal areas. The daily drink of the Kalmyks was dzhomba- tea with milk, butter, salt, nutmeg and bay leaf. Among flour products, Kalmyks preferred flatbreads in lamb fat. Alcoholic drink of the Kalmyks - erk(milk vodka).

The traditional Kalmyk society had a developed social structure. It consisted of noyons and zaisangs - hereditary nobility, Buddhist clergy - gelungs and lamas. Tribal relations were preserved, and patronymic associations, which occupied separate settlements and consisted of small families, played a significant role in social relations. The marriage was concluded by agreement between the parents of the young couple; the consent of the boy and girl was usually not asked. The girl was married off outside her khoton. There was no kalym, but the values ​​that the groom’s family transferred to the bride’s family could be significant. In the Kalmyk religion, along with Lamaism, traditional beliefs and ideas were common - shamanism, the cult of fire and hearth. These ideas were reflected in calendar holidays. In February, the holiday of the beginning of spring was celebrated - Tsagan Sar. Folklore, especially the heroic epic, played an important role in the spiritual culture of the Kalmyks. "Dzhangar", containing several tens of thousands of verses and performed Dzhangarchi storytellers.

After October revolution In 1917, Kalmyks received autonomy. On November 4, 1920, the Kalmyk Autonomous Region was formed. Until 1927, its center was Astrakhan. On October 20, 1935, the region was transformed into the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the years Civil War Some of the Kalmyks who fought on the side of the White Army left Russia along with refugees and formed diasporas that still exist in Yugoslavia, Germany, France, the USA and other countries.

In 1929-1940, Kalmyks switched to a sedentary lifestyle, cities and towns arose in Kalmykia modern type. With the transition to settled life, pig breeding began to be practiced.

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Kalmyk folk tales

© Translation, publishing house "BHV-Petersburg", 2017

© Chudutov O. S., illustrations, 2017

© Design, publishing house "BHV-Petersburg", 2017

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In the very southeast of our country lie the steppes of Kalmykia. Pastures are visible in the distance. The sun is scorching, a hot wind is blowing and it’s hard to find shade to hide; for many kilometers there is not a single tree. Kalmykia is the most “treeless” territory of our country, a semi-desert. Droughts are common here. The rivers of Kalmykia are small and often dry up in summer. Only in one bottleneck is Kalmykia crossed by the mighty Volga. And from the other edge of its land it is washed by the Caspian Sea.

Previously, Kalmyks roamed the steppes all year round, herding sheep, cows, goats and camels. We hunted saigas. Once upon a time there were many of them here. Now it is a rare animal, and in our country it can only be found in Kalmykia, and even then it is difficult to find.

People lived in felt yurts and tents. The tents of honorable people could be recognized from the outside by their white felt. And inside the walls of such tents were often upholstered with silk fabrics, the floors were covered with Persian carpets. Simpler tents were placed around.

Kalmyks usually moved ten to fifteen times a year, going where there was more food for livestock. The entire ulus (village) left at the same time. Camels and oxen carried household utensils. Wives and children rode horses in their best clothes. In Kalmykia, not only men were excellent riders. Along the way they sang and told stories. Listen to these stories too.

Brave Mazan

That was a long time ago. Neither me, the narrator, nor you, readers, nor your fathers were in the world then. Lived in one khoton 1
A village of several kibitkas (covered wagons) roaming together.

Poor Kalmyk. He was weak, often sick, did not live long and died. He left behind his wife and little son.

What should a poor woman do? She and the child went to a kind old man - her husband’s uncle. The blind old man took the newborn boy in his arms and looked at him for a long time, carefully.

– What is the boy’s name? - asks.

“Look, daughter-in-law,” says the old man, “you have given birth to a difficult boy.” When he grows up he will be a hero...

The mother often recalled the old man’s words. But they did not come true. Mazan grew up as an ugly, clumsy boy. His head was big, like a cauldron. The stomach looked like a ball, and the legs were like thin sticks. There was one consolation - Mazan was kind and affectionate.

Everyone felt sorry for the mother that her only son was like this. At night, Mazan’s mother cried more than once: she stroked the sleeping boy, secretly shedding bitter tears.

Only the old man stands his ground. He became decrepit, completely blind. And as he caresses Mazan and runs his withered hand through the boy’s hair, he repeats:

– I couldn’t be wrong. This is not what your boy will be like. His time has not yet come. Love your son more than life itself, grow him, take care of him.

And so it went year after year. Mazan grew up and became a young man.

One day he went with the horse herders to water the wells. They came to the wells and saw that a caravan had settled down near them to rest: camels, horses, tents, carts... The caravan had come from distant places.

Mazan saw a bow and arrows lying on one of the carts. The boy's eyes sparkled, he approached the cart, examined the bows, touched them, but did not dare take them. One of the travelers noticed this and decided to laugh at the weak, clumsy boy.

“Well,” he says, “you look, but you don’t dare take it?” Choose a bow and shoot.

- Can? – asked Mazan.

- Of course you can. I allow you to shoot an arrow from any bow.

People gathered around the cart to watch Mazan shoot with a bow. And Mazan, without hesitation, chose the largest bow. Not that a young man, not every adult man, could pull his bowstring.

Mazan took the bow, inserted an arrow, instantly pulled the string so that the ends of the bow met, and shot the arrow. Everyone gasped. Grown men came out, trying that bow, but were unable to pull back the string even an inch.

Mazan asked to sell him the bow he used to shoot. The traveler asked for a high price - a school of horses 2
A stallion, several mares and their foals.

-Are you taking it? - asks.

“I’ll take it,” says Mazan and orders the herd keepers to hand over a school of horses.

The herders ran to Mazan’s father’s uncle, a decrepit old man, complain about the young man, tell how he shot with a bow, and how the traveler now demands to give up a school of horses for the bow.

The old man smiled and said:

- Don't argue. Give me my horses, let Mazan buy himself a strong bow. I wasn't mistaken, that means. I have been waiting for a long time for Mazan to become a strong man and defend his people. I waited.

Soon the fame of Mazan spread throughout all the hotons. Mazan shot from morning to night. His arrows flew hundreds of miles, and he never missed. No shooter could compare with Mazan. He became smart, dexterous, and brave. No one would now recognize in the strong young man Mazan a frail and awkward boy.

Mazan deeply loved his people. He was fair. Defended the poor and honest people.

One morning Mazan woke up from a loud noise. I listened - men were screaming, women and children were crying. Mazan jumped up, quickly got dressed and ran out of the wagon. He sees the battery approaching 3

Baykhtan-Eretyn. Where that evil batar appears, there is poverty - he will steal all the cattle. There was no one stronger than Baykhtan-Eretyn in the world.

Mazan realized that he couldn’t defeat the batar by force, he had to act with intelligence and courage. He became calm and waited.

Baykhtan-Eretyn arrived, dispersed the people, drove past Mazan, and laughed at him. Baykhtan-Eretyn took all the livestock, down to the last goat, with him.

People began to cry and ask Mazan to help them. Mazan went into the tent and took a bow and arrows. Among the arrows he had a favorite. The tip of this arrow was smeared with poison. When the arrow flew, it sang a wonderful song.

Mazan set off in the footsteps of Baykhtan-Eretyn. Mazan knew that that batar could not be killed with a sword or an arrow. Baykhtan-Eretyn had only one vulnerable place. To kill him, you had to pierce his throat. But no one managed to do this. Baykhtan-Eretyn wore a high steel collar and always lowered his head.

Mazan wandered for a long time until he found Baykhtan-Eretyn. The heroes met.

When Baykhtan-Eretyn saw Mazan, he took out a sharp sword, whipped his horse, and galloped towards Mazan. A black horse rushes faster than the wind, Baykhtan-Eretyn’s helmet and chain mail glisten in the sun. He's about to blow off Mazan's head.

Mazan did not flinch, did not move from his place. He calmly took his beloved arrow, raised the bow above his head, and pulled the string, as if he wanted to shoot the arrow upward. He himself doesn’t take his eyes off Baykhtan-Eretyn.

Baykhtan-Eretyn was surprised. He had never seen heroes behave like this before. “What is this,” he thinks, “after all, I’m jumping at him with a sword, and he’s going to shoot an arrow into the sky. What a stupid Kalmyk hero! I wonder where he’s aiming?”

Curious. Baykhtan-Eretyn could not restrain himself and raised his head up, and Mazan immediately shot an arrow into his neck.

Mazan shot quickly and accurately. Before Baykhtan-Eretyn had time to bow his head, that wide and sharp arrow hit the top of his collar, and Baykhtan-Eretyn’s head rolled off his shoulders. But Baykhtan-Eretyn was strong and powerful, and without a head he continued to ride his horse. When he caught up with Mazan, at full gallop he slashed with his sword and almost cut Mazan in half.

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Kalmyk fairy tales

"The Tale of Space", Lenizdat, 1988

Three brothers
Bird Kukluhai
Good Ovshe
Brave Mazan
Magic stone
Unawarded award
Gelyung werewolf and his worker
Wise daughter-in-law
A tale about the native land
Unresolved court cases
Khan's left eye
About a stupid old man
Time change
The Sage and the Gelyung
Gelyung and Manjik
Stingy rich man
Old man and old woman
Rooster and peacock
Cheerful sparrow
angry crow

Three brothers

Many years ago there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a yellow dog and
brown mare. The mare foaled three times a day: in the morning, at noon and
In the evening. One day the old woman said to the old man:
- If I ate the meat of a foal taken straight from the womb, then
I would be younger. Let's slaughter the mare.
- If we kill the mare - our nurse, what will we do then? A
The old woman got her way:
- I want to look younger! - and sent yellow dog behind the mare.
The dog came running to the mare; the mare asks her:
- Why did you come?
- I was ordered to bring you, they want to kill you. I decided for you
help. I will set fire to the twine with which they will tie you.
The dog brought the mare. Without hesitation, the old man and the old woman sharpened
knives. The old woman says:
- Dog, bring the string!
The yellow dog set fire to the string and brought it back. They tied up the brown mare and
they just wanted to cut, and the mare rushed and knocked over the old man and the old woman
and ran away. It didn't work out.
A little later the old woman again says to the old man:
- Eh! If I ate some foal, I would immediately become younger. - And so tired of it
to the old man that he agreed to slaughter the mare.
The old woman sent the dog again. The dog came running to the mare.
- Why did you come?
“They order to bring you again, they want to kill you,” says the dog. -Yes
Only now I’ll set fire to the string.
Let's go, the dog and the mare. The old men knocked down the mare.
- Dog! Bring some string, they order. The dog set fire to the string and
brought it. An old man has tied up a mare with an old woman and wants to slaughter it. No way
was. Again the mare knocked both of them down: she threw the old man over one hill, the old woman -
after another. She ran away.
Only two days later the old people reached home.
The old woman was silent for a long time, and then she spoke again:
- If I ate some foal, I would become younger. Let's slaughter the mare.
She said so and sent a yellow dog after the mare. The dog came to
- Why did you come?
- The owners want you.
- What should I do there?
“They want to kill you,” the dog answers.
“They caught the string again,” the mare asks.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” the dog agreed and brought the mare.
The two old men knocked down the mare.
“Bring the string,” they say to the dog.
The dog gave him some burnt twine. They tied the mare tightly with twine,
and when they began to cut, the mare threw the old man and the old woman across the river and ran away.
Only the mare never returned to her original place.
She ran and ran and came to the camp of one formidable khan. He hears
someone is crying pitifully. She ran there and saw: three little ones lying
newborn boys abandoned in a hole. Khan drove his father away to fight, and his mother
died of hunger and cold. The mare put the boys on her back and
ran away from the evil khan.
She ran and ran and came running into a large dense forest. I made it there
She made her own home from grass and began to feed her children with her milk.
The boys lived with her until they grew up. And the mare foaled
morning, noon and evening. She soon filled the entire land around with a herd.
One day the mare said to the three boys:
“You stay here, and I’ll go further away and foal somewhere.”
She ran up a big mountain and stayed there. Foaled in the morning, in
noon and evening and raised another huge herd. He filled it all again
earth all around. The mare galloped back home to the three boys and said
- Go get the second herd. The three boys got dressed and mounted the horses.
and went after the herd. Three years later they galloped to another herd.
While they were collecting, another three years passed. By the time we got home, there were three more. And when
They drove the herd home and lived well together with their nurse-mare.
One day the mare said to them:
- We need to say goodbye. I have become old. She said and turned black
cloud. And when the cloud flew into the sky, the smaller of the three began to cry. All of a sudden
the cloud fell to the ground, a mare came out of it and asked:
- Why are you crying? Your older brother is cooking food. Go to him! Well!
The little one ran to his older brother. The mare turned black again
cloud, screamed like a swan and soared into the sky. Again the smaller of the three
her brothers began to cry for her. I cried bitterly until I went down to him again
-What are you crying about? - asks.
“You didn’t give me a name, so you’re leaving me nameless...” answered
- On the blue glass mound, grown - Kokode the Wise - will be yours
Having given a name to the smaller one, the mare rose up like a cloud and flew into the sky.
The three brothers were left alone on earth. They built themselves a house, but they couldn’t get it
the house is only three fingers from the sky. The house was decorated: there is a tiger and a bear on the doors -
Look, they'll catch you. On the lintels a raven and a falcon are about to pounce on each other
on a friend. There is a parrot on the upper lintel. The windows in the house are made of fire glass.
A Shabdal tree grows in front of the door, its top touching the sky. Its branches
hang down and make wonderful sounds - as if shells were singing and trumpets were playing.
Everyone obeys these sounds - birds are dancing in the sky, and animals are on the ground. This
beautiful tree in front of the doors. By right side at home - a herd of playful
horses. On the left is a herd of shiny horses. Behind the house is a herd of zealous
horses. In front of the house is a herd of nimble horses. And next to the house there is a gray mountain
Bogzatin, with his peak supporting the whitest clouds. This is how three lived and lived
brother One day the younger one said to the brothers:
- Why do we live like this? Let's look for a wife.
Kokode the Wise ordered to saddle the blue-gray horse. Took the groom Kokode
The wise bridle and followed the blue-gray onto the green grass, where they beat from the ground
cool keys.
To make it soft for the horse to lie down, velvet sand is scattered there. So as not to
The horse rubbed his legs, he was tied with a lasso made of cotton wool.
The horse of Kokode the Wise got ready for the journey. He picked up his good body
sacrum, picked up his elastic body to his ears, picked up his quick body to
eyes, he picked up his frisky body to four golden bowls. Now the horse is ready.
It's time to dress up as Kokoda the Wise.
He put on a handmade, iridescent white dress made by a skilled craftsman.
clothes. She fits him like a glove. He pulled his cap with Nilwing's tassel down onto his forehead. She
he fits like a glove. He girdled himself with a Lodyng belt made from the skin of five four-year-olds.
horses. He fits like a glove. He put on his red boots that squeaked. They're on it
like a glove. I took the right weapon.
When Kokode the Wise came out of the house to mount his horse, the horse jumped
slightly short of the sky and returned to the original place where his owner was waiting. After
walked around the house from right to left and hit the road with the owner. He flew
like an arrow shot from a bow, melted like a haze in the hot summer heat
Kokode the Wise is riding and sees in the distance either a swallow or something else
the size of a fly. I drove closer and saw in front of me a wagon with a white
door without hinges. He got off his horse, silver chumbur in his hand, went inside and
sat down at the right grate. An old woman sits at the left grate, preparing food. And before
sitting like an old woman, combing her hair by such a beauty that when you turn around
ago, then in the light of her beauty you can count every single fish in
ocean. With the shine of her face you can guard the herd, with the shine of her eyes you can write
and at night it is possible. The old woman shouted at him:

with burning eyes, where did it come from?!
Kokode the Wise answered quietly:
- I’m not a stray bully, and my eyes don’t burn, and my face doesn’t glow, I
common man son. He said so and fell silent. He paused and said:
-Where is your master?
“He went to the herd,” they answer him. Then Kokode the Wise came out
wagons. The beauty is behind him. She came out, gave him three cottage cheese cakes, not a word
She didn’t say a word and didn’t look even once. Kokode the Wise sat on his horse,
turned to the girl and drove on. He flew again across the steppe.
It started to rain from the west, and snow started from the east. Suddenly towards Kokode
A monster comes to the wise - the fifteen-headed black Moose.
- Ha-ha-ha! There goes the filthy one! - he sentences.
And a dog runs after him, yellow, shabby, the size of a three-year-old cow.
He runs, bites through stones the size of a ram and throws them. Threw her Kokode
Wise one flatbread. The dog grabbed it, ate it and ran on without barking.
Kokode the Wise threw her a cake again. She ate again. I dropped the third one.
I ate the third one. She ran up to him, jumped on the horse and caressed him.
Meanwhile, the fifteen -headed Black Musy Mus thinks: on the whole earth
There is not a single person who could defeat me and my two brothers.
Why does my dog ​​caress him?
Mus approached the young man and said to him:
- Hey, you stray bugger, what kind of person are you, with burning eyes, with
flaming face? And the young man answered him:
- Don’t worry that I’m stray, and my eyes don’t burn, and my face doesn’t glow. I
son of a common man. Although you have many heads, you are reckless.
Here Kokode the Wise struck ten heads of Musa, threw them back and
began to fight with five heads. They fought so hard that the thorns scattered into small pieces
twigs. They fought so hard that the oceans became shallow and became puddles. We fought like this
that the mountains became valleys and the valleys became mountains.
They fought for forty-nine days.
Mus overpowered the young man and almost killed him.
“Tell about your sorrows, sorrows and misfortunes,” says Mus, and he
sits on the young man. - My heart is trembling and wants to crush you.
- I’ll keep quiet about troubles. If you want to say goodbye to the wonders that
“My father showed me, look,” said Kokode the Wise. Mus let him go.
Then he says:
- Sit tight, hold on stronger. Moose took a firmer hold and sat down more firmly.
The young man pushed him once, and Mus barely managed to resist. He pushed again. Almost fell off
Mus. He pushed a third time. Moose somersaulted and flew away. The young man is right there
Musa caught him and threw him on the ground. Mus entered the ground nine cubits deep. Then
Kokode the Wise lit a pipe the size of an ox's head, sat down and smoked. And the smoke
the tube is bubbling.
Moose hobbles towards the young man, his eye is knocked out, his arm is broken, one leg is missing, as if
shot kite.
- Moose! Where did you go? - the young man asks him and smiles.

Moose is sullen.
They looked at each other from under their brows, side by side, like bulls,
They rubbed each other, raised their heads and walked towards each other like camels. Like sheep
they grabbed each other, transferred each other and fought again for forty-nine days. On your own
The young man Musa shook his thin thigh eight thousand times. On your black thigh
Mus shook the young man seven thousand times. Again the young man Musa shook eight thousand times and
threw the lifeless man to the ground. The black blood of Musa's veins, bubbling,
covered the ground three fingers around. He killed Musa, poured the water of seven rivers into one
Musa threw it at her. Then Kokode mounted his horse and rode away.
On the way again I met a caravan with a white door without hinges. pulled up to
her, dismounted and, with a silver chumbur in his hands, entered. Sat against the right wall.
I saw the beauty again. In the light of her beauty at night one might consider the cypresses to be
mountain. And on the left side sits an evil old woman and screams:
- Hey, you stray bug - what kind of person are you, with a flaming face, with
with burning eyes, where are you from?
“There is no fire in my eyes, and my face does not glow,” says Kokode
The wise man asks:
-Where is your master?
- I went to the herd.
Kokode the Wise came out, and the beauty followed him. She gave him three cakes.
He took them, put them in his side pocket, mounted his horse and rode off. Even more
The rain is pouring down like before, the snow is pouring down even more than before, even more terrible than the first
Twenty-five-ton black Moose moves. And behind him is a yellow dog the size of
camel, chews up stones the size of an ox and throws them. The young man threw it at her
flatbread. She ate it and continued running. He tossed another one. She ate it and runs again.
Threw the third one. She ate it, ran up to him, jumped and caressed him.
Mus thinks: Why is my dog ​​caressing strangers?
Mus approached the young man and said:
- Hey, you stray bugger, what kind of person are you, with a flaming face, with
burning eyes?
“My eyes don’t burn, my face doesn’t glow, and I’m not a stray bully.” Though
You speak well, but you are stupid.
The Wise Musa struck Kokode, tore off his ten heads and began to fight with
fifteen heads.
They fought so hard that the mountains became valleys, and the valleys became mountains. Fought
so that the forests dried up and became brushwood. We fought so hard that the oceans became shallow,
became puddles, and the puddles overflowed into oceans.
They fought for forty-nine days. Mus completely overpowered the young man, hit
him on the ground.
“Before you die, tell us about your troubles,” says Moose, and he sits
on the young man.
- Wait, Moose. Better look at the twelve tricks of the fight, like the father
taught me, learn from me in the end.
- Show me! - Mus ordered.
- Sit tight, hold on stronger. Moose grabbed onto it and sat tightly. Pushed
his young man once. Moose barely held on. He pushed again. Moose almost fell.
He pushed for the third time. Moose turned over and flew off the young man. The young man stood up
shook himself, and chuckled.
Kokode the Wise placed his blue-gray horse in the shade and sat down.
Blows smoke from a pipe the size of a bull's head. Looks - Moose is hobbling.
One half is torn, an eye is knocked out, an arm is twisted, a leg is broken.
- Moose! Where did you go? - the young man asks him.
“The water in this river is bitter, I went to drink from a distant river,” he answers.
Moose is angry.
Here Mus and Kokode the Wise walked sideways towards each other, like two bulls.
They look at each other from under their brows, like camels. Grabbed like
rams. Everything around was noisy and thunderous. The young man Musa shook on his thin
hip eight thousand times, silently squeezed him seven thousand times and drove him with one
strike nine cubits into the ground. Black blood flows like a river from the veins
Then Kokode the Wise says:
- If you really are a hero, get up, if you don’t have the strength to do it, I’ll kill you.
“I can’t do it, kill me,” answered Moose.
The young man killed Musa, poured the water of seven rivers into one and threw it there.
Again Kokode the Wise mounted his blue-gray horse and set off
further. I noticed something was visible in the distance. I went there. There is a wagon with a white
door without hinges. He drove up, got down and, holding a chumbur, entered her. He came in and sat down.
On the left side sits an old woman, and in front of her is a girl. By the light of her beauty
you can count all the specks of dust in the steppe. How the old woman screams:
- Hey, you stray bugger, what kind of person are you, with a flaming face, with
burning eyes? Kokode the Wise answers:
- There is no heat in my face, and there is no fire in my eyes, and I am not stray
bull. - He said and sat down. He sat there some more and asked: “Where did your master go?”
“I went to the herd,” the old woman answers.
And when Kokode the Wise was about to leave, the beautiful girl gave him three
legs of lamb. The young man took them. I galloped on.
On his way. It's raining, snow is falling. Rushes straight at the young man
thirty-five-headed black Mus. One of his voices sounds in the sky, the other in
earth. With one fang he plows the earth, with the other the sky. The dog runs with him
elephant, chews stones the size of a whole camel as it moves. Barks and runs
runs and barks. Kokode the Wise threw one leg of lamb to the dog. Stopped
The dog barks, ate the leg and continues to run. Kokode the Wise threw the lamb again
leg. Ate it again. He threw the third leg. She ate it and began to fawn on him.
Moose will never understand: Why is my dog ​​fawning on someone else’s? arrived
and asks the young man:
- Hey you, stray bugger, what kind of person are you, with a flaming face, with
burning eyes? Kokode the Wise answered:
- I have no fire either in my eyes or in my face, I’m not a stray bully. Though
You are strong, but reckless, although healthy, you are a fool.
Kokode the Wise hit ten heads, they scattered into different
side, and began to fight with the twenty-five remaining.
They fought so hard that the mountains became valleys, and the valleys became mountains. We fought like this
that the oceans became shallow, became puddles, and the puddles overflowed into oceans. We fought like this
that the thorn bushes withered and new ones grew. They fought for forty-nine days. Barely
Mus defeated the young man. Having overcome, he said:
- Before death, a young man always remembers three sorrows. Tell me what you have
you? My heart is beating - I want to kill you so much, to end your life. Folding
a knife made by Manjik Tsyda is at your throat.
And the young man answered him:
- Better look at the twenty fighting tricks that my father taught me.
Mus agreed.
“Hold on tight, sit firmly,” the young man said and pushed Musa.
Moose barely held on. The young man pushed him again. Moose almost fell.
He pushed again. Moose rolled off of him head over heels. The young man jumped up from the ground and grabbed
Musa drove nine elbows into the ground with one blow.
- Well, Moose? Do you have any tricks up your sleeve?
“No,” answered Moose, “you outwitted me, defeated me, kill me now.”
Kokode the Wise killed the elder Musa and went to his house. Had arrived,
He also killed his evil mother, and took his wife with him. The cattle were sent to roam and so
- Follow my long trail, where the trail crosses - there
have lunch where the trail goes around - spend the night there.
Kokode the Wise went to the house of the middle Musa. Killed his mother, his wife too
took it with him, sent the cattle to wander and again ordered them to walk along their long
He came to the younger Mus’s house and dealt with his relatives in the same way.
Kokode the Wise now galloped to his native land. And so he drove his
the horse that stretched the horse's mouth to the ears, whipped him to the bones. From horse
sparks fell from his eyes, fire flared from his ears, and smoke came out of his nose in clouds.
He galloped and galloped and galloped. Entered the house. Greeted the elders
brothers. A little later the captive wives arrived. All three are beauties. Then
Kokode the Wise gave the wife of the eldest Musa to his elder brother, the wife of the middle
Musa - to the middle brother, and took the younger brother's wife for himself.
So the brothers lived, enjoying life.
One night, the elder brother, Tsagada the Wise, went out into the yard. Sees - darkness
It’s night all around, and in the window of Kokode the Wise a strange light flickers. What is this
light? - thought the elder brother and hurried to the house of Kokode the Wise, entered and
I saw that the face of the wife of Kokode the Wise was shining.
Tsagada the Wise came running to Ulada the Wise and said:
- The face of our brother’s wife, Kokode the Wise, emitted a wonderful radiance.
He took the best one for himself. He deceived us. Let's take his wife away from him.
Ulada the Wise says:
- No, you're wrong. If my younger brother had not found us ours
beautiful wives, where would we get them? Many days have passed. One night again
Tsagada the Wise saw a wonderful light and again ran to Ulada the Wise.
- Get up, look, in the house of Kokode the Wise, an unearthly light is flickering. - And you
gasps, barely continues to say: “Let’s stick two braids at his threshold, and
then we will drag the skin along the ground and shout:
Get up, Kokode the Wise, get up, your brown horse has been stolen. And then
Let's run away, Kokode the Wise will jump out and cut off his legs with his scythes, and we will take him
The brothers attached sharp braids to the doors and began to run and shout:
- Kokode the Wise! Come out! Your favorite horse has been taken away!
Kokode the Wise jumped up, but his wife did not let him in, kissed him, and grabbed him by the legs.
The brothers shout:
- They took your brown one away! Get up quickly! Your maid has taken possession of you,
you miserable coward! Kokode the Wise pushed his wife away, rushed out of the house and cut off
cut both legs with a sharp scythe. Kokode the Wise fell to the ground.
The Kokode brothers built a grass tent for the Wise and left him there.
They themselves, along with the cattle and wagons, set off to wander.
Days have passed.
One day Kokode the Wise was preparing food for himself when suddenly there was a knock outside.
Unlocked Kokode the Wise. There is a man standing in front of him.
- What do you need?
- My older brothers heard how the brothers of Kokode the Wise dealt with
him, and gouged out both my eyes,” the alien answers.
“Well, come in here, let’s be brothers in trouble,” said the legless Kokode the Wise.
“The two of them cooked porridge for themselves, ate, and went to bed. Next day
in the evening someone knocks again.
- Who's there? - they ask.
- My elder brothers heard that the brothers of Kokode the Wise cut off his
legs, and cut off my hands,” said the newcomer.
“Come here, let’s be friends,” the blind and legless man invited him.
So the three of us lived together - the blind, the legless and the armless.
One day they heard that Khormusta the heavenly was giving his daughter in marriage.
“We’ll sail for the bride on a boat and take her for ourselves,” the friends decided.
No sooner said than done.
The legless man sat astride the blind man, and the armless man led them. So they came to
forest, cut down trees, made a boat, three of us got into it, hit the stern
and floated to the sky.
While they were sailing upward, the daughter of a celestial being was taken past them on a boat to the house
groom Kokode took the Wise Handkerchief in his hand and shouted:
- Isn't this your scarf?
The girl reached for a scarf, and Kokode the Wise grabbed her hand and
pulled him into the boat. A boat floated down through the air, followed by fog
Three friends arrived home. Again Kokode the Wise saddled the blind man and, taking
guides of the armless man, went hunting. We had a good hunt. Brought
home, the hares and foxes told the daughter of Hormusta the Heavenly to prepare food. Yes and
lived for themselves, lived.
Once three friends went hunting, and the girl climbed onto
the top of the tent and looks in all directions. Suddenly from a deserted rocky gorge
smoke rises. The girl ran there. He sees smoke coming out of the old
wagons. In that wagon are Musa's grandmother and grandfather. Grandma sits and scratches her head.
- Girl, why are you shy, girl? Come in! - says the old woman.
A girl came in. The old woman took the porridge and treated it to the girl. The girl looks like porridge
She ate it and hid it in her sleeve. Then the old woman lay down and said:
- Scratch my head, honey.
While the girl was scratching the old woman’s head, she made a hole in her floor with an awl,
poured ash there and said:
- Thank you, girl, now take the fire and go home.
She put some burning coals on the floor and let her go. On the way from Musa's tent and
On her way home, the girl spilled ashes through a hole in her dress. So follow yourself and
That's what Grandma Musa needs. There was that one-eyed grandmother, her eye was sunken,
yellow, and the one on the back of the head.
The old woman ran after the girl. I went into the tent and the girl
sleeping The old woman began to suck the girl’s blood, sucked, and went home. The girl barely
she is lying alive, sick, weakened.
Returning home, the three hunters ask the girl:
- Why have you lost so much weight?
“I haven’t lost weight at all,” the girl answers, and she lies weak and crying.
Some time passed, the friends went hunting again. The old woman is here
here. She came to the girl’s tent, sucked and sucked her blood and went
The hunters returned, marveled at the girl and said to each other:
- Why is she losing so much weight?
Another time, a blind man and a legless man went hunting, and hid the armless man.
keep an eye on the girl. As soon as the hunters disappeared from sight, the armless man looked -
an old woman came, old, yellow, nose redder than copper, and let's suck blood
girls. The armless man shouted and drove her away. Soon the others returned.
The armless man told them:
- Some witch came here and sucked the girl’s blood.
Then the blind man stood behind the door, the legless man lay down on the door lintel, and
the armless man hid under the skin. An old woman came. I looked around. On arms and legs
she has goat sinews. The nose is redder than copper, there is one eye and that one is on the back of the head. Snuck in
she sits in a wagon and whispers:
- Girl, is there anyone in your house?
“No,” the girl answers.
“Tell the truth,” the old woman orders. And the girl has no more strength
answer. The old woman went for the old man and brought him. They started sucking together.
Three friends rushed at them. The old woman was grabbed, and the old man ran away.
They tied up the old woman.
- Make the girl as she was, make her as she was! - they beat and
The old woman begged. She swallowed the girl and brought her back. Done
the girl is the same as she was before. Friends were surprised. Brought to the old woman
“Make him sighted,” they demand.
The old woman swallowed him and returned him as a young man with beautiful eyes.
Then they gave her the armless man. She swallowed it and returned it with her hands.
Then Kokode the Wise said to his friends:
- If the old woman swallows me and won’t let me out, chop her into small pieces.
pieces, cut into small pieces and set me free.
The old woman swallowed Kokode the Wise and said:
- At least kill him, at least stab him, as you know, but I won’t let him out.
Two friends chopped the old woman into small pieces, searched and searched, got tired, and
Kokode the Wise was not found. They sat down saddened to rest, suddenly a sparrow
pipe chirped:
- Chir-chir-chir! Look in the little finger, look in the little finger!
They started looking in the little finger and found it. Sits Kokode Wise healthy, legs
He crossed his fingers and smoked his pipe.
This is how the cripples turned into healthy people and decided to return their daughter
Khormust-heavenly. They took her and the three of us went wherever they looked.
They walked and walked and reached the place where the road diverges into three.
Friends said goodbye. We each wandered in our own way.
Kokode the Wise walked, walked and came to the house of his brothers. He pretended
then a gypsy. Has entered. And they cooked meat in the tent. The wife of Kokode the Wise brothers
made her a simple shepherdess.
As the meat was cooked in the cauldron, Kokode the Wise came up to stir and took out
the best pieces, and he himself says:
- The meat that I take out first will be eaten by the one who sits by the fire.
And he gave the best meat to his wife. She took the meat, went out and sat down in the yard,
and her face flushed. The daughter of Tsagad the Wise saw this and asked
- Why, when the shepherdess ate the meat, did her face turn red?
And the mother answers:
- Because she has never seen a gypsy.
Women wanted everyone to have a blush. They began to ask the gypsy
to get them meat, and they themselves ate and ate until evening came. Bed on
Kokode the Wise bed in the yard, and his wife was driven away.
Kokode the Wise appeared to his wife at night. They rushed at each other
hugs, until dawn he talked about everything that happened to him.
When morning came, the wife of Tsagad the Wise shouted:
- Get up, lousy shepherdess, open the pipe!
But the shepherdess lies and does not get up.
Then the wife of Tsagad the Wise jumped up, grabbed the whip, ran outside, and
She had to return with nothing. A shepherdess sits with a gypsy, and the gypsy
They made tea and invited Kokode the Wise to drink tea. Kokode the Wise drank
tea, spread white felt in front of the wagon, sat the brothers on it, distributed
they each had a bow, took one for himself and said:
- The arrow of whichever of us is guilty of what will come back and hit him
right in the heart. And if someone is not guilty, then the arrow will fly back and hit
on his right side.
The brothers shot arrows.
The arrow of Tsagad the Wise returned and pierced straight into his heart.
An arrow from Ulad the Wise flew and also hit the heart. And Kokode's arrow
Wise came back, straight to his right floor.
Then Kokode the Wise said to his two daughters-in-law:
- What do you want to take for yourself? Tails and manes of seven hundred mares or mares
The daughters-in-law decided: We will weave strings and lassos from tails and manes. AND
- We'll take the manes and tails.
- OK! In your opinion it will be.
Kokode the Wise drove seven hundred mares, tied his daughters-in-law to the manes and
tails and drove the herd across the steppe.
After that, Kokode the Wise lived with his wife and enjoyed life.

Bird Kukluhai

There was a tree in a field, there was a hollow in the tree, in the hollow there was a nest, in
there are three chicks in the nest, and with them their mother, the Kuklukhai bird.
One day the Khan-wolf was running through the field, saw Doll-hai with her children and
This field is mine, in the field there is my tree, in the tree there is my hollow, everything in the hollow
my! Kukluhai, Kukluhai, How many children do you have? - I have them all
“three,” answered Kuklukhay.
The wolf khan became angry:
- Why three?.. So one grows without a pair? Give it to me or else
I will order the tree to be cut down. Winter is coming, I need firewood.
Kuklukhai began to cry, flapped her wings and threw one chick to the wolf.
The wolf swallowed the chick and left.
The next day he came again and again howled under the tree:
-This is my field, -In the field is my tree, -In the tree is my hollow, -What's in
duple is all mine!

“I only have two left,” said Kuklukhai.
- Why do you need two? You live poorly. It will be difficult for you to raise two.
Give me one to raise.
“No!” Kuklukhai shouted. “I won’t give it up!”
Then the wolf khan called the woodcutters, and the woodcutters came with sharp
with axes.
Kuklukhai cried bitterly and gave the wolf another chick.
On the third day the wolf came for the third time and howled louder than before:
-This is my field, -In the field is my tree, -In the tree is my hollow, What in
duple is all mine!
-Hey, Kuklukhay, Kuklukhay, -How many children do you have?
“I now have one and only son,” answered Kuklukhay, barely alive.
from grief and fear.
-Well, I'll spare you the trouble of worrying about him. I take him into my service, and you
take a walk in the woods.
- No, no, I won’t give up my last son! Do what
“You want,” Kuklukhai cried.
Then the wolf got angry and ordered the woodcutters to cut down the tree. Hit
The woodcutters used axes, the tree trembled, and the last chick fell out of the nest.
The wolf Khan ate it and left.
Kuklukhai screamed loudly and flew far into the forest, sat down on a dogwood tree.
bush and plaintively wailed:
A tree grew in a field, there was a hollow in the tree, there was a nest in the hollow, they lived
the children are warm, but now they are gone, my poor children.
Out of nowhere, a sly fox came running, who had long wanted to become
khan instead of a wolf.
“What are you crying about, dear Kuklukhai?” he asked in a sweet voice.
And trusting Kuklukhai told the fox about her grief.
“Don’t cry, dear Kuklukhay,” the fox consoles, “I’m kind.” I will help you
take revenge on the evil wolf. And you fly through the forests and tell everyone how evil he is.
And Kuklukhai flew off to tell about the villainy of the Wolf Khan.
And the fox went straight to the wolf's den.
“Where are you in a hurry?” asked the wolf, seeing the fox.
-I’m running to the mill to get some flour. The miller's wife went to the neighbors' fire
ask, and there is no one at the mill... Do you want us to go together, Wolf Khan?
“Let’s go,” said the wolf.
They came to the mill. The wolf was the first to climb into the stall and eat flour
satiated And when it was the fox’s turn to climb, he said:
- You, Wolf Khan, stand guard. Just make sure you don't try to run away!
- What are you talking about, fox, I didn’t even intend to! Eat calmly.
- No, Wolf Khan, it’s better, let me tie you up. This won't last long.
- Well, if it’s not for long, tie it up. The fox tied the wolf's tail to
the mill wheel and started the mill. The wheel began to spin, and with it
The wolf circled and circled until he broke free and ran away. And the tail
I left mine on the mill wheel.
A few days later, the fox, as if by accident, was again caught by the Wolf Khan
“Robber!” the wolf shouted. “What did you do to me?”
“What did I do?” the fox pretended to be surprised. “I’m your first.”
I see it once.
- Why, weren’t you the one who lured me to the mill? Wasn't it you who left me
without a tail?
“What are you doing, what are you doing!” the fox cried. “I have absolutely nothing to do with it!” I am old
I am a healer and only treat wounds!
“Please heal me,” the wolf asked, “it’s a shame to be in the forest without a tail.”
appear. Who will respect the tailless khan!
“No one will,” the fox confirmed, “I’ll cure you.” Just remember:
listen to me! The fox led the wolf to a haystack.
“Hide deeper in the haystack,” the doctor ordered, “and don’t come out while I
I won't call!
The wolf climbed into the haystack, and the fox set fire to the hay and ran away. The wolf endured until
his fur caught fire. Jumped out of the stack, tailless, hairless, all
“Well,” said the fox to Kuklukhai the bird, “I dealt with the wolf.” Now
fly, call all the birds and animals. Let them choose me as khan instead of the wolf. I
he's kind!
And Kuklukhai flew from end to end throughout the forest and sang songs everywhere
about the kindness of the fox.
And the fox himself also told everyone how good he was and how he punished
evil wolf khan.
“Now,” he said, “we need to choose a new khan, so that she has
He has a fluffy skin and a long tail.
Everyone agreed to choose the fox as khan. Only the chickens disagreed. But
no one listened to them.
And the fox became khan.
Spring came, and Kuklukhai hatched her chicks again.
She sat on the top of a tree and sang this song:
What happiness I have, what children I have! They grow feathers
Wings are growing, Soon the children will fly, They will walk through the forest...
Before Kuklukhai had time to finish his song, he saw the Khan-fox in
a rich elegant dress with a silver dagger. The fox performed importantly and walked
straight to the tree, and behind him walked two woodcutters with sharp axes.
The fox came up to the tree and shouted:
This field is mine, The tree in the field is mine, The hollow in the tree is mine, That’s all in the hollow
my! Kukluhay, Kukluhay, give me all the children!
“Listen, good fox,” Kuklukhai shouted, “it’s me who lives here with
with my children, I, Kukluhai-bird!.. After all, you and I used to be friends,
until you become khan.
“You stupid bird,” answered the fox, “you can’t tell where the truth is, but
Where is the deception? - And he ordered the woodcutters to cut down the tree at the roots.
The tree was cut down, the fox ate the chicks and left.
This is how Kuklukhai paid for believing the sly fox.
After all, Khan the Fox is no better than Khan the Wolf.

Good Ovshe

The springs flow, the deer scream, the flowers bloom. Greenery
the meadows are flooded, thin-voiced cuckoos are crowing, the wind is shaking the trees
sandalwood trees that are unable to lift their branches. Hawks and golden eagles scream,
the bushes intertwine among themselves, the green grass stands in a ridge.
Blue smoke stretches, a dove coos, the larch tree is beautiful
becomes. Nature and people are happy.
At a glorious hour, the good batar Ovshe was born on earth. His father was
Yenke-Menke (Calmness-Eternity), and by mother Erdeni-Jirgal
They stroked the child's back and did not find a vertebra that could
bend over, felt between the ribs - did not find such a place - a gap in
which an evil man could stab with a knife. Teeth like shells, white and pink
they had beautiful eyes - they could see an ant a hundred miles away.
Thus was born the glorious batar, thus was born the best of the husbands of Ovshe.
They erected Ovshe on the beautiful white plain of Tyulkur (Key) red
wonderful bet. The terme was made from pure gold.
The stake stood on seventy-five supports. They threw twenty on them
four wall coverings, tied with twenty-four sashes. Front
the roof covering was stuffed with deer skins and trimmed with white silk on top.
The wide bedspread was made of beautiful rainbow silk, and all the ties were made of
flowery red threads.
On the doors of the headquarters there was an image of Garuda proudly floating in the air, on
on the doorposts are the dogs Basar and Khasar, on the top doorpost there is a parrot. On the grid and
butting goats were carved on the roof poles, and lions and tigers on the supports.
Ovshe grew quickly. It’s been a long time since people have seen such a glorious batar.
At the same time as Ovshe, Aranzal was born - a wonderful horse. On the back of that horse
there was no bending vertebra, no space between the ribs for a thin knife for a villain
could not be found. Aranzal rushed across the land and air like a snowstorm, carrying
his beloved owner Ovshe.
Soon the time came for Ovsha to help his people, batar strength and
courage, intelligence and fearlessness to show.
The cruel and terrible mangadhai attacked the poor people. Was at
Mangadhaya leader. In battle, no one was afraid of him. had strength
incomparable. Against such strength, batar Ovshe seemed a weak boy.
The Mangadhai stole cattle from poor people, destroyed their villages,
Those who resisted were killed, children were taken captive, and made their slaves.
People came to Ovsha to ask for protection, to help defeat the evil Mangadhai
leader to destroy them.
Ovshe didn’t think for a long time. I got ready for the road instantly. Jumped on Aranzal,
said goodbye to the people.
People from different nomadic camps gave farewell words to Ovsha:
Be happy on your path! Be successful in your deeds!
Ovshe left. A day goes by, a hundred days goes by. There is no trace of Mangadhaev.
Ovshe decided to rest. He himself was tired, and the horse was tired. Ovshe lay down under a tree,
and let his horse graze next to him.
Ovshe woke up in the morning - there was no horse.
Ovshe immediately guessed who stole such a strong horse.
Ovshe dressed as a shepherd and followed the tracks of the horses. Large tracks of a horse
the leader of the Mangadhai, smaller ones - traces of Aranzal.
A little later I caught up with Ovshe Mangadhai. Ovshe knew that Mangadhai is stronger
him, - decided to be careful, to act cunningly.
“I am a shepherd,” says Ovshe, “a poor orphan.” You took my master's horse.
If I return home alone, without a horse, my owner will kill me. Give me the horse.
Mangadhai answers in a thunderous voice:
- Well, if he kills you, then get on your horse and ride, but not to
to his master, but to me. You will live with me, you will work for me!
And from those words it hums and buzzes, the Old Earth trembles.
Mangadhai grabbed Aranzal's bridle, whipped his horse, and set off
path. Nothing to do. Ovshe and Mangadhai went together.
When we arrived, the first thing Mangadhai did was start eating. In one sitting
ate a thousand shaga-chimgins (lamb thighs), two wells of airak (yogurt)
drank, drained three wells of arza, lapped four wells of horza, five wells
Horona "sucked out.
I got my fill of mangadhai and was in a good mood.
“Well,” says Mangadhai Ovshe, “tell me how the heroes of your people
They live to see what wonderful morels these can do.
Ovsha answers:
- Our heroes in one spirit, a whole cauldron (cauldron) of molten cast iron
They drink and don’t blink an eye!
Mangadhai chuckled. He ordered to bring ten molten cauldrons
cast iron He drank them one after another, remained unharmed, just chuckled.
Ovshe sees that his cunning did not work.
“What else can your unfortunate heroes do?” asks Mangadhai.
- Our heroes are able to stand in water up to their chests even in winter, until the water
will freeze. And when the ice covers the river, they break the ice, like a straw, from the water
come out unharmed.
“Follow me,” says Mangadhai. They mounted their horses and galloped off to
a country where the winter was severe.
Mangadhai climbed into chest-deep water and waited until the river covered in ice,
I moved my hand and the ice crumbled into small pieces. Mangadhai began to crawl out of
“Stop!” Ovshe shouts to him. “This is not a thing yet.” I was wrong when
He said that the water should be chest-deep. You need to stand in a place where the water
reached right up to the mouth, and the tips of the toes just barely reached the bottom
touched the river.
Mangadhai climbed into a deep place. The water reaches your mouth and is covered with ice.
“Now get out!” Ovshe shouts.
No matter how much mangadhai tried, he was unable to get out. Puffs with anger
lived on his forehead like a rope, swelled up, but couldn’t break the ice.
Ovshe was delighted. He pulled out his sharp diamond sword and rushed towards
mangadhaya. No such luck! He blew a mangadhai on Ovshe. From the breath of that Ovshe
flew a hundred miles away, turned over a thousand times in the air, and barely survived.
Then he crossed the Ovshe River from the other side and approached the frozen
head of Mangadhaya, says to him:
- Well, evil batar! This is the end for you. You won't be people anymore
torment. Now you see what our heroes are capable of.
Mangadhai sighed and said:
- I regret one thing, that I blew on you. I would like to breathe some air into myself
I should have, - so you would have been sitting in my stomach a long time ago.
Ovshe used a sharp sword and cut off his head. There are several more on her head
smaller heads stuck out. Ovshe cut them off, attached them to Aranzal’s saddle and
rushed home.
When the Mangadhai learned about the death of their leader, they fled.
The Mangadhai's wife set off in pursuit of Ovshe. The wheels of her cart were like this
so great that when they were pressed into the ground, deep gorges appeared. Bulls
They blew up the ground with their horns with such force that mountains grew from it. Not at all
Ovshe had to catch up with his fast Aranzal.
And He rode a distance of three years in three days.
Flying like the wind, he ran to his home.
Thus the good batar Ovshe defeated the evil Mangadhai leader.
1 Maralukha is a female deer.
2 B atar - hero.
3 Headquarters - here: parking lot, camp, temporary settlement.
4 Terme - lattices that make up the skeleton of the tent.
5 Mangadhai - fabulous multi-headed monsters, merciless and
6 X o r o n - vodka distilled several times; I.

Brave Mazan

That was a long time ago. Neither me, the narrator, nor you, readers, nor our fathers
there was no such thing in the world then.
There lived a poor Kalmyk in one khoton. He was frail, sickly, old
He died not long after. He left behind a wife and a little boy.
A Kalmyk died, and his wife and child went to a kind old man - her husband's uncle.
When she arrived, the blind old man took the newborn boy in his arms,
I stroked it, felt it, looked at it for a long time, carefully.
“What’s the boy’s name?” he asks.
- Mazan.
“Look, daughter-in-law,” says the old man, “you have not given birth to an ordinary boy.”
He will grow up to be a wonderful person. Take care of him, be careful.
Mazan began to grow.
The mother often recalled the old man’s words about her son. Those words did not come true.
Mazan grew up as an ugly, awkward boy. His head was like a cauldron
big. The stomach looked like a ball, and the legs were like thin sticks. One consolation:
Mazan was a kind and affectionate boy.
Everyone considered Mazan a loser and felt sorry for his mother for having such a bad son.
has the only one.
Mazan’s mother cried more than once at night: she stroked the sleeping man
a loser boy, secretly shedding bitter tears.
Only the old man stands his ground. He became decrepit, completely blind. But as
caresses Mazan, strokes the boy’s hair with a dry hand, and so
- I couldn't make a mistake. This is not what your boy will be like. It's not time yet
his. Love your son more than life itself, grow him, take care of him.
And so it went year after year. Mazan grew up and became a young man.

One day, Mazan went with the herdsmen to water the horses at the wells.
They came to the wells and saw that a caravan had settled down near them to rest. From
from distant places the caravan has arrived. Everywhere you look - camels, horses, tents,
Mazan looked - there were bows and arrows on one cart. Glistened
the boy's eyes, he approached the cart, examined the bows, touched them with his finger,
but he doesn’t dare take it.
One of the travelers noticed this. Sees -| boy-looking
weak, clumsy, and he decided to laugh at him.
“Well,” he says, “you look at the bows, but you don’t dare take them?” Choose for yourself
bow, shoot.
“Can I?” asked Mazan.
- Of course you can. I allow you from any lu-; how to shoot an arrow.
People gathered around the cart to watch Mazan shoot with a bow
will. And Mazan chose the largest onion. Not like a young man - adult,
a strong man, and he could not pull such a bowstring.
Mazan took a bow, inserted an arrow, instantly pulled the string, so that the ends of the bow
They came together and shot a long arrow.
Everyone around gasped. The strongest people came out, tried that bow, but not in
I have the strength to pull back the bowstring an inch.
Mazan asked to sell him the bow he used to shoot. Requested
traveler for the bow this school of horses.
“Are you taking it?” asks the traveler.
“I’ll take it,” says Mazan and orders the herd keepers to give them a school of horses.
The herdsmen ran to Mazan's father's uncle, a decrepit old man, and complained about
young man, they tell how he shot with a bow and how they are now demanding for his bow
travelers give away the last school of horses.
The old man smiled and was happy.
“Don’t contradict me,” he says. “Give my horses to the traveler.”
Let Mazan buy himself some strong onions. I wasn't mistaken, that means. I've been waiting for a long time
Mazan will become stronger than others, he will defend his people. So I waited.
Soon rumors about Mazan spread throughout all the hotons. Shot from morning till night
Mazan. His arrows are hundreds
They flew for miles, and not a single one missed the target. Not a single shooter could
equal with Mazan. He was not afraid of any danger. He became smart, dexterous,
brave No one would now recognize in the stately and strong young man Mazan the frail and
awkward little boy.
Mazan deeply loved his people. He was fair. Defended the poor
I never gave offense to honest people. The people also loved Mazan, saw in him
new battery.
One morning Mazan woke up from a loud noise. He hears men screaming,
women and children are crying. Mazan jumped up, dressed quickly, and left the wagon.
He looked and saw that the Baykhtan-Eretyn battalion was approaching. Where is that batar
the invincible will appear, and there he will steal all the cattle. Stronger than Baykhtan-Eretyn on
there was no one in the world.
I could not resist Baykhtan-Eretyn and Mazan, by the power of Baykhtan-Eretyn
no one could take it. Mazan knew that it was not by force, but by intelligence and courage that he
I need to act, I stood up calmly and waited.
Baykhtan-Eretyn drove up, dispersed the people, drove past Mazan, laughed
over it. He took all the livestock, down to the last goat and horse, with him.
People asked Mazan to help them, cried, begged him. Mazan stands silently,
doesn't move from the spot.
Baykhtan-Eretyn left.
Then Mazan went into the tent and took his bow and arrows. Among the arrows was
His favorite arrow is aminsomun (soul-arrow). The tip of this arrow was
smeared with poison. When the arrow flew, it sang a wonderful song.
Mazan set off in the footsteps of Baykhtan-Eretyn.
Mazan knew that the invulnerable batar could not be struck with a sword or an arrow.
kill. Baykhtan-Eretyn had only one vulnerable place. To kill him -
I should have pierced his throat. But no one managed to do this.
Baykhtan-Eretyn wore a high steel collar and always kept his head down
The young hero wandered for a long time until he found Baykhtan-Eretyn.
The heroes met.
When Baykhtan-Eretyn saw Mazan, he took out a sharp sword and lashed his horse
black, galloped towards Mazan. A black horse rushes faster than the wind, glistening on
helmet and chain mail of Baykhtan-Eretyn. He's about to blow off Mazan's head.
Mazan did not flinch, did not move from his place. Calmly took my beloved arrow,
He raised his bow over his head and pulled the string, as if he wanted to shoot an arrow.
He himself doesn’t take his eyes off Baykhtan-Eretyn.
Baykhtan-Eretyn was surprised. Never before had he seen the heroes themselves
kept it that way. “What a curiosity,” he thinks, “after all, I was prepared to kill him, but
he is going to shoot an arrow into the sky. What a stupid Kalmyk hero!
I wonder where he decided to aim?” Baykhtan-Eretyn could not restrain himself
curiosity. He raised his head up, and Mazan immediately shot an arrow into his neck.
Mazan shot quickly and accurately. Before Baykhtan-Eretyn had time to bow his head,
like an arrow struck the top of the collar, where the iron buttons came undone.
The arrow was wide and sharp. Baykhtan-Eretyn’s head rolled off his shoulders.
Baykhtan-Eretyn was strong and mighty. And without a head he continued to gallop
horses. When he caught up with Mazan, at full gallop he slashed with his sword, almost
cut Mazan in half.
Baykhtan-Eretyn rode up a low hill, got off his horse, hobbled it,
he took off his saddle, laid out his cloak, stuck his sword deep into the ground, without letting go
He lay down on the cloak with his handle, stretched out his legs, and became motionless.
When Mazan approached, Baykhtan-Eretyn was already dead.
Mazan took the cattle and returned them to the people.
This is what the brave hero Mazan was like.
But he didn't have to live long.
Baykhtan-Eretyn had two sons. When they learned about their father's death,
swore revenge on Mazan.
One day, the two of them attacked Mazan while he was riding across the steppe.
Having crept up from behind, they stabbed him with sharp daggers and threw the dead man into
the well is deep.
When we drove past the hoton where Mazan lived, they began to boast like Mazan
We laughed at them.
“In vain,” they are told, “we wasted our time, our daggers were dull.” At the hero Mazan's
at night, when the stars appear in the sky, all wounds tighten and heal
yourself. That is why he is called: “Mazan, son of Ochir, who comes to life when the stars
appear in the sky completely,"Soon he will crawl out of the well. At first very
He will be weak like a newborn camel. An hour later again with heroic strength
will be filled. Then you won't fare well in a fair fight. Better get out quickly
further away.
The brothers drove off, conferred, and headed back on their way.
The night has come. The stars are shining brightly in the sky. The brothers drove up to the well and
They see that Mazan has come to life, he is climbing out of the well, he is not yet strong enough.
The brothers rushed to Mazan, grabbed him, killed him again, to pieces
They cut him up and scattered his body in different places.
This is how the brave batar Mazan died.
1 X o t o n - a settlement in several tents that roamed together.

Yes, the years go by, the gray centuries flow by, and no one will ever hold back their mighty
running. As if recently my wrinkled hands were strong and young. Was
young and the one lying in the Tyumen temple.
Young and beautiful, like early spring, was Erle, daughter of Sangaji. And
Many hearts beat when they saw her, and her eyes, dark as night, were not forgotten.
Erle was beautiful, like the first glimmer of spring dawn. In the tall grass
She spent the sultry days in thoughtful ilmens, cheerful, healthy, flexible.
I imitated the cry of birds, jumped from hummock to hummock, lived the life of the steppe
swamps and knew their deepest secrets.
Erle grew up. And Sangadzhi roamed either near the wide Volga or along the quiet
Akhtube. Time flew, the herds multiplied. Many merchants from Persia also came
and from India, the rich Sangaji bought a lot of goods from them for his daughter.
Often long caravans of well-fed camels rested near his wagon, and his hands
slaves were continually handed over to the hands of Sangaji, expensive ones shimmering in the sun
colored silks.
Noble matchmakers in rich, bright clothes dismounted their horses for fifteen
steps, threw themselves on the ground and crawled towards Sangaji.
The moonlit summer night breathed the vapors of a damp, covered with a thousand flowers
earth, in the silence of the sigh-
camels whined, sheep coughed, mosquitoes sang, crickets chirped, moaned
harrier, some bird cried out sleepily. Lived and rejoiced
the sorceress-steppe brought wonderful girlish dreams to the beautiful Erla. Smiling
with her dark arms outstretched, she lay on expensive Bukhara carpets. And her mother
old Bulgun sat at her head, with eyes full of tears, in deep
“And why did the night sandpiper scream so loudly,” she thought, “why
the willows rustle sadly over Erik and what Sangadji speaks about in a low voice
a neighboring caravan with a rich matchmaker?.. My dear Erle! When I carried you under
with my heart, I was happier than now, because no one could take you away
I have".
And at that time Sangaji said to the noble matchmaker:
“I don’t need anything for my Erle because she is more valuable than anything in the world.”
Let me talk to the groom, I want to find out how intelligent he is, and let
Erle herself will tell him her terms.
The matchmaker was delighted, jumped into the saddle, galloped to the Tyumen noyon and told
that, apparently, they will soon lay Erle across the saddle and bring him to the young
Old Bulgun was crying at her daughter’s bedside. Sangaji sat with his legs crossed and
looked sadly at Erle.
“And why did she grow up so quickly,” whispered Sangaji, “and why some
the son of Noyon Tyumen must take Erle from us, cheerful as a spring stream,
like the first ray of sun?
Days passed, herds wandered through the lush grass of the Akhtuba Valley.
Fat accumulated in camel humps and sheep tails. Were sad
mother and father, only Erle was still having fun in the flowering steppe. In the evenings
the daughter wrapped her arms around her mother’s gray head and whispered affectionately that
will soon leave her, that it is too early for her to leave the old people and that does not frighten her
the anger of the ferocious noyon of Tyumen.
At the confluence of two rivers, the matchmakers of Noyon Tyumen and his son Bembe caught up.
Bembe did not dare to disturb Erle, he ordered tents to be pitched on another
the bank of the dry erik and beyond; spend the night.
Bembe did not sleep, and Sangaji did not sleep, Bulgun’s eyes were red from tears.
The richly colored outfits of the matchmakers played like a rainbow in the morning sun.
Riding ahead of everyone was Bembe, the son of the merciless, ferocious noyon of Tyumen, whose name
set the whole steppe in awe.
“Let Erle herself tell you the conditions,” Sangaji said when Bembe
declared that he needed Erle like a camel needed colza, like a duck needed elmen,
like the sun on earth.
The steppe spoke louder and the waves in the river sang, raised their heads higher
the reeds and the camels looked friendly when the beautiful Erle came out to the guests.
Bembe traveled from the great mountains to the valley of the Ili River and deep Lake Balkhash,
He saw thousands of beautiful women, but he never saw anyone like Erle.
“Ask for anything you want,” he told her, “just agree.”
She smiled at Erla and said:
- Bembe, son of a noble noyon, I am glad to see you and will forever remain with you.
you, if you find me a flower, which is more beautiful not only in our
steppes, but throughout the world. I will wait for him until next spring. You will find
me in the same place, and if you bring a flower, I will become your wife.
Noyon Tyumen gathered noyons and clan elders and told them:
- Announce to all the people so that anyone who knows about such a flower should come
without fear and spoke about it for a big reward.
Tyumen's order flew around the steppe faster than the wind.
One night a dusty horseman rode up to the noyon's wagon. And when
They let him into the tent, he said to Noyon:
“I know where the flower your beautiful Erla desires grows.”
And he spoke about his wonderful country, which is called India and
spread far beyond the high mountains. There's a flower there people call it
sacred lotus and worship him as a god. If noyon gives several
man, he will bring a lotus, and the beautiful Erle will become Bembe's wife.
The next day, six horsemen set off.
It's boring to talk about how Sangaji lived in the cold winter.
The north-east winds drove the cattle into the support, and he himself lay there all day and
I listened to the steppe storms singing sad songs behind the dugout. Even cheerful
Erle yearned for the sun and waited for spring.
She thought little about the fact that the terrible Bembe would someday return. A
Meanwhile, six horsemen headed east and had already reached the valley
Ili River. They slept and ate in the saddle. Bembe hurried them, and they were delayed
only to hunt for food.
They had to endure many hardships until they reached the mysterious
India. Wild steppes, tall mountains and stormy rivers met them on the way, but
the riders rode stubbornly forward.
Finally they arrived in India and saw a wonderful flower - the lotus. But no one
did not dare to tear it down, everyone was afraid of incurring the wrath of the gods. Then on
An old priest came to help them. He picked a lotus and gave it to Bemba, saying:
- Remember, man, you received a beautiful flower, but you will lose something else
more beautiful.
Bembe did not listen to him, grabbed the lotus and ordered him to saddle the horses immediately,
to start the return journey.
The fierce wind blew less and less often, and the sun remained in the sun longer and longer.
sky. Spring was approaching, and the pale, emaciated Erle was waiting for it.
In vain did the healers go to her father’s dugout, in vain did they give her various drinks to drink.
with herbs, Erle melted every day, like snow under the sun. I couldn't do it anymore
cry Bulgun. With crazy eyes she looked at her daughter as she walked away from
her forever, And when the birds began to sing and the steppe began to bloom, Erle could no longer get up.
With her thin hand she stroked her mother, distraught with grief, and her eyes were still
laughed quietly and affectionately.
If birds could talk, they would tell Bemba to hurry up
their horses, because soon, soon Erle’s heart will stop beating. But even without
Bembe was in a hurry. There was only a little way left. Tired horses, with poured
bloody eyes, stumbled and almost fell from exhaustion.
Noble matchmakers rushed towards Bemba.
“Hurry, Bembe!” they shouted. “Your beautiful Erle is dying.”
And when Sangadzhi’s wagon appeared, everyone saw how from it,
backing away, mother and father come out. The riders realized that Erle had died. Sadly
lowered Bembe's reins. He didn’t see the living beautiful Erle, and Erle didn’t see either
a flower as beautiful as herself...
They buried her on the banks of the Volga, and Erle built a temple in memory of Bemba.
On a dark night, Bembe went into the reed thickets of the mouth and planted
wonderful lotus.
And this beautiful flower still grows there to this day.
1 Temple named after the noyon of Tyumen.
2 Supports - here: specially made pens.

Magic stone

In ancient times, a farmer had a son. He sold his field
I bought three fathoms of linen and went to trade in foreign lands.
On the way, he met a crowd of children who were tied to a string
the mouse and threw it into the water, and then pulled it out. He began to beg the children
so that they feel sorry for the mouse and let it go. And the children are insolent in response:
- What do you care? We still won't let you go! Then he gave them one
fathom of canvas, and they released the mouse.
Just walked away, meets another crowd of kids, they caught a young
the monkey and beat it mercilessly, and they themselves say:
- Jump! Jump well!
But the monkey was no longer able to move and only
He stroked the monkey and wanted to let it go, but the children did not agree.
He gave them the second fathom of canvas, and they released the monkey.
Then he comes across a crowd of children with a small bear cub on his way.
They chase him and beat him, ride him. Here he had to part with
the last fathom of canvas to persuade the children to let the bear cub go
He has nothing to trade and nothing to eat, so he thinks: “What can I do?”
now what to do?" I thought and thought, but he kept walking along the road and suddenly saw
in a reed meadow, a piece of silk embroidered with gold, apparently very expensive. "Here
Heaven sent you instead of a canvas for your kind heart,” he says himself
to yourself. But soon everything went differently.
People came up to him, saw the silk and asked:
- Where does such expensive silk come from? This fabric and other items were stolen from
Khan's treasury. Well, we finally found the thief! Where did you put everything?
They brought him to the khan, and the khan said to him:
- I will order you to be put in a large box, locked with a wooden lock,
put two loaves of bread and throw you into the water.
And so they did. But the box floated to the shore and stopped. Air in the box
the stuffy, poor young man is suffocating. Suddenly someone began to cross themselves and shout to him:
- Now lean a little against the lid.
He leaned against the lid, it opened slightly, he breathed in fresh air, and
The gap saw a mouse, which he freed.
The mouse says to him:
- Wait, I’ll go call my comrades, otherwise I can’t do it.
The mouse soon returned with the monkey and the bear cub. The monkey spread
a gap so that the bear could stick its paw through and break the chest. young man
walked out onto a green lawn on an island in the middle of the river. The animals brought him fruit
and different foods.
The next morning he saw something sparkling on the shore, and sent
see the monkey.
The monkey brought him a shiny pebble. This pebble was magical.
The young man wanted to have a palace, and now a palace grew up among a large
square, with all the services, outbuildings, in rich decoration, and around it
the trees blossomed, and the marble fountains began to gurgle as clear as
crystal, water. He settled in this palace and kept the animals.
A little later, merchants came to this country. They were dumbfounded with surprise
and ask:
-Where did this palace come from? There used to be an empty place here!
They asked the young man about this, and he showed them a magic stone and
told everything that happened to him.
Here one of them says:
- Take from us everything we have and give us the magic stone.
The young man did not regret it and gave them a stone, but did not take anything from them in return.
“I’m already happy,” he said, “what I have is enough for me.”
There is.
The merchants were not as grateful as the animals, because they were merchants and
generosity, like many other things, was considered simply stupidity.
The next day, in the morning, the young man wakes up and sees that he is again on
lawn and that all his wealth had disappeared.
He sits, saddened. His animals come up to him and ask:
- What happened to you? He told them everything.
They say:
- We feel sorry for you. Tell us where the merchant went with your stone. We
Let's go find him.
They come to the merchant. Here the monkey and the bear say to the mouse:
- Come on, mouse, poke around and see if you can find a stone somewhere.
The mouse began to scour all the cracks and ended up in a richly decorated room,
where the merchant who got the magic stone slept. And the stone hangs
suspended from the end of the arrow, and the arrow was stuck into a pile of rice, and near the rice
two cats are tied in a pile. The mouse did not dare to approach and told about everything
to my friends.
But the bear was lazy and simple-minded, he heard this and
- Well, then nothing can be done, let's go back.
Then the monkey interrupted him and said:
- Wait, we'll think of something else. Mouse! Go to the merchant and bite off
him a few hairs, and the next night see who will be tied to
headboard near his pillow.
In the morning the merchant saw that his hair had been nibbled by a mouse, and since the evening he
tied the cats near his pillow.
And the mouse again could not reach the stone.
“Well,” says the bear, “there’s really nothing you can do now.”
Let's go back.
The monkey says:
- Wait, we’ll come up with something again, don’t talk us out of it. Mouse!
Go and chew the rice so that the arrow falls and then bring back the pebble in your teeth.
The mouse dragged the pebble to the hole, but the pebble was too big to fit into
her. The mouse came again with his grief to his friends.
“Well,” says the bear, “now that’s it, let’s turn home, we and
You can't even crawl through a mouse hole like a monkey.
But the monkey dug a hole, and the mouse crawled into it along with the pebble.
They went back, reached the river, got tired, the mouse sat down with the bear on
ear, and the monkey climbed onto his back, and holds a pebble in his mouth. Become
cross the river, and let the bear boast that he, too, is not without
business sitting:
- It’s good that I can carry you all on myself: a monkey, a mouse and
magic stone. This means that I am stronger than all of you.
And the animals are silent in response. The bear got seriously angry and said:
“If you don’t answer me, I’ll throw you into the water.”
“Don’t drown, do me a favor,” said the monkey, and a pebble came out of his mouth.
she hits the water.
They crossed the river, monkey, and let's grumble:
- You bear, you cudgel! The mouse woke up and asked:
- What's wrong with you?
The monkey told everything as it happened and said:
- There is nothing more difficult than getting a stone out of water. Now we have more
there is nothing left to do but disperse.
And the mouse says:
- Well, I'll try to pull out the pebble. Move away.
The mouse began to run back and forth along the shore, as if worried about
something. Suddenly water inhabitants come out of the water and say:
- Mouse, what’s wrong with you? The mouse answers them:
-Have you not heard that a large army is gathering and wants to drive out
water of all water inhabitants?..
“We’re in trouble,” the water inhabitants were frightened, “advise what we should do now.”
“Now you have no choice but to throw it away,” answered the mouse.
out of water all the stones and make a dam out of them on the shore.
Before she could say anything, stones fell from the bottom of the river. And finally the big one
The frog drags a magic pebble and says:
- This thing is not easy.
“Well done, mouse,” said the monkey when he saw the stone.
They came to the young man, but he couldn’t wait for them. They gave him the pebble
and he wanted to have the same palace as before.
Since then, the young man never parted with the magic stone and left it with
yourself to live with your three true friends. The bear did nothing but eat and sleep;
the monkey ate and danced, and the mouse also ate and scurried around all the holes and crevices, and
the young man never kept a single cat in the palace.

Unawarded award

Many years ago there lived an old widow. She had four children: three
son and daughter. Sons are good-looking, daughters are even better. These beauties cost a thousand
You can’t find miles around. Anyone who has ever seen this girl is a beauty all her life
remembered her.
Her mother and brothers loved her deeply and treasured her more life his,
took care of her like the apple of her eye.
Hunter brothers, strong and brave, keen-sighted and fast, never
returned home without abundant booty.
One day, fellow brothers gathered for a long hunt. Decided to stock up on meat
make, stuff various animals, get fur for the winter for my mother and sister. Ate
airik, took a lamb thigh with them, said goodbye to their mother and sister, and went.
Mother and daughter remained.
In the evening the mother came out of the wagon. While the old woman was doing housework,
A terrible mongoose flew into Orko and carried away the beauty.
The mother came in, and the tent was empty. No daughter. I searched and searched and couldn’t find it.
The mother guessed what had happened. She fell to the ground, crying. The night dragged on for a long time.
The old woman did not close her eyes and shed bitter tears.
In the morning the brothers returned from the hunt, happy and cheerful. Met my mother
sons at the entrance to the tent. How to talk about misfortune? The old woman greeted
them, says:
- My beloved sons! Like your father, you are brave, strong and dexterous,
You will not yield to him in kindness and honesty! Only and good people misfortune
can hit. I would like your mother to know what each of you is like
capable, if necessary, to help a loved one!
The eldest son said:
- There is no such thing in the whole world that I could not find. Needle in
I’ll see the steppe too, I’ll find the head of a pin at the bottom of the sea, behind a stone wall in
chest, seven locks for the family, I can find a sharp pinhead.
- And I can kill any bird with one shot at any height,
I’ll hit a raindrop under a cloud, with one arrow there are ten birds with one stone
I’ll finish you off,” the middle son told his mother.
The youngest son did not lag behind his brothers.
“I,” he says, “catch everything with my own hands, I can hold it.” Stone from the mountain
I’ll catch it and grab the rock on the fly. If a huge and heavy mountain fell from the sky
fell, and I would have caught it whole - the lump of earth would not have fallen off.
The mother hugged her sons one by one and confessed her misfortune to them.
- I no longer have a daughter, and you no longer have a sister. Woe to us, my sons!
Look for your beloved sister quickly, forgive me, old one, for not paying attention to
his only daughter.
The brothers' weapons and hunting spoils fell from their hands to the ground. No
The elder brother said first:
- Well, there’s nothing to do! There's no point in wasting time. Let's say goodbye to
mother and let's go around the world to look for my sister. Until we find it, no
to visit us at home. If only we could find some mangus before it eats our sister.
Not a day had passed before the elder brother found the cloud in which he had hidden
The middle brother took aim, pulled the string, so that the ends of the bow were together
They came together and shot a singing arrow into the air. It stabbed straight into the heart of the mongoose,
struck to death by the evil monster. The mangus released the girl. White stone
my sister collapsed. There are three quarters of a step left to the ground - I grabbed my sister
The younger brother put her down unharmed.
The rumor about how the brothers rescued their sister from terrible trouble, from the very
The mangus was saved and traveled all over the world.
Old Kelmerchi from different Khotons gathered and decided to award a reward
to the brother who deserved it most.
“Reward the middle one - he killed the dragon,” says one.
- Well, what did he kill? If the elder brother had not found the dragon, then
There would be no one for the middle brother to shoot at, others say.
“The younger brother deserved more,” still others insist, “if not for him,
If the girl had crashed, neither the older nor the middle brothers would have helped.
- The youngest wouldn’t have had to catch if it weren’t for the eldest and middle
brothers: the mangus would have devoured the girl long ago, and he would have been looking for his sister all his life,
until he died, some object.
This is how the Kelmerchi argue to this day - they still can’t decide,
Which of the brothers should be given the reward?
What do you think? Everyone knows how to listen to fairy tales. Help me decide
Which of the brothers should be given the reward?
All three? It is forbidden. Not according to the rule. The Kelmerchi will be against it. One of
three? So who wants it?

1 A i r i k - curdled milk.
2 Orko - smoke hole in the tent.
3 Mangus is a fairy-tale monster that devours people.

Gelyung werewolf and his worker

Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She had three sons: two were obstinate, and the youngest was
kind, sympathetic, smart. Before her death, the old woman called her sons and
- I will die soon. Live peacefully, children. Look: don't mess with
The old mother died, they inherited a leaky tent, yes
mangy goat. The brothers somehow survived the winter.
“I’ll go look for a job,” said the elder brother and went to
He goes in the direction where the wind blows. He walked and walked, and night fell in the steppe.
He lay down on the mound and spent the night. Early in the morning I went further. Looks: sitting at
There are three old women on the road, stitching together the cracked earth.
“Oh, you!” said the elder. “May your work not be fulfilled.”
“Your intention will not be fulfilled either, boy,” they answered.
The elder brother went further. He walked and walked, and suddenly a Gelyung came towards him.
“Where are you going, guy?” he asked.
- I'm looking for a place. I want to be hired as an employee. - Come to me.
- What is your job?
- Herd horses, cook in the kitchen.
“Okay,” the guy agreed and went with the gelung.
While the new worker was inspecting the owner's farmstead, Gelyung slaughtered a sheep
and ordered:
- Light the oven, guy, cook the meat.
The worker chopped the wood, lit the stove, and set the meat on to cook. It's about him
hands argued. He wanted to salt the meat, but there was no salt at hand.
The worker took him out of the cauldron and killed his owner. Gelyung has arrived.
- Well, how? Is the meat ready?
- Ready.
- Did you salt it?
- No.
“Then I’ll bring salt now,” said Gelyung. He came out of the kitchen and
turned into a red dog. A worker stands at the window and looks like in the Yard
kids are playing. He noticed a red dog that had eaten meat as it ran out of
kitchens. And then, as luck would have it, Gelyung appeared.
“Where is the meat?” he asked the worker.
- The dog ate it.
- Go hungry and graze the herd.
The worker pulled the belt tighter so that he didn’t want to eat, and grazed
horses. Night has come. Gelyung turned into a wolf, ran into the herd and ate
the best horse. The gray worker noticed him when he ran into the forest. Behind the wolf
it was too late to chase. Morning has come. A worker came to Gelyung.
“Trouble has happened,” he said.
- What's the problem?
- At night, the gray wolf ate the best horse.
“How will you pay?!” the Gelyung shouted and killed the worker.
The brothers waited and waited for their older brother, but there was no wait.
“I’ll go and look for a job,” said the middle brother and went to
search for income.
He is walking along the road. He looks: three old women are sitting by the road, sewing
cracked ground.
- Hey you! “May your work not be fulfilled,” he said.
“Let your intention be wrong, boy,” they answered.
The middle brother goes further. Met a Gelyung.
“Where are you going, guy?” asked Gelyung.
- I'm looking for an owner.
- Come to me to graze the horses.
“Okay,” agreed the middle brother.
We've arrived. Gelyung slaughtered a sheep and ordered the meat to be boiled. Welded a new one
the worker meat and took it out of the cauldron. I looked out the window, and the dog ate everything
“Go and graze the horses as punishment for the hungry,” said the owner.
At night, as before, he turned into a gray wolf, entered the herd and
ate the best mare. In the morning the middle brother came to Gelyung and said:
- Trouble happened, the wolf ate the best mare.
“How will you pay?!” the Gelyung shouted and killed his middle brother.
The youngest of them waited and waited for his brothers. All deadlines have passed, and they
still no. He also got ready to hit the road. He walks across the steppe and looks: they are sitting by the road
three old women stitching together cracked earth.
“May your work be fulfilled,” he said.
“Yes, your intention will be fine,” answered the three old women, and then
They said: “When, boy, you leave here, you will meet a Gelyung.” He will take
you to become my employee. Gelyung will come home, slaughter a sheep and force you
cook meat. And when you cook, he will say: “Take out the meat, and I’ll bring salt.” AND
will leave. Take out the meat and place the whip near you. The Gelyung werewolf will come running to
kitchen with a red dog. She will start eating meat, and you, as much as you can, beat her
whip across the bridge of the nose. She will run away, and a little later Gelyung will show up in
kitchen. The werewolf will divide the meat, you will have dinner, and at night he will send you to
guard a herd of horses. Don't sleep at night, he will come to the herd like a gray wolf.
He will sneak along the beam, you catch him, skin him and release him. In the morning,
when you come to his house, you will see: Gelyung will be lying in bed with
flayed skin and scream in a voice that is not your own. He will ask: “Why did you come?” You
tell him: “I caught a wolf at night, tore off its skin, what happened to it?”
what to do?" The little brother of the old women thanked him and went on.
Gelyung road.
“Where are you going, boy?” he asked.
- I want to get hired.
- Come join me as a worker.
- What is your job?
- In the kitchen, cook, look after the horses.
“Well, I agree,” said the younger brother and followed the Gelyung.
We've arrived. Gelyung slaughtered a sheep and ordered him to cook the meat. Flooded the new one
the worker baked the oven and, as soon as the meat was cooked, took it out of the cauldron and laid it out on
The owner enters the kitchen.
- Is the meat ready?
- Ready.
- Did you salt it?
- No.
“I’ll bring salt now,” said the Gelyung and left. And the younger brother, the third
worker, put a whip near him and stands, pretending to look into
window. A red dog runs into the kitchen and rushes to the meat. Worker come on
beat her with a whip so that she could barely carry her legs. Didn't have time to whip
put it - the Gelyung werewolf is right there. The nose is broken, the eye is swollen, from the beard
just shreds.
“What happened?” the worker asked the owner.
- No big deal, I tripped over the threshold. We had lunch. Gelyung says: "Go,
guy, go into the herd, guard the horses." Night fell. The horses were grazing. I noticed
the worker, like a wolf sneaking along a beam towards the herd, with a whip in his hands rushed to
The wolf goes to the steppe, the worker follows him. I chased for a long time. I caught up with him and stuck him in the
mouth cap and began to caress the gray one. He beats and says: “This is for you for my
big brother, this is for my middle brother, and this is from me!” Bill,
beat, so that the gray one was delighted when he jumped out of his own skin.
There was no time for her - at least she could get away with it.
It's morning. A worker comes to Gelyung. He looks - he is breathing his last breath.
“What do you want?” moaned Gelyung.
- I caught a wolf, but he ran away without his skin, what do you want to do with it?
- Fuck you... - Gelyung wanted to say something else, but didn’t have time: he died.
1 Kelmerchi are sages, storytellers.
2 Gelyung is a Buddhist clergyman among the Kalmyks.

Wise daughter-in-law

In a long time ago bygone times Once upon a time there lived a certain khan. Khan had the only one
son. He was a stupid fool. This made the khan very sad. And the khan decided to do something
It was impossible during his lifetime to find an intelligent wife for his foolish son.
The khan went around his domains. Near one village he sees three girls
collect dung. Suddenly it began to rain. The calves approached the grazing cows. Two
the girls ran home, and one covered the dung with a beshmet and ran to the herd,
drive away the calves.
Khan drove up to her and asked why she stayed in the rain when she
the friends ran home.
- My friends won once, lost twice, and I won twice,
“And I lost one,” the girl answered.
“What did you win?” asked the khan.
- I covered the dung from the rain and drove the calves away from the cows, otherwise they would
sucked the milk. The only problem is that the rain wet my beshmet. But I am a beshmet
I’ll dry it by the fire, and light the fire with dry dung. And my friends have dung
got wet, and the calves sucked the milk. Only they didn’t wet their beshmets. See
Khan, I will have both milk and fire, but they have neither one nor the other.
Khan liked the girl’s resourcefulness and decided to find out who she was.
like this.
“How to cross this river?” the khan asked the girl.
- If you go right, it will be further, but shorter. Go left - in short
“It will be, but it will be further,” the girl answered.
Khan understood the girl this way: if you go to the left, there will be a ford
It’s swampy, you could get stuck,” and decided to go right.
He also asked the girl how he could find her tent in the village.
- My wagon is on the left. You will see it immediately. It has sixty windows and
sixty spades stick out.
In the village on the left side, the khan saw a black-black wagon. Through
holes in the roof showed all the poles. Khan guessed that this was sixty
windows and sixty peaks.
The girl's father was in the wagon. Following the khan, a girl came with
To once again test the girl’s resourcefulness, the khan suddenly asked her:
- How many dungs ​​do you have in your bag?
- The same number of times your horse has stepped from your palace to ours.
“kibitki,” the girl answered without hesitation.
Before leaving the village, the khan ordered the old man to prepare for tomorrow
koumiss from bull's milk and line your tent with ashes.
The old man began to cry and conveyed the khan’s command to his daughter. But the daughter is not at all
She was embarrassed and reassured the old man that she would do everything herself.
The next day the girl covered the tent with matting and burned it so that
the ashes stuck to the felt, then she picked up and placed a long
Khan drives up to the wagon, sees that there is a pole, which means there is someone in the house
gives birth.
“The father is giving birth,” the girl answered the khan.
“Do men give birth too?” the khan asked in surprise.
- O great khan! In the Khanate, where kumiss is prepared from bull's milk, everything
When leaving, the khan ordered the old man to come to him on a two-headed horse and
not to ride along the road itself or across the steppe, and when he comes to him, he won’t sit down
inside the tent and not outside.
How can the khan's order be fulfilled? The old man shared his grief with
daughter. The daughter explained to him the khan's orders. You need to come to the draw
mare, you need to gallop not in the middle of the road or along a rut, but along a strip
between them, upon arrival to the khan you need to sit at the threshold outside and on his back
throw felt over the door.
The old man did as his daughter told him...
Finally, the khan married his son to a girl.
Some time after the wedding, the khan fell seriously ill. Wishing
to check whether the daughter-in-law will help her stupid husband, the khan called for
myself a son and
I wanted him to catch up with the tumbleweed in the steppe and find out from him where it would be
day and night.
The Khan's son returned home and conveyed his father's orders to his wife. Then the wife
advised him:
- Tell your father - the tumbleweed replied: “Where I will spend the day is known
the ravine where I will spend the night - the wind knows about it."
The Khan's son answered his father as his wife taught him.
The father was pleased and ordered his son to bring a horse with two
heads and so that one head looks forward and the other looks back.
The son brought two horses to the khan and confused them so that their heads looked
in different directions.
Khan scolded his son for his stupid invention and ordered him to go to his
At home his wife advised him:
- Go bring Khan a foal mare. A pregnant mare has a foal lying in
womb head to tail.
The khan's son did as his wife advised him. Khan was pleased
son and died calmly, knowing that his daughter-in-law would help her husband in everything.

A tale about the native land

There is nothing more precious to a person than the place where he was born, the region where he grew up,
the sky under which he lived. And not only humans - animals and birds, all living things
under the sun he yearns for his native land.
A long time ago, when the Kalmyks still lived in China, they brought Chinese
an unusual bird as a gift to the emperor. She sang so much that the sun was at its highest
the point in the sky slowed down, listening to her song.
The emperor ordered to make a golden cage for the bird and lay it down
young swan, feed her from the imperial kitchen. His first minister
The emperor appointed him in charge of caring for the birds. He told his first
to the minister:
- Let the bird feel as good here as it has never felt anywhere else.
felt. And let it delight our ears, thirsting for beauty.
Everything was done according to the orders of the formidable ruler.
Every morning the emperor waited for the singing of a bird. But she was silent. "Apparently, a bird,
accustomed to freedom
air, it’s stuffy in the palace,” thought the emperor and ordered the cage to be taken out to
The emperor's garden was the only one in the world in beauty. Mighty trees
rustled transparent green carved leaves, gave off a life-giving fragrance
the rarest flowers, the earth played with all its colors. But the bird is still
was silent. “What is she missing now?” thought the emperor. “Is she feeling bad?
me? Why doesn’t she sing?” The emperor invited all his sages to
listen to their highly learned judgments. Some said it might be a bird
fell ill and lost her voice, others - that the bird is not the same, others - that,
she probably didn't sing at all. The most venerable hundred-year-old sage suggested,
that the air exhaled by people depresses the bird and therefore it does not sing.
After listening carefully to everyone, the emperor ordered the cage to be taken to the virgin
However, even in the forest the bird remained silent. The wings are lowered to the very
the floor, pearls of tears are rolling from the eyes.
Then the emperor ordered the captive sage to be brought.
“If you give us good advice and the bird sings, you will get freedom,”
the emperor told him.
The captive sage thought for a week and reported:
- Take the bird around the country... Maybe it will sing. I wandered for three years
Emperor with a bird in his domain. Finally they reached a swamp.
Stunted bushes grew around it, and beyond stretched dull yellow sands.
Foul fumes rose from the swamps, and annoying midges flew in a swarm.
They hung the cage on a dry saxaul branch. They posted a guard and everyone lay down
When the clear sky lit up morning dawn and her scarlet became
spread wider and wider, the bird suddenly perked up, spread its wings,
Hastily began to clean each feather with her beak.
Noticing the unusual behavior of the bird, the guard woke up the emperor.
And when the eternal star showed its scarlet crest, the bird
quickly took off, hit the golden bars of the cage and fell to the floor. She
She looked around sadly and began to sing quietly. Sang a hundred and eight songs of sadness
she, and when she began a song of joy, thousands of birds like her flocked
from all sides and picked up her song. It seemed to people that these were not birds
sing to the strings of the rays of the rising sun, and their souls sing, yearning for
“This is where our bird comes from, this is its native land,” he said thoughtfully
the emperor and remembered his incomparable Beijing, where he had not been for three years.
“Open the cage doors and let the bird out,” he commanded.
And then all the birds sang a thousand songs of praise to their native land, a thousand and one
a song of praise to freedom.
This is what native land and freedom mean, you can only sing where you are
found life.

Unresolved court cases

Once upon a time there lived a certain khan. When he needed to migrate, he
place of his housewarming party he placed the horns of an antelope so that they would clear the area of
One day a certain hunter, having decided to bring swans as a gift to the khan, went to
lake and there, lying down, holding his gun ready, he began to wait for the game.
Seven swans flew to this lake. The hunter decided to shoot all seven
swans, when all are stretched out in one row. While he was waiting for this moment, another
the hunter shot at one swan and killed it outright. He killed the swan
tied it to his belt with a red silk thread and took it as a gift to the khan. Came to
Khan and the first hunter and said:
- Omnipotent Khan, I was lying on the shore of the lake and waiting for the moment when everything
seven swans will stretch out in one row to kill them all with one shot and
bring it to you as a gift. But at that time another hunter appeared and shot
one of the swans and carried it to you, and the rest were frightened by the shot and flew away.
I ask you, Khan, to convene a fair court and sentence that hunter so that he
paid me the cost of seven swans.
In response to this, the khan said:
- Firstly, it is still unknown whether you could kill all seven swans with one
shot, and secondly, the hunter you are complaining about came to me
before you and not empty-handed like you, but with one swan, so I
I refuse to look into your court case.

This lawsuit was never resolved.
A rich Gelyung lived in the Khan's domain. When the buns of this Gelyung drove
to a watering hole, then on the way, so as not to interfere, it was necessary to migrate in advance
in other places the entire population.
So one day the entire population moved from the path of the herd, only
one tent of a poor man whose wife was giving birth.
When the Gelyung herds went to drink, they made such a noise that
The poor man's newborn child died. The next day the poor man came to the khan
with a complaint:
- Yesterday, Khan, when the herds of Gelyung Gavang were going to water, my wife
gave birth to a child, and the newborn died from the noise of the herds. Please, Khan,
resolve this court case and punish the culprit.
“Perhaps the herds, passing through your tent, crushed your son?”
Khan asked smiling.
- No, the herds did not go through my wagon, but past it, but if they
If we didn’t pass by the tent, my child wouldn’t have died,” he said insistently
poor man
"The herds went to water past the wagon, the wagon remained unharmed, although
the child died." Thinking like this, the khan said to the poor man:
- No, I am not able to make a decision on this matter.
The second court case was never resolved.
A certain boy, who had only a mother, hired himself out to the khan to herd his calves,
play with his children and resolve their disputes. Khan's children always listened to
in the words of this boy.
One day the boy really wanted to eat, but there was nothing to eat. Then
the boy persuaded the khan's children to slaughter a calf.
As they decided, that’s what they did: they slaughtered the calf, boiled the meat and ate it.
In the evening the cows came home, but there was no calf. They began to look for
they began to question, and the khan’s children confessed - they gave him away
the instigator-boy, Khan called the boy and asked:
- Why, why and how did you slaughter our calf?
“I really wanted to eat,” he answered.
After interrogating the boy, the khan decided to execute him. Having learned about this, the mother
the boy immediately ran to the khan and began to beg him:
- Mister Khan, don’t execute my son, he’s not an ordinary person!
Khan became interested in the boy and called him to his place.
- There are two unresolved court cases; if you allow them, then I will
I’ll forgive you,” said the khan.
“I can decide, just tell me what kind of court cases these are,” he replied.
The Khan immediately sent a messenger for the hunter. The hunter has arrived. Boy
asked him:
-Are you the one who wanted to kill seven swans with one shot?
“Yes, I’m the same one,” answered the hunter.
- How far were the swans from you?
- At a distance of more than a hundred paces.
“Do you have children?” asked the boy.
- I have a two-year-old son.
- If you are a really skilled shooter, then put your son to bed,
place a swan egg on his head and shoot at a distance of more than one
punch through it a hundred paces. Then you can be sure that you were able to
“I wish I could hit all seven swans with one shot,” said the boy.
The hunter agreed. Here, in front of everyone, he put his son to bed.
sleep, put a swan egg on his head and at a distance of over a hundred paces
with one shot he penetrated through it, but his son remained unharmed.
This is how the first court case was resolved. The hunter was compensated for the loss.
“There is one more court case,” said the khan. “When the herds of Gelyung
The Gavangas were going to a watering place, but on their way stood the wagon of one poor man, his wife
who just gave birth to a baby. Although the herds did not go through the wagon, but past
However, the newborn child was frightened by the noise and died. The father of this child
demands to convict the owner of the Gelyung herds, Gavang. Resolve this controversial
court case,” the khan turned to the boy.
“You can,” said the boy, “but just fill the big cauldron with sheep.”
milk and, having boiled it, put the injured poor man in the wagon.
At the same hour the sheep were milked, a large cauldron was filled with their milk,
They boiled it and put it in the poor man's tent for the whole night. The next day the herds
They drove Gavang to a watering hole past the tent where there was a cauldron of milk.
Due to the shock and noise, the film formed on the
“The brain of a newborn baby is like a film of milk,” said the boy.
When the herds of Gelyung Gavang walked noisily to the watering place past the wagon, then
The child suffered a concussion and died.
Gelyung Gawang was punished.
This is how the second court case was resolved.
Khan overturned the decision to execute the boy and made him his judge.
1 A l a m a s - the devil, devil.

Khan's left eye

Once upon a time, an old man lived on the edge of a khan’s nomadic camps. He had three
daughters; the youngest, named Ko-oku, was distinguished not only by her beauty, but also
One day the old man decided to drive cattle and
asked each daughter to say frankly what gift to bring her.
The two eldest asked their father to buy them different outfits, and the wise and beautiful
Kooku refused the gift, saying that the gift she wanted was
difficult to obtain and dangerous. But the father, loving her more than other daughters, swore
that he would certainly satisfy her desire, even if it cost him his life.
“If so,” answered Kooku, “then I ask you to do the following:
Having sold all the livestock, leave one short bull and do not give it away
to no one for any money, but ask for the Khan’s left eye for him.
And then the old man realized the horror of his situation. He wanted to refuse
her, but, remembering his oath and relying on the wisdom of his daughter, he nevertheless decided
fulfill her wish.
Arriving at the market, the old man sold all his livestock, and for the remaining
the short-haired bull began to ask for the khan's left eye.
The rumor of such a strange and daring demand of the old man soon reached
Khan's minions. They tied up the old man and brought him to the khan.
The old man, falling at the feet of the khan, admitted that he taught him to demand his left eye
youngest daughter, but for what - unknown.
Khan, assuming that such an unusual demand would certainly
there is some secret hidden, he released the old man on the condition that he immediately
shows him her daughter.
Kooku appeared.
Khan sternly asked her why she taught her father to demand the left
Khan's eye.
“So,” answered Kooku, “so that you, Khan, having heard such a strange
demand, wanted to see me out of curiosity.
- What need do you have to see me?
- I wanted to say something important and useful both for you and for your
people the truth,” answered the girl.
- Which one?
“Khan,” answered Kooku, “of the two you have tried, he is usually the noble one and
the rich man stands on the right side, and the poor man on the left. At the same time, like me
I hear in my solitude that you justify the noble and rich. That's why I
persuaded the priest to ask for your left eye, because you have an extra one: you don’t see
them poor and defenseless.
Khan was very irritated by this answer and immediately instructed his
henchmen judge Kooku for her insolence.
The trial has begun. The senior lama elected as chairman proposed to test -
out of malice or wisdom, she decided to do such an unheard of act.
And so the judges first of all showed Kook a tree, hewn exactly with
all sides, and ordered her to find out where the top is and where the root is.
Kooku threw the tree into the water: the root sank, and the top floated to the top.
This is how Kooku solved the first problem.
Then the court sent two snakes to her to find out which of them
female and which is male.
The wise Kooku put both snakes on the cotton wool and, noticing that one of them
curled up into a ball, and the other crawled, recognized the last as male, and the
per* howl - female.
But the dissatisfied khan decided to embarrass Kooka with even more difficult questions and
thereby proving that she should not be recognized as wise.
Summoning Kooku, the khan asked her:
- If they send girls into the forest to pick apples, which of them and which one?
way to get more of them?
“The one,” answered Kooku, “who will not climb the apple tree, but will remain on the tree.”
the ground to pick up apples that fall to the ground from ripeness and shaking of branches.
“And having arrived at the swampy swamp,” asked the khan, “what is the most convenient way through it?”
cross over?
“It’s better to go straight, but it will be closer to go around,” Kooku answered.
Khan, seeing that the girl answered all questions wisely and without
confusion, was very annoyed and after a long thought asked her more
next questions:
- Tell me, what is the surest way to become known to many?
- Provide assistance to many and unknown people.
- Who exactly is wise?
- Someone who doesn’t consider himself that way.
Han was amazed at the wisdom of the beautiful Kooku, but still, angry at her
for reproaching him for his injustice, he wanted to destroy her.
For several days he came up with the surest way to achieve this.
Finally called Kooka and suggested that she find out the real price
his treasures. After this, the khan promised to announce that she was about his injustice
she really spoke not out of malice, but like a wise woman, wanting to warn
The girl willingly agreed to this too, but with the condition that the Khan give his word to be
four days in her obedience, Kooku demanded that he not eat four
On the last day, the girl placed a dish of meat in front of the khan and said:
- Khan, admit that all your treasures are not worth one piece of meat.
Khan, convinced of the truth of her words, admitted that she had guessed the price of his
treasures, declared her wise and married her to his son.

About a stupid old man

This was in ancient times. There lived an old man and an old woman. They had three
cows: two young, one old. They decided to sell the cow: it’s not enough
gave milk. The old man went to the fair. He chases a cow and sings songs.
A guy rides towards him on a bay horse.
- Hello, dad!
- Hello, well done!
- Are you coming from afar?
- From the fair.
- What is the price of cows there?
“Cattle without horns are at a great price,” the guy answered and drove on.
Without thinking for a long time, the old man took out a knife and cut off the cow’s horns. He drives
cow and sings songs. The guy drove around the old man and is driving towards him again
- Hello, dad!
- Hello, well done!
-Where are you coming from?
- From the fair.
- What is the price of cows?
“Cattle without horns and ears are more valuable,” the guy answered and left.
Without thinking for long, the old man cut off the cow’s ears and drove her further. Drives
he sings songs to a cow. The guy disappeared behind a hillock, turned his horse and galloped off
on a detour. A little later he drives up to the old man again.
- Hello, dad!
- Hello, well done!
-Where are you driving the cow?
- To the fair. Where are you from and where are you going?
- I'm coming from the fair.
- What is the price of cows there?
“Without horns, without ears and without a tail, cattle are at a great price,” answered
the guy moved on.
The old man cut off the cow's tail. He chases a cow and sings songs.
The old man has reached the place and is waiting for buyers.
People look at the cow and chuckle.
“What are you looking at?” the old man tells them. “Buy it, these days such cattle are in
- Where did you get it, old man?
- Such a brute, dad, and no one needs it for nothing. Drive your animal
“Go home, don’t be embarrassed!” they shouted from the crowd.
No matter how long he stood with the cow at the fair, there was no buyer.
He looked: the dog ran up to his cow, walked around it and sniffed everything.
"Maybe she wants to buy a cow, she needs to
“ask,” thought the old man and started to walk towards her.
The dog bared its teeth, growled and ran away. The old man got angry
killed a cow and threw it near the carts. He walked and walked around the fair and bought
bought a gingerbread for a penny, ate it and went home. He goes and thinks: “And there is no money, and
there is no cow, what will I tell my grandmother? “He thought and thought and came up with: “I’ll come in.”
I’ll visit my married daughter.”
The daughter was happy about her father’s arrival and prepared him a delicious bulmuk.
The old man ate and ate and was so full that he could not breathe.
- Daughter, what is the name of this food?
- Bulmuk.
- That's food, that's food. I’ll go home and tell my old woman: let her cook.
In order not to forget this word, the old man repeated all the way: “Bulmuk,
And he happened to cross a swampy ravine, he fell into the mud, and
the word “bulmuk” flew out of my head.
“Well,” he thought, “it turns out that I lost it in the beam.” - And well,
crawl through mud, look for the word "bulmuk". At that time, two guys were crossing the beam.
“Daddy, what are you looking for?” one of them asked.
- Daughter of marriageable age. I bought her a gold ring and dropped it here.
The guys climbed into the swamp and began searching with the old man. Climbed, climbed -
found nothing.
“Now we can’t find the ring,” said one of them, “you see, it’s dirt,
like bulmuk.
“Yes, yes, bulmuk, bulmuk!” the old man shouted and hurried home.
The guys realized that the old man had simply deceived them, and well, beat him.
They beat him up and went their way. The old man, holding his sore sides,
I remembered, I remembered the word “bulmuk”, but I still didn’t remember.
He came home and said to the old woman:
- Grandma, cook this for me... What's it called?..
- Did you sell the cow?
- The wolves ate her. Cook this very... well.., - Budan, or what? - asks
old woman.
- No.
- What to cook?
The old man got angry and started beating her. I went to their tent
A neighbor sees old men beating each other.
“Why are you fighting?” she asked. “Both of you have become like bullshit.”
When the old man heard the word “bulmuk” he was delighted.
“Brew some bulmuk, grandma!” he ordered angrily. She cooked him bulmuk.
The old man ate so much that he got sick and died. Since then, the saying has come: “I’ve eaten
bulmuk to death."
1 Bulmuk - National dish: flour porridge cooked with cream
and milk.
2 Budan is a soup made from flour and a small piece of meat.
3 The rapid spread of news throughout the khotons corresponds to
reality and is explained by the nomadic way of life and the fact that
Kalmyk cattle breeders, especially herd herders of the rich, spent half their lives
on horseback,4 In old Kalmykia, a complex system
ceremonies. There were special, unwritten rules for children, women,
old people, for people of “black” and “white” bones, etc. Special ceremonies
were established for Kalmyk holidays. Particularly humiliating ceremonies
for commoners they existed at the khan's headquarters.
5 Addressing “you” was considered absolutely obligatory among Kalmyks
for everyone when talking with elders and with parents (All three notes are from
collection. "Kalmyk Tales". Elista, 1962.)

Time change

One khan, wanting to know the wisdom of his people, made an announcement:
- Everyone who considers themselves Kelmerchs must appear within seven days
to me.
Khan's announcement reached the most distant places with lightning speed.
Khotons and wagons!.
Three old men responded to the Khan’s announcement.
Three old men ceremoniously sat down in the reception room of Khan 2.
Khan, having learned that three old men had come to him, entered the reception room.
Seeing the old people, he noticed that the first old man had no
hair, the second has gray hair and a black mustache, and the third has no mustache.
- How old are you? - he turned to the first old man.
“Fifty,” came the answer.
“How old are you?” he turned to the second one.
“Fifty,” answered the old man.
- How old are you? - he turned to the third old man.
“Fifty,” answered the old man, “So everyone is the same age?”
“Yes,” the old men confirmed.
“You’re all the same age,” the khan turned to the first, “why do you
no hair on your head?
- I have seen a lot of good and bad in my time. I thought so much
What is the best way to live for people who don’t have a single hair left on their heads?
“You’re the same age as them, why do you have gray hair and a black mustache?”
the khan asked the second old man.
- My hair is my age. I had them back when I was just
that I was born and my mustache grew when I was twenty-five years old. Hair on
twenty to five years older than the mustache. That's why the hair is gray, old, and the mustache
young, black.
“You are the same age as them, why don’t you have a mustache at all?” the khan asked
third old man.
- I am the only descendant of my parents. Therefore, in order not to
offend my father, I was born a man, and in order not to offend my mother, I
born to be without a mustache.
Khan gave them a bag of gold for the resourcefulness of the old people. Old men,
Having thanked the khan, they hastily left.
One close associate of the khan, seeing them with a bag of gold, thought: “Oh, stupid
is our khan. Why on earth would he give a bag of gold to these snags? Are they really
wiser than me? No! I can’t find anyone like me in the world! So stick with me! I'll ask
I’ll give you three questions and I’ll drive you to a dead end! If you don't answer, you're done for. Come here
gold." With this thought, he set off to catch up with the old people.
The first old man saw the horseman flying like a whirlwind and said:
- Listen, he's behind us. You and the gold continue your journey, and I’ll wait,
what the fellow will say.
They agreed and left.
The khan's close associate, galloping up, asked straight from his horse:
-Are you a sage?
- Yes, sage.
- Then answer my questions. What is peace?
- It's day and night. We work during the day and rest at night,
- What is earth, what is water?
- Earth is the mother of humans and animals, and water is the mother of fish.
- What is time change?
At this question, the old man, pretending to be embarrassed, says:
- Oh, what a misfortune! I forgot the answer to this question from those old people.
Let me have your horse for a moment. I'll give you the answer now.
"Gotcha, viper! That's when I'll grab you by the gills!" - thought
Khan's close associate said:
- Take it!
The old man mounted his horse and said:
- You had a horse, I didn’t. You were sitting on a horse, I was standing on
earth. You are now on the ground, and I am on the horse. This is the change of time. Thank you
you! - With these words the old man galloped away.
The khan's close associate was left not only without gold, but also without his horse.

The Sage and the Gelyung

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had only one son. They lived in poverty.
The old man fell ill and died. There is nothing to wrap the old man in to bury him. Sorry for the father's son
bury naked in the ground. He tore the beshmet, wrapped his father’s body, and buried it.
Time has passed; misfortune did not forget the way to the boy. Got sick
old mother died. He was left an orphan. It's a pity for the son's mother to be naked
bury. He took off his shirt, tore it, wrapped his mother’s body in it and
The orphan was left alone in the grass tent. There is nothing to eat, nothing to do.
The naked orphan got out of the wagon and walked along the first road he came across.
He walks along the road to where the wind blows, and he himself does not know why he is going.
The naked orphan is tired, his strength is running out. Then the naked orphan thought that
he rides a horse, hit himself with his palms on his thighs - he ran, again
He hit himself on his thighs with his palms - he ran more cheerfully, and there seemed to be no fatigue.
Here the naked orphan sees: a Gelyung is riding towards him on horseback. Gelyung arrived and
- Where are you going?
“Where they work and eat,” answers the naked orphan. And he told
Gelyung about his misfortune.
“The naked thing will come in handy,” the Gelyung thinks and says:
- Sit in the back of the saddle, I will find you both work and food.
The orphan sat behind the saddle and rode with the Gelyung. They drive across the steppe and see:
cranes fly and scream. Gelyung says:
- Cranes are noble birds, they nibble only fragrant flowers in the steppe
juicy erevni grass. That’s why they shout so affectionately, pleasantly: kryk, kryk,
The naked orphan answers:
- The cranes do not nibble any juicy erevny grass, the cranes walk along
dirty swamp and eat frogs, that's why they shout: Kurly, Kurly!
Gelyung got angry with the boy. How dare this little guy contradict him?
Gelyung! He jumped up from the mare and hit the orphan. The naked orphan couldn’t stand it and
rushed at the Gelyung. We fought and fought, made peace, and moved on.
They drove up to the lake, ducks were swimming in the lake. Gelyung says:
- Ducks are noble birds, God gave them good silk down and wide
fins. That's why no one swims better than them.
The naked orphan objected to Gelyung:
- It has neither silk down nor wide fins, it is round, like
stick, but swims faster than your duck.
The Gelyung became furious: how dare the naked man object to him! Gelyung jumped up and
hit the orphan. The orphan could not stand it and rushed at the Gelyung. They fought, they fought -
We made peace and moved on. Gelyung and the orphan went to the Khan's palace: Gelyung
was the brother of the khan's wife. The Gelyung began to complain to the Khansha about the orphan:
“I took pity on this little fellow, took him with me, and he beat me.” Order
punish him.
Hansha was evil, she ordered the execution of the naked orphan. The boy sees -
things are bad. He says:
- You are ruthless, but you don’t know that the goat head of the Hanshi cannot
interfere in the management of your khanate, for this there is a ram's head. Here
the khan will come, let him execute, but I will not accept death from you.
The Khansha became furious, but she could not object to the naked orphan.
The khan arrived, heard about the daring naked orphan and ordered to call him.
“How dare you,” says the khan, “beat Gelyung-ga and curse the Khansha?”
The naked orphan told the khan why they fought with Gelyung and for
that he cursed Khansha.
“You, khan, would have done the same as I,” the orphan finished.
The khan liked the orphan's wise answer and decided to leave the orphan with him.
your palace.
One day the khan summoned all his kelmerchi. The orphan also came. Dal khan
each kelmerchi received a sheep and ordered:
- So feed the sheep so that their fat is not visible, but they are
very, very fat.
The orphan came home with a sheep, found the skin of a wolf, filled it with straw and
sewed it up As soon as the sheep has eaten, the orphan will show it the straw wolf. From
If the sheep is afraid, all the fat in its body will run away.
The time has come, Khan Kelmerchi convened. Kelmerchi and sheep came with them
brought. The kelmerchi slaughtered their sheep - each sheep had lard hanging in the palm of their hand
width. An orphan slaughtered his sheep - not a single bit of fat was visible. They started cooking
a sheep fed by an orphan - the cauldron is full of fat.
Another time, the khan called all the kelmerchi and gave each one a dog.
The orphan also got the dog.
“Every kelmerchi must teach his dog to speak,” said
Khan is a madman.
The orphan came home and began to teach the dog to talk. Will put it in front of
food for the dog, doesn’t let her eat and keeps repeating: “Kezya, Kezya” (when, when).
The orphan taught for a long time. The dog is emaciated from hunger, but is silent. Finally a dog
understood and barked:
“Kezya, Kezya.” Then the orphan gave her food.
The time has come, Khan Kelmerchi convened. The Kelmerchi came and brought with them
dogs. All Kelmerchi dogs are fat, angry, they rush at people, bark, and
do not say anything. Khan sees: the orphan’s dog is so thin that all the vertebrae
can be counted. Khan says to him:
- You probably starved your dog to death.
“No, khan, I fed her the best food,” answered the orphan, and he himself quietly
showed food from his pocket to the dog.
“Kezya, Kezya!” the dog shouted.
The Khan was surprised, the Kelmerchi were surprised that the orphan taught the dog to speak.
Since then, the orphan has become the most glorious kelmerchi in the steppe.

Gelyung and Manjik

One Kalmyk's mother died. The Kalmyk asked Gelyung to
sent his mother's soul straight to heaven with his prayers.
Gelyung sculpted the boy-mandzhik and went to the Kalmyk's wagon. I wanted
he can earn more; for this purpose he caught a dear steppe mouse,
handed over to the manjika and ordered: when they sing a prayer to the one who casts out the soul
old women, manjik, you must let the mouse go. Kalmyk will take a mouse for his soul
old woman and will pay more, - this is what the cunning Gelyung decided.
We've arrived. Gelyung began to sing a prayer, and Manjik sang along with him. Here's Gelyung instead
prayers and sang:
- Let the mouse out, let the mouse out! And the manjik sings in response to him:
- I crushed the mouse, I crushed the mouse! Gelyung is angry and sings
instead of prayer:
- Oh, you son of a bitch, oh, you son of a bitch! Just let me get out of here. You
I’ll take off my head!., But manjik was not afraid and sang:
- Try to touch me, I’ll tell all Kalmyks how cunning you are by the nose
you drive...
The Kalmyk figured out what the ge lyung and mandzhik sing about instead of prayer, I understood everything
and drove them out of the wagon.
1 Mandzhik is a novice boy.

Stingy rich man

An old man was walking from the village and met a young man. The young man asked him:
- Whose village is this? The old man replied:
- This is the village of one stingy rich man. The young man was surprised and asked again:
- Why do you call him stingy?
- But because I have lived in this village for many years and have never seen
so that the rich man eats something during the day,
And everyone who lives with him does not know when and what he eats.
- This can't be.
- No, it's true. Let me die if this is a lie. Then the young man said:
“I will not only find out what kind of food the greedy rich man has, but I will also take it for myself.”
his wife's daughter.
“Where you are, it won’t work out for you,” answered the old man. “Not one man of this
I tried, but left with nothing, and you won’t succeed at all.
“No, I can do it,” said the young man and went to the village.
Late in the evening he quietly approached the back wall of the stingy man's tent.
rich man and lay down there. I lay there for a long time. Everyone in the village had already fallen asleep, only the stingy one was awake
a rich man, a fire was burning in his wagon.
The young man looked through the crack and saw: the old man was burning the hind legs of a lamb on the fire.
legs, and his daughter bakes unleavened cakes. He looked, looked and went to
The old man heard footsteps and hid the legs of lamb under his shirt, and his daughter
hid the cakes under the hem.
The young man entered the tent and said:
- I was walking to your village and on the way I saw a bloodthirsty snake in the steppe, like
just like legs of lamb under an old man's shirt. He took a stone and hit it
snake. Then the kite flew and became just like the cakes under the hem of
old man's daughter. .
The rich man got scared, kept quiet, but still didn’t show his legs of lamb.
Then the young man said that he had nowhere to go at night and therefore he would have to
spend the night here. There is nothing to be done, the rich man had to agree.
The young man lay down, but the rich man did not lie down. So the rich man decided that the young man had fallen asleep, and
says to his wife:
- We need to survive this young man, otherwise he will talk about us. Until the morning I will burn
his boots and drown his horse in the well. Now make me another flatbread, I
I’ll go out into the yard and eat, otherwise this devil won’t let me eat in peace. Where does it come from?
just brought to us!
At dawn, while the rich man was still sleeping, the young man got up, took his boots and
put them in place of the rich man's boots, and put his boots with him, went out
carts, took the rich man’s black horse and sprinkled it with flour, and painted his white one
black paint. After that he returned to the tent and went to bed.
The rich man woke up, grabbed his boots, and the boots were his own.
Then he took his horse and drowned it. And I thought that I had drowned someone else’s horse.
Early in the morning the rich man wakes up the young man and shouts:
- Hey, your boots are burnt! The young man stood up and said:
- My boots are not burnt, they are standing there, I recognize them immediately, they are torn.
I took my boots and put them on. The rich man was left without boots. Then the rich man again
- Hey, your horse drowned! And the young man calmly answers:
- My horse is a scientist, she is smart enough not to drown in a well. You,
old man, you are wrong.
- No, I’m not mistaken, let’s go see. We left the tent. The young man washed
his horse with water, and it became white again.
- You see, my horse is white, and yours is black, which means it is my horse.
So the rich man was left without a horse. He quickly ran home and said to his wife:
- I'm missing; give me some flatbreads quickly, I’ll take them with me, I’ll eat them in the steppe, and
then this shaitan will not let me eat in peace.
The wife took out the flatbread, the old man took it and was about to put it in his pocket, but didn’t.
The young man entered the tent and asked:
-Where are you going, old man?
- Going to work.
“Well then, goodbye.” And he extended his hand to the old man. There's nothing for an old man to do
He threw the cakes out of anger, grabbed his scythe and ran out of the wagon.
The young man picked up the cakes, ate them, and then followed the old man. Caught up with him
in the steppe and says:
- Old man, your daughter took mine. beshmet and won’t give it back, I would have long ago
left the village...
The old man got angry and was afraid that the young man would now tell everyone about him
daughter and says:
- Take, Shaitan, both your beshmet and my daughter along with him.
The young man quickly returned to the wagon and said:
- The old man allowed me to marry your daughter. If you don't believe then
ask him yourself.
The old woman screams, swears, and does not give up her daughter. An old man came, a young man and
tells him:
- Old man, my mother won’t give me my daughter as a wife...
“Give it back, old woman,” said the greedy rich man, “let him get out of here.”
The young man took the rich man's daughter as his wife and lived happily with her.

Old man and old woman

A long time ago there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went for firewood, and
On the way back I found a needle and put it in a bundle of firewood. He told about this
to his old woman, and the old woman says that the needle should have been stuck in the hat.
The old man went for firewood, and on the way back he found an ax. He tore his
hat, stuck the ax in there and brought it to the old woman, and the old woman said that
the ax must be carried in the belt.
The old man went to get firewood, and on the way back he came across a puppy and stuck it behind him.
belt and brought it to his old woman. And the old woman says that she needed a puppy
click behind you “kitsch, kitsch.”
The old man went to get firewood, and on the way back along the Estrechal Gelyungi, he became
he calls them “kitsch, kitch,” and they get further and further away from him. Told about
Gelyungs to his old woman, and the old woman says that the Gelyungs should be invited
come over and have something to eat.
The old man went for firewood and he met seven wolves, he became
inviting them to eat with them, they approached the old man and ate him.

Rooster and peacock

In distant, hoary times, there lived neighbors: a rooster and a peacock. Handsome and elegant
there was a rooster. His golden feathers, shining dazzlingly, shimmered under
sun rays. All the birds were jealous of the rooster. Many of them are sitting on
trees, they sang plaintively: why don’t they have such a beautiful outfit as
rooster? The rooster was important and proud. He didn't talk to anyone except
peacock He walked with an important gait and pecked grains just as important.
The rooster was friends with the peacock. Was it because he was lenient towards the peacock?
his outfit was poor, was it because he was friends with him because they were close
neighbors - I don’t know, but they lived together.
One day a peacock was going to a distant land to visit. The peacock was sad
his outfit is too poor. He looked at the rooster with envy and thought: “Whatever
I would be lucky if I had such a beautiful outfit like the rooster. What do you have
Eat me? Nothing but pathetic feathers. Can I appear in a foreign land?
in such a miserable state! No, I’m ashamed to appear like a stranger in this form. Why
not to turn to the rooster? I'd better ask him for his outfit. Will he really refuse?
me?" And the peacock turned to the rooster with this request, promising to return to
the next morning.
The rooster thought and said:
- What will I do if you don’t show up by dawn tomorrow?
Peacock replied:
- If I don’t come by dawn, then you shout, I will definitely answer your call
I will appear. But if I'm not there in the morning, then shout at noon, and if at noon
If I don’t show up, then shout in the evening. By evening, of course, I will be there.
The rooster trusted the peacock, took off his beautiful outfit and gave it to him, and he
dressed in peacock feathers. In a beautiful rooster outfit, the peacock became the most beautiful
bird-tsei. Joyful and proud, he set off for distant lands.
Day passed. The night has passed. The rooster is waiting for the peacock. But there is no peacock. Became
worry cock. The rooster could not stand it and cried:
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
And again, again, but there is no peacock. The rooster was sad. Waiting for
it will be noon. It's noon. The rooster crows again. No peacock. Waiting
evenings. Evening has come. The rooster crows again, calls the peacock, but the peacock trails
I caught a cold.
And so the peacock disappeared, and with it the beautiful outfit of the rooster.
Since then, the roosters have crowed three times every day - morning, noon and evening -
the name of the peacock, who took away their former beautiful outfit.

Cheerful sparrow

From branch to branch, from roof to ground - leap. - Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! - C
Sparrows flutter from morning to evening. Cheerful, restless. Everything to him, ma-
I don't care. There he will peck at a grain, and here he will find a worm. That's how he lives.
An old crow was sitting on a tree. Black, gloomy, important. I looked
with one eye on the sparrow and envied the cheerful one. Sits - flies, sits -
will flutter. "Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!" Insufferable sparrow!
“Sparrow, sparrow,” asks the crow, “how are you doing?” What food
do you get it for yourself?
The sparrow cannot sit still for a minute.
“Yes, I’m gnawing on the heads of reeds,” the sparrow answers in flight.
- And if you choke, then what? Will you have to die?
- Why die right away? I'll scratch it, scratch it with my nails and pull it out.
- And if there is blood, what will you do?
- I’ll wash it with water, wash it, stop the bleeding.
- Well, if you get your feet wet in the water, you’ll freeze, catch a cold, get sick
will the legs become?
- Chik-tweet, chik-tweet! I’ll light a fire, warm my feet, and I’ll be healthy again.
- What if there is a fire? What then?
- I will flap my wings and put out the fire.
- And you’ll burn your wings, then how?
- I’ll fly to the doctor, the doctor will cure me. The crow doesn't stop:
- What if there is no doctor? Then what will you do?
- Chick-chirp! Tick-tweet! There, you see, a grain will turn up, there
If a worm gets into your mouth, there will be a cozy place for a nest, affectionate
the sun will warm you, the breeze will stroke you. I’ll be cured without a doctor, I’ll live
I'll stay!
The little sparrow said this, fluttered up - and was gone. And the crow is old
she ruffled her feathers, closed her eyes, and moved her beak around with displeasure.
Life is good, wonderful! We must live without despondency. Be persistent, be cheerful,
be cheerful!

angry crow

Grandfather and grandmother lived in a grass tent. An old crow sat down on that caravan,
Yes, I fell on a thorn bush and pricked myself in the side.
The crow got angry:
- Kar-kar! I you, I you, thorn! I'll go to the goat
I’ll ask her to eat your bad head off. Kar-kar!
The crow flew and said to the goat:
- Goat, goat, go eat the top of the prickly thorn!
“I have no time for your thorns now: I need to feed my little goats,”
the goat answers.
The crow was also offended by the goat: “Kar-kar!” She flew to the wolf.
- Wolf, wolf, go eat that nasty goat!
- Well, you and your goat: I need to feed my children.
- Ah well! Ah well!
An angry crow flew towards the herdsmen.
- Herdsmen, herdsmen! Abandon your horses, follow me to
wolf, kill that wolf!
- Let him live. While we go after the wolf, we will lose the herd - horses
“They’ll run away unattended,” the herders answered.
- I'll! I'll! Kar-kar! - the crow cawed. - The prince himself is on you
I'll complain.
A crow flew to the prince, complained about the herdsmen, and asked to beat them.
The prince answers:
- I would be glad to beat them, but I have no time to bother with the herdsmen; I'm
I can barely lift my fat belly.
- I love you! Cr...- The crow was so offended that he couldn’t even caw.
A crow flew to the young shepherds who were tending calves:
- Children, children! Run quickly, take the cat, play with it, and
Don't let hungry kittens in.
- We need to take your cat! We will lose the calves, then who will look for them?
- I'll! I'll! I’ll go and complain to your mothers, you’ll regret it.
A crow flew in, looked out the window, saw: two old women sitting, wool
- Old women! Your children lost the calves and mixed them up, but now they are catching them
they figure out whose calf it is; go beat your children.
“We’re the only ones who have to beat the children, we have to spin the wool before evening, and
Children can handle calves themselves.
The crow was more offended than before. She thought and said:
- Ah well! Ah well! It will be bad for everyone! Kar-karr-karrr!
A crow flew to the whirlwind.
- Whirlwind, whirlwind! Fly and scatter the wool of bad old women.
A whirlwind came, burst into the wagon, swirled the wool, threw it down the chimney,
threw it back into the pipe. The old women got angry, beat the children out of spite, and began
elk: children spank the cat, the prince of the herdsmen beats, the herdsmen beat the wolf, the wolf
pulls a goat, the goat bites the head of a thorn.
And the evil crow jumps along the ground, looks at everyone, doesn’t laugh
falling silent. She laughed and laughed, she laughed so hard that she lived
torn. The crow died.

A long time ago, one khan had a beautiful daughter. Many sons of khans, noyons*, zaisangs* wanted to woo this beauty, but the khan did not give consent to anyone.
One day the khan announced: whoever tells him seventy-one fables beautifully and interestingly, he will give his beautiful daughter and half his kingdom.

A long time ago, when the Kalmyk khans of Mongolian origin were still independent, there lived a certain Khan Tsetsen. This khan had numerous subjects, a lot of gold and cattle, but had only one son, and he was crazy. In the hope that maybe the offspring would be better than his son, Khan Tsetsen married his son.

After the wedding, Khan Tsetsen, going hunting, ordered his son to follow him.
The two of them were riding through wild places, and suddenly Khan Tsetsen noticed a deer lying on the ground. To test his son's ingenuity, the khan tells him:
“Run quickly, catch the deer by the horns!” The son listened to his father and ran with all his might to the lying deer to grab it by the horns. Well, of course, the deer is not such that you can grab it by the antlers with your bare hands: hearing human steps, the deer got up and galloped away.

Khan Tsetsen, holding his bow at the ready, lowered the bowstring. The deer, struck by an arrow, made two or three wild leaps, fell and stretched out on the ground.

Having killed the deer, Khan Tsetsen quickly approached his son, who was standing aside with his mouth open, caught him and began to beat him with a whip because he turned out to be so stupid and did not understand the meaning of his words. The angry and frustrated Khan Tsetsen cast a stern look at his son, who was bleeding on the ground, mounted his horse and rushed home.

Seventy-two fables (translated by I. Kravchenko)
About Khan Tsetsen and his wise daughter-in-law (translated by I. Kravchenko)
Change of time (translated by I. Kravchenko)
Unawarded award (trans. Lunina)
Kedya (trans. Lunina)
Brave Ovshe (trans. Lunina)
The old man himself is a quarter, and his beard is three-quarters (trans. Lunina)
Bogatyr Sharada (trans. Lunina)
Son of Araltan (translated by A. Skripov)
Two brothers (translated by A. Skripov)
The Tale of Three Miracles (trans. /VI. Weinstein)
A fairy tale about an eight thousand year old man, Namjil the Red.
Three brothers
Hunter Iestir
A young man who understood the language of birds and animals
Magic stone
A tale about the native land
Why does an owl have no nostrils (translated by I. Kravchenko)
Brave Lion (trans. Lunina)
Brave. Mazan (trans. Lunina)
Why does a mosquito sing plaintively?
Manzhik-Zarlik and his worker (translated by A. Skripov).

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